2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
< ? php namespace App\Http\Controllers ;
use App\Helpers\Helper ;
use App\Models\Actionlog ;
use App\Models\Company ;
use App\Models\Component ;
use App\Models\Setting ;
use App\Models\User ;
use App\Models\Asset ;
use App\Http\Requests\ComponentCheckoutRequest ;
use Auth ;
use Config ;
use DB ;
use Input ;
use Lang ;
use Mail ;
use Redirect ;
use Slack ;
use Str ;
use View ;
class ComponentsController extends Controller
* Show a list of all the components .
* @ return View
public function getIndex ()
return View :: make ( 'components/index' );
* Component create .
* @ return View
public function getCreate ()
// Show the page
$category_list = array ( '' => '' ) + DB :: table ( 'categories' ) -> where ( 'category_type' , '=' , 'component' ) -> whereNull ( 'deleted_at' ) -> orderBy ( 'name' , 'ASC' ) -> lists ( 'name' , 'id' );
$company_list = Helper :: companyList ();
$location_list = Helper :: locationsList ();
return View :: make ( 'components/edit' )
-> with ( 'component' , new Component )
-> with ( 'category_list' , $category_list )
-> with ( 'company_list' , $company_list )
-> with ( 'location_list' , $location_list );
* Component create form processing .
* @ return Redirect
public function postCreate ()
// create a new model instance
$component = new Component ();
// Update the component data
$component -> name = e ( Input :: get ( 'name' ));
$component -> category_id = e ( Input :: get ( 'category_id' ));
$component -> location_id = e ( Input :: get ( 'location_id' ));
$component -> company_id = Company :: getIdForCurrentUser ( Input :: get ( 'company_id' ));
$component -> order_number = e ( Input :: get ( 'order_number' ));
2016-03-25 15:24:12 -07:00
$component -> min_amt = e ( Input :: get ( 'min_amt' ));
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
if ( e ( Input :: get ( 'purchase_date' )) == '' ) {
$component -> purchase_date = null ;
} else {
$component -> purchase_date = e ( Input :: get ( 'purchase_date' ));
if ( e ( Input :: get ( 'purchase_cost' )) == '0.00' ) {
$component -> purchase_cost = null ;
} else {
$component -> purchase_cost = e ( Input :: get ( 'purchase_cost' ));
$component -> total_qty = e ( Input :: get ( 'total_qty' ));
$component -> user_id = Auth :: user () -> id ;
// Was the component created?
if ( $component -> save ()) {
// Redirect to the new component page
return Redirect :: to ( " admin/components " ) -> with ( 'success' , Lang :: get ( 'admin/components/message.create.success' ));
return Redirect :: back () -> withInput () -> withErrors ( $component -> getErrors ());
* Component update .
* @ param int $componentId
* @ return View
public function getEdit ( $componentId = null )
// Check if the component exists
if ( is_null ( $component = Component :: find ( $componentId ))) {
// Redirect to the blogs management page
return Redirect :: to ( 'admin/components' ) -> with ( 'error' , Lang :: get ( 'admin/components/message.does_not_exist' ));
} elseif ( ! Company :: isCurrentUserHasAccess ( $component )) {
return Redirect :: to ( 'admin/components' ) -> with ( 'error' , Lang :: get ( 'general.insufficient_permissions' ));
$category_list = Helper :: categoryList ();
$company_list = Helper :: companyList ();
$location_list = Helper :: locationsList ();
return View :: make ( 'components/edit' , compact ( 'component' ))
-> with ( 'category_list' , $category_list )
-> with ( 'company_list' , $company_list )
-> with ( 'location_list' , $location_list );
* Component update form processing page .
* @ param int $componentId
* @ return Redirect
public function postEdit ( $componentId = null )
// Check if the blog post exists
if ( is_null ( $component = Component :: find ( $componentId ))) {
// Redirect to the blogs management page
return Redirect :: to ( 'admin/components' ) -> with ( 'error' , Lang :: get ( 'admin/components/message.does_not_exist' ));
} elseif ( ! Company :: isCurrentUserHasAccess ( $component )) {
return Redirect :: to ( 'admin/components' ) -> with ( 'error' , Lang :: get ( 'general.insufficient_permissions' ));
// Update the component data
$component -> name = e ( Input :: get ( 'name' ));
$component -> category_id = e ( Input :: get ( 'category_id' ));
$component -> location_id = e ( Input :: get ( 'location_id' ));
$component -> company_id = Company :: getIdForCurrentUser ( Input :: get ( 'company_id' ));
$component -> order_number = e ( Input :: get ( 'order_number' ));
$component -> min_amt = e ( Input :: get ( 'min_amt' ));
if ( e ( Input :: get ( 'purchase_date' )) == '' ) {
$component -> purchase_date = null ;
} else {
$component -> purchase_date = e ( Input :: get ( 'purchase_date' ));
if ( e ( Input :: get ( 'purchase_cost' )) == '0.00' ) {
$component -> purchase_cost = null ;
} else {
$component -> purchase_cost = e ( Input :: get ( 'purchase_cost' ));
$component -> total_qty = e ( Input :: get ( 'total_qty' ));
// Was the component created?
if ( $component -> save ()) {
// Redirect to the new component page
return Redirect :: to ( " admin/components " ) -> with ( 'success' , Lang :: get ( 'admin/components/message.update.success' ));
return Redirect :: back () -> withInput () -> withErrors ( $component -> getErrors ());
* Delete the given component .
* @ param int $componentId
* @ return Redirect
public function getDelete ( $componentId )
// Check if the blog post exists
if ( is_null ( $component = Component :: find ( $componentId ))) {
// Redirect to the blogs management page
return Redirect :: to ( 'admin/components' ) -> with ( 'error' , Lang :: get ( 'admin/components/message.not_found' ));
} elseif ( ! Company :: isCurrentUserHasAccess ( $component )) {
return Redirect :: to ( 'admin/components' ) -> with ( 'error' , Lang :: get ( 'general.insufficient_permissions' ));
$component -> delete ();
// Redirect to the locations management page
return Redirect :: to ( 'admin/components' ) -> with ( 'success' , Lang :: get ( 'admin/components/message.delete.success' ));
public function postBulk ( $componentId = null )
echo 'Stubbed - not yet complete' ;
public function postBulkSave ( $componentId = null )
echo 'Stubbed - not yet complete' ;
* Get the component information to present to the component view page
* @ param int $componentId
* @ return View
public function getView ( $componentID = null )
$component = Component :: find ( $componentID );
if ( isset ( $component -> id )) {
if ( ! Company :: isCurrentUserHasAccess ( $component )) {
return Redirect :: to ( 'admin/components' ) -> with ( 'error' , Lang :: get ( 'general.insufficient_permissions' ));
} else {
return View :: make ( 'components/view' , compact ( 'component' ));
} else {
// Prepare the error message
$error = Lang :: get ( 'admin/components/message.does_not_exist' , compact ( 'id' ));
// Redirect to the user management page
return Redirect :: route ( 'components' ) -> with ( 'error' , $error );
* Check out the component to a person
public function getCheckout ( $componentId )
// Check if the component exists
if ( is_null ( $component = Component :: find ( $componentId ))) {
// Redirect to the component management page with error
return Redirect :: to ( 'components' ) -> with ( 'error' , Lang :: get ( 'admin/components/message.not_found' ));
} elseif ( ! Company :: isCurrentUserHasAccess ( $component )) {
return Redirect :: to ( 'admin/components' ) -> with ( 'error' , Lang :: get ( 'general.insufficient_permissions' ));
// Get the dropdown of assets and then pass it to the checkout view
$assets_list = Helper :: assetsList ();
return View :: make ( 'components/checkout' , compact ( 'component' )) -> with ( 'assets_list' , $assets_list );
* Check out the component to a person
public function postCheckout ( ComponentCheckoutRequest $request , $componentId )
// Check if the component exists
if ( is_null ( $component = Component :: find ( $componentId ))) {
// Redirect to the component management page with error
return Redirect :: to ( 'components' ) -> with ( 'error' , Lang :: get ( 'admin/components/message.not_found' ));
} elseif ( ! Company :: isCurrentUserHasAccess ( $component )) {
return Redirect :: to ( 'admin/components' ) -> with ( 'error' , Lang :: get ( 'general.insufficient_permissions' ));
$admin_user = Auth :: user ();
$asset_id = e ( Input :: get ( 'asset_id' ));
// Check if the user exists
if ( is_null ( $asset = Asset :: find ( $asset_id ))) {
// Redirect to the component management page with error
return Redirect :: to ( 'admin/components' ) -> with ( 'error' , Lang :: get ( 'admin/components/message.asset_does_not_exist' ));
// Update the component data
$component -> asset_id = $asset_id ;
$component -> assets () -> attach ( $component -> id , array (
'component_id' => $component -> id ,
'user_id' => $admin_user -> id ,
'created_at' => date ( 'Y-m-d h:i:s' ),
'assigned_qty' => e ( Input :: get ( 'assigned_qty' )),
'asset_id' => $asset_id ));
$logaction = new Actionlog ();
$logaction -> component_id = $component -> id ;
$logaction -> asset_id = $asset_id ;
$logaction -> asset_type = 'component' ;
$logaction -> location_id = $asset -> location_id ;
$logaction -> user_id = Auth :: user () -> id ;
$logaction -> note = e ( Input :: get ( 'note' ));
$settings = Setting :: getSettings ();
if ( $settings -> slack_endpoint ) {
$slack_settings = [
'username' => $settings -> botname ,
'channel' => $settings -> slack_channel ,
'link_names' => true
$client = new \Maknz\Slack\Client ( $settings -> slack_endpoint , $slack_settings );
try {
$client -> attach ([
'color' => 'good' ,
'fields' => [
'title' => 'Checked Out:' ,
'value' => strtoupper ( $logaction -> asset_type ) . ' <' . config ( 'app.url' ) . '/admin/components/' . $component -> id . '/view' . '|' . $component -> name . '> checked out to <' . config ( 'app.url' ) . '/hardware/' . $asset -> id . '/view|' . $asset -> name . '> by <' . config ( 'app.url' ) . '/admin/users/' . $admin_user -> id . '/view' . '|' . $admin_user -> fullName () . '>.'
'title' => 'Note:' ,
'value' => e ( $logaction -> note )
]) -> send ( 'Component Checked Out' );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$log = $logaction -> logaction ( 'checkout' );
// Redirect to the new component page
return Redirect :: to ( " admin/components " ) -> with ( 'success' , Lang :: get ( 'admin/components/message.checkout.success' ));
public function getDatatable ()
$components = Component :: select ( 'components.*' ) -> whereNull ( 'components.deleted_at' )
-> with ( 'company' , 'location' , 'category' );
if ( Input :: has ( 'search' )) {
$components = $components -> TextSearch ( Input :: get ( 'search' ));
if ( Input :: has ( 'offset' )) {
$offset = e ( Input :: get ( 'offset' ));
} else {
$offset = 0 ;
if ( Input :: has ( 'limit' )) {
$limit = e ( Input :: get ( 'limit' ));
} else {
$limit = 50 ;
$allowed_columns = [ 'id' , 'name' , 'min_amt' , 'order_number' , 'purchase_date' , 'purchase_cost' , 'companyName' , 'category' , 'total_qty' ];
$order = Input :: get ( 'order' ) === 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc' ;
$sort = in_array ( Input :: get ( 'sort' ), $allowed_columns ) ? Input :: get ( 'sort' ) : 'created_at' ;
switch ( $sort ) {
case 'category' :
$components = $components -> OrderCategory ( $order );
break ;
case 'location' :
$components = $components -> OrderLocation ( $order );
break ;
case 'companyName' :
$components = $components -> OrderCompany ( $order );
break ;
default :
$components = $components -> orderBy ( $sort , $order );
break ;
$consumCount = $components -> count ();
$components = $components -> skip ( $offset ) -> take ( $limit ) -> get ();
$rows = array ();
foreach ( $components as $component ) {
$actions = '<nobr><a href="' . route ( 'checkout/component' , $component -> id ) . '" style="margin-right:5px;" class="btn btn-info btn-sm" ' . (( $component -> numRemaining () > 0 ) ? '' : ' disabled' ) . '>' . Lang :: get ( 'general.checkout' ) . '</a><a href="' . route ( 'update/component' , $component -> id ) . '" class="btn btn-warning btn-sm" style="margin-right:5px;"><i class="fa fa-pencil icon-white"></i></a><a data-html="false" class="btn delete-asset btn-danger btn-sm" data-toggle="modal" href="' . route ( 'delete/component' , $component -> id ) . '" data-content="' . Lang :: get ( 'admin/components/message.delete.confirm' ) . '" data-title="' . Lang :: get ( 'general.delete' ) . ' ' . htmlspecialchars ( $component -> name ) . '?" onClick="return false;"><i class="fa fa-trash icon-white"></i></a></nobr>' ;
$company = $component -> company ;
$rows [] = array (
'checkbox' => '<div class="text-center"><input type="checkbox" name="component[' . $component -> id . ']" class="one_required"></div>' ,
'id' => $component -> id ,
2016-03-25 15:24:12 -07:00
'name' => ( string ) link_to ( 'admin/components/' . $component -> id . '/view' , e ( $component -> name )),
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'location' => ( $component -> location ) ? e ( $component -> location -> name ) : '' ,
2016-03-25 15:24:12 -07:00
'total_qty' => e ( $component -> total_qty ),
'min_amt' => e ( $component -> min_amt ),
'category' => ( $component -> category ) ? e ( $component -> category -> name ) : 'Missing category' ,
'order_number' => e ( $component -> order_number ),
'purchase_date' => e ( $component -> purchase_date ),
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'purchase_cost' => ( $component -> purchase_cost != '' ) ? number_format ( $component -> purchase_cost , 2 ) : '' ,
'numRemaining' => $component -> numRemaining (),
'actions' => $actions ,
'companyName' => is_null ( $company ) ? '' : e ( $company -> name ),
$data = array ( 'total' => $consumCount , 'rows' => $rows );
return $data ;
public function getDataView ( $componentID )
//$component = Component::find($componentID);
$component = Component :: with ( 'assets' ) -> find ( $componentID );
// $component->load('componentAssigments.admin','componentAssigments.user');
if ( ! Company :: isCurrentUserHasAccess ( $component )) {
return [ 'total' => 0 , 'rows' => []];
$rows = array ();
foreach ( $component -> assets as $component_assignment ) {
$rows [] = array (
2016-03-25 15:24:12 -07:00
'name' => ( string ) link_to ( '/hardware/' . $component_assignment -> id . '/view' , e ( $component_assignment -> name )),
'qty' => e ( $component_assignment -> pivot -> assigned_qty ),
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'created_at' => ( $component_assignment -> created_at -> format ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) == '-0001-11-30 00:00:00' ) ? '' : $component_assignment -> created_at -> format ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ),
$componentCount = $component -> assets -> count ();
$data = array ( 'total' => $componentCount , 'rows' => $rows );
return $data ;