mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 12:40:39 -08:00
Added simple_view to use compact, no pagination view of tables
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,47 +15,59 @@ $('.snipe-table').bootstrapTable({
classes: 'table table-responsive table-no-bordered',
undefinedText: '',
iconsPrefix: 'fa',
showRefresh: true,
@if (isset($search))
search: true,
search: true,
pageSize: {{ $snipeSettings->per_page }},
pagination: true,
paginationVAlign: 'both',
sidePagination: 'server',
sortable: true,
@if (!isset($simple_view))
pagination: true,
pageSize: {{ $snipeSettings->per_page }},
showRefresh: true,
cookie: true,
cookieExpire: '2y',
@if (isset($columns))
columns: {!! $columns !!},
mobileResponsive: true,
@if (isset($multiSort))
showMultiSort: true,
showExport: true,
showColumns: true,
trimOnSearch: false,
exportDataType: 'all',
exportTypes: ['csv', 'excel', 'doc', 'txt','json', 'xml', 'pdf'],
exportOptions: {
fileName: '{{ $exportFile . "-" }}' + (new Date()).toISOString().slice(0,10),
ignoreColumn: ['actions','change','checkbox','checkincheckout'],
worksheetName: "Snipe-IT Export",
jspdf: {
autotable: {
styles: {
rowHeight: 20,
fontSize: 10,
overflow: 'linebreak',
headerStyles: {fillColor: 255, textColor: 0},
//alternateRowStyles: {fillColor: [60, 69, 79], textColor: 255}
@if (isset($multiSort))
showMultiSort: true,
@if (isset($exportFile))
exportDataType: 'all',
exportTypes: ['csv', 'excel', 'doc', 'txt','json', 'xml', 'pdf'],
exportOptions: {
fileName: '{{ $exportFile . "-" }}' + (new Date()).toISOString().slice(0,10),
ignoreColumn: ['actions','change','checkbox','checkincheckout'],
worksheetName: "Snipe-IT Export",
jspdf: {
autotable: {
styles: {
rowHeight: 20,
fontSize: 10,
overflow: 'linebreak',
headerStyles: {fillColor: 255, textColor: 0},
//alternateRowStyles: {fillColor: [60, 69, 79], textColor: 255}
@if (isset($columns))
columns: {!! $columns !!},
mobileResponsive: true,
maintainSelected: true,
paginationFirstText: "{{ trans('general.first') }}",
@ -215,6 +227,11 @@ $('.snipe-table').bootstrapTable({
function iconFormatter(value, row) {
if (value) {
return '<i class="' + value + '"></i>';
function emailFormatter(value, row) {
if (value) {
Reference in a new issue