# Description: Environment variables for the application # Postgres connection details DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres:5432/meshtastic # Prometheus connection details PROMETHEUS_COLLECTOR_PORT=9464 PROMETHEUS_JOB=example # MQTT connection details MQTT_HOST=mqtt.meshtastic.org MQTT_PORT=1883 MQTT_USERNAME=meshdev MQTT_PASSWORD=large4cats MQTT_KEEPALIVE=60 MQTT_TOPIC='msh/israel/#' MQTT_IS_TLS=false # MQTT protocol version (default: MQTTv5) the public MQTT server supports MQTTv311 # Options: MQTTv311, MQTTv31, MQTTv5 MQTT_PROTOCOL=MQTTv311 # MQTT callback API version (default: VERSION2) the public MQTT server supports VERSION2 # Options: VERSION1, VERSION2 MQTT_CALLBACK_API_VERSION=VERSION2 # Exporter configuration ## Hide source data in the exporter (default: false) MESH_HIDE_SOURCE_DATA=false ## Hide destination data in the exporter (default: false) MESH_HIDE_DESTINATION_DATA=false ## Filtered ports in the exporter (default: 1, can be a comma-separated list of ports) FILTERED_PORTS=0 ## Hide message content in the TEXT_MESSAGE_APP packets (default: true) (Currently we only log message length, if we hide then all messages would have the same length) HIDE_MESSAGE=false ## MQTT server Key for decoding MQTT_SERVER_KEY=1PG7OiApB1nwvP+rz05pAQ==