'user_deleted_warning'=>'This user has been deleted. You will have to restore this user to edit them or assign them new assets.',
'ldap_not_configured'=>'LDAP integration has not been configured for this installation.',
'create'=>'User was successfully created.',
'update'=>'User was successfully updated.',
'delete'=>'User was successfully deleted.',
'ban'=>'User was successfully banned.',
'unban'=>'User was successfully unbanned.',
'suspend'=>'User was successfully suspended.',
'unsuspend'=>'User was successfully unsuspended.',
'restored'=>'User was successfully restored.',
'import'=>'Users imported successfully.',
'create'=>'There was an issue creating the user. Please try again.',
'update'=>'There was an issue updating the user. Please try again.',
'delete'=>'There was an issue deleting the user. Please try again.',
'unsuspend'=>'There was an issue unsuspending the user. Please try again.',
'import'=>'There was an issue importing users. Please try again.',
'asset_already_accepted'=>'This asset has already been accepted.',
'accept_or_decline'=>'You must either accept or decline this asset.',
'incorrect_user_accepted'=>'The asset you have attempted to accept was not checked out to you.',
'ldap_could_not_connect'=>'Could not connect to the LDAP server. Please check your LDAP server configuration in the LDAP config file. <br>Error from LDAP Server:',
'ldap_could_not_bind'=>'Could not bind to the LDAP server. Please check your LDAP server configuration in the LDAP config file. <br>Error from LDAP Server: ',
'ldap_could_not_search'=>'Could not search the LDAP server. Please check your LDAP server configuration in the LDAP config file. <br>Error from LDAP Server:',
'ldap_could_not_get_entries'=>'Could not get entries from the LDAP server. Please check your LDAP server configuration in the LDAP config file. <br>Error from LDAP Server:',
'error'=>'File not deleted. Please try again.',
'success'=>'File successfully deleted.',
'error'=>'File(s) not uploaded. Please try again.',
'success'=>'File(s) successfully uploaded.',
'nofiles'=>'You did not select any files for upload',
'invalidfiles'=>'One or more of your files is too large or is a filetype that is not allowed. Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, doc, docx, pdf, and txt.',