protected$description='This command allows upgrading users to de-encrypt their deprecated mcrypt encrypted fields and re-encrypt them using the current OpenSSL encryption.';
// Check and see if they have a legacy app key listed in their .env
// If not, we can try to use the current APP_KEY if looks like it's old
$this->error('ERROR: You do not have a LEGACY_APP_KEY set in your .env file. Please locate your old APP_KEY and ADD a line to your .env file like: LEGACY_APP_KEY=YOUR_OLD_APP_KEY');
// Check that the app key is 32 characters
$this->comment('INFO: Your LEGACY_APP_KEY is 32 characters. Okay to continue.');
$this->error('ERROR: Your LEGACY_APP_KEY is not the correct length (32 characters). Please locate your old APP_KEY and use that as your LEGACY_APP_KEY in your .env file to continue.');
$this->comment("This tool will attempt to decrypt your old Snipe-IT (mcrypt, now deprecated) encrypted data and re-encrypt it using OpenSSL. \n\nYou should only continue if you have backed up any and all old APP_KEYs and have backed up your data.");
if($this->confirm("Are you SURE you wish to continue?")){