forked from mudhorn/TC2-BBS-mesh
Add ability to remove menu items
Added the ability to remove items from menus for those who may not be using features like JS8call, etc..
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import configparser
import logging
import random
import time
@ -16,17 +17,51 @@ from utils import (
# Read the configuration for menu options
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
main_menu_items = config['menu']['main_menu_items'].split(',')
bbs_menu_items = config['menu']['bbs_menu_items'].split(',')
utilities_menu_items = config['menu']['utilities_menu_items'].split(',')
def build_menu(items, menu_name):
menu_str = f"{menu_name}\n"
for item in items:
if item.strip() == 'Q':
menu_str += "[Q]uick Commands\n"
elif item.strip() == 'B':
menu_str += "[B]BS\n"
elif item.strip() == 'U':
menu_str += "[U]tilities\n"
elif item.strip() == 'X':
menu_str += "E[X]IT\n"
elif item.strip() == 'M':
menu_str += "[M]ail\n"
elif item.strip() == 'C':
menu_str += "[C]hannel Dir\n"
elif item.strip() == 'J':
menu_str += "[J]S8CALL\n"
elif item.strip() == 'S':
menu_str += "[S]tats\n"
elif item.strip() == 'F':
menu_str += "[F]ortune\n"
elif item.strip() == 'W':
menu_str += "[W]all of Shame\n"
return menu_str
def handle_help_command(sender_id, interface, menu_name=None):
if menu_name:
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'MENU', 'menu': menu_name, 'step': 1})
if menu_name == 'bbs':
response = "📰BBS Menu📰\n[M]ail\n[B]ulletins\n[C]hannel Dir\n[J]S8CALL\nE[X]IT"
response = build_menu(bbs_menu_items, "📰BBS Menu📰")
elif menu_name == 'utilities':
response = "🛠️Utilities Menu🛠️\n[S]tats\n[F]ortune\n[W]all of Shame\nE[X]IT"
response = build_menu(utilities_menu_items, "🛠️Utilities Menu🛠️")
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'MAIN_MENU', 'step': 1}) # Reset to main menu state
response = "💾TC² BBS💾\n[Q]uick Commands\n[B]BS\n[U]tilities\nE[X]IT"
response = build_menu(main_menu_items, "💾TC² BBS💾")
send_message(response, sender_id, interface)
@ -47,6 +47,41 @@ type = serial
# allowed_nodes = !17d7e4b7
#### Menu Items ####
# Remove any menu items you don't plan on using with your BBS below
# Default Main Menu options for reference
# [Q]uick Commands
# [B]BS
# [U]tilities
# E[X]IT
# Remove any menu items from the list below that you want to exclude from the main menu
main_menu_items = Q, B, U, X
# Default BBS Menu options for reference
# [M]ail
# [B]ulletins
# [C]hannel Dir
# E[X]IT
# Remove any menu items from the list below that you want to exclude from the BBS menu
bbs_menu_items = M, B, C, J, X
# Default BBS Menu option for reference
# [S]tats
# [F]ortune
# [W]all of Shame
# E[X]IT
# Remove any menu items from the list below that you want to exclude from the utilities menu
utilities_menu_items = S, F, W, X
#### JS8Call Settings ####
Reference in a new issue