2021-11-10 13:01:02 -08:00
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
{{-- Page title --}}
{{ trans('admin/settings/general.backups') }}
2017-07-07 23:44:48 -07:00
2024-08-14 08:09:34 -07:00
<a href="{{ route('settings.index') }}" class="btn btn-default pull-right" style="margin-left: 5px;">
2021-11-10 00:08:43 -08:00
{{ trans('general.back') }}
<form method="POST" style="display: inline">
{{ Form::hidden('_token', csrf_token()) }}
<button class="btn btn-primary {{ (config('app.lock_passwords')) ? ' disabled': '' }}">{{ trans('admin/settings/general.generate_backup') }}</button>
2017-07-07 23:44:48 -07:00
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
{{-- Page content --}}
2024-08-14 07:59:21 -07:00
<div class="modal modal-warning fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" id="backupRestoreModal">
<div class="modal-dialog" role="document">
<div class="modal-content">
<form method="post" role="form">
<div class="modal-header">
<h4 class="modal-title">Modal title</h4>
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
<span aria-hidden="true">×</span>
<div class="modal-body">
<p>{{ trans('admin/settings/message.backup.restore_warning') }}</p>
2024-08-22 04:53:16 -07:00
<div class="form-group">
<label class="form-control">
<input type="checkbox" name="clean" {{ config('backup.sanitize_by_default') ? "checked='checked'" : "" }}>{{ trans('admin/settings/general.backups_clean') }}
2024-08-14 07:59:21 -07:00
2024-08-22 04:53:16 -07:00
<p class="help-block modal-help">{{ trans('admin/settings/general.backups_clean_helptext') }}</p>
2024-08-14 07:59:21 -07:00
<div class="modal-footer">
{{ csrf_field() }}
{{ method_field('POST') }}
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default pull-left"
data-dismiss="modal">{{ trans('general.cancel') }}</button>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-outline">{{ trans('general.yes') }}</button>
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
2024-08-14 07:59:21 -07:00
<div class="row">
2021-11-10 00:08:43 -08:00
2021-11-10 13:01:02 -08:00
<div class="col-md-8">
2021-11-10 00:08:43 -08:00
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
<div class="box box-default">
<div class="box-body">
2021-11-10 00:08:43 -08:00
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
<div class="table-responsive">
2021-11-10 00:08:43 -08:00
2021-04-21 20:16:17 -07:00
2023-12-11 16:35:08 -08:00
2021-04-21 20:16:17 -07:00
class="table table-striped snipe-table">
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
2021-11-10 00:08:43 -08:00
2021-11-19 06:23:48 -08:00
<th data-sortable="true">{{ trans('general.file_name') }}</th>
<th data-sortable="true" data-field="modified_display" data-sort-name="modified_value">{{ trans('admin/settings/table.created') }}</th>
2021-11-10 00:08:43 -08:00
<th data-field="modified_value" data-visible="false"></th>
2022-05-16 17:00:22 -07:00
<th data-sortable="true">{{ trans('admin/settings/table.size') }}</th>
2023-05-16 16:02:48 -07:00
<th>{{ trans('table.actions') }}</th>
2021-11-10 00:08:43 -08:00
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
2016-12-27 12:03:47 -08:00
@foreach ($files as $file)
2020-08-28 18:22:37 -07:00
<a href="{{ route('settings.backups.download', [$file['filename']]) }}">
{{ $file['filename'] }}
2021-11-10 00:08:43 -08:00
<td>{{ $file['modified_display'] }} </td>
<td>{{ $file['modified_value'] }} </td>
2016-12-27 12:03:47 -08:00
<td>{{ $file['filesize'] }}</td>
2017-06-09 12:44:11 -07:00
2022-06-24 15:49:07 -07:00
@if (config('app.allow_backup_delete')=='true')
2017-06-09 12:44:11 -07:00
<a data-html="false"
2021-11-19 06:23:48 -08:00
class="btn delete-asset btn-danger btn-sm {{ (config('app.lock_passwords')) ? ' disabled': '' }}"
data-toggle="modal" href="{{ route('settings.backups.destroy', $file['filename']) }}"
data-content="{{ trans('admin/settings/message.backup.delete_confirm') }}"
2023-05-08 15:49:12 -07:00
data-title="{{ trans('general.delete') }} {{ e($file['filename']) }}?"
2021-11-19 06:23:48 -08:00
onClick="return false;">
2021-09-26 01:11:08 -07:00
<i class="fas fa-trash icon-white" aria-hidden="true"></i>
2020-04-01 03:25:07 -07:00
<span class="sr-only">{{ trans('general.delete') }}</span>
2017-06-09 12:44:11 -07:00
2022-06-24 15:49:07 -07:00
<a href="#"
class="btn delete-asset btn-danger btn-sm disabled">
<i class="fas fa-trash icon-white" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<span class="sr-only">{{ trans('general.delete') }}</span>
2021-11-10 00:08:43 -08:00
2024-08-14 07:59:21 -07:00
<a data-html="true"
href="{{ route('settings.backups.restore', $file['filename']) }}"
class="btn btn-warning btn-sm restore-backup {{ (config('app.lock_passwords')) ? ' disabled': '' }}"
data-title="{{ trans('admin/settings/message.backup.restore_confirm', array('filename' => e($file['filename']))) }}"
onClick="return false;">
2021-11-10 00:08:43 -08:00
<i class="fas fa-retweet" aria-hidden="true"></i>
2021-11-19 06:23:48 -08:00
<span class="sr-only">{{ trans('general.restore') }}</span>
2021-11-10 00:08:43 -08:00
2017-06-09 12:44:11 -07:00
2016-12-27 12:03:47 -08:00
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
2021-11-10 00:08:43 -08:00
</div> <!-- end table-responsive div -->
</div> <!-- end box-body div -->
</div> <!-- end box div -->
</div> <!-- end col-md div -->
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
<!-- side address column -->
2021-11-10 13:01:02 -08:00
<div class="col-md-4">
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
2021-11-10 17:48:59 -08:00
<div class="box box-default">
<div class="box-header with-border">
<h2 class="box-title">
2024-08-19 06:48:12 -07:00
<x-icon type="backups"/>
2022-01-07 16:50:19 -08:00
{{ trans('admin/settings/general.backups_upload') }}
2021-11-10 17:48:59 -08:00
<div class="box-tools pull-right">
</div><!-- /.box-header -->
<div class="box-body">
2022-01-07 16:50:19 -08:00
{!! trans('admin/settings/general.backups_path', ['path'=> $path]) !!}
2021-11-19 06:23:48 -08:00
2021-11-15 19:50:55 -08:00
@if (config('app.lock_passwords')===true)
<p class="alert alert-warning"><i class="fas fa-lock"></i> {{ trans('general.feature_disabled') }}</p>
2021-11-10 01:44:11 -08:00
{{ Form::open([
'method' => 'POST',
'route' => 'settings.backups.upload',
'files' => true,
'class' => 'form-horizontal' ]) }}
2021-11-10 00:08:43 -08:00
2021-11-10 01:44:11 -08:00
2023-10-31 08:30:49 -07:00
<div class="form-group {{ $errors->has((isset($fieldname) ? $fieldname : 'file')) ? 'has-error' : '' }}" style="margin-bottom: 0px;">
2021-11-10 01:44:11 -08:00
<div class="col-md-8 col-xs-8">
2021-11-15 19:50:55 -08:00
2021-11-10 01:44:11 -08:00
<!-- displayed on screen -->
<label class="btn btn-default col-md-12 col-xs-12" aria-hidden="true">
2024-08-18 10:13:49 -07:00
<x-icon type="paperclip" />
2021-11-10 01:44:11 -08:00
{{ trans('button.select_file') }}
2022-05-14 11:02:02 -07:00
<input type="file" name="file" class="js-uploadFile" id="uploadFile" data-maxsize="{{ Helper::file_upload_max_size() }}" accept="application/zip" style="display:none;" aria-label="file" aria-hidden="true">
2023-10-31 08:30:49 -07:00
2021-11-10 01:44:11 -08:00
<div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4">
2024-08-19 06:48:12 -07:00
<button class="btn btn-primary col-md-12 col-xs-12" id="uploadButton" disabled>
{{ trans('button.upload') }}
<span id="uploadIcon"></span>
2021-11-10 01:44:11 -08:00
2021-11-10 00:08:43 -08:00
<div class="col-md-12">
2021-11-10 01:44:11 -08:00
<p class="label label-default col-md-12" style="font-size: 120%!important; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;" id="uploadFile-info"></p>
2021-11-10 17:48:59 -08:00
<p class="help-block" style="margin-top: 10px;" id="uploadFile-status">{{ trans_choice('general.filetypes_accepted_help', 1, ['size' => Helper::file_upload_max_size_readable(), 'types' => '.zip']) }}</p>
2023-10-31 08:30:49 -07:00
{!! $errors->first('file', '<span class="alert-msg" aria-hidden="true">:message</span>') !!}
2021-11-15 19:50:55 -08:00
2021-11-10 01:44:11 -08:00
2021-11-10 00:08:43 -08:00
2021-11-10 01:44:11 -08:00
{{ Form::close() }}
2021-11-15 19:50:55 -08:00
2021-11-10 17:48:59 -08:00
2021-11-10 13:01:02 -08:00
2021-11-10 17:48:59 -08:00
<div class="box box-warning">
<div class="box-header with-border">
<h2 class="box-title">
2024-08-19 06:48:12 -07:00
<x-icon type="warning" class="text-orange"/> {{ trans('admin/settings/general.backups_restoring') }}
2021-11-10 17:48:59 -08:00
<div class="box-tools pull-right">
</div><!-- /.box-header -->
<div class="box-body">
2022-01-07 16:50:19 -08:00
{!! trans('admin/settings/general.backups_restore_warning', ['app_name' => config('app.name') ]) !!}
2021-11-10 17:48:59 -08:00
2021-11-10 18:15:38 -08:00
<p class="text-danger" style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 120%;">
2022-01-07 16:50:19 -08:00
{{ trans('admin/settings/general.backups_logged_out') }}
2021-11-10 17:48:59 -08:00
2021-11-10 13:01:02 -08:00
2021-11-10 17:48:59 -08:00
2022-01-07 16:50:19 -08:00
{{ trans('admin/settings/general.backups_large') }}
2021-11-10 17:48:59 -08:00
2021-11-10 13:01:02 -08:00
2021-11-10 17:48:59 -08:00
2021-11-10 01:44:11 -08:00
2021-11-10 00:08:43 -08:00
</div> <!-- end col-md-12 form div -->
</div> <!-- end form group div -->
2024-06-17 04:52:23 -07:00
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
2021-04-21 20:16:17 -07:00
2021-11-10 13:01:02 -08:00
2021-04-21 20:16:17 -07:00
@include ('partials.bootstrap-table')
2021-11-10 13:01:02 -08:00
2021-11-10 17:57:15 -08:00
2021-11-10 13:01:02 -08:00
2021-11-10 17:57:15 -08:00
* This just disables the upload button via JS unless they have actually selected a file.
2021-11-10 17:58:04 -08:00
* Todo: - key off the javascript response for JS file upload info as well, so that if it fails that
2021-11-10 17:57:15 -08:00
* check (file size and type) we should also leave it disabled.
2021-11-10 13:01:02 -08:00
$(document).ready(function() {
2021-11-10 16:01:22 -08:00
if ($('#uploadFile').val().length == 0) {
2022-05-18 02:40:32 -07:00
$("#uploadButton").attr("disabled", true);
2021-11-10 16:01:22 -08:00
} else {
2022-05-18 02:40:32 -07:00
$("#uploadIcon").html('<i class="fas fa-spinner spin"></i>');
2021-11-10 16:01:22 -08:00
2022-05-18 02:40:32 -07:00
2021-11-10 13:01:02 -08:00
2024-08-14 07:59:21 -07:00
// due to dynamic loading, we have to use the below 'weird' way of adding event handlers instead of just saying
// $('.restore-backup').on( .....
$('table').on('click', '.restore-backup', function (event) {
var modal = $('#backupRestoreModal');
modal.find('form').attr('action', $(this).attr('href'));
show: true
return false;
2021-11-10 13:01:02 -08:00
2021-04-21 20:16:17 -07:00