
9955 lines
761 KiB
Raw Normal View History

!function(t){var e={};function n(r){if(e[r])return e[r].exports;var i=e[r]={i:r,l:!1,exports:{}};return t[r].call(i.exports,i,i.exports,n),i.l=!0,i.exports}n.m=t,n.c=e,n.d=function(t,e,r){n.o(t,e)||Object.defineProperty(t,e,{configurable:!1,enumerable:!0,get:r})},n.n=function(t){var e=t&&t.__esModule?function(){return t.default}:function(){return t};return n.d(e,"a",e),e},n.o=function(t,e){return,e)},n.p="/",n(n.s=6)}([function(t,e){t.exports=function(t,e,n,r,i,o){var s,a=t=t||{},l=typeof t.default;"object"!==l&&"function"!==l||(s=t,a=t.default);var u,c="function"==typeof a?a.options:a;if(e&&(c.render=e.render,c.staticRenderFns=e.staticRenderFns,c._compiled=!0),n&&(c.functional=!0),i&&(c._scopeId=i),o?(u=function(t){(t=t||this.$vnode&&this.$vnode.ssrContext||this.parent&&this.parent.$vnode&&this.parent.$vnode.ssrContext)||"undefined"==typeof __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__||(t=__VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__),r&&,t),t&&t._registeredComponents&&t._registeredComponents.add(o)},c._ssrRegister=u):r&&(u=r),u){var f=c.functional,p=f?c.render:c.beforeCreate;f?(c._injectStyles=u,c.render=function(t,e){return,p(t,e)}):c.beforeCreate=p?[].concat(p,u):[u]}return{esModule:s,exports:a,options:c}}},function(t,e){t.exports=function(t){var e=[];return e.toString=function(){return{var n=function(t,e){var n=t[1]||"",r=t[3];if(!r)return n;if(e&&"function"==typeof btoa){var i=(s=r,"/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,"+btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(s))))+" */"),{return"/*# sourceURL="+r.sourceRoot+t+" */"});return[n].concat(o).concat([i]).join("\n")}var s;return[n].join("\n")}(e,t);return e[2]?"@media "+e[2]+"{"+n+"}":n}).join("")},e.i=function(t,n){"string"==typeof t&&(t=[[null,t,""]]);for(var r={},i=0;i<this.length;i++){var o=this[i][0];"number"==typeof o&&(r[o]=!0)}for(i=0;i<t.length;i++){var s=t[i];"number"==typeof s[0]&&r[s[0]]||(n&&!s[2]?s[2]=n:n&&(s[2]="("+s[2]+") and ("+n+")"),e.push(s))}},e}},function(t,e,n){var r="undefined"!=typeof document;if("undefined"!=typeof DEBUG&&DEBUG&&!r)throw new Error("vue-style-loader cannot be used in a non-browser environment. Use { target: 'node' } in your Webpack config to indicate a server-rendering environment.");var i=n(19),o={},s=r&&(document.head||document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]),a=null,l=0,u=!1,c=function(){},f=null,p="data-vue-ssr-id",d="undefined"!=typeof navigator&&/msie [6-9]\b/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase());function h(t){for(var e=0;e<t.length;e++){var n=t[e],r=o[];if(r){r.refs++;for(var i=0;i<;i++)[i]([i]);for(;i<;i++)[i]));>}else{var s=[];for(i=0;i<;i++)s.push(g([i]));o[]={,refs:1,parts:s}}}}function v(){var t=document.createElement("style");return t.type="text/css",s.appendChild(t),t}function g(t){var e,n,r=document.querySelector("style["+p+'~="''"]');if(r){if(u)return c;r.parentNode.removeChild(r)}if(d){var i=l++;r=a||(a=v()),e=_.bind(null,r,i,!1),n=_.bind(null,r,i,!0)}else r=v(),e=function(t,e){var n=e.css,,i=e.sourceMap;r&&t.setAttribute("media",r);f.ssrId&&t.setAttribute(p,;i&&(n+="\n/*# sourceURL="+i.sources[0]+" */",n+="\n/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,"+btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(i))))+" */");if(t.styleSheet)t.styleSheet.cssText=n;else{for(;t.firstChild;)t.removeChild(t.firstChild);t.appendChild(document.createTextNode(n))}}.bind(null,r),n=function(){r.parentNode.removeChild(r)};return e(t),function(r){if(r){if(r.css===t.css&&;e(t=r)}else n()}}t.exports=function(t,e,n,r){u=n,f=r||{};var s=i(t,e);return h(s),function(e){for(var n=[],r=0;r<s.length;r++){var a=s[r];(l=o[]).refs--,n.push(l)}e?h(s=i(t,e)):s=[];for(r=0;r<n.length;r++){var l;if(0===(l=n[r]).refs){for(var u=0;u<;u++)[u]();delete o[]}}}};var m,y=(m=[],function(t,e){return m[t]
2020-04-21 10:43:25 -07:00
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/*! Copyright (c) 2011 Piotr Rochala (
* Dual licensed under the MIT (
* and GPL ( licenses.
* Version: 1.3.8
(function($) {
slimScroll: function(options) {
var defaults = {
// width in pixels of the visible scroll area
width : 'auto',
// height in pixels of the visible scroll area
height : '250px',
// width in pixels of the scrollbar and rail
size : '7px',
// scrollbar color, accepts any hex/color value
color: '#000',
// scrollbar position - left/right
position : 'right',
// distance in pixels between the side edge and the scrollbar
distance : '1px',
// default scroll position on load - top / bottom / $('selector')
start : 'top',
// sets scrollbar opacity
opacity : .4,
// enables always-on mode for the scrollbar
alwaysVisible : false,
// check if we should hide the scrollbar when user is hovering over
disableFadeOut : false,
// sets visibility of the rail
railVisible : false,
// sets rail color
railColor : '#333',
// sets rail opacity
railOpacity : .2,
// whether we should use jQuery UI Draggable to enable bar dragging
railDraggable : true,
// defautlt CSS class of the slimscroll rail
railClass : 'slimScrollRail',
// defautlt CSS class of the slimscroll bar
barClass : 'slimScrollBar',
// defautlt CSS class of the slimscroll wrapper
wrapperClass : 'slimScrollDiv',
// check if mousewheel should scroll the window if we reach top/bottom
allowPageScroll : false,
// scroll amount applied to each mouse wheel step
wheelStep : 20,
// scroll amount applied when user is using gestures
touchScrollStep : 200,
// sets border radius
borderRadius: '7px',
// sets border radius of the rail
railBorderRadius : '7px'
var o = $.extend(defaults, options);
// do it for every element that matches selector
var isOverPanel, isOverBar, isDragg, queueHide, touchDif,
barHeight, percentScroll, lastScroll,
divS = '<div></div>',
minBarHeight = 30,
releaseScroll = false;
// used in event handlers and for better minification
var me = $(this);
// ensure we are not binding it again
if (me.parent().hasClass(o.wrapperClass))
// start from last bar position
var offset = me.scrollTop();
// find bar and rail
bar = me.siblings('.' + o.barClass);
rail = me.siblings('.' + o.railClass);
// check if we should scroll existing instance
if ($.isPlainObject(options))
// Pass height: auto to an existing slimscroll object to force a resize after contents have changed
if ( 'height' in options && options.height == 'auto' ) {
me.parent().css('height', 'auto');
me.css('height', 'auto');
var height = me.parent().parent().height();
me.parent().css('height', height);
me.css('height', height);
} else if ('height' in options) {
var h = options.height;
me.parent().css('height', h);
me.css('height', h);
if ('scrollTo' in options)
// jump to a static point
offset = parseInt(o.scrollTo);
else if ('scrollBy' in options)
// jump by value pixels
offset += parseInt(o.scrollBy);
else if ('destroy' in options)
// remove slimscroll elements
// scroll content by the given offset
scrollContent(offset, false, true);
else if ($.isPlainObject(options))
if ('destroy' in options)
// optionally set height to the parent's height
o.height = (o.height == 'auto') ? me.parent().height() : o.height;
// wrap content
var wrapper = $(divS)
position: 'relative',
overflow: 'hidden',
width: o.width,
height: o.height
// update style for the div
overflow: 'hidden',
width: o.width,
height: o.height
// create scrollbar rail
var rail = $(divS)
width: o.size,
height: '100%',
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
display: (o.alwaysVisible && o.railVisible) ? 'block' : 'none',
'border-radius': o.railBorderRadius,
background: o.railColor,
opacity: o.railOpacity,
zIndex: 90
// create scrollbar
var bar = $(divS)
background: o.color,
width: o.size,
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
opacity: o.opacity,
display: o.alwaysVisible ? 'block' : 'none',
'border-radius' : o.borderRadius,
BorderRadius: o.borderRadius,
MozBorderRadius: o.borderRadius,
WebkitBorderRadius: o.borderRadius,
zIndex: 99
// set position
var posCss = (o.position == 'right') ? { right: o.distance } : { left: o.distance };
// wrap it
// append to parent div
// make it draggable and no longer dependent on the jqueryUI
if (o.railDraggable){
bar.bind("mousedown", function(e) {
var $doc = $(document);
isDragg = true;
t = parseFloat(bar.css('top'));
pageY = e.pageY;
$doc.bind("mousemove.slimscroll", function(e){
currTop = t + e.pageY - pageY;
bar.css('top', currTop);
scrollContent(0, bar.position().top, false);// scroll content
$doc.bind("mouseup.slimscroll", function(e) {
isDragg = false;hideBar();
return false;
}).bind("selectstart.slimscroll", function(e){
return false;
// on rail over
}, function(){
// on bar over
isOverBar = true;
}, function(){
isOverBar = false;
// show on parent mouseover
isOverPanel = true;
}, function(){
isOverPanel = false;
// support for mobile
me.bind('touchstart', function(e,b){
if (e.originalEvent.touches.length)
// record where touch started
touchDif = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
me.bind('touchmove', function(e){
// prevent scrolling the page if necessary
if (e.originalEvent.touches.length)
// see how far user swiped
var diff = (touchDif - e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY) / o.touchScrollStep;
// scroll content
scrollContent(diff, true);
touchDif = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
// set up initial height
// check start position
if (o.start === 'bottom')
// scroll content to bottom
bar.css({ top: me.outerHeight() - bar.outerHeight() });
scrollContent(0, true);
else if (o.start !== 'top')
// assume jQuery selector
scrollContent($(o.start).position().top, null, true);
// make sure bar stays hidden
if (!o.alwaysVisible) { bar.hide(); }
// attach scroll events
function _onWheel(e)
// use mouse wheel only when mouse is over
if (!isOverPanel) { return; }
var e = e || window.event;
var delta = 0;
if (e.wheelDelta) { delta = -e.wheelDelta/120; }
if (e.detail) { delta = e.detail / 3; }
var target = || e.srcTarget || e.srcElement;
if ($(target).closest('.' + o.wrapperClass).is(me.parent())) {
// scroll content
scrollContent(delta, true);
// stop window scroll
if (e.preventDefault && !releaseScroll) { e.preventDefault(); }
if (!releaseScroll) { e.returnValue = false; }
function scrollContent(y, isWheel, isJump)
releaseScroll = false;
var delta = y;
var maxTop = me.outerHeight() - bar.outerHeight();
if (isWheel)
// move bar with mouse wheel
delta = parseInt(bar.css('top')) + y * parseInt(o.wheelStep) / 100 * bar.outerHeight();
// move bar, make sure it doesn't go out
delta = Math.min(Math.max(delta, 0), maxTop);
// if scrolling down, make sure a fractional change to the
// scroll position isn't rounded away when the scrollbar's CSS is set
// this flooring of delta would happened automatically when
// bar.css is set below, but we floor here for clarity
delta = (y > 0) ? Math.ceil(delta) : Math.floor(delta);
// scroll the scrollbar
bar.css({ top: delta + 'px' });
// calculate actual scroll amount
percentScroll = parseInt(bar.css('top')) / (me.outerHeight() - bar.outerHeight());
delta = percentScroll * (me[0].scrollHeight - me.outerHeight());
if (isJump)
delta = y;
var offsetTop = delta / me[0].scrollHeight * me.outerHeight();
offsetTop = Math.min(Math.max(offsetTop, 0), maxTop);
bar.css({ top: offsetTop + 'px' });
// scroll content
// fire scrolling event
me.trigger('slimscrolling', ~~delta);
// ensure bar is visible
// trigger hide when scroll is stopped
function attachWheel(target)
if (window.addEventListener)
target.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', _onWheel, false );
target.addEventListener('mousewheel', _onWheel, false );
document.attachEvent("onmousewheel", _onWheel)
function getBarHeight()
// calculate scrollbar height and make sure it is not too small
barHeight = Math.max((me.outerHeight() / me[0].scrollHeight) * me.outerHeight(), minBarHeight);
bar.css({ height: barHeight + 'px' });
// hide scrollbar if content is not long enough
var display = barHeight == me.outerHeight() ? 'none' : 'block';
bar.css({ display: display });
function showBar()
// recalculate bar height
// when bar reached top or bottom
if (percentScroll == ~~percentScroll)
//release wheel
releaseScroll = o.allowPageScroll;
// publish approporiate event
if (lastScroll != percentScroll)
var msg = (~~percentScroll == 0) ? 'top' : 'bottom';
me.trigger('slimscroll', msg);
releaseScroll = false;
lastScroll = percentScroll;
// show only when required
if(barHeight >= me.outerHeight()) {
//allow window scroll
releaseScroll = true;
if (o.railVisible) { rail.stop(true,true).fadeIn('fast'); }
function hideBar()
// only hide when options allow it
if (!o.alwaysVisible)
queueHide = setTimeout(function(){
if (!(o.disableFadeOut && isOverPanel) && !isOverBar && !isDragg)
}, 1000);
// maintain chainability
return this;
slimscroll: $.fn.slimScroll
// This [jQuery]( plugin implements an `<iframe>`
// [transport]( so that
// `$.ajax()` calls support the uploading of files using standard HTML file
// input fields. This is done by switching the exchange from `XMLHttpRequest`
// to a hidden `iframe` element containing a form that is submitted.
// The [source for the plugin](
// is available on [Github]( and licensed under the [MIT
// license](
// ## Usage
// To use this plugin, you simply add an `iframe` option with the value `true`
// to the Ajax settings an `$.ajax()` call, and specify the file fields to
// include in the submssion using the `files` option, which can be a selector,
// jQuery object, or a list of DOM elements containing one or more
// `<input type="file">` elements:
// $("#myform").submit(function() {
// $.ajax(this.action, {
// files: $(":file", this),
// iframe: true
// }).complete(function(data) {
// console.log(data);
// });
// });
// The plugin will construct hidden `<iframe>` and `<form>` elements, add the
// file field(s) to that form, submit the form, and process the response.
// If you want to include other form fields in the form submission, include
// them in the `data` option, and set the `processData` option to `false`:
// $("#myform").submit(function() {
// $.ajax(this.action, {
// data: $(":text", this).serializeArray(),
// files: $(":file", this),
// iframe: true,
// processData: false
// }).complete(function(data) {
// console.log(data);
// });
// });
// ### Response Data Types
// As the transport does not have access to the HTTP headers of the server
// response, it is not as simple to make use of the automatic content type
// detection provided by jQuery as with regular XHR. If you can't set the
// expected response data type (for example because it may vary depending on
// the outcome of processing by the server), you will need to employ a
// workaround on the server side: Send back an HTML document containing just a
// `<textarea>` element with a `data-type` attribute that specifies the MIME
// type, and put the actual payload in the textarea:
// <textarea data-type="application/json">
// {"ok": true, "message": "Thanks so much"}
// </textarea>
// The iframe transport plugin will detect this and pass the value of the
// `data-type` attribute on to jQuery as if it was the "Content-Type" response
// header, thereby enabling the same kind of conversions that jQuery applies
// to regular responses. For the example above you should get a Javascript
// object as the `data` parameter of the `complete` callback, with the
// properties `ok: true` and `message: "Thanks so much"`.
// ### Handling Server Errors
// Another problem with using an `iframe` for file uploads is that it is
// impossible for the javascript code to determine the HTTP status code of the
// servers response. Effectively, all of the calls you make will look like they
// are getting successful responses, and thus invoke the `done()` or
// `complete()` callbacks. You can only communicate problems using the content
// of the response payload. For example, consider using a JSON response such as
// the following to indicate a problem with an uploaded file:
// <textarea data-type="application/json">
// {"ok": false, "message": "Please only upload reasonably sized files."}
// </textarea>
// ### Compatibility
// This plugin has primarily been tested on Safari 5 (or later), Firefox 4 (or
// later), and Internet Explorer (all the way back to version 6). While I
// haven't found any issues with it so far, I'm fairly sure it still doesn't
// work around all the quirks in all different browsers. But the code is still
// pretty simple overall, so you should be able to fix it and contribute a
// patch :)
// ## Annotated Source
(function($, undefined) {
"use strict";
// Register a prefilter that checks whether the `iframe` option is set, and
// switches to the "iframe" data type if it is `true`.
$.ajaxPrefilter(function(options, origOptions, jqXHR) {
if (options.iframe) {
options.originalURL = options.url;
return "iframe";
// Register a transport for the "iframe" data type. It will only activate
// when the "files" option has been set to a non-empty list of enabled file
// inputs.
$.ajaxTransport("iframe", function(options, origOptions, jqXHR) {
var form = null,
iframe = null,
name = "iframe-" + $.now(),
files = $(options.files).filter(":file:enabled"),
markers = null,
accepts = null;
// This function gets called after a successful submission or an abortion
// and should revert all changes made to the page to enable the
// submission via this transport.
function cleanUp() {
files.each(function(i, file) {
var $file = $(file);
form.remove();"load", function() { iframe.remove(); });
iframe.attr("src", "javascript:false;");
// Remove "iframe" from the data types list so that further processing is
// based on the content type returned by the server, without attempting an
// (unsupported) conversion from "iframe" to the actual type.
// Use the data from the original AJAX options, as it doesn't seem to be
// copied over since jQuery 1.7.
// See =;
if (files.length) {
form = $("<form enctype='multipart/form-data' method='post'></form>").
hide().attr({action: options.originalURL, target: name});
// If there is any additional data specified via the `data` option,
// we add it as hidden fields to the form. This (currently) requires
// the `processData` option to be set to false so that the data doesn't
// get serialized to a string.
if (typeof( === "string" && > 0) {
$.error("data must not be serialized");
$.each( || {}, function(name, value) {
if ($.isPlainObject(value)) {
name =;
value = value.value;
$("<input type='hidden' />").attr({name: name, value: value}).
// Add a hidden `X-Requested-With` field with the value `IFrame` to the
// field, to help server-side code to determine that the upload happened
// through this transport.
$("<input type='hidden' value='IFrame' name='X-Requested-With' />").
// Borrowed straight from the JQuery source.
// Provides a way of specifying the accepted data type similar to the
// HTTP "Accept" header
if (options.dataTypes[0] && options.accepts[options.dataTypes[0]]) {
accepts = options.accepts[options.dataTypes[0]] +
(options.dataTypes[0] !== "*" ? ", */*; q=0.01" : "");
} else {
accepts = options.accepts["*"];
$("<input type='hidden' name='X-HTTP-Accept'>").
attr("value", accepts).appendTo(form);
// Move the file fields into the hidden form, but first remember their
// original locations in the document by replacing them with disabled
// clones. This should also avoid introducing unwanted changes to the
// page layout during submission.
markers = files.after(function(idx) {
var $this = $(this),
$clone = $this.clone().prop("disabled", true);
$"clone", $clone);
return $clone;
return {
// The `send` function is called by jQuery when the request should be
// sent.
send: function(headers, completeCallback) {
iframe = $("<iframe src='javascript:false;' name='" + name +
"' id='" + name + "' style='display:none'></iframe>");
// The first load event gets fired after the iframe has been injected
// into the DOM, and is used to prepare the actual submission."load", function() {
// The second load event gets fired when the response to the form
// submission is received. The implementation detects whether the
// actual payload is embedded in a `<textarea>` element, and
// prepares the required conversions to be made in that case."load", function() {
var doc = this.contentWindow ? this.contentWindow.document :
(this.contentDocument ? this.contentDocument : this.document),
root = doc.documentElement ? doc.documentElement : doc.body,
textarea = root.getElementsByTagName("textarea")[0],
type = textarea && textarea.getAttribute("data-type") || null,
status = textarea && textarea.getAttribute("data-status") || 200,
statusText = textarea && textarea.getAttribute("data-statusText") || "OK",
content = {
html: root.innerHTML,
text: type ?
textarea.value :
root ? (root.textContent || root.innerText) : null
completeCallback(status, statusText, content, type ?
("Content-Type: " + type) :
// Now that the load handler has been set up, submit the form.
// After everything has been set up correctly, the form and iframe
// get injected into the DOM so that the submission can be
// initiated.
$("body").append(form, iframe);
// The `abort` function is called by jQuery when the request should be
// aborted.
abort: function() {
if (iframe !== null) {
iframe.unbind("load").attr("src", "javascript:false;");
* jQuery File Upload Plugin
* Copyright 2010, Sebastian Tschan
* Licensed under the MIT license:
/* jshint nomen:false */
/* global define, require, window, document, location, Blob, FormData */
;(function (factory) {
'use strict';
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// Register as an anonymous AMD module:
], factory);
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
// Node/CommonJS:
} else {
// Browser globals:
}(function ($) {
'use strict';
// Detect file input support, based on
$.support.fileInput = !(new RegExp(
// Handle devices which give false positives for the feature detection:
'(Android (1\\.[0156]|2\\.[01]))' +
'|(Windows Phone (OS 7|8\\.0))|(XBLWP)|(ZuneWP)|(WPDesktop)' +
'|(w(eb)?OSBrowser)|(webOS)' +
).test(window.navigator.userAgent) ||
// Feature detection for all other devices:
$('<input type="file"/>').prop('disabled'));
// The FileReader API is not actually used, but works as feature detection,
// as some Safari versions (5?) support XHR file uploads via the FormData API,
// but not non-multipart XHR file uploads.
// window.XMLHttpRequestUpload is not available on IE10, so we check for
// window.ProgressEvent instead to detect XHR2 file upload capability:
$.support.xhrFileUpload = !!(window.ProgressEvent && window.FileReader);
$.support.xhrFormDataFileUpload = !!window.FormData;
// Detect support for Blob slicing (required for chunked uploads):
$.support.blobSlice = window.Blob && (Blob.prototype.slice ||
Blob.prototype.webkitSlice || Blob.prototype.mozSlice);
// Helper function to create drag handlers for dragover/dragenter/dragleave:
function getDragHandler(type) {
var isDragOver = type === 'dragover';
return function (e) {
e.dataTransfer = e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.dataTransfer;
var dataTransfer = e.dataTransfer;
if (dataTransfer && $.inArray('Files', dataTransfer.types) !== -1 &&
$.Event(type, {delegatedEvent: e})
) !== false) {
if (isDragOver) {
dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy';
// The fileupload widget listens for change events on file input fields defined
// via fileInput setting and paste or drop events of the given dropZone.
// In addition to the default jQuery Widget methods, the fileupload widget
// exposes the "add" and "send" methods, to add or directly send files using
// the fileupload API.
// By default, files added via file input selection, paste, drag & drop or
// "add" method are uploaded immediately, but it is possible to override
// the "add" callback option to queue file uploads.
$.widget('blueimp.fileupload', {
options: {
// The drop target element(s), by the default the complete document.
// Set to null to disable drag & drop support:
dropZone: $(document),
// The paste target element(s), by the default undefined.
// Set to a DOM node or jQuery object to enable file pasting:
pasteZone: undefined,
// The file input field(s), that are listened to for change events.
// If undefined, it is set to the file input fields inside
// of the widget element on plugin initialization.
// Set to null to disable the change listener.
fileInput: undefined,
// By default, the file input field is replaced with a clone after
// each input field change event. This is required for iframe transport
// queues and allows change events to be fired for the same file
// selection, but can be disabled by setting the following option to false:
replaceFileInput: true,
// The parameter name for the file form data (the request argument name).
// If undefined or empty, the name property of the file input field is
// used, or "files[]" if the file input name property is also empty,
// can be a string or an array of strings:
paramName: undefined,
// By default, each file of a selection is uploaded using an individual
// request for XHR type uploads. Set to false to upload file
// selections in one request each:
singleFileUploads: true,
// To limit the number of files uploaded with one XHR request,
// set the following option to an integer greater than 0:
limitMultiFileUploads: undefined,
// The following option limits the number of files uploaded with one
// XHR request to keep the request size under or equal to the defined
// limit in bytes:
limitMultiFileUploadSize: undefined,
// Multipart file uploads add a number of bytes to each uploaded file,
// therefore the following option adds an overhead for each file used
// in the limitMultiFileUploadSize configuration:
limitMultiFileUploadSizeOverhead: 512,
// Set the following option to true to issue all file upload requests
// in a sequential order:
sequentialUploads: false,
// To limit the number of concurrent uploads,
// set the following option to an integer greater than 0:
limitConcurrentUploads: undefined,
// Set the following option to true to force iframe transport uploads:
forceIframeTransport: false,
// Set the following option to the location of a redirect url on the
// origin server, for cross-domain iframe transport uploads:
redirect: undefined,
// The parameter name for the redirect url, sent as part of the form
// data and set to 'redirect' if this option is empty:
redirectParamName: undefined,
// Set the following option to the location of a postMessage window,
// to enable postMessage transport uploads:
postMessage: undefined,
// By default, XHR file uploads are sent as multipart/form-data.
// The iframe transport is always using multipart/form-data.
// Set to false to enable non-multipart XHR uploads:
multipart: true,
// To upload large files in smaller chunks, set the following option
// to a preferred maximum chunk size. If set to 0, null or undefined,
// or the browser does not support the required Blob API, files will
// be uploaded as a whole.
maxChunkSize: undefined,
// When a non-multipart upload or a chunked multipart upload has been
// aborted, this option can be used to resume the upload by setting
// it to the size of the already uploaded bytes. This option is most
// useful when modifying the options object inside of the "add" or
// "send" callbacks, as the options are cloned for each file upload.
uploadedBytes: undefined,
// By default, failed (abort or error) file uploads are removed from the
// global progress calculation. Set the following option to false to
// prevent recalculating the global progress data:
recalculateProgress: true,
// Interval in milliseconds to calculate and trigger progress events:
progressInterval: 100,
// Interval in milliseconds to calculate progress bitrate:
bitrateInterval: 500,
// By default, uploads are started automatically when adding files:
autoUpload: true,
2020-04-21 10:43:25 -07:00
// By default, duplicate file names are expected to be handled on
// the server-side. If this is not possible (e.g. when uploading
// files directly to Amazon S3), the following option can be set to
// an empty object or an object mapping existing filenames, e.g.:
// { "image.jpg": true, "image (1).jpg": true }
// If it is set, all files will be uploaded with unique filenames,
// adding increasing number suffixes if necessary, e.g.:
// "image (2).jpg"
uniqueFilenames: undefined,
// Error and info messages:
messages: {
uploadedBytes: 'Uploaded bytes exceed file size'
// Translation function, gets the message key to be translated
// and an object with context specific data as arguments:
i18n: function (message, context) {
message = this.messages[message] || message.toString();
if (context) {
$.each(context, function (key, value) {
message = message.replace('{' + key + '}', value);
return message;
// Additional form data to be sent along with the file uploads can be set
// using this option, which accepts an array of objects with name and
// value properties, a function returning such an array, a FormData
// object (for XHR file uploads), or a simple object.
// The form of the first fileInput is given as parameter to the function:
formData: function (form) {
return form.serializeArray();
// The add callback is invoked as soon as files are added to the fileupload
// widget (via file input selection, drag & drop, paste or add API call).
// If the singleFileUploads option is enabled, this callback will be
// called once for each file in the selection for XHR file uploads, else
// once for each file selection.
// The upload starts when the submit method is invoked on the data parameter.
// The data object contains a files property holding the added files
// and allows you to override plugin options as well as define ajax settings.
// Listeners for this callback can also be bound the following way:
// .bind('fileuploadadd', func);
// data.submit() returns a Promise object and allows to attach additional
// handlers using jQuery's Deferred callbacks:
// data.submit().done(func).fail(func).always(func);
add: function (e, data) {
if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
return false;
if (data.autoUpload || (data.autoUpload !== false &&
$(this).fileupload('option', 'autoUpload'))) {
data.process().done(function () {
// Other callbacks:
// Callback for the submit event of each file upload:
// submit: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploadsubmit', func);
// Callback for the start of each file upload request:
// send: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploadsend', func);
// Callback for successful uploads:
// done: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploaddone', func);
// Callback for failed (abort or error) uploads:
// fail: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploadfail', func);
// Callback for completed (success, abort or error) requests:
// always: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploadalways', func);
// Callback for upload progress events:
// progress: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploadprogress', func);
// Callback for global upload progress events:
// progressall: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploadprogressall', func);
// Callback for uploads start, equivalent to the global ajaxStart event:
// start: function (e) {}, // .bind('fileuploadstart', func);
// Callback for uploads stop, equivalent to the global ajaxStop event:
// stop: function (e) {}, // .bind('fileuploadstop', func);
// Callback for change events of the fileInput(s):
// change: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploadchange', func);
// Callback for paste events to the pasteZone(s):
// paste: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploadpaste', func);
// Callback for drop events of the dropZone(s):
// drop: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploaddrop', func);
// Callback for dragover events of the dropZone(s):
// dragover: function (e) {}, // .bind('fileuploaddragover', func);
2020-04-21 10:43:25 -07:00
// Callback before the start of each chunk upload request (before form data initialization):
// chunkbeforesend: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploadchunkbeforesend', func);
// Callback for the start of each chunk upload request:
// chunksend: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploadchunksend', func);
// Callback for successful chunk uploads:
// chunkdone: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploadchunkdone', func);
// Callback for failed (abort or error) chunk uploads:
// chunkfail: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploadchunkfail', func);
// Callback for completed (success, abort or error) chunk upload requests:
// chunkalways: function (e, data) {}, // .bind('fileuploadchunkalways', func);
// The plugin options are used as settings object for the ajax calls.
// The following are jQuery ajax settings required for the file uploads:
processData: false,
contentType: false,
cache: false,
timeout: 0
// A list of options that require reinitializing event listeners and/or
// special initialization code:
_specialOptions: [
_blobSlice: $.support.blobSlice && function () {
var slice = this.slice || this.webkitSlice || this.mozSlice;
return slice.apply(this, arguments);
_BitrateTimer: function () {
this.timestamp = (( ? : (new Date()).getTime());
this.loaded = 0;
this.bitrate = 0;
this.getBitrate = function (now, loaded, interval) {
var timeDiff = now - this.timestamp;
if (!this.bitrate || !interval || timeDiff > interval) {
this.bitrate = (loaded - this.loaded) * (1000 / timeDiff) * 8;
this.loaded = loaded;
this.timestamp = now;
return this.bitrate;
_isXHRUpload: function (options) {
return !options.forceIframeTransport &&
((!options.multipart && $.support.xhrFileUpload) ||
_getFormData: function (options) {
var formData;
if ($.type(options.formData) === 'function') {
return options.formData(options.form);
if ($.isArray(options.formData)) {
return options.formData;
if ($.type(options.formData) === 'object') {
formData = [];
$.each(options.formData, function (name, value) {
formData.push({name: name, value: value});
return formData;
return [];
_getTotal: function (files) {
var total = 0;
$.each(files, function (index, file) {
total += file.size || 1;
return total;
_initProgressObject: function (obj) {
var progress = {
loaded: 0,
total: 0,
bitrate: 0
if (obj._progress) {
$.extend(obj._progress, progress);
} else {
obj._progress = progress;
_initResponseObject: function (obj) {
var prop;
if (obj._response) {
for (prop in obj._response) {
if (obj._response.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
delete obj._response[prop];
} else {
obj._response = {};
_onProgress: function (e, data) {
if (e.lengthComputable) {
var now = (( ? : (new Date()).getTime()),
if (data._time && data.progressInterval &&
(now - data._time < data.progressInterval) &&
e.loaded !== {
data._time = now;
loaded = Math.floor(
e.loaded / * (data.chunkSize ||
) + (data.uploadedBytes || 0);
// Add the difference from the previously loaded state
// to the global loaded counter:
this._progress.loaded += (loaded - data._progress.loaded);
this._progress.bitrate = this._bitrateTimer.getBitrate(
data._progress.loaded = data.loaded = loaded;
data._progress.bitrate = data.bitrate = data._bitrateTimer.getBitrate(
// Trigger a custom progress event with a total data property set
// to the file size(s) of the current upload and a loaded data
// property calculated accordingly:
$.Event('progress', {delegatedEvent: e}),
// Trigger a global progress event for all current file uploads,
// including ajax calls queued for sequential file uploads:
$.Event('progressall', {delegatedEvent: e}),
_initProgressListener: function (options) {
var that = this,
xhr = options.xhr ? options.xhr() : $.ajaxSettings.xhr();
// Accesss to the native XHR object is required to add event listeners
// for the upload progress event:
if (xhr.upload) {
$(xhr.upload).bind('progress', function (e) {
var oe = e.originalEvent;
// Make sure the progress event properties get copied over:
e.lengthComputable = oe.lengthComputable;
e.loaded = oe.loaded; =;
that._onProgress(e, options);
options.xhr = function () {
return xhr;
2020-04-21 10:43:25 -07:00
_deinitProgressListener: function (options) {
var xhr = options.xhr ? options.xhr() : $.ajaxSettings.xhr();
if (xhr.upload) {
_isInstanceOf: function (type, obj) {
// Cross-frame instanceof check
return === '[object ' + type + ']';
2020-04-21 10:43:25 -07:00
_getUniqueFilename: function (name, map) {
name = String(name);
if (map[name]) {
name = name.replace(
/(?: \(([\d]+)\))?(\.[^.]+)?$/,
function (_, p1, p2) {
var index = p1 ? Number(p1) + 1 : 1;
var ext = p2 || '';
return ' (' + index + ')' + ext;
return this._getUniqueFilename(name, map);
map[name] = true;
return name;
_initXHRData: function (options) {
var that = this,
file = options.files[0],
// Ignore non-multipart setting if not supported:
multipart = options.multipart || !$.support.xhrFileUpload,
paramName = $.type(options.paramName) === 'array' ?
options.paramName[0] : options.paramName;
options.headers = $.extend({}, options.headers);
if (options.contentRange) {
options.headers['Content-Range'] = options.contentRange;
if (!multipart || options.blob || !this._isInstanceOf('File', file)) {
options.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="' +
encodeURI(file.uploadName || + '"';
if (!multipart) {
options.contentType = file.type || 'application/octet-stream'; = options.blob || file;
} else if ($.support.xhrFormDataFileUpload) {
if (options.postMessage) {
// window.postMessage does not allow sending FormData
// objects, so we just add the File/Blob objects to
// the formData array and let the postMessage window
// create the FormData object out of this array:
formData = this._getFormData(options);
if (options.blob) {
name: paramName,
value: options.blob
} else {
$.each(options.files, function (index, file) {
name: ($.type(options.paramName) === 'array' &&
options.paramName[index]) || paramName,
value: file
} else {
if (that._isInstanceOf('FormData', options.formData)) {
formData = options.formData;
} else {
formData = new FormData();
$.each(this._getFormData(options), function (index, field) {
formData.append(, field.value);
if (options.blob) {
file.uploadName ||
} else {
$.each(options.files, function (index, file) {
// This check allows the tests to run with
// dummy objects:
if (that._isInstanceOf('File', file) ||
that._isInstanceOf('Blob', file)) {
2020-04-21 10:43:25 -07:00
var fileName = file.uploadName ||;
if (options.uniqueFilenames) {
fileName = that._getUniqueFilename(
($.type(options.paramName) === 'array' &&
options.paramName[index]) || paramName,
2020-04-21 10:43:25 -07:00
} = formData;
// Blob reference is not needed anymore, free memory:
options.blob = null;
_initIframeSettings: function (options) {
var targetHost = $('<a></a>').prop('href', options.url).prop('host');
// Setting the dataType to iframe enables the iframe transport:
options.dataType = 'iframe ' + (options.dataType || '');
// The iframe transport accepts a serialized array as form data:
options.formData = this._getFormData(options);
// Add redirect url to form data on cross-domain uploads:
if (options.redirect && targetHost && targetHost !== {
name: options.redirectParamName || 'redirect',
value: options.redirect
_initDataSettings: function (options) {
if (this._isXHRUpload(options)) {
if (!this._chunkedUpload(options, true)) {
if (! {
if (options.postMessage) {
// Setting the dataType to postmessage enables the
// postMessage transport:
options.dataType = 'postmessage ' + (options.dataType || '');
} else {
_getParamName: function (options) {
var fileInput = $(options.fileInput),
paramName = options.paramName;
if (!paramName) {
paramName = [];
fileInput.each(function () {
var input = $(this),
name = input.prop('name') || 'files[]',
i = (input.prop('files') || [1]).length;
while (i) {
i -= 1;
if (!paramName.length) {
paramName = [fileInput.prop('name') || 'files[]'];
} else if (!$.isArray(paramName)) {
paramName = [paramName];
return paramName;
_initFormSettings: function (options) {
// Retrieve missing options from the input field and the
// associated form, if available:
if (!options.form || !options.form.length) {
options.form = $(options.fileInput.prop('form'));
// If the given file input doesn't have an associated form,
// use the default widget file input's form:
if (!options.form.length) {
options.form = $(this.options.fileInput.prop('form'));
options.paramName = this._getParamName(options);
if (!options.url) {
options.url = options.form.prop('action') || location.href;
// The HTTP request method must be "POST" or "PUT":
options.type = (options.type ||
($.type(options.form.prop('method')) === 'string' &&
options.form.prop('method')) || ''
if (options.type !== 'POST' && options.type !== 'PUT' &&
options.type !== 'PATCH') {
options.type = 'POST';
if (!options.formAcceptCharset) {
options.formAcceptCharset = options.form.attr('accept-charset');
_getAJAXSettings: function (data) {
var options = $.extend({}, this.options, data);
return options;
// jQuery 1.6 doesn't provide .state(),
// while jQuery 1.8+ removed .isRejected() and .isResolved():
_getDeferredState: function (deferred) {
if (deferred.state) {
return deferred.state();
if (deferred.isResolved()) {
return 'resolved';
if (deferred.isRejected()) {
return 'rejected';
return 'pending';
// Maps jqXHR callbacks to the equivalent
// methods of the given Promise object:
_enhancePromise: function (promise) {
promise.success = promise.done;
promise.error =;
promise.complete = promise.always;
return promise;
// Creates and returns a Promise object enhanced with
// the jqXHR methods abort, success, error and complete:
_getXHRPromise: function (resolveOrReject, context, args) {
var dfd = $.Deferred(),
promise = dfd.promise();
context = context || this.options.context || promise;
if (resolveOrReject === true) {
dfd.resolveWith(context, args);
} else if (resolveOrReject === false) {
dfd.rejectWith(context, args);
promise.abort = dfd.promise;
return this._enhancePromise(promise);
// Adds convenience methods to the data callback argument:
_addConvenienceMethods: function (e, data) {
var that = this,
getPromise = function (args) {
return $.Deferred().resolveWith(that, args).promise();
data.process = function (resolveFunc, rejectFunc) {
if (resolveFunc || rejectFunc) {
data._processQueue = this._processQueue =
(this._processQueue || getPromise([this])).then(
function () {
if (data.errorThrown) {
return $.Deferred()
.rejectWith(that, [data]).promise();
return getPromise(arguments);
).then(resolveFunc, rejectFunc);
return this._processQueue || getPromise([this]);
data.submit = function () {
if (this.state() !== 'pending') {
data.jqXHR = this.jqXHR =
$.Event('submit', {delegatedEvent: e}),
) !== false) && that._onSend(e, this);
return this.jqXHR || that._getXHRPromise();
data.abort = function () {
if (this.jqXHR) {
return this.jqXHR.abort();
this.errorThrown = 'abort';
that._trigger('fail', null, this);
return that._getXHRPromise(false);
data.state = function () {
if (this.jqXHR) {
return that._getDeferredState(this.jqXHR);
if (this._processQueue) {
return that._getDeferredState(this._processQueue);
data.processing = function () {
return !this.jqXHR && this._processQueue && that
._getDeferredState(this._processQueue) === 'pending';
data.progress = function () {
return this._progress;
data.response = function () {
return this._response;
// Parses the Range header from the server response
// and returns the uploaded bytes:
_getUploadedBytes: function (jqXHR) {
var range = jqXHR.getResponseHeader('Range'),
parts = range && range.split('-'),
upperBytesPos = parts && parts.length > 1 &&
parseInt(parts[1], 10);
return upperBytesPos && upperBytesPos + 1;
// Uploads a file in multiple, sequential requests
// by splitting the file up in multiple blob chunks.
// If the second parameter is true, only tests if the file
// should be uploaded in chunks, but does not invoke any
// upload requests:
_chunkedUpload: function (options, testOnly) {
options.uploadedBytes = options.uploadedBytes || 0;
var that = this,
file = options.files[0],
fs = file.size,
ub = options.uploadedBytes,
mcs = options.maxChunkSize || fs,
slice = this._blobSlice,
dfd = $.Deferred(),
promise = dfd.promise(),
if (!(this._isXHRUpload(options) && slice && (ub || ($.type(mcs) === 'function' ? mcs(options) : mcs) < fs)) || {
return false;
if (testOnly) {
return true;
if (ub >= fs) {
file.error = options.i18n('uploadedBytes');
return this._getXHRPromise(
[null, 'error', file.error]
// The chunk upload method:
upload = function () {
// Clone the options object for each chunk upload:
var o = $.extend({}, options),
currentLoaded = o._progress.loaded;
o.blob =
ub + ($.type(mcs) === 'function' ? mcs(o) : mcs),
// Store the current chunk size, as the blob itself
// will be dereferenced after data processing:
o.chunkSize = o.blob.size;
// Expose the chunk bytes position range:
o.contentRange = 'bytes ' + ub + '-' +
(ub + o.chunkSize - 1) + '/' + fs;
2020-04-21 10:43:25 -07:00
// Trigger chunkbeforesend to allow form data to be updated for this chunk
that._trigger('chunkbeforesend', null, o);
// Process the upload data (the blob and potential form data):
// Add progress listeners for this chunk upload:
jqXHR = ((that._trigger('chunksend', null, o) !== false && $.ajax(o)) ||
that._getXHRPromise(false, o.context))
.done(function (result, textStatus, jqXHR) {
ub = that._getUploadedBytes(jqXHR) ||
(ub + o.chunkSize);
// Create a progress event if no final progress event
// with loaded equaling total has been triggered
// for this chunk:
if (currentLoaded + o.chunkSize - o._progress.loaded) {
that._onProgress($.Event('progress', {
lengthComputable: true,
loaded: ub - o.uploadedBytes,
total: ub - o.uploadedBytes
}), o);
options.uploadedBytes = o.uploadedBytes = ub;
o.result = result;
o.textStatus = textStatus;
o.jqXHR = jqXHR;
that._trigger('chunkdone', null, o);
that._trigger('chunkalways', null, o);
if (ub < fs) {
// File upload not yet complete,
// continue with the next chunk:
} else {
[result, textStatus, jqXHR]
.fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
o.jqXHR = jqXHR;
o.textStatus = textStatus;
o.errorThrown = errorThrown;
that._trigger('chunkfail', null, o);
that._trigger('chunkalways', null, o);
[jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown]
2020-04-21 10:43:25 -07:00
.always(function () {
promise.abort = function () {
return jqXHR.abort();
return promise;
_beforeSend: function (e, data) {
if (this._active === 0) {
// the start callback is triggered when an upload starts
// and no other uploads are currently running,
// equivalent to the global ajaxStart event:
// Set timer for global bitrate progress calculation:
this._bitrateTimer = new this._BitrateTimer();
// Reset the global progress values:
this._progress.loaded = = 0;
this._progress.bitrate = 0;
// Make sure the container objects for the .response() and
// .progress() methods on the data object are available
// and reset to their initial state:
data._progress.loaded = data.loaded = data.uploadedBytes || 0; = = this._getTotal(data.files) || 1;
data._progress.bitrate = data.bitrate = 0;
this._active += 1;
// Initialize the global progress values:
this._progress.loaded += data.loaded; +=;
_onDone: function (result, textStatus, jqXHR, options) {
var total =,
response = options._response;
if (options._progress.loaded < total) {
// Create a progress event if no final progress event
// with loaded equaling total has been triggered:
this._onProgress($.Event('progress', {
lengthComputable: true,
loaded: total,
total: total
}), options);
response.result = options.result = result;
response.textStatus = options.textStatus = textStatus;
response.jqXHR = options.jqXHR = jqXHR;
this._trigger('done', null, options);
_onFail: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown, options) {
var response = options._response;
if (options.recalculateProgress) {
// Remove the failed (error or abort) file upload from
// the global progress calculation:
this._progress.loaded -= options._progress.loaded; -=;
response.jqXHR = options.jqXHR = jqXHR;
response.textStatus = options.textStatus = textStatus;
response.errorThrown = options.errorThrown = errorThrown;
this._trigger('fail', null, options);
_onAlways: function (jqXHRorResult, textStatus, jqXHRorError, options) {
// jqXHRorResult, textStatus and jqXHRorError are added to the
// options object via done and fail callbacks
this._trigger('always', null, options);
_onSend: function (e, data) {
if (!data.submit) {
this._addConvenienceMethods(e, data);
var that = this,
options = that._getAJAXSettings(data),
send = function () {
that._sending += 1;
// Set timer for bitrate progress calculation:
options._bitrateTimer = new that._BitrateTimer();
jqXHR = jqXHR || (
((aborted || that._trigger(
$.Event('send', {delegatedEvent: e}),
) === false) &&
that._getXHRPromise(false, options.context, aborted)) ||
that._chunkedUpload(options) || $.ajax(options)
).done(function (result, textStatus, jqXHR) {
that._onDone(result, textStatus, jqXHR, options);
}).fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
that._onFail(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown, options);
}).always(function (jqXHRorResult, textStatus, jqXHRorError) {
2020-04-21 10:43:25 -07:00
that._sending -= 1;
that._active -= 1;
if (options.limitConcurrentUploads &&
options.limitConcurrentUploads > that._sending) {
// Start the next queued upload,
// that has not been aborted:
var nextSlot = that._slots.shift();
while (nextSlot) {
if (that._getDeferredState(nextSlot) === 'pending') {
nextSlot = that._slots.shift();
if (that._active === 0) {
// The stop callback is triggered when all uploads have
// been completed, equivalent to the global ajaxStop event:
return jqXHR;
this._beforeSend(e, options);
if (this.options.sequentialUploads ||
(this.options.limitConcurrentUploads &&
this.options.limitConcurrentUploads <= this._sending)) {
if (this.options.limitConcurrentUploads > 1) {
slot = $.Deferred();
pipe = slot.then(send);
} else {
this._sequence = this._sequence.then(send, send);
pipe = this._sequence;
// Return the piped Promise object, enhanced with an abort method,
// which is delegated to the jqXHR object of the current upload,
// and jqXHR callbacks mapped to the equivalent Promise methods:
pipe.abort = function () {
aborted = [undefined, 'abort', 'abort'];
if (!jqXHR) {
if (slot) {
slot.rejectWith(options.context, aborted);
return send();
return jqXHR.abort();
return this._enhancePromise(pipe);
return send();
_onAdd: function (e, data) {
var that = this,
result = true,
options = $.extend({}, this.options, data),
files = data.files,
filesLength = files.length,
limit = options.limitMultiFileUploads,
limitSize = options.limitMultiFileUploadSize,
overhead = options.limitMultiFileUploadSizeOverhead,
batchSize = 0,
paramName = this._getParamName(options),
j = 0;
if (!filesLength) {
return false;
if (limitSize && files[0].size === undefined) {
limitSize = undefined;
if (!(options.singleFileUploads || limit || limitSize) ||
!this._isXHRUpload(options)) {
fileSet = [files];
paramNameSet = [paramName];
} else if (!(options.singleFileUploads || limitSize) && limit) {
fileSet = [];
paramNameSet = [];
for (i = 0; i < filesLength; i += limit) {
fileSet.push(files.slice(i, i + limit));
paramNameSlice = paramName.slice(i, i + limit);
if (!paramNameSlice.length) {
paramNameSlice = paramName;
} else if (!options.singleFileUploads && limitSize) {
fileSet = [];
paramNameSet = [];
for (i = 0; i < filesLength; i = i + 1) {
batchSize += files[i].size + overhead;
if (i + 1 === filesLength ||
((batchSize + files[i + 1].size + overhead) > limitSize) ||
(limit && i + 1 - j >= limit)) {
fileSet.push(files.slice(j, i + 1));
paramNameSlice = paramName.slice(j, i + 1);
if (!paramNameSlice.length) {
paramNameSlice = paramName;
j = i + 1;
batchSize = 0;
} else {
paramNameSet = paramName;
data.originalFiles = files;
$.each(fileSet || files, function (index, element) {
var newData = $.extend({}, data);
newData.files = fileSet ? element : [element];
newData.paramName = paramNameSet[index];
that._addConvenienceMethods(e, newData);
result = that._trigger(
$.Event('add', {delegatedEvent: e}),
return result;
return result;
_replaceFileInput: function (data) {
var input = data.fileInput,
inputClone = input.clone(true),
restoreFocus =;
// Add a reference for the new cloned file input to the data argument:
data.fileInputClone = inputClone;
// Detaching allows to insert the fileInput on another form
// without loosing the file input value:
// If the fileInput had focus before it was detached,
// restore focus to the inputClone.
if (restoreFocus) {
// Avoid memory leaks with the detached file input:
// Replace the original file input element in the fileInput
// elements set with the clone, which has been copied including
// event handlers:
this.options.fileInput = (i, el) {
if (el === input[0]) {
return inputClone[0];
return el;
// If the widget has been initialized on the file input itself,
// override this.element with the file input clone:
if (input[0] === this.element[0]) {
this.element = inputClone;
_handleFileTreeEntry: function (entry, path) {
var that = this,
dfd = $.Deferred(),
entries = [],
errorHandler = function (e) {
if (e && !e.entry) {
e.entry = entry;
// Since $.when returns immediately if one
// Deferred is rejected, we use resolve instead.
// This allows valid files and invalid items
// to be returned together in one set:
successHandler = function (entries) {
path + + '/'
).done(function (files) {
readEntries = function () {
dirReader.readEntries(function (results) {
if (!results.length) {
} else {
entries = entries.concat(results);
}, errorHandler);
path = path || '';
if (entry.isFile) {
if (entry._file) {
// Workaround for Chrome bug #149735
entry._file.relativePath = path;
} else {
entry.file(function (file) {
file.relativePath = path;
}, errorHandler);
} else if (entry.isDirectory) {
dirReader = entry.createReader();
} else {
2020-04-21 10:43:25 -07:00
// Return an empty list for file system items
// other than files or directories:
return dfd.promise();
_handleFileTreeEntries: function (entries, path) {
var that = this;
return $.when.apply(
$.map(entries, function (entry) {
return that._handleFileTreeEntry(entry, path);
).then(function () {
return Array.prototype.concat.apply(
_getDroppedFiles: function (dataTransfer) {
dataTransfer = dataTransfer || {};
var items = dataTransfer.items;
if (items && items.length && (items[0].webkitGetAsEntry ||
items[0].getAsEntry)) {
return this._handleFileTreeEntries(
$.map(items, function (item) {
var entry;
if (item.webkitGetAsEntry) {
entry = item.webkitGetAsEntry();
if (entry) {
// Workaround for Chrome bug #149735:
entry._file = item.getAsFile();
return entry;
return item.getAsEntry();
return $.Deferred().resolve(
_getSingleFileInputFiles: function (fileInput) {
fileInput = $(fileInput);
var entries = fileInput.prop('webkitEntries') ||
if (entries && entries.length) {
return this._handleFileTreeEntries(entries);
files = $.makeArray(fileInput.prop('files'));
if (!files.length) {
value = fileInput.prop('value');
if (!value) {
return $.Deferred().resolve([]).promise();
// If the files property is not available, the browser does not
// support the File API and we add a pseudo File object with
// the input value as name with path information removed:
files = [{name: value.replace(/^.*\\/, '')}];
} else if (files[0].name === undefined && files[0].fileName) {
// File normalization for Safari 4 and Firefox 3:
$.each(files, function (index, file) { = file.fileName;
file.size = file.fileSize;
return $.Deferred().resolve(files).promise();
_getFileInputFiles: function (fileInput) {
if (!(fileInput instanceof $) || fileInput.length === 1) {
return this._getSingleFileInputFiles(fileInput);
return $.when.apply(
$.map(fileInput, this._getSingleFileInputFiles)
).then(function () {
return Array.prototype.concat.apply(
_onChange: function (e) {
var that = this,
data = {
fileInput: $(,
form: $(
this._getFileInputFiles(data.fileInput).always(function (files) {
data.files = files;
if (that.options.replaceFileInput) {
if (that._trigger(
$.Event('change', {delegatedEvent: e}),
) !== false) {
that._onAdd(e, data);
_onPaste: function (e) {
var items = e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.clipboardData &&
data = {files: []};
if (items && items.length) {
$.each(items, function (index, item) {
var file = item.getAsFile && item.getAsFile();
if (file) {
if (this._trigger(
$.Event('paste', {delegatedEvent: e}),
) !== false) {
this._onAdd(e, data);
_onDrop: function (e) {
e.dataTransfer = e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.dataTransfer;
var that = this,
dataTransfer = e.dataTransfer,
data = {};
if (dataTransfer && dataTransfer.files && dataTransfer.files.length) {
this._getDroppedFiles(dataTransfer).always(function (files) {
data.files = files;
if (that._trigger(
$.Event('drop', {delegatedEvent: e}),
) !== false) {
that._onAdd(e, data);
_onDragOver: getDragHandler('dragover'),
_onDragEnter: getDragHandler('dragenter'),
_onDragLeave: getDragHandler('dragleave'),
_initEventHandlers: function () {
if (this._isXHRUpload(this.options)) {
this._on(this.options.dropZone, {
dragover: this._onDragOver,
drop: this._onDrop,
// event.preventDefault() on dragenter is required for IE10+:
dragenter: this._onDragEnter,
// dragleave is not required, but added for completeness:
dragleave: this._onDragLeave
this._on(this.options.pasteZone, {
paste: this._onPaste
if ($.support.fileInput) {
this._on(this.options.fileInput, {
change: this._onChange
_destroyEventHandlers: function () {
this._off(this.options.dropZone, 'dragenter dragleave dragover drop');
this._off(this.options.pasteZone, 'paste');
this._off(this.options.fileInput, 'change');
_destroy: function () {
_setOption: function (key, value) {
var reinit = $.inArray(key, this._specialOptions) !== -1;
if (reinit) {
this._super(key, value);
if (reinit) {
_initSpecialOptions: function () {
var options = this.options;
if (options.fileInput === undefined) {
options.fileInput ='input[type="file"]') ?
this.element : this.element.find('input[type="file"]');
} else if (!(options.fileInput instanceof $)) {
options.fileInput = $(options.fileInput);
if (!(options.dropZone instanceof $)) {
options.dropZone = $(options.dropZone);
if (!(options.pasteZone instanceof $)) {
options.pasteZone = $(options.pasteZone);
_getRegExp: function (str) {
var parts = str.split('/'),
modifiers = parts.pop();
return new RegExp(parts.join('/'), modifiers);
_isRegExpOption: function (key, value) {
return key !== 'url' && $.type(value) === 'string' &&
_initDataAttributes: function () {
var that = this,
options = this.options,
data =;
// Initialize options set via HTML5 data-attributes:
function (index, attr) {
var key =,
if (/^data-/.test(key)) {
// Convert hyphen-ated key to camelCase:
key = key.slice(5).replace(/-[a-z]/g, function (str) {
return str.charAt(1).toUpperCase();
value = data[key];
if (that._isRegExpOption(key, value)) {
value = that._getRegExp(value);
options[key] = value;
_create: function () {
this._slots = [];
this._sequence = this._getXHRPromise(true);
this._sending = this._active = 0;
// This method is exposed to the widget API and allows to query
// the number of active uploads:
active: function () {
return this._active;
// This method is exposed to the widget API and allows to query
// the widget upload progress.
// It returns an object with loaded, total and bitrate properties
// for the running uploads:
progress: function () {
return this._progress;
// This method is exposed to the widget API and allows adding files
// using the fileupload API. The data parameter accepts an object which
// must have a files property and can contain additional options:
// .fileupload('add', {files: filesList});
add: function (data) {
var that = this;
if (!data || this.options.disabled) {
if (data.fileInput && !data.files) {
this._getFileInputFiles(data.fileInput).always(function (files) {
data.files = files;
that._onAdd(null, data);
} else {
data.files = $.makeArray(data.files);
this._onAdd(null, data);
// This method is exposed to the widget API and allows sending files
// using the fileupload API. The data parameter accepts an object which
// must have a files or fileInput property and can contain additional options:
// .fileupload('send', {files: filesList});
// The method returns a Promise object for the file upload call.
send: function (data) {
if (data && !this.options.disabled) {
if (data.fileInput && !data.files) {
var that = this,
dfd = $.Deferred(),
promise = dfd.promise(),
promise.abort = function () {
aborted = true;
if (jqXHR) {
return jqXHR.abort();
dfd.reject(null, 'abort', 'abort');
return promise;
function (files) {
if (aborted) {
if (!files.length) {
data.files = files;
jqXHR = that._onSend(null, data);
function (result, textStatus, jqXHR) {
dfd.resolve(result, textStatus, jqXHR);
function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
dfd.reject(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown);
return this._enhancePromise(promise);
data.files = $.makeArray(data.files);
if (data.files.length) {
return this._onSend(null, data);
return this._getXHRPromise(false, data && data.context);
* Bootstrap Colorpicker v2.5.2
* Originally written by (c) 2012 Stefan Petre
* Licensed under the Apache License v2.0
(function(root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module unless amdModuleId is set
define(["jquery"], function(jq) {
return (factory(jq));
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
// Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but
// only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports,
// like Node.
module.exports = factory(require("jquery"));
} else if (jQuery && !jQuery.fn.colorpicker) {
}(this, function($) {
'use strict';
* Color manipulation helper class
* @param {Object|String} [val]
* @param {Object} [predefinedColors]
* @param {String|null} [fallbackColor]
* @param {String|null} [fallbackFormat]
* @param {Boolean} [hexNumberSignPrefix]
* @constructor
var Color = function(
val, predefinedColors, fallbackColor, fallbackFormat, hexNumberSignPrefix) {
this.fallbackValue = fallbackColor ?
2020-04-21 10:43:25 -07:00
(typeof fallbackColor === 'string') ?
this.parse(fallbackColor) :
) :
this.fallbackFormat = fallbackFormat ? fallbackFormat : 'rgba';
this.hexNumberSignPrefix = hexNumberSignPrefix === true;
this.value = this.fallbackValue;
this.origFormat = null; // original string format
this.predefinedColors = predefinedColors ? predefinedColors : {};
// We don't want to share aliases across instances so we extend new object
this.colors = $.extend({}, Color.webColors, this.predefinedColors);
if (val) {
if (typeof val.h !== 'undefined') {
this.value = val;
} else {
if (!this.value) {
// Initial value is always black if no arguments are passed or val is empty
this.value = {
h: 0,
s: 0,
b: 0,
a: 1
Color.webColors = { // 140 predefined colors from the HTML Colors spec
"aliceblue": "f0f8ff",
"antiquewhite": "faebd7",
"aqua": "00ffff",
"aquamarine": "7fffd4",
"azure": "f0ffff",
"beige": "f5f5dc",
"bisque": "ffe4c4",
"black": "000000",
"blanchedalmond": "ffebcd",
"blue": "0000ff",
"blueviolet": "8a2be2",
"brown": "a52a2a",
"burlywood": "deb887",
"cadetblue": "5f9ea0",
"chartreuse": "7fff00",
"chocolate": "d2691e",
"coral": "ff7f50",
"cornflowerblue": "6495ed",
"cornsilk": "fff8dc",
"crimson": "dc143c",
"cyan": "00ffff",
"darkblue": "00008b",
"darkcyan": "008b8b",
"darkgoldenrod": "b8860b",
"darkgray": "a9a9a9",
"darkgreen": "006400",
"darkkhaki": "bdb76b",
"darkmagenta": "8b008b",
"darkolivegreen": "556b2f",
"darkorange": "ff8c00",
"darkorchid": "9932cc",
"darkred": "8b0000",
"darksalmon": "e9967a",
"darkseagreen": "8fbc8f",
"darkslateblue": "483d8b",
"darkslategray": "2f4f4f",
"darkturquoise": "00ced1",
"darkviolet": "9400d3",
"deeppink": "ff1493",
"deepskyblue": "00bfff",
"dimgray": "696969",
"dodgerblue": "1e90ff",
"firebrick": "b22222",
"floralwhite": "fffaf0",
"forestgreen": "228b22",
"fuchsia": "ff00ff",
"gainsboro": "dcdcdc",
"ghostwhite": "f8f8ff",
"gold": "ffd700",
"goldenrod": "daa520",
"gray": "808080",
"green": "008000",
"greenyellow": "adff2f",
"honeydew": "f0fff0",
"hotpink": "ff69b4",
"indianred": "cd5c5c",
"indigo": "4b0082",
"ivory": "fffff0",
"khaki": "f0e68c",
"lavender": "e6e6fa",
"lavenderblush": "fff0f5",
"lawngreen": "7cfc00",
"lemonchiffon": "fffacd",
"lightblue": "add8e6",
"lightcoral": "f08080",
"lightcyan": "e0ffff",
"lightgoldenrodyellow": "fafad2",
"lightgrey": "d3d3d3",
"lightgreen": "90ee90",
"lightpink": "ffb6c1",
"lightsalmon": "ffa07a",
"lightseagreen": "20b2aa",
"lightskyblue": "87cefa",
"lightslategray": "778899",
"lightsteelblue": "b0c4de",
"lightyellow": "ffffe0",
"lime": "00ff00",
"limegreen": "32cd32",
"linen": "faf0e6",
"magenta": "ff00ff",
"maroon": "800000",
"mediumaquamarine": "66cdaa",
"mediumblue": "0000cd",
"mediumorchid": "ba55d3",
"mediumpurple": "9370d8",
"mediumseagreen": "3cb371",
"mediumslateblue": "7b68ee",
"mediumspringgreen": "00fa9a",
"mediumturquoise": "48d1cc",
"mediumvioletred": "c71585",
"midnightblue": "191970",
"mintcream": "f5fffa",
"mistyrose": "ffe4e1",
"moccasin": "ffe4b5",
"navajowhite": "ffdead",
"navy": "000080",
"oldlace": "fdf5e6",
"olive": "808000",
"olivedrab": "6b8e23",
"orange": "ffa500",
"orangered": "ff4500",
"orchid": "da70d6",
"palegoldenrod": "eee8aa",
"palegreen": "98fb98",
"paleturquoise": "afeeee",
"palevioletred": "d87093",
"papayawhip": "ffefd5",
"peachpuff": "ffdab9",
"peru": "cd853f",
"pink": "ffc0cb",
"plum": "dda0dd",
"powderblue": "b0e0e6",
"purple": "800080",
"red": "ff0000",
"rosybrown": "bc8f8f",
"royalblue": "4169e1",
"saddlebrown": "8b4513",
"salmon": "fa8072",
"sandybrown": "f4a460",
"seagreen": "2e8b57",
"seashell": "fff5ee",
"sienna": "a0522d",
"silver": "c0c0c0",
"skyblue": "87ceeb",
"slateblue": "6a5acd",
"slategray": "708090",
"snow": "fffafa",
"springgreen": "00ff7f",
"steelblue": "4682b4",
"tan": "d2b48c",
"teal": "008080",
"thistle": "d8bfd8",
"tomato": "ff6347",
"turquoise": "40e0d0",
"violet": "ee82ee",
"wheat": "f5deb3",
"white": "ffffff",
"whitesmoke": "f5f5f5",
"yellow": "ffff00",
"yellowgreen": "9acd32",
"transparent": "transparent"
Color.prototype = {
constructor: Color,
colors: {}, // merged web and predefined colors
predefinedColors: {},
* @return {Object}
getValue: function() {
return this.value;
* @param {Object} val
setValue: function(val) {
this.value = val;
_sanitizeNumber: function(val) {
if (typeof val === 'number') {
return val;
if (isNaN(val) || (val === null) || (val === '') || (val === undefined)) {
return 1;
if (val === '') {
return 0;
if (typeof val.toLowerCase !== 'undefined') {
if (val.match(/^\./)) {
val = "0" + val;
return Math.ceil(parseFloat(val) * 100) / 100;
return 1;
isTransparent: function(strVal) {
if (!strVal || !(typeof strVal === 'string' || strVal instanceof String)) {
return false;
strVal = strVal.toLowerCase().trim();
return (strVal === 'transparent') || (strVal.match(/#?00000000/)) || (strVal.match(/(rgba|hsla)\(0,0,0,0?\.?0\)/));
rgbaIsTransparent: function(rgba) {
return ((rgba.r === 0) && (rgba.g === 0) && (rgba.b === 0) && (rgba.a === 0));
// parse a string to HSB
* @protected
* @param {String} strVal
* @returns {boolean} Returns true if it could be parsed, false otherwise
setColor: function(strVal) {
strVal = strVal.toLowerCase().trim();
if (strVal) {
if (this.isTransparent(strVal)) {
this.value = {
h: 0,
s: 0,
b: 0,
a: 0
return true;
} else {
var parsedColor = this.parse(strVal);
if (parsedColor) {
this.value = this.value = {
h: parsedColor.h,
s: parsedColor.s,
b: parsedColor.b,
a: parsedColor.a
if (!this.origFormat) {
this.origFormat = parsedColor.format;
} else if (this.fallbackValue) {
// if parser fails, defaults to fallbackValue if defined, otherwise the value won't be changed
this.value = this.fallbackValue;
return false;
setHue: function(h) {
this.value.h = 1 - h;
setSaturation: function(s) {
this.value.s = s;
setBrightness: function(b) {
this.value.b = 1 - b;
setAlpha: function(a) {
this.value.a = Math.round((parseInt((1 - a) * 100, 10) / 100) * 100) / 100;
toRGB: function(h, s, b, a) {
if (arguments.length === 0) {
h = this.value.h;
s = this.value.s;
b = this.value.b;
a = this.value.a;
h *= 360;
var R, G, B, X, C;
h = (h % 360) / 60;
C = b * s;
X = C * (1 - Math.abs(h % 2 - 1));
R = G = B = b - C;
h = ~~h;
R += [C, X, 0, 0, X, C][h];
G += [X, C, C, X, 0, 0][h];
B += [0, 0, X, C, C, X][h];
return {
r: Math.round(R * 255),
g: Math.round(G * 255),
b: Math.round(B * 255),
a: a
toHex: function(ignoreFormat, h, s, b, a) {
if (arguments.length <= 1) {
h = this.value.h;
s = this.value.s;
b = this.value.b;
a = this.value.a;
var prefix = '#';
var rgb = this.toRGB(h, s, b, a);
if (this.rgbaIsTransparent(rgb)) {
return 'transparent';
if (!ignoreFormat) {
prefix = (this.hexNumberSignPrefix ? '#' : '');
var hexStr = prefix + (
(1 << 24) +
(parseInt(rgb.r) << 16) +
(parseInt(rgb.g) << 8) +
return hexStr;
toHSL: function(h, s, b, a) {
if (arguments.length === 0) {
h = this.value.h;
s = this.value.s;
b = this.value.b;
a = this.value.a;
var H = h,
L = (2 - s) * b,
S = s * b;
if (L > 0 && L <= 1) {
S /= L;
} else {
S /= 2 - L;
L /= 2;
if (S > 1) {
S = 1;
return {
h: isNaN(H) ? 0 : H,
s: isNaN(S) ? 0 : S,
l: isNaN(L) ? 0 : L,
a: isNaN(a) ? 0 : a
toAlias: function(r, g, b, a) {
var c, rgb = (arguments.length === 0) ? this.toHex(true) : this.toHex(true, r, g, b, a);
// support predef. colors in non-hex format too, as defined in the alias itself
var original = this.origFormat === 'alias' ? rgb : this.toString(false, this.origFormat);
for (var alias in this.colors) {
c = this.colors[alias].toLowerCase().trim();
if ((c === rgb) || (c === original)) {
return alias;
return false;
RGBtoHSB: function(r, g, b, a) {
r /= 255;
g /= 255;
b /= 255;
var H, S, V, C;
V = Math.max(r, g, b);
C = V - Math.min(r, g, b);
H = (C === 0 ? null :
V === r ? (g - b) / C :
V === g ? (b - r) / C + 2 :
(r - g) / C + 4
H = ((H + 360) % 6) * 60 / 360;
S = C === 0 ? 0 : C / V;
return {
h: this._sanitizeNumber(H),
s: S,
b: V,
a: this._sanitizeNumber(a)
HueToRGB: function(p, q, h) {
if (h < 0) {
h += 1;
} else if (h > 1) {
h -= 1;
if ((h * 6) < 1) {
return p + (q - p) * h * 6;
} else if ((h * 2) < 1) {
return q;
} else if ((h * 3) < 2) {
return p + (q - p) * ((2 / 3) - h) * 6;
} else {
return p;
HSLtoRGB: function(h, s, l, a) {
if (s < 0) {
s = 0;
var q;
if (l <= 0.5) {
q = l * (1 + s);
} else {
q = l + s - (l * s);
var p = 2 * l - q;
var tr = h + (1 / 3);
var tg = h;
var tb = h - (1 / 3);
var r = Math.round(this.HueToRGB(p, q, tr) * 255);
var g = Math.round(this.HueToRGB(p, q, tg) * 255);
var b = Math.round(this.HueToRGB(p, q, tb) * 255);
return [r, g, b, this._sanitizeNumber(a)];
* @param {String} strVal
* @returns {Object} Object containing h,s,b,a,format properties or FALSE if failed to parse
parse: function(strVal) {
2020-04-21 10:43:25 -07:00
if (typeof strVal !== 'string') {
return this.fallbackValue;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
return false;
var that = this,
result = false,
isAlias = (typeof this.colors[strVal] !== 'undefined'),
values, format;
if (isAlias) {
strVal = this.colors[strVal].toLowerCase().trim();
$.each(this.stringParsers, function(i, parser) {
var match =;
values = match && parser.parse.apply(that, [match]);
if (values) {
result = {};
format = (isAlias ? 'alias' : (parser.format ? parser.format : that.getValidFallbackFormat()));
if (format.match(/hsla?/)) {
result = that.RGBtoHSB.apply(that, that.HSLtoRGB.apply(that, values));
} else {
result = that.RGBtoHSB.apply(that, values);
if (result instanceof Object) {
result.format = format;
return false; // stop iterating
return true;
return result;
getValidFallbackFormat: function() {
var formats = [
'rgba', 'rgb', 'hex', 'hsla', 'hsl'
if (this.origFormat && (formats.indexOf(this.origFormat) !== -1)) {
return this.origFormat;
if (this.fallbackFormat && (formats.indexOf(this.fallbackFormat) !== -1)) {
return this.fallbackFormat;
return 'rgba'; // By default, return a format that will not lose the alpha info
* @param {string} [format] (default: rgba)
* @param {boolean} [translateAlias] Return real color for pre-defined (non-standard) aliases (default: false)
* @param {boolean} [forceRawValue] Forces hashtag prefix when getting hex color (default: false)
* @returns {String}
toString: function(forceRawValue, format, translateAlias) {
format = format || this.origFormat || this.fallbackFormat;
translateAlias = translateAlias || false;
var c = false;
switch (format) {
case 'rgb':
c = this.toRGB();
if (this.rgbaIsTransparent(c)) {
return 'transparent';
return 'rgb(' + c.r + ',' + c.g + ',' + c.b + ')';
case 'rgba':
c = this.toRGB();
return 'rgba(' + c.r + ',' + c.g + ',' + c.b + ',' + c.a + ')';
case 'hsl':
c = this.toHSL();
return 'hsl(' + Math.round(c.h * 360) + ',' + Math.round(c.s * 100) + '%,' + Math.round(c.l * 100) + '%)';
case 'hsla':
c = this.toHSL();
return 'hsla(' + Math.round(c.h * 360) + ',' + Math.round(c.s * 100) + '%,' + Math.round(c.l * 100) + '%,' + c.a + ')';
case 'hex':
return this.toHex(forceRawValue);
case 'alias':
c = this.toAlias();
if (c === false) {
return this.toString(forceRawValue, this.getValidFallbackFormat());
if (translateAlias && !(c in Color.webColors) && (c in this.predefinedColors)) {
return this.predefinedColors[c];
return c;
return c;
// a set of RE's that can match strings and generate color tuples.
// from John Resig color plugin
stringParsers: [{
re: /rgb\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*?\)/,
format: 'rgb',
parse: function(execResult) {
return [
}, {
re: /rgb\(\s*(\d*(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d*(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d*(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*?\)/,
format: 'rgb',
parse: function(execResult) {
return [
2.55 * execResult[1],
2.55 * execResult[2],
2.55 * execResult[3],
}, {
re: /rgba\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*(?:,\s*(\d*(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)/,
format: 'rgba',
parse: function(execResult) {
return [
}, {
re: /rgba\(\s*(\d*(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d*(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d*(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*(?:,\s*(\d*(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)/,
format: 'rgba',
parse: function(execResult) {
return [
2.55 * execResult[1],
2.55 * execResult[2],
2.55 * execResult[3],
}, {
re: /hsl\(\s*(\d*(?:\.\d+)?)\s*,\s*(\d*(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d*(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*?\)/,
format: 'hsl',
parse: function(execResult) {
return [
execResult[1] / 360,
execResult[2] / 100,
execResult[3] / 100,
}, {
re: /hsla\(\s*(\d*(?:\.\d+)?)\s*,\s*(\d*(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d*(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*(?:,\s*(\d*(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)/,
format: 'hsla',
parse: function(execResult) {
return [
execResult[1] / 360,
execResult[2] / 100,
execResult[3] / 100,
}, {
re: /#?([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/,
format: 'hex',
parse: function(execResult) {
return [
parseInt(execResult[1], 16),
parseInt(execResult[2], 16),
parseInt(execResult[3], 16),
}, {
re: /#?([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])/,
format: 'hex',
parse: function(execResult) {
return [
parseInt(execResult[1] + execResult[1], 16),
parseInt(execResult[2] + execResult[2], 16),
parseInt(execResult[3] + execResult[3], 16),
colorNameToHex: function(name) {
if (typeof this.colors[name.toLowerCase()] !== 'undefined') {
return this.colors[name.toLowerCase()];
return false;
* Default plugin options
var defaults = {
horizontal: false, // horizontal mode layout ?
inline: false, //forces to show the colorpicker as an inline element
color: false, //forces a color
format: false, //forces a format
input: 'input', // children input selector
container: false, // container selector
component: '.add-on, .input-group-addon', // children component selector
fallbackColor: false, // fallback color value. null = keeps current color.
fallbackFormat: 'hex', // fallback color format
hexNumberSignPrefix: true, // put a '#' (number sign) before hex strings
sliders: {
saturation: {
maxLeft: 100,
maxTop: 100,
callLeft: 'setSaturation',
callTop: 'setBrightness'
hue: {
maxLeft: 0,
maxTop: 100,
callLeft: false,
callTop: 'setHue'
alpha: {
maxLeft: 0,
maxTop: 100,
callLeft: false,
callTop: 'setAlpha'
slidersHorz: {
saturation: {
maxLeft: 100,
maxTop: 100,
callLeft: 'setSaturation',
callTop: 'setBrightness'
hue: {
maxLeft: 100,
maxTop: 0,
callLeft: 'setHue',
callTop: false
alpha: {
maxLeft: 100,
maxTop: 0,
callLeft: 'setAlpha',
callTop: false
template: '<div class="colorpicker dropdown-menu">' +
'<div class="colorpicker-saturation"><i><b></b></i></div>' +
'<div class="colorpicker-hue"><i></i></div>' +
'<div class="colorpicker-alpha"><i></i></div>' +
'<div class="colorpicker-color"><div /></div>' +
'<div class="colorpicker-selectors"></div>' +
align: 'right',
customClass: null, // custom class added to the colorpicker element
colorSelectors: null // custom color aliases
* Colorpicker component class
* @param {Object|String} element
* @param {Object} options
* @constructor
var Colorpicker = function(element, options) {
this.element = $(element).addClass('colorpicker-element');
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults,, options);
this.component = this.options.component;
this.component = (this.component !== false) ? this.element.find(this.component) : false;
if (this.component && (this.component.length === 0)) {
this.component = false;
this.container = (this.options.container === true) ? this.element : this.options.container;
this.container = (this.container !== false) ? $(this.container) : false;
// Is the element an input? Should we search inside for any input?
this.input ='input') ? this.element : (this.options.input ?
this.element.find(this.options.input) : false);
if (this.input && (this.input.length === 0)) {
this.input = false;
// Set HSB color
this.color = this.createColor(this.options.color !== false ? this.options.color : this.getValue());
this.format = this.options.format !== false ? this.options.format : this.color.origFormat;
if (this.options.color !== false) {
this.disabled = false;
// Setup picker
var $picker = this.picker = $(this.options.template);
if (this.options.customClass) {
if (this.options.inline) {
$picker.addClass('colorpicker-inline colorpicker-visible');
} else {
if (this.options.horizontal) {
if (
(['rgba', 'hsla', 'alias'].indexOf(this.format) !== -1) ||
this.options.format === false ||
this.getValue() === 'transparent'
) {
if (this.options.align === 'right') {
if (this.options.inline === true) {
if (this.options.colorSelectors) {
var colorpicker = this,
selectorsContainer = colorpicker.picker.find('.colorpicker-selectors');
if (selectorsContainer.length > 0) {
$.each(this.options.colorSelectors, function(name, color) {
var $btn = $('<i />')
.css('background-color', color)
.data('class', name).data('alias', name);
$btn.on('mousedown.colorpicker touchstart.colorpicker', function(event) {
colorpicker.format === 'alias' ? $(this).data('alias') : $(this).css('background-color')
// Prevent closing the colorpicker when clicking on itself
$picker.on('mousedown.colorpicker touchstart.colorpicker', $.proxy(function(e) {
if ( === e.currentTarget) {
}, this));
// Bind click/tap events on the sliders
$picker.find('.colorpicker-saturation, .colorpicker-hue, .colorpicker-alpha')
.on('mousedown.colorpicker touchstart.colorpicker', $.proxy(this.mousedown, this));
$picker.appendTo(this.container ? this.container : $('body'));
// Bind other events
if (this.input !== false) {
'keyup.colorpicker': $.proxy(this.keyup, this)
2020-04-21 10:43:25 -07:00
'input.colorpicker': $.proxy(this.change, this)
if (this.component === false) {
'focus.colorpicker': $.proxy(, this)
if (this.options.inline === false) {
'focusout.colorpicker': $.proxy(this.hide, this)
if (this.component !== false) {
'click.colorpicker': $.proxy(, this)
if ((this.input === false) && (this.component === false)) {
'click.colorpicker': $.proxy(, this)
// for HTML5 input[type='color']
if ((this.input !== false) && (this.component !== false) && (this.input.attr('type') === 'color')) {
'click.colorpicker': $.proxy(, this),
'focus.colorpicker': $.proxy(, this)
$($.proxy(function() {
}, this));
Colorpicker.Color = Color;
Colorpicker.prototype = {
constructor: Colorpicker,
destroy: function() {
this.element.removeData('colorpicker', 'color').off('.colorpicker');
if (this.input !== false) {'.colorpicker');
if (this.component !== false) {'.colorpicker');
type: 'destroy'
reposition: function() {
if (this.options.inline !== false || this.options.container) {
return false;
var type = this.container && this.container[0] !== window.document.body ? 'position' : 'offset';
var element = this.component || this.element;
var offset = element[type]();
if (this.options.align === 'right') {
offset.left -= this.picker.outerWidth() - element.outerWidth();
top: + element.outerHeight(),
left: offset.left
show: function(e) {
if (this.isDisabled()) {
// Don't show the widget if it's disabled (the input)
$(window).on('resize.colorpicker', $.proxy(this.reposition, this));
if (e && (!this.hasInput() || this.input.attr('type') === 'color')) {
if (e.stopPropagation && e.preventDefault) {
if ((this.component || !this.input) && (this.options.inline === false)) {
'mousedown.colorpicker': $.proxy(this.hide, this)
type: 'showPicker',
color: this.color
hide: function(e) {
if ((typeof e !== 'undefined') && {
// Prevent hide if triggered by an event and an element inside the colorpicker has been clicked/touched
if (
$(e.currentTarget).parents('.colorpicker').length > 0 ||
$('.colorpicker').length > 0
) {
return false;
$(window).off('resize.colorpicker', this.reposition);
'mousedown.colorpicker': this.hide
type: 'hidePicker',
color: this.color
updateData: function(val) {
val = val || this.color.toString(false, this.format);'color', val);
return val;
updateInput: function(val) {
val = val || this.color.toString(false, this.format);
if (this.input !== false) {
this.input.prop('value', val);
return val;
updatePicker: function(val) {
if (typeof val !== 'undefined') {
this.color = this.createColor(val);
var sl = (this.options.horizontal === false) ? this.options.sliders : this.options.slidersHorz;
var icns = this.picker.find('i');
if (icns.length === 0) {
if (this.options.horizontal === false) {
sl = this.options.sliders;
icns.eq(1).css('top', sl.hue.maxTop * (1 - this.color.value.h)).end()
.eq(2).css('top', sl.alpha.maxTop * (1 - this.color.value.a));
} else {
sl = this.options.slidersHorz;
icns.eq(1).css('left', sl.hue.maxLeft * (1 - this.color.value.h)).end()
.eq(2).css('left', sl.alpha.maxLeft * (1 - this.color.value.a));
'top': sl.saturation.maxTop - this.color.value.b * sl.saturation.maxTop,
'left': this.color.value.s * sl.saturation.maxLeft
.css('backgroundColor', this.color.toHex(true, this.color.value.h, 1, 1, 1));
.css('backgroundColor', this.color.toHex(true));
this.picker.find('.colorpicker-color, .colorpicker-color div')
.css('backgroundColor', this.color.toString(true, this.format));
return val;
updateComponent: function(val) {
var color;
if (typeof val !== 'undefined') {
color = this.createColor(val);
} else {
color = this.color;
if (this.component !== false) {
var icn = this.component.find('i').eq(0);
if (icn.length > 0) {
'backgroundColor': color.toString(true, this.format)
} else {
'backgroundColor': color.toString(true, this.format)
return color.toString(false, this.format);
update: function(force) {
var val;
if ((this.getValue(false) !== false) || (force === true)) {
// Update input/data only if the current value is not empty
val = this.updateComponent();
this.updatePicker(); // only update picker if value is not empty
return val;
setValue: function(val) { // set color manually
this.color = this.createColor(val);
type: 'changeColor',
color: this.color,
value: val
* Creates a new color using the instance options
* @protected
* @param {String} val
* @returns {Color}
createColor: function(val) {
return new Color(
val ? val : null,
this.options.fallbackColor ? this.options.fallbackColor : this.color,
getValue: function(defaultValue) {
defaultValue = (typeof defaultValue === 'undefined') ? this.options.fallbackColor : defaultValue;
var val;
if (this.hasInput()) {
val = this.input.val();
} else {
val ='color');
if ((val === undefined) || (val === '') || (val === null)) {
// if not defined or empty, return default
val = defaultValue;
return val;
hasInput: function() {
return (this.input !== false);
isDisabled: function() {
return this.disabled;
disable: function() {
if (this.hasInput()) {
this.input.prop('disabled', true);
this.disabled = true;
type: 'disable',
color: this.color,
value: this.getValue()
return true;
enable: function() {
if (this.hasInput()) {
this.input.prop('disabled', false);
this.disabled = false;
type: 'enable',
color: this.color,
value: this.getValue()
return true;
currentSlider: null,
mousePointer: {
left: 0,
top: 0
mousedown: function(e) {
if (!e.pageX && !e.pageY && e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.touches) {
e.pageX = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
e.pageY = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
var target = $(;
//detect the slider and set the limits and callbacks
var zone = target.closest('div');
var sl = this.options.horizontal ? this.options.slidersHorz : this.options.sliders;
if (!'.colorpicker')) {
if ('.colorpicker-saturation')) {
this.currentSlider = $.extend({}, sl.saturation);
} else if ('.colorpicker-hue')) {
this.currentSlider = $.extend({}, sl.hue);
} else if ('.colorpicker-alpha')) {
this.currentSlider = $.extend({}, sl.alpha);
} else {
return false;
var offset = zone.offset();
//reference to guide's style = zone.find('i')[0].style;
this.currentSlider.left = e.pageX - offset.left; = e.pageY -;
this.mousePointer = {
left: e.pageX,
top: e.pageY
//trigger mousemove to move the guide to the current position
'mousemove.colorpicker': $.proxy(this.mousemove, this),
'touchmove.colorpicker': $.proxy(this.mousemove, this),
'mouseup.colorpicker': $.proxy(this.mouseup, this),
'touchend.colorpicker': $.proxy(this.mouseup, this)
return false;
mousemove: function(e) {
if (!e.pageX && !e.pageY && e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.touches) {
e.pageX = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
e.pageY = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
var left = Math.max(
this.currentSlider.left + ((e.pageX || this.mousePointer.left) - this.mousePointer.left)
var top = Math.max(
this.currentSlider.maxTop, + ((e.pageY || -
); = left + 'px'; = top + 'px';
if (this.currentSlider.callLeft) {
this.color[this.currentSlider.callLeft].call(this.color, left / this.currentSlider.maxLeft);
if (this.currentSlider.callTop) {
this.color[this.currentSlider.callTop].call(this.color, top / this.currentSlider.maxTop);
// Change format dynamically
// Only occurs if user choose the dynamic format by
// setting option format to false
if (
this.options.format === false &&
(this.currentSlider.callTop === 'setAlpha' ||
this.currentSlider.callLeft === 'setAlpha')
) {
// Converting from hex / rgb to rgba
if (this.color.value.a !== 1) {
this.format = 'rgba';
this.color.origFormat = 'rgba';
// Converting from rgba to hex
else {
this.format = 'hex';
this.color.origFormat = 'hex';
type: 'changeColor',
color: this.color
return false;
mouseup: function(e) {
'mousemove.colorpicker': this.mousemove,
'touchmove.colorpicker': this.mousemove,
'mouseup.colorpicker': this.mouseup,
'touchend.colorpicker': this.mouseup
return false;
change: function(e) {
2020-04-21 10:43:25 -07:00
this.color = this.createColor(this.input.val());
// Change format dynamically
// Only occurs if user choose the dynamic format by
// setting option format to false
if (this.color.origFormat && this.options.format === false) {
this.format = this.color.origFormat;
if (this.getValue(false) !== false) {
type: 'changeColor',
color: this.color,
value: this.input.val()
keyup: function(e) {
if ((e.keyCode === 38)) {
if (this.color.value.a < 1) {
this.color.value.a = Math.round((this.color.value.a + 0.01) * 100) / 100;
} else if ((e.keyCode === 40)) {
if (this.color.value.a > 0) {
this.color.value.a = Math.round((this.color.value.a - 0.01) * 100) / 100;
2020-04-21 10:43:25 -07:00
type: 'changeColor',
color: this.color,
value: this.input.val()
$.colorpicker = Colorpicker;
$.fn.colorpicker = function(option) {
var apiArgs =, 1),
isSingleElement = (this.length === 1),
returnValue = null;
var $jq = this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
inst = $'colorpicker'),
options = ((typeof option === 'object') ? option : {});
if (!inst) {
inst = new Colorpicker(this, options);
$'colorpicker', inst);
if (typeof option === 'string') {
if ($.isFunction(inst[option])) {
returnValue = inst[option].apply(inst, apiArgs);
} else { // its a property ?
if (apiArgs.length) {
// set property
inst[option] = apiArgs[0];
returnValue = inst[option];
} else {
returnValue = $this;
return isSingleElement ? returnValue : $jq;
$.fn.colorpicker.constructor = Colorpicker;
2020-04-21 10:43:25 -07:00
* Datepicker for Bootstrap v1.9.0 (
* Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 (
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(['jquery'], factory);
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
} else {
}(function($, undefined){
function UTCDate(){
return new Date(Date.UTC.apply(Date, arguments));
function UTCToday(){
var today = new Date();
return UTCDate(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate());
function isUTCEquals(date1, date2) {
return (
date1.getUTCFullYear() === date2.getUTCFullYear() &&
date1.getUTCMonth() === date2.getUTCMonth() &&
date1.getUTCDate() === date2.getUTCDate()
function alias(method, deprecationMsg){
return function(){
if (deprecationMsg !== undefined) {
return this[method].apply(this, arguments);
function isValidDate(d) {
return d && !isNaN(d.getTime());
var DateArray = (function(){
var extras = {
get: function(i){
return this.slice(i)[0];
contains: function(d){
// Array.indexOf is not cross-browser;
// $.inArray doesn't work with Dates
var val = d && d.valueOf();
for (var i=0, l=this.length; i < l; i++)
// Use date arithmetic to allow dates with different times to match
if (0 <= this[i].valueOf() - val && this[i].valueOf() - val < 1000*60*60*24)
return i;
return -1;
remove: function(i){
replace: function(new_array){
if (!new_array)
if (!$.isArray(new_array))
new_array = [new_array];
this.push.apply(this, new_array);
clear: function(){
this.length = 0;
copy: function(){
var a = new DateArray();
return a;
return function(){
var a = [];
a.push.apply(a, arguments);
$.extend(a, extras);
return a;
// Picker object
var Datepicker = function(element, options){
$.data(element, 'datepicker', this);
2020-04-21 10:43:25 -07:00
this._events = [];
this._secondaryEvents = [];
this.dates = new DateArray();
this.viewDate = this.o.defaultViewDate;
this.focusDate = null;
this.element = $(element);
this.isInput ='input');
this.inputField = this.isInput ? this.element : this.element.find('input');
2020-04-21 10:43:25 -07:00
this.component = this.element.hasClass('date') ? this.element.find('.add-on, .input-group-addon, .input-group-append, .input-group-prepend, .btn') : false;
if (this.component && this.component.length === 0)
this.component = false;
this.isInline = !this.component &&'div');
this.picker = $(DPGlobal.template);
// Checking templates and inserting
if (this._check_template(this.o.templates.leftArrow)) {
if (this._check_template(this.o.templates.rightArrow)) {
if (this.isInline){
else {
this.picker.addClass('datepicker-dropdown dropdown-menu');
if (this.o.rtl){
if (this.o.calendarWeeks) {
this.picker.find('.datepicker-days .datepicker-switch, thead .datepicker-title, tfoot .today, tfoot .clear')
.attr('colspan', function(i, val){
return Number(val) + 1;
startDate: this._o.startDate,
endDate: this._o.endDate,
daysOfWeekDisabled: this.o.daysOfWeekDisabled,
daysOfWeekHighlighted: this.o.daysOfWeekHighlighted,
datesDisabled: this.o.datesDisabled
this._allow_update = false;
this._allow_update = true;
if (this.isInline){;
Datepicker.prototype = {
constructor: Datepicker,
_resolveViewName: function(view){
$.each(DPGlobal.viewModes, function(i, viewMode){
if (view === i || $.inArray(view, viewMode.names) !== -1){
view = i;
return false;
return view;
_resolveDaysOfWeek: function(daysOfWeek){
if (!$.isArray(daysOfWeek))
daysOfWeek = daysOfWeek.split(/[,\s]*/);
return $.map(daysOfWeek, Number);
_check_template: function(tmp){
try {
// If empty
if (tmp === undefined || tmp === "") {
return false;
// If no html, everything ok
if ((tmp.match(/[<>]/g) || []).length <= 0) {
return true;
// Checking if html is fine
var jDom = $(tmp);
return jDom.length > 0;
catch (ex) {
return false;
_process_options: function(opts){
// Store raw options for reference
this._o = $.extend({}, this._o, opts);
// Processed options
var o = this.o = $.extend({}, this._o);
// Check if "de-DE" style date is available, if not language should
// fallback to 2 letter code eg "de"
var lang = o.language;
if (!dates[lang]){
lang = lang.split('-')[0];
if (!dates[lang])
lang = defaults.language;
o.language = lang;
// Retrieve view index from any aliases
o.startView = this._resolveViewName(o.startView);
o.minViewMode = this._resolveViewName(o.minViewMode);
o.maxViewMode = this._resolveViewName(o.maxViewMode);
// Check view is between min and max
o.startView = Math.max(this.o.minViewMode, Math.min(this.o.maxViewMode, o.startView));
// true, false, or Number > 0
if (o.multidate !== true){
o.multidate = Number(o.multidate) || false;
if (o.multidate !== false)
o.multidate = Math.max(0, o.multidate);
o.multidateSeparator = String(o.multidateSeparator);
o.weekStart %= 7;
o.weekEnd = (o.weekStart + 6) % 7;
var format = DPGlobal.parseFormat(o.format);
if (o.startDate !== -Infinity){
if (!!o.startDate){
if (o.startDate instanceof Date)
o.startDate = this._local_to_utc(this._zero_time(o.startDate));
o.startDate = DPGlobal.parseDate(o.startDate, format, o.language, o.assumeNearbyYear);
else {
o.startDate = -Infinity;
if (o.endDate !== Infinity){
if (!!o.endDate){
if (o.endDate instanceof Date)
o.endDate = this._local_to_utc(this._zero_time(o.endDate));
o.endDate = DPGlobal.parseDate(o.endDate, format, o.language, o.assumeNearbyYear);
else {
o.endDate = Infinity;
o.daysOfWeekDisabled = this._resolveDaysOfWeek(o.daysOfWeekDisabled||[]);
o.daysOfWeekHighlighted = this._resolveDaysOfWeek(o.daysOfWeekHighlighted||[]);
o.datesDisabled = o.datesDisabled||[];
if (!$.isArray(o.datesDisabled)) {
o.datesDisabled = o.datesDisabled.split(',');
o.datesDisabled = $.map(o.datesDisabled, function(d){
return DPGlobal.parseDate(d, format, o.language, o.assumeNearbyYear);
var plc = String(o.orientation).toLowerCase().split(/\s+/g),
_plc = o.orientation.toLowerCase();
plc = $.grep(plc, function(word){
return /^auto|left|right|top|bottom$/.test(word);
o.orientation = {x: 'auto', y: 'auto'};
if (!_plc || _plc === 'auto')
; // no action
else if (plc.length === 1){
switch (plc[0]){
case 'top':
case 'bottom':
o.orientation.y = plc[0];
case 'left':
case 'right':
o.orientation.x = plc[0];
else {
_plc = $.grep(plc, function(word){
return /^left|right$/.test(word);
o.orientation.x = _plc[0] || 'auto';
_plc = $.grep(plc, function(word){
return /^top|bottom$/.test(word);
o.orientation.y = _plc[0] || 'auto';
if (o.defaultViewDate instanceof Date || typeof o.defaultViewDate === 'string') {
o.defaultViewDate = DPGlobal.parseDate(o.defaultViewDate, format, o.language, o.assumeNearbyYear);
} else if (o.defaultViewDate) {
var year = o.defaultViewDate.year || new Date().getFullYear();
var month = o.defaultViewDate.month || 0;
var day = || 1;
o.defaultViewDate = UTCDate(year, month, day);
} else {
o.defaultViewDate = UTCToday();
_applyEvents: function(evs){
for (var i=0, el, ch, ev; i < evs.length; i++){
el = evs[i][0];
if (evs[i].length === 2){
ch = undefined;
ev = evs[i][1];
} else if (evs[i].length === 3){
ch = evs[i][1];
ev = evs[i][2];
el.on(ev, ch);
_unapplyEvents: function(evs){
for (var i=0, el, ev, ch; i < evs.length; i++){
el = evs[i][0];
if (evs[i].length === 2){
ch = undefined;
ev = evs[i][1];
} else if (evs[i].length === 3){
ch = evs[i][1];
ev = evs[i][2];
}, ch);
_buildEvents: function(){
var events = {
keyup: $.proxy(function(e){
if ($.inArray(e.keyCode, [27, 37, 39, 38, 40, 32, 13, 9]) === -1)
}, this),
keydown: $.proxy(this.keydown, this),
paste: $.proxy(this.paste, this)
if (this.o.showOnFocus === true) {
events.focus = $.proxy(, this);
if (this.isInput) { // single input
this._events = [
[this.element, events]
// component: input + button
else if (this.component && this.inputField.length) {
this._events = [
// For components that are not readonly, allow keyboard nav
[this.inputField, events],
[this.component, {
click: $.proxy(, this)
else {
this._events = [
[this.element, {
click: $.proxy(, this),
keydown: $.proxy(this.keydown, this)
// Component: listen for blur on element descendants
[this.element, '*', {
blur: $.proxy(function(e){
this._focused_from =;
}, this)
// Input: listen for blur on element
[this.element, {
blur: $.proxy(function(e){
this._focused_from =;
}, this)
if (this.o.immediateUpdates) {
// Trigger input updates immediately on changed year/month
this._events.push([this.element, {
'changeYear changeMonth': $.proxy(function(e){
}, this)
this._secondaryEvents = [
[this.picker, {
click: $.proxy(, this)
[this.picker, '.prev, .next', {
click: $.proxy(this.navArrowsClick, this)
[this.picker, '.day:not(.disabled)', {
click: $.proxy(this.dayCellClick, this)
[$(window), {
resize: $.proxy(, this)
[$(document), {
'mousedown touchstart': $.proxy(function(e){
// Clicked outside the datepicker, hide it
if (!( ||
this.element.find( || ||
this.picker.find( ||
}, this)
_attachEvents: function(){
_detachEvents: function(){
_attachSecondaryEvents: function(){
_detachSecondaryEvents: function(){
_trigger: function(event, altdate){
var date = altdate || this.dates.get(-1),
local_date = this._utc_to_local(date);
type: event,
date: local_date,
viewMode: this.viewMode,
dates: $.map(this.dates, this._utc_to_local),
format: $.proxy(function(ix, format){
if (arguments.length === 0){
ix = this.dates.length - 1;
format = this.o.format;
} else if (typeof ix === 'string'){
format = ix;
ix = this.dates.length - 1;
format = format || this.o.format;
var date = this.dates.get(ix);
return DPGlobal.formatDate(date, format, this.o.language);
}, this)
show: function(){
2020-04-21 10:43:25 -07:00
if (':disabled') || (this.inputField.prop('readonly') && this.o.enableOnReadonly === false))
if (!this.isInline)
if ((window.navigator.msMaxTouchPoints || 'ontouchstart' in document) && this.o.disableTouchKeyboard) {
return this;
hide: function(){
if (this.isInline || !':visible'))
return this;
this.focusDate = null;
if (this.o.forceParse && this.inputField.val())
return this;
destroy: function(){
if (!this.isInput){
return this;
paste: function(e){
var dateString;
if (e.originalEvent.clipboardData && e.originalEvent.clipboardData.types
&& $.inArray('text/plain', e.originalEvent.clipboardData.types) !== -1) {
dateString = e.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData('text/plain');
} else if (window.clipboardData) {
dateString = window.clipboardData.getData('Text');
} else {
_utc_to_local: function(utc){
if (!utc) {
return utc;
var local = new Date(utc.getTime() + (utc.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000));
if (local.getTimezoneOffset() !== utc.getTimezoneOffset()) {
local = new Date(utc.getTime() + (local.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000));
return local;
_local_to_utc: function(local){
return local && new Date(local.getTime() - (local.getTimezoneOffset()*60000));
_zero_time: function(local){
return local && new Date(local.getFullYear(), local.getMonth(), local.getDate());
_zero_utc_time: function(utc){
return utc && UTCDate(utc.getUTCFullYear(), utc.getUTCMonth(), utc.getUTCDate());
getDates: function(){
return $.map(this.dates, this._utc_to_local);
getUTCDates: function(){
return $.map(this.dates, function(d){
return new Date(d);
getDate: function(){
return this._utc_to_local(this.getUTCDate());
getUTCDate: function(){
var selected_date = this.dates.get(-1);
if (selected_date !== undefined) {
return new Date(selected_date);
} else {
return null;
clearDates: function(){
if (this.o.autoclose) {
setDates: function(){
var args = $.isArray(arguments[0]) ? arguments[0] : arguments;
this.update.apply(this, args);
return this;
setUTCDates: function(){
var args = $.isArray(arguments[0]) ? arguments[0] : arguments;
this.setDates.apply(this, $.map(args, this._utc_to_local));
return this;
setDate: alias('setDates'),
setUTCDate: alias('setUTCDates'),
remove: alias('destroy', 'Method `remove` is deprecated and will be removed in version 2.0. Use `destroy` instead'),
setValue: function(){
var formatted = this.getFormattedDate();
return this;
getFormattedDate: function(format){
if (format === undefined)
format = this.o.format;
var lang = this.o.language;
return $.map(this.dates, function(d){
return DPGlobal.formatDate(d, format, lang);
getStartDate: function(){
return this.o.startDate;
setStartDate: function(startDate){
this._process_options({startDate: startDate});
return this;
getEndDate: function(){
return this.o.endDate;
setEndDate: function(endDate){
this._process_options({endDate: endDate});
return this;
setDaysOfWeekDisabled: function(daysOfWeekDisabled){
this._process_options({daysOfWeekDisabled: daysOfWeekDisabled});
return this;
setDaysOfWeekHighlighted: function(daysOfWeekHighlighted){
this._process_options({daysOfWeekHighlighted: daysOfWeekHighlighted});
return this;
setDatesDisabled: function(datesDisabled){
this._process_options({datesDisabled: datesDisabled});
return this;
place: function(){
if (this.isInline)
return this;
var calendarWidth = this.picker.outerWidth(),
calendarHeight = this.picker.outerHeight(),
visualPadding = 10,
container = $(this.o.container),
windowWidth = container.width(),
scrollTop = this.o.container === 'body' ? $(document).scrollTop() : container.scrollTop(),
appendOffset = container.offset();
var parentsZindex = [0];
var itemZIndex = $(this).css('z-index');
if (itemZIndex !== 'auto' && Number(itemZIndex) !== 0) parentsZindex.push(Number(itemZIndex));
var zIndex = Math.max.apply(Math, parentsZindex) + this.o.zIndexOffset;
var offset = this.component ? this.component.parent().offset() : this.element.offset();
var height = this.component ? this.component.outerHeight(true) : this.element.outerHeight(false);
var width = this.component ? this.component.outerWidth(true) : this.element.outerWidth(false);
var left = offset.left - appendOffset.left;
var top = -;
if (this.o.container !== 'body') {
top += scrollTop;
'datepicker-orient-top datepicker-orient-bottom '+
'datepicker-orient-right datepicker-orient-left'
if (this.o.orientation.x !== 'auto'){
this.picker.addClass('datepicker-orient-' + this.o.orientation.x);
if (this.o.orientation.x === 'right')
left -= calendarWidth - width;
// auto x orientation is best-placement: if it crosses a window
// edge, fudge it sideways
else {
if (offset.left < 0) {
// component is outside the window on the left side. Move it into visible range
left -= offset.left - visualPadding;
} else if (left + calendarWidth > windowWidth) {
// the calendar passes the widow right edge. Align it to component right side
left += width - calendarWidth;
} else {
if (this.o.rtl) {
// Default to right
} else {
// Default to left
// auto y orientation is best-situation: top or bottom, no fudging,
// decision based on which shows more of the calendar
var yorient = this.o.orientation.y,
if (yorient === 'auto'){
top_overflow = -scrollTop + top - calendarHeight;
yorient = top_overflow < 0 ? 'bottom' : 'top';
this.picker.addClass('datepicker-orient-' + yorient);
if (yorient === 'top')
top -= calendarHeight + parseInt(this.picker.css('padding-top'));
top += height;
if (this.o.rtl) {
var right = windowWidth - (left + width);
top: top,
right: right,
zIndex: zIndex
} else {
top: top,
left: left,
zIndex: zIndex
return this;
_allow_update: true,
update: function(){
if (!this._allow_update)
return this;
var oldDates = this.dates.copy(),
dates = [],
fromArgs = false;
if (arguments.length){
$.each(arguments, $.proxy(function(i, date){
if (date instanceof Date)
date = this._local_to_utc(date);
}, this));
fromArgs = true;
} else {
dates = this.isInput
? this.element.val()
:'date') || this.inputField.val();
if (dates && this.o.multidate)
dates = dates.split(this.o.multidateSeparator);
dates = [dates];
dates = $.map(dates, $.proxy(function(date){
return DPGlobal.parseDate(date, this.o.format, this.o.language, this.o.assumeNearbyYear);
}, this));
dates = $.grep(dates, $.proxy(function(date){
return (
!this.dateWithinRange(date) ||
}, this), true);
if (this.o.updateViewDate) {
if (this.dates.length)
this.viewDate = new Date(this.dates.get(-1));
else if (this.viewDate < this.o.startDate)
this.viewDate = new Date(this.o.startDate);
else if (this.viewDate > this.o.endDate)
this.viewDate = new Date(this.o.endDate);
this.viewDate = this.o.defaultViewDate;
if (fromArgs){
// setting date by clicking
else if (this.dates.length){
// setting date by typing
if (String(oldDates) !== String(this.dates) && fromArgs) {
if (!this.dates.length && oldDates.length) {
return this;
fillDow: function(){
if (this.o.showWeekDays) {
var dowCnt = this.o.weekStart,
html = '<tr>';
if (this.o.calendarWeeks){
html += '<th class="cw">&#160;</th>';
while (dowCnt < this.o.weekStart + 7){
html += '<th class="dow';
if ($.inArray(dowCnt, this.o.daysOfWeekDisabled) !== -1)
html += ' disabled';
html += '">'+dates[this.o.language].daysMin[(dowCnt++)%7]+'</th>';
html += '</tr>';
this.picker.find('.datepicker-days thead').append(html);
fillMonths: function(){
var localDate = this._utc_to_local(this.viewDate);
var html = '';
var focused;
for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++){
focused = localDate && localDate.getMonth() === i ? ' focused' : '';
html += '<span class="month' + focused + '">' + dates[this.o.language].monthsShort[i] + '</span>';
this.picker.find('.datepicker-months td').html(html);
setRange: function(range){
if (!range || !range.length)
delete this.range;
this.range = $.map(range, function(d){
return d.valueOf();
getClassNames: function(date){
var cls = [],
year = this.viewDate.getUTCFullYear(),
month = this.viewDate.getUTCMonth(),
today = UTCToday();
if (date.getUTCFullYear() < year || (date.getUTCFullYear() === year && date.getUTCMonth() < month)){
} else if (date.getUTCFullYear() > year || (date.getUTCFullYear() === year && date.getUTCMonth() > month)){
if (this.focusDate && date.valueOf() === this.focusDate.valueOf())
// Compare internal UTC date with UTC today, not local today
if (this.o.todayHighlight && isUTCEquals(date, today)) {
if (this.dates.contains(date) !== -1)
if (!this.dateWithinRange(date)){
if (this.dateIsDisabled(date)){
cls.push('disabled', 'disabled-date');
if ($.inArray(date.getUTCDay(), this.o.daysOfWeekHighlighted) !== -1){
if (this.range){
if (date > this.range[0] && date < this.range[this.range.length-1]){
if ($.inArray(date.valueOf(), this.range) !== -1){
if (date.valueOf() === this.range[0]){
if (date.valueOf() === this.range[this.range.length-1]){
return cls;
_fill_yearsView: function(selector, cssClass, factor, year, startYear, endYear, beforeFn){
var html = '';
var step = factor / 10;
var view = this.picker.find(selector);
var startVal = Math.floor(year / factor) * factor;
var endVal = startVal + step * 9;
var focusedVal = Math.floor(this.viewDate.getFullYear() / step) * step;
var selected = $.map(this.dates, function(d){
return Math.floor(d.getUTCFullYear() / step) * step;
var classes, tooltip, before;
for (var currVal = startVal - step; currVal <= endVal + step; currVal += step) {
classes = [cssClass];
tooltip = null;
if (currVal === startVal - step) {
} else if (currVal === endVal + step) {
if ($.inArray(currVal, selected) !== -1) {
if (currVal < startYear || currVal > endYear) {
if (currVal === focusedVal) {
if (beforeFn !== $.noop) {
before = beforeFn(new Date(currVal, 0, 1));
if (before === undefined) {
before = {};
} else if (typeof before === 'boolean') {
before = {enabled: before};
} else if (typeof before === 'string') {
before = {classes: before};
if (before.enabled === false) {
if (before.classes) {
classes = classes.concat(before.classes.split(/\s+/));
if (before.tooltip) {
tooltip = before.tooltip;
html += '<span class="' + classes.join(' ') + '"' + (tooltip ? ' title="' + tooltip + '"' : '') + '>' + currVal + '</span>';
view.find('.datepicker-switch').text(startVal + '-' + endVal);
fill: function(){
var d = new Date(this.viewDate),
year = d.getUTCFullYear(),
month = d.getUTCMonth(),
startYear = this.o.startDate !== -Infinity ? this.o.startDate.getUTCFullYear() : -Infinity,
startMonth = this.o.startDate !== -Infinity ? this.o.startDate.getUTCMonth() : -Infinity,
endYear = this.o.endDate !== Infinity ? this.o.endDate.getUTCFullYear() : Infinity,
endMonth = this.o.endDate !== Infinity ? this.o.endDate.getUTCMonth() : Infinity,
todaytxt = dates[this.o.language].today || dates['en'].today || '',
cleartxt = dates[this.o.language].clear || dates['en'].clear || '',
2020-04-21 10:43:25 -07:00
titleFormat = dates[this.o.language].titleFormat || dates['en'].titleFormat,
todayDate = UTCToday(),
titleBtnVisible = (this.o.todayBtn === true || this.o.todayBtn === 'linked') && todayDate >= this.o.startDate && todayDate <= this.o.endDate && !this.weekOfDateIsDisabled(todayDate),
if (isNaN(year) || isNaN(month))
this.picker.find('.datepicker-days .datepicker-switch')
.text(DPGlobal.formatDate(d, titleFormat, this.o.language));
this.picker.find('tfoot .today')
2020-04-21 10:43:25 -07:00
.css('display', titleBtnVisible ? 'table-cell' : 'none');
this.picker.find('tfoot .clear')
.css('display', this.o.clearBtn === true ? 'table-cell' : 'none');
this.picker.find('thead .datepicker-title')
.css('display', typeof this.o.title === 'string' && this.o.title !== '' ? 'table-cell' : 'none');
var prevMonth = UTCDate(year, month, 0),
day = prevMonth.getUTCDate();
prevMonth.setUTCDate(day - (prevMonth.getUTCDay() - this.o.weekStart + 7)%7);
var nextMonth = new Date(prevMonth);
if (prevMonth.getUTCFullYear() < 100){
nextMonth.setUTCDate(nextMonth.getUTCDate() + 42);
nextMonth = nextMonth.valueOf();
var html = [];
var weekDay, clsName;
while (prevMonth.valueOf() < nextMonth){
weekDay = prevMonth.getUTCDay();
if (weekDay === this.o.weekStart){
if (this.o.calendarWeeks){
// ISO 8601: First week contains first thursday.
// ISO also states week starts on Monday, but we can be more abstract here.
// Start of current week: based on weekstart/current date
ws = new Date(+prevMonth + (this.o.weekStart - weekDay - 7) % 7 * 864e5),
// Thursday of this week
th = new Date(Number(ws) + (7 + 4 - ws.getUTCDay()) % 7 * 864e5),
// First Thursday of year, year from thursday
yth = new Date(Number(yth = UTCDate(th.getUTCFullYear(), 0, 1)) + (7 + 4 - yth.getUTCDay()) % 7 * 864e5),
// Calendar week: ms between thursdays, div ms per day, div 7 days
calWeek = (th - yth) / 864e5 / 7 + 1;
html.push('<td class="cw">'+ calWeek +'</td>');
clsName = this.getClassNames(prevMonth);
var content = prevMonth.getUTCDate();
if (this.o.beforeShowDay !== $.noop){
before = this.o.beforeShowDay(this._utc_to_local(prevMonth));
if (before === undefined)
before = {};
else if (typeof before === 'boolean')
before = {enabled: before};
else if (typeof before === 'string')
before = {classes: before};
if (before.enabled === false)
if (before.classes)
clsName = clsName.concat(before.classes.split(/\s+/));
if (before.tooltip)
tooltip = before.tooltip;
if (before.content)
content = before.content;
//Check if uniqueSort exists (supported by jquery >=1.12 and >=2.2)
//Fallback to unique function for older jquery versions
if ($.isFunction($.uniqueSort)) {
clsName = $.uniqueSort(clsName);
} else {
clsName = $.unique(clsName);
html.push('<td class="'+clsName.join(' ')+'"' + (tooltip ? ' title="'+tooltip+'"' : '') + ' data-date="' + prevMonth.getTime().toString() + '">' + content + '</td>');
tooltip = null;
if (weekDay === this.o.weekEnd){
prevMonth.setUTCDate(prevMonth.getUTCDate() + 1);
this.picker.find('.datepicker-days tbody').html(html.join(''));
var monthsTitle = dates[this.o.language].monthsTitle || dates['en'].monthsTitle || 'Months';
var months = this.picker.find('.datepicker-months')
.text(this.o.maxViewMode < 2 ? monthsTitle : year)
.find('tbody span').removeClass('active');
$.each(this.dates, function(i, d){
if (d.getUTCFullYear() === year)
if (year < startYear || year > endYear){
if (year === startYear){
months.slice(0, startMonth).addClass('disabled');
if (year === endYear){
if (this.o.beforeShowMonth !== $.noop){
var that = this;
$.each(months, function(i, month){
var moDate = new Date(year, i, 1);
var before = that.o.beforeShowMonth(moDate);
if (before === undefined)
before = {};
else if (typeof before === 'boolean')
before = {enabled: before};
else if (typeof before === 'string')
before = {classes: before};
if (before.enabled === false && !$(month).hasClass('disabled'))
if (before.classes)
if (before.tooltip)
$(month).prop('title', before.tooltip);
// Generating decade/years picker
// Generating century/decades picker
// Generating millennium/centuries picker
updateNavArrows: function(){
if (!this._allow_update)
var d = new Date(this.viewDate),
year = d.getUTCFullYear(),
month = d.getUTCMonth(),
startYear = this.o.startDate !== -Infinity ? this.o.startDate.getUTCFullYear() : -Infinity,
startMonth = this.o.startDate !== -Infinity ? this.o.startDate.getUTCMonth() : -Infinity,
endYear = this.o.endDate !== Infinity ? this.o.endDate.getUTCFullYear() : Infinity,
endMonth = this.o.endDate !== Infinity ? this.o.endDate.getUTCMonth() : Infinity,
factor = 1;
switch (this.viewMode){
case 4:
factor *= 10;
/* falls through */
case 3:
factor *= 10;
/* falls through */
case 2:
factor *= 10;
/* falls through */
case 1:
2020-04-21 10:43:25 -07:00
prevIsDisabled = Math.floor(year / factor) * factor <= startYear;
nextIsDisabled = Math.floor(year / factor) * factor + factor > endYear;
case 0:
2020-04-21 10:43:25 -07:00
prevIsDisabled = year <= startYear && month <= startMonth;
nextIsDisabled = year >= endYear && month >= endMonth;
this.picker.find('.prev').toggleClass('disabled', prevIsDisabled);
this.picker.find('.next').toggleClass('disabled', nextIsDisabled);
click: function(e){
var target, dir, day, year, month;
target = $(;
// Clicked on the switch
if (target.hasClass('datepicker-switch') && this.viewMode !== this.o.maxViewMode){
this.setViewMode(this.viewMode + 1);
// Clicked on today button
if (target.hasClass('today') && !target.hasClass('day')){
this._setDate(UTCToday(), this.o.todayBtn === 'linked' ? null : 'view');
// Clicked on clear button
if (target.hasClass('clear')){
if (!target.hasClass('disabled')){
// Clicked on a month, year, decade, century
if (target.hasClass('month')
|| target.hasClass('year')
|| target.hasClass('decade')
|| target.hasClass('century')) {
day = 1;
if (this.viewMode === 1){
month = target.parent().find('span').index(target);
year = this.viewDate.getUTCFullYear();
} else {
month = 0;
year = Number(target.text());
this._trigger(DPGlobal.viewModes[this.viewMode - 1].e, this.viewDate);
if (this.viewMode === this.o.minViewMode){
this._setDate(UTCDate(year, month, day));
} else {
this.setViewMode(this.viewMode - 1);
if (':visible') && this._focused_from){
delete this._focused_from;
dayCellClick: function(e){
var $target = $(e.currentTarget);
var timestamp = $'date');
var date = new Date(timestamp);
if (this.o.updateViewDate) {
if (date.getUTCFullYear() !== this.viewDate.getUTCFullYear()) {
this._trigger('changeYear', this.viewDate);
if (date.getUTCMonth() !== this.viewDate.getUTCMonth()) {
this._trigger('changeMonth', this.viewDate);
// Clicked on prev or next
navArrowsClick: function(e){
var $target = $(e.currentTarget);
var dir = $target.hasClass('prev') ? -1 : 1;
if (this.viewMode !== 0){
dir *= DPGlobal.viewModes[this.viewMode].navStep * 12;
this.viewDate = this.moveMonth(this.viewDate, dir);
this._trigger(DPGlobal.viewModes[this.viewMode].e, this.viewDate);
_toggle_multidate: function(date){
var ix = this.dates.contains(date);
if (!date){
if (ix !== -1){
if (this.o.multidate === true || this.o.multidate > 1 || this.o.toggleActive){
} else if (this.o.multidate === false) {
else {
if (typeof this.o.multidate === 'number')
while (this.dates.length > this.o.multidate)
_setDate: function(date, which){
if (!which || which === 'date')
this._toggle_multidate(date && new Date(date));
if ((!which && this.o.updateViewDate) || which === 'view')
this.viewDate = date && new Date(date);
if (!which || which !== 'view') {
if (this.o.autoclose && (!which || which === 'date')){
moveDay: function(date, dir){
var newDate = new Date(date);
newDate.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() + dir);
return newDate;
moveWeek: function(date, dir){
return this.moveDay(date, dir * 7);
moveMonth: function(date, dir){
if (!isValidDate(date))
return this.o.defaultViewDate;
if (!dir)
return date;
var new_date = new Date(date.valueOf()),
day = new_date.getUTCDate(),
month = new_date.getUTCMonth(),
mag = Math.abs(dir),
new_month, test;
dir = dir > 0 ? 1 : -1;
if (mag === 1){
test = dir === -1
// If going back one month, make sure month is not current month
// (eg, Mar 31 -> Feb 31 == Feb 28, not Mar 02)
? function(){
return new_date.getUTCMonth() === month;
// If going forward one month, make sure month is as expected
// (eg, Jan 31 -> Feb 31 == Feb 28, not Mar 02)
: function(){
return new_date.getUTCMonth() !== new_month;
new_month = month + dir;
// Dec -> Jan (12) or Jan -> Dec (-1) -- limit expected date to 0-11
new_month = (new_month + 12) % 12;
else {
// For magnitudes >1, move one month at a time...
for (var i=0; i < mag; i++)
// ...which might decrease the day (eg, Jan 31 to Feb 28, etc)...
new_date = this.moveMonth(new_date, dir);
// ...then reset the day, keeping it in the new month
new_month = new_date.getUTCMonth();
test = function(){
return new_month !== new_date.getUTCMonth();
// Common date-resetting loop -- if date is beyond end of month, make it
// end of month
while (test()){
return new_date;
moveYear: function(date, dir){
return this.moveMonth(date, dir*12);
moveAvailableDate: function(date, dir, fn){
do {
date = this[fn](date, dir);
if (!this.dateWithinRange(date))
return false;
fn = 'moveDay';
while (this.dateIsDisabled(date));
return date;
weekOfDateIsDisabled: function(date){
return $.inArray(date.getUTCDay(), this.o.daysOfWeekDisabled) !== -1;
dateIsDisabled: function(date){
return (
this.weekOfDateIsDisabled(date) ||
$.grep(this.o.datesDisabled, function(d){
return isUTCEquals(date, d);
}).length > 0
dateWithinRange: function(date){
return date >= this.o.startDate && date <= this.o.endDate;
keydown: function(e){
if (!':visible')){
if (e.keyCode === 40 || e.keyCode === 27) { // allow down to re-show picker;
var dateChanged = false,
dir, newViewDate,
focusDate = this.focusDate || this.viewDate;
switch (e.keyCode){
case 27: // escape
if (this.focusDate){
this.focusDate = null;
this.viewDate = this.dates.get(-1) || this.viewDate;
case 37: // left
case 38: // up
case 39: // right
case 40: // down
if (!this.o.keyboardNavigation || this.o.daysOfWeekDisabled.length === 7)
dir = e.keyCode === 37 || e.keyCode === 38 ? -1 : 1;
if (this.viewMode === 0) {
if (e.ctrlKey){
newViewDate = this.moveAvailableDate(focusDate, dir, 'moveYear');
if (newViewDate)
this._trigger('changeYear', this.viewDate);
} else if (e.shiftKey){
newViewDate = this.moveAvailableDate(focusDate, dir, 'moveMonth');
if (newViewDate)
this._trigger('changeMonth', this.viewDate);
} else if (e.keyCode === 37 || e.keyCode === 39){
newViewDate = this.moveAvailableDate(focusDate, dir, 'moveDay');
} else if (!this.weekOfDateIsDisabled(focusDate)){
newViewDate = this.moveAvailableDate(focusDate, dir, 'moveWeek');
} else if (this.viewMode === 1) {
if (e.keyCode === 38 || e.keyCode === 40) {
dir = dir * 4;
newViewDate = this.moveAvailableDate(focusDate, dir, 'moveMonth');
} else if (this.viewMode === 2) {
if (e.keyCode === 38 || e.keyCode === 40) {
dir = dir * 4;
newViewDate = this.moveAvailableDate(focusDate, dir, 'moveYear');
if (newViewDate){
this.focusDate = this.viewDate = newViewDate;
case 13: // enter
if (!this.o.forceParse)
focusDate = this.focusDate || this.dates.get(-1) || this.viewDate;
if (this.o.keyboardNavigation) {
dateChanged = true;
this.focusDate = null;
this.viewDate = this.dates.get(-1) || this.viewDate;
if (':visible')){
if (this.o.autoclose)
case 9: // tab
this.focusDate = null;
this.viewDate = this.dates.get(-1) || this.viewDate;
if (dateChanged){
if (this.dates.length)
setViewMode: function(viewMode){
this.viewMode = viewMode;
.filter('.datepicker-' + DPGlobal.viewModes[this.viewMode].clsName)
this._trigger('changeViewMode', new Date(this.viewDate));
var DateRangePicker = function(element, options){
$.data(element, 'datepicker', this);
this.element = $(element);
this.inputs = $.map(options.inputs, function(i){
return i.jquery ? i[0] : i;
delete options.inputs;
this.keepEmptyValues = options.keepEmptyValues;
delete options.keepEmptyValues;$(this.inputs), options)
.on('changeDate', $.proxy(this.dateUpdated, this));
this.pickers = $.map(this.inputs, function(i){
return $.data(i, 'datepicker');
DateRangePicker.prototype = {
updateDates: function(){
this.dates = $.map(this.pickers, function(i){
return i.getUTCDate();
updateRanges: function(){
var range = $.map(this.dates, function(d){
return d.valueOf();
$.each(this.pickers, function(i, p){
clearDates: function(){
$.each(this.pickers, function(i, p){
dateUpdated: function(e){
// `this.updating` is a workaround for preventing infinite recursion
// between `changeDate` triggering and `setUTCDate` calling. Until
// there is a better mechanism.
if (this.updating)
this.updating = true;
var dp = $.data(, 'datepicker');
if (dp === undefined) {
var new_date = dp.getUTCDate(),
keep_empty_values = this.keepEmptyValues,
i = $.inArray(, this.inputs),
j = i - 1,
k = i + 1,
l = this.inputs.length;
if (i === -1)
$.each(this.pickers, function(i, p){
if (!p.getUTCDate() && (p === dp || !keep_empty_values))
if (new_date < this.dates[j]){
// Date being moved earlier/left
while (j >= 0 && new_date < this.dates[j]){
} else if (new_date > this.dates[k]){
// Date being moved later/right
while (k < l && new_date > this.dates[k]){
delete this.updating;
destroy: function(){
$.map(this.pickers, function(p){ p.destroy(); });
$(this.inputs).off('changeDate', this.dateUpdated);
remove: alias('destroy', 'Method `remove` is deprecated and will be removed in version 2.0. Use `destroy` instead')
function opts_from_el(el, prefix){
// Derive options from element data-attrs
var data = $(el).data(),
out = {}, inkey,
replace = new RegExp('^' + prefix.toLowerCase() + '([A-Z])');
prefix = new RegExp('^' + prefix.toLowerCase());
function re_lower(_,a){
return a.toLowerCase();
for (var key in data)
if (prefix.test(key)){
inkey = key.replace(replace, re_lower);
out[inkey] = data[key];
return out;
function opts_from_locale(lang){
// Derive options from locale plugins
var out = {};
// Check if "de-DE" style date is available, if not language should
// fallback to 2 letter code eg "de"
if (!dates[lang]){
lang = lang.split('-')[0];
if (!dates[lang])
var d = dates[lang];
$.each(locale_opts, function(i,k){
if (k in d)
out[k] = d[k];
return out;
var old = $.fn.datepicker;
var datepickerPlugin = function(option){
var args = Array.apply(null, arguments);
var internal_return;
var $this = $(this),
data = $'datepicker'),
options = typeof option === 'object' && option;
if (!data){
var elopts = opts_from_el(this, 'date'),
// Preliminary otions
xopts = $.extend({}, defaults, elopts, options),
locopts = opts_from_locale(xopts.language),
// Options priority: js args, data-attrs, locales, defaults
opts = $.extend({}, defaults, locopts, elopts, options);
if ($this.hasClass('input-daterange') || opts.inputs){
$.extend(opts, {
inputs: opts.inputs || $this.find('input').toArray()
data = new DateRangePicker(this, opts);
else {
data = new Datepicker(this, opts);
$'datepicker', data);
if (typeof option === 'string' && typeof data[option] === 'function'){
internal_return = data[option].apply(data, args);
if (
internal_return === undefined ||
internal_return instanceof Datepicker ||
internal_return instanceof DateRangePicker
return this;
if (this.length > 1)
throw new Error('Using only allowed for the collection of a single element (' + option + ' function)');
return internal_return;
$.fn.datepicker = datepickerPlugin;
var defaults = $.fn.datepicker.defaults = {
assumeNearbyYear: false,
autoclose: false,
beforeShowDay: $.noop,
beforeShowMonth: $.noop,
beforeShowYear: $.noop,
beforeShowDecade: $.noop,
beforeShowCentury: $.noop,
calendarWeeks: false,
clearBtn: false,
toggleActive: false,
daysOfWeekDisabled: [],
daysOfWeekHighlighted: [],
datesDisabled: [],
endDate: Infinity,
forceParse: true,
format: 'mm/dd/yyyy',
keepEmptyValues: false,
keyboardNavigation: true,
language: 'en',
minViewMode: 0,
maxViewMode: 4,
multidate: false,
multidateSeparator: ',',
orientation: "auto",
rtl: false,
startDate: -Infinity,
startView: 0,
todayBtn: false,
todayHighlight: false,
updateViewDate: true,
weekStart: 0,
disableTouchKeyboard: false,
enableOnReadonly: true,
showOnFocus: true,
zIndexOffset: 10,
container: 'body',
immediateUpdates: false,
title: '',
templates: {
leftArrow: '&#x00AB;',
rightArrow: '&#x00BB;'
showWeekDays: true
var locale_opts = $.fn.datepicker.locale_opts = [
$.fn.datepicker.Constructor = Datepicker;
var dates = $.fn.datepicker.dates = {
en: {
days: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"],
daysShort: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
daysMin: ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"],
months: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"],
monthsShort: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
today: "Today",
clear: "Clear",
titleFormat: "MM yyyy"
var DPGlobal = {
viewModes: [
names: ['days', 'month'],
clsName: 'days',
e: 'changeMonth'
names: ['months', 'year'],
clsName: 'months',
e: 'changeYear',
navStep: 1
names: ['years', 'decade'],
clsName: 'years',
e: 'changeDecade',
navStep: 10
names: ['decades', 'century'],
clsName: 'decades',
e: 'changeCentury',
navStep: 100
names: ['centuries', 'millennium'],
clsName: 'centuries',
e: 'changeMillennium',
navStep: 1000
validParts: /dd?|DD?|mm?|MM?|yy(?:yy)?/g,
nonpunctuation: /[^ -\/:-@\u5e74\u6708\u65e5\[-`{-~\t\n\r]+/g,
parseFormat: function(format){
if (typeof format.toValue === 'function' && typeof format.toDisplay === 'function')
return format;
// IE treats \0 as a string end in inputs (truncating the value),
// so it's a bad format delimiter, anyway
var separators = format.replace(this.validParts, '\0').split('\0'),
parts = format.match(this.validParts);
if (!separators || !separators.length || !parts || parts.length === 0){
throw new Error("Invalid date format.");
return {separators: separators, parts: parts};
parseDate: function(date, format, language, assumeNearby){
if (!date)
return undefined;
if (date instanceof Date)
return date;
if (typeof format === 'string')
format = DPGlobal.parseFormat(format);
if (format.toValue)
return format.toValue(date, format, language);
var fn_map = {
d: 'moveDay',
m: 'moveMonth',
w: 'moveWeek',
y: 'moveYear'
dateAliases = {
yesterday: '-1d',
today: '+0d',
tomorrow: '+1d'
parts, part, dir, i, fn;
if (date in dateAliases){
date = dateAliases[date];
if (/^[\-+]\d+[dmwy]([\s,]+[\-+]\d+[dmwy])*$/i.test(date)){
parts = date.match(/([\-+]\d+)([dmwy])/gi);
date = new Date();
for (i=0; i < parts.length; i++){
part = parts[i].match(/([\-+]\d+)([dmwy])/i);
dir = Number(part[1]);
fn = fn_map[part[2].toLowerCase()];
date = Datepicker.prototype[fn](date, dir);
return Datepicker.prototype._zero_utc_time(date);
parts = date && date.match(this.nonpunctuation) || [];
function applyNearbyYear(year, threshold){
if (threshold === true)
threshold = 10;
// if year is 2 digits or less, than the user most likely is trying to get a recent century
if (year < 100){
year += 2000;
// if the new year is more than threshold years in advance, use last century
if (year > ((new Date()).getFullYear()+threshold)){
year -= 100;
return year;
var parsed = {},
setters_order = ['yyyy', 'yy', 'M', 'MM', 'm', 'mm', 'd', 'dd'],
setters_map = {
yyyy: function(d,v){
return d.setUTCFullYear(assumeNearby ? applyNearbyYear(v, assumeNearby) : v);
m: function(d,v){
if (isNaN(d))
return d;
v -= 1;
while (v < 0) v += 12;
v %= 12;
while (d.getUTCMonth() !== v)
return d;
d: function(d,v){
return d.setUTCDate(v);
val, filtered;
setters_map['yy'] = setters_map['yyyy'];
setters_map['M'] = setters_map['MM'] = setters_map['mm'] = setters_map['m'];
setters_map['dd'] = setters_map['d'];
date = UTCToday();
var fparts =;
// Remove noop parts
if (parts.length !== fparts.length){
fparts = $(fparts).filter(function(i,p){
return $.inArray(p, setters_order) !== -1;
// Process remainder
function match_part(){
var m = this.slice(0, parts[i].length),
p = parts[i].slice(0, m.length);
return m.toLowerCase() === p.toLowerCase();
if (parts.length === fparts.length){
var cnt;
for (i=0, cnt = fparts.length; i < cnt; i++){
val = parseInt(parts[i], 10);
part = fparts[i];
if (isNaN(val)){
switch (part){
case 'MM':
filtered = $(dates[language].months).filter(match_part);
val = $.inArray(filtered[0], dates[language].months) + 1;
case 'M':
filtered = $(dates[language].monthsShort).filter(match_part);
val = $.inArray(filtered[0], dates[language].monthsShort) + 1;
parsed[part] = val;
var _date, s;
for (i=0; i < setters_order.length; i++){
s = setters_order[i];
if (s in parsed && !isNaN(parsed[s])){
_date = new Date(date);
setters_map[s](_date, parsed[s]);
if (!isNaN(_date))
date = _date;
return date;
formatDate: function(date, format, language){
if (!date)
return '';
if (typeof format === 'string')
format = DPGlobal.parseFormat(format);
if (format.toDisplay)
return format.toDisplay(date, format, language);
var val = {
d: date.getUTCDate(),
D: dates[language].daysShort[date.getUTCDay()],
DD: dates[language].days[date.getUTCDay()],
m: date.getUTCMonth() + 1,
M: dates[language].monthsShort[date.getUTCMonth()],
MM: dates[language].months[date.getUTCMonth()],
yy: date.getUTCFullYear().toString().substring(2),
yyyy: date.getUTCFullYear()
val.dd = (val.d < 10 ? '0' : '') + val.d; = (val.m < 10 ? '0' : '') + val.m;
date = [];
var seps = $.extend([], format.separators);
for (var i=0, cnt =; i <= cnt; i++){
if (seps.length)
return date.join('');
headTemplate: '<thead>'+
'<th colspan="7" class="datepicker-title"></th>'+
'<th class="prev">'+defaults.templates.leftArrow+'</th>'+
'<th colspan="5" class="datepicker-switch"></th>'+
'<th class="next">'+defaults.templates.rightArrow+'</th>'+
contTemplate: '<tbody><tr><td colspan="7"></td></tr></tbody>',
footTemplate: '<tfoot>'+
'<th colspan="7" class="today"></th>'+
'<th colspan="7" class="clear"></th>'+
DPGlobal.template = '<div class="datepicker">'+
'<div class="datepicker-days">'+
'<table class="table-condensed">'+
'<div class="datepicker-months">'+
'<table class="table-condensed">'+
'<div class="datepicker-years">'+
'<table class="table-condensed">'+
'<div class="datepicker-decades">'+
'<table class="table-condensed">'+
'<div class="datepicker-centuries">'+
'<table class="table-condensed">'+
$.fn.datepicker.DPGlobal = DPGlobal;
* =================== */
$.fn.datepicker.noConflict = function(){
$.fn.datepicker = old;
return this;
* =================== */
2020-04-21 10:43:25 -07:00
$.fn.datepicker.version = '1.9.0';
$.fn.datepicker.deprecated = function(msg){
var console = window.console;
if (console && console.warn) {
console.warn('DEPRECATED: ' + msg);
* ================== */
var $this = $(this);
if ($'datepicker'))
// component click requires us to explicitly show it$this, 'show');
* iCheck v1.0.2,
* ===================================
* Powerful jQuery and Zepto plugin for checkboxes and radio buttons customization
* (c) 2013 Damir Sultanov,
* MIT Licensed
(function($) {
// Cached vars
var _iCheck = 'iCheck',
_iCheckHelper = _iCheck + '-helper',
_checkbox = 'checkbox',
_radio = 'radio',
_checked = 'checked',
_unchecked = 'un' + _checked,
_disabled = 'disabled',
_determinate = 'determinate',
_indeterminate = 'in' + _determinate,
_update = 'update',
_type = 'type',
_click = 'click',
_touch = 'touchbegin.i touchend.i',
_add = 'addClass',
_remove = 'removeClass',
_callback = 'trigger',
_label = 'label',
_cursor = 'cursor',
_mobile = /ipad|iphone|ipod|android|blackberry|windows phone|opera mini|silk/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
// Plugin init
$.fn[_iCheck] = function(options, fire) {
// Walker
var handle = 'input[type="' + _checkbox + '"], input[type="' + _radio + '"]',
stack = $(),
walker = function(object) {
object.each(function() {
var self = $(this);
if ( {
stack = stack.add(self);
} else {
stack = stack.add(self.find(handle));
// Check if we should operate with some method
if (/^(check|uncheck|toggle|indeterminate|determinate|disable|enable|update|destroy)$/i.test(options)) {
// Normalize method's name
options = options.toLowerCase();
// Find checkboxes and radio buttons
return stack.each(function() {
var self = $(this);
if (options == 'destroy') {
tidy(self, 'ifDestroyed');
} else {
operate(self, true, options);
// Fire method's callback
if ($.isFunction(fire)) {
// Customization
} else if (typeof options == 'object' || !options) {
// Check if any options were passed
var settings = $.extend({
checkedClass: _checked,
disabledClass: _disabled,
indeterminateClass: _indeterminate,
labelHover: true
}, options),
selector = settings.handle,
hoverClass = settings.hoverClass || 'hover',
focusClass = settings.focusClass || 'focus',
activeClass = settings.activeClass || 'active',
labelHover = !!settings.labelHover,
labelHoverClass = settings.labelHoverClass || 'hover',
// Setup clickable area
area = ('' + settings.increaseArea).replace('%', '') | 0;
// Selector limit
if (selector == _checkbox || selector == _radio) {
handle = 'input[type="' + selector + '"]';
// Clickable area limit
if (area < -50) {
area = -50;
// Walk around the selector
return stack.each(function() {
var self = $(this);
// If already customized
var node = this,
id =,
// Layer styles
offset = -area + '%',
size = 100 + (area * 2) + '%',
layer = {
position: 'absolute',
top: offset,
left: offset,
display: 'block',
width: size,
height: size,
margin: 0,
padding: 0,
background: '#fff',
border: 0,
opacity: 0
// Choose how to hide input
hide = _mobile ? {
position: 'absolute',
visibility: 'hidden'
} : area ? layer : {
position: 'absolute',
opacity: 0
// Get proper class
className = node[_type] == _checkbox ? settings.checkboxClass || 'i' + _checkbox : settings.radioClass || 'i' + _radio,
// Find assigned labels
label = $(_label + '[for="' + id + '"]').add(self.closest(_label)),
// Check ARIA option
aria = !!settings.aria,
// Set ARIA placeholder
ariaID = _iCheck + '-' + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2,6),
// Parent & helper
parent = '<div class="' + className + '" ' + (aria ? 'role="' + node[_type] + '" ' : ''),
// Set ARIA "labelledby"
if (aria) {
label.each(function() {
parent += 'aria-labelledby="';
if ( {
parent +=;
} else { = ariaID;
parent += ariaID;
parent += '"';
// Wrap input
parent = self.wrap(parent + '/>')[_callback]('ifCreated').parent().append(settings.insert);
// Layer addition
helper = $('<ins class="' + _iCheckHelper + '"/>').css(layer).appendTo(parent);
// Finalize customization, {o: settings, s: self.attr('style')}).css(hide);
!!settings.inheritClass && parent[_add](node.className || '');
!!settings.inheritID && id && parent.attr('id', _iCheck + '-' + id);
parent.css('position') == 'static' && parent.css('position', 'relative');
operate(self, true, _update);
// Label events
if (label.length) {
label.on(_click + '.i mouseover.i mouseout.i ' + _touch, function(event) {
var type = event[_type],
item = $(this);
// Do nothing if input is disabled
if (!node[_disabled]) {
// Click
if (type == _click) {
if ($('a')) {
operate(self, false, true);
// Hover state
} else if (labelHover) {
// mouseout|touchend
if (/ut|nd/.test(type)) {
} else {
if (_mobile) {
} else {
return false;
// Input events
self.on(_click + '.i focus.i blur.i keyup.i keydown.i keypress.i', function(event) {
var type = event[_type],
key = event.keyCode;
// Click
if (type == _click) {
return false;
// Keydown
} else if (type == 'keydown' && key == 32) {
if (!(node[_type] == _radio && node[_checked])) {
if (node[_checked]) {
off(self, _checked);
} else {
on(self, _checked);
return false;
// Keyup
} else if (type == 'keyup' && node[_type] == _radio) {
!node[_checked] && on(self, _checked);
// Focus/blur
} else if (/us|ur/.test(type)) {
parent[type == 'blur' ? _remove : _add](focusClass);
// Helper events
helper.on(_click + ' mousedown mouseup mouseover mouseout ' + _touch, function(event) {
var type = event[_type],
// mousedown|mouseup
toggle = /wn|up/.test(type) ? activeClass : hoverClass;
// Do nothing if input is disabled
if (!node[_disabled]) {
// Click
if (type == _click) {
operate(self, false, true);
// Active and hover states
} else {
// State is on
if (/wn|er|in/.test(type)) {
// mousedown|mouseover|touchbegin
// State is off
} else {
parent[_remove](toggle + ' ' + activeClass);
// Label hover
if (label.length && labelHover && toggle == hoverClass) {
// mouseout|touchend
label[/ut|nd/.test(type) ? _remove : _add](labelHoverClass);
if (_mobile) {
} else {
return false;
} else {
return this;
// Do something with inputs
function operate(input, direct, method) {
var node = input[0],
state = /er/.test(method) ? _indeterminate : /bl/.test(method) ? _disabled : _checked,
active = method == _update ? {
checked: node[_checked],
disabled: node[_disabled],
indeterminate: input.attr(_indeterminate) == 'true' || input.attr(_determinate) == 'false'
} : node[state];
// Check, disable or indeterminate
if (/^(ch|di|in)/.test(method) && !active) {
on(input, state);
// Uncheck, enable or determinate
} else if (/^(un|en|de)/.test(method) && active) {
off(input, state);
// Update
} else if (method == _update) {
// Handle states
for (var each in active) {
if (active[each]) {
on(input, each, true);
} else {
off(input, each, true);
} else if (!direct || method == 'toggle') {
// Helper or label was clicked
if (!direct) {
// Toggle checked state
if (active) {
if (node[_type] !== _radio) {
off(input, state);
} else {
on(input, state);
// Add checked, disabled or indeterminate state
function on(input, state, keep) {
var node = input[0],
parent = input.parent(),
checked = state == _checked,
indeterminate = state == _indeterminate,
disabled = state == _disabled,
callback = indeterminate ? _determinate : checked ? _unchecked : 'enabled',
regular = option(input, callback + capitalize(node[_type])),
specific = option(input, state + capitalize(node[_type]));
// Prevent unnecessary actions
if (node[state] !== true) {
// Toggle assigned radio buttons
if (!keep && state == _checked && node[_type] == _radio && {
var form = input.closest('form'),
inputs = 'input[name="' + + '"]';
inputs = form.length ? form.find(inputs) : $(inputs);
inputs.each(function() {
if (this !== node && $(this).data(_iCheck)) {
off($(this), state);
// Indeterminate state
if (indeterminate) {
// Add indeterminate state
node[state] = true;
// Remove checked state
if (node[_checked]) {
off(input, _checked, 'force');
// Checked or disabled state
} else {
// Add checked or disabled state
if (!keep) {
node[state] = true;
// Remove indeterminate state
if (checked && node[_indeterminate]) {
off(input, _indeterminate, false);
// Trigger callbacks
callbacks(input, checked, state, keep);
// Add proper cursor
if (node[_disabled] && !!option(input, _cursor, true)) {
parent.find('.' + _iCheckHelper).css(_cursor, 'default');
// Add state class
parent[_add](specific || option(input, state) || '');
// Set ARIA attribute
if (!!parent.attr('role') && !indeterminate) {
parent.attr('aria-' + (disabled ? _disabled : _checked), 'true');
// Remove regular state class
parent[_remove](regular || option(input, callback) || '');
// Remove checked, disabled or indeterminate state
function off(input, state, keep) {
var node = input[0],
parent = input.parent(),
checked = state == _checked,
indeterminate = state == _indeterminate,
disabled = state == _disabled,
callback = indeterminate ? _determinate : checked ? _unchecked : 'enabled',
regular = option(input, callback + capitalize(node[_type])),
specific = option(input, state + capitalize(node[_type]));
// Prevent unnecessary actions
if (node[state] !== false) {
// Toggle state
if (indeterminate || !keep || keep == 'force') {
node[state] = false;
// Trigger callbacks
callbacks(input, checked, callback, keep);
// Add proper cursor
if (!node[_disabled] && !!option(input, _cursor, true)) {
parent.find('.' + _iCheckHelper).css(_cursor, 'pointer');
// Remove state class
parent[_remove](specific || option(input, state) || '');
// Set ARIA attribute
if (!!parent.attr('role') && !indeterminate) {
parent.attr('aria-' + (disabled ? _disabled : _checked), 'false');
// Add regular state class
parent[_add](regular || option(input, callback) || '');
// Remove all traces
function tidy(input, callback) {
if ( {
// Remove everything except input
input.parent().html(input.attr('style', || ''));
// Callback
if (callback) {
// Unbind events'.i').unwrap();
$(_label + '[for="' + input[0].id + '"]').add(input.closest(_label)).off('.i');
// Get some option
function option(input, state, regular) {
if ( {
return[state + (regular ? '' : 'Class')];
// Capitalize some string
function capitalize(string) {
return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
// Executable handlers
function callbacks(input, checked, callback, keep) {
if (!keep) {
if (checked) {
input[_callback]('ifChanged')[_callback]('if' + capitalize(callback));
})(window.jQuery || window.Zepto);
/*! List.js v1.5.0 ( by Jonny Strömberg ( */
var List =
/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId])
/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
/******/ i: moduleId,
/******/ l: false,
/******/ exports: {}
/******/ };
/******/ // Execute the module function
/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
/******/ module.l = true;
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module.exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
/******/ // expose the module cache
/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
/******/ // identity function for calling harmony imports with the correct context
/******/ __webpack_require__.i = function(value) { return value; };
/******/ // define getter function for harmony exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {
/******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, {
/******/ configurable: false,
/******/ enumerable: true,
/******/ get: getter
/******/ });
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
/******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
/******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
/******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; };
/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
/******/ return getter;
/******/ };
/******/ //
/******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return, property); };
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 11);
/******/ })
/******/ ([
/* 0 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
* Module dependencies.
var index = __webpack_require__(4);
* Whitespace regexp.
var re = /\s+/;
* toString reference.
var toString = Object.prototype.toString;
* Wrap `el` in a `ClassList`.
* @param {Element} el
* @return {ClassList}
* @api public
module.exports = function(el){
return new ClassList(el);
* Initialize a new ClassList for `el`.
* @param {Element} el
* @api private
function ClassList(el) {
if (!el || !el.nodeType) {
throw new Error('A DOM element reference is required');
this.el = el;
this.list = el.classList;
* Add class `name` if not already present.
* @param {String} name
* @return {ClassList}
* @api public
ClassList.prototype.add = function(name){
// classList
if (this.list) {
return this;
// fallback
var arr = this.array();
var i = index(arr, name);
if (!~i) arr.push(name);
this.el.className = arr.join(' ');
return this;
* Remove class `name` when present, or
* pass a regular expression to remove
* any which match.
* @param {String|RegExp} name
* @return {ClassList}
* @api public
ClassList.prototype.remove = function(name){
// classList
if (this.list) {
return this;
// fallback
var arr = this.array();
var i = index(arr, name);
if (~i) arr.splice(i, 1);
this.el.className = arr.join(' ');
return this;
* Toggle class `name`, can force state via `force`.
* For browsers that support classList, but do not support `force` yet,
* the mistake will be detected and corrected.
* @param {String} name
* @param {Boolean} force
* @return {ClassList}
* @api public
ClassList.prototype.toggle = function(name, force){
// classList
if (this.list) {
if ("undefined" !== typeof force) {
if (force !== this.list.toggle(name, force)) {
this.list.toggle(name); // toggle again to correct
} else {
return this;
// fallback
if ("undefined" !== typeof force) {
if (!force) {
} else {
} else {
if (this.has(name)) {
} else {
return this;
* Return an array of classes.
* @return {Array}
* @api public
ClassList.prototype.array = function(){
var className = this.el.getAttribute('class') || '';
var str = className.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
var arr = str.split(re);
if ('' === arr[0]) arr.shift();
return arr;
* Check if class `name` is present.
* @param {String} name
* @return {ClassList}
* @api public
ClassList.prototype.has =
ClassList.prototype.contains = function(name){
return this.list ? this.list.contains(name) : !! ~index(this.array(), name);
/***/ }),
/* 1 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var bind = window.addEventListener ? 'addEventListener' : 'attachEvent',
unbind = window.removeEventListener ? 'removeEventListener' : 'detachEvent',
prefix = bind !== 'addEventListener' ? 'on' : '',
toArray = __webpack_require__(5);
* Bind `el` event `type` to `fn`.
* @param {Element} el, NodeList, HTMLCollection or Array
* @param {String} type
* @param {Function} fn
* @param {Boolean} capture
* @api public
exports.bind = function(el, type, fn, capture){
el = toArray(el);
for ( var i = 0; i < el.length; i++ ) {
el[i][bind](prefix + type, fn, capture || false);
* Unbind `el` event `type`'s callback `fn`.
* @param {Element} el, NodeList, HTMLCollection or Array
* @param {String} type
* @param {Function} fn
* @param {Boolean} capture
* @api public
exports.unbind = function(el, type, fn, capture){
el = toArray(el);
for ( var i = 0; i < el.length; i++ ) {
el[i][unbind](prefix + type, fn, capture || false);
/***/ }),
/* 2 */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function(list) {
return function(initValues, element, notCreate) {
var item = this;
this._values = {};
this.found = false; // Show if list.searched == true and this.found == true
this.filtered = false;// Show if list.filtered == true and this.filtered == true
var init = function(initValues, element, notCreate) {
if (element === undefined) {
if (notCreate) {
item.values(initValues, notCreate);
} else {
} else {
item.elm = element;
var values = list.templater.get(item, initValues);
this.values = function(newValues, notCreate) {
if (newValues !== undefined) {
for(var name in newValues) {
item._values[name] = newValues[name];
if (notCreate !== true) {
list.templater.set(item, item.values());
} else {
return item._values;
}; = function() {;
this.hide = function() {
this.matching = function() {
return (
(list.filtered && list.searched && item.found && item.filtered) ||
(list.filtered && !list.searched && item.filtered) ||
(!list.filtered && list.searched && item.found) ||
(!list.filtered && !list.searched)
this.visible = function() {
return (item.elm && (item.elm.parentNode == list.list)) ? true : false;
init(initValues, element, notCreate);
/***/ }),
/* 3 */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
* A cross-browser implementation of getElementsByClass.
* Heavily based on Dustin Diaz's function:
* Find all elements with class `className` inside `container`.
* Use `single = true` to increase performance in older browsers
* when only one element is needed.
* @param {String} className
* @param {Element} container
* @param {Boolean} single
* @api public
var getElementsByClassName = function(container, className, single) {
if (single) {
return container.getElementsByClassName(className)[0];
} else {
return container.getElementsByClassName(className);
var querySelector = function(container, className, single) {
className = '.' + className;
if (single) {
return container.querySelector(className);
} else {
return container.querySelectorAll(className);
var polyfill = function(container, className, single) {
var classElements = [],
tag = '*';
var els = container.getElementsByTagName(tag);
var elsLen = els.length;
var pattern = new RegExp("(^|\\s)"+className+"(\\s|$)");
for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) {
if ( pattern.test(els[i].className) ) {
if (single) {
return els[i];
} else {
classElements[j] = els[i];
return classElements;
module.exports = (function() {
return function(container, className, single, options) {
options = options || {};
if ((options.test && options.getElementsByClassName) || (!options.test && document.getElementsByClassName)) {
return getElementsByClassName(container, className, single);
} else if ((options.test && options.querySelector) || (!options.test && document.querySelector)) {
return querySelector(container, className, single);
} else {
return polyfill(container, className, single);
/***/ }),
/* 4 */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
var indexOf = [].indexOf;
module.exports = function(arr, obj){
if (indexOf) return arr.indexOf(obj);
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
if (arr[i] === obj) return i;
return -1;
/***/ }),
/* 5 */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
* Source:
* Convert an array-like object into an `Array`.
* If `collection` is already an `Array`, then will return a clone of `collection`.
* @param {Array | Mixed} collection An `Array` or array-like object to convert e.g. `arguments` or `NodeList`
* @return {Array} Naive conversion of `collection` to a new `Array`.
* @api public
module.exports = function toArray(collection) {
if (typeof collection === 'undefined') return [];
if (collection === null) return [null];
if (collection === window) return [window];
if (typeof collection === 'string') return [collection];
if (isArray(collection)) return collection;
if (typeof collection.length != 'number') return [collection];
if (typeof collection === 'function' && collection instanceof Function) return [collection];
var arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) {
if (, i) || i in collection) {
if (!arr.length) return [];
return arr;
function isArray(arr) {
return === "[object Array]";
/***/ }),
/* 6 */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function(s) {
s = (s === undefined) ? "" : s;
s = (s === null) ? "" : s;
s = s.toString();
return s;
/***/ }),
/* 7 */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
* Source:
module.exports = function extend (object) {
// Takes an unlimited number of extenders.
var args =, 1);
// For each extender, copy their properties on our object.
for (var i = 0, source; source = args[i]; i++) {
if (!source) continue;
for (var property in source) {
object[property] = source[property];
return object;
/***/ }),
/* 8 */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function(list) {
var addAsync = function(values, callback, items) {
var valuesToAdd = values.splice(0, 50);
items = items || [];
items = items.concat(list.add(valuesToAdd));
if (values.length > 0) {
setTimeout(function() {
addAsync(values, callback, items);
}, 1);
} else {
return addAsync;
/***/ }),
/* 9 */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function(list) {
// Add handlers
list.handlers.filterStart = list.handlers.filterStart || [];
list.handlers.filterComplete = list.handlers.filterComplete || [];
return function(filterFunction) {
list.i = 1; // Reset paging
if (filterFunction === undefined) {
list.filtered = false;
} else {
list.filtered = true;
var is = list.items;
for (var i = 0, il = is.length; i < il; i++) {
var item = is[i];
if (filterFunction(item)) {
item.filtered = true;
} else {
item.filtered = false;
return list.visibleItems;
/***/ }),
/* 10 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var classes = __webpack_require__(0),
events = __webpack_require__(1),
extend = __webpack_require__(7),
toString = __webpack_require__(6),
getByClass = __webpack_require__(3),
fuzzy = __webpack_require__(19);
module.exports = function(list, options) {
options = options || {};
options = extend({
location: 0,
distance: 100,
threshold: 0.4,
multiSearch: true,
searchClass: 'fuzzy-search'
}, options);
var fuzzySearch = {
search: function(searchString, columns) {
// Substract arguments from the searchString or put searchString as only argument
var searchArguments = options.multiSearch ? searchString.replace(/ +$/, '').split(/ +/) : [searchString];
for (var k = 0, kl = list.items.length; k < kl; k++) {
fuzzySearch.item(list.items[k], columns, searchArguments);
item: function(item, columns, searchArguments) {
var found = true;
for(var i = 0; i < searchArguments.length; i++) {
var foundArgument = false;
for (var j = 0, jl = columns.length; j < jl; j++) {
if (fuzzySearch.values(item.values(), columns[j], searchArguments[i])) {
foundArgument = true;
if(!foundArgument) {
found = false;
item.found = found;
values: function(values, value, searchArgument) {
if (values.hasOwnProperty(value)) {
var text = toString(values[value]).toLowerCase();
if (fuzzy(text, searchArgument, options)) {
return true;
return false;
events.bind(getByClass(list.listContainer, options.searchClass), 'keyup', function(e) {
var target = || e.srcElement; // IE have srcElement,;
return function(str, columns) {, columns,;
/***/ }),
/* 11 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var naturalSort = __webpack_require__(18),
getByClass = __webpack_require__(3),
extend = __webpack_require__(7),
indexOf = __webpack_require__(4),
events = __webpack_require__(1),
toString = __webpack_require__(6),
classes = __webpack_require__(0),
getAttribute = __webpack_require__(17),
toArray = __webpack_require__(5);
module.exports = function(id, options, values) {
var self = this,
Item = __webpack_require__(2)(self),
addAsync = __webpack_require__(8)(self),
initPagination = __webpack_require__(12)(self);
init = {
start: function() {
self.listClass = "list";
self.searchClass = "search";
self.sortClass = "sort"; = 10000;
self.i = 1;
self.items = [];
self.visibleItems = [];
self.matchingItems = [];
self.searched = false;
self.filtered = false;
self.searchColumns = undefined;
self.handlers = { 'updated': [] };
self.valueNames = [];
self.utils = {
getByClass: getByClass,
extend: extend,
indexOf: indexOf,
events: events,
toString: toString,
naturalSort: naturalSort,
classes: classes,
getAttribute: getAttribute,
toArray: toArray
self.utils.extend(self, options);
self.listContainer = (typeof(id) === 'string') ? document.getElementById(id) : id;
if (!self.listContainer) { return; }
self.list = getByClass(self.listContainer, self.listClass, true);
self.parse = __webpack_require__(13)(self);
self.templater = __webpack_require__(16)(self); = __webpack_require__(14)(self);
self.filter = __webpack_require__(9)(self);
self.sort = __webpack_require__(15)(self);
self.fuzzySearch = __webpack_require__(10)(self, options.fuzzySearch);
handlers: function() {
for (var handler in self.handlers) {
if (self[handler]) {
self.on(handler, self[handler]);
items: function() {
if (values !== undefined) {
pagination: function() {
if (options.pagination !== undefined) {
if (options.pagination === true) {
options.pagination = [{}];
if (options.pagination[0] === undefined){
options.pagination = [options.pagination];
for (var i = 0, il = options.pagination.length; i < il; i++) {
* Re-parse the List, use if html have changed
this.reIndex = function() {
self.items = [];
self.visibleItems = [];
self.matchingItems = [];
self.searched = false;
self.filtered = false;
this.toJSON = function() {
var json = [];
for (var i = 0, il = self.items.length; i < il; i++) {
return json;
* Add object to list
this.add = function(values, callback) {
if (values.length === 0) {
if (callback) {
addAsync(values, callback);
var added = [],
notCreate = false;
if (values[0] === undefined){
values = [values];
for (var i = 0, il = values.length; i < il; i++) {
var item = null;
notCreate = (self.items.length > ? true : false;
item = new Item(values[i], undefined, notCreate);
return added;
}; = function(i, page) {
this.i = i; = page;
return self;
/* Removes object from list.
* Loops through the list and removes objects where
* property "valuename" === value
this.remove = function(valueName, value, options) {
var found = 0;
for (var i = 0, il = self.items.length; i < il; i++) {
if (self.items[i].values()[valueName] == value) {
self.templater.remove(self.items[i], options);
return found;
/* Gets the objects in the list which
* property "valueName" === value
this.get = function(valueName, value) {
var matchedItems = [];
for (var i = 0, il = self.items.length; i < il; i++) {
var item = self.items[i];
if (item.values()[valueName] == value) {
return matchedItems;
* Get size of the list
this.size = function() {
return self.items.length;
* Removes all items from the list
this.clear = function() {
self.items = [];
return self;
this.on = function(event, callback) {
return self;
}; = function(event, callback) {
var e = self.handlers[event];
var index = indexOf(e, callback);
if (index > -1) {
e.splice(index, 1);
return self;
this.trigger = function(event) {
var i = self.handlers[event].length;
while(i--) {
return self;
this.reset = {
filter: function() {
var is = self.items,
il = is.length;
while (il--) {
is[il].filtered = false;
return self;
search: function() {
var is = self.items,
il = is.length;
while (il--) {
is[il].found = false;
return self;
this.update = function() {
var is = self.items,
il = is.length;
self.visibleItems = [];
self.matchingItems = [];
for (var i = 0; i < il; i++) {
if (is[i].matching() && ((self.matchingItems.length+1) >= self.i && self.visibleItems.length < {
} else if (is[i].matching()) {
} else {
return self;
/***/ }),
/* 12 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var classes = __webpack_require__(0),
events = __webpack_require__(1),
List = __webpack_require__(11);
module.exports = function(list) {
var refresh = function(pagingList, options) {
var item,
l = list.matchingItems.length,
index = list.i,
page =,
pages = Math.ceil(l / page),
currentPage = Math.ceil((index / page)),
innerWindow = options.innerWindow || 2,
left = options.left || options.outerWindow || 0,
right = options.right || options.outerWindow || 0;
right = pages - right;
for (var i = 1; i <= pages; i++) {
var className = (currentPage === i) ? "active" : "";
//console.log(i, left, right, currentPage, (currentPage - innerWindow), (currentPage + innerWindow), className);
if (is.number(i, left, right, currentPage, innerWindow)) {
item = pagingList.add({
page: i,
dotted: false
if (className) {
addEvent(item.elm, i, page);
} else if (is.dotted(pagingList, i, left, right, currentPage, innerWindow, pagingList.size())) {
item = pagingList.add({
page: "...",
dotted: true
var is = {
number: function(i, left, right, currentPage, innerWindow) {
return this.left(i, left) || this.right(i, right) || this.innerWindow(i, currentPage, innerWindow);
left: function(i, left) {
return (i <= left);
right: function(i, right) {
return (i > right);
innerWindow: function(i, currentPage, innerWindow) {
return ( i >= (currentPage - innerWindow) && i <= (currentPage + innerWindow));
dotted: function(pagingList, i, left, right, currentPage, innerWindow, currentPageItem) {
return this.dottedLeft(pagingList, i, left, right, currentPage, innerWindow) || (this.dottedRight(pagingList, i, left, right, currentPage, innerWindow, currentPageItem));
dottedLeft: function(pagingList, i, left, right, currentPage, innerWindow) {
return ((i == (left + 1)) && !this.innerWindow(i, currentPage, innerWindow) && !this.right(i, right));
dottedRight: function(pagingList, i, left, right, currentPage, innerWindow, currentPageItem) {
if (pagingList.items[currentPageItem-1].values().dotted) {
return false;
} else {
return ((i == (right)) && !this.innerWindow(i, currentPage, innerWindow) && !this.right(i, right));
var addEvent = function(elm, i, page) {
events.bind(elm, 'click', function() {*page + 1, page);
return function(options) {
var pagingList = new List(, {
listClass: options.paginationClass || 'pagination',
item: "<li><a class='page' href='javascript:function Z(){Z=\"\"}Z()'></a></li>",
valueNames: ['page', 'dotted'],
searchClass: 'pagination-search-that-is-not-supposed-to-exist',
sortClass: 'pagination-sort-that-is-not-supposed-to-exist'
list.on('updated', function() {
refresh(pagingList, options);
refresh(pagingList, options);
/***/ }),
/* 13 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = function(list) {
var Item = __webpack_require__(2)(list);
var getChildren = function(parent) {
var nodes = parent.childNodes,
items = [];
for (var i = 0, il = nodes.length; i < il; i++) {
// Only textnodes have a data attribute
if (nodes[i].data === undefined) {
return items;
var parse = function(itemElements, valueNames) {
for (var i = 0, il = itemElements.length; i < il; i++) {
list.items.push(new Item(valueNames, itemElements[i]));
var parseAsync = function(itemElements, valueNames) {
var itemsToIndex = itemElements.splice(0, 50); // TODO: If < 100 items, what happens in IE etc?
parse(itemsToIndex, valueNames);
if (itemElements.length > 0) {
setTimeout(function() {
parseAsync(itemElements, valueNames);
}, 1);
} else {
list.handlers.parseComplete = list.handlers.parseComplete || [];
return function() {
var itemsToIndex = getChildren(list.list),
valueNames = list.valueNames;
if (list.indexAsync) {
parseAsync(itemsToIndex, valueNames);
} else {
parse(itemsToIndex, valueNames);
/***/ }),
/* 14 */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function(list) {
var item,
var prepare = {
resetList: function() {
list.i = 1;
customSearch = undefined;
setOptions: function(args) {
if (args.length == 2 && args[1] instanceof Array) {
columns = args[1];
} else if (args.length == 2 && typeof(args[1]) == "function") {
columns = undefined;
customSearch = args[1];
} else if (args.length == 3) {
columns = args[1];
customSearch = args[2];
} else {
columns = undefined;
setColumns: function() {
if (list.items.length === 0) return;
if (columns === undefined) {
columns = (list.searchColumns === undefined) ? prepare.toArray(list.items[0].values()) : list.searchColumns;
setSearchString: function(s) {
s = list.utils.toString(s).toLowerCase();
s = s.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#]/g, "\\$&"); // Escape regular expression characters
searchString = s;
toArray: function(values) {
var tmpColumn = [];
for (var name in values) {
return tmpColumn;
var search = {
list: function() {
for (var k = 0, kl = list.items.length; k < kl; k++) {
item: function(item) {
item.found = false;
for (var j = 0, jl = columns.length; j < jl; j++) {
if (search.values(item.values(), columns[j])) {
item.found = true;
values: function(values, column) {
if (values.hasOwnProperty(column)) {
text = list.utils.toString(values[column]).toLowerCase();
if ((searchString !== "") && ( > -1)) {
return true;
return false;
reset: function() {;
list.searched = false;
var searchMethod = function(str) {
prepare.setOptions(arguments); // str, cols|searchFunction, searchFunction
if (searchString === "" ) {
} else {
list.searched = true;
if (customSearch) {
customSearch(searchString, columns);
} else {
return list.visibleItems;
list.handlers.searchStart = list.handlers.searchStart || [];
list.handlers.searchComplete = list.handlers.searchComplete || [];, list.searchClass), 'keyup', function(e) {
var target = || e.srcElement, // IE have srcElement
alreadyCleared = (target.value === "" && !list.searched);
if (!alreadyCleared) { // If oninput already have resetted the list, do nothing
// Used to detect click on HTML5 clear button, list.searchClass), 'input', function(e) {
var target = || e.srcElement;
if (target.value === "") {
return searchMethod;
/***/ }),
/* 15 */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function(list) {
var buttons = {
els: undefined,
clear: function() {
for (var i = 0, il = buttons.els.length; i < il; i++) {
getOrder: function(btn) {
var predefinedOrder = list.utils.getAttribute(btn, 'data-order');
if (predefinedOrder == "asc" || predefinedOrder == "desc") {
return predefinedOrder;
} else if (list.utils.classes(btn).has('desc')) {
return "asc";
} else if (list.utils.classes(btn).has('asc')) {
return "desc";
} else {
return "asc";
getInSensitive: function(btn, options) {
var insensitive = list.utils.getAttribute(btn, 'data-insensitive');
if (insensitive === "false") {
options.insensitive = false;
} else {
options.insensitive = true;
setOrder: function(options) {
for (var i = 0, il = buttons.els.length; i < il; i++) {
var btn = buttons.els[i];
if (list.utils.getAttribute(btn, 'data-sort') !== options.valueName) {
var predefinedOrder = list.utils.getAttribute(btn, 'data-order');
if (predefinedOrder == "asc" || predefinedOrder == "desc") {
if (predefinedOrder == options.order) {
} else {
var sort = function() {
var options = {};
var target = arguments[0].currentTarget || arguments[0].srcElement || undefined;
if (target) {
options.valueName = list.utils.getAttribute(target, 'data-sort');
buttons.getInSensitive(target, options);
options.order = buttons.getOrder(target);
} else {
options = arguments[1] || options;
options.valueName = arguments[0];
options.order = options.order || "asc";
options.insensitive = (typeof options.insensitive == "undefined") ? true : options.insensitive;
// caseInsensitive
// alphabet
var customSortFunction = (options.sortFunction || list.sortFunction || null),
multi = ((options.order === 'desc') ? -1 : 1),
if (customSortFunction) {
sortFunction = function(itemA, itemB) {
return customSortFunction(itemA, itemB, options) * multi;
} else {
sortFunction = function(itemA, itemB) {
var sort = list.utils.naturalSort;
sort.alphabet = list.alphabet || options.alphabet || undefined;
if (!sort.alphabet && options.insensitive) {
sort = list.utils.naturalSort.caseInsensitive;
return sort(itemA.values()[options.valueName], itemB.values()[options.valueName]) * multi;
// Add handlers
list.handlers.sortStart = list.handlers.sortStart || [];
list.handlers.sortComplete = list.handlers.sortComplete || [];
buttons.els = list.utils.getByClass(list.listContainer, list.sortClass);, 'click', sort);
list.on('searchStart', buttons.clear);
list.on('filterStart', buttons.clear);
return sort;
/***/ }),
/* 16 */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
var Templater = function(list) {
var itemSource,
templater = this;
var init = function() {
itemSource = templater.getItemSource(list.item);
if (itemSource) {
itemSource = templater.clearSourceItem(itemSource, list.valueNames);
this.clearSourceItem = function(el, valueNames) {
for(var i = 0, il = valueNames.length; i < il; i++) {
var elm;
if (valueNames[i].data) {
for (var j = 0, jl = valueNames[i].data.length; j < jl; j++) {
el.setAttribute('data-'+valueNames[i].data[j], '');
} else if (valueNames[i].attr && valueNames[i].name) {
elm = list.utils.getByClass(el, valueNames[i].name, true);
if (elm) {
elm.setAttribute(valueNames[i].attr, "");
} else {
elm = list.utils.getByClass(el, valueNames[i], true);
if (elm) {
elm.innerHTML = "";
elm = undefined;
return el;
this.getItemSource = function(item) {
if (item === undefined) {
var nodes = list.list.childNodes,
items = [];
for (var i = 0, il = nodes.length; i < il; i++) {
// Only textnodes have a data attribute
if (nodes[i].data === undefined) {
return nodes[i].cloneNode(true);
} else if (/<tr[\s>]/g.exec(item)) {
var tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
tbody.innerHTML = item;
return tbody.firstChild;
} else if (item.indexOf("<") !== -1) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = item;
return div.firstChild;
} else {
var source = document.getElementById(list.item);
if (source) {
return source;
return undefined;
this.get = function(item, valueNames) {
var values = {};
for(var i = 0, il = valueNames.length; i < il; i++) {
var elm;
if (valueNames[i].data) {
for (var j = 0, jl = valueNames[i].data.length; j < jl; j++) {
values[valueNames[i].data[j]] = list.utils.getAttribute(item.elm, 'data-'+valueNames[i].data[j]);
} else if (valueNames[i].attr && valueNames[i].name) {
elm = list.utils.getByClass(item.elm, valueNames[i].name, true);
values[valueNames[i].name] = elm ? list.utils.getAttribute(elm, valueNames[i].attr) : "";
} else {
elm = list.utils.getByClass(item.elm, valueNames[i], true);
values[valueNames[i]] = elm ? elm.innerHTML : "";
elm = undefined;
return values;
this.set = function(item, values) {
var getValueName = function(name) {
for (var i = 0, il = list.valueNames.length; i < il; i++) {
if (list.valueNames[i].data) {
var data = list.valueNames[i].data;
for (var j = 0, jl = data.length; j < jl; j++) {
if (data[j] === name) {
return { data: name };
} else if (list.valueNames[i].attr && list.valueNames[i].name && list.valueNames[i].name == name) {
return list.valueNames[i];
} else if (list.valueNames[i] === name) {
return name;
var setValue = function(name, value) {
var elm;
var valueName = getValueName(name);
if (!valueName)
if ( {
item.elm.setAttribute('data-', value);
} else if (valueName.attr && {
elm = list.utils.getByClass(item.elm,, true);
if (elm) {
elm.setAttribute(valueName.attr, value);
} else {
elm = list.utils.getByClass(item.elm, valueName, true);
if (elm) {
elm.innerHTML = value;
elm = undefined;
if (!templater.create(item)) {
for(var v in values) {
if (values.hasOwnProperty(v)) {
setValue(v, values[v]);
this.create = function(item) {
if (item.elm !== undefined) {
return false;
if (itemSource === undefined) {
throw new Error("The list need to have at list one item on init otherwise you'll have to add a template.");
/* If item source does not exists, use the first item in list as
source for new items */
var newItem = itemSource.cloneNode(true);
item.elm = newItem;
templater.set(item, item.values());
return true;
this.remove = function(item) {
if (item.elm.parentNode === list.list) {
}; = function(item) {
this.hide = function(item) {
if (item.elm !== undefined && item.elm.parentNode === list.list) {
this.clear = function() {
/* .innerHTML = ''; fucks up IE */
if (list.list.hasChildNodes()) {
while (list.list.childNodes.length >= 1)
module.exports = function(list) {
return new Templater(list);
/***/ }),
/* 17 */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
* A cross-browser implementation of getAttribute.
* Source found here: written by Vivin Paliath
* Return the value for `attr` at `element`.
* @param {Element} el
* @param {String} attr
* @api public
module.exports = function(el, attr) {
var result = (el.getAttribute && el.getAttribute(attr)) || null;
if( !result ) {
var attrs = el.attributes;
var length = attrs.length;
for(var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (attr[i] !== undefined) {
if(attr[i].nodeName === attr) {
result = attr[i].nodeValue;
return result;
/***/ }),
/* 18 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
var alphabet;
var alphabetIndexMap;
var alphabetIndexMapLength = 0;
function isNumberCode(code) {
return code >= 48 && code <= 57;
function naturalCompare(a, b) {
var lengthA = (a += '').length;
var lengthB = (b += '').length;
var aIndex = 0;
var bIndex = 0;
while (aIndex < lengthA && bIndex < lengthB) {
var charCodeA = a.charCodeAt(aIndex);
var charCodeB = b.charCodeAt(bIndex);
if (isNumberCode(charCodeA)) {
if (!isNumberCode(charCodeB)) {
return charCodeA - charCodeB;
var numStartA = aIndex;
var numStartB = bIndex;
while (charCodeA === 48 && ++numStartA < lengthA) {
charCodeA = a.charCodeAt(numStartA);
while (charCodeB === 48 && ++numStartB < lengthB) {
charCodeB = b.charCodeAt(numStartB);
var numEndA = numStartA;
var numEndB = numStartB;
while (numEndA < lengthA && isNumberCode(a.charCodeAt(numEndA))) {
while (numEndB < lengthB && isNumberCode(b.charCodeAt(numEndB))) {
var difference = numEndA - numStartA - numEndB + numStartB; // numA length - numB length
if (difference) {
return difference;
while (numStartA < numEndA) {
difference = a.charCodeAt(numStartA++) - b.charCodeAt(numStartB++);
if (difference) {
return difference;
aIndex = numEndA;
bIndex = numEndB;
if (charCodeA !== charCodeB) {
if (
charCodeA < alphabetIndexMapLength &&
charCodeB < alphabetIndexMapLength &&
alphabetIndexMap[charCodeA] !== -1 &&
alphabetIndexMap[charCodeB] !== -1
) {
return alphabetIndexMap[charCodeA] - alphabetIndexMap[charCodeB];
return charCodeA - charCodeB;
return lengthA - lengthB;
naturalCompare.caseInsensitive = naturalCompare.i = function(a, b) {
return naturalCompare(('' + a).toLowerCase(), ('' + b).toLowerCase());
Object.defineProperties(naturalCompare, {
alphabet: {
get: function() {
return alphabet;
set: function(value) {
alphabet = value;
alphabetIndexMap = [];
var i = 0;
if (alphabet) {
for (; i < alphabet.length; i++) {
alphabetIndexMap[alphabet.charCodeAt(i)] = i;
alphabetIndexMapLength = alphabetIndexMap.length;
for (i = 0; i < alphabetIndexMapLength; i++) {
if (alphabetIndexMap[i] === undefined) {
alphabetIndexMap[i] = -1;
module.exports = naturalCompare;
/***/ }),
/* 19 */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function(text, pattern, options) {
// Aproximately where in the text is the pattern expected to be found?
var Match_Location = options.location || 0;
//Determines how close the match must be to the fuzzy location (specified above). An exact letter match which is 'distance' characters away from the fuzzy location would score as a complete mismatch. A distance of '0' requires the match be at the exact location specified, a threshold of '1000' would require a perfect match to be within 800 characters of the fuzzy location to be found using a 0.8 threshold.
var Match_Distance = options.distance || 100;
// At what point does the match algorithm give up. A threshold of '0.0' requires a perfect match (of both letters and location), a threshold of '1.0' would match anything.
var Match_Threshold = options.threshold || 0.4;
if (pattern === text) return true; // Exact match
if (pattern.length > 32) return false; // This algorithm cannot be used
// Set starting location at beginning text and initialise the alphabet.
var loc = Match_Location,
s = (function() {
var q = {},
for (i = 0; i < pattern.length; i++) {
q[pattern.charAt(i)] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < pattern.length; i++) {
q[pattern.charAt(i)] |= 1 << (pattern.length - i - 1);
return q;
// Compute and return the score for a match with e errors and x location.
// Accesses loc and pattern through being a closure.
function match_bitapScore_(e, x) {
var accuracy = e / pattern.length,
proximity = Math.abs(loc - x);
if (!Match_Distance) {
// Dodge divide by zero error.
return proximity ? 1.0 : accuracy;
return accuracy + (proximity / Match_Distance);
var score_threshold = Match_Threshold, // Highest score beyond which we give up.
best_loc = text.indexOf(pattern, loc); // Is there a nearby exact match? (speedup)
if (best_loc != -1) {
score_threshold = Math.min(match_bitapScore_(0, best_loc), score_threshold);
// What about in the other direction? (speedup)
best_loc = text.lastIndexOf(pattern, loc + pattern.length);
if (best_loc != -1) {
score_threshold = Math.min(match_bitapScore_(0, best_loc), score_threshold);
// Initialise the bit arrays.
var matchmask = 1 << (pattern.length - 1);
best_loc = -1;
var bin_min, bin_mid;
var bin_max = pattern.length + text.length;
var last_rd;
for (var d = 0; d < pattern.length; d++) {
// Scan for the best match; each iteration allows for one more error.
// Run a binary search to determine how far from 'loc' we can stray at this
// error level.
bin_min = 0;
bin_mid = bin_max;
while (bin_min < bin_mid) {
if (match_bitapScore_(d, loc + bin_mid) <= score_threshold) {
bin_min = bin_mid;
} else {
bin_max = bin_mid;
bin_mid = Math.floor((bin_max - bin_min) / 2 + bin_min);
// Use the result from this iteration as the maximum for the next.
bin_max = bin_mid;
var start = Math.max(1, loc - bin_mid + 1);
var finish = Math.min(loc + bin_mid, text.length) + pattern.length;
var rd = Array(finish + 2);
rd[finish + 1] = (1 << d) - 1;
for (var j = finish; j >= start; j--) {
// The alphabet (s) is a sparse hash, so the following line generates
// warnings.
var charMatch = s[text.charAt(j - 1)];
if (d === 0) { // First pass: exact match.
rd[j] = ((rd[j + 1] << 1) | 1) & charMatch;
} else { // Subsequent passes: fuzzy match.
rd[j] = (((rd[j + 1] << 1) | 1) & charMatch) |
(((last_rd[j + 1] | last_rd[j]) << 1) | 1) |
last_rd[j + 1];
if (rd[j] & matchmask) {
var score = match_bitapScore_(d, j - 1);
// This match will almost certainly be better than any existing match.
// But check anyway.
if (score <= score_threshold) {
// Told you so.
score_threshold = score;
best_loc = j - 1;
if (best_loc > loc) {
// When passing loc, don't exceed our current distance from loc.
start = Math.max(1, 2 * loc - best_loc);
} else {
// Already passed loc, downhill from here on in.
// No hope for a (better) match at greater error levels.
if (match_bitapScore_(d + 1, loc) > score_threshold) {
last_rd = rd;
return (best_loc < 0) ? false : true;
/***/ })
/******/ ]);
* Lightbox for Bootstrap by @ashleydw
* License:
+function ($) {
'use strict';
var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ('value' in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })();
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } }
var Lightbox = (function ($) {
var NAME = 'ekkoLightbox';
var Default = {
title: '',
footer: '',
maxWidth: 9999,
maxHeight: 9999,
showArrows: true, //display the left / right arrows or not
wrapping: true, //if true, gallery loops infinitely
type: null, //force the lightbox into image / youtube mode. if null, or not image|youtube|vimeo; detect it
alwaysShowClose: false, //always show the close button, even if there is no title
loadingMessage: '<div class="ekko-lightbox-loader"><div><div></div><div></div></div></div>', //
leftArrow: '<span>&#10094;</span>',
rightArrow: '<span>&#10095;</span>',
strings: {
close: 'Close',
fail: 'Failed to load image:',
type: 'Could not detect remote target type. Force the type using data-type'
doc: document, // if in an iframe can specify top.document
onShow: function onShow() {},
onShown: function onShown() {},
onHide: function onHide() {},
onHidden: function onHidden() {},
onNavigate: function onNavigate() {},
onContentLoaded: function onContentLoaded() {}
var Lightbox = (function () {
_createClass(Lightbox, null, [{
key: 'Default',
Class properties:
_$element: null -> the <a> element currently being displayed
_$modal: The bootstrap modal generated
_$modalDialog: The .modal-dialog
_$modalContent: The .modal-content
_$modalBody: The .modal-body
_$modalHeader: The .modal-header
_$modalFooter: The .modal-footer
_$lightboxContainerOne: Container of the first lightbox element
_$lightboxContainerTwo: Container of the second lightbox element
_$lightboxBody: First element in the container
_$modalArrows: The overlayed arrows container
_$galleryItems: Other <a>'s available for this gallery
_galleryName: Name of the current data('gallery') showing
_galleryIndex: The current index of the _$galleryItems being shown
_config: {} the options for the modal
_modalId: unique id for the current lightbox
_padding / _border: CSS properties for the modal container; these are used to calculate the available space for the content
get: function get() {
return Default;
function Lightbox($element, config) {
var _this = this;
_classCallCheck(this, Lightbox);
this._config = $.extend({}, Default, config);
this._$modalArrows = null;
this._galleryIndex = 0;
this._galleryName = null;
this._padding = null;
this._border = null;
this._titleIsShown = false;
this._footerIsShown = false;
this._wantedWidth = 0;
this._wantedHeight = 0;
this._touchstartX = 0;
this._touchendX = 0;
this._modalId = 'ekkoLightbox-' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000 + 1);
this._$element = $element instanceof jQuery ? $element : $($element);
this._isBootstrap3 = $.fn.modal.Constructor.VERSION[0] == 3;
var h4 = '<h4 class="modal-title">' + (this._config.title || "&nbsp;") + '</h4>';
var btn = '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="' + this._config.strings.close + '"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>';
var header = '<div class="modal-header' + (this._config.title || this._config.alwaysShowClose ? '' : ' hide') + '">' + (this._isBootstrap3 ? btn + h4 : h4 + btn) + '</div>';
var footer = '<div class="modal-footer' + (this._config.footer ? '' : ' hide') + '">' + (this._config.footer || "&nbsp;") + '</div>';
var body = '<div class="modal-body"><div class="ekko-lightbox-container"><div class="ekko-lightbox-item fade in show"></div><div class="ekko-lightbox-item fade"></div></div></div>';
var dialog = '<div class="modal-dialog" role="document"><div class="modal-content">' + header + body + footer + '</div></div>';
$(this._config.doc.body).append('<div id="' + this._modalId + '" class="ekko-lightbox modal fade" tabindex="-1" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true">' + dialog + '</div>');
this._$modal = $('#' + this._modalId, this._config.doc);
this._$modalDialog = this._$modal.find('.modal-dialog').first();
this._$modalContent = this._$modal.find('.modal-content').first();
this._$modalBody = this._$modal.find('.modal-body').first();
this._$modalHeader = this._$modal.find('.modal-header').first();
this._$modalFooter = this._$modal.find('.modal-footer').first();
this._$lightboxContainer = this._$modalBody.find('.ekko-lightbox-container').first();
this._$lightboxBodyOne = this._$lightboxContainer.find('> div:first-child').first();
this._$lightboxBodyTwo = this._$lightboxContainer.find('> div:last-child').first();
this._border = this._calculateBorders();
this._padding = this._calculatePadding();
this._galleryName = this._$'gallery');
if (this._galleryName) {
this._$galleryItems = $(document.body).find('*[data-gallery="' + this._galleryName + '"]');
this._galleryIndex = this._$galleryItems.index(this._$element);
$(document).on('keydown.ekkoLightbox', this._navigationalBinder.bind(this));
// add the directional arrows to the modal
if (this._config.showArrows && this._$galleryItems.length > 1) {
this._$lightboxContainer.append('<div class="ekko-lightbox-nav-overlay"><a href="#">' + this._config.leftArrow + '</a><a href="#">' + this._config.rightArrow + '</a></div>');
this._$modalArrows = this._$lightboxContainer.find('div.ekko-lightbox-nav-overlay').first();
this._$lightboxContainer.on('click', 'a:first-child', function (event) {
return _this.navigateLeft();
this._$lightboxContainer.on('click', 'a:last-child', function (event) {
return _this.navigateRight();
this._$modal.on('', this._config.onShow.bind(this)).on('', function () {
}).on('', this._config.onHide.bind(this)).on('', function () {
if (_this._galleryName) {
$(window).on('resize.ekkoLightbox', function () {
_this._resize(_this._wantedWidth, _this._wantedHeight);
this._$lightboxContainer.on('touchstart', function () {
_this._touchstartX = event.changedTouches[0].screenX;
}).on('touchend', function () {
_this._touchendX = event.changedTouches[0].screenX;
_createClass(Lightbox, [{
key: 'element',
value: function element() {
return this._$element;
}, {
key: 'modal',
value: function modal() {
return this._$modal;
}, {
key: 'navigateTo',
value: function navigateTo(index) {
if (index < 0 || index > this._$galleryItems.length - 1) return this;
this._galleryIndex = index;
this._$element = $(this._$galleryItems.get(this._galleryIndex));
}, {
key: 'navigateLeft',
value: function navigateLeft() {
if (!this._$galleryItems) return;
if (this._$galleryItems.length === 1) return;
if (this._galleryIndex === 0) {
if (this._config.wrapping) this._galleryIndex = this._$galleryItems.length - 1;else return;
} else //circular
this._galleryIndex--;, 'left', this._galleryIndex);
return this.navigateTo(this._galleryIndex);
}, {
key: 'navigateRight',
value: function navigateRight() {
if (!this._$galleryItems) return;
if (this._$galleryItems.length === 1) return;
if (this._galleryIndex === this._$galleryItems.length - 1) {
if (this._config.wrapping) this._galleryIndex = 0;else return;
} else //circular
this._galleryIndex++;, 'right', this._galleryIndex);
return this.navigateTo(this._galleryIndex);
}, {
key: 'updateNavigation',
value: function updateNavigation() {
if (!this._config.wrapping) {
var $nav = this._$lightboxContainer.find('div.ekko-lightbox-nav-overlay');
if (this._galleryIndex === 0) $nav.find('a:first-child').addClass('disabled');else $nav.find('a:first-child').removeClass('disabled');
if (this._galleryIndex === this._$galleryItems.length - 1) $nav.find('a:last-child').addClass('disabled');else $nav.find('a:last-child').removeClass('disabled');
}, {
key: 'close',
value: function close() {
return this._$modal.modal('hide');
// helper private methods
}, {
key: '_navigationalBinder',
value: function _navigationalBinder(event) {
event = event || window.event;
if (event.keyCode === 39) return this.navigateRight();
if (event.keyCode === 37) return this.navigateLeft();
// type detection private methods
}, {
key: '_detectRemoteType',
value: function _detectRemoteType(src, type) {
type = type || false;
if (!type && this._isImage(src)) type = 'image';
if (!type && this._getYoutubeId(src)) type = 'youtube';
if (!type && this._getVimeoId(src)) type = 'vimeo';
if (!type && this._getInstagramId(src)) type = 'instagram';
if (!type || ['image', 'youtube', 'vimeo', 'instagram', 'video', 'url'].indexOf(type) < 0) type = 'url';
return type;
}, {
key: '_isImage',
value: function _isImage(string) {
return string && string.match(/(^data:image\/.*,)|(\.(jp(e|g|eg)|gif|png|bmp|webp|svg)((\?|#).*)?$)/i);
}, {
key: '_containerToUse',
value: function _containerToUse() {
var _this2 = this;
// if currently showing an image, fade it out and remove
var $toUse = this._$lightboxBodyTwo;
var $current = this._$lightboxBodyOne;
if (this._$lightboxBodyTwo.hasClass('in')) {
$toUse = this._$lightboxBodyOne;
$current = this._$lightboxBodyTwo;
$current.removeClass('in show');
setTimeout(function () {
if (!_this2._$lightboxBodyTwo.hasClass('in')) _this2._$lightboxBodyTwo.empty();
if (!_this2._$lightboxBodyOne.hasClass('in')) _this2._$lightboxBodyOne.empty();
}, 500);
$toUse.addClass('in show');
return $toUse;
}, {
key: '_handle',
value: function _handle() {
var $toUse = this._containerToUse();
var currentRemote = this._$element.attr('data-remote') || this._$element.attr('href');
var currentType = this._detectRemoteType(currentRemote, this._$element.attr('data-type') || false);
if (['image', 'youtube', 'vimeo', 'instagram', 'video', 'url'].indexOf(currentType) < 0) return this._error(this._config.strings.type);
switch (currentType) {
case 'image':
this._preloadImage(currentRemote, $toUse);
this._preloadImageByIndex(this._galleryIndex, 3);
case 'youtube':
this._showYoutubeVideo(currentRemote, $toUse);
case 'vimeo':
this._showVimeoVideo(this._getVimeoId(currentRemote), $toUse);
case 'instagram':
this._showInstagramVideo(this._getInstagramId(currentRemote), $toUse);
case 'video':
this._showHtml5Video(currentRemote, $toUse);
// url
this._loadRemoteContent(currentRemote, $toUse);
return this;
}, {
key: '_getYoutubeId',
value: function _getYoutubeId(string) {
if (!string) return false;
var matches = string.match(/^.*(\/|v\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/|watch\?v=|\&v=)([^#\&\?]*).*/);
return matches && matches[2].length === 11 ? matches[2] : false;
}, {
key: '_getVimeoId',
value: function _getVimeoId(string) {
return string && string.indexOf('vimeo') > 0 ? string : false;
}, {
key: '_getInstagramId',
value: function _getInstagramId(string) {
return string && string.indexOf('instagram') > 0 ? string : false;
// layout private methods
}, {
key: '_toggleLoading',
value: function _toggleLoading(show) {
show = show || false;
if (show) {
this._$modalDialog.css('display', 'none');
this._$modal.removeClass('in show');
} else {
this._$modalDialog.css('display', 'block');
this._$modal.addClass('in show');
return this;
}, {
key: '_calculateBorders',
value: function _calculateBorders() {
return {
top: this._totalCssByAttribute('border-top-width'),
right: this._totalCssByAttribute('border-right-width'),
bottom: this._totalCssByAttribute('border-bottom-width'),
left: this._totalCssByAttribute('border-left-width')
}, {
key: '_calculatePadding',
value: function _calculatePadding() {
return {
top: this._totalCssByAttribute('padding-top'),
right: this._totalCssByAttribute('padding-right'),
bottom: this._totalCssByAttribute('padding-bottom'),
left: this._totalCssByAttribute('padding-left')
}, {
key: '_totalCssByAttribute',
value: function _totalCssByAttribute(attribute) {
return parseInt(this._$modalDialog.css(attribute), 10) + parseInt(this._$modalContent.css(attribute), 10) + parseInt(this._$modalBody.css(attribute), 10);
}, {
key: '_updateTitleAndFooter',
value: function _updateTitleAndFooter() {
var title = this._$'title') || "";
var caption = this._$'footer') || "";
this._titleIsShown = false;
if (title || this._config.alwaysShowClose) {
this._titleIsShown = true;
this._$modalHeader.css('display', '').find('.modal-title').html(title || "&nbsp;");
} else this._$modalHeader.css('display', 'none');
this._footerIsShown = false;
if (caption) {
this._footerIsShown = true;
this._$modalFooter.css('display', '').html(caption);
} else this._$modalFooter.css('display', 'none');
return this;
}, {
key: '_showYoutubeVideo',
value: function _showYoutubeVideo(remote, $containerForElement) {
var id = this._getYoutubeId(remote);
var query = remote.indexOf('&') > 0 ? remote.substr(remote.indexOf('&')) : '';
var width = this._$'width') || 560;
var height = this._$'height') || width / (560 / 315);
return this._showVideoIframe('//' + id + '?badge=0&autoplay=1&html5=1' + query, width, height, $containerForElement);
}, {
key: '_showVimeoVideo',
value: function _showVimeoVideo(id, $containerForElement) {
var width = this._$'width') || 500;
var height = this._$'height') || width / (560 / 315);
return this._showVideoIframe(id + '?autoplay=1', width, height, $containerForElement);
}, {
key: '_showInstagramVideo',
value: function _showInstagramVideo(id, $containerForElement) {
// instagram load their content into iframe's so this can be put straight into the element
var width = this._$'width') || 612;
var height = width + 80;
id = id.substr(-1) !== '/' ? id + '/' : id; // ensure id has trailing slash
$containerForElement.html('<iframe width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '" src="' + id + 'embed/" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>');
this._resize(width, height);;
if (this._$modalArrows) //hide the arrows when showing video
this._$modalArrows.css('display', 'none');
return this;
}, {
key: '_showVideoIframe',
value: function _showVideoIframe(url, width, height, $containerForElement) {
// should be used for videos only. for remote content use loadRemoteContent (data-type=url)
height = height || width; // default to square
$containerForElement.html('<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"><iframe width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '" src="' + url + '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen class="embed-responsive-item"></iframe></div>');
this._resize(width, height);;
if (this._$modalArrows) this._$modalArrows.css('display', 'none'); //hide the arrows when showing video
return this;
}, {
key: '_showHtml5Video',
value: function _showHtml5Video(url, $containerForElement) {
// should be used for videos only. for remote content use loadRemoteContent (data-type=url)
var width = this._$'width') || 560;
var height = this._$'height') || width / (560 / 315);
$containerForElement.html('<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"><video width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '" src="' + url + '" preload="auto" autoplay controls class="embed-responsive-item"></video></div>');
this._resize(width, height);;
if (this._$modalArrows) this._$modalArrows.css('display', 'none'); //hide the arrows when showing video
return this;
}, {
key: '_loadRemoteContent',
value: function _loadRemoteContent(url, $containerForElement) {
var _this3 = this;
var width = this._$'width') || 560;
var height = this._$'height') || 560;
var disableExternalCheck = this._$'disableExternalCheck') || false;
// external urls are loading into an iframe
// local ajax can be loaded into the container itself
if (!disableExternalCheck && !this._isExternal(url)) {
$containerForElement.load(url, $.proxy(function () {
return _this3._$element.trigger('');l;
} else {
$containerForElement.html('<iframe src="' + url + '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>');;
if (this._$modalArrows) //hide the arrows when remote content
this._$modalArrows.css('display', 'none');
this._resize(width, height);
return this;
}, {
key: '_isExternal',
value: function _isExternal(url) {
var match = url.match(/^([^:\/?#]+:)?(?:\/\/([^\/?#]*))?([^?#]+)?(\?[^#]*)?(#.*)?/);
if (typeof match[1] === "string" && match[1].length > 0 && match[1].toLowerCase() !== location.protocol) return true;
if (typeof match[2] === "string" && match[2].length > 0 && match[2].replace(new RegExp(':(' + ({
"http:": 80,
"https:": 443
})[location.protocol] + ')?$'), "") !== return true;
return false;
}, {
key: '_error',
value: function _error(message) {
this._resize(300, 300);
return this;
}, {
key: '_preloadImageByIndex',
value: function _preloadImageByIndex(startIndex, numberOfTimes) {
if (!this._$galleryItems) return;
var next = $(this._$galleryItems.get(startIndex), false);
if (typeof next == 'undefined') return;
var src = next.attr('data-remote') || next.attr('href');
if (next.attr('data-type') === 'image' || this._isImage(src)) this._preloadImage(src, false);
if (numberOfTimes > 0) return this._preloadImageByIndex(startIndex + 1, numberOfTimes - 1);
}, {
key: '_preloadImage',
value: function _preloadImage(src, $containerForImage) {
var _this4 = this;
$containerForImage = $containerForImage || false;
var img = new Image();
if ($containerForImage) {
(function () {
// if loading takes > 200ms show a loader
var loadingTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
}, 200);
img.onload = function () {
if (loadingTimeout) clearTimeout(loadingTimeout);
loadingTimeout = null;
var image = $('<img />');
image.attr('src', img.src);
// backward compatibility for bootstrap v3
image.css('width', '100%');
if (_this4._$modalArrows) _this4._$modalArrows.css('display', ''); // remove display to default to css property
_this4._resize(img.width, img.height);
img.onerror = function () {
return _this4._error( + (' ' + src));
img.src = src;
return img;
}, {
key: '_swipeGesure',
value: function _swipeGesure() {
if (this._touchendX < this._touchstartX) {
return this.navigateRight();
if (this._touchendX > this._touchstartX) {
return this.navigateLeft();
}, {
key: '_resize',
value: function _resize(width, height) {
height = height || width;
this._wantedWidth = width;
this._wantedHeight = height;
var imageAspecRatio = width / height;
// if width > the available space, scale down the expected width and height
var widthBorderAndPadding = this._padding.left + this._padding.right + this._border.left + this._border.right;
// force 10px margin if window size > 575px
var addMargin = this._config.doc.body.clientWidth > 575 ? 20 : 0;
var discountMargin = this._config.doc.body.clientWidth > 575 ? 0 : 20;
var maxWidth = Math.min(width + widthBorderAndPadding, this._config.doc.body.clientWidth - addMargin, this._config.maxWidth);
if (width + widthBorderAndPadding > maxWidth) {
height = (maxWidth - widthBorderAndPadding - discountMargin) / imageAspecRatio;
width = maxWidth;
} else width = width + widthBorderAndPadding;
var headerHeight = 0,
footerHeight = 0;
// as the resize is performed the modal is show, the calculate might fail
// if so, default to the default sizes
if (this._footerIsShown) footerHeight = this._$modalFooter.outerHeight(true) || 55;
if (this._titleIsShown) headerHeight = this._$modalHeader.outerHeight(true) || 67;
var borderPadding = + this._padding.bottom + this._border.bottom +;
//calculated each time as resizing the window can cause them to change due to Bootstraps fluid margins
var margins = parseFloat(this._$modalDialog.css('margin-top')) + parseFloat(this._$modalDialog.css('margin-bottom'));
var maxHeight = Math.min(height, $(window).height() - borderPadding - margins - headerHeight - footerHeight, this._config.maxHeight - borderPadding - headerHeight - footerHeight);
if (height > maxHeight) {
// if height > the available height, scale down the width
width = Math.ceil(maxHeight * imageAspecRatio) + widthBorderAndPadding;
this._$lightboxContainer.css('height', maxHeight);
this._$modalDialog.css('flex', 1).css('maxWidth', width);
var modal = this._$'bs.modal');
if (modal) {
// v4 method is mistakenly protected
try {
} catch (Exception) {
return this;
}], [{
key: '_jQueryInterface',
value: function _jQueryInterface(config) {
var _this5 = this;
config = config || {};
return this.each(function () {
var $this = $(_this5);
var _config = $.extend({}, Lightbox.Default, $, typeof config === 'object' && config);
new Lightbox(_this5, _config);
return Lightbox;
$.fn[NAME] = Lightbox._jQueryInterface;
$.fn[NAME].Constructor = Lightbox;
$.fn[NAME].noConflict = function () {
return Lightbox._jQueryInterface;
return Lightbox;
/*! AdminLTE app.js
* ================
* Main JS application file for AdminLTE v2. This file
* should be included in all pages. It controls some layout
* options and implements exclusive AdminLTE plugins.
* @Author Almsaeed Studio
* @Support <>
* @Email <>
* @version 2.3.0
* @license MIT <>
//Make sure jQuery has been loaded before app.js
if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") {
throw new Error("AdminLTE requires jQuery");
/* AdminLTE
* @type Object
* @description $.AdminLTE is the main object for the template's app.
* It's used for implementing functions and options related
* to the template. Keeping everything wrapped in an object
* prevents conflict with other plugins and is a better
* way to organize our code.
$.AdminLTE = {};
/* --------------------
* - AdminLTE Options -
* --------------------
* Modify these options to suit your implementation
$.AdminLTE.options = {
//Add slimscroll to navbar menus
//This requires you to load the slimscroll plugin
//in every page before app.js
navbarMenuSlimscroll: true,
navbarMenuSlimscrollWidth: "3px", //The width of the scroll bar
navbarMenuHeight: "200px", //The height of the inner menu
//General animation speed for JS animated elements such as box collapse/expand and
//sidebar treeview slide up/down. This options accepts an integer as milliseconds,
//'fast', 'normal', or 'slow'
animationSpeed: 500,
//Sidebar push menu toggle button selector
sidebarToggleSelector: "[data-toggle='offcanvas']",
//Activate sidebar push menu
sidebarPushMenu: true,
//Activate sidebar slimscroll if the fixed layout is set (requires SlimScroll Plugin)
sidebarSlimScroll: true,
//Enable sidebar expand on hover effect for sidebar mini
//This option is forced to true if both the fixed layout and sidebar mini
//are used together
sidebarExpandOnHover: false,
//BoxRefresh Plugin
enableBoxRefresh: true,
//Bootstrap.js tooltip
enableBSToppltip: true,
BSTooltipSelector: "[data-toggle='tooltip']",
//Enable Fast Click. Fastclick.js creates a more
//native touch experience with touch devices. If you
//choose to enable the plugin, make sure you load the script
//before AdminLTE's app.js
enableFastclick: false,
//Control Sidebar Options
enableControlSidebar: true,
controlSidebarOptions: {
//Which button should trigger the open/close event
toggleBtnSelector: "[data-toggle='control-sidebar']",
//The sidebar selector
selector: ".control-sidebar",
//Enable slide over content
slide: true
//Box Widget Plugin. Enable this plugin
//to allow boxes to be collapsed and/or removed
enableBoxWidget: true,
//Box Widget plugin options
boxWidgetOptions: {
boxWidgetIcons: {
//Collapse icon
collapse: 'fa-minus',
//Open icon
open: 'fa-plus',
//Remove icon
remove: 'fa-times'
boxWidgetSelectors: {
//Remove button selector
remove: '[data-widget="remove"]',
//Collapse button selector
collapse: '[data-widget="collapse"]'
//Direct Chat plugin options
directChat: {
//Enable direct chat by default
enable: true,
//The button to open and close the chat contacts pane
contactToggleSelector: '[data-widget="chat-pane-toggle"]'
//Define the set of colors to use globally around the website
colors: {
lightBlue: "#3c8dbc",
red: "#f56954",
green: "#00a65a",
aqua: "#00c0ef",
yellow: "#f39c12",
blue: "#0073b7",
navy: "#001F3F",
teal: "#39CCCC",
olive: "#3D9970",
lime: "#01FF70",
orange: "#FF851B",
fuchsia: "#F012BE",
purple: "#8E24AA",
maroon: "#D81B60",
black: "#222222",
gray: "#d2d6de"
//The standard screen sizes that bootstrap uses.
//If you change these in the variables.less file, change
//them here too.
screenSizes: {
xs: 480,
sm: 768,
md: 992,
lg: 1200
/* ------------------
* - Implementation -
* ------------------
* The next block of code implements AdminLTE's
* functions and plugins as specified by the
* options above.
$(function () {
"use strict";
//Fix for IE page transitions
//Extend options if external options exist
if (typeof AdminLTEOptions !== "undefined") {
//Easy access to options
var o = $.AdminLTE.options;
//Set up the object
//Activate the layout maker
//Enable sidebar tree view controls
//Enable control sidebar
if (o.enableControlSidebar) {
//Add slimscroll to navbar dropdown
if (o.navbarMenuSlimscroll && typeof $.fn.slimscroll != 'undefined') {
$(".navbar .menu").slimscroll({
height: o.navbarMenuHeight,
alwaysVisible: false,
size: o.navbarMenuSlimscrollWidth
}).css("width", "100%");
//Activate sidebar push menu
if (o.sidebarPushMenu) {
//Activate Bootstrap tooltip
if (o.enableBSToppltip) {
$.widget.bridge('uitooltip', $.ui.tooltip);
selector: o.BSTooltipSelector
//Activate box widget
if (o.enableBoxWidget) {
//Activate fast click
if (o.enableFastclick && typeof FastClick != 'undefined') {
//Activate direct chat widget
if (o.directChat.enable) {
$(document).on('click', o.directChat.contactToggleSelector, function () {
var box = $(this).parents('.direct-chat').first();
* ------------------------
$('.btn-group[data-toggle="btn-toggle"]').each(function () {
var group = $(this);
$(this).find(".btn").on('click', function (e) {
/* ----------------------------------
* - Initialize the AdminLTE Object -
* ----------------------------------
* All AdminLTE functions are implemented below.
function _init() {
'use strict';
/* Layout
* ======
* Fixes the layout height in case min-height fails.
* @type Object
* @usage $.AdminLTE.layout.activate()
* $.AdminLTE.layout.fix()
* $.AdminLTE.layout.fixSidebar()
$.AdminLTE.layout = {
activate: function () {
var _this = this;
$(window, ".wrapper").resize(function () {
fix: function () {
//Get window height and the wrapper height
var neg = $('.main-header').outerHeight() + $('.main-footer').outerHeight();
var window_height = $(window).height();
var sidebar_height = $(".sidebar").height();
//Set the min-height of the content and sidebar based on the
//the height of the document.
if ($("body").hasClass("fixed")) {
$(".content-wrapper, .right-side").css('min-height', window_height - $('.main-footer').outerHeight());
} else {
var postSetWidth;
if (window_height >= sidebar_height) {
$(".content-wrapper, .right-side").css('min-height', window_height - neg);
postSetWidth = window_height - neg;
} else {
$(".content-wrapper, .right-side").css('min-height', sidebar_height);
postSetWidth = sidebar_height;
//Fix for the control sidebar height
var controlSidebar = $($.AdminLTE.options.controlSidebarOptions.selector);
if (typeof controlSidebar !== "undefined") {
if (controlSidebar.height() > postSetWidth)
$(".content-wrapper, .right-side").css('min-height', controlSidebar.height());
fixSidebar: function () {
//Make sure the body tag has the .fixed class
if (!$("body").hasClass("fixed")) {
if (typeof $.fn.slimScroll != 'undefined') {
$(".sidebar").slimScroll({destroy: true}).height("auto");
} else if (typeof $.fn.slimScroll == 'undefined' && window.console) {
window.console.error("Error: the fixed layout requires the slimscroll plugin!");
//Enable slimscroll for fixed layout
if ($.AdminLTE.options.sidebarSlimScroll) {
if (typeof $.fn.slimScroll != 'undefined') {
//Destroy if it exists
$(".sidebar").slimScroll({destroy: true}).height("auto");
//Add slimscroll
height: ($(window).height() - $(".main-header").height()) + "px",
color: "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)",
size: "3px"
/* PushMenu()
* ==========
* Adds the push menu functionality to the sidebar.
* @type Function
* @usage: $.AdminLTE.pushMenu("[data-toggle='offcanvas']")
$.AdminLTE.pushMenu = {
activate: function (toggleBtn) {
//Get the screen sizes
var screenSizes = $.AdminLTE.options.screenSizes;
//Enable sidebar toggle
$(toggleBtn).on('click', function (e) {
//Enable sidebar push menu
if ($(window).width() > ( - 1)) {
if ($("body").hasClass('sidebar-collapse')) {
} else {
//Handle sidebar push menu for small screens
else {
if ($("body").hasClass('sidebar-open')) {
} else {
$(".content-wrapper").click(function () {
//Enable hide menu when clicking on the content-wrapper on small screens
if ($(window).width() <= ( - 1) && $("body").hasClass("sidebar-open")) {
//Enable expand on hover for sidebar mini
if ($.AdminLTE.options.sidebarExpandOnHover
|| ($('body').hasClass('fixed')
&& $('body').hasClass('sidebar-mini'))) {
expandOnHover: function () {
var _this = this;
var screenWidth = $ - 1;
//Expand sidebar on hover
$('.main-sidebar').hover(function () {
if ($('body').hasClass('sidebar-mini')
&& $("body").hasClass('sidebar-collapse')
&& $(window).width() > screenWidth) {
}, function () {
if ($('body').hasClass('sidebar-mini')
&& $('body').hasClass('sidebar-expanded-on-hover')
&& $(window).width() > screenWidth) {
expand: function () {
collapse: function () {
if ($('body').hasClass('sidebar-expanded-on-hover')) {
/* Tree()
* ======
* Converts the sidebar into a multilevel
* tree view menu.
* @type Function
* @Usage: $.AdminLTE.tree('.sidebar')
$.AdminLTE.tree = function (menu) {
var _this = this;
var animationSpeed = $.AdminLTE.options.animationSpeed;
$(document).on('click', menu + ' li a', function (e) {
//Get the clicked link and the next element
var $this = $(this);
var checkElement = $;
//Check if the next element is a menu and is visible
if (('.treeview-menu')) && (':visible'))) {
//Close the menu
checkElement.slideUp(animationSpeed, function () {
//Fix the layout in case the sidebar stretches over the height of the window
//If the menu is not visible
else if (('.treeview-menu')) && (!':visible'))) {
//Get the parent menu
var parent = $this.parents('ul').first();
//Close all open menus within the parent
var ul = parent.find('ul:visible').slideUp(animationSpeed);
//Remove the menu-open class from the parent
//Get the parent li
var parent_li = $this.parent("li");
//Open the target menu and add the menu-open class
checkElement.slideDown(animationSpeed, function () {
//Add the class active to the parent li
//Fix the layout in case the sidebar stretches over the height of the window
//if this isn't a link, prevent the page from being redirected
if ('.treeview-menu')) {
/* ControlSidebar
* ==============
* Adds functionality to the right sidebar
* @type Object
* @usage $.AdminLTE.controlSidebar.activate(options)
$.AdminLTE.controlSidebar = {
//instantiate the object
activate: function () {
//Get the object
var _this = this;
//Update options
var o = $.AdminLTE.options.controlSidebarOptions;
//Get the sidebar
var sidebar = $(o.selector);
//The toggle button
var btn = $(o.toggleBtnSelector);
//Listen to the click event
btn.on('click', function (e) {
//If the sidebar is not open
if (!sidebar.hasClass('control-sidebar-open')
&& !$('body').hasClass('control-sidebar-open')) {
//Open the sidebar, o.slide);
} else {
_this.close(sidebar, o.slide);
//If the body has a boxed layout, fix the sidebar bg position
var bg = $(".control-sidebar-bg");
//If the body has a fixed layout, make the control sidebar fixed
if ($('body').hasClass('fixed')) {
} else {
//If the content height is less than the sidebar's height, force max height
if ($('.content-wrapper, .right-side').height() < sidebar.height()) {
//Open the control sidebar
open: function (sidebar, slide) {
//Slide over content
if (slide) {
} else {
//Push the content by adding the open class to the body instead
//of the sidebar itself
//Close the control sidebar
close: function (sidebar, slide) {
if (slide) {
} else {
_fix: function (sidebar) {
var _this = this;
if ($("body").hasClass('layout-boxed')) {
sidebar.css('position', 'absolute');
$(window).resize(function () {
} else {
'position': 'fixed',
'height': 'auto'
_fixForFixed: function (sidebar) {
'position': 'fixed',
'max-height': '100%',
'overflow': 'auto',
'padding-bottom': '50px'
_fixForContent: function (sidebar) {
$(".content-wrapper, .right-side").css('min-height', sidebar.height());
/* BoxWidget
* =========
* BoxWidget is a plugin to handle collapsing and
* removing boxes from the screen.
* @type Object
* @usage $.AdminLTE.boxWidget.activate()
* Set all your options in the main $.AdminLTE.options object
$.AdminLTE.boxWidget = {
selectors: $.AdminLTE.options.boxWidgetOptions.boxWidgetSelectors,
icons: $.AdminLTE.options.boxWidgetOptions.boxWidgetIcons,
animationSpeed: $.AdminLTE.options.animationSpeed,
activate: function (_box) {
var _this = this;
if (!_box) {
_box = document; // activate all boxes per default
//Listen for collapse event triggers
$(_box).on('click', _this.selectors.collapse, function (e) {
//Listen for remove event triggers
$(_box).on('click', _this.selectors.remove, function (e) {
collapse: function (element) {
var _this = this;
//Find the box parent
var box = element.parents(".box").first();
//Find the body and the footer
var box_content = box.find("> .box-body, > .box-footer, > form >.box-body, > form > .box-footer");
if (!box.hasClass("collapsed-box")) {
//Convert minus into plus
//Hide the content
box_content.slideUp(_this.animationSpeed, function () {
} else {
//Convert plus into minus
//Show the content
box_content.slideDown(_this.animationSpeed, function () {
remove: function (element) {
//Find the box parent
var box = element.parents(".box").first();
/* ------------------
* - Custom Plugins -
* ------------------
* All custom plugins are defined below.
* ------------------
* This is a custom plugin to use with the component BOX. It allows you to add
* a refresh button to the box. It converts the box's state to a loading state.
* @type plugin
* @usage $("#box-widget").boxRefresh( options );
(function ($) {
"use strict";
$.fn.boxRefresh = function (options) {
// Render options
var settings = $.extend({
//Refresh button selector
trigger: ".refresh-btn",
//File source to be loaded (e.g: ajax/src.php)
source: "",
onLoadStart: function (box) {
return box;
}, //Right after the button has been clicked
onLoadDone: function (box) {
return box;
} //When the source has been loaded
}, options);
//The overlay
var overlay = $('<div class="overlay"><div class="fa fa-refresh fa-spin"></div></div>');
return this.each(function () {
//if a source is specified
if (settings.source === "") {
if (window.console) {
window.console.log("Please specify a source first - boxRefresh()");
//the box
var box = $(this);
//the button
var rBtn = box.find(settings.trigger).first();
//On trigger click
rBtn.on('click', function (e) {
//Add loading overlay
//Perform ajax call
box.find(".box-body").load(settings.source, function () {
function start(box) {
//Add overlay and loading img
function done(box) {
//Remove overlay and loading img
* -----------------------
* This is a custom plugin to use with the component BOX. It allows you to activate
* a box inserted in the DOM after the app.js was loaded.
* @type plugin
* @usage $("#box-widget").activateBox();
(function ($) {
'use strict';
$.fn.activateBox = function () {
* Module containing core application logic.
* @param {jQuery} $ Insulated jQuery object
* @param {JSON} settings Insulated `window.snipeit.settings` object.
* @return {IIFE} Immediately invoked. Returns self.
lineOptions = {
legend: {
position: "bottom"
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
fontColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)",
fontStyle: "bold",
beginAtZero: true,
maxTicksLimit: 5,
padding: 20
gridLines: {
drawTicks: false,
display: false
xAxes: [{
gridLines: {
zeroLineColor: "transparent"
ticks: {
padding: 20,
fontColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)",
fontStyle: "bold"
pieOptions = {
//Boolean - Whether we should show a stroke on each segment
segmentShowStroke: true,
//String - The colour of each segment stroke
segmentStrokeColor: "#fff",
//Number - The width of each segment stroke
segmentStrokeWidth: 1,
//Number - The percentage of the chart that we cut out of the middle
percentageInnerCutout: 50, // This is 0 for Pie charts
//Number - Amount of animation steps
animationSteps: 100,
//String - Animation easing effect
animationEasing: "easeOutBounce",
//Boolean - Whether we animate the rotation of the Doughnut
animateRotate: true,
//Boolean - Whether we animate scaling the Doughnut from the centre
animateScale: false,
//Boolean - whether to make the chart responsive to window resizing
responsive: true,
// Boolean - whether to maintain the starting aspect ratio or not when responsive, if set to false, will take up entire container
maintainAspectRatio: false,
//String - A legend template
legendTemplate: "<ul class=\"<%=name.toLowerCase()%>-legend\"><% for (var i=0; i<segments.length; i++){%><li>" +
"<i class='fa fa-circle-o' style='color: <%=segments[i].fillColor%>'></i>" +
"<%if(segments[i].label){%><%=segments[i].label%><%}%> foo</li><%}%></ul>",
//String - A tooltip template
tooltipTemplate: "<%=value %> <%=label%> "
var baseUrl = $('meta[name="baseUrl"]').attr('content');
(function($, settings) {
var Components = {};
Components.modals = {};
// confirm delete modal
Components.modals.confirmDelete = function() {
var $el = $('table');
var events = {
'click': function(evnt) {
var $context = $(this);
var $dataConfirmModal = $('#dataConfirmModal');
var href = $context.attr('href');
var message = $context.attr('data-content');
var title = $context.attr('data-title');
$('#deleteForm').attr('action', href);
show: true
return false;
var render = function() {
$el.on('click', '.delete-asset', events['click']);
return {
render: render
* Application start point
* Component definition stays out of load event, execution only happens.
$(function() {
new Components.modals.confirmDelete().render();
}(jQuery, window.snipeit.settings));
$(document).ready(function () {
* Slideout help menu
$('.slideout-menu-toggle').on('click', function(event){
// create menu variables
var slideoutMenu = $('.slideout-menu');
var slideoutMenuWidth = $('.slideout-menu').width();
// toggle open class
// slide menu
if (slideoutMenu.hasClass("open")) {;
right: "0px"
} else {
right: -slideoutMenuWidth
}, "-350px");
* iCheck checkbox plugin
$('input[type="checkbox"].minimal, input[type="radio"].minimal').iCheck({
checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_minimal-blue',
radioClass: 'iradio_minimal-blue'
* Select2
var iOS = /iPhone|iPad|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.MSStream;
// Vue collision: Avoid overriding a vue select2 instance
// by checking to see if the item has already been select2'd.
$('select.select2:not(".select2-hidden-accessible")').each(function (i,obj) {
// $('.datepicker').datepicker();
// var datepicker = $.fn.datepicker.noConflict(); // return $.fn.datepicker to previously assigned value
// $.fn.bootstrapDP = datepicker;
// $('.datepicker').datepicker();
// Crazy select2 rich dropdowns with images!
$('.js-data-ajax').each( function (i,item) {
var link = $(item);
var endpoint ="endpoint");
var select ="select");
* Adds an empty placeholder, allowing every select2 instance to be cleared.
* This placeholder can be overridden with the "data-placeholder" attribute.
placeholder: '',
allowClear: true,
ajax: {
// the baseUrl includes a trailing slash
url: Ziggy.baseUrl + 'api/v1/' + endpoint + '/selectlist',
dataType: 'json',
delay: 250,
headers: {
"X-Requested-With": 'XMLHttpRequest',
"X-CSRF-TOKEN": $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
data: function (params) {
var data = {
search: params.term,
page: || 1,
return data;
processResults: function (data, params) { = || 1;
var answer = {
results: data.items,
pagination: {
more: "true" //( < data.page_count)
return answer;
cache: true
escapeMarkup: function (markup) { return markup; }, // let our custom formatter work
templateResult: formatDatalist,
templateSelection: formatDataSelection
function getSelect2Value(element) {
// if the passed object is not a jquery object, assuming 'element' is a selector
if (!(element instanceof jQuery)) element = $(element);
var select ="select2");
// There's two different locations where the select2-generated input element can be.
searchElement = select.dropdown.$search || select.$container.find(".select2-search__field");
var value = searchElement.val();
return value;
$(".select2-hidden-accessible").on('select2:selecting', function (e) {
var data =;
var isMouseUp = false;
var element = $(this);
var value = getSelect2Value(element);
if(e.params.args.originalEvent) isMouseUp = e.params.args.originalEvent.type == "mouseup";
// if selected item does not match typed text, do not allow it to pass - force close for ajax.
if(!isMouseUp) {
if(value.toLowerCase() && data.text.toLowerCase().indexOf(value) < 0) {
// if it does match, we set a flag in the event (which gets passed to subsequent events), telling it not to worry about the ajax
} else if(value.toLowerCase() && data.text.toLowerCase().indexOf(value) > -1) {
e.params.args.noForceAjax = true;
$(".select2-hidden-accessible").on('select2:closing', function (e) {
var element = $(this);
var value = getSelect2Value(element);
var noForceAjax = false;
var isMouseUp = false;
if(e.params.args.originalSelect2Event) noForceAjax = e.params.args.originalSelect2Event.noForceAjax;
if(e.params.args.originalEvent) isMouseUp = e.params.args.originalEvent.type == "mouseup";
if(value && !noForceAjax && !isMouseUp) {
var endpoint ="endpoint");
var assetStatusType ="asset-status-type");
url: Ziggy.baseUrl + 'api/v1/' + endpoint + '/selectlist?search='+value+'&page=1' + (assetStatusType ? '&assetStatusType='+assetStatusType : ''),
dataType: 'json',
headers: {
"X-Requested-With": 'XMLHttpRequest',
"X-CSRF-TOKEN": $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
}).done(function(response) {
var currentlySelected = element.select2('data').map(function (x){
}).filter(function (x) {
return x !== 0;
// makes sure we're not selecting the same thing twice for multiples
var filteredResponse = response.items.filter(function(item) {
return currentlySelected.indexOf( < 0;
var first = (currentlySelected.length > 0) ? filteredResponse[0] : response.items[0];
if(first && {
first.selected = true;
if($("option[value='" + + "']", element).length < 1) {
var option = new Option(first.text,, true, true);
} else {
var isMultiple = element.attr("multiple") == "multiple";
element.val(isMultiple? element.val().concat( : element.val(;
type: 'select2:select',
params: {
data: first
function formatDatalist (datalist) {
var loading_markup = '<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin" aria-hidden="true"></i> Loading...';
if (datalist.loading) {
return loading_markup;
var markup = "<div class='clearfix'>" ;
markup +="<div class='pull-left' style='padding-right: 10px;'>";
if (datalist.image) {
markup += "<div style='width: 30px;'><img src='" + datalist.image + "' style='max-height: 20px; max-width: 30px;' alt='" + datalist.text + "'></div>";
} else {
markup += "<div style='height: 20px; width: 30px;'></div>";
markup += "</div><div>" + datalist.text + "</div>";
markup += "</div>";
return markup;
function formatDataSelection (datalist) {
// This a heinous workaround for a known bug in Select2.
// Without this, the rich selectlists are vulnerable to XSS.
// Many thanks to @uberbrady for this fix. It ain't pretty,
// but it resolves the issue until Select2 addresses it on their end.
// Bug was reported in 2016 :{
return datalist.text.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/"/g, '&quot;')
.replace(/'/g, '&#039;');
// This handles the radio button selectors for the checkout-to-foo options
// on asset checkout and also on asset edit
$(function() {
$('input[name=checkout_to_type]').on("change",function () {
var assignto_type = $('input[name=checkout_to_type]:checked').val();
var userid = $('#assigned_user option:selected').val();
if (assignto_type == 'asset') {
} else if (assignto_type == 'location') {
} else {
if (userid) {
// ------------------------------------------------
// Deep linking for Bootstrap tabs
// ------------------------------------------------
var taburl = document.location.toString();
// Allow full page URL to activate a tab's ID
// ------------------------------------------------
// This allows linking to a tab on page load via the address bar.
// So a URL such as, http://snipe-it.local/hardware/2/#my_tab will
// cause the tab on that page with an ID of “my_tab” to be active.
if (taburl.match('#') ) {
$('.nav-tabs a[href="#'+taburl.split('#')[1]+'"]').tab('show');
// Allow internal page links to activate a tab's ID.
// ------------------------------------------------
// This allows you to link to a tab from anywhere on the page
// including from within another tab. Also note that internal page
// links either inside or out of the tabs need to include data-toggle="tab"
// Ex: <a href="#my_tab" data-toggle="tab">Click me</a>
$('a[data-toggle="tab"]').click(function (e) {
var href = $(this).attr("href");
history.pushState(null, null, href);
$('a[href="' + $(this).attr('href') + '"]').tab('show');
// ------------------------------------------------
// End Deep Linking for Bootstrap tabs
// ------------------------------------------------
// Image preview
function readURL(input, $preview) {
if (input.files && input.files[0]) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(e) {
function formatBytes(bytes) {
if(bytes < 1024) return bytes + " Bytes";
else if(bytes < 1048576) return(bytes / 1024).toFixed(2) + " KB";
else if(bytes < 1073741824) return(bytes / 1048576).toFixed(2) + " MB";
else return(bytes / 1073741824).toFixed(2) + " GB";
// File size validation
$('.js-uploadFile').bind('change', function() {
var $this = $(this);
var id = '#' + $this.attr('id');
var status = id + '-status';
var $status = $(status);
$(status + ' .goodfile').remove();
$(status + ' .badfile').remove();
$(status + ' .previewSize').hide();
$(id + '-info').html('');
var max_size = $'maxsize');
var total_size = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.files.length; i++) {
total_size += this.files[i].size;
$(id + '-info').append('<span class="label label-default">' + this.files[i].name + ' (' + formatBytes(this.files[i].size) + ')</span> ');
if (total_size > max_size) {
$status.addClass('text-danger').removeClass('help-block').prepend('<i class="badfile fa fa-times"></i> ').append('<span class="previewSize"> Upload is ' + formatBytes(total_size) + '.</span>');
} else {
$status.addClass('text-success').removeClass('help-block').prepend('<i class="goodfile fa fa-check"></i> ');
var $preview = $(id + '-imagePreview');
readURL(this, $preview);
* Toggle disabled
$.fn.toggleDisabled = function(callback){
return this.each(function(){
var disabled, $this = $(this);
disabled = false;
} else {
$this.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
disabled = true;
if(callback && typeof callback === 'function'){
callback(this, disabled);
* Snipe-IT Universal Modal support
* Enables modal dialogs to create sub-resources throughout Snipe-IT
Create a Button looking like this:
<a href='{{ route('modal.user') }}' data-toggle="modal" data-target="#createModal" data-select='assigned_to' class="btn btn-sm btn-primary">New</a>
If you don't have access to Blade commands (like {{ and }}, etc), you can hard-code a URL as the 'href'
data-toggle="modal" - required for Bootstrap Modals
data-target="#createModal" - fixed ID for the modal, do not change
data-select="assigned_to" - What is the *ID* of the select-dropdown that you're going to be adding to, if the modal-create was a success? Be on the lookout for duplicate ID's, it will confuse this library!
class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" - makes it look button-ey, feel free to change :)
If you want to pass additional variables to the modal (In the Category Create one, for example, you can pass category_id), you can encode them as URL variables in the href
$(function () {
//handle modal-add-interstitial calls
var model, select, refreshSelector;
if($('#createModal').length == 0) {
$('body').append('<div class="modal fade" id="createModal"></div><!-- /.modal -->');
$('#createModal').on("", function (event) {
var link = $(event.relatedTarget);
model ="dependency");
select ="select");
refreshSelector ="refresh");
$('#createModal').load(link.attr('href'),function () {
//do we need to re-select2 this, after load? Probably.
// Initialize the ajaxy select2 with images.
// This is a copy/paste of the code from snipeit.js, would be great to only have this in one place.
$('.js-data-ajax').each( function (i,item) {
var link = $(item);
var endpoint ="endpoint");
var select ="select");
ajax: {
// the baseUrl includes a trailing slash
url: Ziggy.baseUrl + 'api/v1/' + endpoint + '/selectlist',
dataType: 'json',
delay: 250,
headers: {
"X-Requested-With": 'XMLHttpRequest',
"X-CSRF-TOKEN": $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
data: function (params) {
var data = {
search: params.term,
page: || 1,
return data;
processResults: function (data, params) { = || 1;
var answer = {
results: data.items,
pagination: {
more: "true" //( < data.page_count)
return answer;
cache: true
escapeMarkup: function (markup) { return markup; }, // let our custom formatter work
templateResult: formatDatalist,
templateSelection: formatDataSelection
$('#createModal').on('click','#modal-save', function () {
type: 'POST',
url: $('.modal-body form').attr('action'),
headers: {
"X-Requested-With": 'XMLHttpRequest',
"X-CSRF-TOKEN": $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
data: $('.modal-body form').serialize(),
success: function (result) {
if(result.status == "error") {
var error_message="";
for(var field in result.messages) {
error_message += "<li>Problem(s) with field <i><strong>" + field + "</strong></i>: " + result.messages[field];
return false;
var id =;
var name = || (result.payload.first_name + " " + result.payload.last_name);
if(!id || !name) {
console.error("Could not find resulting name or ID from modal-create. Name: "+name+", id: "+id);
return false;
var refreshTable = $('#' + refreshSelector);
if(refreshTable.length > 0) {
// "select" is the original drop-down menu that someone
// clicked 'add' on to add a new 'thing'
// this code adds the newly created object to that select
var selector = document.getElementById(select);
if(!selector) {
return false;
selector.options[selector.length] = new Option(name, id);
selector.selectedIndex = selector.length - 1;
if(window.fetchCustomFields) {
error: function (result) {
msg = result.responseJSON.messages || result.responseJSON.error;
$('#modal_error_msg').html("Server Error: "+msg).show();
function formatDatalist (datalist) {
var loading_markup = '<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin" aria-hidden="true"></i> Loading...';
if (datalist.loading) {
return loading_markup;
var markup = "<div class='clearfix'>" ;
markup +="<div class='pull-left' style='padding-right: 10px;'>";
if (datalist.image) {
markup += "<div style='width: 30px;'><img src='" + datalist.image + "' alt='"+ datalist.tex + "' style='max-height: 20px; max-width: 30px;'></div>";
} else {
markup += "<div style='height: 20px; width: 30px;'></div>";
markup += "</div><div>" + datalist.text + "</div>";
markup += "</div>";
return markup;
function formatDataSelection (datalist) {
return datalist.text.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/"/g, '&quot;')
.replace(/'/g, '&#039;');