Additional Danish and Polish translations

This commit is contained in:
snipe 2017-09-18 19:12:37 -07:00
parent 126a5671fe
commit 626a6408d0
31 changed files with 209 additions and 209 deletions

View file

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
<?php <?php
return [ return [
'asset_maintenance_type' => 'Maintenance Type', 'asset_maintenance_type' => 'Vedligeholdelsestype',
'title' => 'Title', 'title' => 'Titel',
'start_date' => 'Started', 'start_date' => 'Start dato',
'completion_date' => 'Completed', 'completion_date' => 'Gennemført',
'cost' => 'Cost', 'cost' => 'Omkostninger',
'is_warranty' => 'Warranty Improvement', 'is_warranty' => 'Garantiforbedring',
'asset_maintenance_time' => 'Days', 'asset_maintenance_time' => 'Dage',
'notes' => 'Notes', 'notes' => 'Noter',
'update' => 'Update', 'update' => 'Opdatering',
'create' => 'Create' 'create' => 'Opret'
]; ];

View file

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?php <?php
return [ return [
'asset_maintenances' => 'Asset Maintenances', 'asset_maintenances' => 'Aktiv vedligeholdelse',
'edit' => 'Edit Asset Maintenance', 'edit' => 'Redigere aktiv vedligeholdelse',
'delete' => 'Delete Asset Maintenance', 'delete' => 'Slette aktiv vedligeholdelse',
'view' => 'View Asset Maintenance Details', 'view' => 'Se aktiv vedligeholdelse detaljer',
'repair' => 'Repair', 'repair' => 'Repar',
'maintenance' => 'Maintenance', 'maintenance' => 'Vedligeholdelse',
'upgrade' => 'Upgrade' 'upgrade' => 'Opgradér'
]; ];

View file

@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
return [ return [
'title' => 'Asset Maintenance', 'title' => 'Asset Maintenance',
'asset_name' => 'Asset Name', 'asset_name' => 'Asset Name',
'is_warranty' => 'Warranty', 'is_warranty' => 'Garanti',
'dl_csv' => 'Download CSV' 'dl_csv' => 'Hent CSV'
]; ];

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<?php <?php
return [ return [
'about_companies_title' => 'About Companies', 'about_companies_title' => 'Om virksomheder',
'about_companies_text' => 'Companies can be used as a simple identifier field, or can be used to limit visibility of assets, users, etc if full company support is enabled in your Admin settings.', 'about_companies_text' => 'Virksomheder kan bruges som en simpel id-felt, eller kan bruges til at begrænse synligheden af aktiver, brugere, osv. hvis fuld selskab understøttelse er aktiveret i din Admin indstillinger.',
'select_company' => 'Select Company', 'select_company' => 'Vælg firma',
]; ];

View file

@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
<?php <?php
return array( return array(
'does_not_exist' => 'Company does not exist.', 'does_not_exist' => 'Virksomheden eksisterer ikke.',
'assoc_users' => 'This company is currently associated with at least one model and cannot be deleted. Please update your models to no longer reference this company and try again. ', 'assoc_users' => 'Denne virksomhed er knyttet til mindst én model og kan ikke slettes. Opdater venligst dine modeller for at ikke længere henvise til dette selskab, og prøv igen. ',
'create' => array( 'create' => array(
'error' => 'Company was not created, please try again.', 'error' => 'Virksomheden blev ikke oprettet, prøve igen.',
'success' => 'Company created successfully.' 'success' => 'Virksomhed oprettet.'
), ),
'update' => array( 'update' => array(
'error' => 'Company was not updated, please try again', 'error' => 'Virksomheden blev ikke opdateret, prøv igen',
'success' => 'Company updated successfully.' 'success' => 'Virksomheden blev opdateret.'
), ),
'delete' => array( 'delete' => array(
'confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this company?', 'confirm' => 'Er du sikker på du vil slette denne virksomhed?',
'error' => 'There was an issue deleting the company. Please try again.', 'error' => 'Der opstod et problem under sletning af virksomheden. Prøv igen.',
'success' => 'The Company was deleted successfully.' 'success' => 'Virksomheden blev slettet.'
) )
); );

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<?php <?php
return array( return array(
'companies' => 'Companies', 'companies' => 'Virksomheder',
'create' => 'Create Company', 'create' => 'Oprette virksomhed',
'title' => 'Company', 'title' => 'Virksomheden',
'update' => 'Update Company', 'update' => 'Opdater virksomhed',
'name' => 'Company Name', 'name' => 'Virksomhedens navn',
'id' => 'ID', 'id' => 'ID',
); );

View file

@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
<?php <?php
return array( return array(
'custom_fields' => 'Custom Fields', 'custom_fields' => 'Brugerdefinerede felter',
'field' => 'Field', 'field' => 'Felt',
'about_fieldsets_title' => 'About Fieldsets', 'about_fieldsets_title' => 'Om Feltsæt',
'about_fieldsets_text' => 'Fieldsets allow you to create groups of custom fields that are frequently re-used used for specific asset model types.', 'about_fieldsets_text' => 'Fieldsets allow you to create groups of custom fields that are frequently re-used used for specific asset model types.',
'custom_format' => 'Custom format...', 'custom_format' => 'Brugerdefineret format...',
'encrypt_field' => 'Encrypt the value of this field in the database', 'encrypt_field' => 'Kryptere værdien af dette felt i databasen',
'encrypt_field_help' => 'WARNING: Encrypting a field makes it unsearchable.', 'encrypt_field_help' => 'Advarsel: Kryptere et felt gør det uransagelige.',
'encrypted' => 'Encrypted', 'encrypted' => 'Krypteret',
'fieldset' => 'Fieldset', 'fieldset' => 'Feltsæt',
'qty_fields' => 'Qty Fields', 'qty_fields' => 'Antal felter',
'fieldsets' => 'Fieldsets', 'fieldsets' => 'Feltsæt',
'fieldset_name' => 'Fieldset Name', 'fieldset_name' => 'Feltsættets navn',
'field_name' => 'Field Name', 'field_name' => 'Feltnavn',
'field_values' => 'Field Values', 'field_values' => 'Feltværdier',
'field_values_help' => 'Add selectable options, one per line. Blank lines other than the first line will be ignored.', 'field_values_help' => 'Add selectable options, one per line. Blank lines other than the first line will be ignored.',
'field_element' => 'Form Element', 'field_element' => 'Form-elementet',
'field_element_short' => 'Element', 'field_element_short' => 'Element',
'field_format' => 'Format', 'field_format' => 'Format',
'field_custom_format' => 'Custom Format', 'field_custom_format' => 'Brugerdefineret Format',
'required' => 'Required', 'required' => 'Påkrævet',
'req' => 'Req.', 'req' => 'Req.',
'used_by_models' => 'Used By Models', 'used_by_models' => 'Bruges af modeller',
'order' => 'Order', 'order' => 'Ordre',
'create_fieldset' => 'New Fieldset', 'create_fieldset' => 'Nyt Feltsæt',
'create_field' => 'New Custom Field', 'create_field' => 'Nyt Brugerdefinerede Felt',
'value_encrypted' => 'The value of this field is encrypted in the database. Only admin users will be able to view the decrypted value', 'value_encrypted' => 'Værdien af dette felt er krypteret i databasen. Kun admins vil være i stand til at se den krypteret værdi',
); );

View file

@ -3,48 +3,48 @@
return array( return array(
'field' => array( 'field' => array(
'invalid' => 'That field does not exist.', 'invalid' => 'Dette felt findes ikke.',
'already_added' => 'Field already added', 'already_added' => 'Feltet allerede tilføjet',
'create' => array( 'create' => array(
'error' => 'Field was not created, please try again.', 'error' => 'Feltet blev ikke oprettet, prøve igen.',
'success' => 'Field created successfully.', 'success' => 'Feltet oprettet.',
'assoc_success' => 'Field successfully added to fieldset.' 'assoc_success' => 'Felt tilføjet til feltsættet.'
), ),
'update' => array( 'update' => array(
'error' => 'Field was not updated, please try again', 'error' => 'Feltet blev ikke opdateret, prøv igen',
'success' => 'Field updated successfully.' 'success' => 'Feltet opdateret.'
), ),
'delete' => array( 'delete' => array(
'confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this field?', 'confirm' => 'Er du sikker på du ønsker at slette feltet?',
'error' => 'There was an issue deleting the field. Please try again.', 'error' => 'Der opstod et problem under sletning af feltet. Prøv venligst igen.',
'success' => 'The field was deleted successfully.', 'success' => 'Feltet blev slettet.',
'in_use' => 'Field is still in use.', 'in_use' => 'Feltet er stadig i brug.',
) )
), ),
'fieldset' => array( 'fieldset' => array(
'does_not_exist' => 'Fieldset does not exist', 'does_not_exist' => 'Feltsættet findes ikke',
'create' => array( 'create' => array(
'error' => 'Fieldset was not created, please try again.', 'error' => 'Feltsættet blev ikke opdateret, prøv igen.',
'success' => 'Fieldset created successfully.' 'success' => 'Feltsættet oprettet.'
), ),
'update' => array( 'update' => array(
'error' => 'Fieldset was not updated, please try again', 'error' => 'Feltsættet blev ikke opdateret, prøv igen',
'success' => 'Fieldset updated successfully.' 'success' => 'Feltsættet opdateret.'
), ),
'delete' => array( 'delete' => array(
'confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this fieldset?', 'confirm' => 'Er du sikker på du vil slette dette feltsæt?',
'error' => 'There was an issue deleting the fieldset. Please try again.', 'error' => 'Der opstod et problem under sletning af feltsættet. Prøv venligst igen.',
'success' => 'The fieldset was deleted successfully.', 'success' => 'Feltsættet blev slettet.',
'in_use' => 'Fieldset is still in use.', 'in_use' => 'Feltsættet er stadig i brug.',
) )
), ),

View file

@ -2,20 +2,20 @@
return array( return array(
'does_not_exist' => 'Department does not exist.', 'does_not_exist' => 'Afdeling findes ikke.',
'assoc_users' => 'This department is currently associated with at least one user and cannot be deleted. Please update your users to no longer reference this department and try again. ', 'assoc_users' => 'Denne afdeling er i øjeblikket knyttet til mindst én bruger og kan ikke slettes. Opdater venligst dine brugere for at ikke længere referere til denne afdeling, og prøv igen. ',
'create' => array( 'create' => array(
'error' => 'Department was not created, please try again.', 'error' => 'Afdelingen blev ikke oprettet, prøve igen.',
'success' => 'Department created successfully.' 'success' => 'Afdeling oprettet.'
), ),
'update' => array( 'update' => array(
'error' => 'Department was not updated, please try again', 'error' => 'Afdelingen blev ikke opdateret, prøv igen',
'success' => 'Department updated successfully.' 'success' => 'Afdeling opdateret.'
), ),
'delete' => array( 'delete' => array(
'confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this department?', 'confirm' => 'Er du sikker på du vil slette denne afdeling?',
'error' => 'There was an issue deleting the department. Please try again.', 'error' => 'Der var et problem sletningen af afdelingen. Prøv venligst igen.',
'success' => 'The department was deleted successfully.' 'success' => 'Afdelingen blev slettet.'
) )
); );

View file

@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
return array( return array(
'id' => 'ID', 'id' => 'ID',
'name' => 'Department Name', 'name' => 'Afdelingsnavn',
'manager' => 'Manager', 'manager' => 'Manager',
'location' => 'Location', 'location' => 'Placering',
'create' => 'Create Department', 'create' => 'Oprette afdeling',
'update' => 'Update Department', 'update' => 'Opdater afdeling',
); );

View file

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?php <?php
return array( return array(
'about_groups_title' => 'About Groups', 'about_groups_title' => 'Om grupper',
'about_groups' => 'Groups are used to generalize user permissions.', 'about_groups' => 'Grupper bruges til at generalisere brugertilladelser.',
'group_management' => 'Gruppehåndtering', 'group_management' => 'Gruppehåndtering',
'create' => 'Create New Group', 'create' => 'Opret Ny Gruppe',
'update' => 'Edit Group', 'update' => 'Rediger Gruppe',
'group_name' => 'Gruppenavn', 'group_name' => 'Gruppenavn',
'group_admin' => 'Gruppeadministrator', 'group_admin' => 'Gruppeadministrator',
'allow' => 'Tillad', 'allow' => 'Tillad',

View file

@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
<?php <?php
return array( return array(
'about_licenses_title' => 'About Licenses', 'about_licenses_title' => 'Om licenser',
'about_licenses' => 'Licenses are used to track software. They have a specified number of seats that can be checked out to individuals', 'about_licenses' => 'Licenses are used to track software. They have a specified number of seats that can be checked out to individuals',
'checkin' => 'Checkin License Seat', 'checkin' => 'Checkin License Seat',
'checkout_history' => 'Checkout History', 'checkout_history' => 'Checkout History',
'checkout' => 'Checkout License Seat', 'checkout' => 'Checkout License Seat',
'edit' => 'Edit License', 'edit' => 'Redigere licens',
'filetype_info' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar.', 'filetype_info' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar.',
'clone' => 'Clone License', 'clone' => 'Klon licens',
'history_for' => 'History for ', 'history_for' => 'History for ',
'in_out' => 'In/Out', 'in_out' => 'In/Out',
'info' => 'License Info', 'info' => 'Licens Info',
'license_seats' => 'License Seats', 'license_seats' => 'License Seats',
'seat' => 'Seat', 'seat' => 'Seat',
'seats' => 'Seats', 'seats' => 'Seats',
'software_licenses' => 'Software Licenses', 'software_licenses' => 'Softwarelicenser',
'user' => 'User', 'user' => 'Bruger',
'view' => 'View License', 'view' => 'Se licens',
); );

View file

@ -3,23 +3,23 @@
return array( return array(
'assets_user' => 'Assets assigned to :name', 'assets_user' => 'Aktiver tildelt :navn',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'You are about to edit the properties of :user_count users. Please note that you cannot change your own user attributes using this form, and must make edits to your own user individually.', 'bulk_update_warn' => 'You are about to edit the properties of :user_count users. Please note that you cannot change your own user attributes using this form, and must make edits to your own user individually.',
'bulk_update_help' => 'This form allows you to update multiple users at once. Only fill in the fields you need to change. Any fields left blank will remain unchanged.', 'bulk_update_help' => 'This form allows you to update multiple users at once. Only fill in the fields you need to change. Any fields left blank will remain unchanged.',
'current_assets' => 'Assets currently checked out to this user', 'current_assets' => 'Assets currently checked out to this user',
'clone' => 'Clone User', 'clone' => 'Klon bruger',
'contact_user' => 'Contact :name', 'contact_user' => 'Kontakt :navn',
'edit' => 'Edit User', 'edit' => 'Redigér bruger',
'filetype_info' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar.', 'filetype_info' => 'Tilladte filtyper er png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip og rar.',
'history_user' => 'History for :name', 'history_user' => 'History for :name',
'info' => 'Info', 'info' => 'Information',
'restore_user' => 'Click here to restore them.', 'restore_user' => 'Klik her for at gendanne dem.',
'last_login' => 'Last Login', 'last_login' => 'Sidste Login',
'ldap_config_text' => 'LDAP configuration settings can be found Admin > Settings. The (optional) selected location will be set for all imported users.', 'ldap_config_text' => 'LDAP configuration settings can be found Admin > Settings. The (optional) selected location will be set for all imported users.',
'software_user' => 'Software Checked out to :name', 'software_user' => 'Software Checked out to :name',
'view_user' => 'View User :name', 'view_user' => 'Se bruger :navn',
'usercsv' => 'CSV file', 'usercsv' => 'CSV-fil',
'two_factor_admin_optin_help' => 'Your current admin settings allow selective enforcement of two-factor authentication. ', 'two_factor_admin_optin_help' => 'Your current admin settings allow selective enforcement of two-factor authentication. ',
'two_factor_enrolled' => '2FA Device Enrolled ', 'two_factor_enrolled' => '2FA Device Enrolled ',
'two_factor_active' => '2FA Active ', 'two_factor_active' => '2FA aktiv ',
); );

View file

@ -2,37 +2,37 @@
return array( return array(
'activated' => 'Aktiv', 'activated' => 'Aktiv',
'allow' => 'Allow', 'allow' => 'Tillad',
'checkedout' => 'Assets', 'checkedout' => 'Aktiver',
'created_at' => 'Created', 'created_at' => 'Oprettet',
'createuser' => 'Create User', 'createuser' => 'Opret bruger',
'deny' => 'Deny', 'deny' => 'Afvis',
'email' => 'Email', 'email' => 'Email',
'employee_num' => 'Employee No.', 'employee_num' => 'Medarbejder nr.',
'first_name' => 'First Name', 'first_name' => 'Fornavn',
'groupnotes' => 'Select a group to assign to the user, remember that a user takes on the permissions of the group they are assigned.', 'groupnotes' => 'Select a group to assign to the user, remember that a user takes on the permissions of the group they are assigned.',
'id' => 'Id', 'id' => 'ID',
'inherit' => 'Inherit', 'inherit' => 'Inherit',
'job' => 'Job Title', 'job' => 'Job Titel',
'last_login' => 'Last Login', 'last_login' => 'Sidste Login',
'last_name' => 'Last Name', 'last_name' => 'Efternavn',
'location' => 'Location', 'location' => 'Placering',
'lock_passwords' => 'Login details cannot be changed on this installation.', 'lock_passwords' => 'Login details cannot be changed on this installation.',
'manager' => 'Manager', 'manager' => 'Manager',
'managed_locations' => 'Managed Locations', 'managed_locations' => 'Administrerede placeringer',
'name' => 'Name', 'name' => 'Navn',
'notes' => 'Notes', 'notes' => 'Noter',
'password_confirm' => 'Confirm Password', 'password_confirm' => 'Bekræft adgangskode',
'password' => 'Password', 'password' => 'Adgangskode',
'phone' => 'Phone', 'phone' => 'Telefon',
'show_current' => 'Show Current Users', 'show_current' => 'Vis nuværende brugere',
'show_deleted' => 'Show Deleted Users', 'show_deleted' => 'Vis slettede brugere',
'title' => 'Title', 'title' => 'Titel',
'to_restore_them' => 'to restore them.', 'to_restore_them' => 'to restore them.',
'updateuser' => 'Update User', 'updateuser' => 'Opdatere bruger',
'username' => 'Username', 'username' => 'Brugernavn',
'user_deleted_text' => 'This user has been marked as deleted.', 'user_deleted_text' => 'Denne bruger er blevet markeret som slettede.',
'username_note' => '(This is used for Active Directory binding only, not for login.)', 'username_note' => '(This is used for Active Directory binding only, not for login.)',
'cloneuser' => 'Clone User', 'cloneuser' => 'Klon bruger',
'viewusers' => 'View Users', 'viewusers' => 'Se brugere',
); );

View file

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
<?php <?php
return [ return [
'send_password_link' => 'Send Password Reset Link', 'send_password_link' => 'Send Link til nulstilling af adgangskode',
'email_reset_password' => 'Email Password Reset', 'email_reset_password' => 'Nulstil adgangskode',
'reset_password' => 'Reset Password', 'reset_password' => 'Nulstil adgangskode',
'login' => 'Login', 'login' => 'Login',
'login_prompt' => 'Please Login', 'login_prompt' => 'Log venligst ind',
'forgot_password' => 'I forgot my password', 'forgot_password' => 'Jeg har glemt min adgangskode',
'remember_me' => 'Remember Me', 'remember_me' => 'Husk mig',
]; ];

View file

@ -54,21 +54,21 @@ return array(
'read_the_terms' => 'Please read the terms of use below.', 'read_the_terms' => 'Please read the terms of use below.',
'read_the_terms_and_click' => 'Please read the terms of use below, and click on the link at the bottom to confirm that you read 'read_the_terms_and_click' => 'Please read the terms of use below, and click on the link at the bottom to confirm that you read
and agree to the terms of use, and have received the asset.', and agree to the terms of use, and have received the asset.',
'requested' => 'Requested:', 'requested' => 'Anmodede om:',
'reset_link' => 'Your Password Reset Link', 'reset_link' => 'Your Password Reset Link',
'reset_password' => 'Click here to reset your password:', 'reset_password' => 'Klik her for at nulstille adgangskoden:',
'serial' => 'Serial:', 'serial' => 'Serial:',
'supplier' => 'Supplier', 'supplier' => 'Leverandør',
'tag' => 'Tag', 'tag' => 'Mærkat',
'test_email' => 'Test Email from Snipe-IT', 'test_email' => 'Test E-mail fra Snipe-IT',
'test_mail_text' => 'This is a test from the Snipe-IT Asset Management System. If you got this, mail is working :)', 'test_mail_text' => 'Dette er en test fra Snipe-IT Asset Management System. Hvis du fik dette, virker mailen :)',
'the_following_item' => 'The following item has been checked in: ', 'the_following_item' => 'The following item has been checked in: ',
'There_are' => '{1} There is|[2,Inf] There are', 'There_are' => '{1} Der er| [2,Inf] Der er',
'to_reset' => 'To reset your :web password, complete this form:', 'to_reset' => 'Nulstille din :web-adgangskode, udfylde denne formular:',
'type' => 'Type', 'type' => 'Type',
'user' => 'User:', 'user' => 'Bruger:',
'username' => 'Username:', 'username' => 'Brugernavn:',
'welcome' => 'Welcome :name', 'welcome' => 'Velkommen :navn',
'welcome_to' => 'Welcome to :web!', 'welcome_to' => 'Velkommen til :web!',
'your_credentials' => 'Your Snipe-IT credentials', 'your_credentials' => 'Dine Snipe-IT Legitimationsoplysninger',
); );

View file

@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
'success' => 'Konserwacja aktywa utworzona pomyślnie.' 'success' => 'Konserwacja aktywa utworzona pomyślnie.'
], ],
'edit' => [ 'edit' => [
'error' => 'Asset Maintenance was not edited, please try again.', 'error' => 'Konserwacja aktywa nie została edytowana, spróbuj ponownie.',
'success' => 'Asset Maintenance edited successfully.' 'success' => 'Edycja konserwacji aktywa zakończona pomyślnie.'
], ],
'asset_maintenance_incomplete' => 'Nieukończone', 'asset_maintenance_incomplete' => 'Nieukończone',
'warranty' => 'Gwarancja', 'warranty' => 'Gwarancja',

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
return array( return array(
'about_categories_title' => 'O Kategoriach', 'about_categories_title' => 'O Kategoriach',
'about_categories' => 'Categories help you organize your items. Some example categories might be &quot;Desktops&quot;, &quot;Laptops&quot;, &quot;Mobile Phones&quot;, &quot;Tablets&quot;, and so on, but you can use categories any way that makes sense for you.', 'about_categories' => 'Kategorie pozwolą lepiej zorganizować twoje aktywa. Przykłady kategorii to np. &quot; Stacje robocze&quot;, &quot;Laptopy&quot;, &quot;Telefony&quot;, &quot;Tablety&quot;, i inne dowolnie przez Ciebie wymyślone.',
'asset_categories' => 'Kategorie aktywów', 'asset_categories' => 'Kategorie aktywów',
'category_name' => 'Nazwa kategorii', 'category_name' => 'Nazwa kategorii',
'checkin_email' => 'Wyślij email przy przypisywaniu do użytkownika.', 'checkin_email' => 'Wyślij email przy przypisywaniu do użytkownika.',

View file

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ return array(
'fieldset' => array( 'fieldset' => array(
'does_not_exist' => 'Fieldset does not exist', 'does_not_exist' => 'Zestaw pól nie istnieje',
'create' => array( 'create' => array(
'error' => 'Zestaw pól nie został utworzony, spróbuj ponownie.', 'error' => 'Zestaw pól nie został utworzony, spróbuj ponownie.',

View file

@ -2,20 +2,20 @@
return array( return array(
'does_not_exist' => 'Department does not exist.', 'does_not_exist' => 'Wydział nie istnieje.',
'assoc_users' => 'This department is currently associated with at least one user and cannot be deleted. Please update your users to no longer reference this department and try again. ', 'assoc_users' => 'Ten wydział obecnie jest skojarzony z co najmniej jednym użytkownikiem i nie może zostać usunięty. Uaktualnij użytkowników tak, aby nie było relacji z tym wydziałem i spróbuj ponownie. ',
'create' => array( 'create' => array(
'error' => 'Department was not created, please try again.', 'error' => 'Wydział nie został utworzony. Spróbuj ponownie.',
'success' => 'Department created successfully.' 'success' => 'Wydział utworzony pomyślnie.'
), ),
'update' => array( 'update' => array(
'error' => 'Department was not updated, please try again', 'error' => 'Wydział nie został utworzony. Spróbuj ponownie',
'success' => 'Department updated successfully.' 'success' => 'Wydział utworzony pomyślnie.'
), ),
'delete' => array( 'delete' => array(
'confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this department?', 'confirm' => 'Czy na pewno usunąć wybrany wydział?',
'error' => 'There was an issue deleting the department. Please try again.', 'error' => 'Podczas usuwania wydziału napotkano problem. Spróbuj ponownie.',
'success' => 'The department was deleted successfully.' 'success' => 'Wydział usunięty pomyślnie.'
) )
); );

View file

@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
return array( return array(
'id' => 'ID', 'id' => 'ID',
'name' => 'Department Name', 'name' => 'Nazwa wydziału',
'manager' => 'Manager', 'manager' => 'Menedżer',
'location' => 'Location', 'location' => 'Lokalizacja',
'create' => 'Create Department', 'create' => 'Utwórz wydział',
'update' => 'Update Department', 'update' => 'Aktualizuj wydział',
); );

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ return array(
'asset' => 'Nabytek', 'asset' => 'Nabytek',
'bulk_checkout' => 'Przypisane aktywa do użytkownika', 'bulk_checkout' => 'Przypisane aktywa do użytkownika',
'checkin' => 'Potwierdzanie zasobu/aktywa', 'checkin' => 'Potwierdzanie zasobu/aktywa',
'checkout' => 'Checkout Asset', 'checkout' => 'Przypisz zasób',
'clone' => 'Klonuj zasób', 'clone' => 'Klonuj zasób',
'deployable' => 'Gotowe do wdrożenia', 'deployable' => 'Gotowe do wdrożenia',
'deleted' => 'To aktywo zostało usunięte. <a href="/hardware/:asset_id/restore">Kliknij tutaj, aby je przywrócić</a>.', 'deleted' => 'To aktywo zostało usunięte. <a href="/hardware/:asset_id/restore">Kliknij tutaj, aby je przywrócić</a>.',

View file

@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ return array(
), ),
'audit' => array( 'audit' => array(
'error' => 'Asset audit was unsuccessful. Please try again.', 'error' => 'Audyt aktywów nie powiódł się. Proszę spróbować ponownie.',
'success' => 'Asset audit successfully logged.' 'success' => 'Audyt aktywów pomyślnie zarejestrowany.'
), ),
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ return array(
'delete' => array( 'delete' => array(
'confirm' => 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć?', 'confirm' => 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć?',
'error' => 'Nie można usunąć. Proszę spróbować ponownie.', 'error' => 'Nie można usunąć. Proszę spróbować ponownie.',
'nothing_updated' => 'No assets were selected, so nothing was deleted.', 'nothing_updated' => 'Aktywa nie zostały wybrane, więc nic nie zostało usunięte.',
'success' => 'Nabytek został usunięty.' 'success' => 'Nabytek został usunięty.'
), ),

View file

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ return array(
'error' => 'Plik(i) nie zostały wysłane. Spróbuj ponownie.', 'error' => 'Plik(i) nie zostały wysłane. Spróbuj ponownie.',
'success' => 'Plik(i) zostały wysłane poprawnie.', 'success' => 'Plik(i) zostały wysłane poprawnie.',
'nofiles' => 'Nie wybrałeś żadnych plików do przesłania, albo plik, który próbujesz przekazać jest zbyt duży', 'nofiles' => 'Nie wybrałeś żadnych plików do przesłania, albo plik, który próbujesz przekazać jest zbyt duży',
'invalidfiles' => 'One or more of your files is too large or is a filetype that is not allowed. Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, rar, rtf, xml, and lic.', 'invalidfiles' => 'Jeden lub więcej z wybranych przez ciebie plików jest za duży lub jego typ nie jest dopuszczony. Dopuszczalne typy plików: png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, rar, rtf, xml, and lic.',
), ),
'update' => array( 'update' => array(

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
return array( return array(
'about_locations_title' => 'O Lokalizacjach', 'about_locations_title' => 'O Lokalizacjach',
'about_locations' => 'Locations are used to track location information for users, assets, and other items', 'about_locations' => 'Lokalizacje są używane do śledzenia informacji o lokalizacji użytkowników, aktywów i innych elementów',
'assets_rtd' => 'Aktywa', // This has NEVER meant Assets Retired. I don't know how it keeps getting reverted. 'assets_rtd' => 'Aktywa', // This has NEVER meant Assets Retired. I don't know how it keeps getting reverted.
'assets_checkedout' => 'Aktywa przypisane', 'assets_checkedout' => 'Aktywa przypisane',
'id' => 'ID', 'id' => 'ID',
@ -17,5 +17,5 @@ return array(
'locations' => 'Lokalizacje', 'locations' => 'Lokalizacje',
'parent' => 'Rodzic', 'parent' => 'Rodzic',
'currency' => 'Waluta lokalna', 'currency' => 'Waluta lokalna',
'ldap_ou' => 'LDAP Search OU', 'ldap_ou' => 'OU wyszukiwania LDAP',
); );

View file

@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
return array( return array(
'about_manufacturers_title' => 'O Producentach', 'about_manufacturers_title' => 'O Producentach',
'about_manufacturers_text' => 'Manufacturers are the companies that create your assets. You can store important support contact information about them here, which will be displayed on your asset detail pages.', 'about_manufacturers_text' => 'Producentami są firmy, które wytwarzają Twoje aktywa. Możesz przechowywać informacje o tych firmach, które będą wyświetlane na stronach szczegółów aktywów.',
'asset_manufacturers' => 'Producenci aktywów', 'asset_manufacturers' => 'Producenci aktywów',
'create' => 'Stwórz Producenta', 'create' => 'Stwórz Producenta',
'id' => 'ID', 'id' => 'ID',
'name' => 'Name', 'name' => 'Nazwa',
'support_email' => 'Support Email', 'support_email' => 'Email wsparcia technicznego',
'support_phone' => 'Support Phone', 'support_phone' => 'Telefon wsparcia technicznego',
'support_url' => 'Support URL', 'support_url' => 'Adres WWW wsparcia technicznego',
'update' => 'Zaktualizuj Producenta', 'update' => 'Zaktualizuj Producenta',
'url' => 'URL', 'url' => 'Adres WWW',
); );

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
return array( return array(
'about_models_title' => 'O Modelach aktywów', 'about_models_title' => 'O Modelach aktywów',
'about_models_text' => 'Asset Models are a way to group identical assets. "MBP 2013", "IPhone 6s", etc.', 'about_models_text' => 'Modele aktywów są sposobem grupowania identycznych aktywów. "MBP 2013", "IPhone 6s", itp.',
'deleted' => 'Model został usunięty. <a href="/hardware/models/:model_id/restore">Kliknij aby przywrócić</a>.', 'deleted' => 'Model został usunięty. <a href="/hardware/models/:model_id/restore">Kliknij aby przywrócić</a>.',
'restore' => 'Przywróć Model', 'restore' => 'Przywróć Model',
'requestable' => 'Użytkownicy mogą zażądać tego modelu', 'requestable' => 'Użytkownicy mogą zażądać tego modelu',

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ return array(
'alert_interval' => 'Próg wygasających alarmów (w dniach)', 'alert_interval' => 'Próg wygasających alarmów (w dniach)',
'alert_inv_threshold' => 'Inwentarz progu alarmów', 'alert_inv_threshold' => 'Inwentarz progu alarmów',
'asset_ids' => 'ID Aktywa', 'asset_ids' => 'ID Aktywa',
'audit_interval' => 'Audit Interval', 'audit_interval' => 'Interwał audytu',
'audit_interval_help' => 'If you are required to regularly physically audit your assets, enter the interval in months.', 'audit_interval_help' => 'If you are required to regularly physically audit your assets, enter the interval in months.',
'audit_warning_days' => 'Audit Warning Threshold', 'audit_warning_days' => 'Audit Warning Threshold',
'audit_warning_days_help' => 'How many days in advance should we warn you when assets are due for auditing?', 'audit_warning_days_help' => 'How many days in advance should we warn you when assets are due for auditing?',

View file

@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ return array(
'request' => 'Zamówienie', 'request' => 'Zamówienie',
'submit' => 'Zatwierdź', 'submit' => 'Zatwierdź',
'upload' => 'Wgraj', 'upload' => 'Wgraj',
'select_file' => 'Select File...', 'select_file' => 'Wybierz plik...',
); );

View file

@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
'asset_report' => 'Raporty Aktywów', 'asset_report' => 'Raporty Aktywów',
'asset_tag' => 'Krótka nazwa', 'asset_tag' => 'Krótka nazwa',
'assets_available' => 'Aktywa dostępne', 'assets_available' => 'Aktywa dostępne',
'audit' => 'Audit', 'audit' => 'Audyt',
'audit_report' => 'Audit Log', 'audit_report' => 'Dziennik zdarzeń',
'assets' => 'Aktywa', 'assets' => 'Aktywa',
'avatar_delete' => 'Skasuj Avatara', 'avatar_delete' => 'Skasuj Avatara',
'avatar_upload' => 'Wgraj Avatara', 'avatar_upload' => 'Wgraj Avatara',
@ -38,12 +38,12 @@
'checkin_from' => 'Formularz odebrania', 'checkin_from' => 'Formularz odebrania',
'checkout' => 'Przypisz', 'checkout' => 'Przypisz',
'city' => 'Miasto', 'city' => 'Miasto',
'click_here' => 'Click here', 'click_here' => 'Kliknij tutaj',
'companies' => 'Firmy', 'companies' => 'Firmy',
'company' => 'Firma', 'company' => 'Firma',
'component' => 'Składnik', 'component' => 'Składnik',
'components' => 'Składniki', 'components' => 'Składniki',
'complete' => 'Complete', 'complete' => 'Ukończone',
'consumable' => 'Materiał eksploatacyjny', 'consumable' => 'Materiał eksploatacyjny',
'consumables' => 'Materiały eksploatacyjne', 'consumables' => 'Materiały eksploatacyjne',
'country' => 'Kraj', 'country' => 'Kraj',
@ -51,21 +51,21 @@
'created' => 'Item Created', 'created' => 'Item Created',
'created_asset' => 'Utworzone aktywa', 'created_asset' => 'Utworzone aktywa',
'created_at' => 'Utworzone', 'created_at' => 'Utworzone',
'updated_at' => 'Updated at', 'updated_at' => 'Zaktualizowano',
'currency' => 'PLN', // this is deprecated 'currency' => 'PLN', // this is deprecated
'current' => 'Lista urzytkowników', 'current' => 'Lista urzytkowników',
'custom_report' => 'Raport niestandardowy składnik aktywów', 'custom_report' => 'Raport niestandardowy składnik aktywów',
'dashboard' => 'Panel główny', 'dashboard' => 'Panel główny',
'days' => 'days', 'days' => 'dni',
'days_to_next_audit' => 'Days to Next Audit', 'days_to_next_audit' => 'Days to Next Audit',
'date' => 'Data', 'date' => 'Data',
'debug_warning' => 'Ostrzeżenie!', 'debug_warning' => 'Ostrzeżenie!',
'debug_warning_text' => 'This application is running in production mode with debugging enabled. This can expose sensitive data if your application is accessible to the outside world. Disable debug mode by setting the <code>APP_DEBUG</code> value in your <code>.env</code> file to <code>false</code>.', 'debug_warning_text' => 'Ta aplikacja jest uruchomiona w trybie produkcyjnym z włączonym debugowaniem. Jeśli aplikacja jest dostępna na zewnątrz, może to zagrażać ujawnieniem wrażliwych danych. Wyłącz tryb debugowania przez ustawienie wartości <code>APP_DEBUG</code> w pliku <code>.env</code> na <code>false</code>.',
'delete' => 'Kasuj', 'delete' => 'Kasuj',
'deleted' => 'Usunięte', 'deleted' => 'Usunięte',
'delete_seats' => 'Usunięte miejsca', 'delete_seats' => 'Usunięte miejsca',
'departments' => 'Departments', 'departments' => 'Lokalizacje',
'department' => 'Department', 'department' => 'Lokalizacja',
'deployed' => 'Rozmieszczone', 'deployed' => 'Rozmieszczone',
'depreciation_report' => 'Raport Amortyzacji', 'depreciation_report' => 'Raport Amortyzacji',
'download' => 'Pobieranie', 'download' => 'Pobieranie',
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
'insufficient_permissions' => 'Brak uprawnień!', 'insufficient_permissions' => 'Brak uprawnień!',
'language' => 'Język', 'language' => 'Język',
'last' => 'Ostatni', 'last' => 'Ostatni',
'last_login' => 'Last Login', 'last_login' => 'Ostatnie logowanie',
'last_name' => 'Nazwisko', 'last_name' => 'Nazwisko',
'license' => 'Licencja', 'license' => 'Licencja',
'license_report' => 'Raport Licencji', 'license_report' => 'Raport Licencji',
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
'list_all' => 'Pokaż Wszystkie', 'list_all' => 'Pokaż Wszystkie',
'loading' => 'Wczytywanie', 'loading' => 'Wczytywanie',
'lock_passwords' => 'Tego pola nie można edytować dla tej instalacji.', 'lock_passwords' => 'Tego pola nie można edytować dla tej instalacji.',
'feature_disabled' => 'This feature has been disabled for the demo installation.', 'feature_disabled' => 'Ta funkcja została wyłączona dla instalacji demo.',
'location' => 'Lokalizacja', 'location' => 'Lokalizacja',
'locations' => 'Lokalizacje', 'locations' => 'Lokalizacje',
'logout' => 'Wyloguj się', 'logout' => 'Wyloguj się',
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
'select_model' => 'Wybierz Model', 'select_model' => 'Wybierz Model',
'select_supplier' => 'Wybierz dostawcę', 'select_supplier' => 'Wybierz dostawcę',
'select_user' => 'Wybierz użytkownika', 'select_user' => 'Wybierz użytkownika',
'select_date' => 'Select Date (YYYY-MM-DD)', 'select_date' => 'Wybierz Datę (RRRR MM-DD)',
'select_statuslabel' => 'Wybierz status', 'select_statuslabel' => 'Wybierz status',
'select_company' => 'Wybierz firmę', 'select_company' => 'Wybierz firmę',
'select_asset' => 'Wybierz aktywa', 'select_asset' => 'Wybierz aktywa',
@ -174,10 +174,10 @@
'status' => 'Status', 'status' => 'Status',
'supplier' => 'Dostawca', 'supplier' => 'Dostawca',
'suppliers' => 'Dostawcy', 'suppliers' => 'Dostawcy',
'sure_to_delete' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete', 'sure_to_delete' => 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć',
'submit' => 'Zatwierdź', 'submit' => 'Zatwierdź',
'target' => 'Target', 'target' => 'Cel',
'time_and_date_display' => 'Time and Date Display', 'time_and_date_display' => 'Wyświetlanie daty i czasu',
'total_assets' => 'Ogółem aktywów', 'total_assets' => 'Ogółem aktywów',
'total_licenses' => 'Ogółem licencji', 'total_licenses' => 'Ogółem licencji',
'total_accessories' => 'Ogółem akcesorii', 'total_accessories' => 'Ogółem akcesorii',

View file

@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ return array(
'alert_inv_threshold' => 'Limite de Alerta de Inventário', 'alert_inv_threshold' => 'Limite de Alerta de Inventário',
'asset_ids' => 'ID do ativo', 'asset_ids' => 'ID do ativo',
'audit_interval' => 'Audit Interval', 'audit_interval' => 'Audit Interval',
'audit_interval_help' => 'If you are required to regularly physically audit your assets, enter the interval in months.', 'audit_interval_help' => 'Se você precisa verificar fisicamente seus ativos com frequência, insira um intervalo em meses.',
'audit_warning_days' => 'Audit Warning Threshold', 'audit_warning_days' => 'Audit Warning Threshold',
'audit_warning_days_help' => 'How many days in advance should we warn you when assets are due for auditing?', 'audit_warning_days_help' => 'Com quantos dias de antecedência deseja ser avisado sobre a verificação de seus ativos?',
'auto_increment_assets' => 'Gerar ID de ativo crescente', 'auto_increment_assets' => 'Gerar ID de ativo crescente',
'auto_increment_prefix' => 'Prefixo (opcional)', 'auto_increment_prefix' => 'Prefixo (opcional)',
'auto_incrementing_help' => 'Permitir auto insercao dessa ID de ativo antes de configurar isso', 'auto_incrementing_help' => 'Permitir auto insercao dessa ID de ativo antes de configurar isso',
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ return array(
'pwd_secure_complexity' => 'Password Complexity', 'pwd_secure_complexity' => 'Password Complexity',
'pwd_secure_complexity_help' => 'Select whichever password complexity rules you wish to enforce.', 'pwd_secure_complexity_help' => 'Select whichever password complexity rules you wish to enforce.',
'pwd_secure_min' => 'Password minimum characters', 'pwd_secure_min' => 'Password minimum characters',
'pwd_secure_min_help' => 'Minimum permitted value is 5', 'pwd_secure_min_help' => 'Valor mínimo permitido é 5',
'pwd_secure_uncommon' => 'Prevent common passwords', 'pwd_secure_uncommon' => 'Prevent common passwords',
'pwd_secure_uncommon_help' => 'This will disallow users from using common passwords from the top 10,000 passwords reported in breaches.', 'pwd_secure_uncommon_help' => 'This will disallow users from using common passwords from the top 10,000 passwords reported in breaches.',
'qr_help' => 'Habilite os Códigos QR primeiro para definir isto', 'qr_help' => 'Habilite os Códigos QR primeiro para definir isto',