mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 03:15:45 -08:00
Fixes #2763 - added missing translations methods for dashboard
This commit is contained in:
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'الموردون',
'total_assets' => 'إجمالي الأصول',
'total_licenses' => 'إجمالي الرخص',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Type',
'undeployable' => 'غير قابلة للتوزيع',
'unknown_admin' => 'إداري غير معروف',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Доставчици',
'total_assets' => 'общо активи',
'total_licenses' => 'общо лицензи',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Тип',
'undeployable' => 'Не може да бъде предоставян',
'unknown_admin' => 'Непознат администратор',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Dodavatelé',
'total_assets' => 'celkem zařízení',
'total_licenses' => 'celkem licencí',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Typ',
'undeployable' => 'Ne-přiřaditelné',
'unknown_admin' => 'Neznámy správce',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Leverandører',
'total_assets' => 'totale aktiver',
'total_licenses' => 'totale licenser',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Type',
'undeployable' => 'Ikke implementerbar',
'unknown_admin' => 'Ukendt Admin',
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
return array(
'about_consumables_title' => 'Details Verbrauchsmaterialien',
'about_consumables_text' => 'Verbrauchsmaterialien sind alle Dinge, die gekauft und mit der Zeit aufgebraucht werden, wie z.B. Druckerpatronen oder Kopierpapier.',
'checkout' => 'Checkout Consumable to User',
'checkout' => 'Verbrauchsmaterial für Benutzer auschecken',
'consumable_name' => 'Name des Verbrauchsmaterials',
'cost' => 'Einkaufspreis',
'create' => 'Verbrauchsmaterial erstellen',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Lieferanten',
'total_assets' => 'Gesamte Assets',
'total_licenses' => 'Lizenzen insgesamt',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Typ',
'undeployable' => 'Nicht herausgebbar',
'unknown_admin' => 'Unbekannter Administrator',
@ -1,74 +1,71 @@
return array(
'a_user_canceled' => 'A user has canceled an item request on the website',
'a_user_requested' => 'A user has requested an item on the website',
'accessory_name' => 'Accessory Name:',
'additional_notes' => 'Additional Notes:',
'admin_has_created' => 'An administrator has created an account for you on the :web website.',
'a_user_canceled' => 'Eine Geräte Anfrage auf der Webseite wurde vom Benutzer abgebrochen',
'a_user_requested' => 'Ein Benutzer hat ein Gerät auf der Webseite angefordert',
'accessory_name' => 'Zubehör Name:',
'additional_notes' => 'Zusätzliche Bemerkungen:',
'admin_has_created' => 'Ein Administrator hat auf der :web Webseite ein Konto für Sie erstellt.',
'asset' => 'Asset:',
'asset_name' => 'Asset Name:',
'asset_requested' => 'Asset requested',
'asset_tag' => 'Asset Tag:',
'assets_warrantee_expiring' => '{1} asset with warrantee expiring in the next 60 days.|[2,Inf] assets with warrantees
expiring in the next 60 days.',
'assigned_to' => 'Assigned To',
'best_regards' => 'Best regards,',
'canceled' => 'Canceled:',
'checkin_date' => 'Checkin Date:',
'checkout_date' => 'Checkout Date:',
'click_to_confirm' => 'Please click on the following link to confirm your :web account:',
'click_on_the_link_accessory' => 'Please click on the link at the bottom to confirm that you have received the accessory.',
'click_on_the_link_asset' => 'Please click on the link at the bottom to confirm that you have received the asset.',
'Confirm_Asset_Checkin' => 'Confirm Asset Checkin.',
'Confirm_Accessory_Checkin' => 'Confirm Accessory Checkin.',
'Confirm_accessory_delivery' => 'Confirm accessory delivery.',
'Confirm_asset_delivery' => 'Confirm asset delivery.',
'Confirm_consumable_delivery' => 'Confirm consumable delivery.',
'current_QTY' => 'Current QTY',
'Days' => 'Days',
'days' => 'Days',
'expecting_checkin_date' => 'Expected Checkin Date:',
'expires' => 'Expires',
'Expiring_Assets_Report' => 'Expiring Assets Report.',
'Expiring_Licenses_Report' => 'Expiring Licenses Report.',
'hello' => 'Hello',
'hi' => 'Hi',
'i_have_read' => 'I have read and agree to the terms of use, and have received this item.',
'item' => 'Item:',
'items_below_minimum' => '{1} item that is below minimum inventory or will soon be low.|[2,Inf] items that are below minimum
inventory or will soon be low.',
'Item_Request_Canceled' => 'Item Request Canceled',
'Item_Requested' => 'Item Requested',
'licenses_expiring' => '{1} license expiring next 60 days.|[2,Inf] licenses expiring next 60 days.',
'link_to_update_password' => 'Please click on the following link to update your :web password:',
'login_first_admin' => 'Login to your new Snipe-IT installation using the credentials below:',
'login' => 'Login:',
'Low_Inventory_Report' => 'Low Inventory Report',
'min_QTY' => 'Min QTY',
'asset_name' => 'Gegenstands Name:',
'asset_requested' => 'Gegenstand angefordert',
'asset_tag' => 'Gegenstands Etikett:',
'assets_warrantee_expiring' => '{1} Gegenstand dessen Garantie in den nächsten 60 Tagen abläuft. | [2, Inf] Gegenstände mit Garantien, die in den nächsten 60 Tagen ablaufen.',
'assigned_to' => 'Zugewiesen an',
'best_regards' => 'Grüße,',
'canceled' => 'Abgebrochen:',
'checkin_date' => 'Eingecheckt am:',
'checkout_date' => 'Ausgecheckt am:',
'click_to_confirm' => 'Bitte klicken Sie zum Bestätigen Ihres :web Kontos auf den folgenden Link:',
'click_on_the_link_accessory' => 'Bitte klicken Sie auf den Link weiter unten, um den Erhalt des Zubehörs zu bestätigen.',
'click_on_the_link_asset' => 'Bitte klicken Sie auf den Link weiter unten, um den Erhalt des Gegenstands zu bestätigen.',
'Confirm_Asset_Checkin' => 'Gegenstand Einchecken bestätigen.',
'Confirm_Accessory_Checkin' => 'Zubehör Einchecken bestätigen.',
'Confirm_accessory_delivery' => 'Zubehör Zustellung bestätigen.',
'Confirm_asset_delivery' => 'Gegenstands Lieferung bestätigen.',
'Confirm_consumable_delivery' => 'Verbrauchsmaterial Lieferung bestätigen.',
'current_QTY' => 'Aktuelle Menge',
'Days' => 'Tage',
'days' => 'Tage',
'expecting_checkin_date' => 'Erwartetes Eincheck Datum:',
'expires' => 'Ablaufdatum',
'Expiring_Assets_Report' => 'Bericht über Ablaufende Gegenstände.',
'Expiring_Licenses_Report' => 'Bericht über ablaufende Lizenzen.',
'hello' => 'Hallo',
'hi' => 'Hallo',
'i_have_read' => 'Ich habe die Nutzungsbedingungen gelesen und stimme diesen zu, und ich habe diesen Gegenstand erhalten.',
'item' => 'Gegenstand:',
'items_below_minimum' => '{1} Gegenstand, der unter dem dem Mindestbestand ist oder es bald sein wird. | [2, Inf] Gegenstände, die unter dem Mindestbestand sind oder es bald sein werden.',
'Item_Request_Canceled' => 'Gegenstands Anfrage abgebrochen',
'Item_Requested' => 'Gegenstand angefortdert',
'licenses_expiring' => '{1} Lizenz läuft in den nächsten 60 Tagen ab. | [2, Inf] Lizenzen laufen in den nächsten 60 Tagen ab.',
'link_to_update_password' => 'Klicken Sie bitte auf den folgenden Link zum Aktualisieren Ihres :web Passworts:',
'login_first_admin' => 'Melden Sie sich zu Ihrer neuen Snipe-IT-Installation mithilfe der unten stehenden Anmeldeinformationen an:',
'login' => 'Benutzername:',
'Low_Inventory_Report' => 'Bericht über niedrige Lagerbestände',
'min_QTY' => 'Mindestmenge',
'name' => 'Name',
'new_item_checked' => 'A new item has been checked out under your name, details are below.',
'password' => 'Password:',
'password_reset' => 'Password Reset',
'new_item_checked' => 'Ein neuer Gegenstand wurde unter Ihrem Namen ausgecheckt. Details folgen.',
'password' => 'Passwort:',
'password_reset' => 'Passwort zurücksetzen',
'read_the_terms' => 'Please read the terms of use below.',
'read_the_terms_and_click' => 'Please read the terms of use below, and click on the link at the bottom to confirm that you read
and agree to the terms of use, and have received the asset.',
'requested' => 'Requested:',
'reset_link' => 'Your Password Reset Link',
'reset_password' => 'Click here to reset your password:',
'serial' => 'Serial:',
'supplier' => 'Supplier',
'tag' => 'Tag',
'test_email' => 'Test Email from Snipe-IT',
'test_mail_text' => 'This is a test from the Snipe-IT Asset Management System. If you got this, mail is working :)',
'the_following_item' => 'The following item has been checked in: ',
'There_are' => '{1} There is|[2,Inf] There are',
'to_reset' => 'To reset your :web password, complete this form:',
'type' => 'Type',
'user' => 'User:',
'username' => 'Username:',
'welcome' => 'Welcome :name',
'welcome_to' => 'Welcome to :web!',
'your_credentials' => 'Your Snipe-IT credentials',
'read_the_terms' => 'Bitte lesen Sie die nachfolgenden Nutzungsbedingungen.',
'read_the_terms_and_click' => 'Bitte lesen Sie die Nutzungsbedingungen und klicken Sie auf den Link unten, um zu bestätigen, dass Sie diese gelesen und die Nutzungsbedingungen und den Gegenstand erhalten haben.',
'requested' => 'Angefordert:',
'reset_link' => 'Ihr Link zum Zurücksetzen des Kennworts',
'reset_password' => 'Klicken Sie hier, um Ihr Passwort zurückzusetzen:',
'serial' => 'Seriennummer:',
'supplier' => 'Lieferant',
'tag' => 'Kennzeichnung',
'test_email' => 'Test E-Mail von Snipe-IT',
'test_mail_text' => 'Dies ist ein Test von Snipe-IT-Asset-Management-System. Wenn du dies erhalten hast funktioniert das Senden von Mails :)',
'the_following_item' => 'Der folgende Gegenstand wurde eingecheckt: ',
'There_are' => 'Da ist {1} | [2, Inf] Da sind',
'to_reset' => 'Zum zurücksetzen Ihres :web Passwortes füllen Sie dies Formular aus:',
'type' => 'Typ',
'user' => 'Benutzer:',
'username' => 'Benutzername:',
'welcome' => 'Wilkommen, :name',
'welcome_to' => 'Willkommen bei: Web!',
'your_credentials' => 'Ihre Snipe-IT Anmeldedaten',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Suppliers',
'total_assets' => 'total assets',
'total_licenses' => 'total licenses',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Type',
'undeployable' => 'Un-deployable',
'unknown_admin' => 'Unknown Admin',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Suppliers',
'total_assets' => 'total assets',
'total_licenses' => 'total licenses',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Type',
'undeployable' => 'Un-deployable',
'unknown_admin' => 'Unknown Admin',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Suppliers',
'total_assets' => 'total assets',
'total_licenses' => 'total licenses',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Type',
'undeployable' => 'Un-deployable',
'unknown_admin' => 'Unknown Admin',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Suppliers',
'total_assets' => 'total assets',
'total_licenses' => 'total licenses',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Type',
'undeployable' => 'Un-deployable',
'unknown_admin' => 'Unknown Admin',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Suppliers',
'total_assets' => 'total assets',
'total_licenses' => 'total licenses',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Type',
'undeployable' => 'Un-deployable',
'unknown_admin' => 'Unknown Admin',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Proveedores',
'total_assets' => 'Equipos',
'total_licenses' => 'licencias totales',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Tipo',
'undeployable' => 'No Instalable',
'unknown_admin' => 'Admin Desconocido',
@ -156,6 +156,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'تامین کننده',
'total_assets' => 'کل دارایی',
'total_licenses' => 'کل مجوزهای',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'نوع',
'undeployable' => 'غیر قابل استقرار',
'unknown_admin' => 'نامشخص مدیریت',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Toimittajat',
'total_assets' => 'laitteita yhteensä',
'total_licenses' => 'lisenssejä yhteensä',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Tyyppi',
'undeployable' => 'Ei-käyttöönotettavissa',
'unknown_admin' => 'Tuntematon Ylläpitäjä',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Fournisseurs',
'total_assets' => 'actifs au total',
'total_licenses' => 'licences au total',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Type ',
'undeployable' => 'Non déployable',
'unknown_admin' => 'Admin inconnu',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Suppliers',
'total_assets' => 'total assets',
'total_licenses' => 'total licenses',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Type',
'undeployable' => 'Un-deployable',
'unknown_admin' => 'Unknown Admin',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Suppliers',
'total_assets' => 'total assets',
'total_licenses' => 'total licenses',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Type',
'undeployable' => 'Un-deployable',
'unknown_admin' => 'Unknown Admin',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Beszállítók',
'total_assets' => 'eszköz összesen',
'total_licenses' => 'licensz összesen',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Típus',
'undeployable' => 'Nem kiadható',
'unknown_admin' => 'Ismeretlen Admin',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Pemasok',
'total_assets' => 'total aset',
'total_licenses' => 'total lisensi',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Tipe',
'undeployable' => 'Belum siap digunakan',
'unknown_admin' => 'Admin tidak diketahui',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Fornitori',
'total_assets' => 'Assets totali',
'total_licenses' => 'Totale licenze',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Tipo',
'undeployable' => 'Non consegnabile',
'unknown_admin' => 'Amministratore sconosciuto',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => '仕入先',
'total_assets' => '資産の合計',
'total_licenses' => 'ライセンスの合計',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'タイプ',
'undeployable' => '未配備',
'unknown_admin' => '不明な管理者',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => '공급자',
'total_assets' => '총 자산',
'total_licenses' => '총 라이선스',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => '유형',
'undeployable' => '사용불가',
'unknown_admin' => '알수없는 관리자',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Tiekėjai',
'total_assets' => 'įrangos iš viso',
'total_licenses' => 'iš viso licenzijų',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Tipas',
'undeployable' => 'Nepanaudojamas',
'unknown_admin' => 'Nežinomas administratorius',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Pembekal',
'total_assets' => 'jumlah harta',
'total_licenses' => 'jumlah lesen',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Type',
'undeployable' => 'Tidak Boleh Agih',
'unknown_admin' => 'Pentadbir Tidak Dikenali',
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
return array(
'about_consumables_title' => 'Over verbuiksartikelen',
'about_consumables_text' => 'Verbruiksartikelen is alles wat gekocht is en wat na enige tijd opraakt. Bijvoorbeeld, printerinkt of kopieer papier.',
'checkout' => 'Checkout Consumable to User',
'checkout' => 'Verbruiksartikel uitleveren aan gebruiker',
'consumable_name' => 'Verbruiksartikel naam',
'cost' => 'Aankoopprijs',
'create' => 'Maak verbruiksartikel aan',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Leveranciers',
'total_assets' => 'totaal aantal materialen',
'total_licenses' => 'Totale licenties',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Type',
'undeployable' => 'Niet-inzetbaar',
'unknown_admin' => 'Onbekende Beheerder',
@ -1,74 +1,71 @@
return array(
'a_user_canceled' => 'A user has canceled an item request on the website',
'a_user_requested' => 'A user has requested an item on the website',
'accessory_name' => 'Accessory Name:',
'additional_notes' => 'Additional Notes:',
'admin_has_created' => 'An administrator has created an account for you on the :web website.',
'asset' => 'Asset:',
'asset_name' => 'Asset Name:',
'asset_requested' => 'Asset requested',
'asset_tag' => 'Asset Tag:',
'assets_warrantee_expiring' => '{1} asset with warrantee expiring in the next 60 days.|[2,Inf] assets with warrantees
expiring in the next 60 days.',
'assigned_to' => 'Assigned To',
'best_regards' => 'Best regards,',
'canceled' => 'Canceled:',
'checkin_date' => 'Checkin Date:',
'checkout_date' => 'Checkout Date:',
'click_to_confirm' => 'Please click on the following link to confirm your :web account:',
'click_on_the_link_accessory' => 'Please click on the link at the bottom to confirm that you have received the accessory.',
'click_on_the_link_asset' => 'Please click on the link at the bottom to confirm that you have received the asset.',
'Confirm_Asset_Checkin' => 'Confirm Asset Checkin.',
'Confirm_Accessory_Checkin' => 'Confirm Accessory Checkin.',
'Confirm_accessory_delivery' => 'Confirm accessory delivery.',
'Confirm_asset_delivery' => 'Confirm asset delivery.',
'Confirm_consumable_delivery' => 'Confirm consumable delivery.',
'current_QTY' => 'Current QTY',
'Days' => 'Days',
'days' => 'Days',
'expecting_checkin_date' => 'Expected Checkin Date:',
'expires' => 'Expires',
'Expiring_Assets_Report' => 'Expiring Assets Report.',
'Expiring_Licenses_Report' => 'Expiring Licenses Report.',
'hello' => 'Hello',
'hi' => 'Hi',
'i_have_read' => 'I have read and agree to the terms of use, and have received this item.',
'item' => 'Item:',
'items_below_minimum' => '{1} item that is below minimum inventory or will soon be low.|[2,Inf] items that are below minimum
inventory or will soon be low.',
'Item_Request_Canceled' => 'Item Request Canceled',
'Item_Requested' => 'Item Requested',
'licenses_expiring' => '{1} license expiring next 60 days.|[2,Inf] licenses expiring next 60 days.',
'link_to_update_password' => 'Please click on the following link to update your :web password:',
'login_first_admin' => 'Login to your new Snipe-IT installation using the credentials below:',
'a_user_canceled' => 'Een gebruiker heeft op de website zijn aanvraag voor een object geannuleerd',
'a_user_requested' => 'Een gebruiker heeft op de website een object aangevraagd',
'accessory_name' => 'Accessoire Naam:',
'additional_notes' => 'Aanvullende Notities:',
'admin_has_created' => 'Een beheerder heeft een account voor u aangemaakt op de :web website.',
'asset' => 'Product:',
'asset_name' => 'Objectnaam:',
'asset_requested' => 'Object aangevraagd',
'asset_tag' => 'Objecttag:',
'assets_warrantee_expiring' => '{1} object waarvan de garantie in de komende 60 dagen verloopt.|[2,Inf] objecten waarvan de garantie in de komende 60 dagen verloopt.',
'assigned_to' => 'Toegewezen aan',
'best_regards' => 'Met vriendelijke groeten,',
'canceled' => 'Geannuleerd:',
'checkin_date' => 'Ingecheckt datum:',
'checkout_date' => 'Uitcheck datum:',
'click_to_confirm' => 'Klik op de volgende link om uw :web account te bevestigen:',
'click_on_the_link_accessory' => 'Klik op de link onderaan om te bevestigen dat u de accessoire hebt ontvangen.',
'click_on_the_link_asset' => 'Klik op de link onderaan om te bevestigen dat u het object hebt ontvangen.',
'Confirm_Asset_Checkin' => 'Bevestig Object Checkin.',
'Confirm_Accessory_Checkin' => 'Bevestig Accessoire Checkin.',
'Confirm_accessory_delivery' => 'Bevestig accessoire uitlevering.',
'Confirm_asset_delivery' => 'Bevestig object uitlevering.',
'Confirm_consumable_delivery' => 'Bevestig uitlevering verbruiksartikel.',
'current_QTY' => 'Huidige hoeveelheid',
'Days' => 'Dagen',
'days' => 'Dagen',
'expecting_checkin_date' => 'Verwachte incheck datum:',
'expires' => 'Verloopt',
'Expiring_Assets_Report' => 'Rapportage verlopende objecten.',
'Expiring_Licenses_Report' => 'Rapportage verlopende licenties.',
'hello' => 'Hallo',
'hi' => 'Hoi',
'i_have_read' => 'Ik heb de gebruiksovereenkomst gelezen en geaccepteerd en dit object ontvangen.',
'item' => 'Artikel:',
'items_below_minimum' => '{1} object onder of bijna onder minimaal voorraad niveau.|[2,Inf] objecten onder of bijna onder minimaal voorraad niveau.',
'Item_Request_Canceled' => 'Item aanvraag geannuleerd',
'Item_Requested' => 'Item aangevraagd',
'licenses_expiring' => '{1} licentie verloopt de komende 60 dagen.|[2,Inf] licenties verlopen de komende 60 dagen.',
'link_to_update_password' => 'Klik op de volgende link om je :web wachtwoord te vernieuwen:',
'login_first_admin' => 'Meld u aan op uw nieuwe Snipe-IT installatie met onderstaande inloggegevens:',
'login' => 'Login:',
'Low_Inventory_Report' => 'Low Inventory Report',
'min_QTY' => 'Min QTY',
'name' => 'Name',
'new_item_checked' => 'A new item has been checked out under your name, details are below.',
'password' => 'Password:',
'password_reset' => 'Password Reset',
'Low_Inventory_Report' => 'Lage inventarisrapport',
'min_QTY' => 'Minimale hoeveelheid',
'name' => 'Naam',
'new_item_checked' => 'Een nieuw item is onder uw naam uitgecheckt, details staan hieronder.',
'password' => 'Wachtwoord:',
'password_reset' => 'Wachtwoord opnieuw instellen',
'read_the_terms' => 'Please read the terms of use below.',
'read_the_terms_and_click' => 'Please read the terms of use below, and click on the link at the bottom to confirm that you read
and agree to the terms of use, and have received the asset.',
'requested' => 'Requested:',
'reset_link' => 'Your Password Reset Link',
'reset_password' => 'Click here to reset your password:',
'serial' => 'Serial:',
'supplier' => 'Supplier',
'read_the_terms' => 'Lees alstublieft de onderstaande gebruiksovereenkomst.',
'read_the_terms_and_click' => 'Lees de onderstaande gebruiksvoorwaarden en klik op de link onderaan om te bevestigen dat u de gebruiksvoorwaarden gelezen en hiermee akkoord gaat, en het object ontvangen hebt.',
'requested' => 'Aangevraagd:',
'reset_link' => 'Je Wachtwoord Herstel Link',
'reset_password' => 'Klik hier om uw wachtwoord opnieuw in te stellen:',
'serial' => 'Serienummer:',
'supplier' => 'Leverancier',
'tag' => 'Tag',
'test_email' => 'Test Email from Snipe-IT',
'test_mail_text' => 'This is a test from the Snipe-IT Asset Management System. If you got this, mail is working :)',
'the_following_item' => 'The following item has been checked in: ',
'There_are' => '{1} There is|[2,Inf] There are',
'to_reset' => 'To reset your :web password, complete this form:',
'test_email' => 'Test e-mail van Snipe-IT',
'test_mail_text' => 'Dit is een test van het Snipe-IT Inventaris Beheer Systeem. Als je dit hebt ontvangen werkt e-mail naar behoren :)',
'the_following_item' => 'Het volgende item is ingecheckt: ',
'There_are' => '{1} Er is|[2,Inf] Er zijn',
'to_reset' => 'Vul dit formulier in om je :web wachtwoord te resetten:',
'type' => 'Type',
'user' => 'User:',
'username' => 'Username:',
'welcome' => 'Welcome :name',
'welcome_to' => 'Welcome to :web!',
'your_credentials' => 'Your Snipe-IT credentials',
'user' => 'Gebruiker:',
'username' => 'Gebruikersnaam:',
'welcome' => 'Welkom :name',
'welcome_to' => 'Welkom bij :web!',
'your_credentials' => 'Je Snipe-IT inloggegevens',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Leverandører',
'total_assets' => 'eiendeler totalt',
'total_licenses' => 'lisener totalt',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Type',
'undeployable' => 'Ikke utleverbar',
'unknown_admin' => 'Ukjent admin',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Dostawcy',
'total_assets' => 'Ogółem aktywów',
'total_licenses' => 'Ogółem licencji',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Rodzaj',
'undeployable' => 'Nie przypisane',
'unknown_admin' => 'Nieznany Administrator',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Fornecedores',
'total_assets' => 'ativos no total',
'total_licenses' => 'licenças no total',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Tipo',
'undeployable' => 'Não implantável',
'unknown_admin' => 'Administrador Desconhecido',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Fornecedores',
'total_assets' => 'artigos',
'total_licenses' => 'licenças',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Tipo',
'undeployable' => 'Não implementável',
'unknown_admin' => 'Administrador desconhecido',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Furnizori',
'total_assets' => 'Total active',
'total_licenses' => 'Total licente',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Tipul',
'undeployable' => 'Nelansabil',
'unknown_admin' => 'Admin necunoscut',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Поставщики',
'total_assets' => 'Всего активов',
'total_licenses' => 'Всего лицензий',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Тип',
'undeployable' => 'Не развертываемый',
'unknown_admin' => 'Неизвестный администратор',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Suppliers',
'total_assets' => 'total assets',
'total_licenses' => 'total licenses',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Type',
'undeployable' => 'Un-deployable',
'unknown_admin' => 'Unknown Admin',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'ตัวแทนจำหน่าย',
'total_assets' => 'ทรัพย์สินทั้งหมด',
'total_licenses' => 'ลิขสิทธิ์ทั้งหมด',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'ประเภท',
'undeployable' => 'ไม่สามารถใช้งานได้',
'unknown_admin' => 'ผู้ดูแลระบบที่ไม่รู้จัก',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Tedarikçiler',
'total_assets' => 'Toplam Demirbaşlar',
'total_licenses' => 'Toplam Lisanslar',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Tip',
'undeployable' => 'Un-deployable',
'unknown_admin' => 'Unknown Admin',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => 'Nhà cung cấp',
'total_assets' => 'tổng số tài sản',
'total_licenses' => 'tổng số bản quyền',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Loại',
'undeployable' => 'Không cho phép cấp phát',
'unknown_admin' => 'Unknown Admin',
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
'suppliers' => '供应商',
'total_assets' => '共计资产',
'total_licenses' => '共计许可证',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => '类型',
'undeployable' => '无法被分配',
'unknown_admin' => '未知管理员',
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
return array(
'dl_csv' => '下載CSV檔',
'eula_text' => '最終使用者許可協議',
'eula_text' => 'EULA',
'id' => 'ID',
'require_acceptance' => '接收',
'title' => '配件名稱',
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ return array(
'clone' => '複製類別',
'create' => '新建類別',
'edit' => '編輯類別',
'eula_text' => '分類的最終用戶許可協議',
'eula_text' => '類別的最終用戶許可協議',
'eula_text_help' => '此欄位允許您為指定類型的資產自訂ELUA(最終用戶許可協議)。如果您所有資產只套用一個EULA(最終用戶許可協議),您可以核取下方框將其設為預設。',
'require_acceptance' => '要求使用者確認接受此類別的資產',
'required_acceptance' => '使用者會收到包含確認接收連結的郵件',
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
return array(
'does_not_exist' => '類別不存在',
'assoc_models' => '至少還有一個資產關聯在此類別下,目前不能被刪除,請您確定您的所有資產不在此類別下,然後重試。 ',
'assoc_items' => '至少還有一個資產 :asset_type 關聯在此類別下,目前不能被刪除,請您確定您的所有資產不在此類別下,然後重試。 ',
'assoc_models' => '至少還有一個樣板與此類別關聯,目前不能被刪除,請檢查後重試。 ',
'assoc_items' => '至少還有一個 :asset_type 與此類別關聯,目前不能被刪除,請您檢查 :asset_type 後重試。 ',
'create' => array(
'error' => '新增類別失敗,請重試。',
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
return array(
'eula_text' => '最終使用者許可協議',
'eula_text' => 'EULA',
'id' => 'ID',
'parent' => '父類',
'require_acceptance' => '接受',
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
return array(
'does_not_exist' => '公司不存在',
'assoc_users' => '至少還有一個資產關聯在此公司下,目前不能被删除,請您確定您的所有資產不在此公司下,然後重試。 ',
'assoc_users' => '至少還有一個資產與此公司關聯,目前不能被删除,請檢查後重試。 ',
'create' => array(
'error' => '新增公司失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '新增公司成功。'
@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
return array(
'about_components_title' => '關於組件',
'about_components_text' => '組件为资产的一部分,例如硬碟、内存等。
'about_components_text' => '組件為資產的一部份,例如硬碟、記憶體等。',
'component_name' => '組件名稱',
'checkin' => '組件繳回',
'checkout' => '組件借出',
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
return array(
'about_consumables_title' => '關於耗材',
'about_consumables_text' => '所謂耗材是指從購買後會慢慢消耗並最終用盡的物品,例如印表機墨水,影印纸等等。',
'checkout' => 'Checkout Consumable to User',
'checkout' => '領取耗材給使用者',
'consumable_name' => '耗材名稱',
'cost' => '採購成本',
'create' => '新增耗材',
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
return array(
'custom_fields' => '自定義欄位',
'custom_fields' => '自訂欄位',
'field' => '欄位',
'about_fieldsets_title' => '關於欄位集',
'about_fieldsets_text' => '欄位集允許您為常用的資產模型定義一組可重複使用的欄位。',
'custom_format' => '自定義格式',
'encrypt_field' => '加密資料庫中此欄位的資料。原始的資料只有管理員可見。',
'custom_format' => '自訂格式',
'encrypt_field' => '加密此欄位的值。只有管理員能夠查看原始資料。',
'encrypt_field_help' => '警告:對欄位加密將導致此欄無法用於搜索',
'encrypted' => '已加密',
'fieldset' => '欄位集',
@ -15,16 +15,17 @@ return array(
'fieldset_name' => '名稱',
'field_name' => '名稱',
'field_values' => '欄位值',
'field_values_help' => 'Add selectable options, one per line. Blank lines other than the first line will be ignored. Separate values and labels by pipes on each line (optional).',
'field_element' => 'Form Element',
'field_element_short' => 'Element',
'field_format' => 'Format',
'field_custom_format' => 'Custom Format',
'required' => 'Required',
'req' => 'Req.',
'used_by_models' => 'Used By Models',
'order' => 'Order',
'create_fieldset' => 'New Fieldset',
'create_field' => 'New Custom Field',
'value_encrypted' => 'The value of this field is encrypted in the database. Only admin users will be able to view the decrypted value',
'field_values_help' => '新增可選項,每行一個項目。第一行之外的空行將被忽略。
標籤和值透過管線符號〝|〞分隔 (可選)',
'field_element' => '表單元素',
'field_element_short' => '表單元素',
'field_format' => '格式',
'field_custom_format' => '自訂格式',
'required' => '必填',
'req' => '必填',
'used_by_models' => '引用型號',
'order' => '排序',
'create_fieldset' => '新增欄位集',
'create_field' => '新增欄位',
'value_encrypted' => '此欄位的值已被加密。只有管理員能夠查看原始資料。',
@ -3,25 +3,25 @@
return array(
'field' => array(
'invalid' => 'That field does not exist.',
'already_added' => 'Field already added',
'invalid' => '欄位不存在。',
'already_added' => '已新增欄位。',
'create' => array(
'error' => 'Field was not created, please try again.',
'success' => 'Field created successfully.',
'assoc_success' => 'Field successfully added to fieldset.'
'error' => '新增欄位失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '新增欄位成功。',
'assoc_success' => '新增欄位到欄位集成功'
'update' => array(
'error' => 'Field was not updated, please try again',
'success' => 'Field updated successfully.'
'error' => '更新欄位失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '更新欄位成功。'
'delete' => array(
'confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this field?',
'error' => 'There was an issue deleting the field. Please try again.',
'success' => 'The field was deleted successfully.',
'in_use' => 'Field is still in use.',
'confirm' => '您確定要刪除此欄位?',
'error' => '刪除欄位時發生問題。請再試一次。',
'success' => '刪除欄位成功。',
'in_use' => '欄位還在使用中',
@ -31,20 +31,20 @@ return array(
'create' => array(
'error' => 'Fieldset was not created, please try again.',
'success' => 'Fieldset created successfully.'
'error' => '新增欄位集失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '新增欄位集成功。'
'update' => array(
'error' => 'Fieldset was not updated, please try again',
'success' => 'Fieldset updated successfully.'
'error' => '更新欄位集失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '更新欄位集成功。'
'delete' => array(
'confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this fieldset?',
'error' => 'There was an issue deleting the fieldset. Please try again.',
'success' => 'The fieldset was deleted successfully.',
'in_use' => 'Fieldset is still in use.',
'confirm' => '您確定要刪除此欄位集?',
'error' => '刪除欄位集時發生問題。請再試一次。',
'success' => '刪除欄位集成功。',
'in_use' => '欄位集還在使用中',
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
return array(
'about_asset_depreciations' => 'About Asset Depreciations',
'about_depreciations' => 'You can set up asset depreciations to depreciate assets based on straight-line depreciation.',
'asset_depreciations' => 'Asset Depreciations',
'create_depreciation' => 'Create Depreciation',
'depreciation_name' => 'Depreciation Name',
'number_of_months' => 'Number of Months',
'update_depreciation' => 'Update Depreciation',
'about_asset_depreciations' => '關於資產折舊',
'about_depreciations' => '您可以設置資產折舊期限',
'asset_depreciations' => '資產折舊',
'create_depreciation' => '新建折舊',
'depreciation_name' => '折舊名稱',
'number_of_months' => '月數',
'update_depreciation' => '更新折舊',
@ -2,24 +2,24 @@
return array(
'does_not_exist' => 'Depreciation class does not exist.',
'assoc_users' => 'This depreciation is currently associated with one or more models and cannot be deleted. Please delete the models, and then try deleting again. ',
'does_not_exist' => '折舊類別不存在',
'assoc_users' => '至少還有一個資產與此折舊關聯,請檢查後重試。 ',
'create' => array(
'error' => 'Depreciation class was not created, please try again. :(',
'success' => 'Depreciation class created successfully. :)'
'error' => '新增折舊類別失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '新增折舊類別成功。'
'update' => array(
'error' => 'Depreciation class was not updated, please try again',
'success' => 'Depreciation class updated successfully.'
'error' => '更新折舊類別失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '更新折舊類別成功。'
'delete' => array(
'confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this depreciation class?',
'error' => 'There was an issue deleting the depreciation class. Please try again.',
'success' => 'The depreciation class was deleted successfully.'
'confirm' => '您確定要刪除此折舊類別嗎?',
'error' => '刪除折舊類別時發生問題。請再試一次。',
'success' => '刪除折舊類別成功。'
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
return array(
'id' => 'ID',
'months' => 'Months',
'term' => 'Term',
'title' => 'Name ',
'months' => '月數',
'term' => '期限',
'title' => '名稱',
@ -2,21 +2,21 @@
return array(
'group_exists' => 'Group already exists!',
'group_not_found' => 'Group [:id] does not exist.',
'group_name_required' => 'The name field is required',
'group_exists' => '群組已存在',
'group_not_found' => '群組 [:id] 不存在',
'group_name_required' => '名稱欄位必填',
'success' => array(
'create' => 'Group was successfully created.',
'update' => 'Group was successfully updated.',
'delete' => 'Group was successfully deleted.',
'create' => '新增群組成功。',
'update' => '更新群組成功。',
'delete' => '刪除群組成功。',
'delete' => array(
'confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this group?',
'create' => 'There was an issue creating the group. Please try again.',
'update' => 'There was an issue updating the group. Please try again.',
'delete' => 'There was an issue deleting the group. Please try again.',
'confirm' => '您確定要刪除此群組嗎?',
'create' => '新增群組時發生問題。請重試。',
'update' => '更新群組時發生問題。請重試。',
'delete' => '刪除群組時發生問題。請重試。',
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
return array(
'id' => 'Id',
'name' => 'Name',
'users' => '# of Users',
'id' => 'ID',
'name' => '名稱',
'users' => '成員數',
@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
return array(
'group_management' => 'Group Management',
'create_group' => 'Create New Group',
'edit_group' => 'Edit Group',
'group_name' => 'Group Name',
'group_admin' => 'Group Admin',
'allow' => 'Allow',
'deny' => 'Deny',
'group_management' => '群組管理',
'create_group' => '新增群組',
'edit_group' => '編輯群組',
'group_name' => '群組名稱',
'group_admin' => '群組管理員',
'allow' => '允許',
'deny' => '拒絕',
@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
return array(
'bulk_delete' => 'Confrm Bulk Delete Assets',
'bulk_delete_help' => 'Review the assets for bulk deletion below. Once deleted, these assets can be restored, but they will no longer be associated with any users they are currently assigned to.',
'bulk_delete_warn' => 'You are about to delete :asset_count assets.',
'bulk_update' => 'Bulk Update Assets',
'bulk_update_help' => 'This form allows you to update multiple assets at once. Only fill in the fields you need to change. Any fields left blank will remain unchanged. ',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'You are about to edit the properties of :asset_count assets.',
'checkedout_to' => 'Checked Out To',
'checkout_date' => 'Checkout Date',
'checkin_date' => 'Checkin Date',
'checkout_to' => 'Checkout to',
'cost' => 'Purchase Cost',
'create' => 'Create Asset',
'date' => 'Purchase Date',
'depreciates_on' => 'Depreciates On',
'depreciation' => 'Depreciation',
'default_location' => 'Default Location',
'eol_date' => 'EOL Date',
'eol_rate' => 'EOL Rate',
'expected_checkin' => 'Expected Checkin Date',
'expires' => 'Expires',
'fully_depreciated' => 'Fully Depreciated',
'help_checkout' => 'If you wish to assign this asset immediately, select "Ready to Deploy" from the status list above. ',
'mac_address' => 'MAC Address',
'manufacturer' => 'Manufacturer',
'model' => 'Model',
'months' => 'months',
'name' => 'Asset Name',
'notes' => 'Notes',
'order' => 'Order Number',
'bulk_delete' => '確認批次刪除資產',
'bulk_delete_help' => '請再次確認批次刪除的資產。刪除後資產可以恢復,但將會失去當前的用戶關聯資訊。',
'bulk_delete_warn' => '即將刪除 :asset_count 項資產',
'bulk_update' => '批次更新資產',
'bulk_update_help' => '此表格允許您同時修改多項資產。請僅填寫需要修改的欄位,留空的欄位不會做任何修改。',
'bulk_update_warn' => '即將修改 :asset_count 項資產屬性',
'checkedout_to' => '借出至',
'checkout_date' => '借出日期',
'checkin_date' => '繳回日期',
'checkout_to' => '借出至',
'cost' => '採購成本',
'create' => '新增資產',
'date' => '採購日期',
'depreciates_on' => '折舊於',
'depreciation' => '折舊',
'default_location' => '預設位置',
'eol_date' => '產品壽命日期',
'eol_rate' => '產品壽命等級',
'expected_checkin' => '預計歸還日期',
'expires' => '到期',
'fully_depreciated' => '提足折舊',
'help_checkout' => '如果您希望立即分配此資產,請在上方狀態欄位選擇 "可部署"。',
'mac_address' => 'MAC地址',
'manufacturer' => '製造商',
'model' => '型號',
'months' => '月數',
'name' => '資產名稱',
'notes' => '備註',
'order' => '訂單編號',
'qr' => 'QR Code',
'requestable' => 'Users may request this asset',
'select_statustype' => 'Select Status Type',
'serial' => 'Serial',
'status' => 'Status',
'supplier' => 'Supplier',
'tag' => 'Asset Tag',
'update' => 'Asset Update',
'warranty' => 'Warranty',
'years' => 'years',
'requestable' => '使用者可申請此資產',
'select_statustype' => '選擇狀態類型',
'serial' => '序號',
'status' => '狀態',
'supplier' => '供應商',
'tag' => '資產標籤',
'update' => '更新資產',
'warranty' => '保固',
'years' => '年',
@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
return array(
'archived' => 'Archived',
'asset' => 'Asset',
'bulk_checkout' => 'Checkout Assets to User',
'checkin' => 'Checkin Asset',
'checkout' => 'Checkout Asset to User',
'clone' => 'Clone Asset',
'deployable' => 'Deployable',
'deleted' => 'This asset has been deleted. <a href="/hardware/:asset_id/restore">Click here to restore it</a>.',
'edit' => 'Edit Asset',
'filetype_info' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar.',
'model_deleted' => 'This Assets model has been deleted. You must restore the model before you can restore the Asset.<br/> <a href="/hardware/models/:model_id/restore">Click here to restore the model</a>.',
'requestable' => 'Requestable',
'requested' => 'Requested',
'restore' => 'Restore Asset',
'pending' => 'Pending',
'undeployable' => 'Undeployable',
'view' => 'View Asset',
'archived' => '已封存',
'asset' => '資產',
'bulk_checkout' => '借出資產給使用者',
'checkin' => '資產繳回',
'checkout' => '借出資產給使用者',
'clone' => '複製資產',
'deployable' => '可部署',
'deleted' => '此資產已刪除。<a href="/hardware/:asset_id/restore">點擊此處恢復</a>.',
'edit' => '編輯資產',
'filetype_info' => '允許檔案類型:png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, rar。',
'model_deleted' => '此資產型號已被刪除,恢復資產前需要先恢復型號。<br/> <a href="/hardware/models/:model_id/restore">點擊此處恢復型號</a>。',
'requestable' => '可申領',
'requested' => '已申領',
'restore' => '還原資產',
'pending' => '待處理',
'undeployable' => '不可部署',
'view' => '檢視資產',
@ -2,74 +2,73 @@
return array(
'undeployable' => '<strong>Warning: </strong> This asset has been marked as currently undeployable.
If this status has changed, please update the asset status.',
'does_not_exist' => 'Asset does not exist.',
'does_not_exist_or_not_requestable' => 'Nice try. That asset does not exist or is not requestable.',
'assoc_users' => 'This asset is currently checked out to a user and cannot be deleted. Please check the asset in first, and then try deleting again. ',
'undeployable' => '<strong>警告: </strong>此資產目前已標記為不可佈署,如果資產狀態已改變,請更新狀態。',
'does_not_exist' => '資產不存在',
'does_not_exist_or_not_requestable' => '已重試。該資產不存在或不可申領。',
'assoc_users' => '此資產目前已借給某個使用者,不能被刪除,請檢查資產狀態,然後再嘗試刪除。',
'create' => array(
'error' => 'Asset was not created, please try again. :(',
'success' => 'Asset created successfully. :)'
'error' => '新增資產失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '新增資產成功。'
'update' => array(
'error' => 'Asset was not updated, please try again',
'success' => 'Asset updated successfully.',
'nothing_updated' => 'No fields were selected, so nothing was updated.',
'error' => '更新資產失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '更新資產成功。',
'nothing_updated' => '沒有欄位被選擇,因此沒有更新任何內容。',
'restore' => array(
'error' => 'Asset was not restored, please try again',
'success' => 'Asset restored successfully.'
'error' => '恢復資產失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '恢復資產成功。'
'deletefile' => array(
'error' => 'File not deleted. Please try again.',
'success' => 'File successfully deleted.',
'error' => '刪除檔案失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '刪除檔案成功。',
'upload' => array(
'error' => 'File(s) not uploaded. Please try again.',
'success' => 'File(s) successfully uploaded.',
'nofiles' => 'You did not select any files for upload, or the file you are trying to upload is too large',
'invalidfiles' => 'One or more of your files is too large or is a filetype that is not allowed. Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, doc, docx, pdf, and txt.',
'error' => '上傳檔案失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '上傳檔案成功。',
'nofiles' => '您尚未選擇要上傳的檔案,或上傳的檔案太大。',
'invalidfiles' => '一個或多個檔案太大或屬於不被允許的檔案類型。允許上傳的檔案類型:png, gif, jpg, doc, docx, pdf, txt。',
'import' => array(
'error' => 'Some items did not import correctly.',
'errorDetail' => 'The following Items were not imported because of errors.',
'success' => "Your file has been imported",
'file_delete_success' => "Your file has been been successfully deleted",
'file_delete_error' => "The file was unable to be deleted",
'error' => '某些項目沒有被正確匯入。',
'errorDetail' => '以下項目由於錯誤未被匯入。',
'success' => "您的檔案已被匯入。",
'file_delete_success' => "您的檔案已成功刪除。",
'file_delete_error' => "您的檔案無法被刪除。",
'delete' => array(
'confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this asset?',
'error' => 'There was an issue deleting the asset. Please try again.',
'success' => 'The asset was deleted successfully.'
'confirm' => '您確定要刪除此資產嗎?',
'error' => '刪除資產時發生問題,請重試。',
'success' => '刪除資產成功。'
'checkout' => array(
'error' => 'Asset was not checked out, please try again',
'success' => 'Asset checked out successfully.',
'user_does_not_exist' => 'That user is invalid. Please try again.',
'not_available' => 'That asset is not available for checkout!'
'error' => '借出資產失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '借出資產成功。',
'user_does_not_exist' => '無效使用者,請重試。',
'not_available' => '此資產無法借出'
'checkin' => array(
'error' => 'Asset was not checked in, please try again',
'success' => 'Asset checked in successfully.',
'user_does_not_exist' => 'That user is invalid. Please try again.',
'already_checked_in' => 'That asset is already checked in.',
'error' => '繳回資產失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '繳回資產成功。',
'user_does_not_exist' => '無效使用者,請重試。',
'already_checked_in' => '資產已繳回。',
'requests' => array(
'error' => 'Asset was not requested, please try again',
'success' => 'Asset requested successfully.',
'canceled' => 'Checkout request successfully canceled'
'error' => '申請資產失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '申請資產成功。',
'canceled' => '借出申請已取消。'
@ -2,23 +2,23 @@
return array(
'asset_tag' => 'Asset Tag',
'asset_model' => 'Model',
'book_value' => 'Value',
'change' => 'In/Out',
'checkout_date' => 'Checkout Date',
'checkoutto' => 'Checked Out',
'diff' => 'Diff',
'dl_csv' => 'Download CSV',
'asset_tag' => '資產標籤',
'asset_model' => '型號',
'book_value' => '價值',
'change' => '進/出',
'checkout_date' => '借出日期',
'checkoutto' => '已借出',
'diff' => '價差',
'dl_csv' => '下載CSV檔',
'eol' => 'EOL',
'id' => 'ID',
'location' => 'Location',
'purchase_cost' => 'Cost',
'purchase_date' => 'Purchased',
'serial' => 'Serial',
'status' => 'Status',
'title' => 'Asset ',
'image' => 'Device Image',
'days_without_acceptance' => 'Days Without Acceptance'
'location' => '位置',
'purchase_cost' => '成本',
'purchase_date' => '已購買',
'serial' => '序號',
'status' => '狀態',
'title' => '資產',
'image' => '設備圖片',
'days_without_acceptance' => '過期天數'
@ -2,28 +2,28 @@
return array(
'asset' => 'Asset',
'checkin' => 'Checkin',
'cost' => 'Purchase Cost',
'create' => 'Create License',
'date' => 'Purchase Date',
'depreciation' => 'Depreciation',
'expiration' => 'Expiration Date',
'license_key' => 'Product Key',
'maintained' => 'Maintained',
'name' => 'Software Name',
'no_depreciation' => 'Do Not Depreciate',
'notes' => 'Notes',
'order' => 'Order No.',
'purchase_order' => 'Purchase Order Number',
'reassignable' => 'Reassignable',
'remaining_seats' => 'Remaining Seats',
'seats' => 'Seats',
'serial' => 'Serial',
'supplier' => 'Supplier',
'termination_date' => 'Termination Date',
'to_email' => 'Licensed to Email',
'to_name' => 'Licensed to Name',
'update' => 'Update License',
'checkout_help' => 'You must check a license out to a hardware asset or a person. You can select both, but the owner of the asset must match the person you\'re checking the asset out to.'
'asset' => '資產',
'checkin' => '繳回',
'cost' => '採購成本',
'create' => '新增授權',
'date' => '採購日期',
'depreciation' => '折舊',
'expiration' => '到期日期',
'license_key' => '產品序號',
'maintained' => '保持',
'name' => '軟體名稱',
'no_depreciation' => '永久',
'notes' => '備註',
'order' => '訂單編號',
'purchase_order' => '採購單號',
'reassignable' => '可重新授權',
'remaining_seats' => '剩餘數量',
'seats' => '數量',
'serial' => '序號',
'supplier' => '供應商',
'termination_date' => '終止日期',
'to_email' => '授權信箱',
'to_name' => '授權給',
'update' => '更新授權',
'checkout_help' => '請檢查這個授權是否已經分配給某個人或某個設備。你可以複選,但資產歸屬人必須是相同的。'
@ -2,19 +2,20 @@
return array(
'checkin' => 'Checkin License Seat',
'checkout_history' => 'Checkout History',
'checkout' => 'Checkout License Seat',
'edit' => 'Edit License',
'filetype_info' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar.',
'clone' => 'Clone License',
'history_for' => 'History for ',
'in_out' => 'In/Out',
'info' => 'License Info',
'license_seats' => 'License Seats',
'seat' => 'Seat',
'seats' => 'Seats',
'software_licenses' => 'Software Licenses',
'user' => 'User',
'view' => 'View License',
'checkin' => '繳回授權數量',
'checkout_history' => '借出歷史記錄',
'checkout' => '借出授權數量',
'edit' => '編輯授權',
'filetype_info' => '允許檔案類型:png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, rar。',
'clone' => '複製授權',
'history_for' => '歷史記錄',
'in_out' => '進/出',
'info' => '授權訊息',
'license_seats' => '授權數量',
'seat' => '數量',
'seats' => '數量',
'software_licenses' => '軟體授權',
'user' => '使用者
'view' => '檢視授權',
@ -2,49 +2,49 @@
return array(
'does_not_exist' => 'License does not exist.',
'user_does_not_exist' => 'User does not exist.',
'asset_does_not_exist' => 'The asset you are trying to associate with this license does not exist.',
'owner_doesnt_match_asset' => 'The asset you are trying to associate with this license is owned by somene other than the person selected in the assigned to dropdown.',
'assoc_users' => 'This license is currently checked out to a user and cannot be deleted. Please check the license in first, and then try deleting again. ',
'does_not_exist' => '授權不存在。',
'user_does_not_exist' => '使用者不存在',
'asset_does_not_exist' => '您正在授權的資產不存在。',
'owner_doesnt_match_asset' => '您正在授權的資產已被其他人佔用,請重新選擇。',
'assoc_users' => '此授權已分配給某個使用者,目前不能被刪除,請檢查後重試。',
'create' => array(
'error' => 'License was not created, please try again.',
'success' => 'License created successfully.'
'error' => '新增授權失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '新增授權成功。'
'deletefile' => array(
'error' => 'File not deleted. Please try again.',
'success' => 'File successfully deleted.',
'error' => '刪除檔案失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '刪除檔案成功。',
'upload' => array(
'error' => 'File(s) not uploaded. Please try again.',
'success' => 'File(s) successfully uploaded.',
'nofiles' => 'You did not select any files for upload, or the file you are trying to upload is too large',
'invalidfiles' => 'One or more of your files is too large or is a filetype that is not allowed. Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, rar, and rtf.',
'error' => '上傳檔案失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '上傳檔案成功。',
'nofiles' => '您尚未選擇要上傳的檔案,或上傳的檔案太大。',
'invalidfiles' => '一個或多個檔案太大或屬於不被允許的檔案類型。允許上傳的檔案類型:png, gif, jpg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, rar, rtf。',
'update' => array(
'error' => 'License was not updated, please try again',
'success' => 'License updated successfully.'
'error' => '更新授權失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '更新授權成功。'
'delete' => array(
'confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this license?',
'error' => 'There was an issue deleting the license. Please try again.',
'success' => 'The license was deleted successfully.'
'confirm' => '您確定要刪除此授權嗎?',
'error' => '刪除授權時發生問題,請重試。',
'success' => '刪除授權成功。'
'checkout' => array(
'error' => 'There was an issue checking out the license. Please try again.',
'success' => 'The license was checked out successfully'
'error' => '借出授權時發生問題,請重試。',
'success' => '借出授權成功。'
'checkin' => array(
'error' => 'There was an issue checking in the license. Please try again.',
'success' => 'The license was checked in successfully'
'error' => '繳回授權時發生問題,請重試。',
'success' => '繳回授權成功。'
@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
return array(
'assigned_to' => 'Assigned To',
'checkout' => 'In/Out',
'assigned_to' => '分配給',
'checkout' => '進/出',
'id' => 'ID',
'license_email' => 'License Email',
'license_name' => 'Licensed To',
'purchase_date' => 'Purchase Date',
'purchased' => 'Purchased',
'seats' => 'Seats',
'hardware' => 'Hardware',
'serial' => 'Serial',
'title' => 'License',
'license_email' => '授權信箱',
'license_name' => '授權給',
'purchase_date' => '採購日期',
'purchased' => '已採購',
'seats' => '數量',
'hardware' => '硬體',
'serial' => '序號',
'title' => '授權',
@ -3,25 +3,25 @@
return array(
'does_not_exist' => '地點不存在.',
'assoc_users' => 'This location is currently associated with at least one user and cannot be deleted. Please update your users to no longer reference this location and try again. ',
'assoc_assets' => 'This location is currently associated with at least one asset and cannot be deleted. Please update your assets to no longer reference this location and try again. ',
'assoc_child_loc' => 'This location is currently the parent of at least one child location and cannot be deleted. Please update your locations to no longer reference this location and try again. ',
'assoc_users' => '至少還有一位使用者與此位置關聯,目前不能被删除,請檢查後重試。 ',
'assoc_assets' => '至少還有一個資產與此位置關聯,目前不能被删除,請檢查後重試。 ',
'assoc_child_loc' => '至少還有一個子項目與此位置關聯,目前不能被删除,請檢查後重試。 ',
'create' => array(
'error' => 'Location was not created, please try again.',
'success' => 'Location created successfully.'
'error' => '新增位置失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '新增位置成功。'
'update' => array(
'error' => 'Location was not updated, please try again',
'error' => '更新位置失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '成功更新地點.'
'delete' => array(
'confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this location?',
'error' => 'There was an issue deleting the location. Please try again.',
'success' => 'The location was deleted successfully.'
'confirm' => '您確定要刪除此位置嗎?',
'error' => '刪除位置時發生問題,請重試。',
'success' => '刪除位置成功。'
@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
return array(
'assets_rtd' => 'Assets', // This has NEVER meant Assets Retired. I don't know how it keeps getting reverted.
'assets_checkedout' => 'Assets Assigned',
'assets_rtd' => '資產', // This has NEVER meant Assets Retired. I don't know how it keeps getting reverted.
'assets_checkedout' => '持有人',
'id' => 'ID',
'city' => 'City',
'state' => 'State',
'country' => 'Country',
'create' => 'Create Location',
'update' => 'Update Location',
'name' => 'Location Name',
'address' => 'Address',
'zip' => 'Postal Code',
'locations' => 'Locations',
'parent' => 'Parent',
'currency' => 'Location Currency',
'city' => '城市',
'state' => '省份',
'country' => '國家',
'create' => '新增位置',
'update' => '更新位置',
'name' => '位置名稱',
'address' => '地址',
'zip' => '郵遞區號',
'locations' => '位置',
'parent' => '父項目',
'currency' => '當地貨幣單位',
@ -2,23 +2,23 @@
return array(
'does_not_exist' => 'Manufacturer does not exist.',
'assoc_users' => 'This manufacturer is currently associated with at least one model and cannot be deleted. Please update your models to no longer reference this manufacturer and try again. ',
'does_not_exist' => '製造商不存在',
'assoc_users' => '至少還有一個資產與此製造商關聯,目前不能被删除,請確認後重試。 ',
'create' => array(
'error' => 'Manufacturer was not created, please try again.',
'success' => 'Manufacturer created successfully.'
'error' => '新增製造商失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '新增製造商成功。'
'update' => array(
'error' => 'Manufacturer was not updated, please try again',
'success' => 'Manufacturer updated successfully.'
'error' => '更新製造商失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '更新製造商成功。'
'delete' => array(
'confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this manufacturer?',
'error' => 'There was an issue deleting the manufacturer. Please try again.',
'success' => 'The Manufacturer was deleted successfully.'
'confirm' => '您確定要刪除此製造商嗎?',
'error' => '刪除製造商失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '刪除製造商成功。'
@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
return array(
'asset_manufacturers' => 'Asset Manufacturers',
'create' => 'Create Manufacturer',
'asset_manufacturers' => '資產製造商',
'create' => '新增製造商',
'id' => 'ID',
'name' => 'Manufacturer Name',
'update' => 'Update Manufacturer',
'name' => '製造商名稱',
'update' => '更新製造商',
@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
return array(
'deleted' => 'This model has been deleted. <a href="/hardware/models/:model_id/restore">Click here to restore it</a>.',
'restore' => 'Restore Model',
'requestable' => 'Users may request this model',
'show_mac_address' => 'Show MAC address field in assets in this model',
'view_deleted' => 'View Deleted',
'view_models' => 'View Models',
'fieldset' => 'Fieldset',
'no_custom_field' => 'No custom fields',
'deleted' => '此型號已被刪除。<a href="/hardware/models/:model_id/restore">點擊此處恢復</a>。',
'restore' => '恢復型號',
'requestable' => '使用者可申請此型號',
'show_mac_address' => '在型號資產中顯示MAC地址',
'view_deleted' => '檢視已刪除',
'view_models' => '檢視型號',
'fieldset' => '欄位集',
'no_custom_field' => '沒有自訂欄位',
@ -2,30 +2,30 @@
return array(
'does_not_exist' => 'Model does not exist.',
'assoc_users' => 'This model is currently associated with one or more assets and cannot be deleted. Please delete the assets, and then try deleting again. ',
'does_not_exist' => '樣板不存在',
'assoc_users' => '至少還有一個資產與此樣板關聯,目前不能被删除,請在刪除資產後重試。 ',
'create' => array(
'error' => 'Model was not created, please try again.',
'success' => 'Model created successfully.',
'duplicate_set' => 'An asset model with that name, manufacturer and model number already exists.',
'error' => '新增樣板失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '新增樣板成功。',
'duplicate_set' => '資產名稱、製造商、型號都相同的其它資產樣板已存在。',
'update' => array(
'error' => 'Model was not updated, please try again',
'success' => 'Model updated successfully.'
'error' => '更新樣板失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '更新樣板成功。'
'delete' => array(
'confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this asset model?',
'error' => 'There was an issue deleting the model. Please try again.',
'success' => 'The model was deleted successfully.'
'confirm' => '您確定要刪除此樣板嗎?',
'error' => '刪除樣板失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '刪除樣板成功。'
'restore' => array(
'error' => 'Model was not restored, please try again',
'success' => 'Model restored successfully.'
'error' => '恢復樣板失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '恢復樣板成功。'
@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
return array(
'create' => 'Create Asset Model',
'created_at' => 'Created at',
'create' => '新增資產樣板',
'created_at' => '新增於',
'eol' => 'EOL',
'modelnumber' => 'Model No.',
'name' => 'Asset Model Name',
'numassets' => 'Assets',
'title' => 'Asset Models',
'update' => 'Update Asset Model',
'view' => 'View Asset Model',
'update' => 'Update Asset Model',
'clone' => 'Clone Model',
'edit' => 'Edit Model',
'modelnumber' => '型號',
'name' => '資產樣板名稱',
'numassets' => '資產',
'title' => '資產樣板',
'update' => '更新資產樣板',
'view' => '檢視資產樣板',
'update' => '更新資產樣板',
'clone' => '複製樣板',
'edit' => '編輯樣板',
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
return array(
'info' => 'Select the options you want for your asset report.'
'info' => '請選擇資產報表選項。'
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
return array(
'error' => 'You must select at least ONE option.'
'error' => '您至少要選擇一個選項。'
@ -2,113 +2,114 @@
return array(
'ad' => 'Active Directory',
'ad_domain' => 'Active Directory domain',
'ad_domain_help' => 'This is sometimes the same as your email domain, but not always.',
'is_ad' => 'This is an Active Directory server',
'alert_email' => 'Send alerts to',
'alerts_enabled' => 'Alerts Enabled',
'alert_interval' => 'Expiring Alerts Threshold (in days)',
'alert_inv_threshold' => 'Inventory Alert Threshold',
'asset_ids' => 'Asset IDs',
'auto_increment_assets' => 'Generate auto-incrementing asset IDs',
'auto_increment_prefix' => 'Prefix (optional)',
'auto_incrementing_help' => 'Enable auto-incrementing asset IDs first to set this',
'backups' => 'Backups',
'barcode_settings' => 'Barcode Settings',
'confirm_purge' => 'Confirm Purge',
'confirm_purge_help' => 'Enter the text "DELETE" in the box below to purge your deleted records. This action cannot be undone.',
'custom_css' => 'Custom CSS',
'custom_css_help' => 'Enter any custom CSS overrides you would like to use. Do not include the <style></style> tags.',
'default_currency' => 'Default Currency',
'default_eula_text' => 'Default EULA',
'default_language' => 'Default Language',
'default_eula_help_text' => 'You can also associate custom EULAs to specific asset categories.',
'display_asset_name' => 'Display Asset Name',
'display_checkout_date' => 'Display Checkout Date',
'display_eol' => 'Display EOL in table view',
'display_qr' => 'Display Square Codes',
'display_alt_barcode' => 'Display 1D barcode',
'barcode_type' => '2D Barcode Type',
'alt_barcode_type' => '1D barcode type',
'eula_settings' => 'EULA Settings',
'eula_markdown' => 'This EULA allows <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github flavored markdown</a>.',
'general_settings' => 'General Settings',
'generate_backup' => 'Generate Backup',
'header_color' => 'Header Color',
'info' => 'These settings let you customize certain aspects of your installation.',
'laravel' => 'Laravel Version',
'ldap_enabled' => 'LDAP enabled',
'ldap_integration' => 'LDAP Integration',
'ldap_settings' => 'LDAP Settings',
'ldap_server' => 'LDAP Server',
'ldap_server_help' => 'This should start with ldap:// (for unencrypted or TLS) or ldaps:// (for SSL)',
'ldap_server_cert' => 'LDAP SSL certificate validation',
'ldap_server_cert_ignore' => 'Allow invalid SSL Certificate',
'ldap_server_cert_help' => 'Select this checkbox if you are using a self signed SSL cert and would like to accept an invalid SSL certificate.',
'ldap_tls' => 'Use TLS',
'ldap_tls_help' => 'This should be checked only if you are running STARTTLS on your LDAP server. ',
'ldap_uname' => 'LDAP Bind Username',
'ldap_pword' => 'LDAP Bind Password',
'ad_domain' => 'Active Directory 域',
'ad_domain_help' => '通常(但並非全部情況下)這與您的郵件域相同。',
'is_ad' => '這是AD域伺服器',
'alert_email' => '發送警報',
'alerts_enabled' => '警報已啟用',
'alert_interval' => '警報閾值(天)',
'alert_inv_threshold' => '庫存警報閾值',
'asset_ids' => '資產ID',
'auto_increment_assets' => '產生自動遞增資產ID',
'auto_increment_prefix' => '前綴(可選)',
'auto_incrementing_help' => '在啟用自動遞增的資產ID之前設定此處。',
'backups' => '備份',
'barcode_settings' => '條碼設定',
'confirm_purge' => '確認清除',
'confirm_purge_help' => '請在文字輸入欄位輸入"DELETE"清除已經標記刪除的記錄。注意,此動作無法回復。',
'custom_css' => '自訂CSS',
'custom_css_help' => '輸入您喜歡的CSS格式覆蓋。不要包括 <style></style> 標籤。',
'default_currency' => '預設貨幣',
'default_eula_text' => '預設EULA',
'default_language' => '預設語言',
'default_eula_help_text' => '您也可以將自訂的EULA與特定資產類別相關聯。',
'display_asset_name' => '顯示資產名稱',
'display_checkout_date' => '顯示借出日期',
'display_eol' => '以表格形式顯示EOL',
'display_qr' => '顯示二維條碼',
'display_alt_barcode' => '顯示條碼',
'barcode_type' => '二維條碼類型',
'alt_barcode_type' => '條碼類型',
'eula_settings' => 'EULA 設定',
'eula_markdown' => 'EULA中可使用<a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github flavored markdown</a>.',
'general_settings' => '一般設定',
'generate_backup' => '產生備份',
'header_color' => '標題顏色',
'info' => '這些設定允許您自訂您的安裝選項',
'laravel' => 'Laravel版本',
'ldap_enabled' => '啟用LDAP驗證',
'ldap_integration' => 'LDAP整合',
'ldap_settings' => 'LDAP設定',
'ldap_server' => 'LDAP伺服器',
'ldap_server_help' => '這應以 ldap:// (未加密或TLS加密) 或 ldaps:// (SSL加密) 開頭',
'ldap_server_cert' => '檢查LDAP的SSL憑證',
'ldap_server_cert_ignore' => '允許未通過校驗旳SSL憑證',
'ldap_server_cert_help' => '如果您使用了自簽署憑證,請勾選',
'ldap_tls' => '使用TLS',
'ldap_tls_help' => '當LDAP伺服器使用STARTTLS時請勾選此選項',
'ldap_uname' => 'LDAP使用者',
'ldap_pword' => 'LDAP密碼',
'ldap_basedn' => 'Base Bind DN',
'ldap_filter' => 'LDAP Filter',
'ldap_pw_sync' => 'LDAP Password Sync',
'ldap_pw_sync_help' => 'Uncheck this box if you do not wish to keep LDAP passwords synced with local passwords. Disabling this means that your users may not be able to login if your LDAP server is unreachable for some reason.',
'ldap_username_field' => 'Username Field',
'ldap_lname_field' => 'Last Name',
'ldap_fname_field' => 'LDAP First Name',
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'LDAP Authentication query',
'ldap_version' => 'LDAP Version',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'LDAP Active Flag',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'LDAP Employee Number',
'ldap_filter' => 'LDAP篩選',
'ldap_pw_sync' => 'LDAP 密碼同步',
'ldap_pw_sync_help' => '如果您不想要LDAP密碼與本地端密碼同步,請取消勾選。取消同步設定將造成當本地端與LDAP失去連線時,使用者無法登入。
'ldap_username_field' => '使用者名稱',
'ldap_lname_field' => '姓',
'ldap_fname_field' => 'LDAP 名',
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'LDAP 認證請求',
'ldap_version' => 'LDAP 版本',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'LDAP 啟用標誌',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'LDAP 員工編號',
'ldap_email' => 'LDAP Email',
'load_remote_text' => 'Remote Scripts',
'load_remote_help_text' => 'This Snipe-IT install can load scripts from the outside world.',
'load_remote_text' => '外部腳本',
'load_remote_help_text' => '允許 Snipe-IT 安裝外部腳本',
'logo' => 'Logo',
'full_multiple_companies_support_help_text' => 'Restricting users (including admins) assigned to companies to their company\'s assets.',
'full_multiple_companies_support_text' => 'Full Multiple Companies Support',
'optional' => 'optional',
'per_page' => 'Results Per Page',
'php' => 'PHP Version',
'php_gd_info' => 'You must install php-gd to display QR codes, see install instructions.',
'php_gd_warning' => 'PHP Image Processing and GD plugin is NOT installed.',
'qr_help' => 'Enable QR Codes first to set this',
'qr_text' => 'QR Code Text',
'setting' => 'Setting',
'settings' => 'Settings',
'site_name' => 'Site Name',
'slack_botname' => 'Slack Botname',
'slack_channel' => 'Slack Channel',
'slack_endpoint' => 'Slack Endpoint',
'slack_integration' => 'Slack Settings',
'slack_integration_help' => 'Slack integration is optional, however the endpoint and channel are required if you wish to use it. To configure Slack integration, you must first <a href=":slack_link" target="_new">create an incoming webhook</a> on your Slack account.',
'snipe_version' => 'Snipe-IT version',
'system' => 'System Information',
'update' => 'Update Settings',
'value' => 'Value',
'brand' => 'Branding',
'about_settings_title' => 'About Settings',
'about_settings_text' => 'These settings let you customize certain aspects of your installation.',
'labels_per_page' => 'Labels per page',
'label_dimensions' => 'Label dimensions (inches)',
'page_padding' => 'Page margins (inches)',
'purge' => 'Purge Deleted Records',
'labels_display_bgutter' => 'Label bottom gutter',
'labels_display_sgutter' => 'Label side gutter',
'labels_fontsize' => 'Label font size',
'labels_pagewidth' => 'Label sheet width',
'labels_pageheight' => 'Label sheet height',
'label_gutters' => 'Label spacing (inches)',
'page_dimensions' => 'Page dimensions (inches)',
'label_fields' => 'Label visible fields',
'inches' => 'inches',
'width_w' => 'w',
'height_h' => 'h',
'text_pt' => 'pt',
'left' => 'left',
'right' => 'right',
'top' => 'top',
'bottom' => 'bottom',
'vertical' => 'vertical',
'horizontal' => 'horizontal',
'zerofill_count' => 'Length of asset tags, including zerofill',
'full_multiple_companies_support_help_text' => '限制使用者(包括管理員) 僅能存取該公司的資產',
'full_multiple_companies_support_text' => '完整支援多公司',
'optional' => '可選',
'per_page' => '每頁呈現結果',
'php' => 'PHP 版本',
'php_gd_info' => '您必須安裝 php-gd 顯示二維條碼,請參閱安裝說明。',
'php_gd_warning' => 'PHP 圖形處理及 php-gd 套件沒有安裝',
'qr_help' => '允許二維條碼首次設置',
'qr_text' => '二維條碼文字',
'setting' => '設定',
'settings' => '設定',
'site_name' => '站台名稱',
'slack_botname' => 'Slack Bot 名稱',
'slack_channel' => 'Slack 頻道',
'slack_endpoint' => 'Slack 節點',
'slack_integration' => 'Slack 設定',
'slack_integration_help' => '您也可以選擇與 Slack 整合,不過您需要提供 Slack 節點和頻道。請先在您的 Slack 帳戶中<a href=":slack_link" target="_new">新增incoming webhook</a>。',
'snipe_version' => 'Snipe-IT 版本',
'system' => '系統資訊',
'update' => '更新設定',
'value' => '價值',
'brand' => '企業識別',
'about_settings_title' => '關於設定',
'about_settings_text' => '這些設定允許您自訂您的安裝偏好',
'labels_per_page' => '每頁顯示',
'label_dimensions' => '標籤尺寸(英吋)',
'page_padding' => '頁面邊框(英吋)',
'purge' => '清除已標記刪除的記錄',
'labels_display_bgutter' => '標籤底部裝訂線',
'labels_display_sgutter' => '標籤側邊裝訂線',
'labels_fontsize' => '標籤字體大小',
'labels_pagewidth' => '標籤寬度',
'labels_pageheight' => '標籤高度',
'label_gutters' => '標籤間隔(英吋)',
'page_dimensions' => '頁面尺寸(英吋)',
'label_fields' => '標籤可見欄位',
'inches' => '英吋',
'width_w' => '寬',
'height_h' => '高',
'text_pt' => '磅',
'left' => '左',
'right' => '右',
'top' => '頂部',
'bottom' => '底部',
'vertical' => '垂直',
'horizontal' => '水平',
'zerofill_count' => '資產標籤長度,包括補零',
@ -4,19 +4,19 @@ return array(
'update' => array(
'error' => 'An error has occurred while updating. ',
'success' => 'Settings updated successfully.'
'error' => '更新過程中發生問題。',
'success' => '更新設定成功。'
'backup' => array(
'delete_confirm' => 'Are you sure you would like to delete this backup file? This action cannot be undone. ',
'file_deleted' => 'The backup file was successfully deleted. ',
'generated' => 'A new backup file was successfully created.',
'file_not_found' => 'That backup file could not be found on the server.',
'delete_confirm' => '您確定要刪除此備份檔嗎?此動作無法復原。',
'file_deleted' => '刪除備份檔成功。',
'generated' => '成功新增一個新的備份檔。',
'file_not_found' => '在伺服器上找不到備份檔',
'purge' => array(
'error' => 'An error has occurred while purging. ',
'validation_failed' => 'Your purge confirmation is incorrect. Please type the word "DELETE" in the confirmation box.',
'success' => 'Deleted records successfully purged.'
'error' => '清除過程中發生錯誤。',
'validation_failed' => '你的清除確認不正確,請在文字輸入欄位輸入"DELETE"。',
'success' => '已成功清除刪除記錄。'
@ -2,24 +2,24 @@
return array(
'does_not_exist' => 'Status Label does not exist.',
'assoc_assets' => 'This Status Label is currently associated with at least one Asset and cannot be deleted. Please update your assets to no longer reference this status and try again. ',
'does_not_exist' => '狀態標籤不存在',
'assoc_assets' => '至少還有一個資產與此狀態標籤關聯,目前不能被删除,請確認後重試。 ',
'create' => array(
'error' => 'Status Label was not created, please try again.',
'success' => 'Status Label created successfully.'
'error' => '新增狀態標籤失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '新增狀態標籤成功。'
'update' => array(
'error' => 'Status Label was not updated, please try again',
'success' => 'Status Label updated successfully.'
'error' => '更新狀態標籤失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '更新狀態標籤成功。'
'delete' => array(
'confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this Status Label?',
'error' => 'There was an issue deleting the Status Label. Please try again.',
'success' => 'The Status Label was deleted successfully.'
'confirm' => '您確定要刪除此狀態標籤嗎?',
'error' => '刪除狀態標籤失敗,請重試。',
'success' => '刪除狀態標籤成功。'
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
return array(
'about' => 'About Status Labels',
'archived' => 'Archived',
'create' => 'Create Status Label',
'color' => 'Chart Color',
'deployable' => 'Deployable',
'info' => 'Status labels are used to describe the various states your assets could be in. They may be out for repair, lost/stolen, etc. You can create new status labels for deployable, pending and archived assets.',
'name' => 'Status Name',
'pending' => 'Pending',
'status_type' => 'Status Type',
'show_in_nav' => 'Show in side nav',
'title' => 'Status Labels',
'undeployable' => 'Undeployable',
'update' => 'Update Status Label',
'about' => '關於狀態標籤',
'archived' => '已封存',
'create' => '新增狀態標籤',
'color' => '圖標顏色',
'deployable' => '可部署',
'info' => '狀態標籤用於描述資產的各種狀態(例如送外維修、遺失、被竊)。你可以為處於可部署、待處理或已封存的資產新增新的狀態標籤。',
'name' => '狀態名稱',
'pending' => '待處理',
'status_type' => '狀態類型',
'show_in_nav' => '在側邊導航欄中顯示',
'title' => '狀態標籤',
'undeployable' => '無法部署',
'update' => '更新狀態標籤',
@ -2,23 +2,23 @@
return array(
'does_not_exist' => 'Supplier does not exist.',
'assoc_users' => 'This supplier is currently associated with at least one model and cannot be deleted. Please update your models to no longer reference this supplier and try again. ',
'does_not_exist' => '供應商不存在',
'assoc_users' => '至少還有一個樣板與此供應商關聯,目前不能被刪除,請檢查後重試。',
'create' => array(
'error' => 'Supplier was not created, please try again.',
'success' => 'Supplier created successfully.'
'error' => '新增供應商失敗,請重試',
'success' => '新增供應商成功。'
'update' => array(
'error' => 'Supplier was not updated, please try again',
'success' => 'Supplier updated successfully.'
'error' => '更新供應商失敗,請重試',
'success' => '更新供應商成功。'
'delete' => array(
'confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this supplier?',
'error' => 'There was an issue deleting the supplier. Please try again.',
'success' => 'Supplier was deleted successfully.'
'confirm' => '您確定要刪除此供應商嗎?',
'error' => '刪除供應商失敗,請重試',
'success' => '刪除供應商成功。'
@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
return array(
'address' => 'Supplier Address',
'assets' => 'Assets',
'city' => 'City',
'contact' => 'Contact Name',
'country' => 'Country',
'create' => 'Create Supplier',
'address' => '供應商地址',
'assets' => '資產',
'city' => '城市',
'contact' => '連絡人姓名',
'country' => '國家',
'create' => '新增供應商',
'email' => 'Email',
'fax' => 'Fax',
'fax' => '傳真',
'id' => 'ID',
'licenses' => 'Licenses',
'name' => 'Supplier Name',
'notes' => 'Notes',
'phone' => 'Phone',
'state' => 'State',
'suppliers' => 'Suppliers',
'update' => 'Update Supplier',
'licenses' => '授權',
'name' => '供應商名稱',
'notes' => '備註',
'phone' => '電話',
'state' => '省份',
'suppliers' => '供應商',
'update' => '更新供應商',
'url' => 'URL',
'view' => 'View Supplier',
'view_assets_for' => 'View Assets for',
'zip' => 'Postal Code',
'view' => '檢視供應商',
'view_assets_for' => '檢視資產關於',
'zip' => '郵遞區號',
@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
return array(
'assets_user' => 'Assets assigned to :name',
'current_assets' => 'Assets currently checked out to this user',
'clone' => 'Clone User',
'contact_user' => 'Contact :name',
'edit' => 'Edit User',
'filetype_info' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar.',
'history_user' => 'History for :name',
'last_login' => 'Last Login',
'ldap_config_text' => 'LDAP configuration settings can be found Admin > Settings. The (optional) selected location will be set for all imported users.',
'software_user' => 'Software Checked out to :name',
'view_user' => 'View User :name',
'usercsv' => 'CSV file',
'assets_user' => '分配給 :name 的資產',
'current_assets' => '目前借出給該使用者的資產',
'clone' => '複製使用者',
'contact_user' => '聯繫 :name',
'edit' => '編輯使用者',
'filetype_info' => '允許檔案類型:png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, rar。',
'history_user' => ':name 的歷史記錄',
'last_login' => '上次登入',
'ldap_config_text' => 'LDAP 設定在 管理 > 設定。所選位置將套用至匯入的使用者。',
'software_user' => ':name 借出的軟體',
'view_user' => '檢視使用者: :name',
'usercsv' => 'CSV 檔',
@ -2,54 +2,54 @@
return array(
'accepted' => 'You have successfully accepted this asset.',
'declined' => 'You have successfully declined this asset.',
'user_exists' => 'User already exists!',
'user_not_found' => 'User [:id] does not exist.',
'user_login_required' => 'The login field is required',
'user_password_required' => 'The password is required.',
'insufficient_permissions' => 'Insufficient Permissions.',
'user_deleted_warning' => 'This user has been deleted. You will have to restore this user to edit them or assign them new assets.',
'ldap_not_configured' => 'LDAP integration has not been configured for this installation.',
'accepted' => '您已接受這項資產。',
'declined' => '您已拒絕這項資產。',
'user_exists' => '使用者已存在!',
'user_not_found' => '使用者 [:id] 不存在',
'user_login_required' => '登入欄位是必需的',
'user_password_required' => '密碼欄位是必需的',
'insufficient_permissions' => '權限不足',
'user_deleted_warning' => '此使用者已被刪除。您必須先還原此使用者才能進行編輯或分配新的資產。',
'ldap_not_configured' => 'LDAP 整合尚未設定',
'success' => array(
'create' => 'User was successfully created.',
'update' => 'User was successfully updated.',
'delete' => 'User was successfully deleted.',
'ban' => 'User was successfully banned.',
'unban' => 'User was successfully unbanned.',
'suspend' => 'User was successfully suspended.',
'unsuspend' => 'User was successfully unsuspended.',
'restored' => 'User was successfully restored.',
'import' => 'Users imported successfully.',
'create' => '新增使用者成功。',
'update' => '更新使用者成功。',
'delete' => '刪除使用者成功。',
'ban' => '禁止使用者成功。',
'unban' => '解禁使用者成功。',
'suspend' => '停用使用者成功。',
'unsuspend' => '解除停用使用者成功。',
'restored' => '恢復使用者成功。',
'import' => '匯入使用者成功。',
'error' => array(
'create' => 'There was an issue creating the user. Please try again.',
'update' => 'There was an issue updating the user. Please try again.',
'delete' => 'There was an issue deleting the user. Please try again.',
'unsuspend' => 'There was an issue unsuspending the user. Please try again.',
'import' => 'There was an issue importing users. Please try again.',
'asset_already_accepted' => 'This asset has already been accepted.',
'accept_or_decline' => 'You must either accept or decline this asset.',
'incorrect_user_accepted' => 'The asset you have attempted to accept was not checked out to you.',
'ldap_could_not_connect' => 'Could not connect to the LDAP server. Please check your LDAP server configuration in the LDAP config file. <br>Error from LDAP Server:',
'ldap_could_not_bind' => 'Could not bind to the LDAP server. Please check your LDAP server configuration in the LDAP config file. <br>Error from LDAP Server: ',
'ldap_could_not_search' => 'Could not search the LDAP server. Please check your LDAP server configuration in the LDAP config file. <br>Error from LDAP Server:',
'ldap_could_not_get_entries' => 'Could not get entries from the LDAP server. Please check your LDAP server configuration in the LDAP config file. <br>Error from LDAP Server:',
'create' => '新增使用者失敗,請重試。',
'update' => '更新使用者失敗,請重試。',
'delete' => '刪除使用者失敗,請重試。',
'unsuspend' => '解除停用使用者失敗,請重試。',
'import' => '匯入使用者失敗,請重試。',
'asset_already_accepted' => '資產已被接受',
'accept_or_decline' => '您必須選擇接受或拒絕該資產。',
'incorrect_user_accepted' => '您正嘗試接受的資產未分配給您',
'ldap_could_not_connect' => '無法連接到 LDAP 伺服器,請檢查 LDAP 設定文件中的相關設定。<br>LDAP 伺服器錯誤訊息:',
'ldap_could_not_bind' => '無法綁定 LDAP 伺服器,請檢查 LDAP 設定文件中的相關設定。<br>LDAP 伺服器錯誤訊息:',
'ldap_could_not_search' => '查詢 LDAP 伺服器失敗,請檢查 LDAP 設定文件中的相關設定。<br>LDAP 伺服器錯誤訊息:',
'ldap_could_not_get_entries' => ' LDAP 伺服器取得資訊條目失敗,請檢查 LDAP 設定文件中的相關設定。<br>LDAP 伺服器錯誤訊息:',
'deletefile' => array(
'error' => 'File not deleted. Please try again.',
'success' => 'File successfully deleted.',
'error' => '刪除檔案失敗,請重試',
'success' => '刪除檔案成功。',
'upload' => array(
'error' => 'File(s) not uploaded. Please try again.',
'success' => 'File(s) successfully uploaded.',
'nofiles' => 'You did not select any files for upload',
'invalidfiles' => 'One or more of your files is too large or is a filetype that is not allowed. Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, doc, docx, pdf, and txt.',
'error' => '上傳檔案失敗,請重試',
'success' => '上傳檔案成功。',
'nofiles' => '尚未選擇要上傳的檔案',
'invalidfiles' => '一個或多個檔案太大或屬於不被允許的檔案類型。允許上傳的檔案類型:png, gif, jpg, doc, docx, pdf, txt。',
@ -2,35 +2,35 @@
return array(
'activated' => 'Active',
'allow' => 'Allow',
'checkedout' => 'Assets',
'created_at' => 'Created',
'createuser' => 'Create User',
'deny' => 'Deny',
'activated' => '啟用',
'allow' => '允許',
'checkedout' => '資產',
'created_at' => '新增於',
'createuser' => '新增使用者',
'deny' => '拒絕',
'email' => 'Email',
'employee_num' => 'Employee No.',
'first_name' => 'First Name',
'groupnotes' => 'Select a group to assign to the user, remember that a user takes on the permissions of the group they are assigned.',
'id' => 'Id',
'inherit' => 'Inherit',
'job' => 'Job Title',
'last_login' => 'Last Login',
'last_name' => 'Last Name',
'location' => 'Location',
'lock_passwords' => 'Login details cannot be changed on this installation.',
'manager' => 'Manager',
'name' => 'Name',
'notes' => 'Notes',
'password_confirm' => 'Confirm Password',
'password' => 'Password',
'phone' => 'Phone',
'show_current' => 'Show Current Users',
'show_deleted' => 'Show Deleted Users',
'title' => 'Title',
'updateuser' => 'Update User',
'username' => 'Username',
'username_note' => '(This is used for Active Directory binding only, not for login.)',
'cloneuser' => 'Clone User',
'viewusers' => 'View Users',
'employee_num' => '員工編號',
'first_name' => '名',
'groupnotes' => '請選擇一個群組給使用者,注意,使用者將擁有該群組的所有權限。',
'id' => 'ID',
'inherit' => '繼承',
'job' => '職稱',
'last_login' => '上次登入',
'last_name' => '姓氏',
'location' => '位置',
'lock_passwords' => '不能修改登入資料',
'manager' => '主管',
'name' => '名字',
'notes' => '備註',
'password_confirm' => '確認密碼',
'password' => '密碼',
'phone' => '電話',
'show_current' => '顯示當前使用者',
'show_deleted' => '顯示已刪除使用者',
'title' => '職稱',
'updateuser' => '更新使用者',
'username' => '使用者名稱',
'username_note' => '(這是用來綁定 Active Directory,非用來登入)',
'cloneuser' => '複製使用者',
'viewusers' => '檢視使用者',
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
return [
'send_password_link' => 'Send Password Reset Link',
'email_reset_password' => 'Email Password Reset',
'reset_password' => 'Reset Password',
'login' => 'Login',
'login_prompt' => 'Please Login',
'forgot_password' => 'I forgot my password',
'remember_me' => 'Remember Me',
'send_password_link' => '發送密碼重設連結',
'email_reset_password' => '重設密碼',
'reset_password' => '重設密碼',
'login' => '登入',
'login_prompt' => '請登入',
'forgot_password' => '忘記密碼',
'remember_me' => '記住我',
@ -2,35 +2,35 @@
return array(
'account_already_exists' => 'An account with the this email already exists.',
'account_not_found' => 'The username or password is incorrect.',
'account_not_activated' => 'This user account is not activated.',
'account_suspended' => 'This user account is suspended.',
'account_banned' => 'This user account is banned.',
'account_already_exists' => '此信箱已被註冊',
'account_not_found' => '使用者或密碼錯誤',
'account_not_activated' => '使用者尚未啟用',
'account_suspended' => '使用者已被停用',
'account_banned' => '使用者已被禁用',
'signin' => array(
'error' => 'There was a problem while trying to log you in, please try again.',
'success' => 'You have successfully logged in.',
'error' => '登入過程中發生問題,請重試',
'success' => '登入成功',
'signup' => array(
'error' => 'There was a problem while trying to create your account, please try again.',
'success' => 'Account sucessfully created.',
'error' => '在新增帳戶時發生問題,請重試',
'success' => '新增帳戶成功。',
'forgot-password' => array(
'error' => 'There was a problem while trying to get a reset password code, please try again.',
'success' => 'Password recovery email successfully sent.',
'error' => '在重設密碼時發生問題,請重試',
'success' => '密碼重設郵件已寄出。',
'forgot-password-confirm' => array(
'error' => 'There was a problem while trying to reset your password, please try again.',
'success' => 'Your password has been successfully reset.',
'error' => '在重設密碼時發生問題,請重試',
'success' => '密碼重設成功。',
'activate' => array(
'error' => 'There was a problem while trying to activate your account, please try again.',
'success' => 'Your account has been successfully activated.',
'error' => '在啟用帳戶時發生問題,請重試',
'success' => '帳戶已啟用。',
@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
return array(
'actions' => 'Actions',
'actions' => '操作',
'add' => '新增',
'cancel' => '取消',
'checkin_and_delete' => 'Checkin & Delete User',
'checkin_and_delete' => '繳回並刪除使用者',
'delete' => '刪除',
'edit' => '編輯',
'restore' => '還原',
'request' => 'Request',
'submit' => 'Submit',
'upload' => 'Upload',
'request' => '申請',
'submit' => '送出',
'upload' => '上傳',
@ -1,174 +1,176 @@
return [
'accessories' => 'Accessories',
'activated' => 'Activated',
'accessory' => 'Accessory',
'accessory_report' => 'Accessory Report',
'action' => 'Action',
'activity_report' => 'Activity Report',
'address' => 'Address',
'admin' => 'Admin',
'add_seats' => 'Added seats',
'all_assets' => 'All Assets',
'all' => 'All',
'archived' => 'Archived',
'asset_models' => 'Asset Models',
'asset' => 'Asset',
'asset_report' => 'Asset Report',
'asset_tag' => 'Asset Tag',
'assets_available' => 'assets available',
'assets' => 'Assets',
'avatar_delete' => 'Delete Avatar',
'avatar_upload' => 'Upload Avatar',
'back' => 'Back',
'bad_data' => 'Nothing found. Maybe bad data?',
'bulk_checkout' => 'Bulk Checkout',
'cancel' => 'Cancel',
'categories' => 'Categories',
'category' => 'Category',
'changeemail' => 'Change Email Address',
'changepassword' => 'Change Password',
'checkin' => 'Checkin',
'checkin_from' => 'Checkin from',
'checkout' => 'Checkout',
'city' => 'City',
'companies' => 'Companies',
'company' => 'Company',
'component' => 'Component',
'components' => 'Components',
'consumable' => 'Consumable',
'consumables' => 'Consumables',
'country' => 'Country',
'create' => 'Create New',
'created_asset' => 'created asset',
'created_at' => 'Created at',
'accessories' => '配件',
'activated' => '已啟用',
'accessory' => '配件',
'accessory_report' => '配件報告',
'action' => '操作',
'activity_report' => '活動報告',
'address' => '地址',
'admin' => '管理員',
'add_seats' => '新增授權',
'all_assets' => '所有資產',
'all' => '所有',
'archived' => '已封存',
'asset_models' => '資產樣板',
'asset' => '資產',
'asset_report' => '資產報告',
'asset_tag' => '資產標籤',
'assets_available' => '可用資產',
'assets' => '資產',
'avatar_delete' => '刪除頭像',
'avatar_upload' => '上傳頭像',
'back' => '返回',
'bad_data' => '未發現任何東西,是否資料有誤?',
'bulk_checkout' => '批次借出',
'cancel' => '取消',
'categories' => '類別',
'category' => '類別',
'changeemail' => '更改電子郵件地址',
'changepassword' => '更改密碼',
'checkin' => '繳回',
'checkin_from' => '繳回來源',
'checkout' => '借出',
'city' => '城市',
'companies' => '公司',
'company' => '公司',
'component' => '組件',
'components' => '組件',
'consumable' => '耗材',
'consumables' => '耗材',
'country' => '國家',
'create' => '新增',
'created_asset' => '新增資產',
'created_at' => '新增於',
'currency' => '$', // this is deprecated
'current' => 'Current',
'custom_report' => 'Custom Asset Report',
'dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
'date' => 'Date',
'delete' => 'Delete',
'deleted' => 'Deleted',
'delete_seats' => 'Deleted Seats',
'deployed' => 'Deployed',
'depreciation_report' => 'Depreciation Report',
'download' => 'Download',
'depreciation' => 'Depreciation',
'editprofile' => 'Edit Your Profile',
'current' => '目前',
'custom_report' => '自訂資產報告',
'dashboard' => '儀表板',
'date' => '日期',
'delete' => '刪除',
'deleted' => '刪除',
'delete_seats' => '刪除授權',
'deployed' => '已分配',
'depreciation_report' => '折舊報告',
'download' => '下載',
'depreciation' => '折舊',
'editprofile' => '編輯個人資料',
'eol' => 'EOL',
'email_domain' => 'Email Domain',
'email_format' => 'Email Format',
'email_domain_help' => 'This is used to generate email addresses when importing',
'filastname_format' => 'First Initial Last Name (jsmith@example.com)',
'firstname_lastname_format' => 'First Name Last Name (jane.smith@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'first_name' => 'First Name',
'first_name_format' => 'First Name (jane@example.com)',
'file_name' => 'File',
'file_uploads' => 'File Uploads',
'generate' => 'Generate',
'groups' => 'Groups',
'gravatar_email' => 'Gravatar Email Address',
'history' => 'History',
'history_for' => 'History for',
'email_domain' => 'Email 域名',
'email_format' => 'Email 格式',
'email_domain_help' => '這用在匯入時產生電子郵件地址',
'filastname_format' => '縮寫名 姓,例如 (jsmith@example.com)',
'firstname_lastname_format' => '名 姓,例如 (jane.smith@example.com)',
'first' => '首頁',
'first_name' => '名字',
'first_name_format' => '名,例如 (jane@example.com)',
'file_name' => '檔案',
'file_uploads' => '上傳檔案',
'generate' => '產生',
'groups' => '群組',
'gravatar_email' => 'Gravatar 頭像郵件地址',
'history' => '歷史記錄',
'history_for' => '歷史記錄',
'id' => 'ID',
'image_delete' => 'Delete Image',
'image_upload' => 'Upload Image',
'import' => 'Import',
'import-history' => 'Import History',
'asset_maintenance' => 'Asset Maintenance',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Asset Maintenance Report',
'asset_maintenances' => 'Asset Maintenances',
'item' => 'Item',
'insufficient_permissions' => 'Insufficient permissions!',
'language' => 'Language',
'last' => 'Last',
'last_name' => 'Last Name',
'license' => 'License',
'license_report' => 'License Report',
'licenses_available' => 'licenses available',
'licenses' => 'Licenses',
'list_all' => 'List All',
'loading' => 'Loading',
'lock_passwords' => 'This field cannot be edited in this installation.',
'feature_disabled' => 'This feature has been disabled for this installation.',
'location' => 'Location',
'locations' => 'Locations',
'logout' => 'Logout',
'lookup_by_tag' => 'Lookup by Asset Tag',
'manufacturer' => 'Manufacturer',
'manufacturers' => 'Manufacturers',
'markdown' => 'This field allows <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github flavored markdown</a>.',
'min_amt' => 'Min. QTY',
'min_amt_help' => 'Minimum number of items that should be available before an alert gets triggered.',
'model_no' => 'Model No.',
'months' => 'months',
'moreinfo' => 'More Info',
'name' => 'Name',
'next' => 'Next',
'image_delete' => '刪除圖片',
'image_upload' => '上傳圖片',
'import' => '匯入',
'import-history' => '匯入歷史記錄',
'asset_maintenance' => '資產維護',
'asset_maintenance_report' => '資產維護報告',
'asset_maintenances' => '資產維護',
'item' => '項目',
'insufficient_permissions' => '沒有足夠的權限',
'language' => '語言',
'last' => '最後頁',
'last_name' => '姓氏',
'license' => '授權',
'license_report' => '授權報告',
'licenses_available' => '可用授權',
'licenses' => '授權',
'list_all' => '列出全部',
'loading' => '載入中',
'lock_passwords' => '此區域無法編輯',
'feature_disabled' => '此功能已被停用。',
'location' => '位置',
'locations' => '位置',
'logout' => '登出',
'lookup_by_tag' => '尋找資產標籤',
'manufacturer' => '製造商',
'manufacturers' => '製造商',
'markdown' => '此欄位可以使用 <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github flavored markdown</a>.',
'min_amt' => '最少數量',
'min_amt_help' => '觸發警告的最少數量',
'model_no' => '型號',
'months' => '月數',
'moreinfo' => '更多訊息',
'name' => '名稱',
'next' => '下一頁',
'new' => 'new!',
'no_depreciation' => 'No Depreciation',
'no_results' => 'No Results.',
'no' => 'No',
'notes' => 'Notes',
'page_menu' => 'Showing _MENU_ items',
'pagination_info' => 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ items',
'pending' => 'Pending',
'people' => 'People',
'per_page' => 'Results Per Page',
'previous' => 'Previous',
'processing' => 'Processing',
'profile' => 'Your profile',
'qty' => 'QTY',
'quantity' => 'Quantity',
'ready_to_deploy' => 'Ready to Deploy',
'recent_activity' => 'Recent Activity',
'remove_company' => 'Remove Company Association',
'reports' => 'Reports',
'requested' => 'Requested',
'request_canceled' => 'Request Canceled',
'save' => 'Save',
'select' => 'Select',
'search' => 'Search',
'select_category' => 'Select a Category',
'select_depreciation' => 'Select a Depreciation Type',
'select_location' => 'Select a Location',
'select_manufacturer' => 'Select a Manufacturer',
'select_model' => 'Select a Model',
'select_supplier' => 'Select a Supplier',
'select_user' => 'Select a User',
'select_date' => 'Select Date',
'select_statuslabel' => 'Select Status',
'select_company' => 'Select Company',
'select_asset' => 'Select Asset',
'settings' => 'Settings',
'sign_in' => 'Sign in',
'some_features_disabled' => 'DEMO MODE: Some features are disabled for this installation.',
'site_name' => 'Site Name',
'state' => 'State',
'status_labels' => 'Status Labels',
'status' => 'Status',
'suppliers' => 'Suppliers',
'total_assets' => 'total assets',
'total_licenses' => 'total licenses',
'type' => 'Type',
'undeployable' => 'Un-deployable',
'unknown_admin' => 'Unknown Admin',
'username_format' => 'Username Format',
'update' => 'Update',
'uploaded' => 'Uploaded',
'user' => 'User',
'accepted' => 'accepted',
'declined' => 'declined',
'unaccepted_asset_report' => 'Unaccepted Assets',
'users' => 'Users',
'viewassets' => 'View Assigned Assets',
'website' => 'Website',
'welcome' => 'Welcome, :name',
'years' => 'years',
'yes' => 'Yes',
'no_depreciation' => '永久',
'no_results' => '沒有結果',
'no' => '否',
'notes' => '備註',
'page_menu' => '顯示選項',
'pagination_info' => '顯示全部',
'pending' => '待處理',
'people' => '組織成員',
'per_page' => '每頁搜尋結果',
'previous' => '前一頁',
'processing' => '處理中',
'profile' => '您的個人資料',
'qty' => '數量',
'quantity' => '數量',
'ready_to_deploy' => '準備部署',
'recent_activity' => '最近操作活動',
'remove_company' => '移除公司關聯',
'reports' => '報告',
'requested' => '已申請',
'request_canceled' => '取消申請',
'save' => '儲存',
'select' => '選擇',
'search' => '搜尋',
'select_category' => '選擇一個類別',
'select_depreciation' => '選擇折舊類型',
'select_location' => '選擇位置',
'select_manufacturer' => '選擇製造商',
'select_model' => '選擇型號',
'select_supplier' => '選擇供應商',
'select_user' => '選擇使用者',
'select_date' => '選擇日期',
'select_statuslabel' => '選擇狀態',
'select_company' => '選擇公司',
'select_asset' => '選擇資產',
'settings' => '設定',
'sign_in' => '登入',
'some_features_disabled' => '演示模式︰ 此安裝禁用某些功能。',
'site_name' => '網站名稱',
'state' => '省份',
'status_labels' => '狀態標籤',
'status' => '狀態',
'suppliers' => '供應商',
'total_assets' => '總資產',
'total_licenses' => '總計授權',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => '類型',
'undeployable' => '不可佈署',
'unknown_admin' => '未知管理員',
'username_format' => '使用者名稱格式',
'update' => '更新',
'uploaded' => '已上傳',
'user' => '使用者',
'accepted' => '已接受',
'declined' => '已拒絕',
'unaccepted_asset_report' => '未接受的資產',
'users' => '使用者',
'viewassets' => '檢視資產分配',
'website' => '網站',
'welcome' => '歡迎您,:name',
'years' => '年',
'yes' => '是',
'zip' => 'Zip',
'noimage' => 'No image uploaded or image not found.',
'token_expired' => 'Your form session has expired. Please try again.',
'noimage' => '圖片未上傳或無法找到',
'token_expired' => '表單已過期,請重新送出',
@ -1,74 +1,71 @@
return array(
'a_user_canceled' => 'A user has canceled an item request on the website',
'a_user_requested' => 'A user has requested an item on the website',
'accessory_name' => 'Accessory Name:',
'additional_notes' => 'Additional Notes:',
'admin_has_created' => 'An administrator has created an account for you on the :web website.',
'asset' => 'Asset:',
'asset_name' => 'Asset Name:',
'asset_requested' => 'Asset requested',
'asset_tag' => 'Asset Tag:',
'assets_warrantee_expiring' => '{1} asset with warrantee expiring in the next 60 days.|[2,Inf] assets with warrantees
expiring in the next 60 days.',
'assigned_to' => 'Assigned To',
'a_user_canceled' => '使用者已取消項目申請',
'a_user_requested' => '使用者已申請項目',
'accessory_name' => '配件名稱:',
'additional_notes' => '備註:',
'admin_has_created' => '管理員已在 :web 為您新增帳號',
'asset' => '資產:',
'asset_name' => '資產名稱:',
'asset_requested' => '申請資產',
'asset_tag' => '資產標籤:',
'assets_warrantee_expiring' => '{1} 資產保固將在60內到期。|[2,Inf]資產保固將在60內到期。',
'assigned_to' => '分配給',
'best_regards' => 'Best regards,',
'canceled' => 'Canceled:',
'checkin_date' => 'Checkin Date:',
'checkout_date' => 'Checkout Date:',
'click_to_confirm' => 'Please click on the following link to confirm your :web account:',
'click_on_the_link_accessory' => 'Please click on the link at the bottom to confirm that you have received the accessory.',
'click_on_the_link_asset' => 'Please click on the link at the bottom to confirm that you have received the asset.',
'Confirm_Asset_Checkin' => 'Confirm Asset Checkin.',
'Confirm_Accessory_Checkin' => 'Confirm Accessory Checkin.',
'Confirm_accessory_delivery' => 'Confirm accessory delivery.',
'Confirm_asset_delivery' => 'Confirm asset delivery.',
'Confirm_consumable_delivery' => 'Confirm consumable delivery.',
'current_QTY' => 'Current QTY',
'Days' => 'Days',
'days' => 'Days',
'expecting_checkin_date' => 'Expected Checkin Date:',
'expires' => 'Expires',
'Expiring_Assets_Report' => 'Expiring Assets Report.',
'Expiring_Licenses_Report' => 'Expiring Licenses Report.',
'canceled' => '取消:',
'checkin_date' => '繳回日期:',
'checkout_date' => '借出日期:',
'click_to_confirm' => '請點擊鏈結啟用您 :web 的帳戶:',
'click_on_the_link_accessory' => '請點擊鏈結確認您已收到配件。',
'click_on_the_link_asset' => '請點擊鏈結確認您已收到資產。',
'Confirm_Asset_Checkin' => '確認繳回資產。',
'Confirm_Accessory_Checkin' => '確認繳回配件。',
'Confirm_accessory_delivery' => '確認交付配件。',
'Confirm_asset_delivery' => '確認交付資產。',
'Confirm_consumable_delivery' => '確認交付耗材。',
'current_QTY' => '目前數量',
'Days' => '日',
'days' => '日',
'expecting_checkin_date' => '預計歸還日期:',
'expires' => '過期',
'Expiring_Assets_Report' => '過期資產報告',
'Expiring_Licenses_Report' => '過期授權報告',
'hello' => 'Hello',
'hi' => 'Hi',
'i_have_read' => 'I have read and agree to the terms of use, and have received this item.',
'item' => 'Item:',
'items_below_minimum' => '{1} item that is below minimum inventory or will soon be low.|[2,Inf] items that are below minimum
inventory or will soon be low.',
'Item_Request_Canceled' => 'Item Request Canceled',
'Item_Requested' => 'Item Requested',
'licenses_expiring' => '{1} license expiring next 60 days.|[2,Inf] licenses expiring next 60 days.',
'link_to_update_password' => 'Please click on the following link to update your :web password:',
'login_first_admin' => 'Login to your new Snipe-IT installation using the credentials below:',
'login' => 'Login:',
'Low_Inventory_Report' => 'Low Inventory Report',
'min_QTY' => 'Min QTY',
'name' => 'Name',
'new_item_checked' => 'A new item has been checked out under your name, details are below.',
'password' => 'Password:',
'password_reset' => 'Password Reset',
'i_have_read' => '我同意使用條款,並且已經收到物品。',
'item' => '項目:',
'items_below_minimum' => '{1} 數量已低於最小庫存量,或即將低於最小庫存量。|[2,Inf] 數量已低於最小庫存量,或即將低於最小庫存量',
'Item_Request_Canceled' => '已取消申請物品',
'Item_Requested' => '已申請物品',
'licenses_expiring' => '{1} 授權將在60天內到期。|[2,Inf] 授權將在60天內到期。',
'link_to_update_password' => '請點擊以下鏈結以更新 :web 的密碼:',
'login_first_admin' => '使用以下憑證登入新安裝的 Snipe-IT:',
'login' => '登入',
'Low_Inventory_Report' => '低庫存報告',
'min_QTY' => '最小數量',
'name' => '名字',
'new_item_checked' => '一項新物品已分配至您的名下,詳細資訊如下。',
'password' => '密碼',
'password_reset' => '密碼重設',
'read_the_terms' => 'Please read the terms of use below.',
'read_the_terms_and_click' => 'Please read the terms of use below, and click on the link at the bottom to confirm that you read
and agree to the terms of use, and have received the asset.',
'requested' => 'Requested:',
'reset_link' => 'Your Password Reset Link',
'reset_password' => 'Click here to reset your password:',
'serial' => 'Serial:',
'supplier' => 'Supplier',
'tag' => 'Tag',
'test_email' => 'Test Email from Snipe-IT',
'test_mail_text' => 'This is a test from the Snipe-IT Asset Management System. If you got this, mail is working :)',
'the_following_item' => 'The following item has been checked in: ',
'There_are' => '{1} There is|[2,Inf] There are',
'to_reset' => 'To reset your :web password, complete this form:',
'type' => 'Type',
'user' => 'User:',
'username' => 'Username:',
'welcome' => 'Welcome :name',
'welcome_to' => 'Welcome to :web!',
'your_credentials' => 'Your Snipe-IT credentials',
'read_the_terms' => '請閱讀以下使用條款。',
'read_the_terms_and_click' => '請閱讀使用條款,點擊底下鏈結確認您已閱讀並同意使用條款,並已收到資產。',
'requested' => '已申請',
'reset_link' => '您的密碼重設連結',
'reset_password' => '請按一下此處重置您的密碼︰',
'serial' => '序號:',
'supplier' => '供應商',
'tag' => '標籤',
'test_email' => 'Snipe-IT 測試電子郵件',
'test_mail_text' => '這是一封 Snipe-IT 資產管理系統的測試電子郵件,如果您收到,表示郵件通知正常運作 :)',
'the_following_item' => '以下項目已繳回:',
'There_are' => '{1} 這些|[2,Inf] 這些',
'to_reset' => '要重設 :web 的密碼,請完成此表單:',
'type' => '類型',
'user' => '使用者:',
'username' => '使用者名稱:',
'welcome' => '歡迎您 :name',
'welcome_to' => '歡迎來到 :web!',
'your_credentials' => '您的 Snipe-IT 憑證',
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ return array(
'previous' => '« Previous',
'previous' => '« 上一步',
'next' => 'Next »',
'next' => '下一步 »',
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
return [
'sent' => 'Your password link has been sent!',
'user' => 'That user does not exist or does not have an email address associated',
'sent' => '已發送您的密碼連結!',
'user' => '該使用者不存在或沒有關聯的電子郵件地址',
@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ return array(
"password" => "Passwords must be six characters and match the confirmation.",
"password" => "密碼至少需要六個字符,並且與確認欄位相符",
"user" => "Username or email address is incorrect",
"user" => "使用者名稱或電子郵件地址不正確",
"token" => "This password reset token is invalid.",
"token" => "這個密碼重置密鑰無效。",
"sent" => "If a matching email address was found, a password reminder has been sent!",
"sent" => "如果郵件地址相符,則密碼已經發送。",
@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
return array(
'actions' => 'Actions',
'action' => 'Action',
'by' => 'By',
'item' => 'Item',
'actions' => '操作',
'action' => '操作',
'by' => '經由',
'item' => '項目',
@ -13,59 +13,59 @@ return array(
"accepted" => "The :attribute must be accepted.",
"accepted" => ":attribute 必須接受",
"active_url" => "屬性不是有效的URL",
"after" => "The :attribute must be a date after :date.",
"alpha" => "The :attribute may only contain letters.",
"alpha_dash" => "The :attribute may only contain letters, numbers, and dashes.",
"alpha_num" => "The :attribute may only contain letters and numbers.",
"before" => "The :attribute must be a date before :date.",
"after" => ":attribute 必須在 :date 之後",
"alpha" => ":attribute 只能包含字母",
"alpha_dash" => ":attribute 只能包含字母,數字和'-'",
"alpha_num" => ":attribute 只允許字母和數字",
"before" => ":attribute 必須在 :date 之前",
"between" => array(
"numeric" => "The :attribute must be between :min - :max.",
"file" => "The :attribute must be between :min - :max kilobytes.",
"string" => "The :attribute must be between :min - :max characters.",
"numeric" => ":attribute 必須在 :min - :max 之間",
"file" => ":attribute 必須在 :min - :max KB 之間",
"string" => ":attribute 必須在 :min - :max 字元之間",
"confirmed" => "The :attribute confirmation does not match.",
"date" => "The :attribute is not a valid date.",
"date_format" => "The :attribute does not match the format :format.",
"different" => "The :attribute and :other must be different.",
"digits" => "The :attribute must be :digits digits.",
"digits_between" => "The :attribute must be between :min and :max digits.",
"email" => "The :attribute format is invalid.",
"exists" => "The selected :attribute is invalid.",
"email_array" => "One or more email addresses is invalid.",
"image" => "The :attribute must be an image.",
"in" => "The selected :attribute is invalid.",
"integer" => "The :attribute must be an integer.",
"ip" => "The :attribute must be a valid IP address.",
"confirmed" => ":attribute 屬性不相符",
"date" => ":attribute 不是有效日期",
"date_format" => ":attribute 不符合 :format 的格式",
"different" => ":attribute 和 :other 不能相同",
"digits" => ":attribute 必須是 :digits 數字",
"digits_between" => ":attribute 必須在 :min 和 :max 之间",
"email" => ":attribute 格式不正確",
"exists" => "選擇的 :attribute 無效",
"email_array" => "一個或多個郵件地址不正確",
"image" => ":attribute 必須是圖片格式",
"in" => "選擇的 :attribute 無效",
"integer" => ":attribute 必須是整數",
"ip" => ":attribute 必須是有效 IP",
"max" => array(
"numeric" => "The :attribute may not be greater than :max.",
"file" => "The :attribute may not be greater than :max kilobytes.",
"string" => "The :attribute may not be greater than :max characters.",
"numeric" => ":attribute 不可大於 :max",
"file" => ":attribute 不可大於 :max KB",
"string" => ":attribute 不可大於 :max 個字元",
"mimes" => "The :attribute must be a file of type: :values.",
"mimes" => ":attribute 檔案類型必須是 :values",
"min" => array(
"numeric" => "The :attribute must be at least :min.",
"file" => "The :attribute must be at least :min kilobytes.",
"string" => "The :attribute must be at least :min characters.",
"numeric" => ":attribute 最少 :min",
"file" => ":attribute 最小 :min KB",
"string" => ":attribute 最少要有 :min 個字元",
"not_in" => "The selected :attribute is invalid.",
"numeric" => "The :attribute must be a number.",
"regex" => "The :attribute format is invalid.",
"required" => "The :attribute field is required.",
"required_if" => "The :attribute field is required when :other is :value.",
"required_with" => "The :attribute field is required when :values is present.",
"required_without" => "The :attribute field is required when :values is not present.",
"same" => "The :attribute and :other must match.",
"not_in" => "選擇的 :attribute 無效",
"numeric" => ":attribute 必須是數字",
"regex" => ":attribute 格式不正確",
"required" => ":attribute 欄位必填",
"required_if" => ":attribute 欄位在 :other 是 :value 時是必填的",
"required_with" => "當設定 :value 時,:attribute 欄位必填",
"required_without" => "當設定非 :value 時,:attribute 欄位必填",
"same" => ":attribute 和 :other 必需相符",
"size" => array(
"numeric" => "The :attribute must be :size.",
"file" => "The :attribute must be :size kilobytes.",
"string" => "The :attribute must be :size characters.",
"numeric" => ":attribute 必須是 :size",
"file" => ":attribute 必須是 :size KB",
"string" => ":attribute 必須是 :size 個字元",
"unique" => "The :attribute has already been taken.",
"url" => "The :attribute format is invalid.",
"statuslabel_type" => "You must select a valid status label type",
"unique_undeleted" => "The :attribute must be unique.",
"unique" => ":attribute 已被採用",
"url" => ":attribute 格式不正確",
"statuslabel_type" => "您必須選擇一個有效的狀態標籤",
"unique_undeleted" => ":attribute 必須唯一",
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ return array(
'custom' => array(),
'alpha_space' => "The :attribute field contains a character that is not allowed.",
'alpha_space' => ":attribute 含有無效字元",
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
<div class="small-box bg-orange">
<div class="inner">
<h3> {{ number_format(\App\Models\Accessory::count()) }}</h3>
<p>total accessories</p>
<p>{{ trans('general.total_accessories') }}</p>
<div class="icon">
<i class="fa fa-keyboard-o"></i>
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
<div class="small-box bg-purple">
<div class="inner">
<h3> {{ number_format(\App\Models\Consumable::count()) }}</h3>
<p>total consumables</p>
<p>{{ trans('general.total_consumables') }}</p>
<div class="icon">
<i class="fa fa-tint"></i>
Reference in a new issue