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* dragtable
* @Version 2.0.15
* Copyright (c) 2010-2013, Andres
* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
* and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
* Inspired by the the dragtable from Dan Vanderkam (
* Thanks to the jquery and jqueryui comitters
* Any comment, bug report, feature-request is welcome
* Feel free to contact me.
* For IE7 you need this css rule:
* table {
* border-collapse: collapse;
* }
* Or take a clean reset.css (see
/* TODO: investigate
* Does not work properly with css rule:
* html {
* overflow: -moz-scrollbars-vertical;
* }
* Workaround:
* Fixing Firefox issues by scrolling down the page
* var start = $.noop;
* var beforeStop = $.noop;
* if($.browser.mozilla) {
* var start = function (event, ui) {
* if( ui.helper !== undefined )
* ui.helper.css('position','absolute').css('margin-top', $(window).scrollTop() );
* }
* var beforeStop = function (event, ui) {
* if( ui.offset !== undefined )
* ui.helper.css('margin-top', 0);
* }
* }
* and pass this as start and stop function to the sortable initialisation
* start: start,
* beforeStop: beforeStop
* Special thx to all pull requests comitters
(function($) {
$.widget("akottr.dragtable", {
options: {
revert: false, // smooth revert
dragHandle: '.table-handle', // handle for moving cols, if not exists the whole 'th' is the handle
maxMovingRows: 40, // 1 -> only header. 40 row should be enough, the rest is usually not in the viewport
excludeFooter: false, // excludes the footer row(s) while moving other columns. Make sense if there is a footer with a colspan. */
onlyHeaderThreshold: 100, // TODO: not implemented yet, switch automatically between entire col moving / only header moving
dragaccept: null, // draggable cols -> default all
persistState: null, // url or function -> plug in your custom persistState function right here. function call is persistState(originalTable)
restoreState: null, // JSON-Object or function: some kind of experimental aka Quick-Hack TODO: do it better
exact: true, // removes pixels, so that the overlay table width fits exactly the original table width
clickDelay: 10, // ms to wait before rendering sortable list and delegating click event
containment: null, // @see, use it if you want to move in 2 dimesnions (together with axis: null)
cursor: 'move', // @see
cursorAt: false, // @see
distance: 0, // @see, for immediate feedback use "0"
tolerance: 'pointer', // @see
axis: 'x', // @see, Only vertical moving is allowed. Use 'x' or null. Use this in conjunction with the 'containment' setting
beforeStart: $.noop, // returning FALSE will stop the execution chain.
beforeMoving: $.noop,
beforeReorganize: $.noop,
beforeStop: $.noop
originalTable: {
el: null,
selectedHandle: null,
sortOrder: null,
startIndex: 0,
endIndex: 0
sortableTable: {
el: $(),
selectedHandle: $(),
movingRow: $()
persistState: function() {
var _this = this;
this.originalTable.el.find('th').each(function(i) {
if ( !== '') {
_this.originalTable.sortOrder[] = i;
url: this.options.persistState,
data: this.originalTable.sortOrder
* persistObj looks like
* {'id1':'2','id3':'3','id2':'1'}
* table looks like
* | id2 | id1 | id3 |
_restoreState: function(persistObj) {
for (var n in persistObj) {
this.originalTable.startIndex = $('#' + n).closest('th').prevAll().length + 1;
this.originalTable.endIndex = parseInt(persistObj[n], 10) + 1;
// bubble the moved col left or right
_bubbleCols: function() {
var i, j, col1, col2;
var from = this.originalTable.startIndex;
var to = this.originalTable.endIndex;
/* Find children thead and tbody.
* Only to process the immediate tr-children. Bugfix for inner tables
var thtb = this.originalTable.el.children();
if (this.options.excludeFooter) {
thtb = thtb.not('tfoot');
if (from < to) {
for (i = from; i < to; i++) {
col1 = thtb.find('> tr > td:nth-child(' + i + ')')
.add(thtb.find('> tr > th:nth-child(' + i + ')'));
col2 = thtb.find('> tr > td:nth-child(' + (i + 1) + ')')
.add(thtb.find('> tr > th:nth-child(' + (i + 1) + ')'));
for (j = 0; j < col1.length; j++) {
swapNodes(col1[j], col2[j]);
} else {
for (i = from; i > to; i--) {
col1 = thtb.find('> tr > td:nth-child(' + i + ')')
.add(thtb.find('> tr > th:nth-child(' + i + ')'));
col2 = thtb.find('> tr > td:nth-child(' + (i - 1) + ')')
.add(thtb.find('> tr > th:nth-child(' + (i - 1) + ')'));
for (j = 0; j < col1.length; j++) {
swapNodes(col1[j], col2[j]);
_rearrangeTableBackroundProcessing: function() {
var _this = this;
return function() {
// persist state if necessary
if (_this.options.persistState !== null) {
$.isFunction(_this.options.persistState) ? _this.options.persistState(_this.originalTable) : _this.persistState();
_rearrangeTable: function() {
var _this = this;
return function() {
// remove handler-class -> handler is now finished
// add disabled class -> reorgorganisation starts soon
_this.options.beforeReorganize(_this.originalTable, _this.sortableTable);
// do reorganisation asynchronous
// for chrome a little bit more than 1 ms because we want to force a rerender
_this.originalTable.endIndex = _this.sortableTable.movingRow.prevAll().length + 1;
setTimeout(_this._rearrangeTableBackroundProcessing(), 50);
* Disrupts the table. The original table stays the same.
* But on a layer above the original table we are constructing a list (ul > li)
* each li with a separate table representig a single col of the original table.
_generateSortable: function(e) {
!e.cancelBubble && (e.cancelBubble = true);
var _this = this;
// table attributes
var attrs = this.originalTable.el[0].attributes;
var attrsString = '';
for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
if (attrs[i].nodeValue && attrs[i].nodeName != 'id' && attrs[i].nodeName != 'width') {
attrsString += attrs[i].nodeName + '="' + attrs[i].nodeValue + '" ';
// row attributes
var rowAttrsArr = [];
//compute height, special handling for ie needed :-(
var heightArr = [];
this.originalTable.el.find('tr').slice(0, this.options.maxMovingRows).each(function(i, v) {
// row attributes
var attrs = this.attributes;
var attrsString = "";
for (var j = 0; j < attrs.length; j++) {
if (attrs[j].nodeValue && attrs[j].nodeName != 'id') {
attrsString += " " + attrs[j].nodeName + '="' + attrs[j].nodeValue + '"';
// compute width, no special handling for ie needed :-)
var widthArr = [];
// compute total width, needed for not wrapping around after the screen ends (floating)
var totalWidth = 0;
/* Find children thead and tbody.
* Only to process the immediate tr-children. Bugfix for inner tables
var thtb = _this.originalTable.el.children();
if (this.options.excludeFooter) {
thtb = thtb.not('tfoot');
thtb.find('> tr > th').each(function(i, v) {
var w = $(this).is(':visible') ? $(this).outerWidth() : 0;
totalWidth += w;
if(_this.options.exact) {
var difference = totalWidth - _this.originalTable.el.outerWidth();
widthArr[0] -= difference;
// one extra px on right and left side
totalWidth += 2
var sortableHtml = '<ul class="dragtable-sortable" style="position:absolute; width:' + totalWidth + 'px;">';
// assemble the needed html
thtb.find('> tr > th').each(function(i, v) {
var width_li = $(this).is(':visible') ? $(this).outerWidth() : 0;
sortableHtml += '<li style="width:' + width_li + 'px;">';
sortableHtml += '<table ' + attrsString + '>';
var row = thtb.find('> tr > th:nth-child(' + (i + 1) + ')');
if (_this.options.maxMovingRows > 1) {
row = row.add(thtb.find('> tr > td:nth-child(' + (i + 1) + ')').slice(0, _this.options.maxMovingRows - 1));
row.each(function(j) {
// TODO: May cause duplicate style-Attribute
var row_content = $(this).clone().wrap('<div></div>').parent().html();
if (row_content.toLowerCase().indexOf('<th') === 0) sortableHtml += "<thead>";
sortableHtml += '<tr ' + rowAttrsArr[j] + '" style="height:' + heightArr[j] + 'px;">';
sortableHtml += row_content;
if (row_content.toLowerCase().indexOf('<th') === 0) sortableHtml += "</thead>";
sortableHtml += '</tr>';
sortableHtml += '</table>';
sortableHtml += '</li>';
sortableHtml += '</ul>';
this.sortableTable.el = this.originalTable.el.before(sortableHtml).prev();
// set width if necessary
this.sortableTable.el.find('> li > table').each(function(i, v) {
$(this).css('width', widthArr[i] + 'px');
// assign this.sortableTable.selectedHandle
this.sortableTable.selectedHandle = this.sortableTable.el.find('th .dragtable-handle-selected');
var items = !this.options.dragaccept ? 'li' : 'li:has(' + this.options.dragaccept + ')';
items: items,
stop: this._rearrangeTable(),
// pass thru options for sortable widget
revert: this.options.revert,
tolerance: this.options.tolerance,
containment: this.options.containment,
cursor: this.options.cursor,
cursorAt: this.options.cursorAt,
distance: this.options.distance,
axis: this.options.axis
// assign start index
this.originalTable.startIndex = $('th').prevAll().length + 1;
this.options.beforeMoving(this.originalTable, this.sortableTable);
// Start moving by delegating the original event to the new sortable table
this.sortableTable.movingRow = this.sortableTable.el.find('> li:nth-child(' + this.originalTable.startIndex + ')');
// prevent the user from drag selecting "highlighting" surrounding page elements
// clone the initial event and trigger the sort with it
this.sortableTable.movingRow.trigger($.extend($.Event(e.type), {
which: 1,
clientX: e.clientX,
clientY: e.clientY,
pageX: e.pageX,
pageY: e.pageY,
screenX: e.screenX,
screenY: e.screenY
// Some inner divs to deliver the posibillity to style the placeholder more sophisticated
var placeholder = this.sortableTable.el.find('.ui-sortable-placeholder');
if(!placeholder.height() <= 0) {
placeholder.css('height', this.sortableTable.el.find('.ui-sortable-helper').height());
placeholder.html('<div class="outer" style="height:100%;"><div class="inner" style="height:100%;"></div></div>');
bindTo: {},
_create: function() {
this.originalTable = {
el: this.element,
selectedHandle: $(),
sortOrder: {},
startIndex: 0,
endIndex: 0
// bind draggable to 'th' by default
this.bindTo = this.originalTable.el.find('th');
// filter only the cols that are accepted
if (this.options.dragaccept) {
this.bindTo = this.bindTo.filter(this.options.dragaccept);
// bind draggable to handle if exists
if (this.bindTo.find(this.options.dragHandle).length > 0) {
this.bindTo = this.bindTo.find(this.options.dragHandle);
// restore state if necessary
if (this.options.restoreState !== null) {
$.isFunction(this.options.restoreState) ? this.options.restoreState(this.originalTable) : this._restoreState(this.options.restoreState);
var _this = this;
this.bindTo.mousedown(function(evt) {
// listen only to left mouse click
if(evt.which!==1) return;
if (_this.options.beforeStart(_this.originalTable) === false) {
this.downTimer = setTimeout(function() {
_this.originalTable.selectedHandle = $(this);
}, _this.options.clickDelay);
}).mouseup(function(evt) {
redraw: function(){
destroy: function() {
$.Widget.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments); // default destroy
// now do other stuff particular to this widget
/** closure-scoped "private" functions **/
var body_onselectstart_save = $(document.body).attr('onselectstart'),
body_unselectable_save = $(document.body).attr('unselectable');
// css properties to disable user-select on the body tag by appending a <style> tag to the <head>
// remove any current document selections
function disableTextSelection() {
// jQuery doesn't support the element.text attribute in MSIE 8
var $style = $('<style id="__dragtable_disable_text_selection__" type="text/css">body { -ms-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:-moz-none;-khtml-user-select:none;-webkit-user-select:none;user-select:none; }</style>');
$(document.body).attr('onselectstart', 'return false;').attr('unselectable', 'on');
if (window.getSelection) {
} else {
document.selection.empty(); // MSIE
// remove the <style> tag, and restore the original <body> onselectstart attribute
function restoreTextSelection() {
if (body_onselectstart_save) {
$(document.body).attr('onselectstart', body_onselectstart_save);
} else {
if (body_unselectable_save) {
$(document.body).attr('unselectable', body_unselectable_save);
} else {
function swapNodes(a, b) {
var aparent = a.parentNode;
var asibling = a.nextSibling === b ? a : a.nextSibling;
b.parentNode.insertBefore(a, b);
aparent.insertBefore(b, asibling);