- 'required' => 'Required',
+ 'custom_fields' => 'Goobaha gaarka ah',
+ 'manage' => 'Maamul',
+ 'field' => 'Garoonka',
+ 'about_fieldsets_title' => 'Ku saabsan Fieldsets',
+ 'about_fieldsets_text' => 'Fieldsets waxay kuu oggolaanayaan inaad abuurto kooxo garoomo gaar ah kuwaas oo inta badan dib loogu isticmaalo noocyada moodooyinka hantida gaarka ah.',
+ 'custom_format' => 'Qaabka Regex ee gaarka ah...',
+ 'encrypt_field' => 'Siri qiimaha goobtan kaydka xogta',
+ 'encrypt_field_help' => 'DIGNIIN: Siraynta goobta ayaa ka dhigaysa mid aan la baari karin.',
+ 'encrypted' => 'Qarsoon',
+ 'fieldset' => 'Goobta garoonka',
+ 'qty_fields' => 'Goobaha Qty',
+ 'fieldsets' => 'Goobaha garoonka',
+ 'fieldset_name' => 'Magaca Goobta',
+ 'field_name' => 'Magaca Goobta',
+ 'field_values' => 'Qiimaha Goobta',
+ 'field_values_help' => 'Ku dar xulashooyinka la dooran karo, midkiiba. Khadadka maran ee aan ahayn xariiqda koowaad waa la iska indhatiraa',
+ 'field_element' => 'Qaybta Foomka',
+ 'field_element_short' => 'Cunsurka',
+ 'field_format' => 'Qaabka',
+ 'field_custom_format' => 'Qaabka Regex Custom',
+ 'field_custom_format_help' => 'Goobtani waxay kuu ogolaanaysaa inaad isticmaasho odhaah regex si loo xaqiijiyo Waa inay ku bilaabataa "regex:" - tusaale ahaan, si loo xaqiijiyo in qiimaha goobta gaarka ahi ka kooban yahay IMEI sax ah (15 lambar), waxaad isticmaali doontaa regex:/^[0-9]{15}$ /
+ 'required' => 'Loo baahan yahay',
'req' => 'Req.',
- 'used_by_models' => 'Used By Models',
- 'order' => 'Order',
- 'create_fieldset' => 'New Fieldset',
- 'update_fieldset' => 'Update Fieldset',
- 'fieldset_does_not_exist' => 'Fieldset :id does not exist',
- 'fieldset_updated' => 'Fieldset updated',
- 'create_fieldset_title' => 'Create a new fieldset',
- 'create_field' => 'New Custom Field',
- 'create_field_title' => 'Create a new custom field',
- 'value_encrypted' => 'The value of this field is encrypted in the database. Only admin users will be able to view the decrypted value',
- 'show_in_email' => 'Include the value of this field in checkout emails sent to the user? Encrypted fields cannot be included in emails',
- 'show_in_email_short' => 'Include in emails.',
- 'help_text' => 'Help Text',
- 'help_text_description' => 'This is optional text that will appear below the form elements while editing an asset to provide context on the field.',
- 'about_custom_fields_title' => 'About Custom Fields',
- 'about_custom_fields_text' => 'Custom fields allow you to add arbitrary attributes to assets.',
- 'add_field_to_fieldset' => 'Add Field to Fieldset',
- 'make_optional' => 'Required - click to make optional',
- 'make_required' => 'Optional - click to make required',
- 'reorder' => 'Reorder',
- 'db_field' => 'DB Field',
- 'db_convert_warning' => 'WARNING. This field is in the custom fields table as :db_column
but should be :expected
- 'is_unique' => 'This value must be unique across all assets',
- 'unique' => 'Unique',
- 'display_in_user_view' => 'Allow the checked out user to view these values in their View Assigned Assets page',
- 'display_in_user_view_table' => 'Visible to User',
- 'auto_add_to_fieldsets' => 'Automatically add this to every new fieldset',
- 'add_to_preexisting_fieldsets' => 'Add to any existing fieldsets',
- 'show_in_listview' => 'Show in list views by default. Authorized users will still be able to show/hide via the column selector',
- 'show_in_listview_short' => 'Show in lists',
- 'show_in_requestable_list_short' => 'Show in requestable assets list',
- 'show_in_requestable_list' => 'Show value in requestable assets list. Encrypted fields will not be shown',
- 'encrypted_options' => 'This field is encrypted, so some display options will not be available.',
+ 'used_by_models' => 'Waxaa Isticmaala Moodooyinka',
+ 'order' => 'Dalbo',
+ 'create_fieldset' => 'Goob Cusub',
+ 'update_fieldset' => 'Cusbooneysii Fieldset',
+ 'fieldset_does_not_exist' => 'Fieldset :id ma jiro',
+ 'fieldset_updated' => 'Goobta goobta waa la cusboonaysiiyay',
+ 'create_fieldset_title' => 'Samee goob cusub',
+ 'create_field' => 'Garoonka Cusub ee Custom',
+ 'create_field_title' => 'Samee goob cusub oo caado ah',
+ 'value_encrypted' => 'Qiimaha goobtan waxa lagu sir ah kaydka xogta. Kaliya isticmaalayaasha maamulka ayaa awoodi doona inay arkaan qiimaha la furay',
+ 'show_in_email' => 'Ku dar qiimaha goobtan fariimaha hubinta ee loo soo diray isticmaalaha? Goobaha sirta ah laguma dari karo iimaylada',
+ 'show_in_email_short' => 'Ku dar emails',
+ 'help_text' => 'Qoraalka Caawinta',
+ 'help_text_description' => 'Kani waa qoraal ikhtiyaari ah oo ka soo bixi doona hoosta qaybaha foomka marka la tafatiro hantida si loo bixiyo macnaha guud ee goobta.',
+ 'about_custom_fields_title' => 'Ku saabsan Goobaha Gaarka ah',
+ 'about_custom_fields_text' => 'Goobaha gaarka ah waxay kuu oggolaanayaan inaad ku darto sifooyin aan sabab lahayn hantida.',
+ 'add_field_to_fieldset' => 'Kudar Goobta Goobta',
+ 'make_optional' => 'Loo baahan yahay - dhagsii si aad ikhtiyaar u sameyso',
+ 'make_required' => 'Ikhtiyaar-guji si loo baahdo',
+ 'reorder' => 'Dib u dalbo',
+ 'db_field' => 'Goobta DB',
+ 'db_convert_warning' => 'DIGNIIN. Goobtani waxay ku dhex jirtaa shaxda qaaska ah ee beeraha sida :db_column
laakiin waa inay noqotaa Upload a CSV that contains asset history. The assets and users MUST already exist in the system, or they will be skipped. Matching assets for history import happens against the asset tag. We will try to find a matching user based on the user\'s name you provide, and the criteria you select below. If you do not select any criteria below, it will simply try to match on the username format you configured in the Admin > General Settings
Fields included in the CSV must match the headers: Asset Tag, Name, Checkout Date, Checkin Date. Any additional fields will be ignored.
Checkin Date: blank or future checkin dates will checkout items to associated user. Excluding the Checkin Date column will create a checkin date with todays date.
', 'csv_import_match_f-l' => 'Try to match users by firstname.lastname (jane.smith
) format',
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ return [
'csv_import_match_first' => 'Try to match users by first name (jane
) format',
'csv_import_match_email' => 'Try to match users by email as username',
'csv_import_match_username' => 'Try to match users by username',
- 'error_messages' => 'Error messages:',
- 'success_messages' => 'Success messages:',
- 'alert_details' => 'Please see below for details.',
- 'custom_export' => 'Custom Export',
- 'mfg_warranty_lookup' => ':manufacturer Warranty Status Lookup',
- 'user_department' => 'User Department',
+ 'error_messages' => 'Fariimaha khaldan:',
+ 'success_messages' => 'Farriimaha guusha:',
+ 'alert_details' => 'Fadlan hoos ka eeg faahfaahinta.',
+ 'custom_export' => 'Dhoofinta gaarka ah',
+ 'mfg_warranty_lookup' => ':manufacturer Raadinta Xaaladda damaanada',
+ 'user_department' => 'Waaxda Isticmaalaha',
diff --git a/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/hardware/message.php b/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/hardware/message.php
index 056692998e..b27e517127 100644
--- a/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/hardware/message.php
+++ b/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/hardware/message.php
@@ -4,87 +4,88 @@ return [
'undeployable' => 'Warning: This asset has been marked as currently undeployable.
If this status has changed, please update the asset status.',
- 'does_not_exist' => 'Asset does not exist.',
- 'does_not_exist_or_not_requestable' => 'That asset does not exist or is not requestable.',
- 'assoc_users' => 'This asset is currently checked out to a user and cannot be deleted. Please check the asset in first, and then try deleting again. ',
+ 'does_not_exist' => 'Hantidu ma jirto.',
+ 'does_not_exist_or_not_requestable' => 'Hantidaas ma jirto ama lama codsan karo.',
+ 'assoc_users' => 'Hantidan hadda waa la hubiyay isticmaale lamana tirtiri karo Fadlan marka hore hubi hantida, ka dibna isku day mar kale in aad tirtirto. ',
'create' => [
- 'error' => 'Asset was not created, please try again. :(',
- 'success' => 'Asset created successfully. :)',
+ 'error' => 'Hantida lama abuurin, fadlan isku day mar kale. :(',
+ 'success' => 'Hantida loo sameeyay si guul leh :)',
'success_linked' => 'Asset with tag :tag was created successfully. Click here to view.',
'update' => [
- 'error' => 'Asset was not updated, please try again',
- 'success' => 'Asset updated successfully.',
- 'nothing_updated' => 'No fields were selected, so nothing was updated.',
- 'no_assets_selected' => 'No assets were selected, so nothing was updated.',
+ 'error' => 'Hantida lama cusboonaysiin, fadlan isku day mar kale',
+ 'success' => 'Hantida si guul leh ayaa loo cusboonaysiiyay.',
+ 'nothing_updated' => 'Goobo lama dooran, markaa waxba lama cusboonaysiin.',
+ 'no_assets_selected' => 'Wax hanti ah lama dooran, markaa waxba lama cusboonaysiin.',
+ 'assets_do_not_exist_or_are_invalid' => 'Selected assets cannot be updated.',
'restore' => [
- 'error' => 'Asset was not restored, please try again',
- 'success' => 'Asset restored successfully.',
- 'bulk_success' => 'Asset restored successfully.',
- 'nothing_updated' => 'No assets were selected, so nothing was restored.',
+ 'error' => 'Hantidii lama soo celin, fadlan isku day mar kale',
+ 'success' => 'Hantida si guul leh ayaa loo soo celiyay.',
+ 'bulk_success' => 'Hantida si guul leh ayaa loo soo celiyay.',
+ 'nothing_updated' => 'Wax hanti ah lama dooran, markaa waxba lama soo celin.',
'audit' => [
- 'error' => 'Asset audit was unsuccessful. Please try again.',
- 'success' => 'Asset audit successfully logged.',
+ 'error' => 'Hantidhawrka hantida waa lagu guulaysan waayay. Fadlan isku day mar kale.',
+ 'success' => 'Hantidhawrka hantida ayaa si guul leh loo diiwaan geliyay.',
'deletefile' => [
- 'error' => 'File not deleted. Please try again.',
- 'success' => 'File successfully deleted.',
+ 'error' => 'Faylka lama tirtirin Fadlan isku day mar kale.',
+ 'success' => 'Faylka si guul leh waa la tirtiray.',
'upload' => [
- 'error' => 'File(s) not uploaded. Please try again.',
- 'success' => 'File(s) successfully uploaded.',
- 'nofiles' => 'You did not select any files for upload, or the file you are trying to upload is too large',
- 'invalidfiles' => 'One or more of your files is too large or is a filetype that is not allowed. Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, doc, docx, pdf, and txt.',
+ 'error' => 'Faylka lama soo rarin Fadlan isku day mar kale.',
+ 'success' => 'Faylka(yada) si guul leh loo soo raray.',
+ 'nofiles' => 'Ma aadan dooran wax fayl ah oo la soo geliyo, ama faylka aad isku dayeyso inaad geliyaan waa mid aad u weyn',
+ 'invalidfiles' => 'Mid ama in ka badan oo faylashaada ah aad bay u weyn yihiin ama waa nooc faylal ah oo aan la oggolayn. Noocyada faylalka la oggol yahay waa png, gif, jpg, doc, docx, pdf, iyo txt.',
'import' => [
- 'error' => 'Some items did not import correctly.',
- 'errorDetail' => 'The following Items were not imported because of errors.',
- 'success' => 'Your file has been imported',
- 'file_delete_success' => 'Your file has been been successfully deleted',
- 'file_delete_error' => 'The file was unable to be deleted',
- 'file_missing' => 'The file selected is missing',
- 'header_row_has_malformed_characters' => 'One or more attributes in the header row contain malformed UTF-8 characters',
- 'content_row_has_malformed_characters' => 'One or more attributes in the first row of content contain malformed UTF-8 characters',
+ 'error' => 'Alaabta qaar si sax ah uma soo dejin.',
+ 'errorDetail' => 'Alaabta soo socota looma soo dejin khaladaad dartood.',
+ 'success' => 'Faylkaaga waa la soo dejiyay',
+ 'file_delete_success' => 'Faylkaaga si guul leh ayaa loo tirtiray',
+ 'file_delete_error' => 'Faylka waa la tirtiri waayay',
+ 'file_missing' => 'Faylka la doortay waa maqan yahay',
+ 'header_row_has_malformed_characters' => 'Hal ama in ka badan oo sifooyin ah oo ku jira safka madaxa waxa ku jira xarfaha UTF-8 oo khaldan',
+ 'content_row_has_malformed_characters' => 'Hal ama in ka badan oo sifooyin ah safka koowaad ee nuxurka waxa ku jira xarfo UTF-8 oo khaldan',
'delete' => [
- 'confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this asset?',
- 'error' => 'There was an issue deleting the asset. Please try again.',
- 'nothing_updated' => 'No assets were selected, so nothing was deleted.',
- 'success' => 'The asset was deleted successfully.',
+ 'confirm' => 'Ma hubtaa inaad rabto inaad tirtirto hantidan?',
+ 'error' => 'Waxaa jirtay arrin la tirtiray hantida Fadlan isku day mar kale.',
+ 'nothing_updated' => 'Wax hanti ah lama dooran, markaa waxba lama tirtirin.',
+ 'success' => 'Hantida si guul leh ayaa loo tirtiray.',
'checkout' => [
- 'error' => 'Asset was not checked out, please try again',
- 'success' => 'Asset checked out successfully.',
- 'user_does_not_exist' => 'That user is invalid. Please try again.',
- 'not_available' => 'That asset is not available for checkout!',
- 'no_assets_selected' => 'You must select at least one asset from the list',
+ 'error' => 'Hantida lama hubin, fadlan isku day mar kale',
+ 'success' => 'Hantida si guul leh ayaa loo hubiyay.',
+ 'user_does_not_exist' => 'Isticmaalahaasi waa khalad Fadlan isku day mar kale.',
+ 'not_available' => 'Hantidaas looma hayo hubin!',
+ 'no_assets_selected' => 'Waa inaad liiska ka doorataa ugu yaraan hal hanti',
'checkin' => [
- 'error' => 'Asset was not checked in, please try again',
- 'success' => 'Asset checked in successfully.',
- 'user_does_not_exist' => 'That user is invalid. Please try again.',
- 'already_checked_in' => 'That asset is already checked in.',
+ 'error' => 'Hantida lama hubin, fadlan isku day mar kale',
+ 'success' => 'Hantida si guul leh ayaa loo hubiyay.',
+ 'user_does_not_exist' => 'Isticmaalahaasi waa khalad Fadlan isku day mar kale.',
+ 'already_checked_in' => 'Hantidaas mar horeba waa la hubiyay.',
'requests' => [
- 'error' => 'Asset was not requested, please try again',
- 'success' => 'Asset requested successfully.',
- 'canceled' => 'Checkout request successfully canceled',
+ 'error' => 'Hantida lama codsan, fadlan isku day mar kale',
+ 'success' => 'Hantida ayaa si guul leh u codsatay.',
+ 'canceled' => 'Codsiga hubinta si guul leh waa la joojiyay',
diff --git a/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/hardware/table.php b/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/hardware/table.php
index 92b228dccd..5311631d97 100644
--- a/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/hardware/table.php
+++ b/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/hardware/table.php
@@ -2,32 +2,32 @@
return [
- 'asset_tag' => 'Asset Tag',
- 'asset_model' => 'Model',
- 'assigned_to' => 'Assigned To',
- 'book_value' => 'Current Value',
- 'change' => 'In/Out',
- 'checkout_date' => 'Checkout Date',
- 'checkoutto' => 'Checked Out',
- 'components_cost' => 'Total Components Cost',
- 'current_value' => 'Current Value',
- 'diff' => 'Diff',
- 'dl_csv' => 'Download CSV',
+ 'asset_tag' => 'Hantida Tag',
+ 'asset_model' => 'Qaabka',
+ 'assigned_to' => 'Loo xilsaaray',
+ 'book_value' => 'Qiimaha hadda',
+ 'change' => 'Gudaha/kabaxsan',
+ 'checkout_date' => 'Taariikhda Bixinta',
+ 'checkoutto' => 'La Hubiyay',
+ 'components_cost' => 'Wadarta Qiimaha Qaybaha',
+ 'current_value' => 'Qiimaha hadda',
+ 'diff' => 'Kala duwanaansho',
+ 'dl_csv' => 'Soo deji CSV',
'eol' => 'EOL',
- 'id' => 'ID',
- 'last_checkin_date' => 'Last Checkin Date',
- 'location' => 'Location',
- 'purchase_cost' => 'Cost',
- 'purchase_date' => 'Purchased',
- 'serial' => 'Serial',
- 'status' => 'Status',
- 'title' => 'Asset ',
- 'image' => 'Device Image',
- 'days_without_acceptance' => 'Days Without Acceptance',
- 'monthly_depreciation' => 'Monthly Depreciation',
- 'assigned_to' => 'Assigned To',
- 'requesting_user' => 'Requesting User',
- 'requested_date' => 'Requested Date',
- 'changed' => 'Changed',
- 'icon' => 'Icon',
+ 'id' => 'Aqoonsi',
+ 'last_checkin_date' => 'Taariikhda Jeedintii Ugu Dambeysay',
+ 'location' => 'Goobta',
+ 'purchase_cost' => 'Qiimaha',
+ 'purchase_date' => 'Iibsaday',
+ 'serial' => 'Taxane',
+ 'status' => 'Xaalada',
+ 'title' => 'Hantida. ',
+ 'image' => 'Sawirka Qalabka',
+ 'days_without_acceptance' => 'Maalmo Aqbali La\'aan',
+ 'monthly_depreciation' => 'Qiima dhaca bishii',
+ 'assigned_to' => 'Loo xilsaaray',
+ 'requesting_user' => 'Codsada Isticmaalaha',
+ 'requested_date' => 'Taariikhda la codsaday',
+ 'changed' => 'Bedelay',
+ 'icon' => 'Astaan',
diff --git a/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/kits/general.php b/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/kits/general.php
index f57fb645c4..f2f5e7c933 100644
--- a/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/kits/general.php
+++ b/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/kits/general.php
@@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
'About Predefined Kits',
- 'about_kits_text' => 'Predefined Kits let you quickly check out a collection of items (assets, licenses, etc) to a user. This can be helpful when your onboarding process is consistent across many users and all users receive the same items.',
- 'checkout' => 'Checkout Kit ',
- 'create_success' => 'Kit was successfully created.',
- 'create' => 'Create Predefined Kit',
- 'update' => 'Update Predefined Kit',
- 'delete_success' => 'Kit was successfully deleted.',
- 'update_success' => 'Kit was successfully updated.',
- 'none_models' => 'There are not enough available assets for :model to checkout. :qty are required. ',
- 'none_licenses' => 'There are not enough available seats for :license to checkout. :qty are required. ',
- 'none_consumables' => 'There are not enough available units of :consumable to checkout. :qty are required. ',
- 'none_accessory' => 'There are not enough available units of :accessory to checkout. :qty are required. ',
- 'append_accessory' => 'Append Accessory',
- 'update_appended_accessory' => 'Update appended Accessory',
- 'append_consumable' => 'Append Consumable',
- 'update_appended_consumable' => 'Update appended Consumable',
- 'append_license' => 'Append license',
- 'update_appended_license' => 'Update appended license',
- 'append_model' => 'Append model',
- 'update_appended_model' => 'Update appended model',
- 'license_error' => 'License already attached to kit',
- 'license_added_success' => 'License added successfully',
- 'license_updated' => 'License was successfully updated',
- 'license_none' => 'License does not exist',
- 'license_detached' => 'License was successfully detached',
- 'consumable_added_success' => 'Consumable added successfully',
- 'consumable_updated' => 'Consumable was successfully updated',
- 'consumable_error' => 'Consumable already attached to kit',
- 'consumable_deleted' => 'Delete was successful',
- 'consumable_none' => 'Consumable does not exist',
- 'consumable_detached' => 'Consumable was successfully detached',
- 'accessory_added_success' => 'Accessory added successfully',
- 'accessory_updated' => 'Accessory was successfully updated',
- 'accessory_detached' => 'Accessory was successfully detached',
- 'accessory_error' => 'Accessory already attached to kit',
- 'accessory_deleted' => 'Delete was successful',
+ 'about_kits_title' => 'Ku saabsan Xirmooyinka Horay loo Qeexay',
+ 'about_kits_text' => 'Xirmooyinka Horay loo Qeexay ayaa kuu oggolaanaya inaad si dhakhso leh u hubiso ururinta alaabta (hanti, shatiyada, iwm) ee isticmaalaha. Tani waxay noqon kartaa mid waxtar leh marka habka fuuliddu uu yahay mid joogto ah isticmaalayaasha badan oo dhammaan isticmaalayaasha ay helaan shay isku mid ah.',
+ 'checkout' => 'Qalabka hubinta ',
+ 'create_success' => 'Qalabka si guul leh ayaa loo sameeyay',
+ 'create' => 'Samee xirmo horay loo sii qeexay',
+ 'update' => 'Cusbooneysii Kit Horay u Qeexay',
+ 'delete_success' => 'Qalabka si guul leh ayaa loo tirtiray',
+ 'update_success' => 'Qalabka si guul leh ayaa loo cusboonaysiiyay',
+ 'none_models' => 'Ma jiraan hanti ku filan oo la heli karo :model si loo hubiyo :qty ayaa loo baahan yahay ',
+ 'none_licenses' => 'Ma jiraan kuraas ku filan oo la heli karo :license si loo hubiyo. :qty ayaa loo baahan yahay ',
+ 'none_consumables' => 'Ma jiraan unugyo :consumable ku filan oo la heli karo si loo hubiyo. :qty ayaa loo baahan yahay ',
+ 'none_accessory' => 'Ma jiraan unugyo :accessory ku filan oo la heli karo si loo hubiyo. :qty ayaa loo baahan yahay ',
+ 'append_accessory' => 'Qalabka ku lifaaqan',
+ 'update_appended_accessory' => 'Cusbooneysii Agabka ku lifaaqan',
+ 'append_consumable' => 'Lifaaqa Isticmaalka',
+ 'update_appended_consumable' => 'Cusbooneysii ku lifaaqan Consumable',
+ 'append_license' => 'Liisan ku lifaaq',
+ 'update_appended_license' => 'Cusbooneysii shatiga lifaaqan',
+ 'append_model' => 'Qaabka ku lifaaq',
+ 'update_appended_model' => 'Cusbooneysii qaabka ku lifaaqan',
+ 'license_error' => 'Ruqsadda hore loogu xidhay xirmada',
+ 'license_added_success' => 'Shatiga si guul leh loogu daray',
+ 'license_updated' => 'Shatiga si guul leh ayaa loo cusboonaysiiyay',
+ 'license_none' => 'Shatiga ma jiro',
+ 'license_detached' => 'Shatiga si guul leh ayaa loo jaray',
+ 'consumable_added_success' => 'Isticmaalka ayaa si guul leh loogu daray',
+ 'consumable_updated' => 'Isticmaalka si guul leh ayaa loo cusboonaysiiyay',
+ 'consumable_error' => 'Isticmaalka horeba ugu xidhan xirmada',
+ 'consumable_deleted' => 'Tirtiridda waa lagu guulaystay',
+ 'consumable_none' => 'Wax la isticmaali karo ma jiro',
+ 'consumable_detached' => 'Isticmaalka ayaa si guul leh u go\'ay',
+ 'accessory_added_success' => 'Qalabka lagu daray si guul leh',
+ 'accessory_updated' => 'Qalabka si guul leh ayaa loo cusboonaysiiyay',
+ 'accessory_detached' => 'Qalabka si guul leh ayaa loo go\'ay',
+ 'accessory_error' => 'Agabka horeba loogu xidhay xirmada',
+ 'accessory_deleted' => 'Tirtiridda waa lagu guulaystay',
'accessory_none' => 'The accessory does not exist',
- 'checkout_success' => 'Checkout was successful',
- 'checkout_error' => 'Checkout error',
- 'kit_none' => 'Kit does not exist',
- 'kit_created' => 'Kit was successfully created',
- 'kit_updated' => 'Kit was successfully updated',
- 'kit_not_found' => 'Kit not found',
- 'kit_deleted' => 'Kit was successfully deleted',
- 'kit_model_updated' => 'Model was successfully updated',
- 'kit_model_detached' => 'Model was successfully detached',
+ 'checkout_success' => 'Jeedintu waa lagu guulaystay',
+ 'checkout_error' => 'Khaladka hubinta',
+ 'kit_none' => 'Kitaabku ma jiro',
+ 'kit_created' => 'Qalabka si guul leh ayaa loo sameeyay',
+ 'kit_updated' => 'Qalabka si guul leh ayaa loo cusboonaysiiyay',
+ 'kit_not_found' => 'Qalabka lama helin',
+ 'kit_deleted' => 'Qalabka si guul leh ayaa loo tirtiray',
+ 'kit_model_updated' => 'Qaabka si guul leh ayaa loo cusboonaysiiyay',
+ 'kit_model_detached' => 'Qaabka ayaa si guul leh u go\'ay',
diff --git a/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/labels/message.php b/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/labels/message.php
index 96785f0754..82b9784385 100644
--- a/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/labels/message.php
+++ b/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/labels/message.php
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
return [
- 'invalid_return_count' => 'Invalid count returned from :name. Expected :expected, got :actual.',
- 'invalid_return_type' => 'Invalid type returned from :name. Expected :expected, got :actual.',
- 'invalid_return_value' => 'Invalid value returned from :name. Expected :expected, got :actual.',
+ 'invalid_return_count' => 'Tiro aan sax ahayn ayaa laga soo celiyay :name. la filayo :expected, helay :actual.',
+ 'invalid_return_type' => 'Nooca aan sax ahayn ayaa laga soo celiyay :name. la filayo :expected, helay :actual.',
+ 'invalid_return_value' => 'Qiimo aan sax ahayn ayaa laga soo celiyay :name. la filayo :expected, helay :actual.',
- 'does_not_exist' => 'Label does not exist',
+ 'does_not_exist' => 'Calaamaduhu ma jiraan',
diff --git a/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/labels/table.php b/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/labels/table.php
index bef4ba170e..310c6f6076 100644
--- a/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/labels/table.php
+++ b/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/labels/table.php
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ return [
'example_manufacturer' => 'Test Manufacturing Inc.',
'example_model' => 'Test Model',
'example_supplier' => 'Test Company Limited',
- 'labels_per_page' => 'Labels',
- 'support_fields' => 'Fields',
+ 'labels_per_page' => 'Calaamadaha',
+ 'support_fields' => 'Beeraha',
'support_asset_tag' => 'Tag',
'support_1d_barcode' => '1D',
'support_2d_barcode' => '2D',
'support_logo' => 'Logo',
- 'support_title' => 'Title',
+ 'support_title' => 'Ciwaanka',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/licenses/form.php b/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/licenses/form.php
index ce29167874..6a12b96763 100644
--- a/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/licenses/form.php
+++ b/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/licenses/form.php
@@ -2,21 +2,21 @@
return array(
- 'asset' => 'Asset',
- 'checkin' => 'Checkin',
- 'create' => 'Create License',
- 'expiration' => 'Expiration Date',
- 'license_key' => 'Product Key',
- 'maintained' => 'Maintained',
- 'name' => 'Software Name',
- 'no_depreciation' => 'Do Not Depreciate',
- 'purchase_order' => 'Purchase Order Number',
- 'reassignable' => 'Reassignable',
- 'remaining_seats' => 'Remaining Seats',
- 'seats' => 'Seats',
- 'termination_date' => 'Termination Date',
- 'to_email' => 'Licensed to Email',
- 'to_name' => 'Licensed to Name',
- 'update' => 'Update License',
- 'checkout_help' => 'You must check a license out to a hardware asset or a person. You can select both, but the owner of the asset must match the person you\'re checking the asset out to.'
+ 'asset' => 'Hantida',
+ 'checkin' => 'Is xaadiri',
+ 'create' => 'Samee shatiga',
+ 'expiration' => 'Taariikhda uu dhacayo',
+ 'license_key' => 'Furaha Alaabta',
+ 'maintained' => 'La ilaaliyo',
+ 'name' => 'Magaca Software',
+ 'no_depreciation' => 'Ha Qiimayn',
+ 'purchase_order' => 'Lambarka Dalabka Iibka',
+ 'reassignable' => 'Dib loo magacaabi karo',
+ 'remaining_seats' => 'Kuraasta hadhay',
+ 'seats' => 'Kuraasta',
+ 'termination_date' => 'Taariikhda Joojinta',
+ 'to_email' => 'Ruqsad u siisay iimaylka',
+ 'to_name' => 'Ruqsad u siisay Magaca',
+ 'update' => 'Cusbooneysii shatiga',
+ 'checkout_help' => 'Waa inaad ka hubisaa shatiga hantida qalabka ama qofka. Waad dooran kartaa labadaba, laakiin mulkiilaha hantidu waa inuu la mid yahay qofka aad ka hubinayso hantida.'
diff --git a/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/licenses/general.php b/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/licenses/general.php
index 79b69a3d94..4d45176581 100644
--- a/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/licenses/general.php
+++ b/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/licenses/general.php
@@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
'About Licenses',
- 'about_licenses' => 'Licenses are used to track software. They have a specified number of seats that can be checked out to individuals',
- 'checkin' => 'Checkin License Seat',
- 'checkout_history' => 'Checkout History',
- 'checkout' => 'Checkout License Seat',
- 'edit' => 'Edit License',
- 'filetype_info' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar.',
- 'clone' => 'Clone License',
- 'history_for' => 'History for ',
- 'in_out' => 'In/Out',
- 'info' => 'License Info',
- 'license_seats' => 'License Seats',
- 'seat' => 'Seat',
- 'seats' => 'Seats',
- 'software_licenses' => 'Software Licenses',
- 'user' => 'User',
- 'view' => 'View License',
- 'delete_disabled' => 'This license cannot be deleted yet because some seats are still checked out.',
+ 'about_licenses_title' => 'Ku saabsan shatiyada',
+ 'about_licenses' => 'Shatiyada waxaa loo isticmaalaa in lagu raad raaco software. Waxay haystaan tiro cayiman oo kuraas ah oo laga hubin karo shakhsiyaadka',
+ 'checkin' => 'Hubinta Kursiga Shatiga',
+ 'checkout_history' => 'Hubi Taariikhda',
+ 'checkout' => 'Kursiga shatiga jeegaga',
+ 'edit' => 'Wax ka beddel shatiga',
+ 'filetype_info' => 'Noocyada faylalka la oggol yahay waa png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, iyo rar.',
+ 'clone' => 'Shatiga Clone',
+ 'history_for' => 'Taariikhda',
+ 'in_out' => 'Gudaha/kabaxsan',
+ 'info' => 'Macluumaadka shatiga',
+ 'license_seats' => 'Kuraasta shatiga',
+ 'seat' => 'Kursiga',
+ 'seats' => 'Kuraasta',
+ 'software_licenses' => 'Shatiyada Software',
+ 'user' => 'Isticmaale',
+ 'view' => 'Eeg shatiga',
+ 'delete_disabled' => 'Shatigan weli lama tirtiri karo sababtoo ah kuraasta qaarkood weli waa la hubiyay.',
'bulk' =>
'checkin_all' => [
- 'button' => 'Checkin All Seats',
- 'modal' => 'This will action checkin one seat. | This action will checkin all :checkedout_seats_count seats for this license.',
- 'enabled_tooltip' => 'Checkin ALL seats for this license from both users and assets',
- 'disabled_tooltip' => 'This is disabled because there are no seats currently checked out',
- 'disabled_tooltip_reassignable' => 'This is disabled because the License is not reassignable',
- 'success' => 'License successfully checked in! | All licenses were successfully checked in!',
- 'log_msg' => 'Checked in via bulk license checkout in license GUI',
+ 'button' => 'Hubi Dhammaan Kuraasta',
+ 'modal' => 'Tani waxay tallaabo ku hubin doontaa hal kursi. | Tallaabadani waxay hubin doontaa dhammaan :checkedout_seats_count kuraasida shatigan.',
+ 'enabled_tooltip' => 'Hubi dhammaan kuraasta shatigan isticmaalayaasha iyo hantida labadaba',
+ 'disabled_tooltip' => 'Tani waa naafo sababtoo ah ma jiraan kuraas hadda la hubiyay',
+ 'disabled_tooltip_reassignable' => 'Tani waa naafo sababtoo ah shatiga dib looma wareejin karo',
+ 'success' => 'Shatiga si guul leh ayaa loo hubiyay! | Dhammaan shatiyada si guul leh ayaa loo hubiyay!',
+ 'log_msg' => 'Lagu hubiyay hubinta shatiga bulk ee shatiga GUI',
'checkout_all' => [
- 'button' => 'Checkout All Seats',
- 'modal' => 'This action will checkout one seat to the first available user. | This action will checkout all :available_seats_count seats to the first available users. A user is considered available for this seat if they do not already have this license checked out to them, and the Auto-Assign License property is enabled on their user account.',
- 'enabled_tooltip' => 'Checkout ALL seats (or as many as are available) to ALL users',
- 'disabled_tooltip' => 'This is disabled because there are no seats currently available',
- 'success' => 'License successfully checked out! | :count licenses were successfully checked out!',
- 'error_no_seats' => 'There are no remaining seats left for this license.',
- 'warn_not_enough_seats' => ':count users were assigned this license, but we ran out of available license seats.',
- 'warn_no_avail_users' => 'Nothing to do. There are no users who do not already have this license assigned to them.',
- 'log_msg' => 'Checked out via bulk license checkout in license GUI',
+ 'button' => 'Hubi Dhammaan Kuraasta',
+ 'modal' => 'Tallaabadani waxay hubin doontaa hal kursi isticmaalayaasha ugu horreeya ee jira. | Tallaabadani waxay hubin doontaa dhammaan :available_seats_count kuraasta isticmaalayaasha ugu horreeya ee la heli karo. Isticmaale waxa loo tixgalinayaa inuu u diyaar yahay kursigan haddii aanu horeba u haysan shatigan iyaga la hubiyay, iyo shatiga Auto-Assign-ka waxa loo ogolyahay akoonkiisa isticmaale.',
+ 'enabled_tooltip' => 'Hubi dhammaan kuraasta (ama inta la heli karo) DHAMMAAN isticmaalayaasha',
+ 'disabled_tooltip' => 'Tani waa naafo sababtoo ah ma jiraan kuraas hadda la heli karo',
+ 'success' => 'Shatiga si guul leh loo hubiyay! | :count shatiyada si guul leh ayaa loo hubiyay!',
+ 'error_no_seats' => 'Ma jiraan kuraas hadhay oo shatigan u hadhay.',
+ 'warn_not_enough_seats' => ':count isticmaalayaasha waxa loo qoondeeyay shatigan, laakiin waxa naga dhamaaday kuraas shatiga la heli karo.',
+ 'warn_no_avail_users' => 'Wax la sameeyo. Ma jiraan isticmaaleyaal aan horay u haysan shatigan iyaga loo qoondeeyay.',
+ 'log_msg' => 'Lagu hubiyay iyada oo loo marayo hubinta shatiga badan ee GUI shatiga',
diff --git a/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/licenses/message.php b/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/licenses/message.php
index c79f631680..2ad98b7c75 100644
--- a/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/licenses/message.php
+++ b/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/licenses/message.php
@@ -2,53 +2,53 @@
return array(
- 'does_not_exist' => 'License does not exist or you do not have permission to view it.',
- 'user_does_not_exist' => 'User does not exist.',
- 'asset_does_not_exist' => 'The asset you are trying to associate with this license does not exist.',
- 'owner_doesnt_match_asset' => 'The asset you are trying to associate with this license is owned by somene other than the person selected in the assigned to dropdown.',
- 'assoc_users' => 'This license is currently checked out to a user and cannot be deleted. Please check the license in first, and then try deleting again. ',
- 'select_asset_or_person' => 'You must select an asset or a user, but not both.',
- 'not_found' => 'License not found',
+ 'does_not_exist' => 'Shatiga ma jiro ama ma haysatid fasax aad ku aragto.',
+ 'user_does_not_exist' => 'Isticmaaluhu ma jiro',
+ 'asset_does_not_exist' => 'Hantida aad isku dayayso inaad ku xidho shatigan ma jiro.',
+ 'owner_doesnt_match_asset' => 'Hantida aad isku dayayso inaad ku xidho shatigan waxa iska leh cid kale oo aan ahayn qofka lagu doortay meesha hoos u dhigida.',
+ 'assoc_users' => 'Shatigan hadda waa la hubiyay isticmaale lamana tirtiri karo. Fadlan marka hore iska hubi shatiga, ka dibna isku day mar kale in aad tirtirto. ',
+ 'select_asset_or_person' => 'Waa inaad doorataa hanti ama isticmaale, laakiin labadaba maaha.',
+ 'not_found' => 'Shatiga lama helin',
'seats_available' => ':seat_count seats available',
'create' => array(
- 'error' => 'License was not created, please try again.',
- 'success' => 'License created successfully.'
+ 'error' => 'Shatiga lama abuurin, fadlan isku day mar kale.',
+ 'success' => 'Shatiga loo sameeyay si guul leh.'
'deletefile' => array(
- 'error' => 'File not deleted. Please try again.',
- 'success' => 'File successfully deleted.',
+ 'error' => 'Faylka lama tirtirin Fadlan isku day mar kale',
+ 'success' => 'Faylka si guul leh waa la tirtiray',
'upload' => array(
- 'error' => 'File(s) not uploaded. Please try again.',
- 'success' => 'File(s) successfully uploaded.',
- 'nofiles' => 'You did not select any files for upload, or the file you are trying to upload is too large',
- 'invalidfiles' => 'One or more of your files is too large or is a filetype that is not allowed. Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, rar, rtf, xml, and lic.',
+ 'error' => 'Faylka lama soo rarin Fadlan isku day mar kale',
+ 'success' => 'Faylka(yada) si guul leh loo soo raray.',
+ 'nofiles' => 'Ma aadan dooran wax fayl ah oo la soo geliyo, ama faylka aad isku dayeyso inaad geliyaan waa mid aad u weyn',
+ 'invalidfiles' => 'Mid ama in ka badan oo ka mid ah faylalkaagu aad bay u weyn yihiin ama waa nooc faylal ah oo aan la oggolayn. Noocyada faylalka la oggol yahay waa png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, rar, rtf, xml, iyo lic.',
'update' => array(
- 'error' => 'License was not updated, please try again',
- 'success' => 'License updated successfully.'
+ 'error' => 'Shatiga lama cusboonaysiin, fadlan isku day mar kale',
+ 'success' => 'Shatiga si guul leh ayaa loo cusboonaysiiyay'
'delete' => array(
- 'confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this license?',
- 'error' => 'There was an issue deleting the license. Please try again.',
- 'success' => 'The license was deleted successfully.'
+ 'confirm' => 'Ma hubtaa inaad rabto inaad tirtirto shatigan?',
+ 'error' => 'Waxaa jirtay arrin la tirtiray shatiga Fadlan isku day mar kale',
+ 'success' => 'Shatiga si guul leh ayaa loo tirtiray'
'checkout' => array(
- 'error' => 'There was an issue checking out the license. Please try again.',
- 'success' => 'The license was checked out successfully',
+ 'error' => 'Waxaa jirtay arrin lagu hubinayo shatiga. Fadlan isku day mar kale',
+ 'success' => 'Shatiga si guul leh ayaa loo hubiyay',
'not_enough_seats' => 'Not enough license seats available for checkout',
'checkin' => array(
- 'error' => 'There was an issue checking in the license. Please try again.',
- 'success' => 'The license was checked in successfully'
+ 'error' => 'Waxaa jirtay arrin hubinta shatiga. Fadlan isku day mar kale',
+ 'success' => 'Shatiga si guul leh ayaa loo hubiyay'
diff --git a/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/licenses/table.php b/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/licenses/table.php
index dfce4136cb..6bd4c84084 100644
--- a/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/licenses/table.php
+++ b/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/licenses/table.php
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
return array(
- 'assigned_to' => 'Assigned To',
- 'checkout' => 'In/Out',
- 'id' => 'ID',
- 'license_email' => 'License Email',
- 'license_name' => 'Licensed To',
- 'purchase_date' => 'Purchase Date',
- 'purchased' => 'Purchased',
- 'seats' => 'Seats',
+ 'assigned_to' => 'Loo xilsaaray',
+ 'checkout' => 'Gudaha/kabaxsan',
+ 'id' => 'Aqoonsi',
+ 'license_email' => 'Iimayl shatiga',
+ 'license_name' => 'Ruqsad u haysta',
+ 'purchase_date' => 'Taariikhda Iibka',
+ 'purchased' => 'Iibsaday',
+ 'seats' => 'Kuraasta',
'hardware' => 'Hardware',
- 'serial' => 'Serial',
- 'title' => 'License',
+ 'serial' => 'Taxane',
+ 'title' => 'Shatiga',
diff --git a/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/locations/message.php b/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/locations/message.php
index 22c7fe8f70..472868cdf9 100644
--- a/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/locations/message.php
+++ b/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/locations/message.php
@@ -2,28 +2,28 @@
return array(
- 'does_not_exist' => 'Location does not exist.',
- 'assoc_users' => 'This location is currently associated with at least one user and cannot be deleted. Please update your users to no longer reference this location and try again. ',
- 'assoc_assets' => 'This location is currently associated with at least one asset and cannot be deleted. Please update your assets to no longer reference this location and try again. ',
- 'assoc_child_loc' => 'This location is currently the parent of at least one child location and cannot be deleted. Please update your locations to no longer reference this location and try again. ',
- 'assigned_assets' => 'Assigned Assets',
- 'current_location' => 'Current Location',
+ 'does_not_exist' => 'Goobtu ma jirto.',
+ 'assoc_users' => 'Goobtan hadda waxa lala xidhiidhiyaa ugu yaraan hal isticmaale lamana tirtiri karo Fadlan cusboonaysii isticmaaleyaashaada si aanay mardambe u tixraacin goobtan oo isku day mar kale. ',
+ 'assoc_assets' => 'Goobtan hadda waxa lala xidhiidhiyaa ugu yaraan hal hanti lamana tirtiri karo. Fadlan cusboonaysii hantidaada si aanay meeshan u tixraacin oo mar kale isku day. ',
+ 'assoc_child_loc' => 'Goobtan hadda waa waalidka ugu yaraan hal meel oo caruur ah lamana tirtiri karo. Fadlan cusboonaysii goobahaaga si aanay mar dambe tixraac goobtan oo isku day mar kale. ',
+ 'assigned_assets' => 'Hantida loo qoondeeyay',
+ 'current_location' => 'Goobta Hadda',
'create' => array(
- 'error' => 'Location was not created, please try again.',
- 'success' => 'Location created successfully.'
+ 'error' => 'Goobta lama abuurin, fadlan isku day mar kale.',
+ 'success' => 'Goobta si guul leh ayaa loo sameeyay.'
'update' => array(
- 'error' => 'Location was not updated, please try again',
- 'success' => 'Location updated successfully.'
+ 'error' => 'Goobta lama cusboonaysiin, fadlan isku day mar kale',
+ 'success' => 'Goobta si guul leh ayaa loo cusboonaysiiyay.'
'delete' => array(
- 'confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this location?',
- 'error' => 'There was an issue deleting the location. Please try again.',
- 'success' => 'The location was deleted successfully.'
+ 'confirm' => 'Ma hubtaa inaad rabto inaad tirtirto goobtan?',
+ 'error' => 'Waxaa jirtay arrin meesha laga saarayo. Fadlan isku day mar kale.',
+ 'success' => 'Goobta si guul leh ayaa loo tirtiray.'
diff --git a/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/locations/table.php b/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/locations/table.php
index ed3f96f6b4..0942c3e77d 100644
--- a/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/locations/table.php
+++ b/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/locations/table.php
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
'About Locations',
- 'about_locations' => 'Locations are used to track location information for users, assets, and other items',
- 'assets_rtd' => 'Assets', // This has NEVER meant Assets Retired. I don't know how it keeps getting reverted.
- 'assets_checkedout' => 'Assets Assigned',
- 'id' => 'ID',
- 'city' => 'City',
- 'state' => 'State',
- 'country' => 'Country',
- 'create' => 'Create Location',
- 'update' => 'Update Location',
- 'print_assigned' => 'Print Assigned',
- 'print_all_assigned' => 'Print All Assigned',
- 'name' => 'Location Name',
- 'address' => 'Address',
- 'address2' => 'Address Line 2',
- 'zip' => 'Postal Code',
- 'locations' => 'Locations',
- 'parent' => 'Parent',
- 'currency' => 'Location Currency',
- 'ldap_ou' => 'LDAP Search OU',
- 'user_name' => 'User Name',
- 'department' => 'Department',
- 'location' => 'Location',
- 'asset_tag' => 'Assets Tag',
- 'asset_name' => 'Name',
- 'asset_category' => 'Category',
- 'asset_manufacturer' => 'Manufacturer',
- 'asset_model' => 'Model',
- 'asset_serial' => 'Serial',
- 'asset_location' => 'Location',
- 'asset_checked_out' => 'Checked Out',
- 'asset_expected_checkin' => 'Expected Checkin',
- 'date' => 'Date:',
- 'phone' => 'Location Phone',
- 'signed_by_asset_auditor' => 'Signed By (Asset Auditor):',
- 'signed_by_finance_auditor' => 'Signed By (Finance Auditor):',
- 'signed_by_location_manager' => 'Signed By (Location Manager):',
- 'signed_by' => 'Signed Off By:',
+ 'about_locations_title' => 'Ku saabsan Goobaha',
+ 'about_locations' => 'Goobaha waxaa loo isticmaalaa si loola socdo macluumaadka goobta isticmaalayaasha, hantida, iyo walxaha kale',
+ 'assets_rtd' => 'Hantida', // This has NEVER meant Assets Retired. I don't know how it keeps getting reverted.
+ 'assets_checkedout' => 'Hantida loo qoondeeyay',
+ 'id' => 'Aqoonsi',
+ 'city' => 'Magaalada',
+ 'state' => 'Gobolka',
+ 'country' => 'Dalka',
+ 'create' => 'Samee Goobta',
+ 'update' => 'Cusbooneysii Goobta',
+ 'print_assigned' => 'Daabacaadda loo qoondeeyay',
+ 'print_all_assigned' => 'Daabac Dhammaan Ku-meel-gaadhka ah',
+ 'name' => 'Magaca Goobta',
+ 'address' => 'Cinwaanka',
+ 'address2' => 'Khadka Ciwaanka 2',
+ 'zip' => 'Koodhka Boostada',
+ 'locations' => 'Goobaha',
+ 'parent' => 'Waalid',
+ 'currency' => 'Lacagta Goobta',
+ 'ldap_ou' => 'Raadi LDAP',
+ 'user_name' => 'Magaca isticmaalaha',
+ 'department' => 'Waaxda',
+ 'location' => 'Goobta',
+ 'asset_tag' => 'Hantida Tag',
+ 'asset_name' => 'Magaca',
+ 'asset_category' => 'Qaybta',
+ 'asset_manufacturer' => 'Soo saaraha',
+ 'asset_model' => 'Qaabka',
+ 'asset_serial' => 'Taxane',
+ 'asset_location' => 'Goobta',
+ 'asset_checked_out' => 'La Hubiyay',
+ 'asset_expected_checkin' => 'Hubinta la filayo',
+ 'date' => 'Taariikhda:',
+ 'phone' => 'Magaca Goobta',
+ 'signed_by_asset_auditor' => 'Waxa saxeexay (Hantidhawraha Hantida):',
+ 'signed_by_finance_auditor' => 'Waxa saxeexay (Hantidhawraha Maaliyadda):',
+ 'signed_by_location_manager' => 'Waxa saxeexay (Maamulaha Goobta):',
+ 'signed_by' => 'Saxiixay:',
diff --git a/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/manufacturers/message.php b/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/manufacturers/message.php
index 61416e0230..44e42e1cca 100644
--- a/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/manufacturers/message.php
+++ b/resources/lang/so-SO/admin/manufacturers/message.php
@@ -2,29 +2,29 @@
return array(
- 'support_url_help' => 'Variables {LOCALE}
, and {MODEL_NAME}
may be used in your URL to have those values auto-populate when viewing assets - for example{LOCALE}/{SERIAL}.',
- 'does_not_exist' => 'Manufacturer does not exist.',
- 'assoc_users' => 'This manufacturer is currently associated with at least one model and cannot be deleted. Please update your models to no longer reference this manufacturer and try again. ',
+ 'support_url_help' => 'Doorsoomayaasha {LOCALE}
, iyo :path
'backups_restore_warning' => 'Use the restore button to restore from a previous backup. (This does not currently work with S3 file storage or Docker.)0
or false
, user login will be disabled. If the value in the AD/LDAP field is set to 1
or true
or any other text means the user can log in. When the field is blank in your AD, we respect the userAccountControl
attribute, which usually allows non-suspended users to log in.',
- 'ldap_emp_num' => 'LDAP Employee Number',
- 'ldap_email' => 'LDAP Email',
- 'ldap_test' => 'Test LDAP',
- 'ldap_test_sync' => 'Test LDAP Synchronization',
- 'license' => 'Software License',
+ 'ldap_emp_num' => 'Lambarka Shaqaalaha LDAP',
+ 'ldap_email' => 'LDAP iimaylka',
+ 'ldap_test' => 'Tijaabi LDAP',
+ 'ldap_test_sync' => 'Tijaabi wada shaqaynta LDAP',
+ 'license' => 'Shatiga Software',
'load_remote' => 'Use Gravatar',
'load_remote_help_text' => 'Uncheck this box if your install cannot load scripts from the outside internet. This will prevent Snipe-IT from trying load images from Gravatar.',
- 'login' => 'Login Attempts',
- 'login_attempt' => 'Login Attempt',
- 'login_ip' => 'IP Address',
- 'login_success' => 'Success?',
- 'login_user_agent' => 'User Agent',
- 'login_help' => 'List of attempted logins',
- 'login_note' => 'Login Note',
- 'login_note_help' => 'Optionally include a few sentences on your login screen, for example to assist people who have found a lost or stolen device. This field accepts Github flavored markdown',
- 'login_remote_user_text' => 'Remote User login options',
- 'login_remote_user_enabled_text' => 'Enable Login with Remote User Header',
- 'login_remote_user_enabled_help' => 'This option enables Authentication via the REMOTE_USER header according to the "Common Gateway Interface (rfc3875)"',
- 'login_common_disabled_text' => 'Disable other authentication mechanisms',
- 'login_common_disabled_help' => 'This option disables other authentication mechanisms. Just enable this option if you are sure that your REMOTE_USER login is already working',
- 'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_text' => 'Custom logout URL',
- 'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If a url is provided here, users will get redirected to this URL after the user logs out of Snipe-IT. This is useful to close the user sessions of your Authentication provider correctly.',
- 'login_remote_user_header_name_text' => 'Custom user name header',
- 'login_remote_user_header_name_help' => 'Use the specified header instead of REMOTE_USER',
+ 'login' => 'Isku-dayga Galitaanka',
+ 'login_attempt' => 'Isku day Login',
+ 'login_ip' => 'Ciwaanka IP-ga',
+ 'login_success' => 'Guul?',
+ 'login_user_agent' => 'Wakiilka Isticmaalaha',
+ 'login_help' => 'Liiska la isku dayay in la galo',
+ 'login_note' => 'Xusuusin soo gal',
+ 'login_note_help' => 'Ikhtiyaar ahaan ku dar jumlado kooban shaashaddaada soo gelida, tusaale ahaan si aad u caawiso dadka helay qalab lumay ama la xaday. Goobtani waxa ay aqbashaa {COMPANY}
will be replaced with the asset's company name',
- 'label2_asset_logo' => 'Use Asset Logo',
- 'label2_asset_logo_help' => 'Use the logo of the asset's assigned company, rather than the value at :setting_name
- 'label2_1d_type' => '1D Barcode Type',
- 'label2_1d_type_help' => 'Format for 1D barcodes',
- 'label2_2d_type' => '2D Barcode Type',
- 'label2_2d_type_help' => 'Format for 2D barcodes',
- 'label2_2d_target' => '2D Barcode Target',
- 'label2_2d_target_help' => 'The URL the 2D barcode points to when scanned',
- 'label2_fields' => 'Field Definitions',
- 'label2_fields_help' => 'Fields can be added, removed, and reordered in the left column. For each field, multiple options for Label and DataSource can be added, removed, and reordered in the right column.',
- 'help_asterisk_bold' => 'Text entered as **text**
will be displayed as bold',
- 'help_blank_to_use' => 'Leave blank to use the value from :setting_name
+ 'label2_asset_logo' => 'Isticmaal Logo Hantida',
+ 'label2_asset_logo_help' => 'Adeegso astaanta hantida' ee shirkadda loo qoondeeyay, halkii aad ka isticmaali lahayd qiimaha :setting_name
+ 'label2_1d_type' => '1D nooca barcode',
+ 'label2_1d_type_help' => 'Qaabka barcode 1D',
+ 'label2_2d_type' => 'Nooca Barcode 2D',
+ 'label2_2d_type_help' => 'Qaabka barcode 2D',
+ 'label2_2d_target' => 'Barcode Barcode 2D',
+ 'label2_2d_target_help' => 'URL-ka 2D barcode wuxuu tilmaamayaa marka la sawiro',
+ 'label2_fields' => 'Qeexitaannada goobta',
+ 'label2_fields_help' => 'Goobaha waa lagu dari karaa, laga saari karaa, oo dib loo habayn karaa tiirka bidix. Goob kasta, xulashooyin badan oo ah Label iyo DataSource ayaa lagu dari karaa, laga saari karaa, oo dib loo dalbi karaa tiirka saxda ah.',
+ 'help_asterisk_bold' => 'Qoraalka loo galiyay sida :setting_name
'help_default_will_use' => ':default
will use the value from :setting_name
value in your .env
file to false
- 'delete' => 'Delete',
- 'delete_confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete :item?',
- 'delete_confirm_no_undo' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete :item? This can not be undone.',
- 'deleted' => 'Deleted',
- 'delete_seats' => 'Deleted Seats',
- 'deletion_failed' => 'Deletion failed',
- 'departments' => 'Departments',
- 'department' => 'Department',
- 'deployed' => 'Deployed',
- 'depreciation' => 'Depreciation',
- 'depreciations' => 'Depreciations',
- 'depreciation_report' => 'Depreciation Report',
- 'details' => 'Details',
+ 'current' => 'Hadda',
+ 'current_password' => 'Magaca Sirta Hadda',
+ 'customize_report' => 'Habbee Warbixinta',
+ 'custom_report' => 'Warbixinta Hantida Gaarka ah',
+ 'dashboard' => 'Dashboard-ka',
+ 'days' => 'maalmo',
+ 'days_to_next_audit' => 'Maalmo ku xiga Hanti-dhawrka',
+ 'date' => 'Taariikhda',
+ 'debug_warning' => 'Digniin!',
+ 'debug_warning_text' => 'Codsigan waxa uu ku shaqaynayaa qaabka wax soo saarka iyada oo la furayo cilladaha Tani waxay soo bandhigi kartaa xogta xasaasiga ah haddii codsigaaga la heli karo adduunka ka baxsan. Dami qaabka qaladka adoo dejinaya APP_DEBUG
qiimaha ku jira .env
faylka beenta
+ 'delete' => 'Tirtir',
+ 'delete_confirm' => 'Ma hubtaa inaad rabto inaad tirtirto :item?',
+ 'delete_confirm_no_undo' => 'Ma hubtaa inaad rabto inaad tirtirto :item? Tan lama celin karo',
+ 'deleted' => 'La tirtiray',
+ 'delete_seats' => 'Kuraasta la tirtiray',
+ 'deletion_failed' => 'Tirtiridda waa fashilantay',
+ 'departments' => 'Waaxyaha',
+ 'department' => 'Waaxda',
+ 'deployed' => 'La geeyay',
+ 'depreciation' => 'Qiimo dhaca',
+ 'depreciations' => 'Qiimo dhaca',
+ 'depreciation_report' => 'Warbixinta Qiima dhaca',
+ 'details' => 'Faahfaahin',
'download' => 'Download',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
- 'editprofile' => 'Edit Your Profile',
+ 'editprofile' => 'Wax ka beddel xogtaada',
'eol' => 'EOL',
'email_domain' => 'Email Domain',
- 'email_format' => 'Email Format',
- 'employee_number' => 'Employee Number',
- 'email_domain_help' => 'This is used to generate email addresses when importing',
- 'error' => 'Error',
- 'exclude_archived' => 'Exclude Archived Assets',
- 'exclude_deleted' => 'Exclude Deleted Assets',
- 'example' => 'Example: ',
- 'filastname_format' => 'First Initial Last Name (',
- 'firstname_lastname_format' => 'First Name Last Name (',
- 'firstname_lastname_underscore_format' => 'First Name Last Name (',
- 'lastnamefirstinitial_format' => 'Last Name First Initial (',
- 'firstintial_dot_lastname_format' => 'First Initial Last Name (',
- 'firstname_lastname_display' => 'First Name Last Name (Jane Smith)',
- 'lastname_firstname_display' => 'Last Name First Name (Smith Jane)',
- 'name_display_format' => 'Name Display Format',
- 'first' => 'First',
- 'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (',
- 'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (',
- 'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (',
- 'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (',
- 'first_name' => 'First Name',
- 'first_name_format' => 'First Name (',
- 'files' => 'Files',
- 'file_name' => 'File',
- 'file_type' => 'File Type',
- 'filesize' => 'File Size',
- 'file_uploads' => 'File Uploads',
- 'file_upload' => 'File Upload',
- 'generate' => 'Generate',
- 'generate_labels' => 'Generate Labels',
- 'github_markdown' => 'This field accepts Github flavored markdown.',
- 'groups' => 'Groups',
- 'gravatar_email' => 'Gravatar Email Address',
- 'gravatar_url' => 'Change your avatar at',
- 'history' => 'History',
- 'history_for' => 'History for',
- 'id' => 'ID',
- 'image' => 'Image',
- 'image_delete' => 'Delete Image',
- 'include_deleted' => 'Include Deleted Assets',
- 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image',
- 'filetypes_accepted_help' => 'Accepted filetype is :types. Max upload size allowed is :size.|Accepted filetypes are :types. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
- 'filetypes_size_help' => 'Max upload size allowed is :size.',
- 'image_filetypes_help' => 'Accepted filetypes are jpg, webp, png, gif, and svg. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
- 'unaccepted_image_type' => 'This image file was not readable. Accepted filetypes are jpg, webp, png, gif, and svg. The mimetype of this file is: :mimetype.',
- 'import' => 'Import',
- 'import_this_file' => 'Map fields and process this file',
- 'importing' => 'Importing',
- 'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. Select the fields you would like to include in your custom report, and click Generate. The file (custom-asset-report-YYYY-mm-dd.csv) will download automatically, and you can open it in Excel.
-If you would like to export only certain assets, use the options below to fine-tune your results.
', + 'noimage' => 'Ma jiro sawir la soo geliyay ama sawir lama helin.', + 'file_does_not_exist' => 'Faylka la codsaday kuma jiro server-ka', + 'file_upload_success' => 'Guusha soo dejinta faylka!', + 'no_files_uploaded' => 'Guusha soo dejinta faylka!', + 'token_expired' => 'Fadhiga foomku wuu dhacay Fadlan isku day mar kale', + 'login_enabled' => 'Login waa la dajiyay', + 'audit_due' => 'Hanti-dhawrka awgeed', + 'audit_overdue' => 'Dib u dhac ku yimid Hanti-dhawrka', + 'accept' => 'Aqbal :asset', + 'i_accept' => 'Waan aqbalay', + 'i_decline' => 'Waan diiday', + 'accept_decline' => 'Aqbal/Diiday', + 'sign_tos' => 'Hoos Saxiix si aad u muujiso inaad ogolaatay shuruudaha adeega:', + 'clear_signature' => 'Saxeexa Saxeexa', + 'show_help' => 'Muuji caawimo', + 'hide_help' => 'Qari caawimada', + 'view_all' => 'Daawo Dhammaan', + 'hide_deleted' => 'Qari la tirtiray', + 'email' => 'Iimaylka', + 'do_not_change' => 'Ha Bedelin', + 'bug_report' => 'Ka warbixi cilad', + 'user_manual' => 'Buugga Isticmaalaha', + 'setup_step_1' => 'Tallaabada 1', + 'setup_step_2' => 'Tallaabada 2', + 'setup_step_3' => 'Tallaabada 3', + 'setup_step_4' => 'Tallaabada 4', + 'setup_config_check' => 'Hubinta qaabeynta', + 'setup_create_database' => 'Samee Shaxanka Xogta', + 'setup_create_admin' => 'Abuur Admin User', + 'setup_done' => 'Dhammaatay!', + 'bulk_edit_about_to' => 'Waxaad ku dhowdahay inaad wax ka beddesho kuwa soo socda: ', + 'checked_out' => 'La Hubiyay', + 'checked_out_to' => 'La Hubiyay', + 'fields' => 'Beeraha', + 'last_checkout' => 'Jeedintii u dambaysay', + 'due_to_checkin' => 'Waxyaabaha soo socda :count waa in la hubiyaa dhawaan:', + 'expected_checkin' => 'Hubinta la filayo', + 'reminder_checked_out_items' => 'Tani waa xasuusin alaabta hadda laguu hubiyay. Haddii aad dareento in liiskani aanu sax ahayn (wax maqan, ama wax halkan ka muuqda oo aad aaminsan tahay inaadan waligaa helin), fadlan iimayl u dir :reply_to_name at :reply_to_address.', + 'changed' => 'Bedelay', + 'to' => 'Ku', + 'report_fields_info' => 'Dooro goobaha aad jeclaan lahayd inaad ku darto warbixintaada gaarka ah, oo guji Abuur. Faylka (custom-asset-report-YYYY-mm-dd.csv) ayaa si toos ah u soo dejisan doona, oo waxaad ku furi kartaa gudaha Excel.
Haddii aad jeclaan lahayd inaad dhoofiso hantida qaarkood, isticmaal xulashooyinka hoose si aad u hagaajiso natiijooyinkaaga.
', 'range' => 'Range', - 'bom_remark' => 'Add a BOM (byte-order mark) to this CSV', - 'improvements' => 'Improvements', - 'information' => 'Information', - 'permissions' => 'Permissions', - 'managed_ldap' => '(Managed via LDAP)', - 'export' => 'Export', - 'ldap_sync' => 'LDAP Sync', - 'ldap_user_sync' => 'LDAP User Sync', - 'synchronize' => 'Synchronize', - 'sync_results' => 'Synchronization Results', - 'license_serial' => 'Serial/Product Key', + 'bom_remark' => 'Kudar BOM (calaamada dalbashada-byte) CSV-gan', + 'improvements' => 'Horumar', + 'information' => 'Xog', + 'permissions' => 'Ogolaanshaha', + 'managed_ldap' => '(Waxaa lagu maareeyaa LDAP)', + 'export' => 'Dhoofinta', + 'ldap_sync' => 'Iskuxidhka LDAP', + 'ldap_user_sync' => 'Isku-xidhka Isticmaalaha LDAP', + 'synchronize' => 'Isku xidh', + 'sync_results' => 'Natiijooyinka isku xidhka', + 'license_serial' => 'Furaha Taxanaha / Alaabta', 'invalid_category' => 'Invalid or missing category', 'invalid_item_category_single' => 'Invalid or missing :type category. Please update the category of this :type to include a valid category before checking out.', - 'dashboard_info' => 'This is your dashboard. There are many like it, but this one is yours.', - '60_percent_warning' => '60% Complete (warning)', - 'dashboard_empty' => 'It looks like you have not added anything yet, so we do not have anything awesome to display. Get started by adding some assets, accessories, consumables, or licenses now!', - 'new_asset' => 'New Asset', - 'new_license' => 'New License', - 'new_accessory' => 'New Accessory', - 'new_consumable' => 'New Consumable', - 'collapse' => 'Collapse', - 'assigned' => 'Assigned', - 'asset_count' => 'Asset Count', - 'accessories_count' => 'Accessories Count', - 'consumables_count' => 'Consumables Count', - 'components_count' => 'Components Count', - 'licenses_count' => 'Licenses Count', - 'notification_error' => 'Error', - 'notification_error_hint' => 'Please check the form below for errors', - 'notification_bulk_error_hint' => 'The following fields had validation errors and were not edited:', - 'notification_success' => 'Success', - 'notification_warning' => 'Warning', - 'notification_info' => 'Info', - 'asset_information' => 'Asset Information', - 'model_name' => 'Model Name', - 'asset_name' => 'Asset Name', - 'consumable_information' => 'Consumable Information:', - 'consumable_name' => 'Consumable Name:', - 'accessory_information' => 'Accessory Information:', - 'accessory_name' => 'Accessory Name:', - 'clone_item' => 'Clone Item', - 'checkout_tooltip' => 'Check this item out', - 'checkin_tooltip' => 'Check this item in', - 'checkout_user_tooltip' => 'Check this item out to a user', - 'maintenance_mode' => 'The service is temporarily unavailable for system updates. Please check back later.', - 'maintenance_mode_title' => 'System Temporarily Unavailable', - 'ldap_import' => 'User password should not be managed by LDAP. (This allows you to send forgotten password requests.)', - 'purge_not_allowed' => 'Purging deleted data has been disabled in the .env file. Contact support or your systems administrator.', - 'backup_delete_not_allowed' => 'Deleting backups has been disabled in the .env file. Contact support or your systems administrator.', - 'additional_files' => 'Additional Files', - 'shitty_browser' => 'No signature detected. If you are using an older browser, please use a more modern browser to complete your asset acceptance.', - 'bulk_soft_delete' =>'Also soft-delete these users. Their asset history will remain intact unless/until you purge deleted records in the Admin Settings.', - 'bulk_checkin_delete_success' => 'Your selected users have been deleted and their items have been checked in.', - 'bulk_checkin_success' => 'The items for the selected users have been checked in.', - 'set_to_null' => 'Delete values for this asset|Delete values for all :asset_count assets ', - 'set_users_field_to_null' => 'Delete :field values for this user|Delete :field values for all :user_count users ', - 'na_no_purchase_date' => 'N/A - No purchase date provided', - 'assets_by_status' => 'Assets by Status', - 'assets_by_status_type' => 'Assets by Status Type', - 'pie_chart_type' => 'Dashboard Pie Chart Type', + 'dashboard_info' => 'Kani waa dashboardkaaga. Waxaa jira qaar badan oo la mid ah, laakiin kan adigaa leh.', + '60_percent_warning' => '60% Buuxsan (digniin)', + 'dashboard_empty' => 'Waxay u egtahay inaadan wali waxba ku darin, markaa ma hayno wax cajiib ah oo aan soo bandhigno. Ku bilow inaad ku darto qaar hanti, agabka, agabka la isticmaalo, ama shatiyada hadda!', + 'new_asset' => 'Hanti Cusub', + 'new_license' => 'Shatiga Cusub', + 'new_accessory' => 'Qalabka Cusub', + 'new_consumable' => 'La Isticmaali karo Cusub', + 'collapse' => 'Burbur', + 'assigned' => 'Loo xilsaaray', + 'asset_count' => 'Tirada Hantida', + 'accessories_count' => 'Agabka lagu xidho', + 'consumables_count' => 'Tirinta Alaabta', + 'components_count' => 'Qaybaha Tirinta', + 'licenses_count' => 'Tirinta shatiyada', + 'notification_error' => 'Khalad', + 'notification_error_hint' => 'Fadlan ka hubi foomamka hoose khaladaadka', + 'notification_bulk_error_hint' => 'Goobaha soo socdaa waxay lahaayeen khaladaad ansaxinta lamana tafatirin:', + 'notification_success' => 'Guul', + 'notification_warning' => 'Digniin', + 'notification_info' => 'Xog', + 'asset_information' => 'Macluumaadka Hantida', + 'model_name' => 'Magaca Model', + 'asset_name' => 'Magaca Hantida', + 'consumable_information' => 'Macluumaadka la isticmaali karo:', + 'consumable_name' => 'Magaca la isticmaali karo:', + 'accessory_information' => 'Macluumaadka Dheeraadka ah:', + 'accessory_name' => 'Magaca Agabka:', + 'clone_item' => 'Shayga Clone', + 'checkout_tooltip' => 'Hubi shaygan', + 'checkin_tooltip' => 'Hubi shaygan gudaha', + 'checkout_user_tooltip' => 'Hubi shaygan isticmaalaha', + 'maintenance_mode' => 'Adeeggu si ku meel gaar ah uma heli karo cusboonaysiinta nidaamka. Fadlan dib u eeg hadhow', + 'maintenance_mode_title' => 'Nidaamka Si Ku Meel Gaar Ah Aan Loo Helin', + 'ldap_import' => 'Furaha isticmaalaha waa in uusan maamulin LDAP. (Tani waxay kuu ogolaanaysaa inaad soo dirto codsiyada sirta ah ee la illoobay.)', + 'purge_not_allowed' => 'Nadiifinta xogta la tirtiray waa la joojiyay faylka .env La xidhiidh taageerada ama maamulaha nidaamkaaga.', + 'backup_delete_not_allowed' => 'Tirtiridda kaydka waa lagu naafiyay faylka .env. La xidhiidh taageerada ama maamulaha nidaamkaaga.', + 'additional_files' => 'Faylasha Dheeraadka ah', + 'shitty_browser' => 'Wax saxiix ah lama ogaan Haddii aad isticmaalayso browser duug ah, fadlan isticmaal browser ka casri ah si aad u dhamaystirto aqbalaadda hantidaada.', + 'bulk_soft_delete' =>'Sidoo kale jilicsan-tirtir isticmaalayaashan. Taariikhdooda hantiyeed way ahaan doontaa ilaa aad ka nadiifiso diiwaanada la tirtiray ee goobaha maamulka.', + 'bulk_checkin_delete_success' => 'Isticmaalayaasha aad dooratay waa la tirtiray oo alaabtooda waa la hubiyay.', + 'bulk_checkin_success' => 'Alaabta isticmaalayaasha la xushay waa la hubiyay', + 'set_to_null' => 'Tirtir qiyamka hantidan|Tirtir qiyamka dhammaan :asset_count hantida ', + 'set_users_field_to_null' => 'Tirtir :field qiyamka isticmaalaha|Tirtir :field qiimayaasha dhammaan :user_count isticmaalayaasha ', + 'na_no_purchase_date' => 'N/A - Taariikhda iibsi lama bixin', + 'assets_by_status' => 'Hantida xaalka', + 'assets_by_status_type' => 'Hantida Xaaladda Nooca', + 'pie_chart_type' => 'Nooca Shaxda Dashboard Pie', 'hello_name' => 'Hello, :name!', - 'unaccepted_profile_warning' => 'You have :count items requiring acceptance. Click here to accept or decline them', - 'start_date' => 'Start Date', - 'end_date' => 'End Date', - 'alt_uploaded_image_thumbnail' => 'Uploaded thumbnail', - 'placeholder_kit' => 'Select a kit', - 'file_not_found' => 'File not found', - 'preview_not_available' => '(no preview)', - 'setup' => 'Setup', - 'pre_flight' => 'Pre-Flight', - 'skip_to_main_content' => 'Skip to main content', - 'toggle_navigation' => 'Toggle navigation', - 'alerts' => 'Alerts', - 'tasks_view_all' => 'View all tasks', - 'true' => 'True', - 'false' => 'False', - 'integration_option' => 'Integration Option', - 'log_does_not_exist' => 'No matching log record exists.', - 'merge_users' => 'Merge Users', - 'merge_information' => 'This will merge the :count users into a single user. Select the user you wish to merge the others into below, and the associated assets, licenses, etc will be moved over to the selected user and the other users will be marked as deleted.', - 'warning_merge_information' => 'This action CANNOT be undone and should ONLY be used when you need to merge users because of a bad import or sync. Be sure to run a backup first.', - 'no_users_selected' => 'No users selected', - 'not_enough_users_selected' => 'At least :count users must be selected', - 'merge_success' => ':count users merged successfully into :into_username!', - 'merged' => 'merged', - 'merged_log_this_user_into' => 'Merged this user (ID :to_id - :to_username) into user ID :from_id (:from_username) ', - 'merged_log_this_user_from' => 'Merged user ID :from_id (:from_username) into this user (ID :to_id - :to_username)', - 'clear_and_save' => 'Clear & Save', - 'update_existing_values' => 'Update Existing Values?', - 'auto_incrementing_asset_tags_disabled_so_tags_required' => 'Generating auto-incrementing asset tags is disabled so all rows need to have the "Asset Tag" column populated.', - 'auto_incrementing_asset_tags_enabled_so_now_assets_will_be_created' => 'Note: Generating auto-incrementing asset tags is enabled so assets will be created for rows that do not have "Asset Tag" populated. Rows that do have "Asset Tag" populated will be updated with the provided information.', - 'send_welcome_email_to_users' => ' Send Welcome Email for new Users?', + 'unaccepted_profile_warning' => 'Waxaad haysaa :count walxo u baahan aqbalid Riix halkan si aad u aqbasho ama u diido', + 'start_date' => 'Taariikhda billowga', + 'end_date' => 'Taariikhda dhamaadka', + 'alt_uploaded_image_thumbnail' => 'La soo galiyay thumbnail', + 'placeholder_kit' => 'Dooro qalab', + 'file_not_found' => 'Faylka lama helin', + 'preview_not_available' => '(ma jiro horudhac)', + 'setup' => 'Dejinta', + 'pre_flight' => 'Duulimaadka kahor', + 'skip_to_main_content' => 'U gudub nuxurka muhiimka ah', + 'toggle_navigation' => 'Beddel marinka', + 'alerts' => 'Digniin', + 'tasks_view_all' => 'Eeg dhammaan hawlaha', + 'true' => 'Run', + 'false' => 'Been', + 'integration_option' => 'Xulashada is-dhexgalka', + 'log_does_not_exist' => 'Ma jiro diiwaan qoraal ah oo u dhigma.', + 'merge_users' => 'Isku-darka Isticmaalayaasha', + 'merge_information' => 'Tani waxay ku milmi doontaa isticmaalayaasha :count hal isticmaale Dooro isticmaalaha aad rabto in aad ku dhex miro kuwa kale hoos, iyo hantida la xidhiidha, shatiyada, iwm waxaa loo wareejin doonaa isticmaala la doortay iyo isticmaalayaasha kale waxaa lagu calaamadayn doonaa in la tirtiray.', + 'warning_merge_information' => 'Tallaabadan dib looma celin karo oo waa in la isticmaalo oo keliya marka aad u baahan tahay inaad ku biirto isticmaalayaasha sababtoo ah soo dejin xun ama isku xidhid. Hubi inaad marka hore socodsiiso kaydka.', + 'no_users_selected' => 'Isticmaalayaal ma dooran', + 'not_enough_users_selected' => 'Ugu yaraan :count isticmaalayaasha waa in la doortaa', + 'merge_success' => ':count isticmaalayaashu waxay si guul leh ugu biireen :into_username!', + 'merged' => 'isku darsaday', + 'merged_log_this_user_into' => 'Wuxuu ku daray isticmaale kan (ID :to_id - :to_username) galay aqoonsiga isticmaalaha :from_id (:from_username) ', + 'merged_log_this_user_from' => 'Aqoonsiga isticmaalaha :from_id (:from_username) lagu daray isticmaalaha (ID :to_id - :to_username)', + 'clear_and_save' => 'Nadiifi & Keydi', + 'update_existing_values' => 'Cusbooneysii qiyamka jira?', + 'auto_incrementing_asset_tags_disabled_so_tags_required' => 'Soo saarista calaamadaha hantida si toos ah u kordhiya waa naafo sidaa darteed dhammaan safafka waxay u baahan yihiin inay lahaadaan tiirka "Asset Tag" oo la buux dhaafiyay.', + 'auto_incrementing_asset_tags_enabled_so_now_assets_will_be_created' => 'Fiiro gaar ah: Soo saarista sumadaha hantida si toos ah u kordhiya si hantida waxaa loo abuuri doonaa safaf aan lahayn "Hanti Tag" oo ay dadku ku badan yihiin. Safafka leh "Tag Hantida" oo ay buuxsameen ayaa lagu cusboonaysiin doonaa macluumaadka la bixiyay.', + 'send_welcome_email_to_users' => ' U dir email soo dhawayn ah isticmaalayaasha cusub?', 'send_email' => 'Send Email', 'call' => 'Call number', - 'back_before_importing' => 'Backup before importing?', - 'csv_header_field' => 'CSV Header Field', - 'import_field' => 'Import Field', - 'sample_value' => 'Sample Value', - 'no_headers' => 'No Columns Found', - 'error_in_import_file' => 'There was an error reading the CSV file: :error', - 'errors_importing' => 'Some Errors occurred while importing: ', - 'warning' => 'WARNING: :warning', - 'success_redirecting' => '"Success... Redirecting.', - 'cancel_request' => 'Cancel this item request', - 'setup_successful_migrations' => 'Your database tables have been created', - 'setup_migration_output' => 'Migration output:', - 'setup_migration_create_user' => 'Next: Create User', - 'importer_generic_error' => 'Your file import is complete, but we did receive an error. This is usually caused by third-party API throttling from a notification webhook (such as Slack) and would not have interfered with the import itself, but you should confirm this.', - 'confirm' => 'Confirm', - 'autoassign_licenses' => 'Auto-Assign Licenses', - 'autoassign_licenses_help' => 'Allow this user to have licenses assigned via the bulk-assign license UI or cli tools.', - 'autoassign_licenses_help_long' => 'This allows a user to be have licenses assigned via the bulk-assign license UI or cli tools. (For example, you might not want contractors to be auto-assigned a license you would provide to only staff members. You can still individually assign licenses to those users, but they will not be included in the Checkout License to All Users functions.)', - 'no_autoassign_licenses_help' => 'Do not include user for bulk-assigning through the license UI or cli tools.', - 'modal_confirm_generic' => 'Are you sure?', - 'cannot_be_deleted' => 'This item cannot be deleted', + 'back_before_importing' => 'Kaabta ka hor inta aan la soo dejin?', + 'csv_header_field' => 'Goobta Madaxa CSV', + 'import_field' => 'Goobta Soo Dejinta', + 'sample_value' => 'Tusaalaha Qiimaha', + 'no_headers' => 'Lama helin Tiirar', + 'error_in_import_file' => 'Waxaa jiray khalad akhrinta faylka CSV: :error', + 'errors_importing' => 'Khaladaadka qaar ayaa dhacay markii la soo dejinayay: ', + 'warning' => 'Digniin: :warning', + 'success_redirecting' => '"Guusha... Dib u habayn.', + 'cancel_request' => 'Jooji codsiga shaygan', + 'setup_successful_migrations' => 'Miisaska xogtaada waa la sameeyay', + 'setup_migration_output' => 'Soo saarista socdaalka:', + 'setup_migration_create_user' => 'Xiga: Abuur Isticmaalaha', + 'importer_generic_error' => 'Soo dejinta faylkaagu waa dhammaatay, laakiin waxa aanu helnay cilad Tan waxaa badanaa sababa qolo saddexaad oo API ah oo ka soo rogtay shabkada ogeysiinta (sida Slack) mana faragelin la\'aanta soo dejinta lafteeda, laakiin waa inaad xaqiijisaa tan.', + 'confirm' => 'Xaqiiji', + 'autoassign_licenses' => 'Si otomaatig ah u qoondee shatiyada', + 'autoassign_licenses_help' => 'U oggolow isticmaaleha in uu haysto shatiyo loo qoondeeyay shatiga UI ama cli', + 'autoassign_licenses_help_long' => 'Tani waxay u oggolaanaysaa isticmaalaha in loo qoondeeyo shatiyada loo qoondeeyey shatiga UI ama cli qalabyada. (Tusaale ahaan, waxaa laga yaabaa inaadan rabin qandaraaslayaasha in si toos ah loogu qoondeeyo shatiga aad siin lahayd xubnaha shaqaalaha oo kaliya. Wali waxaad si gaar ah u siin kartaa shatiga isticmaalayaasha, laakiin laguma dari doono shatiga hubinta ee dhammaan howlaha isticmaalayaasha.)', + 'no_autoassign_licenses_help' => 'Ha ku darin isticmaale ku meelaynta bulk-ku-meelaynta iyada oo loo marayo shatiga UI ama cli qalabyada.', + 'modal_confirm_generic' => 'Ma hubtaa?', + 'cannot_be_deleted' => 'Shaygan lama tirtiri karo', 'cannot_be_edited' => 'This item cannot be edited.', - 'undeployable_tooltip' => 'This item cannot be checked out. Check the quantity remaining.', - 'serial_number' => 'Serial Number', - 'item_notes' => ':item Notes', - 'item_name_var' => ':item Name', - 'error_user_company' => 'Checkout target company and asset company do not match', - 'error_user_company_accept_view' => 'An Asset assigned to you belongs to a different company so you can\'t accept nor deny it, please check with your manager', + 'undeployable_tooltip' => 'Shaygan lama hubin karo Hubi inta hartay', + 'serial_number' => 'Nambarada taxan', + 'item_notes' => ':item Xusuusin', + 'item_name_var' => ':item Magaca', + 'error_user_company' => 'Hubinta shirkadda bartilmaameedka ah iyo shirkadda hantidu isma dhigmaan', + 'error_user_company_accept_view' => 'Hanti laguu qoondeeyay waxaa iska leh shirkad kale si aadan aqbali karin mana u diidi kartid, fadlan la xiriir maamulahaaga', 'importer' => [ - 'checked_out_to_fullname' => 'Checked Out to: Full Name', - 'checked_out_to_first_name' => 'Checked Out to: First Name', - 'checked_out_to_last_name' => 'Checked Out to: Last Name', - 'checked_out_to_username' => 'Checked Out to: Username', - 'checked_out_to_email' => 'Checked Out to: Email', - 'checked_out_to_tag' => 'Checked Out to: Asset Tag', - 'manager_first_name' => 'Manager First Name', - 'manager_last_name' => 'Manager Last Name', - 'manager_full_name' => 'Manager Full Name', - 'manager_username' => 'Manager Username', - 'checkout_type' => 'Checkout Type', - 'checkout_location' => 'Checkout to Location', - 'image_filename' => 'Image Filename', - 'do_not_import' => 'Do Not Import', + 'checked_out_to_fullname' => 'Lagu hubiyay: Magaca oo buuxa', + 'checked_out_to_first_name' => 'Lagu Hubiyay: Magaca Koowaad', + 'checked_out_to_last_name' => 'La Hubiyay: Magaca Dambe', + 'checked_out_to_username' => 'Lagu hubiyay: Username', + 'checked_out_to_email' => 'Lagu hubiyay: iimaylka', + 'checked_out_to_tag' => 'La hubiyay: Hantida Tag', + 'manager_first_name' => 'Magaca Hore ee Maareeyaha', + 'manager_last_name' => 'Magaca Dambe ee Maareeyaha', + 'manager_full_name' => 'Maareeyaha Magaca oo buuxa', + 'manager_username' => 'Magaca isticmaalaha Maareeyaha', + 'checkout_type' => 'Nooca hubinta', + 'checkout_location' => 'Hubi goobta', + 'image_filename' => 'Magaca faylka sawirka', + 'do_not_import' => 'Ha soo dejin', 'vip' => 'VIP', 'avatar' => 'Avatar', 'gravatar' => 'Gravatar Email', - 'currency' => 'Currency', - 'address2' => 'Address Line 2', - 'import_note' => 'Imported using csv importer', + 'currency' => 'Lacagta', + 'address2' => 'Khadka Ciwaanka 2', + 'import_note' => 'Lagu soo dejiyo iyadoo la isticmaalayo csv soodejiye', ], - 'percent_complete' => '% complete', - 'uploading' => 'Uploading... ', + 'percent_complete' => '% dhamaystiran', + 'uploading' => 'Soo dejinta... ', 'upload_error' => 'Error uploading file. Please check that there are no empty rows and that no column names are duplicated.', - 'copy_to_clipboard' => 'Copy to Clipboard', - 'copied' => 'Copied!', + 'copy_to_clipboard' => 'Ku koobi kara sabuuradda', + 'copied' => 'La guuriyay!', 'status_compatibility' => 'If assets are already assigned, they cannot be changed to a non-deployable status type and this value change will be skipped.', 'rtd_location_help' => 'This is the location of the asset when it is not checked out', 'item_not_found' => ':item_type ID :id does not exist or has been deleted', 'action_permission_denied' => 'You do not have permission to :action :item_type ID :id', 'action_permission_generic' => 'You do not have permission to :action this :item_type', - 'edit' => 'edit', + 'edit' => 'wax ka beddel', 'action_source' => 'Action Source', 'or' => 'or', 'url' => 'URL', diff --git a/resources/lang/so-SO/help.php b/resources/lang/so-SO/help.php index a59e0056be..b665ff3c8a 100644 --- a/resources/lang/so-SO/help.php +++ b/resources/lang/so-SO/help.php @@ -13,23 +13,23 @@ return [ | */ - 'more_info_title' => 'More Info', + 'more_info_title' => 'Macluumaad dheeraad ah', - 'audit_help' => 'Checking this box will edit the asset record to reflect this new location. Leaving it unchecked will simply note the location in the audit log.