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REST API - Refactoring of routes file, more tests added (#3345) * Toggles the disabled state of auto_increment_prefix To insert a prefix you had to toggle the checkbox, save the settings and reload. With this script it is immediate. Fixes #1390 * Delete asset image: made checkbox more visible Related to #3153 * Added personal-access-token component * Created basic API testing configuration * First version of /components endpoind cest * On-the-fly bearer token generation * Completed testing of PATCH and PUT methods * Added /components/{id}/assets route with tests * Updated route and dataTable in view * Completed test assertion * Added links to assets in ComponentsAssets view * Linked Company in AssetView page * Fixed purchase_cost format expectation in ApiComponentsCest * Refactored api routes file Sorted all prefixes in alphabetical order, removed duplicate routes. For every prefix I placed first Route::resource and then any additional route in a Route::group. Expanded arrays for readability and consistency. Removed useless calls as create and edit everywhere. * Refactored and added one more test to ApiComponentsAssetsCest * Marked one test as incomplete, 404 response should return json * Fixed value expectation * Refactored getToken() * Added API debugging routes * Added more information to ValidationException reporting Now the payload contains the validation errors for each invalid attribute. * /apitests: refactored expectations in component assertions * Created ApiAssetsCest * /apitests: Cleanup in Exceptions/Handler * Reverted change to use * Marked two tests as incomplete, looking for solutions
2017-02-23 16:32:35 -08:00
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
class ApiAssetsCest
protected $faker;
protected $user;
public function _before(ApiTester $I)
$this->faker = \Faker\Factory::create();
$this->user = \App\Models\User::find(1);
/** @test */
public function indexAssets(ApiTester $I)
$I->wantTo('Get a list of assets');
// setup
$assets = factory(\App\Models\Asset::class, 'asset', 10)->create();
REST API - Refactoring of routes file, more tests added (#3345) * Toggles the disabled state of auto_increment_prefix To insert a prefix you had to toggle the checkbox, save the settings and reload. With this script it is immediate. Fixes #1390 * Delete asset image: made checkbox more visible Related to #3153 * Added personal-access-token component * Created basic API testing configuration * First version of /components endpoind cest * On-the-fly bearer token generation * Completed testing of PATCH and PUT methods * Added /components/{id}/assets route with tests * Updated route and dataTable in view * Completed test assertion * Added links to assets in ComponentsAssets view * Linked Company in AssetView page * Fixed purchase_cost format expectation in ApiComponentsCest * Refactored api routes file Sorted all prefixes in alphabetical order, removed duplicate routes. For every prefix I placed first Route::resource and then any additional route in a Route::group. Expanded arrays for readability and consistency. Removed useless calls as create and edit everywhere. * Refactored and added one more test to ApiComponentsAssetsCest * Marked one test as incomplete, 404 response should return json * Fixed value expectation * Refactored getToken() * Added API debugging routes * Added more information to ValidationException reporting Now the payload contains the validation errors for each invalid attribute. * /apitests: refactored expectations in component assertions * Created ApiAssetsCest * /apitests: Cleanup in Exceptions/Handler * Reverted change to use * Marked two tests as incomplete, looking for solutions
2017-02-23 16:32:35 -08:00
// call
$response = json_decode($I->grabResponse());
// sample verify
$asset = $assets->random();
'id' => (int) $asset->id,
'name' => e($asset->name),
'asset_tag' => e($asset->asset_tag),
'serial' => e($asset->serial),
'model' => ($asset->model) ? [
'id' => (int) $asset->model->id,
'name'=> e($asset->model->name)
] : null,
'model_number' => ($asset->model) ? e($asset->model->model_number) : null,
'status_label' => ($asset->assetstatus) ? [
'id' => (int) $asset->assetstatus->id,
'name'=> e($asset->assetstatus->name)
] : null,
'category' => ($asset->model->category) ? [
'id' => (int) $asset->model->category->id,
'name'=> e($asset->model->category->name)
] : null,
'manufacturer' => ($asset->model->manufacturer) ? [
'id' => (int) $asset->model->manufacturer->id,
'name'=> e($asset->model->manufacturer->name)
] : null,
'notes' => e($asset->notes),
'order_number' => e($asset->order_number),
'company' => ($asset->company) ? [
'id' => (int) $asset->company->id,
'name'=> e($asset->company->name)
] : null,
'location' => ($asset->assetLoc) ? [
'id' => (int) $asset->assetLoc->id,
'name'=> e($asset->assetLoc->name)
] : null,
'rtd_location' => ($asset->defaultLoc) ? [
'id' => (int) $asset->defaultLoc->id,
'name'=> e($asset->defaultLoc->name)
] : null,
'image' => ($asset->getImageUrl()) ? $asset->getImageUrl() : null,
'assigned_to' => ($asset->assigneduser) ? [
'id' => (int) $asset->assigneduser->id,
'name' => e($asset->assigneduser->getFullNameAttribute()),
'first_name'=> e($asset->assigneduser->first_name),
'last_name'=> e($asset->assigneduser->last_name)
] : null,
'warranty' => ($asset->warranty_months > 0) ? e($asset->warranty_months . ' ' . trans('admin/hardware/form.months')) : null,
'warranty_expires' => ($asset->warranty_months > 0) ? [
'datetime' => $asset->created_at->format('Y-m-d'),
'formatted' => $asset->created_at->format('Y-m-d'),
] : null,
// 'created_at' => ($asset->created_at) ? [
// 'datetime' => $asset->created_at->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
// 'formatted' => $asset->created_at->format('Y-m-d H:i a'),
// ] : null,
// 'updated_at' => ($asset->updated_at) ? [
// 'datetime' => $asset->updated_at->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
// 'formatted' => $asset->updated_at->format('Y-m-d H:i a'),
// ] : null,
// 'purchase_date' => ($asset->purchase_date) ? [
// 'datetime' => $asset->purchase_date->format('Y-m-d'),
// 'formatted' => $asset->purchase_date->format('Y-m-d'),
// ] : null,
// 'last_checkout' => ($asset->last_checkout) ? [
// 'datetime' => $asset->last_checkout->format('Y-m-d'),
// 'formatted' => $asset->last_checkout->format('Y-m-d'),
// ] : null,
// 'expected_checkin' => ($asset->created_at) ? [
// 'date' => $asset->created_at->format('Y-m-d'),
// 'formatted' => $asset->created_at->format('Y-m-d'),
// ] : null,
// 'purchase_cost' => (float) $asset->purchase_cost,
'user_can_checkout' => (bool) $asset->availableForCheckout(),
'available_actions' => [
'checkout' => (bool) Gate::allows('checkout', Asset::class),
'checkin' => (bool) Gate::allows('checkin', Asset::class),
'update' => (bool) Gate::allows('update', Asset::class),
'delete' => (bool) Gate::allows('delete', Asset::class),
REST API - Refactoring of routes file, more tests added (#3345) * Toggles the disabled state of auto_increment_prefix To insert a prefix you had to toggle the checkbox, save the settings and reload. With this script it is immediate. Fixes #1390 * Delete asset image: made checkbox more visible Related to #3153 * Added personal-access-token component * Created basic API testing configuration * First version of /components endpoind cest * On-the-fly bearer token generation * Completed testing of PATCH and PUT methods * Added /components/{id}/assets route with tests * Updated route and dataTable in view * Completed test assertion * Added links to assets in ComponentsAssets view * Linked Company in AssetView page * Fixed purchase_cost format expectation in ApiComponentsCest * Refactored api routes file Sorted all prefixes in alphabetical order, removed duplicate routes. For every prefix I placed first Route::resource and then any additional route in a Route::group. Expanded arrays for readability and consistency. Removed useless calls as create and edit everywhere. * Refactored and added one more test to ApiComponentsAssetsCest * Marked one test as incomplete, 404 response should return json * Fixed value expectation * Refactored getToken() * Added API debugging routes * Added more information to ValidationException reporting Now the payload contains the validation errors for each invalid attribute. * /apitests: refactored expectations in component assertions * Created ApiAssetsCest * /apitests: Cleanup in Exceptions/Handler * Reverted change to use * Marked two tests as incomplete, looking for solutions
2017-02-23 16:32:35 -08:00
/** @test */
public function createAsset(ApiTester $I, $scenario)
$I->wantTo('Create a new asset');
$temp_asset = factory(\App\Models\Asset::class, 'asset')->make();
// setup
$data = [
'asset_tag' => $temp_asset->tag,
'assigned_to' => $temp_asset->assigned_to,
'company_id' => $temp_asset->company->id,
'image' => $temp_asset->image,
'model_id' => $temp_asset->model_id,
'name' => $temp_asset->name,
'notes' => $temp_asset->notes,
'purchase_cost' => $temp_asset->purchase_cost,
'purchase_date' => $temp_asset->purchase_date,
'rtd_location_id' => $temp_asset->rtd_location_id,
'serial' => $temp_asset->serial,
'status_id' => $temp_asset->status_id,
'supplier_id' => $temp_asset->supplier_id,
'warranty_months' => $temp_asset->warranty_months,
// create
$I->sendPOST('/hardware', $data);
/** @test */
public function updateAssetWithPatch(ApiTester $I, $scenario)
$I->wantTo('Update an asset with PATCH');
// create and store an asset
$asset = factory(\App\Models\Asset::class, 'asset')->create();
$I->assertInstanceOf(\App\Models\Asset::class, $asset);
// create a temporary asset to grab new data
$temp_asset = factory(\App\Models\Asset::class, 'asset')->make();
$data = [
'asset_tag' => $temp_asset->tag,
'assigned_to' => $temp_asset->assigned_to,
'company_id' => $temp_asset->company->id,
'image' => $temp_asset->image,
'model_id' => $temp_asset->model_id,
'name' => $temp_asset->name,
'notes' => $temp_asset->notes,
'purchase_cost' => $temp_asset->purchase_cost,
'purchase_date' => $temp_asset->purchase_date->format('Y-m-d'),
'rtd_location_id' => $temp_asset->rtd_location_id,
'serial' => $temp_asset->serial,
'status_id' => $temp_asset->status_id,
'supplier_id' => $temp_asset->supplier_id,
'warranty_months' => $temp_asset->warranty_months,
// the asset name should be different
$I->assertNotEquals($asset->name, $data['name']);
// update
$I->sendPATCH('/hardware/' . $asset->id, $data);
$response = json_decode($I->grabResponse());
$I->assertEquals('success', $response->status);
$I->assertEquals(trans('admin/hardware/message.update.success'), $response->messages);
$I->assertEquals($asset->id, $response->payload->id);
$I->assertEquals($data['name'], $response->payload->name);
$I->assertEquals($data['asset_tag'], $response->payload->asset_tag);
$I->assertEquals($data['model_id'], $response->payload->model_id);
// dd($response, $asset->getAttributes());
REST API - Refactoring of routes file, more tests added (#3345) * Toggles the disabled state of auto_increment_prefix To insert a prefix you had to toggle the checkbox, save the settings and reload. With this script it is immediate. Fixes #1390 * Delete asset image: made checkbox more visible Related to #3153 * Added personal-access-token component * Created basic API testing configuration * First version of /components endpoind cest * On-the-fly bearer token generation * Completed testing of PATCH and PUT methods * Added /components/{id}/assets route with tests * Updated route and dataTable in view * Completed test assertion * Added links to assets in ComponentsAssets view * Linked Company in AssetView page * Fixed purchase_cost format expectation in ApiComponentsCest * Refactored api routes file Sorted all prefixes in alphabetical order, removed duplicate routes. For every prefix I placed first Route::resource and then any additional route in a Route::group. Expanded arrays for readability and consistency. Removed useless calls as create and edit everywhere. * Refactored and added one more test to ApiComponentsAssetsCest * Marked one test as incomplete, 404 response should return json * Fixed value expectation * Refactored getToken() * Added API debugging routes * Added more information to ValidationException reporting Now the payload contains the validation errors for each invalid attribute. * /apitests: refactored expectations in component assertions * Created ApiAssetsCest * /apitests: Cleanup in Exceptions/Handler * Reverted change to use * Marked two tests as incomplete, looking for solutions
2017-02-23 16:32:35 -08:00
// verify
// $scenario->incomplete('[BadMethodCallException] Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::detail() 🤔');
REST API - Refactoring of routes file, more tests added (#3345) * Toggles the disabled state of auto_increment_prefix To insert a prefix you had to toggle the checkbox, save the settings and reload. With this script it is immediate. Fixes #1390 * Delete asset image: made checkbox more visible Related to #3153 * Added personal-access-token component * Created basic API testing configuration * First version of /components endpoind cest * On-the-fly bearer token generation * Completed testing of PATCH and PUT methods * Added /components/{id}/assets route with tests * Updated route and dataTable in view * Completed test assertion * Added links to assets in ComponentsAssets view * Linked Company in AssetView page * Fixed purchase_cost format expectation in ApiComponentsCest * Refactored api routes file Sorted all prefixes in alphabetical order, removed duplicate routes. For every prefix I placed first Route::resource and then any additional route in a Route::group. Expanded arrays for readability and consistency. Removed useless calls as create and edit everywhere. * Refactored and added one more test to ApiComponentsAssetsCest * Marked one test as incomplete, 404 response should return json * Fixed value expectation * Refactored getToken() * Added API debugging routes * Added more information to ValidationException reporting Now the payload contains the validation errors for each invalid attribute. * /apitests: refactored expectations in component assertions * Created ApiAssetsCest * /apitests: Cleanup in Exceptions/Handler * Reverted change to use * Marked two tests as incomplete, looking for solutions
2017-02-23 16:32:35 -08:00
$I->sendGET('/hardware/' . $asset->id);
'id' => (int) $asset->id,
'name' => e($temp_asset->name), // TODO: name should change
'asset_tag' => e($temp_asset->asset_tag), // TODO: asset_tag should change
'serial' => e($temp_asset->serial),
'model' => ($temp_asset->model) ? [
'id' => (int) $temp_asset->model->id,
'name'=> e($temp_asset->model->name)
] : null,
'model_number' => ($temp_asset->model) ? e($temp_asset->model->model_number) : null,
'status_label' => ($temp_asset->assetstatus) ? [
'id' => (int) $temp_asset->assetstatus->id,
'name'=> e($temp_asset->assetstatus->name)
] : null,
'category' => ($temp_asset->model->category) ? [
'id' => (int) $temp_asset->model->category->id,
'name'=> e($temp_asset->model->category->name)
] : null,
'manufacturer' => ($temp_asset->model->manufacturer) ? [
'id' => (int) $temp_asset->model->manufacturer->id,
'name'=> e($temp_asset->model->manufacturer->name)
] : null,
'notes' => e($temp_asset->notes),
'order_number' => e($asset->order_number),
'company' => ($temp_asset->company) ? [
'id' => (int) $temp_asset->company->id,
'name'=> e($temp_asset->company->name)
] : null,
'location' => ($asset->assetLoc) ? [
'id' => (int) $asset->assetLoc->id,
'name'=> e($asset->assetLoc->name)
] : null,
'rtd_location' => ($asset->defaultLoc) ? [
'id' => (int) $asset->defaultLoc->id,
'name'=> e($asset->defaultLoc->name)
] : null,
'image' => ($asset->getImageUrl()) ? $asset->getImageUrl() : null,
'assigned_to' => ($temp_asset->assigneduser) ? [
'id' => (int) $temp_asset->assigneduser->id,
'name' => e($temp_asset->assigneduser->getFullNameAttribute()),
'first_name'=> e($temp_asset->assigneduser->first_name),
'last_name'=> e($temp_asset->assigneduser->last_name)
] : null,
'warranty' => ($asset->warranty_months > 0) ? e($asset->warranty_months . ' ' . trans('admin/hardware/form.months')) : null,
'warranty_expires' => ($asset->warranty_months > 0) ? [
'datetime' => $asset->created_at->format('Y-m-d'),
'formatted' => $asset->created_at->format('Y-m-d'),
] : null,
// 'created_at' => ($asset->created_at) ? [
// 'datetime' => $asset->created_at->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
// 'formatted' => $asset->created_at->format('Y-m-d H:i a'),
// ] : null,
// 'updated_at' => ($asset->updated_at) ? [
// 'datetime' => $asset->updated_at->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
// 'formatted' => $asset->updated_at->format('Y-m-d H:i a'),
// ] : null,
// 'purchase_date' => ($asset->purchase_date) ? [
// 'datetime' => $asset->purchase_date->format('Y-m-d'),
// 'formatted' => $asset->purchase_date->format('Y-m-d'),
// ] : null,
// 'last_checkout' => ($asset->last_checkout) ? [
// 'datetime' => $asset->last_checkout->format('Y-m-d'),
// 'formatted' => $asset->last_checkout->format('Y-m-d'),
// ] : null,
// 'expected_checkin' => ($asset->created_at) ? [
// 'date' => $asset->created_at->format('Y-m-d'),
// 'formatted' => $asset->created_at->format('Y-m-d'),
// ] : null,
// 'purchase_cost' => (float) $asset->purchase_cost,
'user_can_checkout' => (bool) $temp_asset->availableForCheckout(),
'available_actions' => [
'checkout' => (bool) Gate::allows('checkout', Asset::class),
'checkin' => (bool) Gate::allows('checkin', Asset::class),
'update' => (bool) Gate::allows('update', Asset::class),
'delete' => (bool) Gate::allows('delete', Asset::class),
REST API - Refactoring of routes file, more tests added (#3345) * Toggles the disabled state of auto_increment_prefix To insert a prefix you had to toggle the checkbox, save the settings and reload. With this script it is immediate. Fixes #1390 * Delete asset image: made checkbox more visible Related to #3153 * Added personal-access-token component * Created basic API testing configuration * First version of /components endpoind cest * On-the-fly bearer token generation * Completed testing of PATCH and PUT methods * Added /components/{id}/assets route with tests * Updated route and dataTable in view * Completed test assertion * Added links to assets in ComponentsAssets view * Linked Company in AssetView page * Fixed purchase_cost format expectation in ApiComponentsCest * Refactored api routes file Sorted all prefixes in alphabetical order, removed duplicate routes. For every prefix I placed first Route::resource and then any additional route in a Route::group. Expanded arrays for readability and consistency. Removed useless calls as create and edit everywhere. * Refactored and added one more test to ApiComponentsAssetsCest * Marked one test as incomplete, 404 response should return json * Fixed value expectation * Refactored getToken() * Added API debugging routes * Added more information to ValidationException reporting Now the payload contains the validation errors for each invalid attribute. * /apitests: refactored expectations in component assertions * Created ApiAssetsCest * /apitests: Cleanup in Exceptions/Handler * Reverted change to use * Marked two tests as incomplete, looking for solutions
2017-02-23 16:32:35 -08:00
/** @test */
public function updateAssetWithPut(ApiTester $I)
REST API - Refactoring of routes file, more tests added (#3345) * Toggles the disabled state of auto_increment_prefix To insert a prefix you had to toggle the checkbox, save the settings and reload. With this script it is immediate. Fixes #1390 * Delete asset image: made checkbox more visible Related to #3153 * Added personal-access-token component * Created basic API testing configuration * First version of /components endpoind cest * On-the-fly bearer token generation * Completed testing of PATCH and PUT methods * Added /components/{id}/assets route with tests * Updated route and dataTable in view * Completed test assertion * Added links to assets in ComponentsAssets view * Linked Company in AssetView page * Fixed purchase_cost format expectation in ApiComponentsCest * Refactored api routes file Sorted all prefixes in alphabetical order, removed duplicate routes. For every prefix I placed first Route::resource and then any additional route in a Route::group. Expanded arrays for readability and consistency. Removed useless calls as create and edit everywhere. * Refactored and added one more test to ApiComponentsAssetsCest * Marked one test as incomplete, 404 response should return json * Fixed value expectation * Refactored getToken() * Added API debugging routes * Added more information to ValidationException reporting Now the payload contains the validation errors for each invalid attribute. * /apitests: refactored expectations in component assertions * Created ApiAssetsCest * /apitests: Cleanup in Exceptions/Handler * Reverted change to use * Marked two tests as incomplete, looking for solutions
2017-02-23 16:32:35 -08:00
$I->wantTo('Update a asset with PUT');
// create
$asset = factory(\App\Models\Asset::class, 'asset')->create();
$I->assertInstanceOf(\App\Models\Asset::class, $asset);
$company = \App\Models\Company::inRandomOrder()->first();
REST API - Refactoring of routes file, more tests added (#3345) * Toggles the disabled state of auto_increment_prefix To insert a prefix you had to toggle the checkbox, save the settings and reload. With this script it is immediate. Fixes #1390 * Delete asset image: made checkbox more visible Related to #3153 * Added personal-access-token component * Created basic API testing configuration * First version of /components endpoind cest * On-the-fly bearer token generation * Completed testing of PATCH and PUT methods * Added /components/{id}/assets route with tests * Updated route and dataTable in view * Completed test assertion * Added links to assets in ComponentsAssets view * Linked Company in AssetView page * Fixed purchase_cost format expectation in ApiComponentsCest * Refactored api routes file Sorted all prefixes in alphabetical order, removed duplicate routes. For every prefix I placed first Route::resource and then any additional route in a Route::group. Expanded arrays for readability and consistency. Removed useless calls as create and edit everywhere. * Refactored and added one more test to ApiComponentsAssetsCest * Marked one test as incomplete, 404 response should return json * Fixed value expectation * Refactored getToken() * Added API debugging routes * Added more information to ValidationException reporting Now the payload contains the validation errors for each invalid attribute. * /apitests: refactored expectations in component assertions * Created ApiAssetsCest * /apitests: Cleanup in Exceptions/Handler * Reverted change to use * Marked two tests as incomplete, looking for solutions
2017-02-23 16:32:35 -08:00
$data = [
'name' => $this->faker->sentence(3),
'company_id' => $company->id,
REST API - Refactoring of routes file, more tests added (#3345) * Toggles the disabled state of auto_increment_prefix To insert a prefix you had to toggle the checkbox, save the settings and reload. With this script it is immediate. Fixes #1390 * Delete asset image: made checkbox more visible Related to #3153 * Added personal-access-token component * Created basic API testing configuration * First version of /components endpoind cest * On-the-fly bearer token generation * Completed testing of PATCH and PUT methods * Added /components/{id}/assets route with tests * Updated route and dataTable in view * Completed test assertion * Added links to assets in ComponentsAssets view * Linked Company in AssetView page * Fixed purchase_cost format expectation in ApiComponentsCest * Refactored api routes file Sorted all prefixes in alphabetical order, removed duplicate routes. For every prefix I placed first Route::resource and then any additional route in a Route::group. Expanded arrays for readability and consistency. Removed useless calls as create and edit everywhere. * Refactored and added one more test to ApiComponentsAssetsCest * Marked one test as incomplete, 404 response should return json * Fixed value expectation * Refactored getToken() * Added API debugging routes * Added more information to ValidationException reporting Now the payload contains the validation errors for each invalid attribute. * /apitests: refactored expectations in component assertions * Created ApiAssetsCest * /apitests: Cleanup in Exceptions/Handler * Reverted change to use * Marked two tests as incomplete, looking for solutions
2017-02-23 16:32:35 -08:00
$I->assertNotEquals($asset->name, $data['name']);
// update
$I->sendPUT('/hardware/' . $asset->id, $data);
$response = json_decode($I->grabResponse());
$I->assertEquals('success', $response->status);
$I->assertEquals(trans('admin/hardware/message.update.success'), $response->messages);
$I->assertEquals($asset->id, $response->payload->id);
REST API - Refactoring of routes file, more tests added (#3345) * Toggles the disabled state of auto_increment_prefix To insert a prefix you had to toggle the checkbox, save the settings and reload. With this script it is immediate. Fixes #1390 * Delete asset image: made checkbox more visible Related to #3153 * Added personal-access-token component * Created basic API testing configuration * First version of /components endpoind cest * On-the-fly bearer token generation * Completed testing of PATCH and PUT methods * Added /components/{id}/assets route with tests * Updated route and dataTable in view * Completed test assertion * Added links to assets in ComponentsAssets view * Linked Company in AssetView page * Fixed purchase_cost format expectation in ApiComponentsCest * Refactored api routes file Sorted all prefixes in alphabetical order, removed duplicate routes. For every prefix I placed first Route::resource and then any additional route in a Route::group. Expanded arrays for readability and consistency. Removed useless calls as create and edit everywhere. * Refactored and added one more test to ApiComponentsAssetsCest * Marked one test as incomplete, 404 response should return json * Fixed value expectation * Refactored getToken() * Added API debugging routes * Added more information to ValidationException reporting Now the payload contains the validation errors for each invalid attribute. * /apitests: refactored expectations in component assertions * Created ApiAssetsCest * /apitests: Cleanup in Exceptions/Handler * Reverted change to use * Marked two tests as incomplete, looking for solutions
2017-02-23 16:32:35 -08:00
// verify
$I->sendGET('/hardware/' . $asset->id);
'id' => (int) $asset->id,
REST API - Refactoring of routes file, more tests added (#3345) * Toggles the disabled state of auto_increment_prefix To insert a prefix you had to toggle the checkbox, save the settings and reload. With this script it is immediate. Fixes #1390 * Delete asset image: made checkbox more visible Related to #3153 * Added personal-access-token component * Created basic API testing configuration * First version of /components endpoind cest * On-the-fly bearer token generation * Completed testing of PATCH and PUT methods * Added /components/{id}/assets route with tests * Updated route and dataTable in view * Completed test assertion * Added links to assets in ComponentsAssets view * Linked Company in AssetView page * Fixed purchase_cost format expectation in ApiComponentsCest * Refactored api routes file Sorted all prefixes in alphabetical order, removed duplicate routes. For every prefix I placed first Route::resource and then any additional route in a Route::group. Expanded arrays for readability and consistency. Removed useless calls as create and edit everywhere. * Refactored and added one more test to ApiComponentsAssetsCest * Marked one test as incomplete, 404 response should return json * Fixed value expectation * Refactored getToken() * Added API debugging routes * Added more information to ValidationException reporting Now the payload contains the validation errors for each invalid attribute. * /apitests: refactored expectations in component assertions * Created ApiAssetsCest * /apitests: Cleanup in Exceptions/Handler * Reverted change to use * Marked two tests as incomplete, looking for solutions
2017-02-23 16:32:35 -08:00
'name' => e($data['name']),
'asset_tag' => e($asset->asset_tag),
'serial' => e($asset->serial),
'model' => ($asset->model) ? [
'id' => (int) $asset->model->id,
'name'=> e($asset->model->name)
] : null,
'model_number' => ($asset->model) ? e($asset->model->model_number) : null,
'status_label' => ($asset->assetstatus) ? [
'id' => (int) $asset->assetstatus->id,
'name'=> e($asset->assetstatus->name)
] : null,
'category' => ($asset->model->category) ? [
'id' => (int) $asset->model->category->id,
'name'=> e($asset->model->category->name)
] : null,
'manufacturer' => ($asset->model->manufacturer) ? [
'id' => (int) $asset->model->manufacturer->id,
'name'=> e($asset->model->manufacturer->name)
] : null,
'notes' => e($asset->notes),
'order_number' => e($asset->order_number),
'company' => ($asset->company) ? [
'id' => (int) $data['company_id'],
'name'=> e($company->name)
] : null,
'location' => ($asset->assetLoc) ? [
'id' => (int) $asset->assetLoc->id,
'name'=> e($asset->assetLoc->name)
] : null,
'rtd_location' => ($asset->defaultLoc) ? [
'id' => (int) $asset->defaultLoc->id,
'name'=> e($asset->defaultLoc->name)
] : null,
'image' => ($asset->getImageUrl()) ? $asset->getImageUrl() : null,
'assigned_to' => ($asset->assigneduser) ? [
'id' => (int) $asset->assigneduser->id,
'name' => e($asset->assigneduser->getFullNameAttribute()),
'first_name'=> e($asset->assigneduser->first_name),
'last_name'=> e($asset->assigneduser->last_name)
] : null,
'warranty' => ($asset->warranty_months > 0) ? e($asset->warranty_months . ' ' . trans('admin/hardware/form.months')) : null,
'warranty_expires' => ($asset->warranty_months > 0) ? [
'datetime' => $asset->created_at->format('Y-m-d'),
'formatted' => $asset->created_at->format('Y-m-d'),
] : null,
// 'created_at' => ($asset->created_at) ? [
// 'datetime' => $asset->created_at->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
// 'formatted' => $asset->created_at->format('Y-m-d H:i a'),
// ] : null,
// 'updated_at' => ($asset->updated_at) ? [
// 'datetime' => $asset->updated_at->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
// 'formatted' => $asset->updated_at->format('Y-m-d H:i a'),
// ] : null,
// 'purchase_date' => ($asset->purchase_date) ? [
// 'datetime' => $asset->purchase_date->format('Y-m-d'),
// 'formatted' => $asset->purchase_date->format('Y-m-d'),
// ] : null,
// 'last_checkout' => ($asset->last_checkout) ? [
// 'datetime' => $asset->last_checkout->format('Y-m-d'),
// 'formatted' => $asset->last_checkout->format('Y-m-d'),
// ] : null,
// 'expected_checkin' => ($asset->created_at) ? [
// 'date' => $asset->created_at->format('Y-m-d'),
// 'formatted' => $asset->created_at->format('Y-m-d'),
// ] : null,
// 'purchase_cost' => (float) $asset->purchase_cost,
'user_can_checkout' => (bool) $asset->availableForCheckout(),
'available_actions' => [
'checkout' => (bool) Gate::allows('checkout', Asset::class),
'checkin' => (bool) Gate::allows('checkin', Asset::class),
'update' => (bool) Gate::allows('update', Asset::class),
'delete' => (bool) Gate::allows('delete', Asset::class),
REST API - Refactoring of routes file, more tests added (#3345) * Toggles the disabled state of auto_increment_prefix To insert a prefix you had to toggle the checkbox, save the settings and reload. With this script it is immediate. Fixes #1390 * Delete asset image: made checkbox more visible Related to #3153 * Added personal-access-token component * Created basic API testing configuration * First version of /components endpoind cest * On-the-fly bearer token generation * Completed testing of PATCH and PUT methods * Added /components/{id}/assets route with tests * Updated route and dataTable in view * Completed test assertion * Added links to assets in ComponentsAssets view * Linked Company in AssetView page * Fixed purchase_cost format expectation in ApiComponentsCest * Refactored api routes file Sorted all prefixes in alphabetical order, removed duplicate routes. For every prefix I placed first Route::resource and then any additional route in a Route::group. Expanded arrays for readability and consistency. Removed useless calls as create and edit everywhere. * Refactored and added one more test to ApiComponentsAssetsCest * Marked one test as incomplete, 404 response should return json * Fixed value expectation * Refactored getToken() * Added API debugging routes * Added more information to ValidationException reporting Now the payload contains the validation errors for each invalid attribute. * /apitests: refactored expectations in component assertions * Created ApiAssetsCest * /apitests: Cleanup in Exceptions/Handler * Reverted change to use * Marked two tests as incomplete, looking for solutions
2017-02-23 16:32:35 -08:00
/** @test */
public function deleteAssetTest(ApiTester $I, $scenario)
REST API - Refactoring of routes file, more tests added (#3345) * Toggles the disabled state of auto_increment_prefix To insert a prefix you had to toggle the checkbox, save the settings and reload. With this script it is immediate. Fixes #1390 * Delete asset image: made checkbox more visible Related to #3153 * Added personal-access-token component * Created basic API testing configuration * First version of /components endpoind cest * On-the-fly bearer token generation * Completed testing of PATCH and PUT methods * Added /components/{id}/assets route with tests * Updated route and dataTable in view * Completed test assertion * Added links to assets in ComponentsAssets view * Linked Company in AssetView page * Fixed purchase_cost format expectation in ApiComponentsCest * Refactored api routes file Sorted all prefixes in alphabetical order, removed duplicate routes. For every prefix I placed first Route::resource and then any additional route in a Route::group. Expanded arrays for readability and consistency. Removed useless calls as create and edit everywhere. * Refactored and added one more test to ApiComponentsAssetsCest * Marked one test as incomplete, 404 response should return json * Fixed value expectation * Refactored getToken() * Added API debugging routes * Added more information to ValidationException reporting Now the payload contains the validation errors for each invalid attribute. * /apitests: refactored expectations in component assertions * Created ApiAssetsCest * /apitests: Cleanup in Exceptions/Handler * Reverted change to use * Marked two tests as incomplete, looking for solutions
2017-02-23 16:32:35 -08:00
$I->wantTo('Delete an asset');
// create
$asset = factory(\App\Models\Asset::class, 'asset')->create();
$I->assertInstanceOf(\App\Models\Asset::class, $asset);
// delete
$I->sendDELETE('/hardware/' . $asset->id);
$response = json_decode($I->grabResponse());
$I->assertEquals('success', $response->status);
$I->assertEquals(trans('admin/hardware/message.delete.success'), $response->messages);
// verify, expect a 200
REST API - Refactoring of routes file, more tests added (#3345) * Toggles the disabled state of auto_increment_prefix To insert a prefix you had to toggle the checkbox, save the settings and reload. With this script it is immediate. Fixes #1390 * Delete asset image: made checkbox more visible Related to #3153 * Added personal-access-token component * Created basic API testing configuration * First version of /components endpoind cest * On-the-fly bearer token generation * Completed testing of PATCH and PUT methods * Added /components/{id}/assets route with tests * Updated route and dataTable in view * Completed test assertion * Added links to assets in ComponentsAssets view * Linked Company in AssetView page * Fixed purchase_cost format expectation in ApiComponentsCest * Refactored api routes file Sorted all prefixes in alphabetical order, removed duplicate routes. For every prefix I placed first Route::resource and then any additional route in a Route::group. Expanded arrays for readability and consistency. Removed useless calls as create and edit everywhere. * Refactored and added one more test to ApiComponentsAssetsCest * Marked one test as incomplete, 404 response should return json * Fixed value expectation * Refactored getToken() * Added API debugging routes * Added more information to ValidationException reporting Now the payload contains the validation errors for each invalid attribute. * /apitests: refactored expectations in component assertions * Created ApiAssetsCest * /apitests: Cleanup in Exceptions/Handler * Reverted change to use * Marked two tests as incomplete, looking for solutions
2017-02-23 16:32:35 -08:00
$I->sendGET('/hardware/' . $asset->id);
$I->seeResponseIsJson(); // @todo: response is not JSON
// $scenario->incomplete('not found response should be JSON, receiving HTML instead');
REST API - Refactoring of routes file, more tests added (#3345) * Toggles the disabled state of auto_increment_prefix To insert a prefix you had to toggle the checkbox, save the settings and reload. With this script it is immediate. Fixes #1390 * Delete asset image: made checkbox more visible Related to #3153 * Added personal-access-token component * Created basic API testing configuration * First version of /components endpoind cest * On-the-fly bearer token generation * Completed testing of PATCH and PUT methods * Added /components/{id}/assets route with tests * Updated route and dataTable in view * Completed test assertion * Added links to assets in ComponentsAssets view * Linked Company in AssetView page * Fixed purchase_cost format expectation in ApiComponentsCest * Refactored api routes file Sorted all prefixes in alphabetical order, removed duplicate routes. For every prefix I placed first Route::resource and then any additional route in a Route::group. Expanded arrays for readability and consistency. Removed useless calls as create and edit everywhere. * Refactored and added one more test to ApiComponentsAssetsCest * Marked one test as incomplete, 404 response should return json * Fixed value expectation * Refactored getToken() * Added API debugging routes * Added more information to ValidationException reporting Now the payload contains the validation errors for each invalid attribute. * /apitests: refactored expectations in component assertions * Created ApiAssetsCest * /apitests: Cleanup in Exceptions/Handler * Reverted change to use * Marked two tests as incomplete, looking for solutions
2017-02-23 16:32:35 -08:00