'audit_help'=>'Checking this box will edit the asset record to reflect this new location. Leaving it unchecked will simply note the location in the audit log.<br><br>Note that if this asset is checked out, it will not change the location of the person, asset or location it is checked out to.',
'assets'=>'Vahendeid saab tuvastada ja jälgida seerianumbri või seadme identifikaatori abil. Tavaliselt määratletakse ja registreeritakse seerianumber või identifikaator väärtuslikele vahenditele, mille individuaalne tuvastamine on oluline.',
'categories'=>'Kategooriad aitavad sul asju organiseerida. Kategooriad võivad olla näiteks: "Lauaarvutid","Sülearvutid","Mobiiltelefonid","Tahvelarvutid" jne, kuid võid kasutada kategooriaid igat moodi, mis tundub sulle endale mõistlik.',
'accessories'=>'Accessories are anything you issue to users but that do not have a serial number (or you do not care about tracking them uniquely). For example, computer mice or keyboards.',
'companies'=>'Companies can be used as a simple identifier field, or can be used to limit visibility of assets, users, etc if full company support is enabled in your Admin settings.',
'components'=>'Components are items that are part of an asset, for example HDD, RAM, etc.',
'consumables'=>'Consumables are anything purchased that will be used up over time. For example, printer ink or copier paper.',