2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
<!DOCTYPE html>
2024-05-04 04:32:42 -07:00
<html lang="{{ str_replace('_', '-', app()->getLocale()) }}"
2024-07-16 10:40:10 -07:00
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2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
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<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
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2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
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2020-04-01 06:18:37 -07:00
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2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
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2019-07-15 13:49:56 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<link rel="apple-touch-icon"
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<link rel="apple-touch-startup-image"
href="{{ ($snipeSettings) && ($snipeSettings->favicon!='') ? Storage::disk('public')->url(e($snipeSettings->logo)) : config('app.url').'/img/snipe-logo-bug.png' }}">
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/ico"
href="{{ ($snipeSettings) && ($snipeSettings->favicon!='') ? Storage::disk('public')->url(e($snipeSettings->favicon)) : config('app.url').'/favicon.ico' }} ">
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<meta name="csrf-token" content="{{ csrf_token() }}">
2024-07-16 10:40:10 -07:00
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2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<meta name="baseUrl" content="{{ config('app.url') }}/">
2017-01-11 08:44:34 -08:00
2017-10-01 12:59:55 -07:00
<script nonce="{{ csrf_token() }}">
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
window.Laravel = {csrfToken: '{{ csrf_token() }}'};
2017-10-01 12:59:55 -07:00
2017-01-11 15:21:33 -08:00
2018-09-28 14:09:48 -07:00
{{-- stylesheets --}}
2021-04-20 14:49:57 -07:00
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url(mix('css/dist/all.css')) }}">
2021-03-29 19:09:23 -07:00
@if (($snipeSettings) && ($snipeSettings->allow_user_skin==1) && Auth::check() && Auth::user()->present()->skin != '')
2021-04-26 17:22:02 -07:00
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url(mix('css/dist/skins/skin-'.Auth::user()->present()->skin.'.min.css')) }}">
2021-04-12 20:37:02 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<link rel="stylesheet"
href="{{ url(mix('css/dist/skins/skin-'.($snipeSettings->skin!='' ? $snipeSettings->skin : 'blue').'.css')) }}">
2021-03-29 19:09:23 -07:00
{{-- page level css --}}
2018-08-28 13:10:27 -07:00
2018-03-02 17:50:40 -08:00
2020-04-21 11:03:32 -07:00
2018-03-02 17:50:40 -08:00
2020-04-21 03:30:21 -07:00
@if (($snipeSettings) && ($snipeSettings->header_color!=''))
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<style nonce="{{ csrf_token() }}">
.main-header .navbar, .main-header .logo {
background-color: {{ $snipeSettings->header_color }};
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, {{ $snipeSettings->header_color }} 0%,{{ $snipeSettings->header_color }} 100%);
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, {{ $snipeSettings->header_color }} 0%,{{ $snipeSettings->header_color }} 100%);
border-color: {{ $snipeSettings->header_color }};
.skin-{{ $snipeSettings->skin!='' ? $snipeSettings->skin : 'blue' }} .sidebar-menu > li:hover > a, .skin-{{ $snipeSettings->skin!='' ? $snipeSettings->skin : 'blue' }} .sidebar-menu > li.active > a {
border-left-color: {{ $snipeSettings->header_color }};
.btn-primary {
background-color: {{ $snipeSettings->header_color }};
border-color: {{ $snipeSettings->header_color }};
2018-09-28 14:09:48 -07:00
2016-05-31 19:19:32 -07:00
2018-09-28 14:09:48 -07:00
{{-- Custom CSS --}}
@if (($snipeSettings) && ($snipeSettings->custom_css))
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
{!! $snipeSettings->show_custom_css() !!}
2018-09-28 14:09:48 -07:00
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
2020-04-27 22:41:33 -07:00
2017-09-28 19:45:15 -07:00
<script nonce="{{ csrf_token() }}">
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
window.snipeit = {
settings: {
"per_page": {{ $snipeSettings->per_page }}
2017-10-01 12:59:55 -07:00
2016-08-30 12:58:08 -07:00
2018-09-28 14:09:48 -07:00
<!-- HTML5 Shim and Respond.js IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries -->
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<script src="{{ url(asset('js/html5shiv.js')) }}" nonce="{{ csrf_token() }}"></script>
<script src="{{ url(asset('js/respond.js')) }}" nonce="{{ csrf_token() }}"></script>
2020-04-21 03:30:21 -07:00
2024-05-29 16:04:05 -07:00
2020-04-06 19:04:49 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
@if (($snipeSettings) && ($snipeSettings->allow_user_skin==1) && Auth::check() && Auth::user()->present()->skin != '')
<body class="sidebar-mini skin-{{ $snipeSettings->skin!='' ? Auth::user()->present()->skin : 'blue' }} {{ (session('menu_state')!='open') ? 'sidebar-mini sidebar-collapse' : '' }}">
<body class="sidebar-mini skin-{{ $snipeSettings->skin!='' ? $snipeSettings->skin : 'blue' }} {{ (session('menu_state')!='open') ? 'sidebar-mini sidebar-collapse' : '' }}">
2021-11-08 12:53:11 -08:00
2016-08-23 18:52:42 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<a class="skip-main" href="#main">{{ trans('general.skip_to_main_content') }}</a>
<div class="wrapper">
2016-08-23 18:52:42 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<header class="main-header">
<!-- Logo -->
<!-- Header Navbar: style can be found in header.less -->
<nav class="navbar navbar-static-top" role="navigation">
<!-- Sidebar toggle button above the compact sidenav -->
<a href="#" style="color: white" class="sidebar-toggle btn btn-white" data-toggle="push-menu"
<span class="sr-only">{{ trans('general.toggle_navigation') }}</span>
2017-11-02 10:27:53 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<div class="nav navbar-nav navbar-left">
<div class="left-navblock">
@if ($snipeSettings->brand == '3')
<a class="logo navbar-brand no-hover" href="{{ config('app.url') }}">
@if ($snipeSettings->logo!='')
<img class="navbar-brand-img"
src="{{ Storage::disk('public')->url($snipeSettings->logo) }}"
alt="{{ $snipeSettings->site_name }} logo">
{{ $snipeSettings->site_name }}
@elseif ($snipeSettings->brand == '2')
<a class="logo navbar-brand no-hover" href="{{ config('app.url') }}">
@if ($snipeSettings->logo!='')
<img class="navbar-brand-img"
src="{{ Storage::disk('public')->url($snipeSettings->logo) }}"
alt="{{ $snipeSettings->site_name }} logo">
<span class="sr-only">{{ $snipeSettings->site_name }}</span>
<a class="logo navbar-brand no-hover" href="{{ config('app.url') }}">
{{ $snipeSettings->site_name }}
<!-- Navbar Right Menu -->
<div class="navbar-custom-menu">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
@can('index', \App\Models\Asset::class)
2024-02-11 09:45:37 -08:00
<li aria-hidden="true"{!! (Request::is('hardware*') ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
2024-08-13 05:49:13 -07:00
<a href="{{ url('hardware') }}" {{$snipeSettings->shortcuts_enabled == 1 ? "accesskey=1" : ''}} tabindex="-1" data-tooltip="true" data-placement="bottom" data-title="{{ trans('general.assets') }}">
2024-08-20 02:01:49 -07:00
<x-icon type="assets" class="fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<span class="sr-only">{{ trans('general.assets') }}</span>
@can('view', \App\Models\License::class)
2024-02-11 09:45:37 -08:00
<li aria-hidden="true"{!! (Request::is('licenses*') ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
2024-08-13 05:49:13 -07:00
<a href="{{ route('licenses.index') }}" {{$snipeSettings->shortcuts_enabled == 1 ? "accesskey=2" : ''}} tabindex="-1" data-tooltip="true" data-placement="bottom" data-title="{{ trans('general.licenses') }}">
2024-08-20 02:01:49 -07:00
<x-icon type="licenses" class="fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<span class="sr-only">{{ trans('general.licenses') }}</span>
@can('index', \App\Models\Accessory::class)
2024-02-11 09:45:37 -08:00
<li aria-hidden="true"{!! (Request::is('accessories*') ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
2024-08-13 05:49:13 -07:00
<a href="{{ route('accessories.index') }}" {{$snipeSettings->shortcuts_enabled == 1 ? "accesskey=3" : ''}} tabindex="-1" data-tooltip="true" data-placement="bottom" data-title="{{ trans('general.accessories') }}">
2024-08-20 02:01:49 -07:00
<x-icon type="accessories" class="fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<span class="sr-only">{{ trans('general.accessories') }}</span>
@can('index', \App\Models\Consumable::class)
<li aria-hidden="true"{!! (Request::is('consumables*') ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
2024-08-13 05:49:13 -07:00
<a href="{{ url('consumables') }}" {{$snipeSettings->shortcuts_enabled == 1 ? "accesskey=4" : ''}} tabindex="-1" data-tooltip="true" data-placement="bottom" data-title="{{ trans('general.consumables') }}">
2024-08-20 02:01:49 -07:00
<x-icon type="consumables" class="fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<span class="sr-only">{{ trans('general.consumables') }}</span>
@can('view', \App\Models\Component::class)
<li aria-hidden="true"{!! (Request::is('components*') ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
2024-08-13 05:49:13 -07:00
<a href="{{ route('components.index') }}" {{$snipeSettings->shortcuts_enabled == 1 ? "accesskey=5" : ''}} tabindex="-1" data-tooltip="true" data-placement="bottom" data-title="{{ trans('general.components') }}">
2024-08-20 02:01:49 -07:00
<x-icon type="components" class="fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<span class="sr-only">{{ trans('general.components') }}</span>
@can('index', \App\Models\Asset::class)
<form class="navbar-form navbar-left form-horizontal" role="search"
action="{{ route('findbytag/hardware') }}" method="get">
<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-12">
<div class="col-xs-12 form-group">
2024-10-09 15:51:20 -07:00
<label class="sr-only" for="tagSearch">
{{ trans('general.lookup_by_tag') }}
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="tagSearch" name="assetTag" placeholder="{{ trans('general.lookup_by_tag') }}">
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<input type="hidden" name="topsearch" value="true" id="search">
<div class="col-xs-1">
2024-10-09 15:51:20 -07:00
<button type="submit" id="topSearchButton" class="btn btn-primary pull-right">
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="search" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<span class="sr-only">{{ trans('general.search') }}</span>
<li class="dropdown" aria-hidden="true">
<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" tabindex="-1">
{{ trans('general.create') }}
<strong class="caret"></strong>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
@can('create', \App\Models\Asset::class)
2025-02-19 00:37:58 -08:00
<li{!! (Request::is('hardware/create') ? ' class="active">' : '') !!}>
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<a href="{{ route('hardware.create') }}" tabindex="-1">
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="assets" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
{{ trans('general.asset') }}
@can('create', \App\Models\License::class)
2025-02-19 00:37:58 -08:00
<li{!! (Request::is('licenses/create') ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<a href="{{ route('licenses.create') }}" tabindex="-1">
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="licenses" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
{{ trans('general.license') }}
@can('create', \App\Models\Accessory::class)
<li {!! (Request::is('accessories/create') ? 'class="active"' : '') !!}>
<a href="{{ route('accessories.create') }}" tabindex="-1">
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="accessories" />
2024-02-11 09:45:37 -08:00
{{ trans('general.accessory') }}
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
@can('create', \App\Models\Consumable::class)
<li {!! (Request::is('consunmables/create') ? 'class="active"' : '') !!}>
<a href="{{ route('consumables.create') }}" tabindex="-1">
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="consumables" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
{{ trans('general.consumable') }}
@can('create', \App\Models\Component::class)
<li {!! (Request::is('components/create') ? 'class="active"' : '') !!}>
<a href="{{ route('components.create') }}" tabindex="-1">
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="components" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
{{ trans('general.component') }}
@can('create', \App\Models\User::class)
<li {!! (Request::is('users/create') ? 'class="active"' : '') !!}>
<a href="{{ route('users.create') }}" tabindex="-1">
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="users" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
{{ trans('general.user') }}
@if ($snipeSettings->show_alerts_in_menu=='1')
<!-- Tasks: style can be found in dropdown.less -->
2024-10-28 13:57:42 -07:00
<?php $alert_items = Helper::checkLowInventory(); $deprecations = Helper::deprecationCheck()?>
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<li class="dropdown tasks-menu">
<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="alerts" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<span class="sr-only">{{ trans('general.alerts') }}</span>
2024-10-28 13:57:42 -07:00
@if (count($alert_items) || count($deprecations))
<span class="label label-danger">{{ count($alert_items) + count($deprecations) }}</span>
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
2024-10-28 14:30:34 -07:00
@foreach ($deprecations as $key => $deprecation)
@if ($deprecation['check'])
<li class="header alert-warning">{!! $deprecation['message'] !!}</li>
2024-10-28 13:57:42 -07:00
2024-10-23 11:14:17 -07:00
<li class="header">{{ trans_choice('general.quantity_minimum', count($alert_items)) }}</li>
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<!-- inner menu: contains the actual data -->
<ul class="menu">
@for($i = 0; count($alert_items) > $i; $i++)
<li><!-- Task item -->
2024-10-23 11:14:17 -07:00
<a href="{{ route($alert_items[$i]['type'].'.show', $alert_items[$i]['id'])}}">
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<h2 class="task_menu">{{ $alert_items[$i]['name'] }}
<small class="pull-right">
{{ $alert_items[$i]['remaining'] }} {{ trans('general.remaining') }}
<div class="progress xs">
<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-yellow"
style="width: {{ $alert_items[$i]['percent'] }}%"
aria-valuenow="{{ $alert_items[$i]['percent'] }}"
aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100">
<span class="sr-only">{{ $alert_items[$i]['percent'] }}% Complete</span>
<!-- end task item -->
{{-- <li class="footer">
<a href="#">{{ trans('general.tasks_view_all') }}</a>
</li> --}}
<!-- User Account: style can be found in dropdown.less -->
@if (Auth::check())
<li class="dropdown user user-menu">
<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
@if (Auth::user()->present()->gravatar())
<img src="{{ Auth::user()->present()->gravatar() }}" class="user-image"
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="user" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<span class="hidden-xs">
{{ Auth::user()->getFullNameAttribute() }}
<strong class="caret"></strong>
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<!-- User image -->
<li {!! (Request::is('account/profile') ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
<a href="{{ route('view-assets') }}">
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="checkmark" class="fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
{{ trans('general.viewassets') }}
@can('viewRequestable', \App\Models\Asset::class)
<li {!! (Request::is('account/requested') ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
<a href="{{ route('account.requested') }}">
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="checkmark" class="fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
{{ trans('general.requested_assets_menu') }}
<li {!! (Request::is('account/accept') ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
<a href="{{ route('account.accept') }}">
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="checkmark" class="fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
{{ trans('general.accept_assets_menu') }}
2024-06-24 06:01:56 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<a href="{{ route('profile') }}">
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="user" class="fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
{{ trans('general.editprofile') }}
2024-06-24 06:01:56 -07:00
2025-01-17 10:51:08 -08:00
@if (Auth::user()->ldap_import!='1')
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<a href="{{ route('account.password.index') }}">
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="password" class="fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
{{ trans('general.changepassword') }}
2025-01-17 10:51:08 -08:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<a href="{{ route('user.api') }}">
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="api-key" class="fa-fw" />
{{ trans('general.manage_api_keys') }}
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
2024-04-09 14:51:42 -07:00
<li class="divider" style="margin-top: -1px; margin-bottom: -1px"></li>
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<a href="{{ route('logout.get') }}"
onclick="event.preventDefault(); document.getElementById('logout-form').submit();">
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="logout" class="fa-fw" />
{{ trans('general.logout') }}
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<form id="logout-form" action="{{ route('logout.post') }}" method="POST"
style="display: none;">
{{ csrf_field() }}
<a href="{{ route('settings.index') }}">
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="admin-settings" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<span class="sr-only">{{ trans('general.admin') }}</span>
<a href="#" style="float:left" class="sidebar-toggle-mobile visible-xs btn" data-toggle="push-menu"
<span class="sr-only">{{ trans('general.toggle_navigation') }}</span>
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="nav-toggle" />
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<!-- Sidebar toggle button-->
<!-- Left side column. contains the logo and sidebar -->
<aside class="main-sidebar">
<!-- sidebar: style can be found in sidebar.less -->
<section class="sidebar">
<!-- sidebar menu: : style can be found in sidebar.less -->
2024-09-10 11:05:03 -07:00
<ul class="sidebar-menu" data-widget="tree" {{ \App\Helpers\Helper::determineLanguageDirection() == 'rtl' ? 'style="margin-right:12px' : '' }}>
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<li {!! (\Request::route()->getName()=='home' ? ' class="active"' : '') !!} class="firstnav">
<a href="{{ route('home') }}">
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="dashboard" class="fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<span>{{ trans('general.dashboard') }}</span>
2017-03-03 17:30:12 -08:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
@can('index', \App\Models\Asset::class)
<li class="treeview{{ ((Request::is('statuslabels/*') || Request::is('hardware*')) ? ' active' : '') }}">
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<a href="#">
<x-icon type="assets" class="fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<span>{{ trans('general.assets') }}</span>
2024-08-20 02:11:27 -07:00
<x-icon type="angle-left" class="pull-right fa-fw"/>
2017-03-03 17:30:12 -08:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<ul class="treeview-menu">
<a href="{{ url('hardware') }}">
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="circle" class="text-grey fa-fw"/>
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
{{ trans('general.list_all') }}
2024-05-02 04:35:41 -07:00
<span class="badge">
2024-04-26 06:01:22 -07:00
{{ (isset($total_assets)) ? $total_assets : '' }}
2024-05-02 04:35:41 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<?php $status_navs = \App\Models\Statuslabel::where('show_in_nav', '=', 1)->withCount('assets as asset_count')->get(); ?>
@if (count($status_navs) > 0)
@foreach ($status_navs as $status_nav)
<li{!! (Request::is('statuslabels/'.$status_nav->id) ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
<a href="{{ route('statuslabels.show', ['statuslabel' => $status_nav->id]) }}">
<i class="fas fa-circle text-grey fa-fw"
aria-hidden="true"{!! ($status_nav->color!='' ? ' style="color: '.e($status_nav->color).'"' : '') !!}></i>
2024-04-26 06:01:22 -07:00
{{ $status_nav->name }}
2024-05-06 12:34:36 -07:00
<span class="badge badge-secondary">{{ $status_nav->asset_count }}</span></a></li>
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<li{!! (Request::query('status') == 'Deployed' ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
<a href="{{ url('hardware?status=Deployed') }}">
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="circle" class="text-blue fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
{{ trans('general.deployed') }}
2024-05-02 04:35:41 -07:00
<span class="badge">{{ (isset($total_deployed_sidebar)) ? $total_deployed_sidebar : '' }}</span>
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<li{!! (Request::query('status') == 'RTD' ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
<a href="{{ url('hardware?status=RTD') }}">
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="circle" class="text-green fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
{{ trans('general.ready_to_deploy') }}
2024-05-02 04:35:41 -07:00
<span class="badge">{{ (isset($total_rtd_sidebar)) ? $total_rtd_sidebar : '' }}</span>
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<li{!! (Request::query('status') == 'Pending' ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}><a href="{{ url('hardware?status=Pending') }}">
<x-icon type="circle" class="text-orange fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
{{ trans('general.pending') }}
2024-05-02 04:35:41 -07:00
<span class="badge">{{ (isset($total_pending_sidebar)) ? $total_pending_sidebar : '' }}</span>
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<li{!! (Request::query('status') == 'Undeployable' ? ' class="active"' : '') !!} ><a
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
href="{{ url('hardware?status=Undeployable') }}">
<x-icon type="x" class="text-red fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
{{ trans('general.undeployable') }}
2024-05-02 04:35:41 -07:00
<span class="badge">{{ (isset($total_undeployable_sidebar)) ? $total_undeployable_sidebar : '' }}</span>
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<li{!! (Request::query('status') == 'byod' ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}><a
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
href="{{ url('hardware?status=byod') }}">
<x-icon type="x" class="text-red fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
{{ trans('general.byod') }}
2024-05-02 04:35:41 -07:00
<span class="badge">{{ (isset($total_byod_sidebar)) ? $total_byod_sidebar : '' }}</span>
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<li{!! (Request::query('status') == 'Archived' ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}><a
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
href="{{ url('hardware?status=Archived') }}">
<x-icon type="x" class="text-red fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
{{ trans('admin/hardware/general.archived') }}
2024-05-02 04:35:41 -07:00
<span class="badge">{{ (isset($total_archived_sidebar)) ? $total_archived_sidebar : '' }}</span>
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<li{!! (Request::query('status') == 'Requestable' ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}><a
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
href="{{ url('hardware?status=Requestable') }}">
<x-icon type="checkmark" class="text-blue fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
{{ trans('admin/hardware/general.requestable') }}
@can('audit', \App\Models\Asset::class)
<li{!! (Request::is('hardware/audit/due') ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
<a href="{{ route('assets.audit.due') }}">
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="due" class="text-yellow fa-fw"/>
{{ trans('general.audit_due') }}
2024-05-02 04:35:41 -07:00
<span class="badge">{{ (isset($total_due_and_overdue_for_audit)) ? $total_due_and_overdue_for_audit : '' }}</span>
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
2024-04-26 10:58:44 -07:00
@can('checkin', \App\Models\Asset::class)
<li{!! (Request::is('hardware/checkins/due') ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
<a href="{{ route('assets.checkins.due') }}">
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="due" class="text-orange fa-fw"/>
{{ trans('general.checkin_due') }}
2024-05-02 04:35:41 -07:00
<span class="badge">{{ (isset($total_due_and_overdue_for_checkin)) ? $total_due_and_overdue_for_checkin : '' }}</span>
2024-04-26 10:58:44 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<li class="divider"> </li>
@can('checkin', \App\Models\Asset::class)
<li{!! (Request::is('hardware/quickscancheckin') ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
<a href="{{ route('hardware/quickscancheckin') }}">
{{ trans('general.quickscan_checkin') }}
@can('checkout', \App\Models\Asset::class)
<li{!! (Request::is('hardware/bulkcheckout') ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
<a href="{{ route('hardware.bulkcheckout.show') }}">
{{ trans('general.bulk_checkout') }}
<li{!! (Request::is('hardware/requested') ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
<a href="{{ route('assets.requested') }}">
{{ trans('general.requested') }}</a>
@can('create', \App\Models\Asset::class)
<li{!! (Request::query('Deleted') ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
<a href="{{ url('hardware?status=Deleted') }}">
{{ trans('general.deleted') }}
<a href="{{ route('maintenances.index') }}">
{{ trans('general.asset_maintenances') }}
<a href="{{ url('hardware/history') }}">
{{ trans('general.import-history') }}
@can('audit', \App\Models\Asset::class)
<a href="{{ route('assets.bulkaudit') }}">
{{ trans('general.bulkaudit') }}
2017-03-03 17:30:12 -08:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
@can('view', \App\Models\License::class)
<li{!! (Request::is('licenses*') ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
<a href="{{ route('licenses.index') }}">
2024-08-20 02:11:27 -07:00
<x-icon type="licenses" class="fa-fw"/>
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<span>{{ trans('general.licenses') }}</span>
2017-11-02 10:27:53 -07:00
2017-02-22 22:21:17 -08:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
@can('index', \App\Models\Accessory::class)
<li{!! (Request::is('accessories*') ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
<a href="{{ route('accessories.index') }}">
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="accessories" class="fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<span>{{ trans('general.accessories') }}</span>
2017-11-02 10:27:53 -07:00
2017-02-22 22:21:17 -08:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
@can('view', \App\Models\Consumable::class)
<li{!! (Request::is('consumables*') ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
<a href="{{ url('consumables') }}">
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="consumables" class="fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<span>{{ trans('general.consumables') }}</span>
2017-11-02 10:27:53 -07:00
2017-02-22 22:21:17 -08:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
@can('view', \App\Models\Component::class)
<li{!! (Request::is('components*') ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
<a href="{{ route('components.index') }}">
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="components" class="fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<span>{{ trans('general.components') }}</span>
@can('view', \App\Models\PredefinedKit::class)
<li{!! (Request::is('kits') ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
<a href="{{ route('kits.index') }}">
2024-08-20 02:11:27 -07:00
<x-icon type="kits" class="fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<span>{{ trans('general.kits') }}</span>
2017-11-02 10:27:53 -07:00
2017-02-22 22:21:17 -08:00
2022-05-23 09:35:19 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
@can('view', \App\Models\User::class)
<li{!! (Request::is('users*') ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
2024-08-07 10:47:16 -07:00
<a href="{{ route('users.index') }}" {{$snipeSettings->shortcuts_enabled == 1 ? "accesskey=6" : ''}}>
2024-08-20 02:11:27 -07:00
<x-icon type="users" class="fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<span>{{ trans('general.people') }}</span>
<li{!! (Request::is('import/*') ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
<a href="{{ route('imports.index') }}">
2024-08-20 02:11:27 -07:00
<x-icon type="import" class="fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<span>{{ trans('general.import') }}</span>
2017-11-02 10:27:53 -07:00
2017-05-22 21:31:58 -07:00
2022-05-23 09:35:19 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<li class="treeview {!! in_array(Request::route()->getName(),App\Helpers\Helper::SettingUrls()) ? ' active': '' !!}">
<a href="#" id="settings">
2024-08-23 07:17:25 -07:00
<x-icon type="settings" class="fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<span>{{ trans('general.settings') }}</span>
2024-08-22 23:27:39 -07:00
<x-icon type="angle-left" class="pull-right fa-fw"/>
2017-11-02 10:27:53 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<ul class="treeview-menu">
@if(Gate::allows('view', App\Models\CustomField::class) || Gate::allows('view', App\Models\CustomFieldset::class))
<li {!! (Request::is('fields*') ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
<a href="{{ route('fields.index') }}">
{{ trans('admin/custom_fields/general.custom_fields') }}
@can('view', \App\Models\Statuslabel::class)
<li {!! (Request::is('statuslabels*') ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
<a href="{{ route('statuslabels.index') }}">
{{ trans('general.status_labels') }}
@can('view', \App\Models\AssetModel::class)
<a href="{{ route('models.index') }}" {{ (Request::is('/assetmodels') ? ' class="active"' : '') }}>
{{ trans('general.asset_models') }}
@can('view', \App\Models\Category::class)
<a href="{{ route('categories.index') }}" {{ (Request::is('/categories') ? ' class="active"' : '') }}>
{{ trans('general.categories') }}
@can('view', \App\Models\Manufacturer::class)
<a href="{{ route('manufacturers.index') }}" {{ (Request::is('/manufacturers') ? ' class="active"' : '') }}>
{{ trans('general.manufacturers') }}
@can('view', \App\Models\Supplier::class)
<a href="{{ route('suppliers.index') }}" {{ (Request::is('/suppliers') ? ' class="active"' : '') }}>
{{ trans('general.suppliers') }}
@can('view', \App\Models\Department::class)
<a href="{{ route('departments.index') }}" {{ (Request::is('/departments') ? ' class="active"' : '') }}>
{{ trans('general.departments') }}
@can('view', \App\Models\Location::class)
<a href="{{ route('locations.index') }}" {{ (Request::is('/locations') ? ' class="active"' : '') }}>
{{ trans('general.locations') }}
@can('view', \App\Models\Company::class)
<a href="{{ route('companies.index') }}" {{ (Request::is('/companies') ? ' class="active"' : '') }}>
{{ trans('general.companies') }}
@can('view', \App\Models\Depreciation::class)
<a href="{{ route('depreciations.index') }}" {{ (Request::is('/depreciations') ? ' class="active"' : '') }}>
{{ trans('general.depreciation') }}
2017-11-02 10:27:53 -07:00
2017-02-22 22:21:17 -08:00
2022-05-23 09:35:19 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<li class="treeview{{ (Request::is('reports*') ? ' active' : '') }}">
<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle">
2024-08-20 02:11:27 -07:00
<x-icon type="reports" class="fa-fw" />
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<span>{{ trans('general.reports') }}</span>
2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="angle-left" class="pull-right"/>
2017-11-02 10:27:53 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<ul class="treeview-menu">
<a href="{{ route('reports.activity') }}" {{ (Request::is('reports/activity') ? ' class="active"' : '') }}>
{{ trans('general.activity_report') }}
2024-05-25 02:39:47 -07:00
<a href="{{ url('reports/custom') }}" {{ (Request::is('reports/custom') ? ' class="active"' : '') }}>
{{ trans('general.custom_report') }}
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<a href="{{ route('reports.audit') }}" {{ (Request::is('reports.audit') ? ' class="active"' : '') }}>
{{ trans('general.audit_report') }}</a>
<a href="{{ url('reports/depreciation') }}" {{ (Request::is('reports/depreciation') ? ' class="active"' : '') }}>
{{ trans('general.depreciation_report') }}
<a href="{{ url('reports/licenses') }}" {{ (Request::is('reports/licenses') ? ' class="active"' : '') }}>
{{ trans('general.license_report') }}
<a href="{{ url('reports/asset_maintenances') }}" {{ (Request::is('reports/asset_maintenances') ? ' class="active"' : '') }}>
{{ trans('general.asset_maintenance_report') }}
<a href="{{ url('reports/unaccepted_assets') }}" {{ (Request::is('reports/unaccepted_assets') ? ' class="active"' : '') }}>
{{ trans('general.unaccepted_asset_report') }}
<a href="{{ url('reports/accessories') }}" {{ (Request::is('reports/accessories') ? ' class="active"' : '') }}>
{{ trans('general.accessory_report') }}
2017-11-02 10:27:53 -07:00
2017-08-25 10:03:05 -07:00
2022-05-23 09:35:19 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
@can('viewRequestable', \App\Models\Asset::class)
<li{!! (Request::is('account/requestable-assets') ? ' class="active"' : '') !!}>
<a href="{{ route('requestable-assets') }}">
2024-08-20 02:11:27 -07:00
<x-icon type="requestable" class="fa-fw" />
2024-06-20 07:26:45 -07:00
<span>{{ trans('general.requestable_items') }}</span>
2017-11-02 10:27:53 -07:00
2017-08-25 10:03:05 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
2017-02-22 22:21:17 -08:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
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@if ($debug_in_production)
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2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<x-icon type="warning" class="fa-3x pull-left"/>
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<strong>{{ strtoupper(trans('general.debug_warning')) }}:</strong>
{!! trans('general.debug_warning_text') !!}
<!-- Content Header (Page header) -->
2025-02-18 19:29:31 -08:00
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2025-02-18 16:37:09 -08:00
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2025-02-22 10:19:09 -08:00
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2025-02-18 16:37:09 -08:00
.breadcrumb-item {
display: inline;
list-style: none;
2025-02-22 10:19:09 -08:00
<h1 class="pull-left pagetitle" style="font-size: 22px; margin-top: 5px;">
2025-02-18 16:37:09 -08:00
2025-02-18 19:29:31 -08:00
@if (Breadcrumbs::has() && (Breadcrumbs::current()->count() > 1))
2025-02-19 06:04:34 -08:00
<ul style="padding-left: 0;">
2017-03-03 17:30:12 -08:00
2025-02-18 19:29:31 -08:00
@foreach (Breadcrumbs::current() as $crumbs)
@if ($crumbs->url() && !$loop->last)
<li class="breadcrumb-item">
<a href="{{ $crumbs->url() }}">
2025-02-19 06:04:34 -08:00
@if ($loop->first)
{!! Blade::render($crumbs->title()) !!}
{{ Blade::render($crumbs->title()) }}
<x-icon type="angle-right" />
2025-02-18 19:29:31 -08:00
2025-02-19 06:04:34 -08:00
@elseif (is_null($crumbs->url()) && !$loop->last)
<li class="breadcrumb-item active">
{{ $crumbs->title() }}
<x-icon type="angle-right" />
2025-02-18 19:29:31 -08:00
<li class="breadcrumb-item active">
{{ $crumbs->title() }}
2025-02-19 06:04:34 -08:00
2025-02-18 19:29:31 -08:00
2025-02-19 06:04:34 -08:00
2025-02-18 19:29:31 -08:00
@if (isset($helpText))
@include ('partials.more-info',
'helpText' => $helpText,
'helpPosition' => (isset($helpPosition)) ? $helpPosition : 'left'
<div class="pull-right">
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
2025-02-18 19:29:31 -08:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
2025-02-22 10:19:09 -08:00
<section class="content" id="main" tabindex="-1" style="padding-top: 0px;">
2018-01-24 07:02:30 -08:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
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@if (config('app.lock_passwords'))
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<div class="callout callout-info">
{{ trans('general.some_features_disabled') }}
2018-01-24 07:02:30 -08:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
2018-01-24 07:02:30 -08:00
2018-05-08 00:50:13 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
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<div id="{!! (Request::is('*api*') ? 'app' : 'webui') !!}">
2018-05-08 00:50:13 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
2018-05-08 00:50:13 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
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2023-04-18 15:20:38 -07:00
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2023-04-17 21:04:47 -07:00
2023-04-18 15:23:11 -07:00
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2023-04-25 11:03:05 -07:00
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2024-08-18 09:26:44 -07:00
<a target="_blank" href="https://snipeitapp.com" rel="noopener">Snipe-IT</a> is open source software, made with <x-icon type="heart" style="color: #a94442; font-size: 10px" />
2024-11-14 06:38:51 -08:00
<span class="sr-only">love</span> by <a href="https://bsky.app/profile/snipeitapp.com" rel="noopener">@snipeitapp</a>.
2023-04-25 11:03:05 -07:00
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2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
@if ($snipeSettings->version_footer!='off')
@if (($snipeSettings->version_footer=='on') || (($snipeSettings->version_footer=='admin') && (Auth::user()->isSuperUser()=='1')))
<strong>Version</strong> {{ config('version.app_version') }} -
build {{ config('version.build_version') }} ({{ config('version.branch') }})
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
@if ($snipeSettings->support_footer!='off')
@if (($snipeSettings->support_footer=='on') || (($snipeSettings->support_footer=='admin') && (Auth::user()->isSuperUser()=='1')))
<a target="_blank" class="btn btn-default btn-xs"
rel="noopener">{{ trans('general.user_manual') }}</a>
<a target="_blank" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" href="https://snipeitapp.com/support/"
rel="noopener">{{ trans('general.bug_report') }}</a>
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
@if ($snipeSettings->privacy_policy_link!='')
<a target="_blank" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" rel="noopener"
href="{{ $snipeSettings->privacy_policy_link }}"
2023-04-17 21:04:47 -07:00
target="_new">{{ trans('admin/settings/general.privacy_policy') }}</a>
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
2023-04-18 15:20:38 -07:00
@if ($snipeSettings->footer_text!='')
2023-04-25 11:03:05 -07:00
<div class="pull-left">
2023-04-18 15:20:38 -07:00
{!! Helper::parseEscapedMarkedown($snipeSettings->footer_text) !!}
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
</div><!-- ./wrapper -->
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<div class="modal modal-danger fade" id="dataConfirmModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog"
aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
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<form method="post" id="deleteForm" role="form">
{{ csrf_field() }}
{{ method_field('DELETE') }}
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default pull-left"
data-dismiss="modal">{{ trans('general.cancel') }}</button>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-outline"
id="dataConfirmOK">{{ trans('general.yes') }}</button>
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
2021-11-09 19:38:40 -08:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<div class="modal modal-warning fade" id="restoreConfirmModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog"
aria-labelledby="confirmModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
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<h4 class="modal-title" id="confirmModalLabel"> </h4>
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<div class="modal-footer">
<form method="post" id="restoreForm" role="form">
{{ csrf_field() }}
{{ method_field('POST') }}
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default pull-left"
data-dismiss="modal">{{ trans('general.cancel') }}</button>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-outline"
id="dataConfirmOK">{{ trans('general.yes') }}</button>
2021-11-09 19:38:40 -08:00
2024-07-16 10:40:10 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
{{-- Javascript files --}}
<script src="{{ url(mix('js/dist/all.js')) }}" nonce="{{ csrf_token() }}"></script>
2024-07-16 10:40:10 -07:00
<script src="{{ url('js/select2/i18n/'.Helper::mapBackToLegacyLocale(app()->getLocale()).'.js') }}"></script>
2020-08-31 17:17:51 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<!-- v5-beta: This pGenerator call must remain here for v5 - until fixed - so that the JS password generator works for the user create modal. -->
<script src="{{ url('js/pGenerator.jquery.js') }}"></script>
2020-08-31 17:17:51 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
{{-- Page level javascript --}}
2017-07-08 13:21:13 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
2017-01-11 05:51:13 -08:00
2019-02-13 03:56:18 -08:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
<script nonce="{{ csrf_token() }}">
2020-09-03 16:59:42 -07:00
2023-09-28 07:06:55 -07:00
var clipboard = new ClipboardJS('.js-copy-link');
clipboard.on('success', function(e) {
2024-02-25 05:48:05 -08:00
// Get the clicked element
var clickedElement = $(e.trigger);
// Get the target element selector from data attribute
var targetSelector = clickedElement.data('data-clipboard-target');
2024-03-10 07:18:54 -07:00
// Show the alert that the content was copied
2024-02-25 05:48:05 -08:00
clickedElement.tooltip('hide').attr('data-original-title', '{{ trans('general.copied') }}').tooltip('show');
2023-09-28 07:06:55 -07:00
2020-09-03 16:59:42 -07:00
2023-11-14 16:30:29 -08:00
// Reference: https://jqueryvalidation.org/validate/
2024-07-16 12:54:48 -07:00
var validator = $('#create-form').validate({
2023-11-13 18:54:51 -08:00
ignore: 'input[type=hidden]',
2024-07-11 08:23:05 -07:00
errorClass: 'alert-msg',
2023-11-13 18:54:51 -08:00
errorElement: 'span',
errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
2023-11-14 16:12:47 -08:00
$(element).hasClass('select2') || $(element).hasClass('js-data-ajax')
2024-12-11 16:26:23 -08:00
// If the element is a select2 then append the error to the parent div
? element.parent('div').append(error)
2023-11-14 15:55:15 -08:00
// Otherwise place it after
: error.insertAfter(element);
2023-11-13 18:54:51 -08:00
highlight: function(inputElement) {
2023-11-14 16:30:29 -08:00
onfocusout: function(element) {
return $(element).valid();
2024-07-16 12:54:48 -07:00
$.extend($.validator.messages, {
required: "{{ trans('validation.generic.required') }}",
email: "{{ trans('validation.generic.email') }}"
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
2018-10-05 00:45:45 -07:00
2020-09-03 16:59:42 -07:00
2024-03-10 07:18:54 -07:00
function showHideEncValue(e) {
// Use element id to find the text element to hide / show
var targetElement = e.id+"-to-show";
var hiddenElement = e.id+"-to-hide";
2024-08-18 12:30:53 -07:00
var audio = new Audio('{{ config('app.url') }}/sounds/lock.mp3');
2024-03-10 07:18:54 -07:00
if($(e).hasClass('fa-lock')) {
2024-08-18 14:39:14 -07:00
@if ((isset($user)) && ($user->enable_sounds))
2024-08-18 12:30:53 -07:00
2024-03-10 07:18:54 -07:00
// Show the encrypted custom value and hide the element with asterisks
document.getElementById(targetElement).style.fontSize = "100%";
document.getElementById(hiddenElement).style.display = "none";
2024-08-18 12:30:53 -07:00
2024-03-10 07:18:54 -07:00
} else {
2024-08-18 14:39:14 -07:00
@if ((isset($user)) && ($user->enable_sounds))
2024-08-18 12:30:53 -07:00
2024-03-10 07:18:54 -07:00
// ClipboardJS can't copy display:none elements so use a trick to hide the value
document.getElementById(targetElement).style.fontSize = "0px";
document.getElementById(hiddenElement).style.display = "";
2024-08-18 12:30:53 -07:00
2024-03-10 07:18:54 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
$(function () {
2020-09-03 16:59:42 -07:00
2023-08-08 10:52:26 -07:00
// Invoke Bootstrap 3's tooltip
container: 'body',
animation: true,
2024-02-11 09:45:37 -08:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
$('.select2 span').addClass('needsclick');
$('.select2 span').removeAttr('title');
2020-09-03 16:59:42 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
// This javascript handles saving the state of the menu (expanded or not)
$('body').bind('expanded.pushMenu', function () {
type: 'GET',
url: "{{ route('account.menuprefs', ['state'=>'open']) }}",
_token: "{{ csrf_token() }}"
2020-09-03 16:59:42 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
2017-10-25 20:10:41 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
$('body').bind('collapsed.pushMenu', function () {
type: 'GET',
url: "{{ route('account.menuprefs', ['state'=>'close']) }}",
_token: "{{ csrf_token() }}"
2017-10-25 20:10:41 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
// Initiate the ekko lightbox
$(document).on('click', '[data-toggle="lightbox"]', function (event) {
2017-10-25 20:10:41 -07:00
2024-01-10 11:35:32 -08:00
//This prevents multi-click checkouts for accessories, components, consumables
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#checkout_form').submit(function (event) {
$('#submit_button').prop('disabled', true);
2017-10-25 20:10:41 -07:00
2024-03-31 09:55:58 -07:00
// Select encrypted custom fields to hide them in the asset list
$(document).ready(function() {
// Selector for elements with css-padlock class
var selector = 'td.css-padlock';
// Function to add original value to elements
function addValue($element) {
// Get original value of the element
var originalValue = $element.text().trim();
// Show asterisks only for not empty values
if (originalValue !== '') {
// This is necessary to avoid loop because value is generated dynamically
if (originalValue !== '' && originalValue !== asterisks) $element.attr('value', originalValue);
// Hide the original value and show asterisks of the same length
var asterisks = '*'.repeat(originalValue.length);
// Add click event to show original text
$element.click(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.text().trim() === asterisks) {
} else {
// Add value to existing elements
$(selector).each(function() {
// Function to handle mutations in the DOM because content is generated dynamically
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
// Check if new nodes have been inserted
if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
mutation.addedNodes.forEach(function(node) {
if ($(node).is(selector)) {
} else {
$(node).find(selector).each(function() {
// Configure the observer to observe changes in the DOM
var config = { childList: true, subtree: true };
observer.observe(document.body, config);
2017-10-25 20:10:41 -07:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
2017-11-06 17:17:48 -08:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
@if ((Session::get('topsearch')=='true') || (Request::is('/')))
<script nonce="{{ csrf_token() }}">
2017-11-06 17:17:48 -08:00
2023-04-06 16:19:33 -07:00
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00