'assoc_users'=>'This location is not currently deletable because it is the location of record for at least one asset or user, has assets assigned to it, or is the parent location of another location. Please update your records to no longer reference this location and try again. ',
'assoc_assets'=>'Goobtan waxaa hadda ku xiran hal isticmaale suurogalna maahan in latiro. Fadlan cusboonaysii hantidaada si aanay meeshan u tixraacin mar kalena isku day. ',
'assoc_child_loc'=>'Goobtan waxay xarun rasmi ah u tahay farac kale ugu yaraan suuragalna maahan in la tir-tiro. Fadlan cusbooneysii goobtaada si aaney markale usoo tilmaamin mowqican iskuna day markale. ',