2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
< ? php
namespace App\Http\Controllers ;
use App\Http\Requests\SetupUserRequest ;
use App\Http\Requests\AssetFileRequest ;
use App\Helpers\Helper ;
use App\Models\Accessory ;
use App\Models\Actionlog ;
use App\Models\Asset ;
use App\Models\Company ;
use App\Models\Location ;
use App\Models\Setting ;
use App\Models\Statuslabel ;
use App\Models\User ;
use Auth ;
use Config ;
use Crypt ;
use DB ;
use HTML ;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log ;
use Input ;
use Lang ;
use League\Csv\Reader ;
use Mail ;
use Redirect ;
use Response ;
use Str ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse ;
use URL ;
use View ;
2016-04-07 13:21:09 -07:00
* This controller handles all actions related to Users for
* the Snipe - IT Asset Management application .
* @ version v1 . 0
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
class UsersController extends Controller
* Returns a view that invokes the ajax tables which actually contains
* the content for the users listing , which is generated in getDatatable () .
* @ author [ A . Gianotto ] [ < snipe @ snipe . net > ]
* @ see UsersController :: getDatatable () method that generates the JSON response
* @ since [ v1 . 0 ]
* @ return View
public function getIndex ()
return View :: make ( 'users/index' );
* Returns a view that displays the user creation form .
* @ author [ A . Gianotto ] [ < snipe @ snipe . net > ]
* @ since [ v1 . 0 ]
* @ return View
public function getCreate ()
// Selected groups
$userGroups = Input :: old ( 'groups' , array ());
// Get all the available permissions
$permissions = config ( 'permissions' );
// Selected permissions
$userPermissions = Input :: old ( 'permissions' , array ( 'superuser' => - 1 ));
$location_list = Helper :: locationsList ();
$manager_list = Helper :: managerList ();
$company_list = Helper :: companyList ();
/* echo '<pre>' ;
print_r ( $userPermissions );
echo '</pre>' ;
exit ;
// Show the page
return View :: make ( 'users/edit' , compact ( 'groups' , 'userGroups' , 'permissions' , 'userPermissions' ))
-> with ( 'location_list' , $location_list )
-> with ( 'manager_list' , $manager_list )
-> with ( 'company_list' , $company_list )
-> with ( 'user' , new User );
* Validate and store the new user data , or return an error .
* @ author [ A . Gianotto ] [ < snipe @ snipe . net > ]
* @ since [ v1 . 0 ]
* @ return Redirect
public function postCreate ( SetupUserRequest $request )
2016-03-25 19:26:22 -07:00
$user = new User ;
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
$user -> first_name = $data [ 'first_name' ] = e ( Input :: get ( 'first_name' ));
$user -> last_name = e ( Input :: get ( 'last_name' ));
$user -> email = $data [ 'email' ] = e ( Input :: get ( 'email' ));
$user -> activated = 1 ;
2016-03-25 06:50:24 -07:00
$user -> locale = e ( Input :: get ( 'locale' ));
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
$user -> username = $data [ 'username' ] = e ( Input :: get ( 'username' ));
$user -> password = bcrypt ( Input :: get ( 'password' ));
$data [ 'password' ] = Input :: get ( 'password' );
if ( $user -> save ()) {
if (( Input :: get ( 'email_user' ) == 1 ) && ( Input :: has ( 'email' ))) {
// Send the credentials through email
$data = array ();
$data [ 'email' ] = e ( Input :: get ( 'email' ));
$data [ 'username' ] = e ( Input :: get ( 'username' ));
$data [ 'first_name' ] = e ( Input :: get ( 'first_name' ));
$data [ 'password' ] = e ( Input :: get ( 'password' ));
Mail :: send ( 'emails.send-login' , $data , function ( $m ) use ( $user ) {
$m -> to ( $user -> email , $user -> first_name . ' ' . $user -> last_name );
$m -> subject ( 'Welcome ' . $user -> first_name );
return redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'success' , trans ( 'admin/users/message.success.create' ));
} else {
Redirect :: back () -> withInput () -> withInput () -> withErrors ( $user -> getErrors ()) -> withErrors ( $settings -> getErrors ());
return Redirect :: route ( 'create/user' ) -> withInput () -> with ( 'error' , $error );
* JSON handler for creating a user through a modal
* @ author [ A . Gianotto ] [ < snipe @ snipe . net > ]
* @ since [ v1 . 8 ]
* @ return string JSON
public function store ()
$user = new User ;
$inputs = Input :: except ( 'csrf_token' , 'password_confirm' , 'groups' , 'email_user' );
$inputs [ 'activated' ] = true ;
// Was the user created?
if ( $user -> save ()) {
if ( Input :: get ( 'email_user' ) == 1 ) {
// Send the credentials through email
$data = array ();
$data [ 'email' ] = e ( Input :: get ( 'email' ));
$data [ 'first_name' ] = e ( Input :: get ( 'first_name' ));
$data [ 'password' ] = e ( Input :: get ( 'password' ));
Mail :: send ( 'emails.send-login' , $data , function ( $m ) use ( $user ) {
$m -> to ( $user -> email , $user -> first_name . ' ' . $user -> last_name );
$m -> subject ( 'Welcome ' . $user -> first_name );
return JsonResponse :: create ( $user );
} else {
return JsonResponse :: create ([ " error " => " Failed validation: " . print_r ( $user -> getErrors (), true )], 500 );
return JsonResponse :: create ([ " error " => " Couldn't save User " ], 500 );
* Returns a view that displays the edit user form
* @ author [ A . Gianotto ] [ < snipe @ snipe . net > ]
* @ since [ v1 . 0 ]
* @ param int $id
* @ return View
public function getEdit ( $id = null )
try {
// Get the user information
$user = User :: find ( $id );
if ( ! Company :: isCurrentUserHasAccess ( $user )) {
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , trans ( 'general.insufficient_permissions' ));
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
// Get this user groups
2016-04-19 20:23:04 -07:00
$userGroups = $user -> groups () -> lists ( 'group_id' , 'name' );
//$userGroups = null;
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
// Get this user permissions
$userPermissions = null ;
// Get a list of all the available groups
//$groups = Sentry::getGroupProvider()->findAll();
// Get all the available permissions
$permissions = config ( 'permissions' );
$location_list = Helper :: locationsList ();
$company_list = Helper :: companyList ();
$manager_list = array ( '' => 'Select a User' ) + DB :: table ( 'users' )
-> select ( DB :: raw ( 'concat(last_name,", ",first_name," (",email,")") as full_name, id' ))
-> whereNull ( 'deleted_at' )
-> where ( 'id' , '!=' , $id )
-> orderBy ( 'last_name' , 'asc' )
-> orderBy ( 'first_name' , 'asc' )
-> lists ( 'full_name' , 'id' );
} catch ( UserNotFoundException $e ) {
// Prepare the error message
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
$error = trans ( 'admin/users/message.user_not_found' , compact ( 'id' ));
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
// Redirect to the user management page
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , $error );
// Show the page
return View :: make ( 'users/edit' , compact ( 'user' , 'groups' , 'userGroups' , 'permissions' , 'userPermissions' ))
-> with ( 'location_list' , $location_list )
-> with ( 'company_list' , $company_list )
-> with ( 'manager_list' , $manager_list );
* Validate and save edited user data from edit form .
* @ author [ A . Gianotto ] [ < snipe @ snipe . net > ]
* @ since [ v1 . 0 ]
* @ param int $id
* @ return Redirect
public function postEdit ( $id = null )
// We need to reverse the UI specific logic for our
// permissions here before we update the user.
$permissions = Input :: get ( 'permissions' , array ());
app ( 'request' ) -> request -> set ( 'permissions' , $permissions );
// Only update the email address if locking is set to false
if ( config ( 'app.lock_passwords' )) {
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , 'Denied! You cannot update user information on the demo.' );
try {
// Get the user information
$user = User :: find ( $id );
if ( ! Company :: isCurrentUserHasAccess ( $user )) {
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , trans ( 'general.insufficient_permissions' ));
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
} catch ( UserNotFoundException $e ) {
// Prepare the error message
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
$error = trans ( 'admin/users/message.user_not_found' , compact ( 'id' ));
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
// Redirect to the user management page
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , $error );
// Update the user
2016-03-25 06:50:24 -07:00
$user -> first_name = e ( Input :: get ( 'first_name' ));
$user -> last_name = e ( Input :: get ( 'last_name' ));
$user -> locale = e ( Input :: get ( 'locale' ));
$user -> username = e ( Input :: get ( 'username' ));
$user -> email = e ( Input :: get ( 'email' ));
$user -> employee_num = e ( Input :: get ( 'employee_num' ));
$user -> activated = e ( Input :: get ( 'activated' , $user -> activated ));
$user -> jobtitle = e ( Input :: get ( 'jobtitle' ));
$user -> phone = e ( Input :: get ( 'phone' ));
$user -> location_id = e ( Input :: get ( 'location_id' ));
$user -> company_id = e ( Company :: getIdForUser ( Input :: get ( 'company_id' )));
$user -> manager_id = e ( Input :: get ( 'manager_id' ));
$user -> notes = e ( Input :: get ( 'notes' ));
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
if ( $user -> manager_id == " " ) {
$user -> manager_id = null ;
if ( $user -> location_id == " " ) {
$user -> location_id = null ;
// Do we want to update the user password?
if (( Input :: has ( 'password' )) && ( ! config ( 'app.lock_passwords' ))) {
2016-03-25 06:50:24 -07:00
$user -> password = bcrypt ( Input :: get ( 'password' ));
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
// Do we want to update the user email?
if ( ! config ( 'app.lock_passwords' )) {
$user -> email = Input :: get ( 'email' );
if ( ! config ( 'app.lock_passwords' )) {
// Was the user updated?
if ( $user -> save ()) {
// Prepare the success message
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
$success = trans ( 'admin/users/message.success.update' );
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
// Redirect to the user page
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'success' , $success );
return Redirect :: back () -> withInput () -> withErrors ( $user -> getErrors ());
* Delete a user
* @ author [ A . Gianotto ] [ < snipe @ snipe . net > ]
* @ since [ v1 . 0 ]
* @ param int $id
* @ return Redirect
public function getDelete ( $id = null )
try {
// Get user information
$user = User :: find ( $id );
// Check if we are not trying to delete ourselves
if ( $user -> id === Auth :: user () -> id ) {
// Prepare the error message
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
$error = trans ( 'admin/users/message.error.delete' );
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
// Redirect to the user management page
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , $error );
// Do we have permission to delete this user?
if (( ! Auth :: user () -> isSuperUser ()) || ( config ( 'app.lock_passwords' ))) {
// Redirect to the user management page
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , 'Insufficient permissions!' );
if ( count ( $user -> assets ) > 0 ) {
// Redirect to the user management page
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , 'This user still has ' . count ( $user -> assets ) . ' assets associated with them.' );
if ( count ( $user -> licenses ) > 0 ) {
// Redirect to the user management page
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , 'This user still has ' . count ( $user -> licenses ) . ' licenses associated with them.' );
// Delete the user
$user -> delete ();
// Prepare the success message
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
$success = trans ( 'admin/users/message.success.delete' );
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
// Redirect to the user management page
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'success' , $success );
} catch ( UserNotFoundException $e ) {
// Prepare the error message
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
$error = trans ( 'admin/users/message.user_not_found' , compact ( 'id' ));
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
// Redirect to the user management page
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , $error );
* Returns a view that confirms the user ' s a bulk delete will be applied to .
* @ author [ A . Gianotto ] [ < snipe @ snipe . net > ]
* @ since [ v1 . 7 ]
* @ return View
public function postBulkEdit ()
if (( ! Input :: has ( 'edit_user' )) || ( count ( Input :: has ( 'edit_user' )) == 0 )) {
return Redirect :: back () -> with ( 'error' , 'No users selected' );
} else {
$statuslabel_list = Helper :: statusLabelList ();
$user_raw_array = array_keys ( Input :: get ( 'edit_user' ));
$users = User :: whereIn ( 'id' , $user_raw_array ) -> with ( 'groups' );
$users = Company :: scopeCompanyables ( $users ) -> get ();
return View :: make ( 'users/confirm-bulk-delete' , compact ( 'users' , 'statuslabel_list' ));
* Soft - delete bulk users
* @ author [ A . Gianotto ] [ < snipe @ snipe . net > ]
* @ since [ v1 . 0 ]
* @ return Redirect
public function postBulkSave ()
if (( ! Input :: has ( 'edit_user' )) || ( count ( Input :: has ( 'edit_user' )) == 0 )) {
return Redirect :: back () -> with ( 'error' , 'No users selected' );
} elseif (( ! Input :: has ( 'status_id' )) || ( count ( Input :: has ( 'status_id' )) == 0 )) {
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , 'No status selected' );
} else {
$user_raw_array = Input :: get ( 'edit_user' );
$asset_array = array ();
if (( $key = array_search ( Auth :: user () -> id , $user_raw_array )) !== false ) {
unset ( $user_raw_array [ $key ]);
if ( ! Auth :: user () -> isSuperUser ()) {
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , trans ( 'admin/users/message.insufficient_permissions' ));
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
if ( ! config ( 'app.lock_passwords' )) {
$assets = Asset :: whereIn ( 'assigned_to' , $user_raw_array ) -> get ();
$accessories = DB :: table ( 'accessories_users' ) -> whereIn ( 'assigned_to' , $user_raw_array ) -> get ();
$users = User :: whereIn ( 'id' , $user_raw_array );
$users = Company :: scopeCompanyables ( $users ) -> delete ();
foreach ( $assets as $asset ) {
$asset_array [] = $asset -> id ;
// Update the asset log
$logaction = new Actionlog ();
$logaction -> asset_id = $asset -> id ;
$logaction -> checkedout_to = $asset -> assigned_to ;
$logaction -> asset_type = 'hardware' ;
$logaction -> user_id = Auth :: user () -> id ;
$logaction -> note = 'Bulk checkin' ;
$log = $logaction -> logaction ( 'checkin from' );
$update_assets = Asset :: whereIn ( 'id' , $asset_array ) -> update (
array (
'status_id' => e ( Input :: get ( 'status_id' )),
'assigned_to' => null ,
foreach ( $accessories as $accessory ) {
$accessory_array [] = $accessory -> id ;
// Update the asset log
$logaction = new Actionlog ();
$logaction -> accessory_id = $accessory -> id ;
$logaction -> checkedout_to = $accessory -> assigned_to ;
$logaction -> asset_type = 'accessory' ;
$logaction -> user_id = Auth :: user () -> id ;
$logaction -> note = 'Bulk checkin' ;
$log = $logaction -> logaction ( 'checkin from' );
$update_accessories = DB :: table ( 'accessories_users' ) -> whereIn ( 'id' , $accessory_array ) -> update (
array (
'assigned_to' => null ,
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'success' , 'Your selected users have been deleted and their assets have been updated.' );
} else {
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , 'Bulk delete is not enabled in this installation' );
/** @noinspection PhpUnreachableStatementInspection Known to be unreachable but kept following discussion: https://github.com/snipe/snipe-it/pull/1423 */
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , 'An error has occurred' );
* Restore a deleted user
* @ author [ A . Gianotto ] [ < snipe @ snipe . net > ]
* @ since [ v1 . 0 ]
* @ param int $id
* @ return Redirect
public function getRestore ( $id = null )
2016-04-21 20:52:32 -07:00
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
// Get user information
2016-04-21 20:52:32 -07:00
if ( ! $user = User :: onlyTrashed () -> find ( $id )) {
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , trans ( 'admin/users/messages.user_not_found' ));
2016-04-21 20:27:03 -07:00
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
if ( ! Company :: isCurrentUserHasAccess ( $user )) {
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , trans ( 'general.insufficient_permissions' ));
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
} else {
2016-04-21 20:52:32 -07:00
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
// Restore the user
2016-04-21 20:52:32 -07:00
if ( User :: withTrashed () -> where ( 'id' , $id ) -> restore ()) {
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'success' , trans ( 'admin/users/message.success.restored' ));
} else {
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , 'User could not be restored.' );
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
2016-04-21 20:52:32 -07:00
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
* Return a view with user detail
* @ author [ A . Gianotto ] [ < snipe @ snipe . net > ]
* @ since [ v1 . 0 ]
* @ param int $userId
* @ return View
public function getView ( $userId = null )
$user = User :: with ( 'assets' , 'assets.model' , 'consumables' , 'accessories' , 'licenses' , 'userloc' ) -> withTrashed () -> find ( $userId );
$userlog = $user -> userlog -> load ( 'assetlog' , 'consumablelog' , 'assetlog.model' , 'licenselog' , 'accessorylog' , 'userlog' , 'adminlog' );
if ( isset ( $user -> id )) {
if ( ! Company :: isCurrentUserHasAccess ( $user )) {
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , trans ( 'general.insufficient_permissions' ));
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
} else {
return View :: make ( 'users/view' , compact ( 'user' , 'userlog' ));
} else {
// Prepare the error message
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
$error = trans ( 'admin/users/message.user_not_found' , compact ( 'id' ));
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
// Redirect to the user management page
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , $error );
* Unsuspend a user .
* @ author [ A . Gianotto ] [ < snipe @ snipe . net > ]
* @ since [ v1 . 0 ]
* @ param int $id
* @ return Redirect
public function getUnsuspend ( $id = null )
try {
// Get user information
//$user = User::find($id);
// Check if we are not trying to unsuspend ourselves
if ( $user -> id === Auth :: user () -> id ) {
// Prepare the error message
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
$error = trans ( 'admin/users/message.error.unsuspend' );
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
// Redirect to the user management page
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , $error );
// Do we have permission to unsuspend this user?
if ( $user -> isSuperUser () and ! Auth :: user () -> isSuperUser ()) {
// Redirect to the user management page
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , 'Insufficient permissions!' );
// Prepare the success message
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
$success = trans ( 'admin/users/message.success.unsuspend' );
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
// Redirect to the user management page
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'success' , $success );
} catch ( UserNotFoundException $e ) {
// Prepare the error message
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
$error = trans ( 'admin/users/message.user_not_found' , compact ( 'id' ));
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
// Redirect to the user management page
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , $error );
* Return a view containing a pre - populated new user form ,
* populated with some fields from an existing user .
* @ author [ A . Gianotto ] [ < snipe @ snipe . net > ]
* @ since [ v1 . 0 ]
* @ param int $id
* @ return Redirect
public function getClone ( $id = null )
// We need to reverse the UI specific logic for our
// permissions here before we update the user.
$permissions = Input :: get ( 'permissions' , array ());
app ( 'request' ) -> request -> set ( 'permissions' , $permissions );
try {
// Get the user information
2016-04-21 20:52:32 -07:00
$user_to_clone = User :: withTrashed () -> find ( $id );
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
$user = clone $user_to_clone ;
$user -> first_name = '' ;
$user -> last_name = '' ;
$user -> email = substr ( $user -> email , ( $pos = strpos ( $user -> email , '@' )) !== false ? $pos : 0 );
$user -> id = null ;
// Get this user groups
$userGroups = $user_to_clone -> groups () -> lists ( 'group_id' , 'name' );
// Get this user permissions
$userPermissions = null ;
// Get a list of all the available groups
//$groups = Sentry::getGroupProvider()->findAll();
// Get all the available permissions
$permissions = config ( 'permissions' );
$location_list = Helper :: locationsList ();
$company_list = Helper :: companyList ();
$manager_list = array ( '' => 'Select a User' ) + DB :: table ( 'users' )
-> select ( DB :: raw ( 'concat(last_name,", ",first_name," (",email,")") as full_name, id' ))
-> whereNull ( 'deleted_at' )
-> where ( 'id' , '!=' , $id )
-> orderBy ( 'last_name' , 'asc' )
-> orderBy ( 'first_name' , 'asc' )
-> lists ( 'full_name' , 'id' );
// Show the page
return View :: make ( 'users/edit' , compact ( 'groups' , 'userGroups' , 'permissions' , 'userPermissions' ))
-> with ( 'location_list' , $location_list )
-> with ( 'company_list' , $company_list )
-> with ( 'manager_list' , $manager_list )
-> with ( 'user' , $user )
-> with ( 'clone_user' , $user_to_clone );
} catch ( UserNotFoundException $e ) {
// Prepare the error message
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
$error = trans ( 'admin/users/message.user_not_found' , compact ( 'id' ));
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
// Redirect to the user management page
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , $error );
* Return user import view
* @ author [ A . Gianotto ] [ < snipe @ snipe . net > ]
* @ since [ v1 . 0 ]
* @ return View
public function getImport ()
// Get all the available groups
//$groups = Sentry::getGroupProvider()->findAll();
// Selected groups
$selectedGroups = Input :: old ( 'groups' , array ());
// Get all the available permissions
$permissions = config ( 'permissions' );
// Selected permissions
$selectedPermissions = Input :: old ( 'permissions' , array ( 'superuser' => - 1 ));
// Show the page
return View :: make ( 'users/import' , compact ( 'groups' , 'selectedGroups' , 'permissions' , 'selectedPermissions' ));
* Handle user import file
* @ author [ A . Gianotto ] [ < snipe @ snipe . net > ]
* @ since [ v1 . 0 ]
* @ return Redirect
public function postImport ()
if ( ! ini_get ( " auto_detect_line_endings " )) {
ini_set ( " auto_detect_line_endings " , '1' );
$csv = Reader :: createFromPath ( Input :: file ( 'user_import_csv' ));
$csv -> setNewline ( " \r \n " );
if ( Input :: get ( 'has_headers' ) == 1 ) {
$csv -> setOffset ( 1 );
$duplicates = '' ;
$nbInsert = $csv -> each ( function ( $row ) use ( $duplicates ) {
if ( array_key_exists ( 2 , $row )) {
if ( Input :: get ( 'activate' ) == 1 ) {
$activated = '1' ;
} else {
$activated = '0' ;
$pass = substr ( str_shuffle ( " 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ " ), 0 , 15 );
// Location
if ( array_key_exists ( '4' , $row )) {
$user_location_id = trim ( $row [ 4 ]);
if ( $user_location_id == '' ) {
$user_location_id = null ;
try {
// Check if this email already exists in the system
$user = DB :: table ( 'users' ) -> where ( 'username' , $row [ 2 ]) -> first ();
if ( $user ) {
$duplicates .= $row [ 2 ] . ', ' ;
} else {
$newuser = array (
'first_name' => trim ( e ( $row [ 0 ])),
'last_name' => trim ( e ( $row [ 1 ])),
'username' => trim ( e ( $row [ 2 ])),
'email' => trim ( e ( $row [ 3 ])),
'password' => $pass ,
'activated' => $activated ,
'location_id' => trim ( e ( $user_location_id )),
'phone' => trim ( e ( $row [ 5 ])),
'jobtitle' => trim ( e ( $row [ 6 ])),
'employee_num' => trim ( e ( $row [ 7 ])),
//'company_id' => Company::getIdForUser($row[8]),
'permissions' => '{"user":1}' ,
'notes' => 'Imported user'
DB :: table ( 'users' ) -> insert ( $newuser );
$updateuser = User :: find ( $row [ 2 ]);
// Update the user details
$updateuser -> password = $pass ;
// Update the user
$updateuser -> save ();
if ((( Input :: get ( 'email_user' ) == 1 ) && ! config ( 'app.lock_passwords' ))) {
// Send the credentials through email
if ( $row [ 3 ] != '' ) {
$data = array ();
$data [ 'username' ] = trim ( e ( $row [ 2 ]));
$data [ 'first_name' ] = trim ( e ( $row [ 0 ]));
$data [ 'password' ] = $pass ;
if ( $newuser [ 'email' ]) {
Mail :: send ( 'emails.send-login' , $data , function ( $m ) use ( $newuser ) {
$m -> to ( $newuser [ 'email' ], $newuser [ 'first_name' ] . ' ' . $newuser [ 'last_name' ]);
$m -> subject ( 'Welcome ' . $newuser [ 'first_name' ]);
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
echo 'Caught exception: ' , $e -> getMessage (), " \n " ;
return true ;
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'duplicates' , $duplicates ) -> with ( 'success' , 'Success' );
* Return JSON response with a list of user details for the getIndex () view .
* @ author [ A . Gianotto ] [ < snipe @ snipe . net > ]
* @ since [ v1 . 6 ]
* @ see UsersController :: getIndex () method that consumed this JSON response
* @ return string JSON
public function getDatatable ( $status = null )
if ( Input :: has ( 'offset' )) {
$offset = e ( Input :: get ( 'offset' ));
} else {
$offset = 0 ;
if ( Input :: has ( 'limit' )) {
$limit = e ( Input :: get ( 'limit' ));
} else {
$limit = 50 ;
if ( Input :: get ( 'sort' ) == 'name' ) {
$sort = 'first_name' ;
} else {
$sort = e ( Input :: get ( 'sort' ));
$users = User :: select ( array ( 'users.id' , 'users.employee_num' , 'users.email' , 'users.username' , 'users.location_id' , 'users.manager_id' , 'users.first_name' , 'users.last_name' , 'users.created_at' , 'users.notes' , 'users.company_id' , 'users.deleted_at' , 'users.activated' ))
-> with ( 'assets' , 'accessories' , 'consumables' , 'licenses' , 'manager' , 'groups' , 'userloc' , 'company' );
$users = Company :: scopeCompanyables ( $users );
switch ( $status ) {
case 'deleted' :
$users = $users -> withTrashed () -> Deleted ();
break ;
if ( Input :: has ( 'search' )) {
$users = $users -> TextSearch ( Input :: get ( 'search' ));
$order = Input :: get ( 'order' ) === 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc' ;
switch ( Input :: get ( 'sort' )) {
case 'manager' :
$users = $users -> OrderManager ( $order );
break ;
case 'location' :
$users = $users -> OrderLocation ( $order );
break ;
default :
$allowed_columns =
'last_name' , 'first_name' , 'email' , 'username' , 'employee_num' ,
'assets' , 'accessories' , 'consumables' , 'licenses' , 'groups' , 'activated'
$sort = in_array ( $sort , $allowed_columns ) ? $sort : 'first_name' ;
$users = $users -> orderBy ( $sort , $order );
break ;
$userCount = $users -> count ();
$users = $users -> skip ( $offset ) -> take ( $limit ) -> get ();
$rows = array ();
foreach ( $users as $user ) {
$group_names = '' ;
$inout = '' ;
$actions = '<nobr>' ;
foreach ( $user -> groups as $group ) {
$group_names .= '<a href="' . config ( 'app.url' ) . '/admin/groups/' . $group -> id . '/edit" class="label label-default">' . $group -> name . '</a> ' ;
if ( ! is_null ( $user -> deleted_at )) {
$actions .= '<a href="' . route ( 'restore/user' , $user -> id ) . '" class="btn btn-warning btn-sm"><i class="fa fa-share icon-white"></i></a> ' ;
} else {
if ( $user -> accountStatus () == 'suspended' ) {
$actions .= '<a href="' . route ( 'unsuspend/user' , $user -> id ) . '" class="btn btn-default btn-sm"><span class="fa fa-clock-o"></span></a> ' ;
$actions .= '<a href="' . route ( 'update/user' , $user -> id ) . '" class="btn btn-warning btn-sm"><i class="fa fa-pencil icon-white"></i></a> ' ;
if (( Auth :: user () -> id !== $user -> id ) && ( ! config ( 'app.lock_passwords' ))) {
$actions .= '<a data-html="false" class="btn delete-asset btn-danger btn-sm" data-toggle="modal" href="' . route ( 'delete/user' , $user -> id ) . '" data-content="Are you sure you wish to delete this user?" data-title="Delete ' . htmlspecialchars ( $user -> first_name ) . '?" onClick="return false;"><i class="fa fa-trash icon-white"></i></a> ' ;
} else {
$actions .= ' <span class="btn delete-asset btn-danger btn-sm disabled"><i class="fa fa-trash icon-white"></i></span>' ;
$actions .= '</nobr>' ;
$rows [] = array (
'id' => $user -> id ,
2016-03-25 06:50:24 -07:00
'checkbox' => '<div class="text-center hidden-xs hidden-sm"><input type="checkbox" name="edit_user[' . e ( $user -> id ) . ']" class="one_required"></div>' ,
'name' => '<a title="' . e ( $user -> fullName ()) . '" href="../admin/users/' . e ( $user -> id ) . '/view">' . e ( $user -> fullName ()) . '</a>' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'email' => ( $user -> email != '' ) ?
2016-03-25 06:50:24 -07:00
'<a href="mailto:' . e ( $user -> email ) . '" class="hidden-md hidden-lg">' . e ( $user -> email ) . '</a>'
. '<a href="mailto:' . e ( $user -> email ) . '" class="hidden-xs hidden-sm"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a>'
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
. '</span>' : '' ,
2016-03-25 06:50:24 -07:00
'username' => e ( $user -> username ),
'location' => ( $user -> userloc ) ? e ( $user -> userloc -> name ) : '' ,
'manager' => ( $user -> manager ) ? '<a title="' . e ( $user -> manager -> fullName ()) . '" href="users/' . e ( $user -> manager -> id ) . '/view">' . e ( $user -> manager -> fullName ()) . '</a>' : '' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'assets' => $user -> assets -> count (),
2016-03-25 06:50:24 -07:00
'employee_num' => e ( $user -> employee_num ),
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'licenses' => $user -> licenses -> count (),
'accessories' => $user -> accessories -> count (),
'consumables' => $user -> consumables -> count (),
'groups' => $group_names ,
2016-03-25 06:50:24 -07:00
'notes' => e ( $user -> notes ),
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'activated' => ( $user -> activated == '1' ) ? '<i class="fa fa-check"></i>' : '<i class="fa fa-times"></i>' ,
'actions' => ( $actions ) ? $actions : '' ,
'companyName' => is_null ( $user -> company ) ? '' : e ( $user -> company -> name )
$data = array ( 'total' => $userCount , 'rows' => $rows );
return $data ;
* Return JSON response with a list of user details for the getIndex () view .
* @ author [ A . Gianotto ] [ < snipe @ snipe . net > ]
* @ since [ v1 . 6 ]
* @ param int $userId
* @ return string JSON
public function postUpload ( AssetFileRequest $request , $userId = null )
$user = User :: find ( $userId );
2016-03-25 15:50:08 -07:00
$destinationPath = config ( 'app.private_uploads' ) . '/users' ;
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
if ( isset ( $user -> id )) {
if ( ! Company :: isCurrentUserHasAccess ( $user )) {
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , trans ( 'general.insufficient_permissions' ));
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
foreach ( Input :: file ( 'file' ) as $file ) {
$extension = $file -> getClientOriginalExtension ();
$filename = 'user-' . $user -> id . '-' . str_random ( 8 );
$filename .= '-' . str_slug ( $file -> getClientOriginalName ()) . '.' . $extension ;
$upload_success = $file -> move ( $destinationPath , $filename );
//Log the deletion of seats to the log
$logaction = new Actionlog ();
$logaction -> asset_id = $user -> id ;
$logaction -> asset_type = 'user' ;
$logaction -> user_id = Auth :: user () -> id ;
$logaction -> note = e ( Input :: get ( 'notes' ));
$logaction -> checkedout_to = null ;
$logaction -> created_at = date ( " Y-m-d h:i:s " );
$logaction -> filename = $filename ;
$logaction -> action_type = 'uploaded' ;
$logaction -> save ();
return JsonResponse :: create ( $logaction );
} else {
return JsonResponse :: create ([ " error " => " Failed validation: " . print_r ( $logaction -> getErrors (), true )], 500 );
* Delete file
* @ author [ A . Gianotto ] [ < snipe @ snipe . net > ]
* @ since [ v1 . 6 ]
* @ param int $userId
* @ param int $fileId
* @ return Redirect
public function getDeleteFile ( $userId = null , $fileId = null )
$user = User :: find ( $userId );
2016-03-25 15:50:08 -07:00
$destinationPath = config ( 'app.private_uploads' ) . '/users' ;
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
// the license is valid
if ( isset ( $user -> id )) {
if ( ! Company :: isCurrentUserHasAccess ( $user )) {
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , trans ( 'general.insufficient_permissions' ));
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
} else {
$log = Actionlog :: find ( $fileId );
$full_filename = $destinationPath . '/' . $log -> filename ;
if ( file_exists ( $full_filename )) {
unlink ( $destinationPath . '/' . $log -> filename );
$log -> delete ();
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
return Redirect :: back () -> with ( 'success' , trans ( 'admin/users/message.deletefile.success' ));
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
} else {
// Prepare the error message
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
$error = trans ( 'admin/users/message.does_not_exist' , compact ( 'id' ));
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
// Redirect to the licence management page
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , $error );
* Display / download the uploaded file
* @ author [ A . Gianotto ] [ < snipe @ snipe . net > ]
* @ since [ v1 . 6 ]
* @ param int $userId
* @ param int $fileId
* @ return mixed
public function displayFile ( $userId = null , $fileId = null )
$user = User :: find ( $userId );
// the license is valid
if ( isset ( $user -> id )) {
if ( ! Company :: isCurrentUserHasAccess ( $user )) {
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , trans ( 'general.insufficient_permissions' ));
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
} else {
$log = Actionlog :: find ( $fileId );
$file = $log -> get_src ();
return Response :: download ( $file );
} else {
// Prepare the error message
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
$error = trans ( 'admin/users/message.does_not_exist' , compact ( 'id' ));
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
// Redirect to the licence management page
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , $error );
* Return view for LDAP import
* @ author Aladin Alaily
* @ since [ v1 . 8 ]
* @ return View
public function getLDAP ()
// Get all the available groups
//s$groups = Sentry::getGroupProvider()->findAll();
// Selected groups
$selectedGroups = Input :: old ( 'groups' , array ());
// Get all the available permissions
$permissions = config ( 'permissions' );
// Selected permissions
$selectedPermissions = Input :: old ( 'permissions' , array ( 'superuser' => - 1 ));
$location_list = Helper :: locationsList ();
// Show the page
return View :: make ( 'users/ldap' , compact ( 'groups' , 'selectedGroups' , 'permissions' , 'selectedPermissions' ))
-> with ( 'location_list' , $location_list );
* Declare the rules for the ldap fields validation .
* @ author Aladin Alaily
* @ since [ v1 . 8 ]
* @ var array
* @ deprecated 3.0
* @ todo remove this method in favor of other validation
* @ var array
protected $ldapValidationRules = array (
'firstname' => 'required|string|min:2' ,
'lastname' => 'required|string|min:2' ,
'employee_number' => 'string' ,
'username' => 'required|min:2|unique:users,username' ,
'email' => 'email|unique:users,email' ,
* LDAP form processing .
* @ author Aladin Alaily
* @ since [ v1 . 8 ]
* @ return Redirect
public function postLDAP ()
2016-03-25 15:24:12 -07:00
$location_id = e ( Input :: get ( 'location_id' ));
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
$ldap_version = Setting :: getSettings () -> ldap_version ;
$url = Setting :: getSettings () -> ldap_server ;
$username = Setting :: getSettings () -> ldap_uname ;
$password = Crypt :: decrypt ( Setting :: getSettings () -> ldap_pword );
$base_dn = Setting :: getSettings () -> ldap_basedn ;
$filter = Setting :: getSettings () -> ldap_filter ;
$ldap_result_username = Setting :: getSettings () -> ldap_username_field ;
$ldap_result_last_name = Setting :: getSettings () -> ldap_lname_field ;
$ldap_result_first_name = Setting :: getSettings () -> ldap_fname_field ;
$ldap_result_active_flag = Setting :: getSettings () -> ldap_active_flag_field ;
$ldap_result_emp_num = Setting :: getSettings () -> ldap_emp_num ;
$ldap_result_email = Setting :: getSettings () -> ldap_email ;
$ldap_server_cert_ignore = Setting :: getSettings () -> ldap_server_cert_ignore ;
// If we are ignoring the SSL cert we need to setup the environment variable
// before we create the connection
if ( $ldap_server_cert_ignore ) {
putenv ( 'LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never' );
// Connect to LDAP server
$ldapconn = @ ldap_connect ( $url );
// Needed for AD
ldap_set_option ( $ldapconn , LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS , 0 );
if ( ! $ldapconn ) {
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , trans ( 'admin/users/message.error.ldap_could_not_connect' ));
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
// Set options
$ldapopt = @ ldap_set_option ( $ldapconn , LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION , $ldap_version );
if ( ! $ldapopt ) {
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , trans ( 'admin/users/message.error.ldap_could_not_connect' ));
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
// Binding to ldap server
$ldapbind = @ ldap_bind ( $ldapconn , $username , $password );
Log :: error ( ldap_errno ( $ldapconn ));
if ( ! $ldapbind ) {
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , trans ( 'admin/users/message.error.ldap_could_not_bind' ) . ldap_error ( $ldapconn ));
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
2016-03-25 01:38:10 -07:00
// Set up LDAP pagination for very large databases
// @author Richard Hofman
$page_size = 500 ;
$cookie = '' ;
$result_set = array ();
$global_count = 0 ;
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
// Perform the search
2016-03-25 01:38:10 -07:00
do {
// Paginate (non-critical, if not supported by server)
ldap_control_paged_result ( $ldapconn , $page_size , false , $cookie );
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
2016-03-25 01:38:10 -07:00
$search_results = ldap_search ( $ldapconn , $base_dn , '(' . $filter . ')' );
if ( ! $search_results ) {
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , trans ( 'admin/users/message.error.ldap_could_not_search' ) . ldap_error ( $ldapconn ));
2016-03-25 01:38:10 -07:00
// Get results from page
$results = ldap_get_entries ( $ldapconn , $search_results );
if ( ! $results ) {
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
return Redirect :: route ( 'users' ) -> with ( 'error' , trans ( 'admin/users/message.error.ldap_could_not_get_entries' ) . ldap_error ( $ldapconn ));
2016-03-25 01:38:10 -07:00
// Add results to result set
$global_count += $results [ 'count' ];
$result_set = array_merge ( $result_set , $results );
ldap_control_paged_result_response ( $ldapconn , $search_results , $cookie );
} while ( $cookie !== null && $cookie != '' );
// Clean up after search
$result_set [ 'count' ] = $global_count ;
$results = $result_set ;
ldap_control_paged_result ( $ldapconn , 0 );
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
$summary = array ();
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $results [ " count " ]; $i ++ ) {
if ( empty ( $ldap_result_active_flag ) || $results [ $i ][ $ldap_result_active_flag ][ 0 ] == " TRUE " ) {
$item = array ();
$item [ " username " ] = isset ( $results [ $i ][ $ldap_result_username ][ 0 ]) ? $results [ $i ][ $ldap_result_username ][ 0 ] : " " ;
$item [ " employee_number " ] = isset ( $results [ $i ][ $ldap_result_emp_num ][ 0 ]) ? $results [ $i ][ $ldap_result_emp_num ][ 0 ] : " " ;
$item [ " lastname " ] = isset ( $results [ $i ][ $ldap_result_last_name ][ 0 ]) ? $results [ $i ][ $ldap_result_last_name ][ 0 ] : " " ;
$item [ " firstname " ] = isset ( $results [ $i ][ $ldap_result_first_name ][ 0 ]) ? $results [ $i ][ $ldap_result_first_name ][ 0 ] : " " ;
$item [ " email " ] = isset ( $results [ $i ][ $ldap_result_email ][ 0 ]) ? $results [ $i ][ $ldap_result_email ][ 0 ] : " " ;
2016-03-25 01:38:10 -07:00
// User exists
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
$item [ " createorupdate " ] = 'updated' ;
2016-03-25 19:26:22 -07:00
if ( ! $user = User :: where ( 'username' , $item [ " username " ]) -> first ()) {
$user = new User ;
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
$item [ " createorupdate " ] = 'created' ;
// Create the user if they don't exist.
$pass = substr ( str_shuffle ( " 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ " ), 0 , 20 );
$user -> first_name = e ( $item [ " firstname " ]);
$user -> last_name = e ( $item [ " lastname " ]);
$user -> username = e ( $item [ " username " ]);
$user -> email = e ( $item [ " email " ]);
$user -> employee_num = e ( $item [ " employee_number " ]);
$user -> password = bcrypt ( $pass );
$user -> activated = 1 ;
$user -> location_id = e ( $location_id );
$user -> permissions = '{"user":1}' ;
$user -> notes = 'Imported from LDAP' ;
$user -> ldap_import = 1 ;
$errors = '' ;
if ( $user -> save ()) {
$item [ " note " ] = $item [ " createorupdate " ];
$item [ " status " ] = 'success' ;
} else {
//$errors_array = array($user->getErrors());
foreach ( $user -> getErrors () -> getMessages () as $key => $err ) {
//echo $user->getErrors();
$errors .= '<li>' . $err [ 0 ];
$item [ " note " ] = $errors ;
$item [ " status " ] = 'error' ;
array_push ( $summary , $item );
return Redirect :: route ( 'ldap/user' ) -> with ( 'success' , " OK " ) -> with ( 'summary' , $summary );
* Return JSON containing a list of assets assigned to a user .
* @ author [ A . Gianotto ] [ < snipe @ snipe . net > ]
* @ since [ v3 . 0 ]
* @ return string JSON
public function getAssetList ( $userId )
$assets = Asset :: where ( 'assigned_to' , '=' , $userId ) -> get ();
return response () -> json ( $assets );
//$foo = Asset::where('assigned_to','=',$userId)->get();