2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
< ? php
return [
'accessories' => '附属品' ,
2017-11-04 00:45:50 -07:00
'activated' => '已激活' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'accessory' => '附属品' ,
2017-11-04 00:45:50 -07:00
'accessory_report' => '配件报告' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'action' => '操作' ,
'activity_report' => '活动报告' ,
'address' => '地址' ,
'admin' => '管理员' ,
2018-05-21 14:54:36 -07:00
'administrator' => '管理员' ,
2017-11-04 00:45:50 -07:00
'add_seats' => '已增加空位' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'all_assets' => '所有资产' ,
'all' => '所有' ,
'archived' => '已存档' ,
'asset_models' => '资产型号' ,
2017-10-17 18:52:20 -07:00
'asset_model' => '模型' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'asset' => '资产' ,
'asset_report' => '资产报备' ,
'asset_tag' => '资产标签' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'asset_tags' => 'Asset Tags' ,
'assets_available' => 'Assets available' ,
'accept_assets' => 'Accept Assets :name' ,
'accept_assets_menu' => 'Accept Assets' ,
2017-10-17 18:52:20 -07:00
'audit' => '审计' ,
'audit_report' => '审核日志' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'assets' => '资产' ,
'avatar_delete' => '删除头像' ,
'avatar_upload' => '上传头像' ,
'back' => '后退' ,
'bad_data' => '未发现任何东西,是否数据错误?' ,
2017-10-17 18:52:20 -07:00
'bulkaudit' => '批量审核' ,
'bulkaudit_status' => '盘点状态' ,
2016-09-20 05:08:04 -07:00
'bulk_checkout' => '批量借出' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'bulk_edit' => 'Bulk Edit' ,
'bulk_delete' => 'Bulk Delete' ,
'bulk_actions' => 'Bulk Actions' ,
'bulk_checkin_delete' => 'Bulk Checkin & Delete' ,
2021-04-26 18:11:48 -07:00
'bystatus' => '按状态' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'cancel' => '取消' ,
'categories' => '目录' ,
'category' => '类别:' ,
2017-10-17 18:52:20 -07:00
'change' => '归还/借出' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'changeemail' => '更改邮箱' ,
'changepassword' => '修改密码' ,
2017-12-12 09:20:57 -08:00
'checkin' => '归还' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'checkin_from' => '输入来源' ,
'checkout' => '借出' ,
2018-05-21 14:54:36 -07:00
'checkouts_count' => '签出' ,
'checkins_count' => '签入' ,
'user_requests_count' => '请求' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'city' => '城市' ,
2021-06-10 13:15:52 -07:00
'click_here' => '点击此处' ,
2017-12-12 09:20:57 -08:00
'clear_selection' => '清除选择' ,
2017-11-04 00:45:50 -07:00
'companies' => '公司' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'company' => '公司' ,
2017-11-04 00:45:50 -07:00
'component' => '组件' ,
2016-04-19 12:26:49 -07:00
'components' => '组件' ,
2021-06-10 13:15:52 -07:00
'complete' => '完成' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'consumable' => '消耗品' ,
'consumables' => '消耗品' ,
'country' => '国家' ,
'create' => '新增' ,
2016-12-03 17:10:05 -08:00
'created' => '项目已创建' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'created_asset' => '新建资产' ,
'created_at' => '创建于' ,
2021-04-26 18:11:48 -07:00
'record_created' => '记录已创建' ,
2017-07-07 13:14:51 -07:00
'updated_at' => '更新日期' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'currency' => 'RMB' , // this is deprecated
'current' => '当前' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'current_password' => 'Current Password' ,
'customize_report' => 'Customize Report' ,
2017-12-12 09:20:57 -08:00
'custom_report' => '自定义资产报表' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'dashboard' => '控制面板' ,
2017-10-17 18:52:20 -07:00
'days' => '天数' ,
2017-11-04 00:45:50 -07:00
'days_to_next_audit' => '距离下一次盘点的天数' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'date' => '日期' ,
2017-01-10 17:53:06 -08:00
'debug_warning' => '警告!' ,
2017-11-04 00:45:50 -07:00
'debug_warning_text' => '此应用程序运行在生产模式下的调试状态。如果您的应用程序可以被外部访问,这会使敏感数据暴露。通过将 <code>.env</code> 文件中的<code>APP_DEBUG</code> 值设置为 <code>false</code>来 禁用调试模式。' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'delete' => '刪除' ,
2018-05-21 14:54:36 -07:00
'delete_confirm' => '是否确定删除此项' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'deleted' => '已删除' ,
'delete_seats' => '已移除空位' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'deletion_failed' => 'Deletion failed' ,
2017-10-17 18:52:20 -07:00
'departments' => '部门' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'department' => '部门' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'deployed' => '已分配' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'depreciation' => '折旧' ,
'depreciations' => 'Depreciations' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'depreciation_report' => '折旧报告' ,
2018-03-22 20:01:45 -07:00
'details' => '详细信息' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'download' => '下载' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'download_all' => '下载全部' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'editprofile' => '修改简介' ,
'eol' => '寿命' ,
2016-09-20 05:08:04 -07:00
'email_domain' => '邮件域' ,
'email_format' => '电子邮件格式' ,
'email_domain_help' => '这在导入时用以生成电子邮件地址' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'error' => 'Error' ,
2016-09-20 05:08:04 -07:00
'filastname_format' => '缩写名 姓,例如(jsmith@example.com)' ,
'firstname_lastname_format' => '名 姓,例如 (jane.smith@example.com)' ,
2018-03-22 20:01:45 -07:00
'firstname_lastname_underscore_format' => '名 姓,例如(jane_smith@example.com)' ,
2018-05-02 14:32:50 -07:00
'lastnamefirstinitial_format' => '姓氏首字母( smithj@example.com) ' ,
2021-04-26 18:11:48 -07:00
'firstintial_dot_lastname_format' => '缩写名 姓,例如(jsmith@example.com)' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'first' => '首页' ,
2021-04-26 18:11:48 -07:00
'firstnamelastname' => '名 姓,例如 (jane.smith@example.com)' ,
'lastname_firstinitial' => '姓 缩写名, 例如 (smith_j@example.com)' ,
'firstinitial.lastname' => '缩写名 姓,例如(jsmith@example.com)' ,
'firstnamelastinitial' => '名 姓,例如 (jane.smith@example.com)' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'first_name' => '名字' ,
2016-09-20 05:08:04 -07:00
'first_name_format' => '名,例如 (jane@example.com)' ,
2018-05-02 14:32:50 -07:00
'files' => '文件' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'file_name' => '文件' ,
2021-04-26 18:11:48 -07:00
'file_type' => '文件类型' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'file_uploads' => '文件上传' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'file_upload' => 'File Upload' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'generate' => '生成' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'generate_labels' => 'Generate Labels' ,
'github_markdown' => '该字段可以使用 <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github flavored markdown语法</a>' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'groups' => '分组' ,
'gravatar_email' => 'Gravatar头像邮件地址' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'gravatar_url' => '<a href="http://gravatar.com"><small>Change your avatar at Gravatar.com</small></a>.' ,
2016-09-20 05:08:04 -07:00
'history' => '历史记录' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'history_for' => '历史记录' ,
'id' => '编号' ,
2017-12-12 09:20:57 -08:00
'image' => '图片' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'image_delete' => '删除图片' ,
'image_upload' => '上传图片' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'filetypes_accepted_help' => 'Accepted filetype is :types. Max upload size allowed is :size.|Accepted filetypes are :types. Max upload size allowed is :size.' ,
'filetypes_size_help' => 'Max upload size allowed is :size.' ,
2018-03-22 20:01:45 -07:00
'image_filetypes_help' => '接受jpg, png, gif和svg类型的文件。文件大小应小于 :size。' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'import' => '导入' ,
2021-04-26 18:11:48 -07:00
'importing' => '正在导入…' ,
'importing_help' => '您可以通过CSV文件导入资产、配件、许可证、组件、消耗品和用户。 <br><br>CSV 应以逗号分隔和格式化,并且在文档</a> 中与 <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">样本CSV中的标头匹配。' ,
2016-09-20 05:08:04 -07:00
'import-history' => '导入历史记录' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'asset_maintenance' => '资产维修' ,
'asset_maintenance_report' => '资产维修报表' ,
'asset_maintenances' => '资产维修' ,
'item' => '条目' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'item_name' => 'Item Name' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'insufficient_permissions' => '没有足够的权限' ,
2021-04-26 18:11:48 -07:00
'kits' => '预定义的 Kits' ,
2016-04-19 12:26:49 -07:00
'language' => '语言' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'last' => '最后页' ,
2017-07-07 13:14:51 -07:00
'last_login' => '上一次登陆:' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'last_name' => '姓氏' ,
'license' => '授权许可' ,
'license_report' => '授权许可报告' ,
'licenses_available' => '可用许可' ,
'licenses' => '许可证' ,
'list_all' => '列出全部' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'loading' => 'Loading... please wait....' ,
2021-04-26 18:11:48 -07:00
'lock_passwords' => '此字段值将不会保存到演示安装中。' ,
2016-12-03 17:10:05 -08:00
'feature_disabled' => '演示模式下禁用此功能' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'location' => '位置' ,
'locations' => '地理位置' ,
2021-04-26 18:11:48 -07:00
'logo_size' => '方形标志使用Logo + 文本看起来最好。标志最大显示尺寸为 50px 高 x 500px 宽度。 ' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'logout' => '注销' ,
2016-09-20 05:08:04 -07:00
'lookup_by_tag' => '查找资产标签' ,
2018-03-22 20:01:45 -07:00
'maintenances' => '维护' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'manage_api_keys' => 'Manage API Keys' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'manufacturer' => '制造商' ,
'manufacturers' => '制造商' ,
2016-04-19 12:26:49 -07:00
'markdown' => '该字段可以使用 <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github flavored markdown</a>' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'min_amt' => 'Min. QTY' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'min_amt_help' => 'Minimum number of items that should be available before an alert gets triggered. Leave Min. QTY blank if you do not want to receive alerts for low inventory.' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'model_no' => '型号' ,
'months' => '月数' ,
'moreinfo' => '更多信息' ,
'name' => '名称' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'new_password' => 'New Password' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'next' => '下一页' ,
2017-10-17 18:52:20 -07:00
'next_audit_date' => '下一次盘点时间' ,
'last_audit' => '上一次盘点' ,
2016-09-20 05:08:04 -07:00
'new' => '新!' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'no_depreciation' => '永久' ,
'no_results' => '没有结果' ,
'no' => '否' ,
'notes' => '备注' ,
2017-01-10 17:53:06 -08:00
'order_number' => '订单号' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
' page_menu ' => ' 显示菜单项 ' ,
'pagination_info' => '显示全部' ,
'pending' => '待定' ,
'people' => '组织成员' ,
'per_page' => '每页搜索结果' ,
'previous' => '前一页' ,
'processing' => '处理中' ,
'profile' => '您的个人资料' ,
2017-01-10 17:53:06 -08:00
'purchase_cost' => '采购价格' ,
'purchase_date' => '购买日期' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'qty' => '数量' ,
'quantity' => '数量' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'quantity_minimum' => 'You have :count items below or almost below minimum quantity levels' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'ready_to_deploy' => '待分配' ,
'recent_activity' => '最近操作活动' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'remaining' => 'Remaining' ,
2016-06-13 12:16:43 -07:00
'remove_company' => '移除公司关联' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'reports' => '报告' ,
2018-01-20 04:53:04 -08:00
'restored' => '恢复' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'restore' => '还原' ,
'requestable_models' => 'Requestable Models' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'requested' => '已申请' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'requested_date' => 'Requested Date' ,
'requested_assets' => 'Requested Assets' ,
'requested_assets_menu' => 'Requested Assets' ,
2016-10-04 12:23:02 -07:00
'request_canceled' => '取消请求' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'save' => '保存' ,
'select' => '选择' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'select_all' => 'Select All' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'search' => '搜索' ,
2016-09-20 05:08:04 -07:00
'select_category' => '选择一个类别' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'select_department' => '选择一个部门' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'select_depreciation' => '选择失效类型' ,
'select_location' => '选择地点' ,
'select_manufacturer' => '选择生产商' ,
'select_model' => '选择型号' ,
'select_supplier' => '选择供货商' ,
'select_user' => '选择用户' ,
2017-10-17 18:52:20 -07:00
'select_date' => '选择日期 (YYYY-MM-DD)' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'select_statuslabel' => '选择状态' ,
2016-06-13 12:16:43 -07:00
'select_company' => '选择公司' ,
'select_asset' => '选择资产' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'settings' => '设置' ,
2018-05-02 14:32:50 -07:00
'show_deleted' => '查看已删除' ,
'show_current' => '查看当前' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'sign_in' => '登录' ,
2017-01-10 17:53:06 -08:00
'signature' => '签名' ,
2018-05-02 14:32:50 -07:00
'skin' => '主题' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'slack_msg_note' => 'A slack message will be sent' ,
2021-04-26 18:11:48 -07:00
'slack_test_msg' => '哦哈!看起来 Slack 已经成功应用到 Snipe-IT 了!' ,
2016-10-04 12:23:02 -07:00
'some_features_disabled' => '演示模式: 此安装将禁用某些功能。' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'site_name' => '站点名称' ,
'state' => '省份' ,
'status_labels' => '状态标签' ,
'status' => '状态' ,
2017-01-10 17:53:06 -08:00
'supplier' => '供应商' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'suppliers' => '供应商' ,
2017-07-07 13:14:51 -07:00
'sure_to_delete' => '是否确认要删除' ,
2016-12-03 17:10:05 -08:00
'submit' => '提交' ,
2017-07-07 13:14:51 -07:00
'target' => '目标' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'toggle_navigation' => 'Toogle Navigation' ,
2017-07-07 13:14:51 -07:00
'time_and_date_display' => '时间和日期显示' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'total_assets' => '共计资产' ,
'total_licenses' => '共计许可证' ,
2016-12-03 17:10:05 -08:00
'total_accessories' => '总配件' ,
'total_consumables' => '总耗材' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'type' => '类型' ,
'undeployable' => '无法被分配' ,
'unknown_admin' => '未知管理员' ,
2016-09-20 05:08:04 -07:00
'username_format' => '用户名格式' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'update' => '更新' ,
2021-04-26 18:11:48 -07:00
'upload_filetypes_help' => '允许的文件类型是 png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, doc, pdf, xls, xlsx, txt, lic, xml, zip, rtf 和 rar. 允许的最大上传大小是 :size.' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'uploaded' => '已上传' ,
'user' => '用户' ,
'accepted' => '已接受' ,
'declined' => '已拒绝' ,
'unaccepted_asset_report' => '未接受的资产' ,
'users' => '用户' ,
2021-04-26 18:11:48 -07:00
'viewall' => '查看全部' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'viewassets' => '查看资产分配' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'viewassetsfor' => 'View Assets for :name' ,
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00
'website' => '站点' ,
'welcome' => '欢迎您,:name' ,
'years' => '年' ,
'yes' => '是' ,
'zip' => 'Zip' ,
2020-11-09 14:52:11 -08:00
'noimage' => '图片未上传或图片无法找到。' ,
'token_expired' => '表单会话已过期,请重新提交' ,
2021-04-26 18:11:48 -07:00
'login_enabled' => '登录已启用' ,
'audit_due' => '到期审计' ,
'audit_overdue' => '过期审计' ,
'accept' => '接受 :asset' ,
'i_accept' => '我接受' ,
'i_decline' => '我拒绝' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'accept_decline' => 'Accept/Decline' ,
2021-04-26 18:11:48 -07:00
'sign_tos' => '请在下面登录以表明您同意服务条款:' ,
'clear_signature' => '清除签名' ,
'show_help' => '显示帮助' ,
'hide_help' => '隐藏帮助' ,
2022-01-13 21:27:29 -08:00
'view_all' => 'view all' ,
'hide_deleted' => 'Hide Deleted' ,
'email' => 'Email' ,
'do_not_change' => 'Do Not Change' ,
'bug_report' => 'Report a Bug' ,
'user_manual' => 'User\'s Manual' ,
'setup_step_1' => 'Step 1' ,
'setup_step_2' => 'Step 2' ,
'setup_step_3' => 'Step 3' ,
'setup_step_4' => 'Step 4' ,
'setup_config_check' => 'Configuration Check' ,
'setup_create_database' => 'Create Database Tables' ,
'setup_create_admin' => 'Create Admin User' ,
'setup_done' => 'Finished!' ,
'bulk_edit_about_to' => 'You are about to edit the following: ' ,
'checked_out' => 'Checked Out' ,
'checked_out_to' => 'Checked out to' ,
'fields' => 'Fields' ,
'last_checkout' => 'Last Checkout' ,
'due_to_checkin' => 'The following :count items are due to be checked in soon:' ,
'expected_checkin' => 'Expected Checkin' ,
'reminder_checked_out_items' => 'This is a reminder of the items currently checked out to you. If you feel this list is inaccurate (something is missing, or something appears here that you believe you never received), please email :reply_to_name at :reply_to_address.' ,
'changed' => 'Changed' ,
'to' => 'To' ,
'report_fields_info' => ' < p > Select the fields you would like to include in your custom report , and click Generate . The file ( custom - asset - report - YYYY - mm - dd . csv ) will download automatically , and you can open it in Excel .</ p >
< p > If you would like to export only certain assets , use the options below to fine - tune your results .</ p > ' ,
'range' => 'Range' ,
'bom_remark' => 'Add a BOM (byte-order mark) to this CSV' ,
'improvements' => 'Improvements' ,
'information' => 'Information' ,
'permissions' => 'Permissions' ,
'managed_ldap' => '(Managed via LDAP)' ,
'export' => 'Export' ,
'ldap_sync' => 'LDAP Sync' ,
'ldap_user_sync' => 'LDAP User Sync' ,
'synchronize' => 'Synchronize' ,
'sync_results' => 'Synchronization Results' ,
'license_serial' => 'Serial/Product Key' ,
'invalid_category' => 'Invalid category' ,
'dashboard_info' => 'This is your dashboard. There are many like it, but this one is yours.' ,
'60_percent_warning' => '60% Complete (warning)' ,
'dashboard_empty' => 'It looks like you haven not added anything yet, so we do not have anything awesome to display. Get started by adding some assets, accessories, consumables, or licenses now!' ,
'new_asset' => 'New Asset' ,
'new_license' => 'New License' ,
'new_accessory' => 'New Accessory' ,
'new_consumable' => 'New Consumable' ,
'collapse' => 'Collapse' ,
'assigned' => 'Assigned' ,
'asset_count' => 'Asset Count' ,
'accessories_count' => 'Accessories Count' ,
'consumables_count' => 'Consumables Count' ,
'components_count' => 'Components Count' ,
'licenses_count' => 'Licenses Count' ,
'notification_error' => 'Error:' ,
'notification_error_hint' => 'Please check the form below for errors' ,
'notification_success' => 'Success:' ,
'notification_warning' => 'Warning:' ,
'notification_info' => 'Info:' ,
'asset_information' => 'Asset Information' ,
'model_name' => 'Model Name:' ,
'asset_name' => 'Asset Name:' ,
'consumable_information' => 'Consumable Information:' ,
'consumable_name' => 'Consumable Name:' ,
'accessory_information' => 'Accessory Information:' ,
'accessory_name' => 'Accessory Name:' ,
'clone_item' => 'Clone Item' ,
'checkout_tooltip' => 'Check this item out' ,
'checkin_tooltip' => 'Check this item in' ,
'checkout_user_tooltip' => 'Check this item out to a user' ,