This is the TC²-BBS system integrated with Meshtastic devices. The system allows for message handling, bulletin boards, mail systems, and a channel directory.
If using `type = serial` and you have multiple devices connected, you will need to uncomment the `port =` line and enter the port of your device.
Linux Example:
`port = /dev/ttyUSB0`
Windows Example:
`port = COM3`
If using type = tcp you will need to uncomment the hostname = 192.168.x.x line and put in the IP address of your Meshtastic device.
Enter a list of other BBS nodes you would like to sync messages and bulletins with. Separate each by comma and no spaces as shown in the example below.
You can find the nodeID in the menu under `Radio Configuration > User` for each node, or use this script for getting nodedb data from a device:
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The file is currently setup for a user named 'pi' and assumes that the TC2-BBS-mesh directory is located in the home directory (which it should be if the earlier directions were followed)
We just need to replace the 4 parts that have "pi" in those 3 lines with your username.
The service should be started now and should start anytime your device is powered on or rebooted. You can check the status of the service by running the following command:
Note: There have been reports of issues with some device roles that may allow the BBS to communicate for a short time, but then the BBS will stop responding to requests.
The following device roles that have been tested and working:
You interact with the BBS by sending direct messages to the node that's connected to the system running the Python script. Sending any message to it will get a response with the main menu.