Updated language strings

Signed-off-by: snipe <snipe@snipe.net>
This commit is contained in:
snipe 2022-01-28 12:40:03 -08:00
parent a0d0645453
commit 16fb2213b5
1580 changed files with 30887 additions and 10429 deletions

View file

@ -5,17 +5,17 @@
'delete' => [
'confirm' => 'Is jy seker jy wil hierdie bate instandhouding uitvee?',
'error' => 'Daar was \'n probleem met die verwydering van die bate-instandhouding. Probeer asseblief weer.',
'success' => 'Die bate-instandhouding is suksesvol verwyder.'
'success' => 'Die bate-instandhouding is suksesvol verwyder.',
'create' => [
'error' => 'Asset Maintenance is nie geskep nie, probeer asseblief weer.',
'success' => 'Bate Onderhoud geskep suksesvol.'
'success' => 'Bate Onderhoud geskep suksesvol.',
'edit' => [
'error' => 'Bateonderhoud is nie geredigeer nie, probeer asseblief weer.',
'success' => 'Bate Onderhoud suksesvol geredigeer.'
'success' => 'Bate Onderhoud suksesvol geredigeer.',
'asset_maintenance_incomplete' => 'Nog nie voltooi nie',
'warranty' => 'waarborg',
'not_warranty' => 'Nie waarborg nie',

View file

@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
'title' => 'Bate Onderhoud',
'asset_name' => 'Bate Naam',
'is_warranty' => 'waarborg',
'dl_csv' => 'Laai CSV af'
'dl_csv' => 'Laai CSV af',

View file

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
return [
'select_company' => 'Kies Maatskappy',
'about_companies' => 'About Companies',
'about_companies_description' => ' You can use companies as a simple informative field, or you can use them to restrict asset visibility and availability to users with a specific company by enabling Full Company Support in your Admin Settings.',

View file

@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
return array(
return [
'does_not_exist' => 'Maatskappy bestaan nie.',
'assoc_users' => 'Hierdie maatskappy is tans geassosieer met ten minste een model en kan nie verwyder word nie. Dateer asseblief jou modelle op om nie meer hierdie maatskappy te verwys nie en probeer weer.',
'create' => array(
'create' => [
'error' => 'Maatskappy is nie geskep nie, probeer asseblief weer.',
'success' => 'Maatskappy geskep suksesvol.'
'update' => array(
'success' => 'Maatskappy geskep suksesvol.',
'update' => [
'error' => 'Maatskappy is nie opgedateer nie, probeer asseblief weer',
'success' => 'Maatskappy suksesvol opgedateer.'
'delete' => array(
'success' => 'Maatskappy suksesvol opgedateer.',
'delete' => [
'confirm' => 'Is jy seker jy wil hierdie maatskappy uitvee?',
'error' => 'Daar was \'n probleem met die verwydering van die maatskappy. Probeer asseblief weer.',
'success' => 'Die maatskappy is suksesvol verwyder.'
'success' => 'Die maatskappy is suksesvol verwyder.',

View file

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
return array(
return [
'custom_fields' => 'Aangepaste velde',
'manage' => 'Manage',
'field' => 'veld',
'about_fieldsets_title' => 'Oor Fieldsets',
'about_fieldsets_text' => 'Veldstelle stel jou in staat om groepe van persoonlike velde te skep wat gereeld hergebruik word vir spesifieke tipe bates.',
'custom_format' => 'Gepasmaakte formaat ...',
'about_fieldsets_text' => 'Fieldsets allow you to create groups of custom fields that are frequently re-used for specific asset model types.',
'custom_format' => 'Custom Regex format...',
'encrypt_field' => 'Enkripteer die waarde van hierdie veld in die databasis',
'encrypt_field_help' => 'WAARSKUWING: Om \'n veld te enkripteer, maak dit onondersoekbaar.',
'encrypted' => 'encrypted',
@ -26,7 +27,19 @@ return array(
'used_by_models' => 'Gebruik deur modelle',
'order' => 'Orde',
'create_fieldset' => 'Nuwe Fieldset',
'create_fieldset_title' => 'Create a new fieldset',
'create_field' => 'Nuwe aangepaste veld',
'create_field_title' => 'Create a new custom field',
'value_encrypted' => 'Die waarde van hierdie veld is geïnkripteer in die databasis. Slegs admingebruikers sal die gedecodeerde waarde kan sien',
'show_in_email' => 'Include the value of this field in checkout emails sent to the user? Encrypted fields cannot be included in emails.',
'help_text' => 'Help Text',
'help_text_description' => 'This is optional text that will appear below the form elements while editing an asset to provide context on the field.',
'about_custom_fields_title' => 'About Custom Fields',
'about_custom_fields_text' => 'Custom fields allow you to add arbitrary attributes to assets.',
'add_field_to_fieldset' => 'Add Field to Fieldset',
'make_optional' => 'Required - click to make optional',
'make_required' => 'Optional - click to make required',
'reorder' => 'Reorder',
'db_field' => 'DB Field',
'db_convert_warning' => 'WARNING. This field is in the custom fields table as <code> :db_column </code> but should be :expected </code>.'

View file

@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
return array(
return [
'about_asset_depreciations' => 'Oor bate afskrywing',
'about_depreciations' => 'U kan bate-afskrywings opstel om bates te deprecieer gebaseer op reguit-waardevermindering.',
'asset_depreciations' => 'Bate afskrywing',
'create' => 'Skep waardevermindering',
'depreciation_name' => 'Waardevermindering Naam',
'depreciation_min' => 'Floor Value of Depreciation',
'number_of_months' => 'Aantal maande',
'update' => 'Werk waardevermindering op',
'depreciation_min' => 'Minimum Value after Depreciation'
'depreciation_min' => 'Minimum Value after Depreciation',
'no_depreciations_warning' => '<strong>Warning: </strong>
You do not currently have any depreciations set up.
Please set up at least one depreciation to view the depreciation report.',

View file

@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
return array(
return [
'id' => 'ID',
'months' => 'maande',
'term' => 'termyn',
'title' => 'naam',
'depreciation_min' => 'Floor Value',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
'about_groups_title' => 'Oor groepe',
'about_groups' => 'Groepe word gebruik om gebruikersregte te veralgemeen.',
'group_management' => 'Groepbestuur',
@ -10,5 +10,7 @@ return array(
'group_admin' => 'Groep Admin',
'allow' => 'laat',
'deny' => 'ontken',
'permission' => 'Permission',
'grant' => 'Grant',
'no_permissions' => 'This group has no permissions.'

View file

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
return array(
'bulk_delete' => 'Bevestig bates vir die verwydering van grootmaat',
return [
'bulk_delete' => 'Bevestig bates vir die verwydering van grootmaat',
'bulk_delete_help' => 'Hersien die bates vir grootmaatverwydering hieronder. Sodra dit verwyder is, kan hierdie bates herstel word, maar hulle word nie meer geassosieer met enige gebruikers wat hulle tans toegewys is nie.',
'bulk_delete_warn' => 'Jy is op die punt om te verwyder: bate_count bates.',
'bulk_update' => 'Grootskaalse opdateringsbates',
'bulk_update_help' => 'Met hierdie vorm kan u verskeie bates gelyktydig bywerk. Vul slegs die velde in wat u moet verander. Enige velde wat leeg is, bly onveranderd.',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'Jy is op die punt om die eienskappe van: bate_count bates te wysig.',
'bulk_update' => 'Grootskaalse opdateringsbates',
'bulk_update_help' => 'Met hierdie vorm kan u verskeie bates gelyktydig bywerk. Vul slegs die velde in wat u moet verander. Enige velde wat leeg is, bly onveranderd.',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'Jy is op die punt om die eienskappe van: bate_count bates te wysig.',
'checkedout_to' => 'Gekontroleer na',
'checkout_date' => 'Checkout Datum',
'checkin_date' => 'Incheckdatum',
@ -38,7 +38,12 @@ return array(
'tag' => 'Bate-tag',
'update' => 'Asset Update',
'warranty' => 'waarborg',
'warranty_expires' => 'Warranty Expires',
'warranty_expires' => 'Warranty Expires',
'years' => 'jaar',
'asset_location' => 'Update Asset Location',
'asset_location_update_default_current' => 'Update default location AND actual location',
'asset_location_update_default' => 'Update only default location',
'asset_not_deployable' => 'That asset status is not deployable. This asset cannot be checked out.',
'asset_deployable' => 'That status is deployable. This asset can be checked out.',
'processing_spinner' => 'Processing...',

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
return array(
return [
'about_assets_title' => 'Oor bates',
'about_assets_text' => 'Bates is items opgespoor volgens reeksnommer of bate-tag. Hulle is geneig om hoër waarde items te wees waar die identifisering van \'n spesifieke item saak maak.',
'archived' => 'argief',
'archived' => 'argief',
'asset' => 'bate',
'bulk_checkout' => 'Checkout Assets',
'checkin' => 'Kontrole bate',
@ -15,8 +15,29 @@ return array(
'model_deleted' => 'This Assets model has been deleted. You must restore the model before you can restore the Asset.',
'requestable' => 'Requestable',
'requested' => 'versoek',
'not_requestable' => 'Not Requestable',
'requestable_status_warning' => 'Do not change requestable status',
'restore' => 'Herstel bate',
'pending' => 'hangende',
'undeployable' => 'Undeployable',
'view' => 'Bekyk bate',
'csv_error' => 'You have an error in your CSV file:',
'import_text' => '
Upload a CSV that contains asset history. The assets and users MUST already exist in the system, or they will be skipped. Matching assets for history import happens against the asset tag. We will try to find a matching user based on the user\'s name you provide, and the criteria you select below. If you do not select any criteria below, it will simply try to match on the username format you configured in the Admin &gt; General Settings.
<p>Fields included in the CSV must match the headers: <strong>Asset Tag, Name, Checkout Date, Checkin Date</strong>. Any additional fields will be ignored. </p>
<p>Checkin Date: blank or future checkin dates will checkout items to associated user. Excluding the Checkin Date column will create a checkin date with todays date.</p>
'csv_import_match_f-l' => 'Try to match users by firstname.lastname (jane.smith) format',
'csv_import_match_initial_last' => 'Try to match users by first initial last name (jsmith) format',
'csv_import_match_first' => 'Try to match users by first name (jane) format',
'csv_import_match_email' => 'Try to match users by email as username',
'csv_import_match_username' => 'Try to match users by username',
'error_messages' => 'Error messages:',
'success_messages' => 'Success messages:',
'alert_details' => 'Please see below for details.',
'custom_export' => 'Custom Export'

View file

@ -1,82 +1,82 @@
return array(
return [
'undeployable' => '<strong>Waarskuwing: </strong> Hierdie bate is gemerk as tans onbruikbaar. As hierdie status verander het, verander asseblief die batestatus.',
'does_not_exist' => 'Bate bestaan nie.',
'does_not_exist_or_not_requestable' => 'Goeie probeerslag. Daardie bate bestaan nie of is nie versoekbaar nie.',
'does_not_exist_or_not_requestable' => 'That asset does not exist or is not requestable.',
'assoc_users' => 'Hierdie bate word tans na \'n gebruiker nagegaan en kan nie uitgevee word nie. Gaan asseblief die bate eers in, en probeer dan weer uitvee.',
'create' => array(
'create' => [
'error' => 'Bate is nie geskep nie, probeer asseblief weer. :(',
'success' => 'Bate geskep suksesvol. :)'
'success' => 'Bate geskep suksesvol. :)',
'update' => array(
'update' => [
'error' => 'Bate is nie opgedateer nie, probeer asseblief weer',
'success' => 'Bate is suksesvol opgedateer.',
'nothing_updated' => 'Geen velde is gekies nie, dus niks is opgedateer nie.',
'restore' => array(
'restore' => [
'error' => 'Bate is nie herstel nie, probeer asseblief weer',
'success' => 'Bate herstel suksesvol.'
'success' => 'Bate herstel suksesvol.',
'audit' => array(
'audit' => [
'error' => 'Bate-oudit was onsuksesvol. Probeer asseblief weer.',
'success' => 'Bate oudit suksesvol aangemeld.'
'success' => 'Bate oudit suksesvol aangemeld.',
'deletefile' => array(
'deletefile' => [
'error' => 'Lêer nie verwyder nie. Probeer asseblief weer.',
'success' => 'Lêer suksesvol uitgevee.',
'upload' => array(
'upload' => [
'error' => 'Lêer (s) nie opgelaai nie. Probeer asseblief weer.',
'success' => 'Lêer (s) suksesvol opgelaai.',
'nofiles' => 'Jy het nie enige lêers vir oplaai gekies nie, of die lêer wat jy probeer oplaai is te groot',
'invalidfiles' => 'Een of meer van jou lêers is te groot of is \'n filetipe wat nie toegelaat word nie. Toegelate filetipes is png, gif, jpg, doc, docx, pdf en txt.',
'import' => array(
'import' => [
'error' => 'Sommige items is nie korrek ingevoer nie.',
'errorDetail' => 'Die volgende items is nie ingevoer as gevolg van foute nie.',
'success' => "Jou lêer is ingevoer",
'file_delete_success' => "Jou lêer is suksesvol verwyder",
'file_delete_error' => "Die lêer kon nie uitgevee word nie",
'success' => 'Jou lêer is ingevoer',
'file_delete_success' => 'Jou lêer is suksesvol verwyder',
'file_delete_error' => 'Die lêer kon nie uitgevee word nie',
'delete' => array(
'delete' => [
'confirm' => 'Is jy seker jy wil hierdie bate uitvee?',
'error' => 'Daar was \'n probleem met die verwydering van die bate. Probeer asseblief weer.',
'nothing_updated' => 'Geen bates is gekies nie, so niks is verwyder nie.',
'success' => 'Die bate is suksesvol verwyder.'
'success' => 'Die bate is suksesvol verwyder.',
'checkout' => array(
'checkout' => [
'error' => 'Bate is nie nagegaan nie, probeer asseblief weer',
'success' => 'Die bate is suksesvol nagegaan.',
'user_does_not_exist' => 'Die gebruiker is ongeldig. Probeer asseblief weer.',
'not_available' => 'Die bate is nie beskikbaar vir die kassa nie!',
'no_assets_selected' => 'You must select at least one asset from the list'
'no_assets_selected' => 'You must select at least one asset from the list',
'checkin' => array(
'checkin' => [
'error' => 'Bate is nie nagegaan nie, probeer asseblief weer',
'success' => 'Die bate is suksesvol nagegaan.',
'user_does_not_exist' => 'Die gebruiker is ongeldig. Probeer asseblief weer.',
'already_checked_in' => 'Daardie bate is reeds nagegaan.',
'requests' => array(
'requests' => [
'error' => 'Bate is nie aangevra nie, probeer asseblief weer',
'success' => 'Die bate is suksesvol aangevra.',
'canceled' => 'Afhandeling versoek suksesvol gekanselleer'
'canceled' => 'Afhandeling versoek suksesvol gekanselleer',

View file

@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
return array(
return [
'asset_tag' => 'Bate-tag',
'asset_model' => 'model',
'book_value' => 'waarde',
'book_value' => 'Current Value',
'change' => 'In uit',
'checkout_date' => 'Checkout Datum',
'checkoutto' => 'Gekontroleer',
'current_value' => 'Current Value',
'diff' => 'diff',
'dl_csv' => 'Laai CSV af',
'eol' => 'EOL',
@ -18,8 +19,12 @@ return array(
'serial' => 'Serial',
'status' => 'status',
'title' => 'bate',
'image' => 'Toestelbeeld',
'image' => 'Toestelbeeld',
'days_without_acceptance' => 'Dae sonder aanvaarding',
'monthly_depreciation' => 'Monthly Depreciation'
'monthly_depreciation' => 'Monthly Depreciation',
'assigned_to' => 'Assigned To',
'requesting_user' => 'Requesting User',
'requested_date' => 'Requested Date',
'changed' => 'Changed',
'icon' => 'Icon',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
'about_kits_title' => 'About Predefined Kits',
'about_kits_text' => 'Predefined Kits let you quickly check out a collection of items (assets, licenses, etc) to a user. This can be helpful when your onboarding process is consistent across many users and all users receive the same items.',
'checkout' => 'Checkout Kit ',
@ -13,5 +13,38 @@ return array(
'none_licenses' => 'There are not enough available seats for :license to checkout. :qty are required. ',
'none_consumables' => 'There are not enough available units of :consumable to checkout. :qty are required. ',
'none_accessory' => 'There are not enough available units of :accessory to checkout. :qty are required. ',
'append_accessory' => 'Append Accessory',
'update_appended_accessory' => 'Update appended Accessory',
'append_consumable' => 'Append Consumable',
'update_appended_consumable' => 'Update appended Consumable',
'append_license' => 'Append license',
'update_appended_license' => 'Update appended license',
'append_model' => 'Append model',
'update_appended_model' => 'Update appended model',
'license_error' => 'License already attached to kit',
'license_added_success' => 'License added successfully',
'license_updated' => 'License was successfully updated',
'license_none' => 'License does not exist',
'license_detached' => 'License was successfully detached',
'consumable_added_success' => 'Consumable added successfully',
'consumable_updated' => 'Consumable was successfully updated',
'consumable_error' => 'Consumable already attached to kit',
'consumable_deleted' => 'Delete was successful',
'consumable_none' => 'Consumable does not exist',
'consumable_detached' => 'Consumable was successfully detached',
'accessory_added_success' => 'Accessory added successfully',
'accessory_updated' => 'Accessory was successfully updated',
'accessory_detached' => 'Accessory was successfully detached',
'accessory_error' => 'Accessory already attached to kit',
'accessory_deleted' => 'Delete was successful',
'accessory_none' => 'Accessory does not exist',
'checkout_success' => 'Checkout was successful',
'checkout_error' => 'Checkout error',
'kit_none' => 'Kit does not exist',
'kit_created' => 'Kit was successfully created',
'kit_updated' => 'Kit was successfully updated',
'kit_not_found' => 'Kit not found',
'kit_deleted' => 'Kit was successfully deleted',
'kit_model_updated' => 'Model was successfully updated',
'kit_model_detached' => 'Model was successfully detached',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
'about_locations_title' => 'Oor plekke',
'about_locations' => 'Plekke word gebruik om ligginginligting vir gebruikers, bates en ander items op te spoor',
'assets_rtd' => 'bates', // This has NEVER meant Assets Retired. I don't know how it keeps getting reverted.
@ -20,4 +20,21 @@ return array(
'parent' => 'Ouer',
'currency' => 'Ligging Geld',
'ldap_ou' => 'LDAP soek OU',
'user_name' => 'User Name',
'department' => 'Department',
'location' => 'Location',
'asset_tag' => 'Assets Tag',
'asset_name' => 'Name',
'asset_category' => 'Category',
'asset_manufacturer' => 'Manufacturer',
'asset_model' => 'Model',
'asset_serial' => 'Serial',
'asset_location' => 'Location',
'asset_checked_out' => 'Checked Out',
'asset_expected_checkin' => 'Expected Checkin',
'date' => 'Date:',
'signed_by_asset_auditor' => 'Signed By (Asset Auditor):',
'signed_by_finance_auditor' => 'Signed By (Finance Auditor):',
'signed_by_location_manager' => 'Signed By (Location Manager):',
'signed_by' => 'Signed Off By:',

View file

@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
return array(
'info' => 'Kies die opsies wat jy wil hê vir jou bateverslag.'
return [
'info' => 'Kies die opsies wat jy wil hê vir jou bateverslag.',
'deleted_user' => 'Deleted user',
'send_reminder' => 'Send reminder',
'reminder_sent' => 'Reminder sent',
'acceptance_deleted' => 'Acceptance request deleted',
'acceptance_request' => 'Acceptance request'

View file

@ -1,30 +1,39 @@
return array(
return [
'ad' => 'Aktiewe gids',
'ad_domain' => 'Active Directory-domein',
'ad_domain_help' => 'Dit is soms dieselfde as jou e-pos domein, maar nie altyd nie.',
'ad_append_domain_label' => 'Append domain name',
'ad_append_domain' => 'Append domain name to username field',
'ad_append_domain_help' => 'User isn\'t required to write "username@domain.local", they can just type "username".' ,
'ad_append_domain_help' => 'User isn\'t required to write "username@domain.local", they can just type "username".',
'admin_cc_email' => 'CC Email',
'admin_cc_email_help' => 'If you would like to send a copy of checkin/checkout emails that are sent to users to an additional email account, enter it here. Otherwise leave this field blank.',
'is_ad' => 'Dit is \'n Active Directory-bediener',
'alerts' => 'Alerts',
'alert_title' => 'Update Alert Settings',
'alert_email' => 'Stuur kennisgewings aan',
'alert_email_help' => 'Email addresses or distribution lists you want alerts to be sent to, comma separated',
'alerts_enabled' => 'Alerts aangeskakel',
'alert_interval' => 'Uitgaande Alert Drempel (in dae)',
'alert_inv_threshold' => 'Voorraadwaarskuwingsdrempel',
'allow_user_skin' => 'Allow user skin',
'allow_user_skin_help_text' => 'Checking this box will allow a user to override the UI skin with a different one.' ,
'allow_user_skin_help_text' => 'Checking this box will allow a user to override the UI skin with a different one.',
'asset_ids' => 'Bate ID\'s',
'audit_interval' => 'Ouditinterval',
'audit_interval_help' => 'As u gereeld u bates fisies moet kontroleer, vul die interval in maande in.',
'audit_warning_days' => 'Oudit Waarskuwing Drempel',
'audit_warning_days_help' => 'Hoeveel dae vooruit moet ons u waarsku wanneer bates verskuldig is vir ouditering?',
'auto_increment_assets' => 'Genereer outomaties inkrementele bate-ID\'s',
'auto_increment_assets' => 'Generate auto-incrementing asset tags',
'auto_increment_prefix' => 'Voorvoegsel (opsioneel)',
'auto_incrementing_help' => 'Aktiveer outomaties inkrementering van bate ID\'s om dit te stel',
'auto_incrementing_help' => 'Enable auto-incrementing asset tags first to set this',
'backups' => 'rugsteun',
'backups_restoring' => 'Restoring from Backup',
'backups_upload' => 'Upload Backup',
'backups_path' => 'Backups on the server are stored in <code>:path</code>',
'backups_restore_warning' => 'Use the restore button <small><span class="btn btn-xs btn-warning"><i class="text-white fas fa-retweet" aria-hidden="true"></i></span></small> to restore from a previous backup. (This does not currently work with S3 file storage or Docker.<br><br>Your <strong>entire :app_name database and any uploaded files will be completely replaced</strong> by what\'s in the backup file. ',
'backups_logged_out' => 'You will be logged out once your restore is complete.',
'backups_large' => 'Very large backups may time out on the restore attempt and may still need to be run via command line. ',
'barcode_settings' => 'Barcode-instellings',
'confirm_purge' => 'Bevestig skoonmaak',
'confirm_purge_help' => 'Enter the text "DELETE" in the box below to purge your deleted records. This action cannot be undone and will PERMANENTLY delete all soft-deleted items and users. (You should make a backup first, just to be safe.)',
@ -47,6 +56,7 @@ return array(
'barcode_type' => '2D Barcode Type',
'alt_barcode_type' => '1D barcode tipe',
'email_logo_size' => 'Square logos in email look best. ',
'enabled' => 'Enabled',
'eula_settings' => 'EULA-instellings',
'eula_markdown' => 'Hierdie EULA laat <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github-geurde markdown</a> toe.',
'favicon' => 'Favicon',
@ -55,12 +65,17 @@ return array(
'footer_text' => 'Additional Footer Text ',
'footer_text_help' => 'This text will appear in the right-side footer. Links are allowed using <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github flavored markdown</a>. Line breaks, headers, images, etc may result in unpredictable results.',
'general_settings' => 'Algemene instellings',
'general_settings_keywords' => 'company support, signature, acceptance, email format, username format, images, per page, thumbnail, eula, tos, dashboard, privacy',
'general_settings_help' => 'Default EULA and more',
'generate_backup' => 'Genereer rugsteun',
'header_color' => 'Opskrif Kleur',
'info' => 'Met hierdie instellings kan u sekere aspekte van u installasie aanpas.',
'label_logo' => 'Label Logo',
'label_logo_size' => 'Square logos look best - will be displayed in the top right of each asset label. ',
'laravel' => 'Laravel Weergawe',
'ldap' => 'LDAP',
'ldap_help' => 'LDAP/Active Directory',
'ldap_client_tls_key' => 'LDAP Client TLS Key',
'ldap_client_tls_cert' => 'LDAP Client-Side TLS Certificate',
'ldap_enabled' => 'LDAP aangeskakel',
'ldap_integration' => 'LDAP-integrasie',
@ -95,9 +110,17 @@ return array(
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'LDAP Werknemersnommer',
'ldap_email' => 'LDAP-e-pos',
'license' => 'Software License',
'ldap_test' => 'Test LDAP',
'ldap_test_sync' => 'Test LDAP Synchronization',
'license' => 'Software License',
'load_remote_text' => 'Remote Scripts',
'load_remote_help_text' => 'Hierdie Snipe-IT installasie kan skrifte van die buitewêreld laai.',
'login' => 'Login Attempts',
'login_attempt' => 'Login Attempt',
'login_ip' => 'IP Address',
'login_success' => 'Success?',
'login_user_agent' => 'User Agent',
'login_help' => 'List of attempted logins',
'login_note' => 'Login Nota',
'login_note_help' => 'Voeg opsioneel \'n paar sinne op jou aanmeldskerm, byvoorbeeld om mense te help wat \'n verlore of gesteelde toestel gevind het. Hierdie veld aanvaar <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Gitub-gegeurde markdown</a>',
'login_remote_user_text' => 'Remote User login options',
@ -118,16 +141,28 @@ return array(
'optional' => 'opsioneel',
'per_page' => 'Resultate per bladsy',
'php' => 'PHP weergawe',
'php_info' => 'PHP Info',
'php_overview' => 'PHP',
'php_overview_keywords' => 'phpinfo, system, info',
'php_overview_help' => 'PHP System info',
'php_gd_info' => 'Jy moet php-gd installeer om QR-kodes te vertoon, sien installeringsinstruksies.',
'php_gd_warning' => 'PHP Image Processing en GD plugin is NIE geïnstalleer nie.',
'pwd_secure_complexity' => 'Wagwoord Kompleksiteit',
'pwd_secure_complexity_help' => 'Kies watter wagwoord kompleksiteit reëls jy wil afdwing.',
'pwd_secure_complexity_disallow_same_pwd_as_user_fields' => 'Password cannot be the same as first name, last name, email, or username',
'pwd_secure_complexity_letters' => 'Require at least one letter',
'pwd_secure_complexity_numbers' => 'Require at least one number',
'pwd_secure_complexity_symbols' => 'Require at least one symbol',
'pwd_secure_complexity_case_diff' => 'Require at least one uppercase and one lowercase',
'pwd_secure_min' => 'Wagwoord minimum karakters',
'pwd_secure_min_help' => 'Minimum permitted value is 8',
'pwd_secure_uncommon' => 'Voorkom algemene wagwoorde',
'pwd_secure_uncommon_help' => 'Dit sal gebruikers nie toelaat om algemene wagwoorde te gebruik van die top 10,000 wagwoorde wat in oortredings gerapporteer is nie.',
'qr_help' => 'Aktiveer QR-kodes eers om dit te stel',
'qr_text' => 'QR Kode Teks',
'saml' => 'SAML',
'saml_title' => 'Update SAML settings',
'saml_help' => 'SAML settings',
'saml_enabled' => 'SAML enabled',
'saml_integration' => 'SAML Integration',
'saml_sp_entityid' => 'Entity ID',
@ -139,7 +174,7 @@ return array(
'saml_idp_metadata_help' => 'You can specify the IdP metadata using a URL or XML file.',
'saml_attr_mapping_username' => 'Attribute Mapping - Username',
'saml_attr_mapping_username_help' => 'NameID will be used if attribute mapping is unspecified or invalid.',
'saml_forcelogin_label' => 'SAML Force Login',
'saml_forcelogin_label' => 'SAML Default Login',
'saml_forcelogin' => 'Make SAML the primary login',
'saml_forcelogin_help' => 'You can use \'/login?nosaml\' to get to the normal login page.',
'saml_slo_label' => 'SAML Single Log Out',
@ -147,6 +182,7 @@ return array(
'saml_slo_help' => 'This will cause the user to be first redirected to the IdP on logout. Leave unchecked if the IdP doesn\'t correctly support SP-initiated SAML SLO.',
'saml_custom_settings' => 'SAML Custom Settings',
'saml_custom_settings_help' => 'You can specify additional settings to the onelogin/php-saml library. Use at your own risk.',
'saml_download' => 'Download Metadata',
'setting' => 'omgewing',
'settings' => 'instellings',
'show_alerts_in_menu' => 'Show alerts in top menu',
@ -157,6 +193,9 @@ return array(
'show_images_in_email' => 'Show images in emails',
'show_images_in_email_help' => 'Uncheck this box if your Snipe-IT installation is behind a VPN or closed network and users outside the network will not be able to load images served from this installation in their emails.',
'site_name' => 'Site Naam',
'slack' => 'Slack',
'slack_title' => 'Update Slack Settings',
'slack_help' => 'Slack settings',
'slack_botname' => 'Slack Botname',
'slack_channel' => 'Slack Channel',
'slack_endpoint' => 'Slack Endpoint',
@ -173,6 +212,8 @@ return array(
'update' => 'Opdateer instellings',
'value' => 'waarde',
'brand' => 'Handelsmerk',
'brand_keywords' => 'footer, logo, print, theme, skin, header, colors, color, css',
'brand_help' => 'Logo, Site Name',
'web_brand' => 'Web Branding Type',
'about_settings_title' => 'Oor instellings',
'about_settings_text' => 'Met hierdie instellings kan u sekere aspekte van u installasie aanpas.',
@ -184,6 +225,7 @@ return array(
'privacy_policy' => 'Privacy Policy',
'privacy_policy_link_help' => 'If a url is included here, a link to your privacy policy will be included in the app footer and in any emails that the system sends out, in compliance with GDPR. ',
'purge' => 'Verwyder verwyderde rekords',
'purge_deleted' => 'Purge Deleted ',
'labels_display_bgutter' => 'Etiket onderkant goot',
'labels_display_sgutter' => 'Label side goot',
'labels_fontsize' => 'Etiket lettergrootte',
@ -229,4 +271,51 @@ return array(
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'Lengte van bate-etikette, insluitend zerofill',
'username_format_help' => 'This setting will only be used by the import process if a username is not provided and we have to generate a username for you.',
'oauth_title' => 'OAuth API Settings',
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'oauth_help' => 'Oauth Endpoint Settings',
'asset_tag_title' => 'Update Asset Tag Settings',
'barcode_title' => 'Update Barcode Settings',
'barcodes' => 'Barcodes',
'barcodes_help_overview' => 'Barcode &amp; QR settings',
'barcodes_help' => 'This will attempt to delete cached barcodes. This would typically only be used if your barcode settings have changed, or if your Snipe-IT URL has changed. Barcodes will be re-generated when accessed next.',
'barcodes_spinner' => 'Attempting to delete files...',
'barcode_delete_cache' => 'Delete Barcode Cache',
'branding_title' => 'Update Branding Settings',
'general_title' => 'Update General Settings',
'mail_test' => 'Send Test',
'mail_test_help' => 'This will attempt to send a test mail to :replyto.',
'filter_by_keyword' => 'Filter by setting keyword',
'security' => 'Security',
'security_title' => 'Update Security Settings',
'security_keywords' => 'password, passwords, requirements, two factor, two-factor, common passwords, remote login, logout, authentication',
'security_help' => 'Two-factor, Password Restrictions',
'groups_keywords' => 'permissions, permission groups, authorization',
'groups_help' => 'Account permission groups',
'localization' => 'Localization',
'localization_title' => 'Update Localization Settings',
'localization_keywords' => 'localization, currency, local, locale, time zone, timezone, international, internatinalization, language, languages, translation',
'localization_help' => 'Language, date display',
'notifications' => 'Notifications',
'notifications_help' => 'Email alerts, audit settings',
'asset_tags_help' => 'Incrementing and prefixes',
'labels' => 'Labels',
'labels_title' => 'Update Label Settings',
'labels_help' => 'Label sizes &amp; settings',
'purge' => 'Purge',
'purge_keywords' => 'permanently delete',
'purge_help' => 'Purge Deleted Records',
'ldap_extension_warning' => 'It does not look like the LDAP extension is installed or enabled on this server. You can still save your settings, but you will need to enable the LDAP extension for PHP before LDAP syncing or login will work.',
'ldap_ad' => 'LDAP/AD',
'employee_number' => 'Employee Number',
'create_admin_user' => 'Create a User ::',
'create_admin_success' => 'Success! Your admin user has been added!',
'create_admin_redirect' => 'Click here to go to your app login!',
'setup_migrations' => 'Database Migrations ::',
'setup_no_migrations' => 'There was nothing to migrate. Your database tables were already set up!',
'setup_successful_migrations' => 'Your database tables have been created',
'setup_migration_output' => 'Migration output:',
'setup_migration_create_user' => 'Next: Create User',
'ldap_settings_link' => 'LDAP Settings Page',
'slack_test' => 'Test <i class="fab fa-slack"></i> Integration',

View file

@ -1,22 +1,43 @@
return array(
return [
'update' => array(
'update' => [
'error' => '\'N Fout het voorgekom tydens opdatering.',
'success' => 'Stellings suksesvol opgedateer.'
'backup' => array(
'success' => 'Stellings suksesvol opgedateer.',
'backup' => [
'delete_confirm' => 'Is jy seker jy wil hierdie rugsteunlêer uitvee? Hierdie handeling kan nie ongedaan gemaak word nie.',
'file_deleted' => 'Die rugsteunlêer is suksesvol verwyder.',
'generated' => '\'N Nuwe rugsteunlêer is suksesvol geskep.',
'file_not_found' => 'Daardie rugsteunlêer kon nie op die bediener gevind word nie.',
'purge' => array(
'restore_warning' => 'Yes, restore it. I acknowledge that this will overwrite any existing data currently in the database. This will also log out all of your existing users (including you).',
'restore_confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to restore your database from :filename?'
'purge' => [
'error' => '\'N Fout het voorgekom tydens suiwering.',
'validation_failed' => 'Jou skoonmaakbevestiging is verkeerd. Tik asseblief die woord "DELETE" in die bevestigingsboks.',
'success' => 'Geskrapte rekords verwyder.'
'success' => 'Geskrapte rekords verwyder.',
'mail' => [
'sending' => 'Sending Test Email...',
'success' => 'Mail sent!',
'error' => 'Mail could not be sent.',
'additional' => 'No additional error message provided. Check your mail settings and your app log.'
'ldap' => [
'testing' => 'Testing LDAP Connection, Binding & Query ...',
'500' => '500 Server Error. Please check your server logs for more information.',
'error' => 'Something went wrong :(',
'sync_success' => 'A sample of 10 users returned from the LDAP server based on your settings:',
'testing_authentication' => 'Testing LDAP Authentication...',
'authentication_success' => 'User authenticated against LDAP successfully!'
'slack' => [
'sending' => 'Sending Slack test message...',
'success_pt1' => 'Success! Check the ',
'success_pt2' => ' channel for your test message, and be sure to click SAVE below to store your settings.',
'500' => '500 Server Error.',
'error' => 'Something went wrong.',

View file

@ -1,32 +1,31 @@
return array(
return [
'does_not_exist' => 'Statuslabel bestaan nie.',
'assoc_assets' => 'Hierdie statusetiket word tans geassosieer met ten minste een bate en kan nie uitgevee word nie. Dateer asseblief jou bates op om nie meer hierdie status te verwys nie en probeer weer.',
'create' => array(
'create' => [
'error' => 'Statuslabel is nie geskep nie, probeer asseblief weer.',
'success' => 'Status Label suksesvol geskep.'
'success' => 'Status Label suksesvol geskep.',
'update' => array(
'update' => [
'error' => 'Statuslabel is nie opgedateer nie, probeer asseblief weer',
'success' => 'Status Label suksesvol opgedateer.'
'success' => 'Status Label suksesvol opgedateer.',
'delete' => array(
'delete' => [
'confirm' => 'Is jy seker jy wil hierdie Status Label uitvee?',
'error' => 'Daar was \'n probleem met die verwydering van die statusetiket. Probeer asseblief weer.',
'success' => 'Die statusetiket is suksesvol verwyder.'
'success' => 'Die statusetiket is suksesvol verwyder.',
'help' => array(
'help' => [
'undeployable' => 'Hierdie bates kan nie aan enigiemand toegewys word nie.',
'deployable' => 'Hierdie bates kan nagegaan word. Sodra hulle toegewys is, sal hulle \'n meta-status van <i class="fa fa-circle text-blue"></i> <strong>Deployed</strong> aanvaar.',
'deployable' => 'These assets can be checked out. Once they are assigned, they will assume a meta status of <i class="fas fa-circle text-blue"></i> <strong>Deployed</strong>.',
'archived' => 'Hierdie bates kan nie nagegaan word nie en sal eers in die Argief-aansig verskyn. Dit is nuttig vir die behoud van inligting oor bates vir begrotings / historiese doeleindes, maar om hulle uit die dag-tot-dag-bate lys te hou.',
'pending' => 'Hierdie bates kan nog nie aan iemand toegewys word nie, wat dikwels gebruik word vir items wat buite herstel is, maar sal na verwagting terugkeer.',

View file

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
'activated_help_text' => 'This user can login',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'You cannot edit activation status for your own account.',
'assets_user' => 'Bates toegewys aan: naam',
@ -13,7 +12,7 @@ return array(
'edit' => 'Wysig gebruiker',
'filetype_info' => 'Toegelate filetipes is png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip en rar.',
'history_user' => 'Geskiedenis vir: naam',
'info' => 'info',
'info' => 'info',
'restore_user' => 'Klik hier om dit te herstel.',
'last_login' => 'Laaste Aanmelding',
'ldap_config_text' => 'LDAP-konfigurasie-instellings kan Admin> Instellings gevind word. Die (opsionele) gekose ligging sal vir alle ingevoerde gebruikers gestel word.',
@ -25,4 +24,14 @@ return array(
'two_factor_admin_optin_help' => 'Jou huidige administrasie-instellings laat selektiewe handhawing van twee-faktor-verifikasie toe.',
'two_factor_enrolled' => '2FA-toestel ingeskryf',
'two_factor_active' => '2FA aktief',
'user_deactivated' => 'User is de-activated',
'activation_status_warning' => 'Do not change activation status',
'group_memberships_helpblock' => 'Only superadmins may edit group memberships.',
'superadmin_permission_warning' => 'Only superadmins may grant a user superadmin access.',
'admin_permission_warning' => 'Only users with admins rights or greater may grant a user admin access.',
'remove_group_memberships' => 'Remove Group Memberships',
'warning_deletion' => 'WARNING:',
'warning_deletion_information' => 'You are about to delete the :count user(s) listed below. Super admin names are highlighted in red.',
'update_user_asssets_status' => 'Update all assets for these users to this status',
'checkin_user_properties' => 'Check in all properties associated with these users',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
'actions' => 'aksies',
'add' => 'Voeg nuwe',
'cancel' => 'kanselleer',
@ -8,11 +8,17 @@ return array(
'delete' => 'verwyder',
'edit' => 'wysig',
'restore' => 'herstel',
'remove' => 'Remove',
'request' => 'versoek',
'submit' => 'Indien',
'upload' => 'oplaai',
'select_file' => 'Kies lêer ...',
'select_file' => 'Kies lêer ...',
'select_files' => 'Select Files...',
'generate_labels' => '{1} Generate Label|[2,*] Generate Labels',
'send_password_link' => 'Send Password Reset Link',
'send_password_link' => 'Send Password Reset Link',
'go' => 'Go',
'bulk_actions' => 'Bulk Actions',
'add_maintenance' => 'Add Maintenance',
'append' => 'Append',
'new' => 'New',

View file

@ -19,7 +19,10 @@
'asset' => 'bate',
'asset_report' => 'Asset Report',
'asset_tag' => 'Bate-tag',
'assets_available' => 'bates beskikbaar',
'asset_tags' => 'Asset Tags',
'assets_available' => 'Assets available',
'accept_assets' => 'Accept Assets :name',
'accept_assets_menu' => 'Accept Assets',
'audit' => 'oudit',
'audit_report' => 'Ouditlogboek',
'assets' => 'bates',
@ -30,6 +33,10 @@
'bulkaudit' => 'Grootmaat Oudit',
'bulkaudit_status' => 'Ouditstatus',
'bulk_checkout' => 'Grootmaat Checkout',
'bulk_edit' => 'Bulk Edit',
'bulk_delete' => 'Bulk Delete',
'bulk_actions' => 'Bulk Actions',
'bulk_checkin_delete' => 'Bulk Checkin &amp; Delete',
'bystatus' => 'by Status',
'cancel' => 'kanselleer',
'categories' => 'kategorieë',
@ -44,13 +51,13 @@
'checkins_count' => 'Checkins',
'user_requests_count' => 'Requests',
'city' => 'Stad',
'click_here' => 'Klik hier',
'click_here' => 'Klik hier',
'clear_selection' => 'Clear Selection',
'companies' => 'maatskappye',
'company' => 'maatskappy',
'component' => 'komponent',
'components' => 'komponente',
'complete' => 'volledige',
'complete' => 'volledige',
'consumable' => 'verbruikbare',
'consumables' => 'Consumables',
'country' => 'land',
@ -62,6 +69,8 @@
'updated_at' => 'Opgedateer op',
'currency' => '$', // this is deprecated
'current' => 'Huidige',
'current_password' => 'Current Password',
'customize_report' => 'Customize Report',
'custom_report' => 'Aangepaste bateverslag',
'dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
'days' => 'dae',
@ -73,19 +82,22 @@
'delete_confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete :item?',
'deleted' => 'geskrap',
'delete_seats' => 'Plekke verwyder',
'deletion_failed' => 'Deletion failed',
'departments' => 'departemente',
'department' => 'Departement',
'department' => 'Departement',
'deployed' => 'ontplooi',
'depreciation' => 'waardevermindering',
'depreciations' => 'Depreciations',
'depreciation_report' => 'Waardeverminderingsverslag',
'details' => 'Details',
'download' => 'Aflaai',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'waardevermindering',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'editprofile' => 'Wysig jou profiel',
'eol' => 'EOL',
'email_domain' => 'E-pos Domein',
'email_format' => 'E-pos formaat',
'email_domain_help' => 'Dit word gebruik om e-posadresse te genereer wanneer u dit invoer',
'error' => 'Error',
'filastname_format' => 'Eerste Voorletter (jsmith@voorbeeld.com)',
'firstname_lastname_format' => 'Vir Naam Van (jane.smith@example.com)',
'firstname_lastname_underscore_format' => 'First Name Last Name (jane_smith@example.com)',
@ -102,16 +114,21 @@
'file_name' => 'lêer',
'file_type' => 'File Type',
'file_uploads' => 'Lêeroplaaie',
'file_upload' => 'File Upload',
'generate' => 'genereer',
'github_markdown' => 'This field accepts <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github flavored markdown</a>.',
'generate_labels' => 'Generate Labels',
'github_markdown' => 'This field accepts <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github flavored markdown</a>.',
'groups' => 'groepe',
'gravatar_email' => 'Gravatar e-pos adres',
'gravatar_url' => '<a href="http://gravatar.com"><small>Change your avatar at Gravatar.com</small></a>.',
'history' => 'Geskiedenis',
'history_for' => 'Geskiedenis vir',
'id' => 'ID',
'image' => 'Image',
'image_delete' => 'Vee prent uit',
'image_upload' => 'Laai prent op',
'filetypes_accepted_help' => 'Accepted filetype is :types. Max upload size allowed is :size.|Accepted filetypes are :types. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'filetypes_size_help' => 'Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Accepted filetypes are jpg, webp, png, gif, and svg. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'import' => 'invoer',
'importing' => 'Importing',
@ -121,6 +138,7 @@
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Asset Maintenance Report',
'asset_maintenances' => 'Asset Maintenances',
'item' => 'item',
'item_name' => 'Item Name',
'insufficient_permissions' => 'Onvoldoende toestemmings!',
'kits' => 'Predefined Kits',
'language' => 'Taal',
@ -132,7 +150,7 @@
'licenses_available' => 'lisensies beskikbaar',
'licenses' => 'lisensies',
'list_all' => 'Lys almal',
'loading' => 'laai',
'loading' => 'Loading... please wait....',
'lock_passwords' => 'This field value will not be saved in a demo installation.',
'feature_disabled' => 'Hierdie funksie is afgeskakel vir die demo-installasie.',
'location' => 'plek',
@ -141,15 +159,17 @@
'logout' => 'Teken uit',
'lookup_by_tag' => 'Opsoek deur Asset Tag',
'maintenances' => 'Maintenances',
'manage_api_keys' => 'Manage API Keys',
'manufacturer' => 'vervaardiger',
'manufacturers' => 'vervaardigers',
'markdown' => 'Hierdie veld laat <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Gitub-gegeurde markdown</a> toe.',
'min_amt' => 'Min. HOEV',
'min_amt_help' => 'Minimum aantal items wat beskikbaar moet wees voordat \'n waarskuwing geaktiveer word.',
'min_amt_help' => 'Minimum number of items that should be available before an alert gets triggered. Leave Min. QTY blank if you do not want to receive alerts for low inventory.',
'model_no' => 'Model Nr.',
'months' => 'maande',
'moreinfo' => 'Meer inligting',
'name' => 'naam',
'new_password' => 'New Password',
'next' => 'volgende',
'next_audit_date' => 'Volgende ouditdatum',
'last_audit' => 'Laaste Oudit',
@ -171,19 +191,26 @@
'purchase_date' => 'Aankoop datum',
'qty' => 'HOEV',
'quantity' => 'hoeveelheid',
'quantity_minimum' => 'You have :count items below or almost below minimum quantity levels',
'ready_to_deploy' => 'Klaar om te implementeer',
'recent_activity' => 'Onlangse aktiwiteite',
'remaining' => 'Remaining',
'remove_company' => 'Verwyder Maatskappyvereniging',
'reports' => 'Berigte',
'restored' => 'restored',
'restore' => 'Restore',
'requestable_models' => 'Requestable Models',
'requested' => 'versoek',
'requested_date' => 'Requested Date',
'requested_assets' => 'Requested Assets',
'requested_assets_menu' => 'Requested Assets',
'request_canceled' => 'Versoek gekanselleer',
'save' => 'Save',
'select' => 'Kies',
'select_all' => 'Select All',
'search' => 'Soek',
'select_category' => 'Kies \'n kategorie',
'select_department' => 'Kies \'n Departement',
'select_department' => 'Kies \'n Departement',
'select_depreciation' => 'Kies \'n waardeverminderingstipe',
'select_location' => 'Kies \'n plek',
'select_manufacturer' => 'Kies \'n vervaardiger',
@ -200,6 +227,7 @@
'sign_in' => 'Teken in',
'signature' => 'Handtekening',
'skin' => 'Skin',
'slack_msg_note' => 'A slack message will be sent',
'slack_test_msg' => 'Oh hai! Looks like your Slack integration with Snipe-IT is working!',
'some_features_disabled' => 'DEMO MODE: Sommige funksies is afgeskakel vir hierdie installasie.',
'site_name' => 'Site Naam',
@ -211,6 +239,7 @@
'sure_to_delete' => 'Is jy seker jy wil verwyder',
'submit' => 'Indien',
'target' => 'teiken',
'toggle_navigation' => 'Toogle Navigation',
'time_and_date_display' => 'Tyd en datum vertoon',
'total_assets' => 'totale bates',
'total_licenses' => 'totale lisensies',
@ -230,6 +259,7 @@
'users' => 'gebruikers',
'viewall' => 'View All',
'viewassets' => 'Bekyk Toegewysde Bates',
'viewassetsfor' => 'View Assets for :name',
'website' => 'webwerf',
'welcome' => 'Welkom, naam',
'years' => 'jaar',
@ -243,8 +273,78 @@
'accept' => 'Accept :asset',
'i_accept' => 'I accept',
'i_decline' => 'I decline',
'accept_decline' => 'Accept/Decline',
'sign_tos' => 'Sign below to indicate that you agree to the terms of service:',
'clear_signature' => 'Clear Signature',
'show_help' => 'Show help',
'hide_help' => 'Hide help',
'view_all' => 'view all',
'hide_deleted' => 'Hide Deleted',
'email' => 'Email',
'do_not_change' => 'Do Not Change',
'bug_report' => 'Report a Bug',
'user_manual' => 'User\'s Manual',
'setup_step_1' => 'Step 1',
'setup_step_2' => 'Step 2',
'setup_step_3' => 'Step 3',
'setup_step_4' => 'Step 4',
'setup_config_check' => 'Configuration Check',
'setup_create_database' => 'Create Database Tables',
'setup_create_admin' => 'Create Admin User',
'setup_done' => 'Finished!',
'bulk_edit_about_to' => 'You are about to edit the following: ',
'checked_out' => 'Checked Out',
'checked_out_to' => 'Checked out to',
'fields' => 'Fields',
'last_checkout' => 'Last Checkout',
'due_to_checkin' => 'The following :count items are due to be checked in soon:',
'expected_checkin' => 'Expected Checkin',
'reminder_checked_out_items' => 'This is a reminder of the items currently checked out to you. If you feel this list is inaccurate (something is missing, or something appears here that you believe you never received), please email :reply_to_name at :reply_to_address.',
'changed' => 'Changed',
'to' => 'To',
'report_fields_info' => '<p>Select the fields you would like to include in your custom report, and click Generate. The file (custom-asset-report-YYYY-mm-dd.csv) will download automatically, and you can open it in Excel.</p>
<p>If you would like to export only certain assets, use the options below to fine-tune your results.</p>',
'range' => 'Range',
'bom_remark' => 'Add a BOM (byte-order mark) to this CSV',
'improvements' => 'Improvements',
'information' => 'Information',
'permissions' => 'Permissions',
'managed_ldap' => '(Managed via LDAP)',
'export' => 'Export',
'ldap_sync' => 'LDAP Sync',
'ldap_user_sync' => 'LDAP User Sync',
'synchronize' => 'Synchronize',
'sync_results' => 'Synchronization Results',
'license_serial' => 'Serial/Product Key',
'invalid_category' => 'Invalid category',
'dashboard_info' => 'This is your dashboard. There are many like it, but this one is yours.',
'60_percent_warning' => '60% Complete (warning)',
'dashboard_empty' => 'It looks like you haven not added anything yet, so we do not have anything awesome to display. Get started by adding some assets, accessories, consumables, or licenses now!',
'new_asset' => 'New Asset',
'new_license' => 'New License',
'new_accessory' => 'New Accessory',
'new_consumable' => 'New Consumable',
'collapse' => 'Collapse',
'assigned' => 'Assigned',
'asset_count' => 'Asset Count',
'accessories_count' => 'Accessories Count',
'consumables_count' => 'Consumables Count',
'components_count' => 'Components Count',
'licenses_count' => 'Licenses Count',
'notification_error' => 'Error:',
'notification_error_hint' => 'Please check the form below for errors',
'notification_success' => 'Success:',
'notification_warning' => 'Warning:',
'notification_info' => 'Info:',
'asset_information' => 'Asset Information',
'model_name' => 'Model Name:',
'asset_name' => 'Asset Name:',
'consumable_information' => 'Consumable Information:',
'consumable_name' => 'Consumable Name:',
'accessory_information' => 'Accessory Information:',
'accessory_name' => 'Accessory Name:',
'clone_item' => 'Clone Item',
'checkout_tooltip' => 'Check this item out',
'checkin_tooltip' => 'Check this item in',
'checkout_user_tooltip' => 'Check this item out to a user',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ return array(
"more_info_title" => "More Info",
'more_info_title' => 'More Info',
"audit_help" => "Checking this box will edit the asset record to reflect this new location. Leaving it unchecked will simply note the location in the audit log.<br><br>Note that is this asset is checked out, it will not change the location of the person, asset or location it is checked out to.",
'audit_help' => 'Checking this box will edit the asset record to reflect this new location. Leaving it unchecked will simply note the location in the audit log.<br><br>Note that is this asset is checked out, it will not change the location of the person, asset or location it is checked out to.',
'assets' => 'Assets are items tracked by serial number or asset tag. They tend to be higher value items where identifying a specific item matters.',
@ -31,6 +31,4 @@ return array(
'depreciations' => 'You can set up asset depreciations to depreciate assets based on straight-line depreciation.',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
'a_user_canceled' => '\'N Gebruiker het \'n itemversoek op die webwerf gekanselleer',
'a_user_requested' => '\'N Gebruiker het \'n item op die webwerf versoek',
'accessory_name' => 'Toebehore Naam:',
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ return array(
'test_mail_text' => 'Dit is \'n toets van die Snipe-IT Batebestuurstelsel. As jy dit het, werk die pos :)',
'the_following_item' => 'Die volgende item is nagegaan:',
'low_inventory_alert' => 'There is :count item that is below minimum inventory or will soon be low.|There are :count items that are below minimum inventory or will soon be low.',
'assets_warrantee_alert' => 'There is :count asset with a warrantee expiring in the next :threshold days.|There are :count assets with warrantees expiring in the next :threshold days.',
'assets_warrantee_alert' => 'There is :count asset with a warranty expiring in the next :threshold days.|There are :count assets with warranties expiring in the next :threshold days.',
'license_expiring_alert' => 'There is :count license expiring in the next :threshold days.|There are :count licenses expiring in the next :threshold days.',
'to_reset' => 'Om jou webadres te herstel, voltooi hierdie vorm:',
'type' => 'tipe',
@ -75,5 +75,5 @@ return array(
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'An asset checked out to you is due to be checked back in on :date',
'your_assets' => 'View Your Assets'
'your_assets' => 'View Your Assets',

View file

@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ return [
'sent' => 'Jou wagwoord skakel is gestuur!',
'user' => 'No matching active user found with that email.',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ return array(
'string' => 'Die: kenmerk moet ten minste wees: min karakters.',
'array' => 'Die: Attribuut moet ten minste: min items hê.',
'starts_with' => 'The :attribute must start with one of the following: :values.',
'not_in' => 'Die gekose: attribuut is ongeldig.',
'numeric' => 'Die: Attribuut moet \'n nommer wees.',
'present' => 'Die: attribuut veld moet teenwoordig wees.',
@ -88,8 +89,8 @@ return array(
'unique' => 'Die: Attribuut is reeds geneem.',
'uploaded' => 'Die: kenmerk kon nie opgelaai word nie.',
'url' => 'Die: Attribuutformaat is ongeldig.',
"unique_undeleted" => "The :attribute must be unique.",
"non_circular" => "The :attribute must not create a circular reference.",
'unique_undeleted' => 'The :attribute must be unique.',
'non_circular' => 'The :attribute must not create a circular reference.',
@ -102,7 +103,6 @@ return array(
| Custom Validation Language Lines
@ -115,11 +115,11 @@ return array(
'custom' => [
'alpha_space' => "Die: attribuut veld bevat 'n karakter wat nie toegelaat word nie.",
"email_array" => "Een of meer e-posadresse is ongeldig.",
"hashed_pass" => "Jou huidige wagwoord is verkeerd",
'alpha_space' => 'Die: attribuut veld bevat \'n karakter wat nie toegelaat word nie.',
'email_array' => 'Een of meer e-posadresse is ongeldig.',
'hashed_pass' => 'Jou huidige wagwoord is verkeerd',
'dumbpwd' => 'Daardie wagwoord is te algemeen.',
"statuslabel_type" => "U moet 'n geldige statusetiket tipe kies",
'statuslabel_type' => 'U moet \'n geldige statusetiket tipe kies',
@ -135,4 +135,4 @@ return array(
'attributes' => [],

View file

@ -5,17 +5,17 @@
'delete' => [
'confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this asset maintenance?',
'error' => 'There was an issue deleting the asset maintenance. Please try again.',
'success' => 'The asset maintenance was deleted successfully.'
'success' => 'The asset maintenance was deleted successfully.',
'create' => [
'error' => 'Asset Maintenance was not created, please try again.',
'success' => 'Asset Maintenance created successfully.'
'success' => 'Asset Maintenance created successfully.',
'edit' => [
'error' => 'Asset Maintenance was not edited, please try again.',
'success' => 'Asset Maintenance edited successfully.'
'success' => 'Asset Maintenance edited successfully.',
'asset_maintenance_incomplete' => 'Not Completed Yet',
'warranty' => 'Warranty',
'not_warranty' => 'Not Warranty',

View file

@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
'title' => 'Asset Maintenance',
'asset_name' => 'Asset Name',
'is_warranty' => 'Warranty',
'dl_csv' => 'Download CSV'
'dl_csv' => 'Download CSV',

View file

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
return [
'select_company' => 'Select Company',
'about_companies' => 'About Companies',
'about_companies_description' => ' You can use companies as a simple informative field, or you can use them to restrict asset visibility and availability to users with a specific company by enabling Full Company Support in your Admin Settings.',

View file

@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
return array(
return [
'does_not_exist' => 'Company does not exist.',
'assoc_users' => 'This company is currently associated with at least one model and cannot be deleted. Please update your models to no longer reference this company and try again. ',
'create' => array(
'create' => [
'error' => 'Company was not created, please try again.',
'success' => 'Company created successfully.'
'update' => array(
'success' => 'Company created successfully.',
'update' => [
'error' => 'Company was not updated, please try again',
'success' => 'Company updated successfully.'
'delete' => array(
'success' => 'Company updated successfully.',
'delete' => [
'confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this company?',
'error' => 'There was an issue deleting the company. Please try again.',
'success' => 'The Company was deleted successfully.'
'success' => 'The Company was deleted successfully.',

View file

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
return array(
return [
'custom_fields' => 'Custom Fields',
'manage' => 'Manage',
'field' => 'Field',
'about_fieldsets_title' => 'About Fieldsets',
'about_fieldsets_text' => 'Fieldsets allow you to create groups of custom fields that are frequently re-used used for specific asset model types.',
'custom_format' => 'Custom regex format...',
'about_fieldsets_text' => 'Fieldsets allow you to create groups of custom fields that are frequently re-used for specific asset model types.',
'custom_format' => 'Custom Regex format...',
'encrypt_field' => 'Encrypt the value of this field in the database',
'encrypt_field_help' => 'WARNING: Encrypting a field makes it unsearchable.',
'encrypted' => 'Encrypted',
@ -26,7 +27,19 @@ return array(
'used_by_models' => 'Used By Models',
'order' => 'Order',
'create_fieldset' => 'New Fieldset',
'create_fieldset_title' => 'Create a new fieldset',
'create_field' => 'New Custom Field',
'create_field_title' => 'Create a new custom field',
'value_encrypted' => 'The value of this field is encrypted in the database. Only admin users will be able to view the decrypted value',
'show_in_email' => 'Include the value of this field in checkout emails sent to the user? Encrypted fields cannot be included in emails.',
'help_text' => 'Help Text',
'help_text_description' => 'This is optional text that will appear below the form elements while editing an asset to provide context on the field.',
'about_custom_fields_title' => 'About Custom Fields',
'about_custom_fields_text' => 'Custom fields allow you to add arbitrary attributes to assets.',
'add_field_to_fieldset' => 'Add Field to Fieldset',
'make_optional' => 'Required - click to make optional',
'make_required' => 'Optional - click to make required',
'reorder' => 'Reorder',
'db_field' => 'DB Field',
'db_convert_warning' => 'WARNING. This field is in the custom fields table as <code> :db_column </code> but should be :expected </code>.'

View file

@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
return array(
return [
'about_asset_depreciations' => 'About Asset Depreciations',
'about_depreciations' => 'You can set up asset depreciations to depreciate assets based on straight-line depreciation.',
'asset_depreciations' => 'Asset Depreciations',
'create' => 'Create Depreciation',
'depreciation_name' => 'Depreciation Name',
'depreciation_min' => 'Floor Value of Depreciation',
'number_of_months' => 'Number of Months',
'update' => 'Update Depreciation',
'depreciation_min' => 'Minimum Value after Depreciation'
'depreciation_min' => 'Minimum Value after Depreciation',
'no_depreciations_warning' => '<strong>Warning: </strong>
You do not currently have any depreciations set up.
Please set up at least one depreciation to view the depreciation report.',

View file

@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
return array(
return [
'id' => 'ID',
'months' => 'Months',
'term' => 'Term',
'title' => 'Name ',
'depreciation_min' => 'Floor Value',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
'about_groups_title' => 'About Groups',
'about_groups' => 'Groups are used to generalize user permissions.',
'group_management' => 'Group Management',
@ -10,5 +10,7 @@ return array(
'group_admin' => 'Group Admin',
'allow' => 'Allow',
'deny' => 'Deny',
'permission' => 'Permission',
'grant' => 'Grant',
'no_permissions' => 'This group has no permissions.'

View file

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
return array(
'bulk_delete' => 'Confirm Bulk Delete Assets',
return [
'bulk_delete' => 'Confirm Bulk Delete Assets',
'bulk_delete_help' => 'Review the assets for bulk deletion below. Once deleted, these assets can be restored, but they will no longer be associated with any users they are currently assigned to.',
'bulk_delete_warn' => 'You are about to delete :asset_count assets.',
'bulk_update' => 'Bulk Update Assets',
'bulk_update_help' => 'This form allows you to update multiple assets at once. Only fill in the fields you need to change. Any fields left blank will remain unchanged. ',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'You are about to edit the properties of :asset_count assets.',
'bulk_update' => 'Bulk Update Assets',
'bulk_update_help' => 'This form allows you to update multiple assets at once. Only fill in the fields you need to change. Any fields left blank will remain unchanged. ',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'You are about to edit the properties of :asset_count assets.',
'checkedout_to' => 'Checked Out To',
'checkout_date' => 'Checkout Date',
'checkin_date' => 'Checkin Date',
@ -38,7 +38,12 @@ return array(
'tag' => 'Asset Tag',
'update' => 'Asset Update',
'warranty' => 'Warranty',
'warranty_expires' => 'Warranty Expires',
'warranty_expires' => 'Warranty Expires',
'years' => 'years',
'asset_location' => 'Update Asset Location',
'asset_location_update_default_current' => 'Update default location AND actual location',
'asset_location_update_default' => 'Update only default location',
'asset_not_deployable' => 'That asset status is not deployable. This asset cannot be checked out.',
'asset_deployable' => 'That status is deployable. This asset can be checked out.',
'processing_spinner' => 'Processing...',

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
return array(
return [
'about_assets_title' => 'About Assets',
'about_assets_text' => 'Assets are items tracked by serial number or asset tag. They tend to be higher value items where identifying a specific item matters.',
'archived' => 'Archived',
'archived' => 'Archived',
'asset' => 'Asset',
'bulk_checkout' => 'Checkout Assets',
'checkin' => 'Checkin Asset',
@ -15,8 +15,29 @@ return array(
'model_deleted' => 'This Assets model has been deleted. You must restore the model before you can restore the Asset.',
'requestable' => 'Requestable',
'requested' => 'Requested',
'not_requestable' => 'Not Requestable',
'requestable_status_warning' => 'Do not change requestable status',
'restore' => 'Restore Asset',
'pending' => 'Pending',
'undeployable' => 'Undeployable',
'view' => 'View Asset',
'csv_error' => 'You have an error in your CSV file:',
'import_text' => '
Upload a CSV that contains asset history. The assets and users MUST already exist in the system, or they will be skipped. Matching assets for history import happens against the asset tag. We will try to find a matching user based on the user\'s name you provide, and the criteria you select below. If you do not select any criteria below, it will simply try to match on the username format you configured in the Admin &gt; General Settings.
<p>Fields included in the CSV must match the headers: <strong>Asset Tag, Name, Checkout Date, Checkin Date</strong>. Any additional fields will be ignored. </p>
<p>Checkin Date: blank or future checkin dates will checkout items to associated user. Excluding the Checkin Date column will create a checkin date with todays date.</p>
'csv_import_match_f-l' => 'Try to match users by firstname.lastname (jane.smith) format',
'csv_import_match_initial_last' => 'Try to match users by first initial last name (jsmith) format',
'csv_import_match_first' => 'Try to match users by first name (jane) format',
'csv_import_match_email' => 'Try to match users by email as username',
'csv_import_match_username' => 'Try to match users by username',
'error_messages' => 'Error messages:',
'success_messages' => 'Success messages:',
'alert_details' => 'Please see below for details.',
'custom_export' => 'Custom Export'

View file

@ -1,83 +1,83 @@
return array(
return [
'undeployable' => '<strong>Warning: </strong> This asset has been marked as currently undeployable.
If this status has changed, please update the asset status.',
'does_not_exist' => 'Asset does not exist.',
'does_not_exist_or_not_requestable' => 'Nice try. That asset does not exist or is not requestable.',
'does_not_exist_or_not_requestable' => 'That asset does not exist or is not requestable.',
'assoc_users' => 'This asset is currently checked out to a user and cannot be deleted. Please check the asset in first, and then try deleting again. ',
'create' => array(
'create' => [
'error' => 'Asset was not created, please try again. :(',
'success' => 'Asset created successfully. :)'
'success' => 'Asset created successfully. :)',
'update' => array(
'update' => [
'error' => 'Asset was not updated, please try again',
'success' => 'Asset updated successfully.',
'nothing_updated' => 'No fields were selected, so nothing was updated.',
'restore' => array(
'restore' => [
'error' => 'Asset was not restored, please try again',
'success' => 'Asset restored successfully.'
'success' => 'Asset restored successfully.',
'audit' => array(
'audit' => [
'error' => 'Asset audit was unsuccessful. Please try again.',
'success' => 'Asset audit successfully logged.'
'success' => 'Asset audit successfully logged.',
'deletefile' => array(
'deletefile' => [
'error' => 'File not deleted. Please try again.',
'success' => 'File successfully deleted.',
'upload' => array(
'upload' => [
'error' => 'File(s) not uploaded. Please try again.',
'success' => 'File(s) successfully uploaded.',
'nofiles' => 'You did not select any files for upload, or the file you are trying to upload is too large',
'invalidfiles' => 'One or more of your files is too large or is a filetype that is not allowed. Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, doc, docx, pdf, and txt.',
'import' => array(
'import' => [
'error' => 'Some items did not import correctly.',
'errorDetail' => 'The following Items were not imported because of errors.',
'success' => "Your file has been imported",
'file_delete_success' => "Your file has been been successfully deleted",
'file_delete_error' => "The file was unable to be deleted",
'success' => 'Your file has been imported',
'file_delete_success' => 'Your file has been been successfully deleted',
'file_delete_error' => 'The file was unable to be deleted',
'delete' => array(
'delete' => [
'confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this asset?',
'error' => 'There was an issue deleting the asset. Please try again.',
'nothing_updated' => 'No assets were selected, so nothing was deleted.',
'success' => 'The asset was deleted successfully.'
'success' => 'The asset was deleted successfully.',
'checkout' => array(
'checkout' => [
'error' => 'Asset was not checked out, please try again',
'success' => 'Asset checked out successfully.',
'user_does_not_exist' => 'That user is invalid. Please try again.',
'not_available' => 'That asset is not available for checkout!',
'no_assets_selected' => 'You must select at least one asset from the list'
'no_assets_selected' => 'You must select at least one asset from the list',
'checkin' => array(
'checkin' => [
'error' => 'Asset was not checked in, please try again',
'success' => 'Asset checked in successfully.',
'user_does_not_exist' => 'That user is invalid. Please try again.',
'already_checked_in' => 'That asset is already checked in.',
'requests' => array(
'requests' => [
'error' => 'Asset was not requested, please try again',
'success' => 'Asset requested successfully.',
'canceled' => 'Checkout request successfully canceled'
'canceled' => 'Checkout request successfully canceled',

View file

@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
return array(
return [
'asset_tag' => 'Asset Tag',
'asset_model' => 'Model',
'book_value' => 'Value',
'book_value' => 'Current Value',
'change' => 'In/Out',
'checkout_date' => 'Checkout Date',
'checkoutto' => 'Checked Out',
'current_value' => 'Current Value',
'diff' => 'Diff',
'dl_csv' => 'Download CSV',
'eol' => 'EOL',
@ -18,8 +19,12 @@ return array(
'serial' => 'Serial',
'status' => 'Status',
'title' => 'Asset ',
'image' => 'Device Image',
'image' => 'Device Image',
'days_without_acceptance' => 'Days Without Acceptance',
'monthly_depreciation' => 'Monthly Depreciation'
'monthly_depreciation' => 'Monthly Depreciation',
'assigned_to' => 'Assigned To',
'requesting_user' => 'Requesting User',
'requested_date' => 'Requested Date',
'changed' => 'Changed',
'icon' => 'Icon',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
'about_kits_title' => 'About Predefined Kits',
'about_kits_text' => 'Predefined Kits let you quickly check out a collection of items (assets, licenses, etc) to a user. This can be helpful when your onboarding process is consistent across many users and all users receive the same items.',
'checkout' => 'Checkout Kit ',
@ -13,5 +13,38 @@ return array(
'none_licenses' => 'There are not enough available seats for :license to checkout. :qty are required. ',
'none_consumables' => 'There are not enough available units of :consumable to checkout. :qty are required. ',
'none_accessory' => 'There are not enough available units of :accessory to checkout. :qty are required. ',
'append_accessory' => 'Append Accessory',
'update_appended_accessory' => 'Update appended Accessory',
'append_consumable' => 'Append Consumable',
'update_appended_consumable' => 'Update appended Consumable',
'append_license' => 'Append license',
'update_appended_license' => 'Update appended license',
'append_model' => 'Append model',
'update_appended_model' => 'Update appended model',
'license_error' => 'License already attached to kit',
'license_added_success' => 'License added successfully',
'license_updated' => 'License was successfully updated',
'license_none' => 'License does not exist',
'license_detached' => 'License was successfully detached',
'consumable_added_success' => 'Consumable added successfully',
'consumable_updated' => 'Consumable was successfully updated',
'consumable_error' => 'Consumable already attached to kit',
'consumable_deleted' => 'Delete was successful',
'consumable_none' => 'Consumable does not exist',
'consumable_detached' => 'Consumable was successfully detached',
'accessory_added_success' => 'Accessory added successfully',
'accessory_updated' => 'Accessory was successfully updated',
'accessory_detached' => 'Accessory was successfully detached',
'accessory_error' => 'Accessory already attached to kit',
'accessory_deleted' => 'Delete was successful',
'accessory_none' => 'Accessory does not exist',
'checkout_success' => 'Checkout was successful',
'checkout_error' => 'Checkout error',
'kit_none' => 'Kit does not exist',
'kit_created' => 'Kit was successfully created',
'kit_updated' => 'Kit was successfully updated',
'kit_not_found' => 'Kit not found',
'kit_deleted' => 'Kit was successfully deleted',
'kit_model_updated' => 'Model was successfully updated',
'kit_model_detached' => 'Model was successfully detached',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
'about_locations_title' => 'About Locations',
'about_locations' => 'Locations are used to track location information for users, assets, and other items',
'assets_rtd' => 'Assets', // This has NEVER meant Assets Retired. I don't know how it keeps getting reverted.
@ -20,4 +20,21 @@ return array(
'parent' => 'Parent',
'currency' => 'Location Currency',
'ldap_ou' => 'LDAP Search OU',
'user_name' => 'User Name',
'department' => 'Department',
'location' => 'Location',
'asset_tag' => 'Assets Tag',
'asset_name' => 'Name',
'asset_category' => 'Category',
'asset_manufacturer' => 'Manufacturer',
'asset_model' => 'Model',
'asset_serial' => 'Serial',
'asset_location' => 'Location',
'asset_checked_out' => 'Checked Out',
'asset_expected_checkin' => 'Expected Checkin',
'date' => 'Date:',
'signed_by_asset_auditor' => 'Signed By (Asset Auditor):',
'signed_by_finance_auditor' => 'Signed By (Finance Auditor):',
'signed_by_location_manager' => 'Signed By (Location Manager):',
'signed_by' => 'Signed Off By:',

View file

@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
return array(
'info' => 'Select the options you want for your asset report.'
return [
'info' => 'Select the options you want for your asset report.',
'deleted_user' => 'Deleted user',
'send_reminder' => 'Send reminder',
'reminder_sent' => 'Reminder sent',
'acceptance_deleted' => 'Acceptance request deleted',
'acceptance_request' => 'Acceptance request'

View file

@ -1,30 +1,39 @@
return array(
return [
'ad' => 'Active Directory',
'ad_domain' => 'Active Directory domain',
'ad_domain_help' => 'This is sometimes the same as your email domain, but not always.',
'ad_append_domain_label' => 'Append domain name',
'ad_append_domain' => 'Append domain name to username field',
'ad_append_domain_help' => 'User isn\'t required to write "username@domain.local", they can just type "username".' ,
'ad_append_domain_help' => 'User isn\'t required to write "username@domain.local", they can just type "username".',
'admin_cc_email' => 'CC Email',
'admin_cc_email_help' => 'If you would like to send a copy of checkin/checkout emails that are sent to users to an additional email account, enter it here. Otherwise leave this field blank.',
'is_ad' => 'This is an Active Directory server',
'alerts' => 'Alerts',
'alert_title' => 'Update Alert Settings',
'alert_email' => 'Send alerts to',
'alert_email_help' => 'Email addresses or distribution lists you want alerts to be sent to, comma separated',
'alerts_enabled' => 'Email Alerts Enabled',
'alert_interval' => 'Expiring Alerts Threshold (in days)',
'alert_inv_threshold' => 'Inventory Alert Threshold',
'allow_user_skin' => 'Allow user skin',
'allow_user_skin_help_text' => 'Checking this box will allow a user to override the UI skin with a different one.' ,
'allow_user_skin_help_text' => 'Checking this box will allow a user to override the UI skin with a different one.',
'asset_ids' => 'Asset IDs',
'audit_interval' => 'Audit Interval',
'audit_interval_help' => 'If you are required to regularly physically audit your assets, enter the interval in months.',
'audit_warning_days' => 'Audit Warning Threshold',
'audit_warning_days_help' => 'How many days in advance should we warn you when assets are due for auditing?',
'auto_increment_assets' => 'Generate auto-incrementing asset IDs',
'auto_increment_assets' => 'Generate auto-incrementing asset tags',
'auto_increment_prefix' => 'Prefix (optional)',
'auto_incrementing_help' => 'Enable auto-incrementing asset IDs first to set this',
'auto_incrementing_help' => 'Enable auto-incrementing asset tags first to set this',
'backups' => 'Backups',
'backups_restoring' => 'Restoring from Backup',
'backups_upload' => 'Upload Backup',
'backups_path' => 'Backups on the server are stored in <code>:path</code>',
'backups_restore_warning' => 'Use the restore button <small><span class="btn btn-xs btn-warning"><i class="text-white fas fa-retweet" aria-hidden="true"></i></span></small> to restore from a previous backup. (This does not currently work with S3 file storage or Docker.<br><br>Your <strong>entire :app_name database and any uploaded files will be completely replaced</strong> by what\'s in the backup file. ',
'backups_logged_out' => 'You will be logged out once your restore is complete.',
'backups_large' => 'Very large backups may time out on the restore attempt and may still need to be run via command line. ',
'barcode_settings' => 'Barcode Settings',
'confirm_purge' => 'Confirm Purge',
'confirm_purge_help' => 'Enter the text "DELETE" in the box below to purge your deleted records. This action cannot be undone and will PERMANENTLY delete all soft-deleted items and users. (You should make a backup first, just to be safe.)',
@ -47,6 +56,7 @@ return array(
'barcode_type' => '2D Barcode Type',
'alt_barcode_type' => '1D barcode type',
'email_logo_size' => 'Square logos in email look best. ',
'enabled' => 'Enabled',
'eula_settings' => 'EULA Settings',
'eula_markdown' => 'This EULA allows <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github flavored markdown</a>.',
'favicon' => 'Favicon',
@ -55,12 +65,17 @@ return array(
'footer_text' => 'Additional Footer Text ',
'footer_text_help' => 'This text will appear in the right-side footer. Links are allowed using <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github flavored markdown</a>. Line breaks, headers, images, etc may result in unpredictable results.',
'general_settings' => 'General Settings',
'general_settings_keywords' => 'company support, signature, acceptance, email format, username format, images, per page, thumbnail, eula, tos, dashboard, privacy',
'general_settings_help' => 'Default EULA and more',
'generate_backup' => 'Generate Backup',
'header_color' => 'Header Color',
'info' => 'These settings let you customize certain aspects of your installation.',
'label_logo' => 'Label Logo',
'label_logo_size' => 'Square logos look best - will be displayed in the top right of each asset label. ',
'laravel' => 'Laravel Version',
'ldap' => 'LDAP',
'ldap_help' => 'LDAP/Active Directory',
'ldap_client_tls_key' => 'LDAP Client TLS Key',
'ldap_client_tls_cert' => 'LDAP Client-Side TLS Certificate',
'ldap_enabled' => 'LDAP enabled',
'ldap_integration' => 'LDAP Integration',
@ -95,9 +110,17 @@ return array(
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'LDAP Employee Number',
'ldap_email' => 'LDAP Email',
'license' => 'Software License',
'ldap_test' => 'Test LDAP',
'ldap_test_sync' => 'Test LDAP Synchronization',
'license' => 'Software License',
'load_remote_text' => 'Remote Scripts',
'load_remote_help_text' => 'This Snipe-IT install can load scripts from the outside world.',
'login' => 'Login Attempts',
'login_attempt' => 'Login Attempt',
'login_ip' => 'IP Address',
'login_success' => 'Success?',
'login_user_agent' => 'User Agent',
'login_help' => 'List of attempted logins',
'login_note' => 'Login Note',
'login_note_help' => 'Optionally include a few sentences on your login screen, for example to assist people who have found a lost or stolen device. This field accepts <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github flavored markdown</a>',
'login_remote_user_text' => 'Remote User login options',
@ -118,16 +141,28 @@ return array(
'optional' => 'optional',
'per_page' => 'Results Per Page',
'php' => 'PHP Version',
'php_info' => 'PHP Info',
'php_overview' => 'PHP',
'php_overview_keywords' => 'phpinfo, system, info',
'php_overview_help' => 'PHP System info',
'php_gd_info' => 'You must install php-gd to display QR codes, see install instructions.',
'php_gd_warning' => 'PHP Image Processing and GD plugin is NOT installed.',
'pwd_secure_complexity' => 'Password Complexity',
'pwd_secure_complexity_help' => 'Select whichever password complexity rules you wish to enforce.',
'pwd_secure_complexity_disallow_same_pwd_as_user_fields' => 'Password cannot be the same as first name, last name, email, or username',
'pwd_secure_complexity_letters' => 'Require at least one letter',
'pwd_secure_complexity_numbers' => 'Require at least one number',
'pwd_secure_complexity_symbols' => 'Require at least one symbol',
'pwd_secure_complexity_case_diff' => 'Require at least one uppercase and one lowercase',
'pwd_secure_min' => 'Password minimum characters',
'pwd_secure_min_help' => 'Minimum permitted value is 8',
'pwd_secure_uncommon' => 'Prevent common passwords',
'pwd_secure_uncommon_help' => 'This will disallow users from using common passwords from the top 10,000 passwords reported in breaches.',
'qr_help' => 'Enable QR Codes first to set this',
'qr_text' => 'QR Code Text',
'saml' => 'SAML',
'saml_title' => 'Update SAML settings',
'saml_help' => 'SAML settings',
'saml_enabled' => 'SAML enabled',
'saml_integration' => 'SAML Integration',
'saml_sp_entityid' => 'Entity ID',
@ -139,7 +174,7 @@ return array(
'saml_idp_metadata_help' => 'You can specify the IdP metadata using a URL or XML file.',
'saml_attr_mapping_username' => 'Attribute Mapping - Username',
'saml_attr_mapping_username_help' => 'NameID will be used if attribute mapping is unspecified or invalid.',
'saml_forcelogin_label' => 'SAML Force Login',
'saml_forcelogin_label' => 'SAML Default Login',
'saml_forcelogin' => 'Make SAML the primary login',
'saml_forcelogin_help' => 'You can use \'/login?nosaml\' to get to the normal login page.',
'saml_slo_label' => 'SAML Single Log Out',
@ -147,6 +182,7 @@ return array(
'saml_slo_help' => 'This will cause the user to be first redirected to the IdP on logout. Leave unchecked if the IdP doesn\'t correctly support SP-initiated SAML SLO.',
'saml_custom_settings' => 'SAML Custom Settings',
'saml_custom_settings_help' => 'You can specify additional settings to the onelogin/php-saml library. Use at your own risk.',
'saml_download' => 'Download Metadata',
'setting' => 'Setting',
'settings' => 'Settings',
'show_alerts_in_menu' => 'Show alerts in top menu',
@ -157,6 +193,9 @@ return array(
'show_images_in_email' => 'Show images in emails',
'show_images_in_email_help' => 'Uncheck this box if your Snipe-IT installation is behind a VPN or closed network and users outside the network will not be able to load images served from this installation in their emails.',
'site_name' => 'Site Name',
'slack' => 'Slack',
'slack_title' => 'Update Slack Settings',
'slack_help' => 'Slack settings',
'slack_botname' => 'Slack Botname',
'slack_channel' => 'Slack Channel',
'slack_endpoint' => 'Slack Endpoint',
@ -173,6 +212,8 @@ return array(
'update' => 'Update Settings',
'value' => 'Value',
'brand' => 'Branding',
'brand_keywords' => 'footer, logo, print, theme, skin, header, colors, color, css',
'brand_help' => 'Logo, Site Name',
'web_brand' => 'Web Branding Type',
'about_settings_title' => 'About Settings',
'about_settings_text' => 'These settings let you customize certain aspects of your installation.',
@ -184,6 +225,7 @@ return array(
'privacy_policy' => 'Privacy Policy',
'privacy_policy_link_help' => 'If a url is included here, a link to your privacy policy will be included in the app footer and in any emails that the system sends out, in compliance with GDPR. ',
'purge' => 'Purge Deleted Records',
'purge_deleted' => 'Purge Deleted ',
'labels_display_bgutter' => 'Label bottom gutter',
'labels_display_sgutter' => 'Label side gutter',
'labels_fontsize' => 'Label font size',
@ -229,4 +271,51 @@ return array(
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'Length of asset tags, including zerofill',
'username_format_help' => 'This setting will only be used by the import process if a username is not provided and we have to generate a username for you.',
'oauth_title' => 'OAuth API Settings',
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'oauth_help' => 'Oauth Endpoint Settings',
'asset_tag_title' => 'Update Asset Tag Settings',
'barcode_title' => 'Update Barcode Settings',
'barcodes' => 'Barcodes',
'barcodes_help_overview' => 'Barcode &amp; QR settings',
'barcodes_help' => 'This will attempt to delete cached barcodes. This would typically only be used if your barcode settings have changed, or if your Snipe-IT URL has changed. Barcodes will be re-generated when accessed next.',
'barcodes_spinner' => 'Attempting to delete files...',
'barcode_delete_cache' => 'Delete Barcode Cache',
'branding_title' => 'Update Branding Settings',
'general_title' => 'Update General Settings',
'mail_test' => 'Send Test',
'mail_test_help' => 'This will attempt to send a test mail to :replyto.',
'filter_by_keyword' => 'Filter by setting keyword',
'security' => 'Security',
'security_title' => 'Update Security Settings',
'security_keywords' => 'password, passwords, requirements, two factor, two-factor, common passwords, remote login, logout, authentication',
'security_help' => 'Two-factor, Password Restrictions',
'groups_keywords' => 'permissions, permission groups, authorization',
'groups_help' => 'Account permission groups',
'localization' => 'Localization',
'localization_title' => 'Update Localization Settings',
'localization_keywords' => 'localization, currency, local, locale, time zone, timezone, international, internatinalization, language, languages, translation',
'localization_help' => 'Language, date display',
'notifications' => 'Notifications',
'notifications_help' => 'Email alerts, audit settings',
'asset_tags_help' => 'Incrementing and prefixes',
'labels' => 'Labels',
'labels_title' => 'Update Label Settings',
'labels_help' => 'Label sizes &amp; settings',
'purge' => 'Purge',
'purge_keywords' => 'permanently delete',
'purge_help' => 'Purge Deleted Records',
'ldap_extension_warning' => 'It does not look like the LDAP extension is installed or enabled on this server. You can still save your settings, but you will need to enable the LDAP extension for PHP before LDAP syncing or login will work.',
'ldap_ad' => 'LDAP/AD',
'employee_number' => 'Employee Number',
'create_admin_user' => 'Create a User ::',
'create_admin_success' => 'Success! Your admin user has been added!',
'create_admin_redirect' => 'Click here to go to your app login!',
'setup_migrations' => 'Database Migrations ::',
'setup_no_migrations' => 'There was nothing to migrate. Your database tables were already set up!',
'setup_successful_migrations' => 'Your database tables have been created',
'setup_migration_output' => 'Migration output:',
'setup_migration_create_user' => 'Next: Create User',
'ldap_settings_link' => 'LDAP Settings Page',
'slack_test' => 'Test <i class="fab fa-slack"></i> Integration',

View file

@ -1,22 +1,43 @@
return array(
return [
'update' => array(
'update' => [
'error' => 'An error has occurred while updating. ',
'success' => 'Settings updated successfully.'
'backup' => array(
'success' => 'Settings updated successfully.',
'backup' => [
'delete_confirm' => 'Are you sure you would like to delete this backup file? This action cannot be undone. ',
'file_deleted' => 'The backup file was successfully deleted. ',
'generated' => 'A new backup file was successfully created.',
'file_not_found' => 'That backup file could not be found on the server.',
'purge' => array(
'restore_warning' => 'Yes, restore it. I acknowledge that this will overwrite any existing data currently in the database. This will also log out all of your existing users (including you).',
'restore_confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to restore your database from :filename?'
'purge' => [
'error' => 'An error has occurred while purging. ',
'validation_failed' => 'Your purge confirmation is incorrect. Please type the word "DELETE" in the confirmation box.',
'success' => 'Deleted records successfully purged.'
'success' => 'Deleted records successfully purged.',
'mail' => [
'sending' => 'Sending Test Email...',
'success' => 'Mail sent!',
'error' => 'Mail could not be sent.',
'additional' => 'No additional error message provided. Check your mail settings and your app log.'
'ldap' => [
'testing' => 'Testing LDAP Connection, Binding & Query ...',
'500' => '500 Server Error. Please check your server logs for more information.',
'error' => 'Something went wrong :(',
'sync_success' => 'A sample of 10 users returned from the LDAP server based on your settings:',
'testing_authentication' => 'Testing LDAP Authentication...',
'authentication_success' => 'User authenticated against LDAP successfully!'
'slack' => [
'sending' => 'Sending Slack test message...',
'success_pt1' => 'Success! Check the ',
'success_pt2' => ' channel for your test message, and be sure to click SAVE below to store your settings.',
'500' => '500 Server Error.',
'error' => 'Something went wrong.',

View file

@ -1,32 +1,31 @@
return array(
return [
'does_not_exist' => 'Status Label does not exist.',
'assoc_assets' => 'This Status Label is currently associated with at least one Asset and cannot be deleted. Please update your assets to no longer reference this status and try again. ',
'create' => array(
'create' => [
'error' => 'Status Label was not created, please try again.',
'success' => 'Status Label created successfully.'
'success' => 'Status Label created successfully.',
'update' => array(
'update' => [
'error' => 'Status Label was not updated, please try again',
'success' => 'Status Label updated successfully.'
'success' => 'Status Label updated successfully.',
'delete' => array(
'delete' => [
'confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this Status Label?',
'error' => 'There was an issue deleting the Status Label. Please try again.',
'success' => 'The Status Label was deleted successfully.'
'success' => 'The Status Label was deleted successfully.',
'help' => array(
'help' => [
'undeployable' => 'These assets cannot be assigned to anyone.',
'deployable' => 'These assets can be checked out. Once they are assigned, they will assume a meta status of <i class="fa fa-circle text-blue"></i> <strong>Deployed</strong>.',
'deployable' => 'These assets can be checked out. Once they are assigned, they will assume a meta status of <i class="fas fa-circle text-blue"></i> <strong>Deployed</strong>.',
'archived' => 'These assets cannot be checked out, and will only show up in the Archived view. This is useful for retaining information about assets for budgeting/historic purposes but keeping them out of the day-to-day asset list.',
'pending' => 'These assets can not yet be assigned to anyone, often used for items that are out for repair, but are expected to return to circulation.',

View file

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
'activated_help_text' => 'This user can login',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'You cannot edit activation status for your own account.',
'assets_user' => 'Assets assigned to :name',
@ -13,7 +12,7 @@ return array(
'edit' => 'Edit User',
'filetype_info' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar.',
'history_user' => 'History for :name',
'info' => 'Info',
'info' => 'Info',
'restore_user' => 'Click here to restore them.',
'last_login' => 'Last Login',
'ldap_config_text' => 'LDAP configuration settings can be found Admin > Settings. The (optional) selected location will be set for all imported users.',
@ -23,6 +22,16 @@ return array(
'view_user' => 'View User :name',
'usercsv' => 'CSV file',
'two_factor_admin_optin_help' => 'Your current admin settings allow selective enforcement of two-factor authentication. ',
'two_factor_enrolled' => '2FA Device Enrolled ',
'two_factor_active' => '2FA Active ',
'two_factor_enrolled' => '2FA Device Enrolled',
'two_factor_active' => '2FA Active',
'user_deactivated' => 'User is de-activated',
'activation_status_warning' => 'Do not change activation status',
'group_memberships_helpblock' => 'Only superadmins may edit group memberships.',
'superadmin_permission_warning' => 'Only superadmins may grant a user superadmin access.',
'admin_permission_warning' => 'Only users with admins rights or greater may grant a user admin access.',
'remove_group_memberships' => 'Remove Group Memberships',
'warning_deletion' => 'WARNING:',
'warning_deletion_information' => 'You are about to delete the :count user(s) listed below. Super admin names are highlighted in red.',
'update_user_asssets_status' => 'Update all assets for these users to this status',
'checkin_user_properties' => 'Check in all properties associated with these users',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
'actions' => 'Actions',
'add' => 'Add New',
'cancel' => 'Cancel',
@ -8,11 +8,17 @@ return array(
'delete' => 'Delete',
'edit' => 'Edit',
'restore' => 'Restore',
'remove' => 'Remove',
'request' => 'Request',
'submit' => 'Submit',
'upload' => 'Upload',
'select_file' => 'Select File...',
'select_file' => 'Select File...',
'select_files' => 'Select Files...',
'generate_labels' => '{1} Generate Label|[2,*] Generate Labels',
'send_password_link' => 'Send Password Reset Link',
'send_password_link' => 'Send Password Reset Link',
'go' => 'Go',
'bulk_actions' => 'Bulk Actions',
'add_maintenance' => 'Add Maintenance',
'append' => 'Append',
'new' => 'New',

View file

@ -19,7 +19,10 @@
'asset' => 'Asset',
'asset_report' => 'Asset Report',
'asset_tag' => 'Asset Tag',
'assets_available' => 'assets available',
'asset_tags' => 'Asset Tags',
'assets_available' => 'Assets available',
'accept_assets' => 'Accept Assets :name',
'accept_assets_menu' => 'Accept Assets',
'audit' => 'Audit',
'audit_report' => 'Audit Log',
'assets' => 'Assets',
@ -30,6 +33,10 @@
'bulkaudit' => 'Bulk Audit',
'bulkaudit_status' => 'Audit Status',
'bulk_checkout' => 'Bulk Checkout',
'bulk_edit' => 'Bulk Edit',
'bulk_delete' => 'Bulk Delete',
'bulk_actions' => 'Bulk Actions',
'bulk_checkin_delete' => 'Bulk Checkin &amp; Delete',
'bystatus' => 'by Status',
'cancel' => 'Cancel',
'categories' => 'Categories',
@ -44,13 +51,13 @@
'checkins_count' => 'Checkins',
'user_requests_count' => 'Requests',
'city' => 'City',
'click_here' => 'Click here',
'click_here' => 'Click here',
'clear_selection' => 'Clear Selection',
'companies' => 'Companies',
'company' => 'Company',
'component' => 'Component',
'components' => 'Components',
'complete' => 'Complete',
'complete' => 'Complete',
'consumable' => 'Consumable',
'consumables' => 'Consumables',
'country' => 'Country',
@ -62,6 +69,8 @@
'updated_at' => 'Updated at',
'currency' => '$', // this is deprecated
'current' => 'Current',
'current_password' => 'Current Password',
'customize_report' => 'Customize Report',
'custom_report' => 'Custom Asset Report',
'dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
'days' => 'days',
@ -73,19 +82,22 @@
'delete_confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete :item?',
'deleted' => 'Deleted',
'delete_seats' => 'Deleted Seats',
'deletion_failed' => 'Deletion failed',
'departments' => 'Departments',
'department' => 'Department',
'department' => 'Department',
'deployed' => 'Deployed',
'depreciation' => 'Depreciation',
'depreciations' => 'Depreciations',
'depreciation_report' => 'Depreciation Report',
'details' => 'Details',
'download' => 'Download',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'Depreciation',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'editprofile' => 'Edit Your Profile',
'eol' => 'EOL',
'email_domain' => 'Email Domain',
'email_format' => 'Email Format',
'email_domain_help' => 'This is used to generate email addresses when importing',
'error' => 'Error',
'filastname_format' => 'First Initial Last Name (jsmith@example.com)',
'firstname_lastname_format' => 'First Name Last Name (jane.smith@example.com)',
'firstname_lastname_underscore_format' => 'First Name Last Name (jane_smith@example.com)',
@ -102,16 +114,21 @@
'file_name' => 'File',
'file_type' => 'File Type',
'file_uploads' => 'File Uploads',
'file_upload' => 'File Upload',
'generate' => 'Generate',
'github_markdown' => 'This field accepts <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github flavored markdown</a>.',
'generate_labels' => 'Generate Labels',
'github_markdown' => 'This field accepts <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github flavored markdown</a>.',
'groups' => 'Groups',
'gravatar_email' => 'Gravatar Email Address',
'gravatar_url' => '<a href="http://gravatar.com"><small>Change your avatar at Gravatar.com</small></a>.',
'history' => 'History',
'history_for' => 'History for',
'id' => 'ID',
'image' => 'Image',
'image_delete' => 'Delete Image',
'image_upload' => 'Upload Image',
'filetypes_accepted_help' => 'Accepted filetype is :types. Max upload size allowed is :size.|Accepted filetypes are :types. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'filetypes_size_help' => 'Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Accepted filetypes are jpg, webp, png, gif, and svg. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'import' => 'Import',
'importing' => 'Importing',
@ -121,6 +138,7 @@
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Asset Maintenance Report',
'asset_maintenances' => 'Asset Maintenances',
'item' => 'Item',
'item_name' => 'Item Name',
'insufficient_permissions' => 'Insufficient permissions!',
'kits' => 'Predefined Kits',
'language' => 'Language',
@ -132,7 +150,7 @@
'licenses_available' => 'licenses available',
'licenses' => 'Licenses',
'list_all' => 'List All',
'loading' => 'Loading',
'loading' => 'Loading... please wait....',
'lock_passwords' => 'This field value will not be saved in a demo installation.',
'feature_disabled' => 'This feature has been disabled for the demo installation.',
'location' => 'Location',
@ -141,15 +159,17 @@
'logout' => 'Logout',
'lookup_by_tag' => 'Lookup by Asset Tag',
'maintenances' => 'Maintenances',
'manage_api_keys' => 'Manage API Keys',
'manufacturer' => 'Manufacturer',
'manufacturers' => 'Manufacturers',
'markdown' => 'This field allows <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github flavored markdown</a>.',
'min_amt' => 'Min. QTY',
'min_amt_help' => 'Minimum number of items that should be available before an alert gets triggered.',
'min_amt_help' => 'Minimum number of items that should be available before an alert gets triggered. Leave Min. QTY blank if you do not want to receive alerts for low inventory.',
'model_no' => 'Model No.',
'months' => 'months',
'moreinfo' => 'More Info',
'name' => 'Name',
'new_password' => 'New Password',
'next' => 'Next',
'next_audit_date' => 'Next Audit Date',
'last_audit' => 'Last Audit',
@ -171,19 +191,26 @@
'purchase_date' => 'Purchase Date',
'qty' => 'QTY',
'quantity' => 'Quantity',
'quantity_minimum' => 'You have :count items below or almost below minimum quantity levels',
'ready_to_deploy' => 'Ready to Deploy',
'recent_activity' => 'Recent Activity',
'remaining' => 'Remaining',
'remove_company' => 'Remove Company Association',
'reports' => 'Reports',
'restored' => 'restored',
'restore' => 'Restore',
'requestable_models' => 'Requestable Models',
'requested' => 'Requested',
'requested_date' => 'Requested Date',
'requested_assets' => 'Requested Assets',
'requested_assets_menu' => 'Requested Assets',
'request_canceled' => 'Request Canceled',
'save' => 'Save',
'select' => 'Select',
'select_all' => 'Select All',
'search' => 'Search',
'select_category' => 'Select a Category',
'select_department' => 'Select a Department',
'select_department' => 'Select a Department',
'select_depreciation' => 'Select a Depreciation Type',
'select_location' => 'Select a Location',
'select_manufacturer' => 'Select a Manufacturer',
@ -200,6 +227,7 @@
'sign_in' => 'Sign in',
'signature' => 'Signature',
'skin' => 'Skin',
'slack_msg_note' => 'A slack message will be sent',
'slack_test_msg' => 'Oh hai! Looks like your Slack integration with Snipe-IT is working!',
'some_features_disabled' => 'DEMO MODE: Some features are disabled for this installation.',
'site_name' => 'Site Name',
@ -211,6 +239,7 @@
'sure_to_delete' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete',
'submit' => 'Submit',
'target' => 'Target',
'toggle_navigation' => 'Toogle Navigation',
'time_and_date_display' => 'Time and Date Display',
'total_assets' => 'total assets',
'total_licenses' => 'total licenses',
@ -230,6 +259,7 @@
'users' => 'Users',
'viewall' => 'View All',
'viewassets' => 'View Assigned Assets',
'viewassetsfor' => 'View Assets for :name',
'website' => 'Website',
'welcome' => 'Welcome, :name',
'years' => 'years',
@ -243,8 +273,78 @@
'accept' => 'Accept :asset',
'i_accept' => 'I accept',
'i_decline' => 'I decline',
'accept_decline' => 'Accept/Decline',
'sign_tos' => 'Sign below to indicate that you agree to the terms of service:',
'clear_signature' => 'Clear Signature',
'show_help' => 'Show help',
'hide_help' => 'Hide help',
'view_all' => 'view all',
'hide_deleted' => 'Hide Deleted',
'email' => 'Email',
'do_not_change' => 'Do Not Change',
'bug_report' => 'Report a Bug',
'user_manual' => 'User\'s Manual',
'setup_step_1' => 'Step 1',
'setup_step_2' => 'Step 2',
'setup_step_3' => 'Step 3',
'setup_step_4' => 'Step 4',
'setup_config_check' => 'Configuration Check',
'setup_create_database' => 'Create Database Tables',
'setup_create_admin' => 'Create Admin User',
'setup_done' => 'Finished!',
'bulk_edit_about_to' => 'You are about to edit the following: ',
'checked_out' => 'Checked Out',
'checked_out_to' => 'Checked out to',
'fields' => 'Fields',
'last_checkout' => 'Last Checkout',
'due_to_checkin' => 'The following :count items are due to be checked in soon:',
'expected_checkin' => 'Expected Checkin',
'reminder_checked_out_items' => 'This is a reminder of the items currently checked out to you. If you feel this list is inaccurate (something is missing, or something appears here that you believe you never received), please email :reply_to_name at :reply_to_address.',
'changed' => 'Changed',
'to' => 'To',
'report_fields_info' => '<p>Select the fields you would like to include in your custom report, and click Generate. The file (custom-asset-report-YYYY-mm-dd.csv) will download automatically, and you can open it in Excel.</p>
<p>If you would like to export only certain assets, use the options below to fine-tune your results.</p>',
'range' => 'Range',
'bom_remark' => 'Add a BOM (byte-order mark) to this CSV',
'improvements' => 'Improvements',
'information' => 'Information',
'permissions' => 'Permissions',
'managed_ldap' => '(Managed via LDAP)',
'export' => 'Export',
'ldap_sync' => 'LDAP Sync',
'ldap_user_sync' => 'LDAP User Sync',
'synchronize' => 'Synchronize',
'sync_results' => 'Synchronization Results',
'license_serial' => 'Serial/Product Key',
'invalid_category' => 'Invalid category',
'dashboard_info' => 'This is your dashboard. There are many like it, but this one is yours.',
'60_percent_warning' => '60% Complete (warning)',
'dashboard_empty' => 'It looks like you haven not added anything yet, so we do not have anything awesome to display. Get started by adding some assets, accessories, consumables, or licenses now!',
'new_asset' => 'New Asset',
'new_license' => 'New License',
'new_accessory' => 'New Accessory',
'new_consumable' => 'New Consumable',
'collapse' => 'Collapse',
'assigned' => 'Assigned',
'asset_count' => 'Asset Count',
'accessories_count' => 'Accessories Count',
'consumables_count' => 'Consumables Count',
'components_count' => 'Components Count',
'licenses_count' => 'Licenses Count',
'notification_error' => 'Error:',
'notification_error_hint' => 'Please check the form below for errors',
'notification_success' => 'Success:',
'notification_warning' => 'Warning:',
'notification_info' => 'Info:',
'asset_information' => 'Asset Information',
'model_name' => 'Model Name:',
'asset_name' => 'Asset Name:',
'consumable_information' => 'Consumable Information:',
'consumable_name' => 'Consumable Name:',
'accessory_information' => 'Accessory Information:',
'accessory_name' => 'Accessory Name:',
'clone_item' => 'Clone Item',
'checkout_tooltip' => 'Check this item out',
'checkin_tooltip' => 'Check this item in',
'checkout_user_tooltip' => 'Check this item out to a user',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ return array(
"more_info_title" => "More Info",
'more_info_title' => 'More Info',
"audit_help" => "Checking this box will edit the asset record to reflect this new location. Leaving it unchecked will simply note the location in the audit log.<br><br>Note that is this asset is checked out, it will not change the location of the person, asset or location it is checked out to.",
'audit_help' => 'Checking this box will edit the asset record to reflect this new location. Leaving it unchecked will simply note the location in the audit log.<br><br>Note that is this asset is checked out, it will not change the location of the person, asset or location it is checked out to.',
'assets' => 'Assets are items tracked by serial number or asset tag. They tend to be higher value items where identifying a specific item matters.',
@ -31,6 +31,4 @@ return array(
'depreciations' => 'You can set up asset depreciations to depreciate assets based on straight-line depreciation.',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
'a_user_canceled' => 'A user has canceled an item request on the website',
'a_user_requested' => 'A user has requested an item on the website',
'accessory_name' => 'Accessory Name:',
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ return array(
'test_mail_text' => 'This is a test from the Snipe-IT Asset Management System. If you got this, mail is working :)',
'the_following_item' => 'The following item has been checked in: ',
'low_inventory_alert' => 'There is :count item that is below minimum inventory or will soon be low.|There are :count items that are below minimum inventory or will soon be low.',
'assets_warrantee_alert' => 'There is :count asset with a warrantee expiring in the next :threshold days.|There are :count assets with warrantees expiring in the next :threshold days.',
'assets_warrantee_alert' => 'There is :count asset with a warranty expiring in the next :threshold days.|There are :count assets with warranties expiring in the next :threshold days.',
'license_expiring_alert' => 'There is :count license expiring in the next :threshold days.|There are :count licenses expiring in the next :threshold days.',
'to_reset' => 'To reset your :web password, complete this form:',
'type' => 'Type',
@ -76,5 +76,5 @@ return array(
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'An asset checked out to you is due to be checked back in on :date',
'your_assets' => 'View Your Assets'
'your_assets' => 'View Your Assets',

View file

@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ return [
'sent' => 'Your password link has been sent!',
'user' => 'No matching active user found with that email.',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ return array(
'string' => 'The :attribute must be at least :min characters.',
'array' => 'The :attribute must have at least :min items.',
'starts_with' => 'The :attribute must start with one of the following: :values.',
'not_in' => 'The selected :attribute is invalid.',
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be a number.',
'present' => 'The :attribute field must be present.',
@ -88,8 +89,8 @@ return array(
'unique' => 'The :attribute has already been taken.',
'uploaded' => 'The :attribute failed to upload.',
'url' => 'The :attribute format is invalid.',
"unique_undeleted" => "The :attribute must be unique.",
"non_circular" => "The :attribute must not create a circular reference.",
'unique_undeleted' => 'The :attribute must be unique.',
'non_circular' => 'The :attribute must not create a circular reference.',
@ -102,7 +103,6 @@ return array(
| Custom Validation Language Lines
@ -115,11 +115,11 @@ return array(
'custom' => [
'alpha_space' => "The :attribute field contains a character that is not allowed.",
"email_array" => "One or more email addresses is invalid.",
"hashed_pass" => "Your current password is incorrect",
'alpha_space' => 'The :attribute field contains a character that is not allowed.',
'email_array' => 'One or more email addresses is invalid.',
'hashed_pass' => 'Your current password is incorrect',
'dumbpwd' => 'That password is too common.',
"statuslabel_type" => "You must select a valid status label type",
'statuslabel_type' => 'You must select a valid status label type',
@ -135,4 +135,4 @@ return array(
'attributes' => [],

View file

@ -5,17 +5,17 @@
'delete' => [
'confirm' => 'هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك في حذف سند صيانة الأصل؟',
'error' => 'حدثت مشكلة في عملية الحذف لسند صيانة الأصل. الرجاء المحاولة مرة اُخرى.',
'success' => 'تم حذف سند صيانة الأصل بنجاح.'
'success' => 'تم حذف سند صيانة الأصل بنجاح.',
'create' => [
'error' => 'لم يتم إنشاء سند صيانة الأصل، الرجاء المحاولة مرة أخرى.',
'success' => 'تم إنشاء سند صيانة الأصل بنجاح.'
'success' => 'تم إنشاء سند صيانة الأصل بنجاح.',
'edit' => [
'error' => 'لم يتم تعديل سند صيانة الأصل، يرجى إعادة المحاولة.',
'success' => 'تم تعديل سند صيانة الأصل بنجاح.'
'success' => 'تم تعديل سند صيانة الأصل بنجاح.',
'asset_maintenance_incomplete' => 'لم يكتمل بعد',
'warranty' => 'الضمان',
'not_warranty' => 'لا يوجد ضمان',

View file

@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
'title' => 'صيانة الاُصل',
'asset_name' => 'اسم الأصل',
'is_warranty' => 'الضمان',
'dl_csv' => 'التنزيل كملف CSV'
'dl_csv' => 'التنزيل كملف CSV',

View file

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
return [
'select_company' => 'اختر الشركة',
'about_companies' => 'About Companies',
'about_companies_description' => ' You can use companies as a simple informative field, or you can use them to restrict asset visibility and availability to users with a specific company by enabling Full Company Support in your Admin Settings.',

View file

@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
return array(
return [
'does_not_exist' => 'الشركة غير موجودة.',
'assoc_users' => 'هذه الشركة مرتبطة حاليا مع موديل ولا يمكن حذفها. رجاءً قم بتحديث الموديلات بحيث لا تكون مرتبطة بهذه الشركة ثم حاول مرة اُخرى. ',
'create' => array(
'create' => [
'error' => 'لم يتم انشاء الشركة، الرجاء المحاولة مرة اُخرى.',
'success' => 'تم إنشاء الشركة بنجاح.'
'update' => array(
'success' => 'تم إنشاء الشركة بنجاح.',
'update' => [
'error' => 'لم يتم انشاء الشركة، الرجاء المحاولة مرة اُخرى',
'success' => 'تم تحديث الشركة بنجاح.'
'delete' => array(
'success' => 'تم تحديث الشركة بنجاح.',
'delete' => [
'confirm' => 'هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك في حذف هذه الشركة؟',
'error' => 'حدثت مشكلة اثناء عملية حذف الشركة. الرجاء المحاولة مرة اُخرى.',
'success' => 'تم حذف الشركة بنجاح.'
'success' => 'تم حذف الشركة بنجاح.',

View file

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
return array(
return [
'custom_fields' => 'حقول مخصصة',
'manage' => 'Manage',
'field' => 'حقل',
'about_fieldsets_title' => 'حول مجموعة الحقول',
'about_fieldsets_text' => '(مجموعات الحقول) تسمح لك بإنشاء مجموعات من الحقول اللتي يمكن إعادة إستخدامها مع موديل محدد.',
'custom_format' => 'صيغة regex مخصصة...',
'about_fieldsets_text' => 'Fieldsets allow you to create groups of custom fields that are frequently re-used for specific asset model types.',
'custom_format' => 'Custom Regex format...',
'encrypt_field' => 'تشفير قيمة هذا الحقل في قاعدة البيانات',
'encrypt_field_help' => 'تحذير: تشفير الحقل يجعله غير قابل للبحث.',
'encrypted' => 'مشفّر',
@ -26,7 +27,19 @@ return array(
'used_by_models' => 'مستخدم في الموديلات',
'order' => 'طلب',
'create_fieldset' => 'مجموعة حقول جديدة',
'create_fieldset_title' => 'Create a new fieldset',
'create_field' => 'حقل جديد مخصص',
'create_field_title' => 'Create a new custom field',
'value_encrypted' => 'هذا الحقل مشفر في قاعدة البيانات. يمكن قرائته من قبل مدراء النظام فقط',
'show_in_email' => 'هل تريد تضمين قيمة هذا الحقل في رسائل البريد الإلكتروني المرسلة إلى المستخدم؟ لا يمكن تضمين الحقول المشفرة في رسائل البريد الإلكتروني.',
'help_text' => 'Help Text',
'help_text_description' => 'This is optional text that will appear below the form elements while editing an asset to provide context on the field.',
'about_custom_fields_title' => 'About Custom Fields',
'about_custom_fields_text' => 'Custom fields allow you to add arbitrary attributes to assets.',
'add_field_to_fieldset' => 'Add Field to Fieldset',
'make_optional' => 'Required - click to make optional',
'make_required' => 'Optional - click to make required',
'reorder' => 'Reorder',
'db_field' => 'DB Field',
'db_convert_warning' => 'WARNING. This field is in the custom fields table as <code> :db_column </code> but should be :expected </code>.'

View file

@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
return array(
return [
'about_asset_depreciations' => 'حول استهلاك الأصول',
'about_depreciations' => 'يمكنك إعداد استهلاك الأصول لخفض قيمة الأصول على اساس القسط الثابت للاستهلاك.',
'asset_depreciations' => 'استهلاك الأصول',
'create' => 'إنشاء الاستهلاك',
'depreciation_name' => 'اسم الاستهلاك',
'depreciation_min' => 'Floor Value of Depreciation',
'number_of_months' => 'عدد الأشهر',
'update' => 'تحديث الاستهلاك',
'depreciation_min' => 'الحد الأدنى للقيمة بعد الاستهلاك'
'depreciation_min' => 'الحد الأدنى للقيمة بعد الاستهلاك',
'no_depreciations_warning' => '<strong>Warning: </strong>
You do not currently have any depreciations set up.
Please set up at least one depreciation to view the depreciation report.',

View file

@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
return array(
return [
'id' => 'رقم التعريف',
'months' => 'أشهر',
'term' => 'المدة',
'title' => 'الإسم ',
'depreciation_min' => 'Floor Value',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
'about_groups_title' => 'حول المجموعات',
'about_groups' => 'تستخدم المجموعات لتعميم صلاحيات المستخدم.',
'group_management' => 'إدارة المجموعة',
@ -10,5 +10,7 @@ return array(
'group_admin' => 'مدير المجموعة',
'allow' => 'سماح',
'deny' => 'منع',
'permission' => 'Permission',
'grant' => 'Grant',
'no_permissions' => 'This group has no permissions.'

View file

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
return array(
'bulk_delete' => 'تاكيد إجراء حذف للاُصول المحددة',
return [
'bulk_delete' => 'تاكيد إجراء حذف للاُصول المحددة',
'bulk_delete_help' => 'الرجاء مراجعة الأصول المحددة للحذف أدناه. بمجرد الحذف، يمكن استعادة هذه الأصول، لكنها لن تكون مرتبطة مع أي من المستخدمين اللذين تم اخراج الأصول لهم من قبل.',
'bulk_delete_warn' => 'أنت على وشك حذف :asset_count من الأصول.',
'bulk_update' => 'تحديث للأصول المحددة',
'bulk_update_help' => 'يتيح لك هذا النموذج تحديث عدة أصول دفعة واحدة. قم بملء الحقول التي تحتاج إلى تغييرها. ستظل أية حقول فارغة بدون تغيير. ',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'أنت على وشك تعديل خصائص :asset_count من الأصول.',
'bulk_update' => 'تحديث للأصول المحددة',
'bulk_update_help' => 'يتيح لك هذا النموذج تحديث عدة أصول دفعة واحدة. قم بملء الحقول التي تحتاج إلى تغييرها. ستظل أية حقول فارغة بدون تغيير. ',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'أنت على وشك تعديل خصائص :asset_count من الأصول.',
'checkedout_to' => 'تم الاخراج إلى',
'checkout_date' => 'تاريخ الاخراج',
'checkin_date' => 'تاريخ الادخال',
@ -38,7 +38,12 @@ return array(
'tag' => 'ترميز الأصل',
'update' => 'تحديث الأصل',
'warranty' => 'الضمان',
'warranty_expires' => 'انتهاء مدة صلاحية الضمان',
'warranty_expires' => 'انتهاء مدة صلاحية الضمان',
'years' => 'سنوات',
'asset_location' => 'Update Asset Location',
'asset_location_update_default_current' => 'Update default location AND actual location',
'asset_location_update_default' => 'Update only default location',
'asset_not_deployable' => 'That asset status is not deployable. This asset cannot be checked out.',
'asset_deployable' => 'That status is deployable. This asset can be checked out.',
'processing_spinner' => 'Processing...',

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
return array(
return [
'about_assets_title' => 'حول الأصول',
'about_assets_text' => 'الأصول هي العناصر التي يتم تتبعها بواسطة الرقم التسلسلي أو ترميز الأصل. وهي تميل إلى أن تكون ممتلكات ذات قيمة أعلى حيث انه من المهم توثيقها.',
'archived' => 'مؤرشفة',
'archived' => 'مؤرشفة',
'asset' => 'أصل',
'bulk_checkout' => 'إخراج الأصول',
'checkin' => 'ادخال الأصل',
@ -15,8 +15,29 @@ return array(
'model_deleted' => 'تم حذف موديل الأصول هذا. يجب استعادة الموديل قبل أن تتمكن من استعادة الأصل.',
'requestable' => 'قابل للطلب',
'requested' => 'تم الطلب',
'not_requestable' => 'Not Requestable',
'requestable_status_warning' => 'Do not change requestable status',
'restore' => 'استعادة الأصل',
'pending' => 'قيد الانتظار',
'undeployable' => 'غير قابل للتوزيع',
'view' => 'عرض الأصل',
'csv_error' => 'You have an error in your CSV file:',
'import_text' => '
Upload a CSV that contains asset history. The assets and users MUST already exist in the system, or they will be skipped. Matching assets for history import happens against the asset tag. We will try to find a matching user based on the user\'s name you provide, and the criteria you select below. If you do not select any criteria below, it will simply try to match on the username format you configured in the Admin &gt; General Settings.
<p>Fields included in the CSV must match the headers: <strong>Asset Tag, Name, Checkout Date, Checkin Date</strong>. Any additional fields will be ignored. </p>
<p>Checkin Date: blank or future checkin dates will checkout items to associated user. Excluding the Checkin Date column will create a checkin date with todays date.</p>
'csv_import_match_f-l' => 'Try to match users by firstname.lastname (jane.smith) format',
'csv_import_match_initial_last' => 'Try to match users by first initial last name (jsmith) format',
'csv_import_match_first' => 'Try to match users by first name (jane) format',
'csv_import_match_email' => 'Try to match users by email as username',
'csv_import_match_username' => 'Try to match users by username',
'error_messages' => 'Error messages:',
'success_messages' => 'Success messages:',
'alert_details' => 'Please see below for details.',
'custom_export' => 'Custom Export'

View file

@ -1,82 +1,82 @@
return array(
return [
'undeployable' => '<strong> تحذير: </strong> تم تحديد الحالة لهذا الأصل بانه غير قابل للتوزيع حاليا. إذا تغيرت هذه الحالة، يرجى تحديث حالة الأصل.',
'does_not_exist' => 'الأصل غير موجود.',
'does_not_exist_or_not_requestable' => 'محاولة جيدة. هذا الأصل غير موجود أو غير قابل للطلب.',
'does_not_exist_or_not_requestable' => 'That asset does not exist or is not requestable.',
'assoc_users' => 'هذا الأصل مخرج حاليا لمستخدم ولا يمكن حذفه. يرجى التحقق من الأصل أولا، ثم حاول الحذف مرة أخرى. ',
'create' => array(
'create' => [
'error' => 'لم يتم إنشاء الأصل، يرجى إعادة المحاولة. :(',
'success' => 'تم إنشاء الأصل بنجاح. :)'
'success' => 'تم إنشاء الأصل بنجاح. :)',
'update' => array(
'update' => [
'error' => 'لم يتم تحديث الأصل، يرجى إعادة المحاولة',
'success' => 'تم تحديث الأصل بنجاح.',
'nothing_updated' => 'لم يتم اختيار أي حقول، لذلك لم يتم تحديث أي شيء.',
'restore' => array(
'restore' => [
'error' => 'لم تتم استعادة الأصل، يرجى إعادة المحاولة',
'success' => 'تمت استعادة الأصل بنجاح.'
'success' => 'تمت استعادة الأصل بنجاح.',
'audit' => array(
'audit' => [
'error' => 'لم تنجح مراجعة الأصل. حاول مرة اخرى.',
'success' => 'تم تسجيل تدقيق الأصل بنجاح.'
'success' => 'تم تسجيل تدقيق الأصل بنجاح.',
'deletefile' => array(
'deletefile' => [
'error' => 'لم يتم حذف الملف. الرجاء المحاولة مرة اخرى.',
'success' => 'تم حذف الملف بنجاح.',
'upload' => array(
'upload' => [
'error' => 'لم يتم تحميل الملف. حاول مرة اخرى.',
'success' => 'تم تحميل الملف بنجاح.',
'nofiles' => 'لم تحدد أي ملفات للتحميل، أو أن الملف الذي تحاول تحميله كبير جدا',
'invalidfiles' => 'واحد أو أكثر من الملفات كبيرة جداً أو نوع الملف غير مسموح. أنواع الملفات المسموح بها هي png, gif, jpg, doc, docx, pdf, و txt.',
'import' => array(
'import' => [
'error' => 'لم يتم استيراد بعض العناصر بشكل صحيح.',
'errorDetail' => 'لم يتم استيراد العناصر التالية بسبب الأخطاء.',
'success' => "تم استيراد الملف الخاص بك",
'file_delete_success' => "تم حذف ملفك بنجاح",
'file_delete_error' => "تعذر حذف الملف",
'success' => 'تم استيراد الملف الخاص بك',
'file_delete_success' => 'تم حذف ملفك بنجاح',
'file_delete_error' => 'تعذر حذف الملف',
'delete' => array(
'delete' => [
'confirm' => 'هل تريد بالتأكيد حذف هذا الأصل؟',
'error' => 'حدثت مشكلة أثناء حذف هذا الأصل. حاول مرة اخرى.',
'nothing_updated' => 'لم يتم اختيار أي أصول، لذلك لم يتم حذف أي شيء.',
'success' => 'تم حذف الأصل بنجاح.'
'success' => 'تم حذف الأصل بنجاح.',
'checkout' => array(
'checkout' => [
'error' => 'لم يتم اخراج الأصل، يرجى إعادة المحاولة',
'success' => 'تم اخراج الأصل بنجاح.',
'user_does_not_exist' => 'هذا المستخدم غير صالح. حاول مرة اخرى.',
'not_available' => 'هذا الأصل غير متاح للخروج!',
'no_assets_selected' => 'يجب عليك تحديد أصل واحد على الأقل من القائمة'
'no_assets_selected' => 'يجب عليك تحديد أصل واحد على الأقل من القائمة',
'checkin' => array(
'checkin' => [
'error' => 'لم يتم ادخال الأصل، يرجى إعادة المحاولة',
'success' => 'تم ادخال الأصل بنجاح.',
'user_does_not_exist' => 'هذا المستخدم غير صالح. حاول مرة اخرى.',
'already_checked_in' => 'تم ادخال هذا الأصل مسبقا.',
'requests' => array(
'requests' => [
'error' => 'لم يتم طلب الأصل، يرجى إعادة المحاولة',
'success' => 'تم طلب الأصل بنجاح.',
'canceled' => 'تم إلغاء طلب الاخراج بنجاح'
'canceled' => 'تم إلغاء طلب الاخراج بنجاح',

View file

@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
return array(
return [
'asset_tag' => 'ترميز الأصل',
'asset_model' => 'الموديل',
'book_value' => 'القيمة',
'book_value' => 'Current Value',
'change' => 'ادخال \\ اخراج',
'checkout_date' => 'تاريخ الاخراج',
'checkoutto' => 'الاخراج',
'current_value' => 'Current Value',
'diff' => 'الفرق',
'dl_csv' => 'التنزيل كملف CSV',
'eol' => 'نهاية العمر',
@ -18,8 +19,12 @@ return array(
'serial' => 'التسلسل',
'status' => 'الحالة',
'title' => 'أصل ',
'image' => 'صورة الجهاز',
'image' => 'صورة الجهاز',
'days_without_acceptance' => 'أيام بدون قبول',
'monthly_depreciation' => 'الإهلاك الشهري'
'monthly_depreciation' => 'الإهلاك الشهري',
'assigned_to' => 'Assigned To',
'requesting_user' => 'Requesting User',
'requested_date' => 'Requested Date',
'changed' => 'Changed',
'icon' => 'Icon',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
'about_kits_title' => 'حول مجموعات محددة مسبقا',
'about_kits_text' => 'مجموعات محددة مسبقا تتيح لك تحقق بسرعة من مجموعة من العناصر (الأصول والتراخيص ، الخ) لمستخدم. قد يكون هذا مفيداً عندما تكون عملية تشغيلك متناسقة عبر العديد من المستخدمين وتتلقى كافة المستخدمين نفس العناصر.
@ -15,5 +15,38 @@ return array(
'none_licenses' => 'لا توجد مقاعد كافية متاحة لـ: ترخيص الخروج. الكمية مطلوبة. ',
'none_consumables' => 'لا توجد وحدات متوفرة كافية من: قابلة للاستهلاك لـ Checkout. الكمية مطلوبة. ',
'none_accessory' => 'لا توجد وحدات متوفرة كافية من: ملحق ل checkout. الكمية مطلوبة. ',
'append_accessory' => 'Append Accessory',
'update_appended_accessory' => 'Update appended Accessory',
'append_consumable' => 'Append Consumable',
'update_appended_consumable' => 'Update appended Consumable',
'append_license' => 'Append license',
'update_appended_license' => 'Update appended license',
'append_model' => 'Append model',
'update_appended_model' => 'Update appended model',
'license_error' => 'License already attached to kit',
'license_added_success' => 'License added successfully',
'license_updated' => 'License was successfully updated',
'license_none' => 'License does not exist',
'license_detached' => 'License was successfully detached',
'consumable_added_success' => 'Consumable added successfully',
'consumable_updated' => 'Consumable was successfully updated',
'consumable_error' => 'Consumable already attached to kit',
'consumable_deleted' => 'Delete was successful',
'consumable_none' => 'Consumable does not exist',
'consumable_detached' => 'Consumable was successfully detached',
'accessory_added_success' => 'Accessory added successfully',
'accessory_updated' => 'Accessory was successfully updated',
'accessory_detached' => 'Accessory was successfully detached',
'accessory_error' => 'Accessory already attached to kit',
'accessory_deleted' => 'Delete was successful',
'accessory_none' => 'Accessory does not exist',
'checkout_success' => 'Checkout was successful',
'checkout_error' => 'Checkout error',
'kit_none' => 'Kit does not exist',
'kit_created' => 'Kit was successfully created',
'kit_updated' => 'Kit was successfully updated',
'kit_not_found' => 'Kit not found',
'kit_deleted' => 'Kit was successfully deleted',
'kit_model_updated' => 'Model was successfully updated',
'kit_model_detached' => 'Model was successfully detached',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
'about_locations_title' => 'حول المواقع',
'about_locations' => 'يتم استخدام المواقع لتتبع معلومات الموقع للمستخدمين والأصول والعناصر الأخرى',
'assets_rtd' => 'الأصول', // This has NEVER meant Assets Retired. I don't know how it keeps getting reverted.
@ -20,4 +20,21 @@ return array(
'parent' => 'الأبوين',
'currency' => 'عملة الموقع',
'ldap_ou' => 'لداب البحث أو',
'user_name' => 'User Name',
'department' => 'Department',
'location' => 'Location',
'asset_tag' => 'Assets Tag',
'asset_name' => 'Name',
'asset_category' => 'Category',
'asset_manufacturer' => 'Manufacturer',
'asset_model' => 'Model',
'asset_serial' => 'Serial',
'asset_location' => 'Location',
'asset_checked_out' => 'Checked Out',
'asset_expected_checkin' => 'Expected Checkin',
'date' => 'Date:',
'signed_by_asset_auditor' => 'Signed By (Asset Auditor):',
'signed_by_finance_auditor' => 'Signed By (Finance Auditor):',
'signed_by_location_manager' => 'Signed By (Location Manager):',
'signed_by' => 'Signed Off By:',

View file

@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
return array(
'info' => 'حدد الخيارات التي تريدها لتقرير الأصول الخاصة بك.'
return [
'info' => 'حدد الخيارات التي تريدها لتقرير الأصول الخاصة بك.',
'deleted_user' => 'Deleted user',
'send_reminder' => 'Send reminder',
'reminder_sent' => 'Reminder sent',
'acceptance_deleted' => 'Acceptance request deleted',
'acceptance_request' => 'Acceptance request'

View file

@ -1,30 +1,39 @@
return array(
return [
'ad' => 'الدليل النشط',
'ad_domain' => 'مجال الدليل النشط',
'ad_domain_help' => 'هذا هو أحيانا نفس نطاق البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك، ولكن ليس دائما.',
'ad_append_domain_label' => 'إلحاق اسم domain',
'ad_append_domain' => 'إلحاق اسم domain إلى حقل اسم المستخدم',
'ad_append_domain_help' => 'المستخدم غير مطلوب لكتابة "username@domain.local" ، فإنها يمكن أن تكتب فقط "اسم المستخدم".' ,
'ad_append_domain_help' => 'المستخدم غير مطلوب لكتابة "username@domain.local" ، فإنها يمكن أن تكتب فقط "اسم المستخدم".',
'admin_cc_email' => 'نسخة اضافية للبريد الإكتروني',
'admin_cc_email_help' => 'إذا كنت ترغب في إرسال نسخة من رسائل البريد الإلكتروني لتسجيل الدخول / الخروج التي يتم إرسالها إلى المستخدمين إلى حساب بريد إلكتروني إضافي، فقم بإدخالها هنا. خلاف ذلك، اترك هذه الخانة فارغة.',
'is_ad' => 'هذا هو ملقم أكتيف ديركتوري',
'alerts' => 'Alerts',
'alert_title' => 'Update Alert Settings',
'alert_email' => 'إرسال تنبيهات إلى',
'alert_email_help' => 'Email addresses or distribution lists you want alerts to be sent to, comma separated',
'alerts_enabled' => 'التنبيهان ممكنه',
'alert_interval' => 'انتهاء فترة التنبيهات (بالأيام)',
'alert_inv_threshold' => 'عتبة تنبيه المخزون',
'allow_user_skin' => 'السماح بنمط المستخدم',
'allow_user_skin_help_text' => 'التحقق من هذا المربع سيسمح للمستخدم باستخدام مظهر واجهة المستخدم بمظهر آخر.' ,
'allow_user_skin_help_text' => 'التحقق من هذا المربع سيسمح للمستخدم باستخدام مظهر واجهة المستخدم بمظهر آخر.',
'asset_ids' => 'ارقام تعريف الاصول',
'audit_interval' => 'مدة التدقيق',
'audit_interval_help' => 'إذا كان مطلوبا منك مراجعة أصولك الفعلية بشكل دوري، قم بإدخال المدة بالأشهر.',
'audit_warning_days' => 'عتبة تحذير التدقيق',
'audit_warning_days_help' => 'كم يوما مقدما يجب أن نحذركم عندما تكون الأصول مستحقة للتدقيق؟',
'auto_increment_assets' => 'إنشاء ارقام تعريف الاصول مع التزايد التلقائي',
'auto_increment_assets' => 'Generate auto-incrementing asset tags',
'auto_increment_prefix' => 'البادئة (اختياري)',
'auto_incrementing_help' => 'أولا قم بتفعيل ارقام تعريف الاصول مع التزايد التلقائي لكي تستطيع تعيين هذا',
'auto_incrementing_help' => 'Enable auto-incrementing asset tags first to set this',
'backups' => 'النسخ الإحتياطية',
'backups_restoring' => 'Restoring from Backup',
'backups_upload' => 'Upload Backup',
'backups_path' => 'Backups on the server are stored in <code>:path</code>',
'backups_restore_warning' => 'Use the restore button <small><span class="btn btn-xs btn-warning"><i class="text-white fas fa-retweet" aria-hidden="true"></i></span></small> to restore from a previous backup. (This does not currently work with S3 file storage or Docker.<br><br>Your <strong>entire :app_name database and any uploaded files will be completely replaced</strong> by what\'s in the backup file. ',
'backups_logged_out' => 'You will be logged out once your restore is complete.',
'backups_large' => 'Very large backups may time out on the restore attempt and may still need to be run via command line. ',
'barcode_settings' => 'إعدادات الباركود',
'confirm_purge' => 'تأكيد التطهير',
'confirm_purge_help' => 'أدخل النص "DELETE" في المربع أدناه لإزالة السجلات المحذوفة. لا يمكن التراجع عن هذا الإجراء وسيتم حذف كافة العناصر حذف ناعمة والمستخدمين بشكل دائم. (يجب أن تقوم بعمل نسخة احتياطية أولاً، فقط لتكون آمنة.)',
@ -47,6 +56,7 @@ return array(
'barcode_type' => '2D نوع الباركود',
'alt_barcode_type' => '1D نوع الباركود',
'email_logo_size' => 'الشعارات الشعارات البريد الإلكتروني في البريد الإلكتروني تبدو أفضل. ',
'enabled' => 'Enabled',
'eula_settings' => 'إعدادات اتفاقية ترخيص المستخدم النهائي',
'eula_markdown' => 'تسمح اتفاقية ترخيص المستخدم هذه <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">بتطبيق نمط الكتابة من Github</a>.',
'favicon' => 'Favicon',
@ -55,12 +65,17 @@ return array(
'footer_text' => 'إضافة نص لتذييل الصفحة ',
'footer_text_help' => 'سيظهر هذا النص في تذييل الجانب الأيمن. يُسمح باستخدام الروابط باستخدام < href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">eGithub بنكهة markdown</a>. فواصل الأسطر، رؤوس، الصور، الخ قد يؤدي إلى نتائج غير متوقعة.',
'general_settings' => 'الاعدادات العامة',
'general_settings_keywords' => 'company support, signature, acceptance, email format, username format, images, per page, thumbnail, eula, tos, dashboard, privacy',
'general_settings_help' => 'Default EULA and more',
'generate_backup' => 'إنشاء النسخ الاحتياطي',
'header_color' => 'رأس اللون',
'info' => 'تتيح لك هذه الإعدادات تخصيص بعض جوانب التثبيت.',
'label_logo' => 'شعار التسمية',
'label_logo_size' => 'الشعارات المربعة تبدو أفضل - سيتم عرضها في أعلى يمين كل ملصق أصل. ',
'laravel' => 'نسخة لارافيل',
'ldap' => 'LDAP',
'ldap_help' => 'LDAP/Active Directory',
'ldap_client_tls_key' => 'LDAP Client TLS Key',
'ldap_client_tls_cert' => 'LDAP Client-Side TLS Certificate',
'ldap_enabled' => 'تم تمكين لداب',
'ldap_integration' => 'دمج لداب',
@ -95,9 +110,17 @@ return array(
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'يستخدم هذا العلم لتحديد ما إذا كان يمكن للمستخدم تسجيل الدخول إلى Snipe-IT ولا يؤثر على القدرة على التحقق من العناصر في أو خارجها.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'رقم موظف لداب',
'ldap_email' => 'بريد لداب',
'license' => 'ترخيص البرنامج',
'ldap_test' => 'Test LDAP',
'ldap_test_sync' => 'Test LDAP Synchronization',
'license' => 'ترخيص البرنامج',
'load_remote_text' => 'المخطوطات عن بعد',
'load_remote_help_text' => 'هذا قنص إيت تثبيت يمكن تحميل البرامج النصية من العالم الخارجي.',
'login' => 'Login Attempts',
'login_attempt' => 'Login Attempt',
'login_ip' => 'IP Address',
'login_success' => 'Success?',
'login_user_agent' => 'User Agent',
'login_help' => 'List of attempted logins',
'login_note' => 'تسجيل الدخول ملاحظة',
'login_note_help' => 'اختيارياً تضمين بعض الجمل على شاشة تسجيل الدخول الخاصة بك، على سبيل المثال لمساعدة الناس الذين وجدوا أحد الأجهزة المفقودة أو المسروقة. يقبل هذا الحقل <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">بتطبيق نمط الكتابة من Github</a>',
'login_remote_user_text' => 'خيارات تسجيل دخول المستخدم عن بعد',
@ -118,16 +141,28 @@ return array(
'optional' => 'اختياري',
'per_page' => 'النتائج لكل صفحة',
'php' => 'نسخة فب',
'php_info' => 'PHP Info',
'php_overview' => 'PHP',
'php_overview_keywords' => 'phpinfo, system, info',
'php_overview_help' => 'PHP System info',
'php_gd_info' => 'يجب تثبيت فب-غ لعرض رموز قر، راجع تعليمات التثبيت.',
'php_gd_warning' => 'لم يتم تثبيت فب معالجة الصور و غ المساعد.',
'pwd_secure_complexity' => 'تعقيد كلمة المرور',
'pwd_secure_complexity_help' => 'حدد أي قواعد تعقيد كلمة المرور التي ترغب في فرضها.',
'pwd_secure_complexity_disallow_same_pwd_as_user_fields' => 'Password cannot be the same as first name, last name, email, or username',
'pwd_secure_complexity_letters' => 'Require at least one letter',
'pwd_secure_complexity_numbers' => 'Require at least one number',
'pwd_secure_complexity_symbols' => 'Require at least one symbol',
'pwd_secure_complexity_case_diff' => 'Require at least one uppercase and one lowercase',
'pwd_secure_min' => 'كلمة المرور الحد الأدنى من الأحرف',
'pwd_secure_min_help' => 'الحد الأدنى المسموح به هو 8',
'pwd_secure_uncommon' => 'منع كلمات المرور الشائعة',
'pwd_secure_uncommon_help' => 'سيؤدي ذلك إلى منع المستخدمين من استخدام كلمات المرور الشائعة من أعلى 10000 كلمة مرور يتم الإبلاغ عنها في حالات خرق.',
'qr_help' => 'تمكين رموز قر أولا لتعيين هذا',
'qr_text' => 'نص رمز الاستجابة السريعة',
'saml' => 'SAML',
'saml_title' => 'Update SAML settings',
'saml_help' => 'SAML settings',
'saml_enabled' => 'تمكين SAML',
'saml_integration' => 'الدمج مع نظام ادارة طلبات الزبائن',
'saml_sp_entityid' => 'معرف الكيان',
@ -147,6 +182,7 @@ return array(
'saml_slo_help' => 'سيؤدي هذا إلى إعادة توجيه المستخدم لأول مرة إلى تسجيل الخروج من الهوية الشخصية. اتركه دون تحديد إذا كانت الهوية الشخصية لا تدعم بشكل صحيح SP-SAML SLO.',
'saml_custom_settings' => 'إعدادات SAML المخصصة',
'saml_custom_settings_help' => 'يمكنك تحديد إعدادات إضافية لمكتبة onelogin/php-saml. استخدمها على مسؤوليتك الخاصة.',
'saml_download' => 'Download Metadata',
'setting' => 'ضبط',
'settings' => 'إعدادات',
'show_alerts_in_menu' => 'عرض التنبيهات في القائمة العلوية',
@ -157,6 +193,9 @@ return array(
'show_images_in_email' => 'إظهار الصور في رسائل البريد الإلكتروني',
'show_images_in_email_help' => 'قم بإلغاء تحديد هذا المربع إذا كان تثبيت Snipe-IT وراء شبكة VPN أو شبكة مغلقة ولن يتمكن المستخدمون خارج الشبكة من تحميل الصور التي يخدمها هذا التثبيت في رسائل البريد الإلكتروني الخاصة بهم.',
'site_name' => 'اسم الموقع',
'slack' => 'Slack',
'slack_title' => 'Update Slack Settings',
'slack_help' => 'Slack settings',
'slack_botname' => 'سلاك بوتنام',
'slack_channel' => 'قناة سلاك',
'slack_endpoint' => 'نقطة نهاية سلاك',
@ -173,6 +212,8 @@ return array(
'update' => 'إعدادات التحديث',
'value' => 'القيمة',
'brand' => 'العلامات التجارية',
'brand_keywords' => 'footer, logo, print, theme, skin, header, colors, color, css',
'brand_help' => 'Logo, Site Name',
'web_brand' => 'نوع العلامات التجارية للويب',
'about_settings_title' => 'حول الإعدادات',
'about_settings_text' => 'تتيح لك هذه الإعدادات تخصيص بعض جوانب التثبيت.',
@ -184,6 +225,7 @@ return array(
'privacy_policy' => 'سياسة الخصوصية',
'privacy_policy_link_help' => 'إذا تم تضمين عنوان URL هنا، سيتم تضمين رابط لسياسة الخصوصية الخاصة بك في تذييل التطبيق وفي أي رسائل البريد الإلكتروني التي يرسلها النظام، وفقاً لهذا التقرير. ',
'purge' => 'تطهير السجلات المحذوفة',
'purge_deleted' => 'Purge Deleted ',
'labels_display_bgutter' => 'الجزء السفلي للتسمية',
'labels_display_sgutter' => 'الجزء الجانبي للتسمية',
'labels_fontsize' => 'حجم خط التسمية',
@ -229,4 +271,51 @@ return array(
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'تحديد المربع سيؤدي الى فرض سياسة التفرد على الرقم التسلسلي للمتلكات',
'zerofill_count' => 'طول ترميز الأصل، بما في ذلك تعبئة الاصفار',
'username_format_help' => 'سيتم استخدام هذا الإعداد فقط من قبل عملية الاستيراد إذا لم يتم توفير اسم المستخدم ويتعين علينا إنشاء اسم مستخدم لك.',
'oauth_title' => 'OAuth API Settings',
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'oauth_help' => 'Oauth Endpoint Settings',
'asset_tag_title' => 'Update Asset Tag Settings',
'barcode_title' => 'Update Barcode Settings',
'barcodes' => 'Barcodes',
'barcodes_help_overview' => 'Barcode &amp; QR settings',
'barcodes_help' => 'This will attempt to delete cached barcodes. This would typically only be used if your barcode settings have changed, or if your Snipe-IT URL has changed. Barcodes will be re-generated when accessed next.',
'barcodes_spinner' => 'Attempting to delete files...',
'barcode_delete_cache' => 'Delete Barcode Cache',
'branding_title' => 'Update Branding Settings',
'general_title' => 'Update General Settings',
'mail_test' => 'Send Test',
'mail_test_help' => 'This will attempt to send a test mail to :replyto.',
'filter_by_keyword' => 'Filter by setting keyword',
'security' => 'Security',
'security_title' => 'Update Security Settings',
'security_keywords' => 'password, passwords, requirements, two factor, two-factor, common passwords, remote login, logout, authentication',
'security_help' => 'Two-factor, Password Restrictions',
'groups_keywords' => 'permissions, permission groups, authorization',
'groups_help' => 'Account permission groups',
'localization' => 'Localization',
'localization_title' => 'Update Localization Settings',
'localization_keywords' => 'localization, currency, local, locale, time zone, timezone, international, internatinalization, language, languages, translation',
'localization_help' => 'Language, date display',
'notifications' => 'Notifications',
'notifications_help' => 'Email alerts, audit settings',
'asset_tags_help' => 'Incrementing and prefixes',
'labels' => 'Labels',
'labels_title' => 'Update Label Settings',
'labels_help' => 'Label sizes &amp; settings',
'purge' => 'Purge',
'purge_keywords' => 'permanently delete',
'purge_help' => 'Purge Deleted Records',
'ldap_extension_warning' => 'It does not look like the LDAP extension is installed or enabled on this server. You can still save your settings, but you will need to enable the LDAP extension for PHP before LDAP syncing or login will work.',
'ldap_ad' => 'LDAP/AD',
'employee_number' => 'Employee Number',
'create_admin_user' => 'Create a User ::',
'create_admin_success' => 'Success! Your admin user has been added!',
'create_admin_redirect' => 'Click here to go to your app login!',
'setup_migrations' => 'Database Migrations ::',
'setup_no_migrations' => 'There was nothing to migrate. Your database tables were already set up!',
'setup_successful_migrations' => 'Your database tables have been created',
'setup_migration_output' => 'Migration output:',
'setup_migration_create_user' => 'Next: Create User',
'ldap_settings_link' => 'LDAP Settings Page',
'slack_test' => 'Test <i class="fab fa-slack"></i> Integration',

View file

@ -1,22 +1,43 @@
return array(
return [
'update' => array(
'update' => [
'error' => 'حدث خطأ أثناء التحديث. ',
'success' => 'تم تحديث الإعدادات بنجاح.'
'backup' => array(
'success' => 'تم تحديث الإعدادات بنجاح.',
'backup' => [
'delete_confirm' => 'هل تريد بالتأكيد حذف ملف النسخة الاحتياطية هذا؟ لا يمكن التراجع عن هذا الإجراء.',
'file_deleted' => 'تم حذف ملف النسخ الاحتياطي بنجاح.',
'generated' => 'تم إنشاء ملف نسخ احتياطي جديد بنجاح.',
'file_not_found' => 'تعذر العثور على ملف النسخ الاحتياطي هذا على الملقم.',
'purge' => array(
'restore_warning' => 'Yes, restore it. I acknowledge that this will overwrite any existing data currently in the database. This will also log out all of your existing users (including you).',
'restore_confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to restore your database from :filename?'
'purge' => [
'error' => 'حدث خطأ أثناء التطهير.',
'validation_failed' => 'تأكيد التطهير غير صحيح. الرجاء كتابة الكلمة "ديليت" في مربع التأكيد.',
'success' => 'تمت إزالة السجلات المحذوفة بنجاح.'
'success' => 'تمت إزالة السجلات المحذوفة بنجاح.',
'mail' => [
'sending' => 'Sending Test Email...',
'success' => 'Mail sent!',
'error' => 'Mail could not be sent.',
'additional' => 'No additional error message provided. Check your mail settings and your app log.'
'ldap' => [
'testing' => 'Testing LDAP Connection, Binding & Query ...',
'500' => '500 Server Error. Please check your server logs for more information.',
'error' => 'Something went wrong :(',
'sync_success' => 'A sample of 10 users returned from the LDAP server based on your settings:',
'testing_authentication' => 'Testing LDAP Authentication...',
'authentication_success' => 'User authenticated against LDAP successfully!'
'slack' => [
'sending' => 'Sending Slack test message...',
'success_pt1' => 'Success! Check the ',
'success_pt2' => ' channel for your test message, and be sure to click SAVE below to store your settings.',
'500' => '500 Server Error.',
'error' => 'Something went wrong.',

View file

@ -1,32 +1,31 @@
return array(
return [
'does_not_exist' => 'تسمية الحالة غير موجودة.',
'assoc_assets' => 'ترتبط تسمية الحالة هذه مع واحد على الأقل من الأصول ولا يمكن حذفها. يرجى تحديث الأصول حيث لا تشير إلى هذه الحالة وحاول مرة أخرى. ',
'create' => array(
'create' => [
'error' => 'لم يتم إنشاء تسمية الحالة، يرجى إعادة المحاولة.',
'success' => 'تم إنشاء تسمية الحالة بنجاح.'
'success' => 'تم إنشاء تسمية الحالة بنجاح.',
'update' => array(
'update' => [
'error' => 'لم يتم تحديث تسمية الحالة، يرجى إعادة المحاولة',
'success' => 'تم تحديث تسمية الحالة بنجاح.'
'success' => 'تم تحديث تسمية الحالة بنجاح.',
'delete' => array(
'delete' => [
'confirm' => 'هل تريد بالتأكيد حذف تسمية الحالة هذه؟',
'error' => 'حدثت مشكلة أثناء حذف تسمية الحالة. حاول مرة اخرى.',
'success' => 'تم حذف تسمية الحالة بنجاح.'
'success' => 'تم حذف تسمية الحالة بنجاح.',
'help' => array(
'help' => [
'undeployable' => 'لا يمكن اخراج هذه الأصول لأي شخص.',
'deployable' => 'يمكن اخراج هذه الأصول. بعد تعيينهم، سيتم اعطاءها الحالة <i class="fa fa-circle text-blue"></i> <strong>تم التوزيع</strong>.',
'deployable' => 'These assets can be checked out. Once they are assigned, they will assume a meta status of <i class="fas fa-circle text-blue"></i> <strong>Deployed</strong>.',
'archived' => 'لا اخراج هذه الأصول، ولن تظهر إلا في المؤرشفة. وهذا مفيد للاحتفاظ بالمعلومات عن الأصول لأغراض الميزانية / التاريخية وايضا الاحتفاظ بها خارج قائمة الأصول اليومية.',
'pending' => 'لا يمكن بعد اخراج هذه الأصول لأي شخص، غالبا ما تستخدم للأصول اللتي قيد الصيانة، ولكن من المتوقع أن تعود إلى الاستخدام.',

View file

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
'activated_help_text' => 'هذا المستخدم تسجيل الدخول',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'لا يمكنك تعديل حالة التنشيط لحسابك الخاص.',
'assets_user' => 'الأصول التي تم اخراجها إلى :name',
@ -13,7 +12,7 @@ return array(
'edit' => 'تعديل المستخدم',
'filetype_info' => 'انواع صيغ الملفات المسوح بها هي png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar.',
'history_user' => 'الأرشيف الخاص بـ :name',
'info' => 'معلومات',
'info' => 'معلومات',
'restore_user' => 'انقر هنا لاستعادتها.',
'last_login' => 'آخر دخول للمستخدم',
'ldap_config_text' => 'يمكن العثور على إعدادات تهيئة لداب المشرف> الإعدادات. سيتم تعيين الموقع (اختياري) المحدد لجميع المستخدمين الذين تم استيرادهم.',
@ -25,4 +24,14 @@ return array(
'two_factor_admin_optin_help' => 'تسمح إعدادات المشرف الحالية بإنفاذ انتقائي للمصادقة الثنائية.',
'two_factor_enrolled' => '2FA الجهاز المسجلين',
'two_factor_active' => '2FA نشط',
'user_deactivated' => 'User is de-activated',
'activation_status_warning' => 'Do not change activation status',
'group_memberships_helpblock' => 'Only superadmins may edit group memberships.',
'superadmin_permission_warning' => 'Only superadmins may grant a user superadmin access.',
'admin_permission_warning' => 'Only users with admins rights or greater may grant a user admin access.',
'remove_group_memberships' => 'Remove Group Memberships',
'warning_deletion' => 'WARNING:',
'warning_deletion_information' => 'You are about to delete the :count user(s) listed below. Super admin names are highlighted in red.',
'update_user_asssets_status' => 'Update all assets for these users to this status',
'checkin_user_properties' => 'Check in all properties associated with these users',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
'actions' => 'الإجراءات',
'add' => 'إضافة جديد',
'cancel' => 'إلغاء',
@ -8,11 +8,17 @@ return array(
'delete' => 'حذف',
'edit' => 'تعديل',
'restore' => 'إستعادة',
'remove' => 'إزالة',
'request' => 'طلب',
'submit' => 'إرسال',
'upload' => 'رفع',
'select_file' => 'حدد ملف ...',
'select_file' => 'حدد ملف ...',
'select_files' => 'إختيار ملف...',
'generate_labels' => '{1} انشاء تسميات [2,*] توليد تسميات',
'send_password_link' => 'إرسال رابط إعادة تعيين كلمة السر',
'send_password_link' => 'إرسال رابط إعادة تعيين كلمة السر',
'go' => 'انطلق',
'bulk_actions' => 'Bulk Actions',
'add_maintenance' => 'Add Maintenance',
'append' => 'Append',
'new' => 'جديد',

View file

@ -19,7 +19,10 @@
'asset' => 'الأصول',
'asset_report' => 'تقرير الأصول',
'asset_tag' => 'ترميز الأصل',
'assets_available' => 'الأصول المتاحة',
'asset_tags' => 'Asset Tags',
'assets_available' => 'Assets available',
'accept_assets' => 'Accept Assets :name',
'accept_assets_menu' => 'Accept Assets',
'audit' => 'تدقيق',
'audit_report' => 'سجل التدقيق',
'assets' => 'الأصول',
@ -30,6 +33,10 @@
'bulkaudit' => 'تدقيق متعدد',
'bulkaudit_status' => 'حالة التدقيق',
'bulk_checkout' => 'اخراج متعدد',
'bulk_edit' => 'Bulk Edit',
'bulk_delete' => 'Bulk Delete',
'bulk_actions' => 'Bulk Actions',
'bulk_checkin_delete' => 'Bulk Checkin &amp; Delete',
'bystatus' => 'حسب الحالة',
'cancel' => 'إلغاء',
'categories' => 'التصنيفات',
@ -44,13 +51,13 @@
'checkins_count' => 'المٌدخل',
'user_requests_count' => 'الطلبات',
'city' => 'المدينة',
'click_here' => 'انقر هنا',
'click_here' => 'انقر هنا',
'clear_selection' => 'مسح التحديد',
'companies' => 'الشركات',
'company' => 'شركة',
'component' => 'مكون',
'components' => 'المكونات',
'complete' => 'اكتمال',
'complete' => 'اكتمال',
'consumable' => 'مستهلكات',
'consumables' => 'المواد الاستهلاكية',
'country' => 'الدولة',
@ -62,6 +69,8 @@
'updated_at' => 'تم التحديث في',
'currency' => '$', // this is deprecated
'current' => 'الحالي',
'current_password' => 'Current Password',
'customize_report' => 'Customize Report',
'custom_report' => 'تقرير مخصص للأصول',
'dashboard' => 'لوحة القيادة',
'days' => 'أيام',
@ -73,19 +82,22 @@
'delete_confirm' => 'هل أنت متأكد من حذف :المنتج؟',
'deleted' => 'تم حذفها',
'delete_seats' => 'المقاعد المحذوفة',
'deletion_failed' => 'Deletion failed',
'departments' => 'الإدارات',
'department' => ' قسم، أقسام',
'department' => ' قسم، أقسام',
'deployed' => 'مُوزعة',
'depreciation' => 'الإستهلاك',
'depreciations' => 'Depreciations',
'depreciation_report' => 'تقرير الإستهلاك',
'details' => 'التفاصيل',
'download' => 'تحميل',
'download_all' => 'تنزيل الكل',
'depreciation' => 'الإستهلاك',
'download_all' => 'تنزيل الكل',
'editprofile' => 'تعديل الملف الشخصي',
'eol' => 'نهاية العمر',
'email_domain' => 'نطاق البريد الإلكتروني',
'email_format' => 'تنسيق البريد الإلكتروني',
'email_domain_help' => 'يتم استخدام هذا لتوليد عناوين البريد الإلكتروني عند الاستيراد',
'error' => 'Error',
'filastname_format' => 'الاسم الأخير الأول (jsmith@example.com)',
'firstname_lastname_format' => 'الاسم الأول الاسم الأخير (jane.smith@example.com)',
'firstname_lastname_underscore_format' => 'الاسم الأول الاسم الأخير (jane_smith@example.com)',
@ -102,16 +114,21 @@
'file_name' => 'ملف',
'file_type' => 'نوع الملف',
'file_uploads' => 'تحميلات الملفات',
'file_upload' => 'File Upload',
'generate' => 'توفير',
'github_markdown' => 'يتيح هذا الحقل <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">بتطبيق نمط الكتابة من Github</a>.',
'generate_labels' => 'Generate Labels',
'github_markdown' => 'يتيح هذا الحقل <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">بتطبيق نمط الكتابة من Github</a>.',
'groups' => 'المجموعات',
'gravatar_email' => 'البريد الإلكتروني لخدمة Gravatar',
'gravatar_url' => '<a href="http://gravatar.com"><small>Change your avatar at Gravatar.com</small></a>.',
'history' => 'الأرشيف',
'history_for' => 'السجل لـ',
'id' => 'رقم التعريف',
'image' => 'صورة',
'image_delete' => 'حذف الصورة',
'image_upload' => 'رفع صورة',
'filetypes_accepted_help' => 'Accepted filetype is :types. Max upload size allowed is :size.|Accepted filetypes are :types. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'filetypes_size_help' => 'Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'أنواع الملفات المقبولة هي jpg، webpp، png، gif، svg. الحد الأقصى المسموح به للتحميل هو :size.',
'import' => 'استيراد',
'importing' => 'الاستيراد',
@ -121,6 +138,7 @@
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'تقرير صيانة الأصول',
'asset_maintenances' => 'صيانة الأصول',
'item' => 'بند',
'item_name' => 'Item Name',
'insufficient_permissions' => 'صلاحيات غير كافية!',
'kits' => 'مجموعات محددة مسبقاً',
'language' => 'لغة',
@ -132,7 +150,7 @@
'licenses_available' => 'التراخيص المتاحة',
'licenses' => 'التراخيص',
'list_all' => 'عرض الكل',
'loading' => 'جار التحميل',
'loading' => 'Loading... please wait....',
'lock_passwords' => 'لن يتم حفظ قيمة الحقل هذه في تثبيت تجريبي.',
'feature_disabled' => 'تم تعطيل هذه الميزة للتثبيت التجريبي.',
'location' => 'الموقع',
@ -141,15 +159,17 @@
'logout' => 'تسجيل خروج',
'lookup_by_tag' => 'البحث عن طريق ترميز الأصل',
'maintenances' => 'الصيانة',
'manage_api_keys' => 'Manage API Keys',
'manufacturer' => 'الشركة المصنعة',
'manufacturers' => 'الشركات المصنعة',
'markdown' => 'يتيح هذا الحقل <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">بتطبيق نمط الكتابة من Github</a>.',
'min_amt' => 'دقيقة. الكمية',
'min_amt_help' => 'الحد الأدنى لعدد العناصر التي يجب توفرها قبل بدء التنبيه.',
'min_amt_help' => 'Minimum number of items that should be available before an alert gets triggered. Leave Min. QTY blank if you do not want to receive alerts for low inventory.',
'model_no' => 'رقم الموديل',
'months' => 'أشهر',
'moreinfo' => 'المزيد من المعلومات',
'name' => 'الإسم',
'new_password' => 'New Password',
'next' => 'التالى',
'next_audit_date' => 'تاريخ التدقيق التالي',
'last_audit' => 'آخر مراجعة',
@ -171,19 +191,26 @@
'purchase_date' => 'تاريخ الشراء',
'qty' => 'الكمية',
'quantity' => 'كمية',
'quantity_minimum' => 'You have :count items below or almost below minimum quantity levels',
'ready_to_deploy' => 'جاهزة للتوزيع',
'recent_activity' => 'آخر نشاط',
'remaining' => 'Remaining',
'remove_company' => 'إزالة جمعية الشركة',
'reports' => 'التقارير',
'restored' => 'المعاد',
'restore' => 'إستعادة',
'requestable_models' => 'Requestable Models',
'requested' => 'طلب',
'requested_date' => 'Requested Date',
'requested_assets' => 'Requested Assets',
'requested_assets_menu' => 'Requested Assets',
'request_canceled' => 'تم إلغاء الطلب',
'save' => 'حفظ',
'select' => 'تحديد',
'select_all' => 'Select All',
'search' => 'بحث',
'select_category' => 'اختر تصنيف',
'select_department' => 'حدد قسم',
'select_department' => 'حدد قسم',
'select_depreciation' => 'حدد نوع الاستهلاك',
'select_location' => 'حدد موقعا',
'select_manufacturer' => 'حدد الشركة المصنعة',
@ -200,6 +227,7 @@
'sign_in' => 'تسجيل الدخول',
'signature' => 'التوقيع',
'skin' => 'المظهر',
'slack_msg_note' => 'A slack message will be sent',
'slack_test_msg' => 'مرحباً! يبدو أن التكامل مع Slack مع Snipe-IT يعمل!',
'some_features_disabled' => 'التثبيت التجريبي (DEMO): يتم تعطيل بعض الميزات لهذا التثبيت.',
'site_name' => 'إسم الموقع',
@ -211,6 +239,7 @@
'sure_to_delete' => 'هل تريد بالتأكيد حذفها',
'submit' => 'عرض',
'target' => 'استهداف',
'toggle_navigation' => 'Toogle Navigation',
'time_and_date_display' => 'عرض الوقت والتاريخ',
'total_assets' => 'إجمالي الأصول',
'total_licenses' => 'مجموع التراخيص',
@ -230,6 +259,7 @@
'users' => 'المستخدمين',
'viewall' => 'عرض الكل',
'viewassets' => 'عرض الأصول المخرجة',
'viewassetsfor' => 'View Assets for :name',
'website' => 'الموقع',
'welcome' => 'مرحباً :name',
'years' => 'سنوات',
@ -243,8 +273,78 @@
'accept' => 'قبول :asset',
'i_accept' => 'قبول',
'i_decline' => 'أنا أرفض',
'accept_decline' => 'Accept/Decline',
'sign_tos' => 'قم بتسجيل الدخول أدناه للإشارة إلى أنك توافق على شروط الخدمة:',
'clear_signature' => 'مسح التوقيع',
'show_help' => 'إظهار المساعدة',
'hide_help' => 'إخفاء المساعدة',
'view_all' => 'view all',
'hide_deleted' => 'Hide Deleted',
'email' => 'Email',
'do_not_change' => 'Do Not Change',
'bug_report' => 'Report a Bug',
'user_manual' => 'User\'s Manual',
'setup_step_1' => 'Step 1',
'setup_step_2' => 'Step 2',
'setup_step_3' => 'Step 3',
'setup_step_4' => 'Step 4',
'setup_config_check' => 'Configuration Check',
'setup_create_database' => 'Create Database Tables',
'setup_create_admin' => 'Create Admin User',
'setup_done' => 'Finished!',
'bulk_edit_about_to' => 'You are about to edit the following: ',
'checked_out' => 'Checked Out',
'checked_out_to' => 'Checked out to',
'fields' => 'Fields',
'last_checkout' => 'Last Checkout',
'due_to_checkin' => 'The following :count items are due to be checked in soon:',
'expected_checkin' => 'Expected Checkin',
'reminder_checked_out_items' => 'This is a reminder of the items currently checked out to you. If you feel this list is inaccurate (something is missing, or something appears here that you believe you never received), please email :reply_to_name at :reply_to_address.',
'changed' => 'Changed',
'to' => 'To',
'report_fields_info' => '<p>Select the fields you would like to include in your custom report, and click Generate. The file (custom-asset-report-YYYY-mm-dd.csv) will download automatically, and you can open it in Excel.</p>
<p>If you would like to export only certain assets, use the options below to fine-tune your results.</p>',
'range' => 'Range',
'bom_remark' => 'Add a BOM (byte-order mark) to this CSV',
'improvements' => 'Improvements',
'information' => 'Information',
'permissions' => 'Permissions',
'managed_ldap' => '(Managed via LDAP)',
'export' => 'Export',
'ldap_sync' => 'LDAP Sync',
'ldap_user_sync' => 'LDAP User Sync',
'synchronize' => 'Synchronize',
'sync_results' => 'Synchronization Results',
'license_serial' => 'Serial/Product Key',
'invalid_category' => 'Invalid category',
'dashboard_info' => 'This is your dashboard. There are many like it, but this one is yours.',
'60_percent_warning' => '60% Complete (warning)',
'dashboard_empty' => 'It looks like you haven not added anything yet, so we do not have anything awesome to display. Get started by adding some assets, accessories, consumables, or licenses now!',
'new_asset' => 'New Asset',
'new_license' => 'New License',
'new_accessory' => 'New Accessory',
'new_consumable' => 'New Consumable',
'collapse' => 'Collapse',
'assigned' => 'Assigned',
'asset_count' => 'Asset Count',
'accessories_count' => 'Accessories Count',
'consumables_count' => 'Consumables Count',
'components_count' => 'Components Count',
'licenses_count' => 'Licenses Count',
'notification_error' => 'Error:',
'notification_error_hint' => 'Please check the form below for errors',
'notification_success' => 'Success:',
'notification_warning' => 'Warning:',
'notification_info' => 'Info:',
'asset_information' => 'Asset Information',
'model_name' => 'Model Name:',
'asset_name' => 'Asset Name:',
'consumable_information' => 'Consumable Information:',
'consumable_name' => 'Consumable Name:',
'accessory_information' => 'Accessory Information:',
'accessory_name' => 'Accessory Name:',
'clone_item' => 'Clone Item',
'checkout_tooltip' => 'Check this item out',
'checkin_tooltip' => 'Check this item in',
'checkout_user_tooltip' => 'Check this item out to a user',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ return array(
"more_info_title" => "المزيد من المعلومات",
'more_info_title' => 'المزيد من المعلومات',
"audit_help" => "التحقق من هذا المربع سيؤدي إلى تعديل سجل الأصول لعكس هذا الموقع الجديد. تركه غير محدد سيلاحظ ببساطة الموقع في سجل المراجعة.<br><br>لاحظ أن هذا الأصل تم التحقق منه، فهو لن يغير موقع الشخص أو الأصل أو الموقع الذي يتم التحقق منه إليه.",
'audit_help' => 'التحقق من هذا المربع سيؤدي إلى تعديل سجل الأصول لعكس هذا الموقع الجديد. تركه غير محدد سيلاحظ ببساطة الموقع في سجل المراجعة.<br><br>لاحظ أن هذا الأصل تم التحقق منه، فهو لن يغير موقع الشخص أو الأصل أو الموقع الذي يتم التحقق منه إليه.',
'assets' => 'الأصول هي العناصر التي يتم تتبعها بواسطة الرقم التسلسلي أو ترميز الأصل. وهي تميل إلى أن تكون ممتلكات ذات قيمة أعلى حيث انه من المهم توثيقها.',
@ -31,6 +31,4 @@ return array(
'depreciations' => 'يمكنك إعداد استهلاك الأصول لاستهلاك الأصول بناء على الاستهلاك الثابت للقيمة.',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
'a_user_canceled' => 'ألغى المستخدم طلب عنصر على الموقع',
'a_user_requested' => 'طلب مستخدم عنصر على الموقع',
'accessory_name' => 'اسم الملحق:',
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ return array(
'test_mail_text' => 'يعتبر هذا اختبارا من نظام إدارة الأصول Snipe-IT. إذا كنت حصلت على هذا، فان البريد يعمل :)',
'the_following_item' => 'تم ادخال العنصر التالي: ',
'low_inventory_alert' => 'هنالك :count عناصر أقل من الحد الأدنى للمخزون أول سوف تصبح أقل منه قريباً.',
'assets_warrantee_alert' => 'هنالك :count أصل سوف تنتهي فترة الضمان الخاصة به في الأيام :threshold القادمة.| هنالك :count أصول سوف تنتهي فترة الضمان الخاصة بهم في الأيام :threshold القادمة.',
'assets_warrantee_alert' => 'There is :count asset with a warranty expiring in the next :threshold days.|There are :count assets with warranties expiring in the next :threshold days.',
'license_expiring_alert' => 'هنالك :count رخص سوف تنتهي في الأيام :threshold القادمة.',
'to_reset' => 'لإعادة تعيين كلمة مرور على :web، رجاءا أكمل هذا النموذج:',
'type' => 'اكتب',
@ -75,5 +75,5 @@ return array(
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'تقرير تسجيل الأصول المتوقع',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'تذكير: تاريخ تحقق :name يقترب من الموعد النهائي',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'من المقرر أن يتم التحقق من الأصول التي تم إخراجها إليك في :date',
'your_assets' => 'عرض الأصول الخاصة بك'
'your_assets' => 'عرض الأصول الخاصة بك',

View file

@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ return [
'sent' => 'تم إرسال رابط كلمة المرور الخاصة بك!',
'user' => 'لم يتم العثور على اسم مستخدم فعّال مرتبط بعنوان ذلك البريد الالكتروني.',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ return array(
'string' => 'يجب أن يكون :attribute على الأقل :min من الاحرف.',
'array' => 'يجب أن تحتوي :attribute على الأقل :min من العناصر.',
'starts_with' => 'The :attribute must start with one of the following: :values.',
'not_in' => ':attribute المحدد غير صالح.',
'numeric' => 'يجب أن يكون :attribute رقما.',
'present' => 'يجب أن يكون :attribute موجود.',
@ -88,8 +89,8 @@ return array(
'unique' => 'لقد تم أخذ :attribute مسبقا.',
'uploaded' => 'لقد فشل تحميل :attribute.',
'url' => 'ان تنسيق :attribute غير صالح.',
"unique_undeleted" => ":attribute يجب ان تكون فريدة.",
"non_circular" => "يجب ألا تنشئ السمة مرجعًا دائريًا.",
'unique_undeleted' => ':attribute يجب ان تكون فريدة.',
'non_circular' => 'يجب ألا تنشئ السمة مرجعًا دائريًا.',
@ -102,7 +103,6 @@ return array(
| Custom Validation Language Lines
@ -115,11 +115,11 @@ return array(
'custom' => [
'alpha_space' => "يحتوي الحقل :attribute على حرف غير مسموح به.",
"email_array" => "عنوان بريد إلكتروني واحد أو أكثر غير صالح.",
"hashed_pass" => "كلمة المرور الحالية غير صحيحة",
'alpha_space' => 'يحتوي الحقل :attribute على حرف غير مسموح به.',
'email_array' => 'عنوان بريد إلكتروني واحد أو أكثر غير صالح.',
'hashed_pass' => 'كلمة المرور الحالية غير صحيحة',
'dumbpwd' => 'كلمة المرور هذه شائعة جدا.',
"statuslabel_type" => "يجب تحديد نوع تسمية حالة صالح",
'statuslabel_type' => 'يجب تحديد نوع تسمية حالة صالح',
@ -135,4 +135,4 @@ return array(
'attributes' => [],

View file

@ -5,17 +5,17 @@
'delete' => [
'confirm' => 'Потвърдете изтриването на поддръжката на актив.',
'error' => 'Проблем при изтриването на поддръжка на актив. Моля опитайте отново.',
'success' => 'Поддръжката на актив изтрита успешно.'
'success' => 'Поддръжката на актив изтрита успешно.',
'create' => [
'error' => 'Поддръжката на актив не бе създадена. Моля опитайте отново.',
'success' => 'Поддръжката на актив създадена успешно.'
'success' => 'Поддръжката на актив създадена успешно.',
'edit' => [
'error' => 'Поддръжката на активите не бе редактирана. Моля, опитайте отново.',
'success' => 'Активирането на активите бе редактирано успешно.'
'success' => 'Активирането на активите бе редактирано успешно.',
'asset_maintenance_incomplete' => 'Все още неприключила',
'warranty' => 'Гаранция',
'not_warranty' => 'Без гаранция',

View file

@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
'title' => 'Поддръжка на активи',
'asset_name' => 'Име на Актив',
'is_warranty' => 'Гаранция',
'dl_csv' => 'Сваляне на CSV'
'dl_csv' => 'Сваляне на CSV',

View file

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
return [
'select_company' => 'Изберете компания',
'about_companies' => 'About Companies',
'about_companies_description' => ' You can use companies as a simple informative field, or you can use them to restrict asset visibility and availability to users with a specific company by enabling Full Company Support in your Admin Settings.',

View file

@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
return array(
return [
'does_not_exist' => 'Компанията не съществува.',
'assoc_users' => 'Тази компания е свързана с поне един модел или не може да бъде изтрита. Моля проверете за модели, които все още се препращат към тази компания и опитайте отново.',
'create' => array(
'create' => [
'error' => 'Компанията не беше създадена, моля опитайте отново.',
'success' => 'Компанията създадена успешно.'
'update' => array(
'success' => 'Компанията създадена успешно.',
'update' => [
'error' => 'Компанията не беше обновена, моля опитайте отново.',
'success' => 'Компанията обновена успешно.'
'delete' => array(
'success' => 'Компанията обновена успешно.',
'delete' => [
'confirm' => 'Сигурни ли сте, че желаете да изтриете тази компания?',
'error' => 'Възникна проблем при изтриването на компанията. Моля опитайте отново.',
'success' => 'Компанията бе изтрита успешно.'
'success' => 'Компанията бе изтрита успешно.',

View file

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
return array(
return [
'custom_fields' => 'Потребителски полета',
'manage' => 'Manage',
'field' => 'Поле',
'about_fieldsets_title' => 'Относно Fieldsets',
'about_fieldsets_text' => 'Fieldsets позволяват създаването на групи от персонализирани полета, които се използват и преизползват често за специфични типове модели на активи.',
'custom_format' => 'Персонализиран формат...',
'about_fieldsets_text' => 'Fieldsets allow you to create groups of custom fields that are frequently re-used for specific asset model types.',
'custom_format' => 'Custom Regex format...',
'encrypt_field' => 'Шифроване на стойността на това поле в базата данни',
'encrypt_field_help' => 'ВНИМАНИЕ: Шифроване на поле го прави невалидно за търсене.',
'encrypted' => 'Шифровано',
@ -26,7 +27,19 @@ return array(
'used_by_models' => 'Използвани от модели ',
'order' => 'Ред',
'create_fieldset' => 'Нов Fieldset',
'create_fieldset_title' => 'Create a new fieldset',
'create_field' => 'Ново персонализирано поле',
'create_field_title' => 'Create a new custom field',
'value_encrypted' => 'Стойността на това поле е криптирана в базата данни. Само администратор потребители ще бъде в състояние да видят дешифрираната стойност',
'show_in_email' => 'Да се включи ли стойността на това поле в електронната поща, изпращана към потребителите? Криптираните полета не могат да бъдат включвани в изпращаните електронни пощи.',
'help_text' => 'Help Text',
'help_text_description' => 'This is optional text that will appear below the form elements while editing an asset to provide context on the field.',
'about_custom_fields_title' => 'About Custom Fields',
'about_custom_fields_text' => 'Custom fields allow you to add arbitrary attributes to assets.',
'add_field_to_fieldset' => 'Add Field to Fieldset',
'make_optional' => 'Required - click to make optional',
'make_required' => 'Optional - click to make required',
'reorder' => 'Reorder',
'db_field' => 'DB Field',
'db_convert_warning' => 'WARNING. This field is in the custom fields table as <code> :db_column </code> but should be :expected </code>.'

View file

@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
return array(
return [
'about_asset_depreciations' => 'Относно амортизацията на активи',
'about_depreciations' => 'Тук можете да конфигурирате линейна амортизация на активи във времето.',
'asset_depreciations' => 'Амортизация на активи',
'create' => 'Създаване на амортизация',
'depreciation_name' => 'Амортизация',
'depreciation_min' => 'Floor Value of Depreciation',
'number_of_months' => 'Брой месеци',
'update' => 'Обновяване на амортизация',
'depreciation_min' => 'Minimum Value after Depreciation'
'depreciation_min' => 'Minimum Value after Depreciation',
'no_depreciations_warning' => '<strong>Warning: </strong>
You do not currently have any depreciations set up.
Please set up at least one depreciation to view the depreciation report.',

View file

@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
return array(
return [
'id' => 'ID',
'months' => 'Месеци',
'term' => 'Срок',
'title' => 'Име',
'depreciation_min' => 'Floor Value',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
'about_groups_title' => 'Относно групи',
'about_groups' => 'Групите се използват за обобщаване на потребителските разрешения',
'group_management' => 'Управление на групи',
@ -10,5 +10,7 @@ return array(
'group_admin' => 'Администратор на група',
'allow' => 'Разрешаване',
'deny' => 'Отказ',
'permission' => 'Permission',
'grant' => 'Grant',
'no_permissions' => 'This group has no permissions.'

View file

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
return array(
'bulk_delete' => 'Потвърдете масовото изтриване на активи',
return [
'bulk_delete' => 'Потвърдете масовото изтриване на активи',
'bulk_delete_help' => 'Прегледайте активите, маркирани за масово изтриване. Веднъж изтрити, активите могат да бъдат възстановени, но те вече няма да бъдат асоциирани с потребителите, на които са изписани в момента.',
'bulk_delete_warn' => 'Ще бъдат изтрити :asset_count актива.',
'bulk_update' => 'Масово обновяване на активи',
'bulk_update_help' => 'Тук можете да обновите множество активи едновременно. Попълнете единствено полетата, които желаете да промените. Всички празни полета няма да бъдат променени.',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'Ще бъдат променени записите за :asset_count актива.',
'bulk_update' => 'Масово обновяване на активи',
'bulk_update_help' => 'Тук можете да обновите множество активи едновременно. Попълнете единствено полетата, които желаете да промените. Всички празни полета няма да бъдат променени.',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'Ще бъдат променени записите за :asset_count актива.',
'checkedout_to' => 'Изписано на',
'checkout_date' => 'Дата на изписване',
'checkin_date' => 'Дата на вписване',
@ -38,7 +38,12 @@ return array(
'tag' => 'Инвентарен номер',
'update' => 'Обновяване на актив',
'warranty' => 'Гаранция',
'warranty_expires' => 'Гаранцията изтича',
'warranty_expires' => 'Гаранцията изтича',
'years' => 'години',
'asset_location' => 'Update Asset Location',
'asset_location_update_default_current' => 'Update default location AND actual location',
'asset_location_update_default' => 'Update only default location',
'asset_not_deployable' => 'That asset status is not deployable. This asset cannot be checked out.',
'asset_deployable' => 'That status is deployable. This asset can be checked out.',
'processing_spinner' => 'Processing...',

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
return array(
return [
'about_assets_title' => 'Относно активи',
'about_assets_text' => 'Активите са елементи, проследен от сериен номер или етикет. По-често, те са елементи с висока стойност, където идентифицирането на специфичен елемент е от значение.',
'archived' => 'Архивиран',
'archived' => 'Архивиран',
'asset' => 'Актив',
'bulk_checkout' => 'Изписване на активи',
'checkin' => 'Връщане на актив',
@ -15,8 +15,29 @@ return array(
'model_deleted' => 'This Assets model has been deleted. You must restore the model before you can restore the Asset.',
'requestable' => 'Може да бъде изискван',
'requested' => 'Изискан',
'not_requestable' => 'Not Requestable',
'requestable_status_warning' => 'Do not change requestable status',
'restore' => 'Възстановяване на актив',
'pending' => 'Предстоящ',
'undeployable' => 'Не може да бъде предоставян',
'view' => 'Преглед на актив',
'csv_error' => 'You have an error in your CSV file:',
'import_text' => '
Upload a CSV that contains asset history. The assets and users MUST already exist in the system, or they will be skipped. Matching assets for history import happens against the asset tag. We will try to find a matching user based on the user\'s name you provide, and the criteria you select below. If you do not select any criteria below, it will simply try to match on the username format you configured in the Admin &gt; General Settings.
<p>Fields included in the CSV must match the headers: <strong>Asset Tag, Name, Checkout Date, Checkin Date</strong>. Any additional fields will be ignored. </p>
<p>Checkin Date: blank or future checkin dates will checkout items to associated user. Excluding the Checkin Date column will create a checkin date with todays date.</p>
'csv_import_match_f-l' => 'Try to match users by firstname.lastname (jane.smith) format',
'csv_import_match_initial_last' => 'Try to match users by first initial last name (jsmith) format',
'csv_import_match_first' => 'Try to match users by first name (jane) format',
'csv_import_match_email' => 'Try to match users by email as username',
'csv_import_match_username' => 'Try to match users by username',
'error_messages' => 'Error messages:',
'success_messages' => 'Success messages:',
'alert_details' => 'Please see below for details.',
'custom_export' => 'Custom Export'

View file

@ -1,82 +1,82 @@
return array(
return [
'undeployable' => '<strong>Внимание:</strong> Този актив е маркиран като невъзможен за предоставяне. Ако статусът е променен, моля обновете актива.',
'does_not_exist' => 'Активът не съществува.',
'does_not_exist_or_not_requestable' => 'Добър опит. Активът не съществува или не може а бъде предоставян.',
'does_not_exist_or_not_requestable' => 'That asset does not exist or is not requestable.',
'assoc_users' => 'Активът е изписан на потребител и не може да бъде изтрит. Моля впишете го обратно и след това опитайте да го изтриете отново.',
'create' => array(
'create' => [
'error' => 'Активът не беше създаден. Моля опитайте отново.',
'success' => 'Активът създаден успешно.'
'success' => 'Активът създаден успешно.',
'update' => array(
'update' => [
'error' => 'Активът не беше обновен. Моля опитайте отново.',
'success' => 'Активът обновен успешно.',
'nothing_updated' => 'Няма избрани полета, съответно нищо не беше обновено.',
'restore' => array(
'restore' => [
'error' => 'Активът не беше възстановен. Моля опитайте отново.',
'success' => 'Активът възстановен успешно.'
'success' => 'Активът възстановен успешно.',
'audit' => array(
'audit' => [
'error' => 'Одитът на активи бе неуспешен. Моля, опитайте отново.',
'success' => 'Активният одит бе успешно регистриран.'
'success' => 'Активният одит бе успешно регистриран.',
'deletefile' => array(
'deletefile' => [
'error' => 'Файлът не беше изтрит. Моля опитайте отново.',
'success' => 'Файлът изтрит успешно.',
'upload' => array(
'upload' => [
'error' => 'Качването неуспешно. Моля опитайте отново.',
'success' => 'Качването успешно.',
'nofiles' => 'Не сте избрали файлове за качване или са твърде големи.',
'invalidfiles' => 'Един или повече файлове са твърде големи или с непозволен тип. Разрешените файлови типове за качване са png, gif, jpg, doc, docx, pdf и txt.',
'import' => array(
'import' => [
'error' => 'Някои елементи не бяха въведени правилно.',
'errorDetail' => 'Следните елементи не бяха въведени поради грешки.',
'success' => "Вашият файл беше въведен.",
'file_delete_success' => "Вашият файл беше изтрит успешно.",
'file_delete_error' => "Файлът не е в състояние да бъде изтрит",
'success' => 'Вашият файл беше въведен.',
'file_delete_success' => 'Вашият файл беше изтрит успешно.',
'file_delete_error' => 'Файлът не е в състояние да бъде изтрит',
'delete' => array(
'delete' => [
'confirm' => 'Сигурни ли сте, че желаете изтриване на актива?',
'error' => 'Проблем при изтриване на актива. Моля опитайте отново.',
'nothing_updated' => 'Няма избрани активи, така че нищо не бе изтрито.',
'success' => 'Активът е изтрит успешно.'
'success' => 'Активът е изтрит успешно.',
'checkout' => array(
'checkout' => [
'error' => 'Активът не беше изписан. Моля опитайте отново.',
'success' => 'Активът изписан успешно.',
'user_does_not_exist' => 'Невалиден потребител. Моля опитайте отново.',
'not_available' => 'Този актив не е наличен за отписване!',
'no_assets_selected' => 'Трябва да изберете поне един елемент към списъка'
'no_assets_selected' => 'Трябва да изберете поне един елемент към списъка',
'checkin' => array(
'checkin' => [
'error' => 'Активът не беше вписан. Моля опитайте отново.',
'success' => 'Активът вписан успешно.',
'user_does_not_exist' => 'Невалиден потребител. Моля опитайте отново.',
'already_checked_in' => 'Активът е вече вписан.',
'requests' => array(
'requests' => [
'error' => 'Активът не беше изискан. Моля опитайте отново.',
'success' => 'Активът изискан успешно.',
'canceled' => 'Заявка за отписване отказана успешно'
'canceled' => 'Заявка за отписване отказана успешно',

View file

@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
return array(
return [
'asset_tag' => 'Инвентарен номер',
'asset_model' => 'Модел',
'book_value' => 'Стойност',
'book_value' => 'Current Value',
'change' => 'Предоставяне',
'checkout_date' => 'Дата на изписване',
'checkoutto' => 'Изписан',
'current_value' => 'Current Value',
'diff' => 'Разлика',
'dl_csv' => 'Сваляне на CSV',
'eol' => 'EOL',
@ -18,8 +19,12 @@ return array(
'serial' => 'Сериен номер',
'status' => 'Статус',
'title' => 'Актив ',
'image' => 'Изображение на устройството',
'image' => 'Изображение на устройството',
'days_without_acceptance' => 'Дни без да е предаден',
'monthly_depreciation' => 'Месечна Амортизация'
'monthly_depreciation' => 'Месечна Амортизация',
'assigned_to' => 'Assigned To',
'requesting_user' => 'Requesting User',
'requested_date' => 'Requested Date',
'changed' => 'Changed',
'icon' => 'Icon',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
'about_kits_title' => 'Отностно предварително дефинирани комплекти',
'about_kits_text' => 'Предварително дефинираните комплекти Ви позволяват да изпишете група от артикули (активи, лицензи и др.) на избран потребител. Това може да бъде полезно, когато изписвате еднакви артикули в комплект.',
'checkout' => 'Изпиши Комплект ',
@ -13,5 +13,38 @@ return array(
'none_licenses' => 'Няма достатъчно налични :license за изписване. Не достигат :qty . ',
'none_consumables' => 'Няма достатъчно налични бройки от :consumable за изписване. Не достигат :qty . ',
'none_accessory' => 'Няма достатъчно налични бройки от :accessory за изписване. Не достигат :qty . ',
'append_accessory' => 'Append Accessory',
'update_appended_accessory' => 'Update appended Accessory',
'append_consumable' => 'Append Consumable',
'update_appended_consumable' => 'Update appended Consumable',
'append_license' => 'Append license',
'update_appended_license' => 'Update appended license',
'append_model' => 'Append model',
'update_appended_model' => 'Update appended model',
'license_error' => 'License already attached to kit',
'license_added_success' => 'License added successfully',
'license_updated' => 'License was successfully updated',
'license_none' => 'License does not exist',
'license_detached' => 'License was successfully detached',
'consumable_added_success' => 'Consumable added successfully',
'consumable_updated' => 'Consumable was successfully updated',
'consumable_error' => 'Consumable already attached to kit',
'consumable_deleted' => 'Delete was successful',
'consumable_none' => 'Consumable does not exist',
'consumable_detached' => 'Consumable was successfully detached',
'accessory_added_success' => 'Accessory added successfully',
'accessory_updated' => 'Accessory was successfully updated',
'accessory_detached' => 'Accessory was successfully detached',
'accessory_error' => 'Accessory already attached to kit',
'accessory_deleted' => 'Delete was successful',
'accessory_none' => 'Accessory does not exist',
'checkout_success' => 'Checkout was successful',
'checkout_error' => 'Checkout error',
'kit_none' => 'Kit does not exist',
'kit_created' => 'Kit was successfully created',
'kit_updated' => 'Kit was successfully updated',
'kit_not_found' => 'Kit not found',
'kit_deleted' => 'Kit was successfully deleted',
'kit_model_updated' => 'Model was successfully updated',
'kit_model_detached' => 'Model was successfully detached',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
'about_locations_title' => 'Относно местоположения',
'about_locations' => 'Местоположения се използват за проследяване на информация за местоположението за потребители, активи и други елементи',
'assets_rtd' => 'Активи', // This has NEVER meant Assets Retired. I don't know how it keeps getting reverted.
@ -20,4 +20,21 @@ return array(
'parent' => 'Присъединено към',
'currency' => 'Валута на местоположението',
'ldap_ou' => 'Търсене в LDAP OU',
'user_name' => 'User Name',
'department' => 'Department',
'location' => 'Location',
'asset_tag' => 'Assets Tag',
'asset_name' => 'Name',
'asset_category' => 'Category',
'asset_manufacturer' => 'Manufacturer',
'asset_model' => 'Model',
'asset_serial' => 'Serial',
'asset_location' => 'Location',
'asset_checked_out' => 'Checked Out',
'asset_expected_checkin' => 'Expected Checkin',
'date' => 'Date:',
'signed_by_asset_auditor' => 'Signed By (Asset Auditor):',
'signed_by_finance_auditor' => 'Signed By (Finance Auditor):',
'signed_by_location_manager' => 'Signed By (Location Manager):',
'signed_by' => 'Signed Off By:',

View file

@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
return array(
'info' => 'Изберете опциите, които желаете за справката за активи.'
return [
'info' => 'Изберете опциите, които желаете за справката за активи.',
'deleted_user' => 'Deleted user',
'send_reminder' => 'Send reminder',
'reminder_sent' => 'Reminder sent',
'acceptance_deleted' => 'Acceptance request deleted',
'acceptance_request' => 'Acceptance request'

View file

@ -1,30 +1,39 @@
return array(
return [
'ad' => 'Активна директория',
'ad_domain' => 'Домейн на активна директория',
'ad_domain_help' => 'Това е понякога еднакво с вашия email домейн, но не винаги.',
'ad_append_domain_label' => 'Добави името на домейна',
'ad_append_domain' => 'Добави името на домейна към потребителското име',
'ad_append_domain_help' => 'От потребителя не се изисква да въвежда "username@domain.local", достатъчно е да напише само "username".' ,
'ad_append_domain_help' => 'От потребителя не се изисква да въвежда "username@domain.local", достатъчно е да напише само "username".',
'admin_cc_email' => 'CC електронна поща',
'admin_cc_email_help' => 'Въведете допълнителни електронни адреси, ако желаете да се изпраща копие на електронните пощи при вписване и изписване на активи.',
'is_ad' => 'Това е активна директория на сървър',
'alerts' => 'Alerts',
'alert_title' => 'Update Alert Settings',
'alert_email' => 'Изпращане на нотификации към',
'alert_email_help' => 'Email addresses or distribution lists you want alerts to be sent to, comma separated',
'alerts_enabled' => 'Включване на известията',
'alert_interval' => 'Изтичаш праг на известия (в дни)',
'alert_inv_threshold' => 'Праг на известия за запаси',
'allow_user_skin' => 'Позволи потребителска тема',
'allow_user_skin_help_text' => 'Поставянето на отметка тук, ще позволи на потребителя да ползва различна UI тема от основната.' ,
'allow_user_skin_help_text' => 'Поставянето на отметка тук, ще позволи на потребителя да ползва различна UI тема от основната.',
'asset_ids' => 'ID на активи',
'audit_interval' => 'Одитен интервал',
'audit_interval_help' => 'Ако се изисква редовно да извършвате физически одит на активите си, въведете интервала в месеци.',
'audit_warning_days' => 'Праг за предупреждение за одит',
'audit_warning_days_help' => 'Колко дни предварително трябва да ви предупреждаваме, когато активите са дължими за одит?',
'auto_increment_assets' => 'Автоматично генериране на инвентарни номера на активите',
'auto_increment_assets' => 'Generate auto-incrementing asset tags',
'auto_increment_prefix' => 'Префикс (незадължително)',
'auto_incrementing_help' => 'Първо включете автоматично генериране на инвентарни номера, за да включите тази опция.',
'auto_incrementing_help' => 'Enable auto-incrementing asset tags first to set this',
'backups' => 'Архивиране',
'backups_restoring' => 'Restoring from Backup',
'backups_upload' => 'Upload Backup',
'backups_path' => 'Backups on the server are stored in <code>:path</code>',
'backups_restore_warning' => 'Use the restore button <small><span class="btn btn-xs btn-warning"><i class="text-white fas fa-retweet" aria-hidden="true"></i></span></small> to restore from a previous backup. (This does not currently work with S3 file storage or Docker.<br><br>Your <strong>entire :app_name database and any uploaded files will be completely replaced</strong> by what\'s in the backup file. ',
'backups_logged_out' => 'You will be logged out once your restore is complete.',
'backups_large' => 'Very large backups may time out on the restore attempt and may still need to be run via command line. ',
'barcode_settings' => 'Настройки на баркод',
'confirm_purge' => 'Потвърдете пречистване ',
'confirm_purge_help' => 'Моля да потвърдите изтриването като въведете думата "DELETE" в полето. Изтриването не може да се прекрати и всички записи който са маркирани за истриване, ще бъдат безвъзвратно изтрити. (Добре е да направите архив преди това.)',
@ -47,6 +56,7 @@ return array(
'barcode_type' => '2D тип на баркод',
'alt_barcode_type' => '1D тип на баркод',
'email_logo_size' => 'Квадратно лого в е-майлът изглежда най-добре. ',
'enabled' => 'Enabled',
'eula_settings' => 'Настройки на EULA',
'eula_markdown' => 'Съдържанието на EULA може да бъде форматирано с <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github flavored markdown</a>.',
'favicon' => 'Favicon',
@ -55,12 +65,17 @@ return array(
'footer_text' => 'Допълнителен текст във футъра',
'footer_text_help' => 'Този текст ще се визуализира в дясната част на футъра. Връзки могат да бъдат добавяни с използването на <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github тип markdown</a>. Нови редове, хедър тагове, изображения и т.н. могат да доведат до непредвидими резултати.',
'general_settings' => 'Общи настройки',
'general_settings_keywords' => 'company support, signature, acceptance, email format, username format, images, per page, thumbnail, eula, tos, dashboard, privacy',
'general_settings_help' => 'Default EULA and more',
'generate_backup' => 'Създаване на архив',
'header_color' => 'Цвят на хедъра',
'info' => 'Тези настройки позволяват да конфигурирате различни аспекти на Вашата инсталация.',
'label_logo' => 'Лого за етикет',
'label_logo_size' => 'Квадратните логота изглеждат най-добре - ще бъдат показани в горния десен ъгъл на всеки артикулен етикет. ',
'laravel' => 'Версия на Laravel',
'ldap' => 'LDAP',
'ldap_help' => 'LDAP/Active Directory',
'ldap_client_tls_key' => 'LDAP Client TLS Key',
'ldap_client_tls_cert' => 'LDAP Client-Side TLS Certificate',
'ldap_enabled' => 'LDAP включен',
'ldap_integration' => 'LDAP интеграция',
@ -95,9 +110,17 @@ return array(
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'Този флаг се изпозлва за определяне дали потребителя може да се логне в Snipe-IT и не оказва влияние за завеждането на артикули към потребителя.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'LDAP номер на служител',
'ldap_email' => 'LDAP електронна поща',
'license' => 'Софтуерен лиценз',
'ldap_test' => 'Test LDAP',
'ldap_test_sync' => 'Test LDAP Synchronization',
'license' => 'Софтуерен лиценз',
'load_remote_text' => 'Отдалечени скриптове',
'load_remote_help_text' => 'Тази Snipe-IT инсталация може да зарежда и изпълнява външни скриптове.',
'login' => 'Login Attempts',
'login_attempt' => 'Login Attempt',
'login_ip' => 'IP Address',
'login_success' => 'Success?',
'login_user_agent' => 'User Agent',
'login_help' => 'List of attempted logins',
'login_note' => 'Вход забележка',
'login_note_help' => 'По избор включете няколко изречения на екрана за вход, например, за да помогнете на хора, които са намерили изгубено или откраднато устройство. Това поле приема <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github flavored markdown</a>',
'login_remote_user_text' => 'Опции за вход с Remote User',
@ -118,16 +141,28 @@ return array(
'optional' => 'незадължително',
'per_page' => 'Резултати на страница',
'php' => 'PHP версия',
'php_info' => 'PHP Info',
'php_overview' => 'PHP',
'php_overview_keywords' => 'phpinfo, system, info',
'php_overview_help' => 'PHP System info',
'php_gd_info' => 'Необходимо е да инсталирате php-gd, за да визуализирате QR кодове. Моля прегледайте инструкцията за инсталация.',
'php_gd_warning' => 'php-gd НЕ е инсталиран.',
'pwd_secure_complexity' => 'Сложност на паролата',
'pwd_secure_complexity_help' => 'Изберете правилата за сложност на паролата, които искате да приложите.',
'pwd_secure_complexity_disallow_same_pwd_as_user_fields' => 'Password cannot be the same as first name, last name, email, or username',
'pwd_secure_complexity_letters' => 'Require at least one letter',
'pwd_secure_complexity_numbers' => 'Require at least one number',
'pwd_secure_complexity_symbols' => 'Require at least one symbol',
'pwd_secure_complexity_case_diff' => 'Require at least one uppercase and one lowercase',
'pwd_secure_min' => 'Минимални знаци за паролата',
'pwd_secure_min_help' => 'Минималният брой символи е 8',
'pwd_secure_uncommon' => 'Предотвратяване на общи пароли',
'pwd_secure_uncommon_help' => 'Това ще забрани на потребителите да използват общи пароли от най-добрите 10 000 пароли, за които се съобщава, че са нарушени.',
'qr_help' => 'Първо включете QR кодовете, за да извършите тези настройки.',
'qr_text' => 'Съдържание на QR код',
'saml' => 'SAML',
'saml_title' => 'Update SAML settings',
'saml_help' => 'SAML settings',
'saml_enabled' => 'SAML включен',
'saml_integration' => 'SAML интеграция',
'saml_sp_entityid' => 'Иден. Номер',
@ -147,6 +182,7 @@ return array(
'saml_slo_help' => 'Това ще направи потребителя да бъде препратен към IdP при logout. Оставете това поле не маркирано ако IdP не поддържа SP-initiated SAML SLO.',
'saml_custom_settings' => 'SAML настройки по избор',
'saml_custom_settings_help' => 'Може да направите допълнителни настройки на onelogin/php-saml библиотеката. На ваша отговорност.',
'saml_download' => 'Download Metadata',
'setting' => 'Настройка',
'settings' => 'Настройки',
'show_alerts_in_menu' => 'Показва съобщения в главното меню',
@ -157,6 +193,9 @@ return array(
'show_images_in_email' => 'Показване на изображения в електронните съобщения',
'show_images_in_email_help' => 'Премахнете отметката, ако Вашата инсталация е достъпна единствено във вътрешната мрежа или през VPN.',
'site_name' => 'Име на системата',
'slack' => 'Slack',
'slack_title' => 'Update Slack Settings',
'slack_help' => 'Slack settings',
'slack_botname' => 'Име на Slack bot',
'slack_channel' => 'Slack канал',
'slack_endpoint' => 'Slack Endpoint',
@ -173,6 +212,8 @@ return array(
'update' => 'Обновяване на настройките',
'value' => 'Стойност',
'brand' => 'Брандиране',
'brand_keywords' => 'footer, logo, print, theme, skin, header, colors, color, css',
'brand_help' => 'Logo, Site Name',
'web_brand' => 'Тип уеб брандиране',
'about_settings_title' => 'Относно настройките',
'about_settings_text' => 'Тези настройки позволяват да конфигурирате различни аспекти на Вашата инсталация.',
@ -184,6 +225,7 @@ return array(
'privacy_policy' => 'Декларация за поверителност',
'privacy_policy_link_help' => 'Ако впишете адрес ще бъде добавена връзка към декларация за поверителност във футъра и във всички e-mail съобщения, в съответствие с GDPR.',
'purge' => 'Пречисти изтрити записи',
'purge_deleted' => 'Purge Deleted ',
'labels_display_bgutter' => 'Обозначаване на долен канал',
'labels_display_sgutter' => 'Обозначаване на страничен канал',
'labels_fontsize' => 'Обозначаване на размер на шрифта',
@ -229,4 +271,51 @@ return array(
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Отмятането на този чек, ще задължи ползването на уникални сериини номера на артикулите',
'zerofill_count' => 'Дължина на етикети на актив, включително zerofill',
'username_format_help' => 'Тази настройка се изпозлва само при импортиране, ако потребителя не е въведен и ние трябва да му генерираме потребителско име.',
'oauth_title' => 'OAuth API Settings',
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'oauth_help' => 'Oauth Endpoint Settings',
'asset_tag_title' => 'Update Asset Tag Settings',
'barcode_title' => 'Update Barcode Settings',
'barcodes' => 'Barcodes',
'barcodes_help_overview' => 'Barcode &amp; QR settings',
'barcodes_help' => 'This will attempt to delete cached barcodes. This would typically only be used if your barcode settings have changed, or if your Snipe-IT URL has changed. Barcodes will be re-generated when accessed next.',
'barcodes_spinner' => 'Attempting to delete files...',
'barcode_delete_cache' => 'Delete Barcode Cache',
'branding_title' => 'Update Branding Settings',
'general_title' => 'Update General Settings',
'mail_test' => 'Send Test',
'mail_test_help' => 'This will attempt to send a test mail to :replyto.',
'filter_by_keyword' => 'Filter by setting keyword',
'security' => 'Security',
'security_title' => 'Update Security Settings',
'security_keywords' => 'password, passwords, requirements, two factor, two-factor, common passwords, remote login, logout, authentication',
'security_help' => 'Two-factor, Password Restrictions',
'groups_keywords' => 'permissions, permission groups, authorization',
'groups_help' => 'Account permission groups',
'localization' => 'Localization',
'localization_title' => 'Update Localization Settings',
'localization_keywords' => 'localization, currency, local, locale, time zone, timezone, international, internatinalization, language, languages, translation',
'localization_help' => 'Language, date display',
'notifications' => 'Notifications',
'notifications_help' => 'Email alerts, audit settings',
'asset_tags_help' => 'Incrementing and prefixes',
'labels' => 'Labels',
'labels_title' => 'Update Label Settings',
'labels_help' => 'Label sizes &amp; settings',
'purge' => 'Purge',
'purge_keywords' => 'permanently delete',
'purge_help' => 'Purge Deleted Records',
'ldap_extension_warning' => 'It does not look like the LDAP extension is installed or enabled on this server. You can still save your settings, but you will need to enable the LDAP extension for PHP before LDAP syncing or login will work.',
'ldap_ad' => 'LDAP/AD',
'employee_number' => 'Employee Number',
'create_admin_user' => 'Create a User ::',
'create_admin_success' => 'Success! Your admin user has been added!',
'create_admin_redirect' => 'Click here to go to your app login!',
'setup_migrations' => 'Database Migrations ::',
'setup_no_migrations' => 'There was nothing to migrate. Your database tables were already set up!',
'setup_successful_migrations' => 'Your database tables have been created',
'setup_migration_output' => 'Migration output:',
'setup_migration_create_user' => 'Next: Create User',
'ldap_settings_link' => 'LDAP Settings Page',
'slack_test' => 'Test <i class="fab fa-slack"></i> Integration',

View file

@ -1,22 +1,43 @@
return array(
return [
'update' => array(
'update' => [
'error' => 'Възникна грешка по време на актуализацията. ',
'success' => 'Настройките са актуализирани успешно.'
'backup' => array(
'success' => 'Настройките са актуализирани успешно.',
'backup' => [
'delete_confirm' => 'Желаете ли изтриването на този архивен файл? Действието е окончателно.',
'file_deleted' => 'Архивният файл беше изтрит успешно.',
'generated' => 'Нов архивен файл беше създаден успешно.',
'file_not_found' => 'Архивният файл не беше открит на сървъра.',
'purge' => array(
'restore_warning' => 'Yes, restore it. I acknowledge that this will overwrite any existing data currently in the database. This will also log out all of your existing users (including you).',
'restore_confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to restore your database from :filename?'
'purge' => [
'error' => 'Възникна грешка при пречистване. ',
'validation_failed' => 'Потвърждението ви за пречистване не неправилно. Моля напишете думата "DELETE" в клетката за потвърждаване.',
'success' => 'Изтрити записи успешно премахнати.'
'success' => 'Изтрити записи успешно премахнати.',
'mail' => [
'sending' => 'Sending Test Email...',
'success' => 'Mail sent!',
'error' => 'Mail could not be sent.',
'additional' => 'No additional error message provided. Check your mail settings and your app log.'
'ldap' => [
'testing' => 'Testing LDAP Connection, Binding & Query ...',
'500' => '500 Server Error. Please check your server logs for more information.',
'error' => 'Something went wrong :(',
'sync_success' => 'A sample of 10 users returned from the LDAP server based on your settings:',
'testing_authentication' => 'Testing LDAP Authentication...',
'authentication_success' => 'User authenticated against LDAP successfully!'
'slack' => [
'sending' => 'Sending Slack test message...',
'success_pt1' => 'Success! Check the ',
'success_pt2' => ' channel for your test message, and be sure to click SAVE below to store your settings.',
'500' => '500 Server Error.',
'error' => 'Something went wrong.',

View file

@ -1,32 +1,31 @@
return array(
return [
'does_not_exist' => 'Етикет за статус не съществува.',
'assoc_assets' => 'Този етикет за статус е свързан с най-малко един актив и не може да бъде изтрит. Моля актуализирайте вашите активи да не се прехвърлят към този статус и опитайте отново.',
'create' => array(
'create' => [
'error' => 'Етикет за статус не беше създаден, моля опитайте отново.',
'success' => 'Етикет за статус създаден успешно.'
'success' => 'Етикет за статус създаден успешно.',
'update' => array(
'update' => [
'error' => 'Етикет за статус не беше актуализиран, моля опитайте отново.',
'success' => 'Етикет за статус актуализиран успешно.'
'success' => 'Етикет за статус актуализиран успешно.',
'delete' => array(
'delete' => [
'confirm' => 'Сигурни ли сте, че желаете да изтриете този етикет за статус?',
'error' => 'Имаше проблем при изтриването на етикета за статус. Моля опитайте отново.',
'success' => 'Етикета за статус бе изтрит успешно.'
'success' => 'Етикета за статус бе изтрит успешно.',
'help' => array(
'help' => [
'undeployable' => 'Тези активи не могат да бъдат възлагани на никого.',
'deployable' => 'Тези активи могат да бъдат проверени. След като бъдат присвоени, те ще поемат мета статус на <i class="fa fa-circle text-blue"></i> <strong>Deployed</strong>.',
'deployable' => 'These assets can be checked out. Once they are assigned, they will assume a meta status of <i class="fas fa-circle text-blue"></i> <strong>Deployed</strong>.',
'archived' => 'Тези активи не могат да бъдат отметнати и ще се показват само в архивирания изглед. Това е полезно за запазване на информация за активи за бюджетиране / исторически цели, но задържането им извън ежедневния списък на активите.',
'pending' => 'Тези активи все още не могат да бъдат прехвърляни на никого, често използвани за артикули, които са предназначени за ремонт, но се очаква да се върнат в обръщение.',

View file

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
'activated_help_text' => 'Този потребител може да се логне',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'Не можете да редактирате статуса на активация на собствения си профил.',
'assets_user' => 'Активи предадени на :name',
@ -13,7 +12,7 @@ return array(
'edit' => 'Редактиране на потребител',
'filetype_info' => 'Позволените типове файлове са png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, и rar.',
'history_user' => 'История за :name',
'info' => 'Информация',
'info' => 'Информация',
'restore_user' => 'Кликнете тук, за да ги възстановите.',
'last_login' => 'Последен достъп до системата',
'ldap_config_text' => 'LDAP конфигурационните настройки могат да бъдат намерени в Admin > Settings. Избраното (по изобр) местоположение ще бъде настроено за всички въведени потребители.',
@ -25,4 +24,14 @@ return array(
'two_factor_admin_optin_help' => 'Текущите настройки на администратор позволяват избирателно прилагане на двуфакторова автентификация. ',
'two_factor_enrolled' => '2FA устройство записано',
'two_factor_active' => '2FA Активно',
'user_deactivated' => 'User is de-activated',
'activation_status_warning' => 'Do not change activation status',
'group_memberships_helpblock' => 'Only superadmins may edit group memberships.',
'superadmin_permission_warning' => 'Only superadmins may grant a user superadmin access.',
'admin_permission_warning' => 'Only users with admins rights or greater may grant a user admin access.',
'remove_group_memberships' => 'Remove Group Memberships',
'warning_deletion' => 'WARNING:',
'warning_deletion_information' => 'You are about to delete the :count user(s) listed below. Super admin names are highlighted in red.',
'update_user_asssets_status' => 'Update all assets for these users to this status',
'checkin_user_properties' => 'Check in all properties associated with these users',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
'actions' => 'Действия',
'add' => 'Добави нов',
'cancel' => 'Отказ',
@ -8,11 +8,17 @@ return array(
'delete' => 'Изтриване',
'edit' => 'Редакция',
'restore' => 'Възстановяване',
'remove' => 'Remove',
'request' => 'Заявка',
'submit' => 'Потвърди',
'upload' => 'Качване',
'select_file' => 'Изберете файл...',
'select_file' => 'Изберете файл...',
'select_files' => 'Изберете файлове...',
'generate_labels' => '{1} Генерирай Етикет|[2,*] Генерирай Етикети',
'send_password_link' => 'Send Password Reset Link',
'send_password_link' => 'Send Password Reset Link',
'go' => 'Go',
'bulk_actions' => 'Bulk Actions',
'add_maintenance' => 'Add Maintenance',
'append' => 'Append',
'new' => 'New',

View file

@ -19,7 +19,10 @@
'asset' => 'Актив',
'asset_report' => 'Справка за активите',
'asset_tag' => 'Инвентарен номер',
'assets_available' => 'налични активи',
'asset_tags' => 'Asset Tags',
'assets_available' => 'Assets available',
'accept_assets' => 'Accept Assets :name',
'accept_assets_menu' => 'Accept Assets',
'audit' => 'проверка',
'audit_report' => 'Отчет за одита',
'assets' => 'Активи',
@ -30,6 +33,10 @@
'bulkaudit' => 'Групов одит',
'bulkaudit_status' => 'Статус на одита',
'bulk_checkout' => 'Общо отписване',
'bulk_edit' => 'Bulk Edit',
'bulk_delete' => 'Bulk Delete',
'bulk_actions' => 'Bulk Actions',
'bulk_checkin_delete' => 'Bulk Checkin &amp; Delete',
'bystatus' => 'по Статус',
'cancel' => 'Отказ',
'categories' => 'Категории',
@ -44,13 +51,13 @@
'checkins_count' => 'Вписвания',
'user_requests_count' => 'Заявки',
'city' => 'Град',
'click_here' => 'Натиснете тук',
'click_here' => 'Натиснете тук',
'clear_selection' => 'Изчистване на селектираното',
'companies' => 'Компании',
'company' => 'Компания',
'component' => 'Компонент',
'components' => 'Компоненти',
'complete' => 'Завърши',
'complete' => 'Завърши',
'consumable' => 'Консуматив',
'consumables' => 'Консумативи',
'country' => 'Държава',
@ -62,6 +69,8 @@
'updated_at' => 'Обновено на',
'currency' => '$', // this is deprecated
'current' => 'Текущи',
'current_password' => 'Current Password',
'customize_report' => 'Customize Report',
'custom_report' => 'Потребителски справки за активи',
'dashboard' => 'Табло',
'days' => 'дни',
@ -73,19 +82,22 @@
'delete_confirm' => 'Сигурни ли сте, че желаете изтриването на :item?',
'deleted' => 'Изтрито',
'delete_seats' => 'Изтрити работни места за лиценз',
'deletion_failed' => 'Deletion failed',
'departments' => 'Катедри',
'department' => 'отдел',
'department' => 'отдел',
'deployed' => 'Изписани',
'depreciation' => 'Амортизация',
'depreciations' => 'Depreciations',
'depreciation_report' => 'Справка за амортизации',
'details' => 'Детайли',
'download' => 'Изтегляне',
'download_all' => 'Изтегляне',
'depreciation' => 'Амортизация',
'download_all' => 'Изтегляне',
'editprofile' => 'Редакция на профила',
'eol' => 'EOL',
'email_domain' => 'Email домейн',
'email_format' => 'Email формат',
'email_domain_help' => 'Използвайте това за да генерирате email адреси при въвеждане',
'error' => 'Error',
'filastname_format' => 'Инициал на името Фамилия (jsmith@example.com)',
'firstname_lastname_format' => 'Име Фамилия (jane.smith@example.com)',
'firstname_lastname_underscore_format' => 'Име Фамилия (jane.smith@example.com)',
@ -102,16 +114,21 @@
'file_name' => 'Файл',
'file_type' => 'Тип Файл',
'file_uploads' => 'Качени файлове',
'file_upload' => 'File Upload',
'generate' => 'Генериране',
'github_markdown' => 'Това поле позволява въвеждането на <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github вид markdown</a>.',
'generate_labels' => 'Generate Labels',
'github_markdown' => 'Това поле позволява въвеждането на <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github вид markdown</a>.',
'groups' => 'Групи',
'gravatar_email' => 'Gravatar email адрес',
'gravatar_url' => '<a href="http://gravatar.com"><small>Change your avatar at Gravatar.com</small></a>.',
'history' => 'История',
'history_for' => 'История за',
'id' => 'ID',
'image' => 'Изображение',
'image_delete' => 'Изтриване на изображението',
'image_upload' => 'Качване на изображение',
'filetypes_accepted_help' => 'Accepted filetype is :types. Max upload size allowed is :size.|Accepted filetypes are :types. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'filetypes_size_help' => 'Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Файлов формат в jpg, webp, png, gif и svg. Максимален размер е :size .',
'import' => 'Зареждане',
'importing' => 'Импортиране',
@ -121,6 +138,7 @@
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Справка за поддръжка на активи',
'asset_maintenances' => 'Поддръжки на активи',
'item' => 'Информация',
'item_name' => 'Item Name',
'insufficient_permissions' => 'Нямате необходимите права!',
'kits' => 'Комплекти',
'language' => 'Език',
@ -132,7 +150,7 @@
'licenses_available' => 'налични лицензи',
'licenses' => 'Лицензи',
'list_all' => 'Преглед на всички',
'loading' => 'Зареждане',
'loading' => 'Loading... please wait....',
'lock_passwords' => 'В демо версията това поле няма да се запише.',
'feature_disabled' => 'Тази функция е забранена за демо инсталацията.',
'location' => 'Местоположение',
@ -141,15 +159,17 @@
'logout' => 'Изход',
'lookup_by_tag' => 'Търсене по етикет на актив',
'maintenances' => 'Профилактики',
'manage_api_keys' => 'Manage API Keys',
'manufacturer' => 'Производител',
'manufacturers' => 'Производители',
'markdown' => 'Това поле позволява <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/"Github flavored markdown<a/>',
'min_amt' => 'Минимално количество',
'min_amt_help' => 'Минимален брой артикули, които трябва да бъдат налични за да може да се задейства известието.',
'min_amt_help' => 'Minimum number of items that should be available before an alert gets triggered. Leave Min. QTY blank if you do not want to receive alerts for low inventory.',
'model_no' => 'Модел №.',
'months' => 'месеци',
'moreinfo' => 'Повече информация',
'name' => 'Име',
'new_password' => 'New Password',
'next' => 'Следващ',
'next_audit_date' => 'Следваща дата на одита',
'last_audit' => 'Последният одит',
@ -171,19 +191,26 @@
'purchase_date' => 'Дата на закупуване',
'qty' => 'Количество',
'quantity' => 'Kоличество',
'quantity_minimum' => 'You have :count items below or almost below minimum quantity levels',
'ready_to_deploy' => 'Готово за предоставяне',
'recent_activity' => 'Последни действия',
'remaining' => 'Remaining',
'remove_company' => 'Премахване на асоциация към компания',
'reports' => 'Справки',
'restored' => 'възстановени',
'restore' => 'Restore',
'requestable_models' => 'Requestable Models',
'requested' => 'Изискан',
'requested_date' => 'Requested Date',
'requested_assets' => 'Requested Assets',
'requested_assets_menu' => 'Requested Assets',
'request_canceled' => 'Заявка отменена',
'save' => 'Запис',
'select' => 'Избор',
'select_all' => 'Select All',
'search' => 'Търсене',
'select_category' => 'Изберете категория',
'select_department' => 'Изберете отдела',
'select_department' => 'Изберете отдела',
'select_depreciation' => 'Избор на вид амортизация',
'select_location' => 'Избор на местоположение',
'select_manufacturer' => 'Избор на производител',
@ -200,6 +227,7 @@
'sign_in' => 'Вход',
'signature' => 'Подпис',
'skin' => 'Тема',
'slack_msg_note' => 'A slack message will be sent',
'slack_test_msg' => 'Вашата Slack интеграция с Snipe-IT работи!',
'some_features_disabled' => 'DEMO MODE: Някои свойства не са разрешени за тази инсталация.',
'site_name' => 'Име на системата',
@ -211,6 +239,7 @@
'sure_to_delete' => 'Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете',
'submit' => 'Изпрати',
'target' => 'Цел',
'toggle_navigation' => 'Toogle Navigation',
'time_and_date_display' => 'Показване на време и дата',
'total_assets' => 'общо активи',
'total_licenses' => 'общо лицензи',
@ -230,6 +259,7 @@
'users' => 'Потребители',
'viewall' => 'Виж всички',
'viewassets' => 'Преглед на изписаните активи',
'viewassetsfor' => 'View Assets for :name',
'website' => 'Страница',
'welcome' => 'Добре дошли, :name',
'years' => 'години',
@ -243,8 +273,78 @@
'accept' => 'Приеми :asset',
'i_accept' => 'Съгласен съм',
'i_decline' => 'Отказ',
'accept_decline' => 'Accept/Decline',
'sign_tos' => 'Подпишете се за да се съгласите с условията за ползване:',
'clear_signature' => 'Изчисти подписа',
'show_help' => 'Покажи помощта',
'hide_help' => 'Скрий помощта',
'view_all' => 'view all',
'hide_deleted' => 'Hide Deleted',
'email' => 'Email',
'do_not_change' => 'Do Not Change',
'bug_report' => 'Report a Bug',
'user_manual' => 'User\'s Manual',
'setup_step_1' => 'Step 1',
'setup_step_2' => 'Step 2',
'setup_step_3' => 'Step 3',
'setup_step_4' => 'Step 4',
'setup_config_check' => 'Configuration Check',
'setup_create_database' => 'Create Database Tables',
'setup_create_admin' => 'Create Admin User',
'setup_done' => 'Finished!',
'bulk_edit_about_to' => 'You are about to edit the following: ',
'checked_out' => 'Checked Out',
'checked_out_to' => 'Checked out to',
'fields' => 'Fields',
'last_checkout' => 'Last Checkout',
'due_to_checkin' => 'The following :count items are due to be checked in soon:',
'expected_checkin' => 'Expected Checkin',
'reminder_checked_out_items' => 'This is a reminder of the items currently checked out to you. If you feel this list is inaccurate (something is missing, or something appears here that you believe you never received), please email :reply_to_name at :reply_to_address.',
'changed' => 'Changed',
'to' => 'To',
'report_fields_info' => '<p>Select the fields you would like to include in your custom report, and click Generate. The file (custom-asset-report-YYYY-mm-dd.csv) will download automatically, and you can open it in Excel.</p>
<p>If you would like to export only certain assets, use the options below to fine-tune your results.</p>',
'range' => 'Range',
'bom_remark' => 'Add a BOM (byte-order mark) to this CSV',
'improvements' => 'Improvements',
'information' => 'Information',
'permissions' => 'Permissions',
'managed_ldap' => '(Managed via LDAP)',
'export' => 'Export',
'ldap_sync' => 'LDAP Sync',
'ldap_user_sync' => 'LDAP User Sync',
'synchronize' => 'Synchronize',
'sync_results' => 'Synchronization Results',
'license_serial' => 'Serial/Product Key',
'invalid_category' => 'Invalid category',
'dashboard_info' => 'This is your dashboard. There are many like it, but this one is yours.',
'60_percent_warning' => '60% Complete (warning)',
'dashboard_empty' => 'It looks like you haven not added anything yet, so we do not have anything awesome to display. Get started by adding some assets, accessories, consumables, or licenses now!',
'new_asset' => 'New Asset',
'new_license' => 'New License',
'new_accessory' => 'New Accessory',
'new_consumable' => 'New Consumable',
'collapse' => 'Collapse',
'assigned' => 'Assigned',
'asset_count' => 'Asset Count',
'accessories_count' => 'Accessories Count',
'consumables_count' => 'Consumables Count',
'components_count' => 'Components Count',
'licenses_count' => 'Licenses Count',
'notification_error' => 'Error:',
'notification_error_hint' => 'Please check the form below for errors',
'notification_success' => 'Success:',
'notification_warning' => 'Warning:',
'notification_info' => 'Info:',
'asset_information' => 'Asset Information',
'model_name' => 'Model Name:',
'asset_name' => 'Asset Name:',
'consumable_information' => 'Consumable Information:',
'consumable_name' => 'Consumable Name:',
'accessory_information' => 'Accessory Information:',
'accessory_name' => 'Accessory Name:',
'clone_item' => 'Clone Item',
'checkout_tooltip' => 'Check this item out',
'checkin_tooltip' => 'Check this item in',
'checkout_user_tooltip' => 'Check this item out to a user',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ return array(
"more_info_title" => "Допълнителна информация",
'more_info_title' => 'Допълнителна информация',
"audit_help" => "Отмятането на това поле, ще редактира записа, за да се отрази новото местоположение. Оставайки това поле без отметка ще се отрази местоположението на актива само при одит.<br><br>Ако актива е изписан няма да се смени леговата локация.",
'audit_help' => 'Отмятането на това поле, ще редактира записа, за да се отрази новото местоположение. Оставайки това поле без отметка ще се отрази местоположението на актива само при одит.<br><br>Ако актива е изписан няма да се смени леговата локация.',
'assets' => 'Дълготрайни материални активи (ДМА), за кратко активи, се приемат всички материални ресурси на предприятието, които се използват повече от един отчетен период (за стопански и други цели). Проследават се по техния сериен или инвентарен номер.',
@ -31,6 +31,4 @@ return array(
'depreciations' => 'Може да нагласите амортизация базирана на линеен метод.',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
'a_user_canceled' => 'Потребител е отменил заявка за елемент в уебсайта',
'a_user_requested' => 'Потребител е направил заявка за елемент в уебсайта',
'accessory_name' => 'Име на аксесоар:',
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ return array(
'test_mail_text' => 'Това е тест от Snipe-IT система за управление на активи. Ако сте получили това, email-а работи :)',
'the_following_item' => 'Следният артикул беше вписан:',
'low_inventory_alert' => 'Има :count артикул, който е под минималния праг за наличност или скоро ще се изчерпа.| Има :count артикула, които са под минималния праг за наличност или скоро ще се изчерпат.',
'assets_warrantee_alert' => 'Има :count актив с гаранция, която ще изтече в следващите :threshold дни.|Има :count активa с гаранция, която ще изтече в следващите :threshold дни.',
'assets_warrantee_alert' => 'There is :count asset with a warranty expiring in the next :threshold days.|There are :count assets with warranties expiring in the next :threshold days.',
'license_expiring_alert' => 'Има :count лиценз, който изтича в следващите :threshold дни.|Има :count лиценза, които изтичат в следващите :threshold дни.',
'to_reset' => 'За да нулирате вашата :web password, попълнете този формуляр:',
'type' => 'Вид',
@ -75,5 +75,5 @@ return array(
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Очакван рапорт за вписване на актив',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Напомняне: :name крайната дата за вписване наближава',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'Наближава срока за връщане на актив който е заведен на Вас, трябва да се върна на :date',
'your_assets' => 'Преглед на вашите активи'
'your_assets' => 'Преглед на вашите активи',

View file

@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ return [
'sent' => 'Линк към вашата парола бе изпратен!',
'user' => 'Не са намерени активни потребители с този е-майл.',

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
return array(
return [
@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ return array(
'string' => ':attribute трябва да бъде минимум :min символа.',
'array' => 'Атрибутът: трябва да има поне: min елементи.',
'starts_with' => 'The :attribute must start with one of the following: :values.',
'not_in' => 'Избраният :attribute е невалиден.',
'numeric' => ':attribute трябва да бъде число.',
'present' => 'Полето на атрибута трябва да е налице.',
@ -88,8 +89,8 @@ return array(
'unique' => ':attribute вече е вписан.',
'uploaded' => 'Атрибутът: не успя да качи.',
'url' => 'Форматът на :attribute е невалиден.',
"unique_undeleted" => ":attribute трябва да бъде уникален.",
"non_circular" => ":attribute не трябва да създава препрадка към себе си.",
'unique_undeleted' => ':attribute трябва да бъде уникален.',
'non_circular' => ':attribute не трябва да създава препрадка към себе си.',
@ -102,7 +103,6 @@ return array(
| Custom Validation Language Lines
@ -115,11 +115,11 @@ return array(
'custom' => [
'alpha_space' => "Полето атрибут: съдържа знак, който не е разрешен.",
"email_array" => "Един или повече имейл адреси са невалидни.",
"hashed_pass" => "Текущата ви парола е неправилна",
'alpha_space' => 'Полето атрибут: съдържа знак, който не е разрешен.',
'email_array' => 'Един или повече имейл адреси са невалидни.',
'hashed_pass' => 'Текущата ви парола е неправилна',
'dumbpwd' => 'Тази парола е твърде често срещана.',
"statuslabel_type" => "Трябва да изберете валиден тип етикет на състоянието",
'statuslabel_type' => 'Трябва да изберете валиден тип етикет на състоянието',
@ -135,4 +135,4 @@ return array(
'attributes' => [],

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more