'assoc_users'=>'This location is not currently deletable because it is the location of record for at least one asset or user, has assets assigned to it, or is the parent location of another location. Please update your models to no longer reference this location and try again. ',
'assoc_assets'=>'Kei te honohia tenei taapiri ki te iti rawa o te rawa me te kore e taea te muku. Whakaorangia nga taonga ki a koe kia kaua e tautuhi i tenei tauranga ka ngana ano.',
'assoc_child_loc'=>'Kei tenei waahi te matua o te iti rawa o te mokopuna me te kore e taea te muku. Whakaorangia nga taangata ki a koe kia kaua e tautuhi i tenei tauranga ka ngana ano.',