'groupnotes'=>'Select a group to assign to the user, remember that a user takes on the permissions of the group they are assigned. Use ctrl+click (or cmd+click on MacOS) to deselect groups.',
'job'=>'Job Title',
'last_login'=>'Last Login',
'last_name'=>'Last Name',
'lock_passwords'=>'Login details cannot be changed on this installation.',
'managed_locations'=>'Managed Locations',
'password_confirm'=>'Confirm Password',
'show_current'=>'Show Current Users',
'show_deleted'=>'Show Deleted Users',
'to_restore_them'=>'to restore them.',
'updateuser'=>'Update User',
'user_deleted_text'=>'This user has been marked as deleted.',
'username_note'=>'(This is used for Active Directory binding only, not for login.)',