mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 03:15:45 -08:00
Updated language strings
This commit is contained in:
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ return array(
'login_common_disabled_text' => 'Disable other authentication mechanisms',
'login_common_disabled_help' => 'This option disables other authentication mechanisms. Just enable this option if you are sure that your REMOTE_USER login is already working',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_text' => 'Custom logout URL',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If filled users will get redirected to this URL after the Session of SnipeIT is closed (Logout). This is usefull to close the user sessions of your Authenticationprovider correctly.',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If filled users will get redirected to this URL after the Session of SnipeIT is closed (Logout). This is useful to close the user sessions of your Authentication provider correctly.',
'logo' => 'logo',
'full_multiple_companies_support_help_text' => 'Beperking van gebruikers (insluitend administrateurs) wat aan maatskappye toegewys is aan hul maatskappy se bates.',
'full_multiple_companies_support_text' => 'Volledige Veelvuldige Maatskappye Ondersteuning',
@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ return array(
'slack_test_help' => 'Test whether your Slack integration is configured correctly. YOU MUST SAVE YOUR UPDATED SLACK SETTINGS FIRST.',
'snipe_version' => 'Snipe-IT-weergawe',
'support_footer' => 'Support Footer Links ',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the links to the Snipe-IT Support info and Users Manual',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the links to the Snipe-IT Support info and Users Manual.',
'version_footer' => 'Version in Footer ',
'version_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the Snipe-IT version and build number.',
'system' => 'Stelselinligting',
'update' => 'Opdateer instellings',
'value' => 'waarde',
@ -177,5 +179,7 @@ return array(
'bottom' => 'onderkant',
'vertical' => 'vertikale',
'horizontal' => 'horisontale',
'unique_serial' => 'Unique serial numbers',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'Lengte van bate-etikette, insluitend zerofill',
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
return array(
'activated_help_text' => 'This user can login',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'You cannot edit activation status for your own account.',
'assets_user' => 'Bates toegewys aan: naam',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'Jy is op die punt om die eienskappe van gebruikers_count gebruikers te wysig. Hou daar rekening mee dat u nie u eie gebruikers eienskappe kan verander deur hierdie vorm te gebruik en u eie gebruikers afzonderlijk moet wysig.',
'bulk_update_help' => 'Met hierdie vorm kan u verskeie gebruikers gelyktydig bywerk. Vul slegs die velde in wat u moet verander. Enige velde wat leeg is, bly onveranderd.',
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
'unknown_admin' => 'Onbekende Admin',
'username_format' => 'Gebruikernaam',
'update' => 'Opdateer',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, txt, lic, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'uploaded' => 'opgelaai',
'user' => 'gebruiker',
'accepted' => 'aanvaarde',
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ return array(
'about_categories' => 'التصنيفات تساعدك على ترتيب الأصول. من الأمثلة على التصنيفات " حواسيب مكتبية "، " حواسيب محمولة "، "الهواتف النقالة "، "أجهزة لوحية " وهكذا، كما يمكنك استخدام التصنيفات بأي طريقة تناسبك.',
'asset_categories' => 'تصنيفات الأصول',
'category_name' => 'اسم التصنيف',
'checkin_email' => 'Send email to user on checkin/checkout.',
'checkin_email_notification' => 'This user will be sent an email on checkin/checkout.',
'checkin_email' => 'إرسال رسالة إلكترونية للمستخدم عند الإدخال \\ الإخراج.',
'checkin_email_notification' => 'سيتم إرسال رسالة إلكترونية إلى هذا المستخدم عند الإدخال \\ الإخراج.',
'clone' => 'نسخ التصنيف',
'create' => 'إنشاء تصنيف',
'edit' => 'تعديل التصنيف',
@ -28,5 +28,5 @@ return array(
'create_fieldset' => 'مجموعة حقول جديدة',
'create_field' => 'حقل جديد مخصص',
'value_encrypted' => 'هذا الحقل مشفر في قاعدة البيانات. يمكن قرائته من قبل مدراء النظام فقط',
'show_in_email' => 'Include the value of this field in checkout emails sent to the user? Encrypted fields cannot be included in emails.',
'show_in_email' => 'هل تريد تضمين قيمة هذا الحقل في رسائل البريد الإلكتروني المرسلة إلى المستخدم؟ لا يمكن تضمين الحقول المشفرة في رسائل البريد الإلكتروني.',
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ return array(
'tag' => 'ترميز الأصل',
'update' => 'تحديث الأصل',
'warranty' => 'الضمان',
'warranty_expires' => 'Warranty Expires',
'warranty_expires' => 'انتهاء مدة صلاحية الضمان',
'years' => 'سنوات',
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ return array(
'about_assets_text' => 'الأصول هي العناصر التي يتم تتبعها بواسطة الرقم التسلسلي أو ترميز الأصل. وهي تميل إلى أن تكون ممتلكات ذات قيمة أعلى حيث انه من المهم توثيقها.',
'archived' => 'مؤرشفة',
'asset' => 'أصل',
'bulk_checkout' => 'Checkout Assets',
'bulk_checkout' => 'إخراج الأصول',
'checkin' => 'ادخال الأصل',
'checkout' => 'اخراج الأصل',
'clone' => 'استنساخ الأصل',
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ return array(
'restore' => array(
'error' => 'Manufacturer was not restored, please try again',
'success' => 'Manufacturer restored successfully.'
'error' => 'لم تتم استعادة الشركة المصنعة، يرجى المحاولة مرة أخرى',
'success' => 'تم إستعادة الشركة المصنعة بنجاح.'
'delete' => array(
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ return array(
'about_models_title' => 'حول موديلات الأصول',
'about_models_text' => 'موديلات الأصول هي طريقة لتجميع الأصول المتطابقة "MBP 2013", "IPhone 6s", الخ.',
'deleted' => 'تم حذف هذا الموديل. <a href="/hardware/models/:model_id/restore"> انقر هنا لاستعادته </a>.',
'bulk_delete' => 'Bulk Delete Asset Models',
'bulk_delete_help' => 'Use the checkboxes below to confirm the deletion of the selected asset models. Asset models that have assets associated with them cannot be deleted until the assets are associated with a different model.',
'bulk_delete_warn' => 'You are about to delete :model_count asset models.',
'bulk_delete' => 'حذف موديلات الاصول بالجملة',
'bulk_delete_help' => 'استخدم مربعات الاختيار أدناه لتأكيد حذف موديلات الأصول المحددة. لا يمكن حذف موديلات الأصول التي تحتوي على أصول مرتبطة بها إلى أن يتم ربط الأصول بموديل مختلف.',
'bulk_delete_warn' => 'أنت على وشك حذف :model_count من موديلات الأصول.',
'restore' => 'إستعادة الموديل',
'requestable' => 'يمكن للمستخدمين طلب هذا الموديل',
'show_mac_address' => 'عرض حقل عنوان ماك MAC في الأصول لهذا الموديل',
@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ return array(
'view_models' => 'عرض الموديلات',
'fieldset' => 'مجموعة حقول',
'no_custom_field' => 'لا يوجد حقول مخصصة',
'add_default_values' => 'Add default values',
'add_default_values' => 'أضف القيم الافتراضية',
@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ return array(
'bulkdelete' => array(
'error' => 'No models were selected, so nothing was deleted.',
'success' => ':success_count model(s) deleted!',
'success_partial' => ':success_count model(s) were deleted, however :fail_count were unable to be deleted because they still have assets associated with them.'
'error' => 'لم يتم اختيار أي موديلات، لذلك لم يتم حذف أي شيء.',
'success' => 'تم حذف success_count: من الموديلات!',
'success_partial' => 'تم حذف:success_count: من الموديلات، ومع ذلك تعذر حذف fail_count: نظرًا لأنها لا تزال تحتوي على أصول مقترنة بها.'
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ return array(
'ad' => 'الدليل النشط',
'ad_domain' => 'مجال الدليل النشط',
'ad_domain_help' => 'هذا هو أحيانا نفس نطاق البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك، ولكن ليس دائما.',
'admin_cc_email' => 'CC Email',
'admin_cc_email' => 'نسخة اضافية للبريد الإكتروني',
'admin_cc_email_help' => 'If you would like to send a copy of checkin/checkout emails that are sent to users to an additional email account, enter it here. Otherwise leave this field blank.',
'is_ad' => 'هذا هو ملقم أكتيف ديركتوري',
'alert_email' => 'إرسال تنبيهات إلى',
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ return array(
'login_common_disabled_text' => 'Disable other authentication mechanisms',
'login_common_disabled_help' => 'This option disables other authentication mechanisms. Just enable this option if you are sure that your REMOTE_USER login is already working',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_text' => 'Custom logout URL',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If filled users will get redirected to this URL after the Session of SnipeIT is closed (Logout). This is usefull to close the user sessions of your Authenticationprovider correctly.',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If filled users will get redirected to this URL after the Session of SnipeIT is closed (Logout). This is useful to close the user sessions of your Authentication provider correctly.',
'logo' => 'شعار',
'full_multiple_companies_support_help_text' => 'تقييد المستخدمين (بما في ذلك المشرفون) المعينون للشركات إلى أصول شركاتهم.',
'full_multiple_companies_support_text' => 'كامل دعم الشركات المتعددة',
@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ return array(
'slack_test_help' => 'Test whether your Slack integration is configured correctly. YOU MUST SAVE YOUR UPDATED SLACK SETTINGS FIRST.',
'snipe_version' => 'قنص-إيت الإصدار',
'support_footer' => 'Support Footer Links ',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the links to the Snipe-IT Support info and Users Manual',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the links to the Snipe-IT Support info and Users Manual.',
'version_footer' => 'Version in Footer ',
'version_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the Snipe-IT version and build number.',
'system' => 'معلومات النظام',
'update' => 'إعدادات التحديث',
'value' => 'القيمة',
@ -177,5 +179,7 @@ return array(
'bottom' => 'الأسفل',
'vertical' => 'عمودي',
'horizontal' => 'أفقي',
'unique_serial' => 'Unique serial numbers',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'طول ترميز الأصل، بما في ذلك تعبئة الاصفار',
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
return array(
'activated_help_text' => 'This user can login',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'You cannot edit activation status for your own account.',
'assets_user' => 'الأصول التي تم اخراجها إلى :name',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'أنت على وشك تعديل خصائص :user_count من المستخدمين. يرجى ملاحظة أنه لا يمكنك تغيير سمات المستخدم الخاصة بك باستخدام هذا النموذج، ويجب إجراء تعديلات على المستخدم الخاص بك بشكل على حدة.',
'bulk_update_help' => 'يتيح لك هذا النموذج تحديث عدة مستخدمين في وقت واحد. قم بملء الحقول التي تحتاج إلى تغييرها. ستظل أية حقول فارغة فارغة دون تغيير.',
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
'activity_report' => 'تقرير الأنشطة',
'address' => 'العنوان',
'admin' => 'الإدارة',
'administrator' => 'Administrator',
'administrator' => 'المدير',
'add_seats' => 'المقاعد المضافة',
'all_assets' => 'كل الأصول',
'all' => 'الكل',
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
'unknown_admin' => 'إداري غير معروف',
'username_format' => 'تنسيق اسم المستخدم',
'update' => 'تحديث',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, txt, lic, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'uploaded' => 'تم تحميلها',
'user' => 'المستخدم',
'accepted' => 'قبلت',
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ return array(
'about_categories' => 'Категориите помагат с организирането на вашите елементи. Някои примерни категории могат да бъдат "Настолни компютри","Лаптопи","Мобилни телефони","Таблети", и т.н., но може да използвате всяка категория, имаща смисъл за организацията ви.',
'asset_categories' => 'Категории на активи',
'category_name' => 'Име на категория',
'checkin_email' => 'Send email to user on checkin/checkout.',
'checkin_email_notification' => 'This user will be sent an email on checkin/checkout.',
'checkin_email' => 'Изпращане на email до потребителя при вписване/изписване на активи.',
'checkin_email_notification' => 'Указаният потребител ще получава e-mail при вписване/изписване на активи.',
'clone' => 'Копиране на категория',
'create' => 'Създаване на категория',
'edit' => 'Редакция на категория',
@ -122,6 +122,8 @@ return array(
'snipe_version' => 'Snipe-IT версия',
'support_footer' => 'Връзки към Snipe-it поддръжката във футъра',
'support_footer_help' => 'Указва визуализацията на връзки към поддръжката на Snipe-IT и потребителската документация',
'version_footer' => 'Version in Footer ',
'version_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the Snipe-IT version and build number.',
'system' => 'Информация за системата',
'update' => 'Обновяване на настройките',
'value' => 'Стойност',
@ -132,9 +134,9 @@ return array(
'label_dimensions' => 'Измерения на етикети (инчове)',
'next_auto_tag_base' => 'Следващото автоматично увеличение',
'page_padding' => 'Марж на страница (инчове)',
'privacy_policy_link' => 'Link to Privacy Policy',
'privacy_policy' => 'Privacy Policy',
'privacy_policy_link_help' => 'If a url is included here, a link to your privacy policy will be included in the app footer and in any emails that the system sends out, in compliance with GDPR. ',
'privacy_policy_link' => 'Връзка към декларация за поверителност',
'privacy_policy' => 'Декларация за поверителност',
'privacy_policy_link_help' => 'Ако впишете адрес ще бъде добавена връзка към декларация за поверителност във футъра и във всички e-mail съобщения, в съответствие с GDPR.',
'purge' => 'Пречисти изтрити записи',
'labels_display_bgutter' => 'Обозначаване на долен канал',
'labels_display_sgutter' => 'Обозначаване на страничен канал',
@ -177,5 +179,7 @@ return array(
'bottom' => 'Долу',
'vertical' => 'Вертикално',
'horizontal' => 'Хоризонтално',
'unique_serial' => 'Unique serial numbers',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'Дължина на етикети на актив, включително zerofill',
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
return array(
'activated_help_text' => 'This user can login',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'You cannot edit activation status for your own account.',
'assets_user' => 'Активи предадени на :name',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'На път сте да редактирате свойствата на :user_count потребители. Моля обърнете внимание, че не можете да променяте собствените си атрибути използвайки този формуляр и трябва да нанесете промени към собствения си потребителски профил индивидуално.',
'bulk_update_help' => 'Този формуляр ви позволява да обновявате няколко потребителски профила едновременно. Попълнете единствено полетата, които желаете да промените. Всички празни полета няма да бъдат променени.',
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
'unknown_admin' => 'Непознат администратор',
'username_format' => 'Формат на потребителско име',
'update' => 'Обновяване',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Допустимите типове файлове са png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip и rar. Максималният размер за качване е :size.',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, txt, lic, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'uploaded' => 'Качен',
'user' => 'Потребител',
'accepted' => 'приет',
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ return array(
'login_common_disabled_text' => 'Disable other authentication mechanisms',
'login_common_disabled_help' => 'This option disables other authentication mechanisms. Just enable this option if you are sure that your REMOTE_USER login is already working',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_text' => 'Uživatelsky určená URL adresa odhlašování',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If filled users will get redirected to this URL after the Session of SnipeIT is closed (Logout). This is usefull to close the user sessions of your Authenticationprovider correctly.',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If filled users will get redirected to this URL after the Session of SnipeIT is closed (Logout). This is useful to close the user sessions of your Authentication provider correctly.',
'logo' => 'Logo',
'full_multiple_companies_support_help_text' => 'Omezení uživatelů (včetně správců) jsou přiřazená ke společnostem s majetkem společnosti.',
'full_multiple_companies_support_text' => 'Plná podpora více společností',
@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ return array(
'slack_test_help' => 'Test whether your Slack integration is configured correctly. YOU MUST SAVE YOUR UPDATED SLACK SETTINGS FIRST.',
'snipe_version' => 'Verze Snipe-IT',
'support_footer' => 'Support Footer Links ',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the links to the Snipe-IT Support info and Users Manual',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the links to the Snipe-IT Support info and Users Manual.',
'version_footer' => 'Version in Footer ',
'version_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the Snipe-IT version and build number.',
'system' => 'Systémové informace',
'update' => 'Upravit nastavení',
'value' => 'Hodnota',
@ -177,5 +179,7 @@ return array(
'bottom' => 'dole',
'vertical' => 'svislé',
'horizontal' => 'vodorovné',
'unique_serial' => 'Unique serial numbers',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'Délka značek majetku včetně zerofill',
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
return array(
'activated_help_text' => 'This user can login',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'You cannot edit activation status for your own account.',
'assets_user' => 'Majetky přiřazené :name',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'Chystáte se upravit vlastnosti :user_count uživatelů. Nezapomeňte, že pomocí tohoto formuláře nemůžete změnit vlastní atributy uživatele a musíte provádět vlastní úpravy individuálně.',
'bulk_update_help' => 'Tento formulář umožňuje aktualizovat více uživatelů najednou. Vyplňte pouze pole, která potřebujete změnit. Všechna pole, která jsou prázdná, zůstanou nezměněny.',
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
'unknown_admin' => 'Neznámy správce',
'username_format' => 'Formát uživatelského jména',
'update' => 'Aktualizace',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, txt, lic, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'uploaded' => 'Nahráno',
'user' => 'Uživatel',
'accepted' => 'přijato',
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ return array(
'login_common_disabled_text' => 'Disable other authentication mechanisms',
'login_common_disabled_help' => 'This option disables other authentication mechanisms. Just enable this option if you are sure that your REMOTE_USER login is already working',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_text' => 'Custom logout URL',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If filled users will get redirected to this URL after the Session of SnipeIT is closed (Logout). This is usefull to close the user sessions of your Authenticationprovider correctly.',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If filled users will get redirected to this URL after the Session of SnipeIT is closed (Logout). This is useful to close the user sessions of your Authentication provider correctly.',
'logo' => 'Logo',
'full_multiple_companies_support_help_text' => 'Begrænsning af brugere (herunder admins) tildelt virksomheder til deres virksomheds aktiver.',
'full_multiple_companies_support_text' => 'Fuld flere virksomheder support',
@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ return array(
'slack_test_help' => 'Test whether your Slack integration is configured correctly. YOU MUST SAVE YOUR UPDATED SLACK SETTINGS FIRST.',
'snipe_version' => 'Snipe-IT version',
'support_footer' => 'Support Footer Links ',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the links to the Snipe-IT Support info and Users Manual',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the links to the Snipe-IT Support info and Users Manual.',
'version_footer' => 'Version in Footer ',
'version_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the Snipe-IT version and build number.',
'system' => 'Systemoplysninger',
'update' => 'Opdater indstillinger',
'value' => 'Værdi',
@ -177,5 +179,7 @@ return array(
'bottom' => 'bund',
'vertical' => 'lodret',
'horizontal' => 'vandret',
'unique_serial' => 'Unique serial numbers',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'Længde af aktivetiketter, herunder zerofill',
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
return array(
'activated_help_text' => 'This user can login',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'You cannot edit activation status for your own account.',
'assets_user' => 'Aktiver tildelt :navn',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'Du er ved at redigere egenskaberne for: user_count-brugere. Bemærk, at du ikke kan ændre dine egne brugerattributter ved hjælp af denne formular, og skal foretage ændringer til din egen bruger individuelt.',
'bulk_update_help' => 'Denne formular giver dig mulighed for at opdatere flere brugere på én gang. Udfyld kun de felter, du skal ændre. Alle felter, der er tomt, forbliver uændrede.',
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
'unknown_admin' => 'Ukendt Admin',
'username_format' => 'Brugernavn Format',
'update' => 'Opdatering',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, txt, lic, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'uploaded' => 'uploaded',
'user' => 'Bruger',
'accepted' => 'accepteret',
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ return array(
'about_categories' => 'Kategorien helfen Ihnen beim Organisieren von Assets. Beispielkategorien sind "PCs", "Laptops", "Mobiltelefone", "Tablets" usw., jedoch können Sie Kategorien nutzen, wie Sie es für sinnvoll erachten.',
'asset_categories' => 'Asset-Kategorien',
'category_name' => 'Kategoriename',
'checkin_email' => 'Send email to user on checkin/checkout.',
'checkin_email_notification' => 'This user will be sent an email on checkin/checkout.',
'checkin_email' => 'Beim Checkin/Checkout eine E-Mail an den Benutzer senden.',
'checkin_email_notification' => 'Dieser Nutzer erhält beim Checkin / Checkout eine E-Mail.',
'clone' => 'Kategorie duplizieren',
'create' => 'Kategorie erstellen',
'edit' => 'Kategorie bearbeiten',
@ -122,6 +122,8 @@ return array(
'snipe_version' => 'Snipe-IT Version',
'support_footer' => 'Fußzeile Support-Link ',
'support_footer_help' => 'Geben Sie an, wer die Links zum Snipe-IT Support-Info und Benutzerhandbuch sieht',
'version_footer' => 'Version in Footer ',
'version_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the Snipe-IT version and build number.',
'system' => 'Systeminformationen',
'update' => 'Einstellungen übernehmen',
'value' => 'Wert',
@ -132,9 +134,9 @@ return array(
'label_dimensions' => 'Etikettengröße (Zoll)',
'next_auto_tag_base' => 'Nächster Auto-Inkrement',
'page_padding' => 'Seiten Ränder (Zoll)',
'privacy_policy_link' => 'Link to Privacy Policy',
'privacy_policy' => 'Privacy Policy',
'privacy_policy_link_help' => 'If a url is included here, a link to your privacy policy will be included in the app footer and in any emails that the system sends out, in compliance with GDPR. ',
'privacy_policy_link' => 'Link zur Datenschutzrichtlinie',
'privacy_policy' => 'Datenschutzrichtlinie',
'privacy_policy_link_help' => 'Wenn hier ein Link zu Ihrer Datenschutzerklärung enthalten ist, wird dieser in der Fußzeile der App und in allen E-Mails, die das System in Übereinstimmung mit der DSGVO versendet, hinzugefügt. ',
'purge' => 'Gelöschte Einträge bereinigen',
'labels_display_bgutter' => 'Ettiketten Spaltenzwischenraum unterhalb',
'labels_display_sgutter' => 'Ettikett Seitenabstand',
@ -177,5 +179,7 @@ return array(
'bottom' => 'Unten',
'vertical' => 'Vertikal',
'horizontal' => 'Horizontal',
'unique_serial' => 'Unique serial numbers',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'Länge der Asset Tags, inklusive zerofill',
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
return array(
'activated_help_text' => 'This user can login',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'You cannot edit activation status for your own account.',
'assets_user' => 'Assets zugewiesen an :name',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'Sie sind dabei, die Eigenschaften von :user_count Benutzern zu bearbeiten. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie Ihre eigenen Benutzerattribute nicht über dieses Formular ändern können. Sie müssen Ihren eigenen Benutzer einzeln bearbeiten.',
'bulk_update_help' => 'Hier können mehrere Benutzer gleichzeitig bearbeitet werden. Nur Felder ausfüllen, welche geändert werden sollen. Leere Felder werden nicht geändert.',
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
'unknown_admin' => 'Unbekannter Administrator',
'username_format' => 'Format der Benutzernamen',
'update' => 'Aktualisieren',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Zulässige Dateitypen sind png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip und rar. Die maximal zulässige Uploadgröße ist :size.',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, txt, lic, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'uploaded' => 'Hochgeladen',
'user' => 'Benutzer',
'accepted' => 'angenommen',
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ return array(
'login_common_disabled_text' => 'Disable other authentication mechanisms',
'login_common_disabled_help' => 'This option disables other authentication mechanisms. Just enable this option if you are sure that your REMOTE_USER login is already working',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_text' => 'Custom logout URL',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If filled users will get redirected to this URL after the Session of SnipeIT is closed (Logout). This is usefull to close the user sessions of your Authenticationprovider correctly.',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If filled users will get redirected to this URL after the Session of SnipeIT is closed (Logout). This is useful to close the user sessions of your Authentication provider correctly.',
'logo' => 'Λογότυπο',
'full_multiple_companies_support_help_text' => 'Περιορισμός των χρηστών (συμπεριλαμβανομένων των διαχειριστών) που εκχωρούνται σε εταιρείες στα περιουσιακά στοιχεία της εταιρείας τους.',
'full_multiple_companies_support_text' => 'Πλήρης υποστήριξη πολλαπλών εταιρειών',
@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ return array(
'slack_test_help' => 'Test whether your Slack integration is configured correctly. YOU MUST SAVE YOUR UPDATED SLACK SETTINGS FIRST.',
'snipe_version' => 'Snipe-It έκδοση',
'support_footer' => 'Support Footer Links ',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the links to the Snipe-IT Support info and Users Manual',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the links to the Snipe-IT Support info and Users Manual.',
'version_footer' => 'Version in Footer ',
'version_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the Snipe-IT version and build number.',
'system' => 'Πληροφορίες συστήματος',
'update' => 'Ενημέρωση ρυθμίσεων',
'value' => 'Τιμή',
@ -177,5 +179,7 @@ return array(
'bottom' => 'κάτω μέρος',
'vertical' => 'κάθετα',
'horizontal' => 'οριζόντιος',
'unique_serial' => 'Unique serial numbers',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'Μήκος ετικετών ενεργητικού, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του zerofill',
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
return array(
'activated_help_text' => 'This user can login',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'You cannot edit activation status for your own account.',
'assets_user' => 'Περιουσιακά στοιχεία που έχει αντιστοιχιστεί σε: όνομα',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'Πρόκειται να επεξεργαστείτε τις ιδιότητες των χρηστών: user_count. Λάβετε υπόψη ότι δεν μπορείτε να αλλάξετε τα δικά σας χαρακτηριστικά χρήστη χρησιμοποιώντας αυτήν τη φόρμα και πρέπει να κάνετε αλλαγές στον δικό σας χρήστη ξεχωριστά.',
'bulk_update_help' => 'Αυτή η φόρμα σας επιτρέπει να ενημερώσετε ταυτόχρονα πολλούς χρήστες. Συμπληρώστε μόνο τα πεδία που πρέπει να αλλάξετε. Τα τυχόν κενά πεδία παραμένουν αμετάβλητα.',
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
'unknown_admin' => 'Άγνωστο Admin',
'username_format' => 'Τύπος ονόματος',
'update' => 'Ενημέρωση',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, txt, lic, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'uploaded' => 'Ανέβηκε',
'user' => 'Χρήστης',
'accepted' => 'αποδεκτή',
@ -122,6 +122,8 @@ return array(
'snipe_version' => 'Snipe-IT version',
'support_footer' => 'Support Footer Links ',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the links to the Snipe-IT Support info and Users Manual',
'version_footer' => 'Version in Footer ',
'version_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the Snipe-IT version and build number.',
'system' => 'System Information',
'update' => 'Update Settings',
'value' => 'Value',
@ -177,5 +179,7 @@ return array(
'bottom' => 'bottom',
'vertical' => 'vertical',
'horizontal' => 'horizontal',
'unique_serial' => 'Unique serial numbers',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'Length of asset tags, including zerofill',
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
return array(
'activated_help_text' => 'This user can login',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'You cannot edit activation status for your own account.',
'assets_user' => 'Assets assigned to :name',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'You are about to edit the properties of :user_count users. Please note that you cannot change your own user attributes using this form, and must make edits to your own user individually.',
'bulk_update_help' => 'This form allows you to update multiple users at once. Only fill in the fields you need to change. Any fields left blank will remain unchanged.',
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
'unknown_admin' => 'Unknown Admin',
'username_format' => 'Username Format',
'update' => 'Update',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, txt, lic, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'uploaded' => 'Uploaded',
'user' => 'User',
'accepted' => 'accepted',
@ -122,6 +122,8 @@ return array(
'snipe_version' => 'Versi Snipe-IT',
'support_footer' => 'Link footer pendukung ',
'support_footer_help' => 'Tentukan siapa yang melihat tautan ke informasi pendukung dan panduan pengguna Snipe-IT',
'version_footer' => 'Version in Footer ',
'version_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the Snipe-IT version and build number.',
'system' => 'Informasi Sistem',
'update' => 'Perbarui Setelan',
'value' => 'Jumlah',
@ -177,5 +179,7 @@ return array(
'bottom' => 'bawah',
'vertical' => 'tegak lurus',
'horizontal' => 'mendatar',
'unique_serial' => 'Unique serial numbers',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'Panjang tag aset, termasuk isian kosong',
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
return array(
'activated_help_text' => 'This user can login',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'You cannot edit activation status for your own account.',
'assets_user' => 'Aset ditetapkan untuk :name',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'Anda akan sunting properti dari :user_count pengguna. Silahkan catat anda tidak dapat menggubah atribut pengguna anda sendiri menggunakan formulir ini, dan harus membuat penyuntingan untuk pengguna anda sendiri secara pribadi.',
'bulk_update_help' => 'Formulir ini membolehkan anda perbarui beberapa pengguna sekaligus. Hanya mengisi bidang yang anda perlu ubah. Setiap bidang yang kosong akan tetap tidak berubah.',
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
'unknown_admin' => 'Admin tidak diketahui',
'username_format' => 'Format nama pengguna',
'update' => 'Perbarui',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, txt, lic, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'uploaded' => 'Unggah',
'user' => 'Pengguna',
'accepted' => 'diterima',
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ return array(
'about_categories' => 'Las categorías te ayudan a organizar tus elementos. Algunos ejemplos de categoría pueden ser "Desktops", "Laptops", "Teléfonos Móviles", "Tablets", y otros, pero puedes usar las categorías de cualquier manera que tengan sentido para ti.',
'asset_categories' => 'Categorías de Equipos',
'category_name' => 'Nombre de la Categoría',
'checkin_email' => 'Send email to user on checkin/checkout.',
'checkin_email_notification' => 'This user will be sent an email on checkin/checkout.',
'checkin_email' => 'Enviar un correo al usuario al asignar/desasignar.',
'checkin_email_notification' => 'A este usuario se le enviará un correo electrónico al asignar/desasignar.',
'clone' => 'Clonar Categoría',
'create' => 'Crear Categoría',
'edit' => 'Editar Categoría',
@ -122,6 +122,8 @@ return array(
'snipe_version' => 'Version de Snipe-IT',
'support_footer' => 'Enlaces de Soporte de Pie de Página ',
'support_footer_help' => 'Especifica quien ve los enlaces de información de Soporte y Manual de Usuarios de Snipe-IT',
'version_footer' => 'Version in Footer ',
'version_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the Snipe-IT version and build number.',
'system' => 'Información del Sistema',
'update' => 'Actualizar Parámetros',
'value' => 'Valor',
@ -132,9 +134,9 @@ return array(
'label_dimensions' => 'Dimensiones de las etiquetas (pulgadas)',
'next_auto_tag_base' => 'Siguiente incremento automático',
'page_padding' => 'Margenès de pàgina (pulgadas)',
'privacy_policy_link' => 'Link to Privacy Policy',
'privacy_policy' => 'Privacy Policy',
'privacy_policy_link_help' => 'If a url is included here, a link to your privacy policy will be included in the app footer and in any emails that the system sends out, in compliance with GDPR. ',
'privacy_policy_link' => 'Enlace a la Política de Privacidad',
'privacy_policy' => 'Política de Privacidad',
'privacy_policy_link_help' => 'Si incluye una URL aquí, un enlace a su Política de Privacidad será incluido al pie de la aplicación y en cualquier correo electrónico que envíe el sistema, de conformidad con la ley GDPR. ',
'purge' => 'Purgar registros eliminados',
'labels_display_bgutter' => 'Borde inferior de la Etiqueta',
'labels_display_sgutter' => 'Borde lateral de la Etiqueta',
@ -177,5 +179,7 @@ return array(
'bottom' => 'fondo',
'vertical' => 'vertical',
'horizontal' => 'horizontal',
'unique_serial' => 'Unique serial numbers',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'Longitud de etiquetas de activos, incluyendo relleno de ceros',
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
return array(
'activated_help_text' => 'This user can login',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'You cannot edit activation status for your own account.',
'assets_user' => 'Equipos asignados a :name',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'Estás a punto de modificar las propiedades de :user_count usuarios. Por favor, ten en cuenta que no puedes modificar las propiedades de tu propio usuario con este formulario, y debes realizar las modificaciones a tu propio usuario de forma individual.',
'bulk_update_help' => 'Este formulario permite actualizar múltiples usuarios simultáneamente. Rellena únicamente los campos que necesites cambiar. Cualquier campo que quede en blanco no se actualizará.',
@ -206,8 +206,7 @@
'unknown_admin' => 'Admin Desconocido',
'username_format' => 'Formato del nombre de usuario',
'update' => 'Actualizar',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Tipos de archivos permitidos: png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar.
El tamaño máximo de archivo es :size.',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, txt, lic, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'uploaded' => 'Subido',
'user' => 'Usuario',
'accepted' => 'aceptado',
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ return array(
'about_categories' => 'Las categorías te ayudan a organizar los equipos. Ejemplos de categorías: "PCs", "Portátiles", "Móviles", "Tabletas", etc.',
'asset_categories' => 'Categorias',
'category_name' => 'Categoría',
'checkin_email' => 'Send email to user on checkin/checkout.',
'checkin_email_notification' => 'This user will be sent an email on checkin/checkout.',
'checkin_email' => 'Enviar un correo al usuario al asignar/desasignar.',
'checkin_email_notification' => 'A este usuario se le enviará un correo electrónico al asignar/desasignar.',
'clone' => 'Clonar Categoría',
'create' => 'Crear Categoría',
'edit' => 'Editar Categoría',
@ -122,6 +122,8 @@ return array(
'snipe_version' => 'Version de Snipe-IT',
'support_footer' => 'Enlaces de Soporte de Pie de Página ',
'support_footer_help' => 'Especifica quien ve los enlaces de información de Soporte y Manual de Usuarios de Snipe-IT',
'version_footer' => 'Version in Footer ',
'version_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the Snipe-IT version and build number.',
'system' => 'Información del Sistema',
'update' => 'Actualizar Parámetros',
'value' => 'Valor',
@ -132,9 +134,9 @@ return array(
'label_dimensions' => 'Dimensiones de las etiquetas (pulgadas)',
'next_auto_tag_base' => 'Siguiente incremento automático',
'page_padding' => 'Margenès de pàgina (pulgadas)',
'privacy_policy_link' => 'Link to Privacy Policy',
'privacy_policy' => 'Privacy Policy',
'privacy_policy_link_help' => 'If a url is included here, a link to your privacy policy will be included in the app footer and in any emails that the system sends out, in compliance with GDPR. ',
'privacy_policy_link' => 'Enlace a la Política de Privacidad',
'privacy_policy' => 'Política de Privacidad',
'privacy_policy_link_help' => 'Si incluye una URL aquí, un enlace a su Política de Privacidad será incluido al pie de la aplicación y en cualquier correo electrónico que envíe el sistema, de conformidad con la ley GDPR. ',
'purge' => 'Purgar registros eliminados',
'labels_display_bgutter' => 'Borde inferior de la Etiqueta',
'labels_display_sgutter' => 'Borde lateral de la Etiqueta',
@ -177,5 +179,7 @@ return array(
'bottom' => 'fondo',
'vertical' => 'vertical',
'horizontal' => 'horizontal',
'unique_serial' => 'Unique serial numbers',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'Longitud de etiquetas de activos, incluyendo relleno de ceros',
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
return array(
'activated_help_text' => 'This user can login',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'You cannot edit activation status for your own account.',
'assets_user' => 'Equipos asignados a :name',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'Estás a punto de modificar las propiedades de :user_count usuarios. Por favor, ten en cuenta que no puedes modificar las propiedades de tu propio usuario con este formulario, y debes realizar las modificaciones a tu propio usuario de forma individual.',
'bulk_update_help' => 'Este formulario permite actualizar múltiples usuarios simultáneamente. Rellena únicamente los campos que necesites cambiar. Cualquier campo que quede en blanco no se actualizará.',
@ -206,8 +206,7 @@
'unknown_admin' => 'Admin Desconocido',
'username_format' => 'Formato del nombre de usuario',
'update' => 'Actualizar',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Tipos de archivos permitidos: png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar.
El tamaño máximo de archivo es :size.',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, txt, lic, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'uploaded' => 'Subido',
'user' => 'Usuario',
'accepted' => 'aceptado',
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ return array(
'about_categories' => 'Las categorías te ayudan a organizar los equipos. Ejemplos de categorías: "PCs", "Portátiles", "Móviles", "Tabletas", etc.',
'asset_categories' => 'Categorias',
'category_name' => 'Categoría',
'checkin_email' => 'Send email to user on checkin/checkout.',
'checkin_email_notification' => 'This user will be sent an email on checkin/checkout.',
'checkin_email' => 'Enviar un correo al usuario al asignar/desasignar.',
'checkin_email_notification' => 'A este usuario se le enviará un correo al asignar/desasignar.',
'clone' => 'Clonar Categoría',
'create' => 'Crear Categoría',
'edit' => 'Editar Categoría',
@ -122,6 +122,8 @@ return array(
'snipe_version' => 'Version de Snipe-IT',
'support_footer' => 'Enlaces de Soporte de Pie de Página ',
'support_footer_help' => 'Especifica quien ve los enlaces de información de Soporte y Manual de Usuarios de Snipe-IT',
'version_footer' => 'Version in Footer ',
'version_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the Snipe-IT version and build number.',
'system' => 'Información del Sistema',
'update' => 'Actualizar Parámetros',
'value' => 'Valor',
@ -132,9 +134,9 @@ return array(
'label_dimensions' => 'Dimensiones de las etiquetas (pulgadas)',
'next_auto_tag_base' => 'Siguiente incremento automático',
'page_padding' => 'Margenès de pàgina (pulgadas)',
'privacy_policy_link' => 'Link to Privacy Policy',
'privacy_policy' => 'Privacy Policy',
'privacy_policy_link_help' => 'If a url is included here, a link to your privacy policy will be included in the app footer and in any emails that the system sends out, in compliance with GDPR. ',
'privacy_policy_link' => 'Enlace a la Política de Privacidad',
'privacy_policy' => 'Política de Privacidad',
'privacy_policy_link_help' => 'Si se incluye una URL aquí, un enlace a tu Política de Privacidad se incluirá al pie de la aplicación y en cualquier correo electrónico que el sistema envíe, de conformidad con la ley GDPR. ',
'purge' => 'Purgar registros eliminados',
'labels_display_bgutter' => 'Borde inferior de la Etiqueta',
'labels_display_sgutter' => 'Borde lateral de la Etiqueta',
@ -177,5 +179,7 @@ return array(
'bottom' => 'fondo',
'vertical' => 'vertical',
'horizontal' => 'horizontal',
'unique_serial' => 'Unique serial numbers',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'Longitud de etiquetas de activos, incluyendo relleno de ceros',
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
return array(
'activated_help_text' => 'This user can login',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'You cannot edit activation status for your own account.',
'assets_user' => 'Equipos asignados a :name',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'Estás a punto de modificar las propiedades de :user_count usuarios. Por favor, ten en cuenta que no puedes modificar las propiedades de tu propio usuario con este formulario, y debes realizar las modificaciones a tu propio usuario de forma individual.',
'bulk_update_help' => 'Este formulario permite actualizar múltiples usuarios simultáneamente. Rellena únicamente los campos que necesites cambiar. Cualquier campo que quede en blanco no se actualizará.',
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
'unknown_admin' => 'Admin Desconocido',
'username_format' => 'Formato del nombre de usuario',
'update' => 'Actualizar',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, txt, lic, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'uploaded' => 'Subido',
'user' => 'Usuario',
'accepted' => 'aceptado',
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ return array(
'about_categories' => 'Las categorías te ayudan a organizar tus elementos. Algunos ejemplos de categoría pueden ser "PCs de escritorio", "Laptops", "Teléfonos Móbiles", "Tablets", etc, pero puedes usar categorías en cualquier manera que tengan sentido para ti.',
'asset_categories' => 'Categorías de Activos',
'category_name' => 'Nombre de la Categoría',
'checkin_email' => 'Send email to user on checkin/checkout.',
'checkin_email_notification' => 'This user will be sent an email on checkin/checkout.',
'checkin_email' => 'Enviar un correo al usuario al asignar/desasignar.',
'checkin_email_notification' => 'A este usuario se le enviará un correo electrónico al asignar/desasignar.',
'clone' => 'Clonar Categoría',
'create' => 'Crear Catergoría',
'edit' => 'Editar Categoría',
@ -122,6 +122,8 @@ return array(
'snipe_version' => 'Version de Snipe-IT',
'support_footer' => 'Enlaces de Soporte de Pie de Página ',
'support_footer_help' => 'Especifica quién ve los links a la información de Soporte Snipe-IT y el Manual de Usuario',
'version_footer' => 'Version in Footer ',
'version_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the Snipe-IT version and build number.',
'system' => 'Información de Sistema',
'update' => 'Actualizar Configuraciones',
'value' => 'Valor',
@ -132,9 +134,9 @@ return array(
'label_dimensions' => 'Dimensiones de las etiquetas (pulgadas)',
'next_auto_tag_base' => 'Próximo auto-incremento',
'page_padding' => 'Márgenes de página (pulgadas)',
'privacy_policy_link' => 'Link to Privacy Policy',
'privacy_policy' => 'Privacy Policy',
'privacy_policy_link_help' => 'If a url is included here, a link to your privacy policy will be included in the app footer and in any emails that the system sends out, in compliance with GDPR. ',
'privacy_policy_link' => 'Enlace a la Política de Privacidad',
'privacy_policy' => 'Política de Privacidad',
'privacy_policy_link_help' => 'Si incluye una URL aquí, un enlace a su Política de Privacidad será incluido al pie de la aplicación y en cualquier correo electrónico que envíe el sistema, de conformidad con la ley GDPR. ',
'purge' => 'Purgar Registros Eliminados',
'labels_display_bgutter' => 'Borde inferior de la etiqueta',
'labels_display_sgutter' => 'Borde lateral de la etiqueta',
@ -177,5 +179,7 @@ return array(
'bottom' => 'abajo',
'vertical' => 'vertical',
'horizontal' => 'horizontal',
'unique_serial' => 'Unique serial numbers',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'Longitud de las etiquetas de activos, incluyendo relleno de ceros',
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
return array(
'activated_help_text' => 'This user can login',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'You cannot edit activation status for your own account.',
'assets_user' => 'Activos asignados a :name',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'Estas a punto de editar las propiedades de :user_count usuarios. Por favor, ten en cuenta que no puedes cambiar los atributos de tus usuarios usando este formulario, y debes editar tu propio usuario individualmente.',
'bulk_update_help' => 'Este formulario te permite actualizar múltiples usuarios a la vez. Sólo llena los campos que necesites cambiar. Cualquier campo dejado en blanco permanecerá sin cambios.',
@ -206,8 +206,7 @@
'unknown_admin' => 'Administrador Desconocido',
'username_format' => 'Formato de Nombre de Usuario',
'update' => 'Actualizar',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Tipos de archivos permitidos: png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar.
El tamaño máximo de archivo es :size.',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, txt, lic, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'uploaded' => 'Actualizado',
'user' => 'Usuario',
'accepted' => 'aceptado',
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ return array(
'login_common_disabled_text' => 'Disable other authentication mechanisms',
'login_common_disabled_help' => 'This option disables other authentication mechanisms. Just enable this option if you are sure that your REMOTE_USER login is already working',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_text' => 'Custom logout URL',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If filled users will get redirected to this URL after the Session of SnipeIT is closed (Logout). This is usefull to close the user sessions of your Authenticationprovider correctly.',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If filled users will get redirected to this URL after the Session of SnipeIT is closed (Logout). This is useful to close the user sessions of your Authentication provider correctly.',
'logo' => 'Logo',
'full_multiple_companies_support_help_text' => 'Kasutajate (sh administraatorite) piiramine, mis on määratud firmadele ettevõtte varadele.',
'full_multiple_companies_support_text' => 'Terve mitu ettevõtete toetust',
@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ return array(
'slack_test_help' => 'Test whether your Slack integration is configured correctly. YOU MUST SAVE YOUR UPDATED SLACK SETTINGS FIRST.',
'snipe_version' => 'Snipe-IT versioon',
'support_footer' => 'Support Footer Links ',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the links to the Snipe-IT Support info and Users Manual',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the links to the Snipe-IT Support info and Users Manual.',
'version_footer' => 'Version in Footer ',
'version_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the Snipe-IT version and build number.',
'system' => 'Süsteemi informatsioon',
'update' => 'Värskenda seaded',
'value' => 'Väärtus',
@ -177,5 +179,7 @@ return array(
'bottom' => 'põhja',
'vertical' => 'vertikaalne',
'horizontal' => 'horisontaalne',
'unique_serial' => 'Unique serial numbers',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'Varasiltide, sealhulgas zerofilli pikkus',
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
return array(
'activated_help_text' => 'This user can login',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'You cannot edit activation status for your own account.',
'assets_user' => 'Kasutajaga :nimi seotud vahendid',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'Sa oled muutmas :user_count kasutaja andmeid. Palun pane tähele, et saa ei saa selle vormi kaudu muuta enda kasutaja andmeid, neid pead muutma eraldi.',
'bulk_update_help' => 'Selle vormiga saad muuta mitmeid kasutajaid korraga. Täida ainult need väljad, mida on vaja muuta. Tühjaks jäetud väljasid ei muudeta.',
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
'unknown_admin' => 'Tundmatu Admin',
'username_format' => 'Kasutajanime formaat',
'update' => 'Uuenda',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, txt, lic, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'uploaded' => 'Üles laetud',
'user' => 'Kasutaja',
'accepted' => 'aktsepteeritud',
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ return array(
'login_common_disabled_text' => 'Disable other authentication mechanisms',
'login_common_disabled_help' => 'This option disables other authentication mechanisms. Just enable this option if you are sure that your REMOTE_USER login is already working',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_text' => 'Custom logout URL',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If filled users will get redirected to this URL after the Session of SnipeIT is closed (Logout). This is usefull to close the user sessions of your Authenticationprovider correctly.',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If filled users will get redirected to this URL after the Session of SnipeIT is closed (Logout). This is useful to close the user sessions of your Authentication provider correctly.',
'logo' => 'لوگو',
'full_multiple_companies_support_help_text' => 'محدود کردن کاربران (از جمله مدیران) اختصاص داده شده به شرکت ها برای دارایی های شرکت خود را.',
'full_multiple_companies_support_text' => 'شرکت های متعدد پشتیبانی کامل',
@ -122,7 +122,9 @@ return array(
'slack_test_help' => 'Test whether your Slack integration is configured correctly. YOU MUST SAVE YOUR UPDATED SLACK SETTINGS FIRST.',
'snipe_version' => 'نسخه Snipe_IT',
'support_footer' => 'Support Footer Links ',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the links to the Snipe-IT Support info and Users Manual',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the links to the Snipe-IT Support info and Users Manual.',
'version_footer' => 'Version in Footer ',
'version_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the Snipe-IT version and build number.',
'system' => 'اطلاعات سیستم',
'update' => 'به روزرسانی تنظیمات',
'value' => 'عنوان آیتم',
@ -178,5 +180,7 @@ return array(
'bottom' => 'پایین',
'vertical' => 'عمودی',
'horizontal' => 'افقی',
'unique_serial' => 'Unique serial numbers',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'طول برچسب دارایی، از جمله zerofill',
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
return array(
'activated_help_text' => 'This user can login',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'You cannot edit activation status for your own account.',
'assets_user' => 'دارایی ها محول شده به :',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'شما در حال خواندن مشخصات خواص کاربر user_count هستید. لطفا توجه داشته باشید که نمیتوانید ویژگیهای کاربر خود را با استفاده از این فرم تغییر دهید و باید به صورت جداگانه به کاربر خود ویرایش کنید.',
'bulk_update_help' => 'این فرم به شما امکان می دهد چندین بار در یک بار به روز کنید. فقط فیلمی را که باید تغییر دهید را پر کنید. هر فیلدی که خالی باقی می ماند بدون تغییر باقی خواهد ماند.',
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
'unknown_admin' => 'نامشخص مدیریت',
'username_format' => 'فرمت نام کاربری',
'update' => 'بروزرسانی',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, txt, lic, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'uploaded' => 'بارگزاری شد',
'user' => 'کاربر',
'accepted' => 'تأیید شد',
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ return array(
'login_common_disabled_text' => 'Disable other authentication mechanisms',
'login_common_disabled_help' => 'This option disables other authentication mechanisms. Just enable this option if you are sure that your REMOTE_USER login is already working',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_text' => 'Custom logout URL',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If filled users will get redirected to this URL after the Session of SnipeIT is closed (Logout). This is usefull to close the user sessions of your Authenticationprovider correctly.',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If filled users will get redirected to this URL after the Session of SnipeIT is closed (Logout). This is useful to close the user sessions of your Authentication provider correctly.',
'logo' => 'Logo',
'full_multiple_companies_support_help_text' => 'Käyttäjien (myös ylläpitäjien) rajoittaminen yrityksille varattavaksi yrityksen omiin varoihin.',
'full_multiple_companies_support_text' => 'Täysi monikansallisten yritysten tuki',
@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ return array(
'slack_test_help' => 'Test whether your Slack integration is configured correctly. YOU MUST SAVE YOUR UPDATED SLACK SETTINGS FIRST.',
'snipe_version' => 'Snipe-IT versio',
'support_footer' => 'Support Footer Links ',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the links to the Snipe-IT Support info and Users Manual',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the links to the Snipe-IT Support info and Users Manual.',
'version_footer' => 'Version in Footer ',
'version_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the Snipe-IT version and build number.',
'system' => 'Järjestelmän Tiedot',
'update' => 'Päivitä Asetukset',
'value' => 'Arvo',
@ -177,5 +179,7 @@ return array(
'bottom' => 'pohja',
'vertical' => 'pystysuora',
'horizontal' => 'vaakasuora',
'unique_serial' => 'Unique serial numbers',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'Omaisuusavun pituus, mukaan lukien nollatäyttö',
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
return array(
'activated_help_text' => 'This user can login',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'You cannot edit activation status for your own account.',
'assets_user' => 'Käyttäjälle :name luovutetut laitteet',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'Aiotte muokata: user_count käyttäjille ominaisuuksia. Huomaa, että omia käyttäjätunnuksia ei voi muuttaa tämän lomakkeen avulla, vaan sinun on tehtävä muokkauksia omalle käyttäjälleen erikseen.',
'bulk_update_help' => 'Tällä lomakkeella voit päivittää useita käyttäjiä kerralla. Vain täytä tarvittavat kentät. Kaikki tyhjä kentät pysyvät muuttumattomina.',
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
'unknown_admin' => 'Tuntematon Ylläpitäjä',
'username_format' => 'Käyttäjätunnus',
'update' => 'Päivitä',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, txt, lic, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'uploaded' => 'Ladattu',
'user' => 'Käyttäjä',
'accepted' => 'hyväksytty',
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ return array(
'login_common_disabled_text' => 'Disable other authentication mechanisms',
'login_common_disabled_help' => 'This option disables other authentication mechanisms. Just enable this option if you are sure that your REMOTE_USER login is already working',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_text' => 'Custom logout URL',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If filled users will get redirected to this URL after the Session of SnipeIT is closed (Logout). This is usefull to close the user sessions of your Authenticationprovider correctly.',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If filled users will get redirected to this URL after the Session of SnipeIT is closed (Logout). This is useful to close the user sessions of your Authentication provider correctly.',
'logo' => 'Ang Logo',
'full_multiple_companies_support_help_text' => 'Pagbabawal sa mga gumagamit (kasama ang mga admin) na nakatalaga sa mga asset ng kanilang kompanya.',
'full_multiple_companies_support_text' => 'Ang Buong Suporta sa Maramihang Kompanya',
@ -122,6 +122,8 @@ return array(
'snipe_version' => 'Ang bersyon ng Snipe-IT',
'support_footer' => 'Sumusuporta ng mga Link ng Footer ',
'support_footer_help' => 'I-specify kung sino ang nakakakita ng mga link sa impormasyon ng Snipe-IT Support at ang mga User Manual',
'version_footer' => 'Version in Footer ',
'version_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the Snipe-IT version and build number.',
'system' => 'Ang Impormasyon ng Sistema',
'update' => 'Ang mga Setting ay I-update',
'value' => 'Balyu',
@ -177,5 +179,7 @@ return array(
'bottom' => 'ibaba',
'vertical' => 'bertikal',
'horizontal' => 'pahalang',
'unique_serial' => 'Unique serial numbers',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'Ang haba ng mga tags ng asset, kabilang ang zerofill',
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
return array(
'activated_help_text' => 'This user can login',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'You cannot edit activation status for your own account.',
'assets_user' => 'Ang mga asset na nakatalaga sa :name',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'Ikaw ay mag-edit ng mga katangian ng :user_count mga gumagamit. Mangyaring tandaan na hindi mo maaaring mabago ang iyong sariling user attributes gamit ang form na ito, at kinakailangang magsagawa ng pag-edit sa iyong sariling user nang mag-isa.',
'bulk_update_help' => 'Ang form na ito ay nagbibigay sa iyo ng pahintulot para mag-update ng maramihang gumagamit ng isang beses. Lagyan lamang ang mga field na gusto mong baguhin. Anumang mga field na blangko ay mananatiling walang pagbabago.',
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
'unknown_admin' => 'Hindi matukoy na Admin',
'username_format' => 'Ang Pormat sa Pangalan ng Gumagamit',
'update' => 'I-update',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, txt, lic, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'uploaded' => 'Nai-upload',
'user' => 'Ang gumagamit',
'accepted' => 'tinanggap na',
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ return array(
'login_common_disabled_text' => 'Disable other authentication mechanisms',
'login_common_disabled_help' => 'This option disables other authentication mechanisms. Just enable this option if you are sure that your REMOTE_USER login is already working',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_text' => 'Custom logout URL',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If filled users will get redirected to this URL after the Session of SnipeIT is closed (Logout). This is usefull to close the user sessions of your Authenticationprovider correctly.',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If filled users will get redirected to this URL after the Session of SnipeIT is closed (Logout). This is useful to close the user sessions of your Authentication provider correctly.',
'logo' => 'Logo',
'full_multiple_companies_support_help_text' => 'Restreindre les utilisateurs (admins compris) assignés à des organisations aux biens de leur propre organisation.',
'full_multiple_companies_support_text' => 'Support complet des organisations multiples',
@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ return array(
'slack_test_help' => 'Test whether your Slack integration is configured correctly. YOU MUST SAVE YOUR UPDATED SLACK SETTINGS FIRST.',
'snipe_version' => 'Version de Snipe-IT',
'support_footer' => 'Support Footer Links ',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the links to the Snipe-IT Support info and Users Manual',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the links to the Snipe-IT Support info and Users Manual.',
'version_footer' => 'Version in Footer ',
'version_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the Snipe-IT version and build number.',
'system' => 'Information du système',
'update' => 'Mettre à jour les paramètres',
'value' => 'Valeur',
@ -177,5 +179,7 @@ return array(
'bottom' => 'bas',
'vertical' => 'veritcal',
'horizontal' => 'horizontal',
'unique_serial' => 'Unique serial numbers',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'Longueur des étiquettes de bien, incluant le remplissage de zéros',
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
return array(
'activated_help_text' => 'This user can login',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'You cannot edit activation status for your own account.',
'assets_user' => 'Actifs associés avec :name',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'Vous êtes sur le point de modifier les propriétés de: user_count users. Veuillez noter que vous ne pouvez pas modifier vos propres attributs d\'utilisateur en utilisant ce formulaire et devez effectuer des modifications à votre propre utilisateur individuellement.',
'bulk_update_help' => 'Ce formulaire vous permet de mettre à jour plusieurs utilisateurs à la fois. Remplissez uniquement les champs que vous devez modifier. Tous les champs laissés vides resteront inchangés.',
@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ return array(
'submit' => 'Soumettre',
'upload' => 'Uploader',
'select_file' => 'Sélectionner un fichier...',
'select_files' => 'Select Files...',
'select_files' => 'Sélectionnez les fichiers ...',
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
'activity_report' => 'Rapport d\'activité',
'address' => 'Adresse',
'admin' => 'Admin',
'administrator' => 'Administrator',
'administrator' => 'Administrateur',
'add_seats' => 'Places ajoutées',
'all_assets' => 'Tous les actifs',
'all' => 'Tous',
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
'user_requests_count' => 'Requests',
'city' => 'Ville',
'click_here' => 'Cliquez ici',
'clear_selection' => 'Clear Selection',
'clear_selection' => 'Effacer la sélection',
'companies' => 'Compagnies',
'company' => 'Compagnie',
'component' => 'Composant',
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
'department' => 'département',
'deployed' => 'Déployé',
'depreciation_report' => 'Rapport d’amortissement',
'details' => 'Details',
'details' => 'Détails',
'download' => 'Télécharger',
'depreciation' => 'Amortissement',
'editprofile' => 'Éditer votre profile',
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
'first' => 'Premier',
'first_name' => 'Prénom',
'first_name_format' => 'Prénom (jane@example.com)',
'files' => 'Files',
'files' => 'Fichiers',
'file_name' => 'Fichier',
'file_uploads' => 'Uploads de fichiers',
'generate' => 'Générer',
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
'unknown_admin' => 'Admin inconnu',
'username_format' => 'Format du nom d\'utilisateur',
'update' => 'Actualiser',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, txt, lic, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'uploaded' => 'Téléversement réussi',
'user' => 'Utilisateur',
'accepted' => 'validé',
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ return array(
'not_in' => 'L\'attribut ":attribute" est invalide.',
'numeric' => 'L\'attribut ":attribute" doit être un nombre.',
'present' => 'Le champ d\'attribut: doit être présent.',
'valid_regex' => 'That is not a valid regex. ',
'valid_regex' => 'Ce n\'est pas une règle Regex valide. ',
'regex' => 'Le format de l\'attribut ":attribute" est invalide.',
'required' => 'Le champs :attribute est nécessaire.',
'required_if' => 'Le champ :attribute est nécessaire quand :other vaut :value.',
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ return array(
'unique' => 'Cet-te :attribute a déjà été pris-e.',
'uploaded' => 'L\'attribut: n\'a pas pu télécharger.',
'url' => 'Le format de cet-te :attribute est invalide.',
"unique_undeleted" => "The :attribute must be unique.",
"unique_undeleted" => ":attribute doit être unique.",
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ return array(
'login_common_disabled_text' => 'Disable other authentication mechanisms',
'login_common_disabled_help' => 'This option disables other authentication mechanisms. Just enable this option if you are sure that your REMOTE_USER login is already working',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_text' => 'Custom logout URL',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If filled users will get redirected to this URL after the Session of SnipeIT is closed (Logout). This is usefull to close the user sessions of your Authenticationprovider correctly.',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If filled users will get redirected to this URL after the Session of SnipeIT is closed (Logout). This is useful to close the user sessions of your Authentication provider correctly.',
'logo' => 'Logo',
'full_multiple_companies_support_help_text' => 'Úsáideoirí srianta (lena n-áirítear admins) a shanntar do chuideachtaí le sócmhainní na cuideachta.',
'full_multiple_companies_support_text' => 'Tacaíocht Iomlána Iompórtálacha Iomlán',
@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ return array(
'slack_test_help' => 'Test whether your Slack integration is configured correctly. YOU MUST SAVE YOUR UPDATED SLACK SETTINGS FIRST.',
'snipe_version' => 'Snipe-IT leagan',
'support_footer' => 'Support Footer Links ',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the links to the Snipe-IT Support info and Users Manual',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the links to the Snipe-IT Support info and Users Manual.',
'version_footer' => 'Version in Footer ',
'version_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the Snipe-IT version and build number.',
'system' => 'Eolas Córas',
'update' => 'Socruithe Nuashonraithe',
'value' => 'Luach',
@ -177,5 +179,7 @@ return array(
'bottom' => 'bun',
'vertical' => 'ingearach',
'horizontal' => 'cothrománach',
'unique_serial' => 'Unique serial numbers',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'Fad na clibeanna sócmhainne, lena n-áirítear zerofill',
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
return array(
'activated_help_text' => 'This user can login',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'You cannot edit activation status for your own account.',
'assets_user' => 'Sócmhainní a shanntar do: ainm',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'Tá tú ar tí in eagar na hairíonna seo a leanas: úsáideoirí user_count. Tabhair faoi deara nach féidir leat tréithe úsáideora féin a athrú ag baint úsáide as an bhfoirm seo, agus ní mór duit athruithe a dhéanamh chuig d\'úsáideoir féin ina n-aonar.',
'bulk_update_help' => 'Ceadaíonn an fhoirm seo duit il-úsáideoirí a thabhairt cothrom le dáta ag an am céanna. Líon isteach na réimsí is gá duit a athrú ach amháin. Ní dhéanfar aon réimsí fágtha gan athrú.',
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
'unknown_admin' => 'Riarachán Anaithnid',
'username_format' => 'Ainm Úsáideora Formáid',
'update' => 'Nuashonrú',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, txt, lic, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'uploaded' => 'Uasluchtaithe',
'user' => 'Úsáideoir',
'accepted' => 'glactha',
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ return array(
'login_common_disabled_text' => 'Disable other authentication mechanisms',
'login_common_disabled_help' => 'This option disables other authentication mechanisms. Just enable this option if you are sure that your REMOTE_USER login is already working',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_text' => 'Custom logout URL',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If filled users will get redirected to this URL after the Session of SnipeIT is closed (Logout). This is usefull to close the user sessions of your Authenticationprovider correctly.',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If filled users will get redirected to this URL after the Session of SnipeIT is closed (Logout). This is useful to close the user sessions of your Authentication provider correctly.',
'logo' => 'סֵמֶל',
'full_multiple_companies_support_help_text' => 'הגבלת משתמשים (כולל מנהלי מערכת) שהוקצו לחברות לנכסי החברה שלהם.',
'full_multiple_companies_support_text' => 'תמיכה מלאה חברות מרובות',
@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ return array(
'slack_test_help' => 'Test whether your Slack integration is configured correctly. YOU MUST SAVE YOUR UPDATED SLACK SETTINGS FIRST.',
'snipe_version' => 'Snipe-IT גירסה',
'support_footer' => 'Support Footer Links ',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the links to the Snipe-IT Support info and Users Manual',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the links to the Snipe-IT Support info and Users Manual.',
'version_footer' => 'Version in Footer ',
'version_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the Snipe-IT version and build number.',
'system' => 'מידע מערכת',
'update' => 'עדכן הגדרות',
'value' => 'ערך',
@ -177,5 +179,7 @@ return array(
'bottom' => 'תַחתִית',
'vertical' => 'אֲנָכִי',
'horizontal' => 'אופקי',
'unique_serial' => 'Unique serial numbers',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'אורך תגי הנכסים, כולל zerofill',
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
return array(
'activated_help_text' => 'This user can login',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'You cannot edit activation status for your own account.',
'assets_user' => 'נכסים שהוקצו ל: שם',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'אתה עומד לערוך את המאפיינים של: user_count משתמשים. שים לב שאינך יכול לשנות את תכונות המשתמש שלך באמצעות טופס זה, ועליך לבצע עריכה למשתמש שלך בנפרד.',
'bulk_update_help' => 'טופס זה מאפשר לך לעדכן מספר משתמשים בו-זמנית. מלא רק את השדות שאתה צריך לשנות. כל השדות שנותרו ריקים יישארו ללא שינוי.',
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
'unknown_admin' => 'מנהל לא ידוע',
'username_format' => 'פורמט שם משתמש',
'update' => 'עדכון',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, txt, lic, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'uploaded' => 'הועלה',
'user' => 'מִשׁתַמֵשׁ',
'accepted' => 'מְקוּבָּל',
@ -122,6 +122,8 @@ return array(
'snipe_version' => 'Snipe-IT verzija',
'support_footer' => 'Podrška poveznica u podnožju ',
'support_footer_help' => 'Navedite tko vidi poveznice na informacije o Snipe-IT podršci i korisničkom priručniku',
'version_footer' => 'Version in Footer ',
'version_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the Snipe-IT version and build number.',
'system' => 'Informacije o sustavu',
'update' => 'Ažuriraj postavke',
'value' => 'Vrijednost',
@ -177,5 +179,7 @@ return array(
'bottom' => 'dno',
'vertical' => 'vertikala',
'horizontal' => 'vodoravan',
'unique_serial' => 'Unique serial numbers',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'Duljina oznaka za imovinu, uključujući nulte punjenje',
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
return array(
'activated_help_text' => 'This user can login',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'You cannot edit activation status for your own account.',
'assets_user' => 'Imovina dodijeljena za: ime',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'Namjeravate uređivati svojstva korisnika: user_count. Imajte na umu da ne možete mijenjati vlastite korisničke atribute pomoću ovog obrasca i morati sami uređivati vlastiti korisnik.',
'bulk_update_help' => 'Ovaj vam obrazac omogućuje ažuriranje više korisnika odjednom. Popunite polja koja su vam potrebna za promjenu. Sva polja koja su ostala prazna ostat će nepromijenjena.',
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
'unknown_admin' => 'Nepoznati administrator',
'username_format' => 'Format korisničkog imena',
'update' => 'Ažuriraj',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, txt, lic, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'uploaded' => 'Uploaded',
'user' => 'Korisnik',
'accepted' => 'priznat',
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ return array(
'about_categories' => 'A kategóriák segítenek rendezni a dolgait. Néhány példa kategória lehet "Desktop-ok", "Laptopok", "Mobiltelefonok", "Tabletek", és így tovább, de bármilyen más kategóriát használhat, ami releváns önnek.',
'asset_categories' => 'Eszköz kategóriák',
'category_name' => 'Kategória név',
'checkin_email' => 'Send email to user on checkin/checkout.',
'checkin_email_notification' => 'This user will be sent an email on checkin/checkout.',
'checkin_email' => 'E-mail küldés a felhasználónak, eszköz kiadás / visszavétel esetén.',
'checkin_email_notification' => 'Ez afelhasználó e-mailben lesz értesítve eszköz kiadás / visszavétel esetén.',
'clone' => 'Kategória klónozása',
'create' => 'Kategória létrehozása',
'edit' => 'Kategória szerkesztése',
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ return array(
'about_assets_text' => 'Az eszközök a sorszám vagy az eszközcímke által követett elemek. Ezek általában magasabb értékű termékek, amelyekben egy adott elem azonosítása fontos.',
'archived' => 'Arhivált',
'asset' => 'Eszköz',
'bulk_checkout' => 'Checkout Assets',
'bulk_checkout' => 'Eszközök kiadása',
'checkin' => 'Eszköz visszavétele',
'checkout' => 'Checkout Asset',
'clone' => 'Eszköz klónozása',
@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ return array(
'view_models' => 'Modellek megtekintése',
'fieldset' => 'Mezőcsoport',
'no_custom_field' => 'Nincsenek egyedi mezők',
'add_default_values' => 'Add default values',
'add_default_values' => 'Alapértelmezett érték megadása',
@ -122,6 +122,8 @@ return array(
'snipe_version' => 'Snipe-IT változat',
'support_footer' => 'Lábjegyzet linkek támogatása ',
'support_footer_help' => 'Adja meg, hogy ki láthassa a Snipe-IT támogatási információ és a felhasználói kézikönyv linkjeit',
'version_footer' => 'Version in Footer ',
'version_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the Snipe-IT version and build number.',
'system' => 'Rendszer információ',
'update' => 'Frissítési beállítások',
'value' => 'Érték',
@ -177,5 +179,7 @@ return array(
'bottom' => 'alsó',
'vertical' => 'függőleges',
'horizontal' => 'vízszintes',
'unique_serial' => 'Unique serial numbers',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'Az eszközcímkék hossza, beleértve a nem töltöt',
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
return array(
'activated_help_text' => 'This user can login',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'You cannot edit activation status for your own account.',
'assets_user' => 'Eszköz(ök) hozzárendelve: :name',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'A következő felhasználók tulajdonságait szerkesztheti: user_count felhasználók. Kérjük, vegye figyelembe, hogy a saját felhasználói attribútumait nem tudja megváltoztatni ezzel az űrlappal, és személyre kell változtatni a saját felhasználóit.',
'bulk_update_help' => 'Ez az űrlap egyszerre több felhasználó frissítését teszi lehetővé. Csak töltse ki a megváltoztatni kívánt mezőket. Az üresen maradt mezők változatlanok maradnak.',
@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ return array(
'submit' => 'Küldés',
'upload' => 'Feltöltés',
'select_file' => 'Válaszd ki a fájlt...',
'select_files' => 'Select Files...',
'select_files' => 'Fájl kiválasztása...',
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
'unknown_admin' => 'Ismeretlen Admin',
'username_format' => 'Felhasználónév formátum',
'update' => 'Frissités',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, txt, lic, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'uploaded' => 'Feltöltve',
'user' => 'Felhasználó',
'accepted' => 'elfogadva',
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ return array(
'about_categories' => 'Kategori membantu meng-organisir aset anda. Beberapa contoh kategori mungkin seperti "Desktops", "Laptops", "Mobile Phones", "Tablets", dan seterusnya, tapi anda bisa menggunakan kategori sesuai kebutuhan anda.',
'asset_categories' => 'Kategori Aset',
'category_name' => 'Nama Kategori',
'checkin_email' => 'Send email to user on checkin/checkout.',
'checkin_email_notification' => 'This user will be sent an email on checkin/checkout.',
'checkin_email' => 'Kirim email ke pengguna saat check in / checkout.',
'checkin_email_notification' => 'Pengguna ini akan dikirimi email saat check in / checkout.',
'clone' => 'Kategori duplikat',
'create' => 'Buat kategori',
'edit' => 'Ubah Kategori',
@ -28,5 +28,5 @@ return array(
'create_fieldset' => 'Set Kolom Baru',
'create_field' => 'Tambah Kolom Ubahan',
'value_encrypted' => 'Nilai dari kolom ini di database dienkripsi. hanya pengguna admin yang bisa melihat nilai deskripsinya',
'show_in_email' => 'Include the value of this field in checkout emails sent to the user? Encrypted fields cannot be included in emails.',
'show_in_email' => 'Sertakan nilai bidang ini dalam email checkout yang dikirim kepada pengguna? Bidang terenkripsi tidak dapat dimasukkan dalam email.',
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ return array(
'ad' => 'Active Directory',
'ad_domain' => 'Domain Active Directory',
'ad_domain_help' => 'Hal ini kadang-kadang sama sebagai domain email Anda, tetapi tidak selalu.',
'admin_cc_email' => 'CC Email',
'admin_cc_email_help' => 'If you would like to send a copy of checkin/checkout emails that are sent to users to an additional email account, enter it here. Otherwise leave this field blank.',
'admin_cc_email' => 'Tembusan Email',
'admin_cc_email_help' => 'Jika Anda ingin mengirim salinan email checkin / checkout yang dikirimkan ke pengguna akun email tambahan, masukkan di sini. Jika tidak, biarkan bidang ini kosong.',
'is_ad' => 'Ini adalah server Active Directory',
'alert_email' => 'Kirim pemberitahuan kepada',
'alerts_enabled' => 'Aktifkan pemberitahuan',
@ -81,16 +81,16 @@ return array(
'login_note' => 'Login Catatan',
'login_note_help' => 'Opsional memasukkan beberapa kalimat di layar masuk Anda, misalnya untuk membantu orang-orang yang telah menemukan perangkat yang hilang atau dicuri. Bidang ini menerima <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">posur rasa Github</a>',
'login_remote_user_text' => 'Opsi masuk Pengguna Jarak Jauh',
'login_remote_user_enabled_text' => 'Enable Login with Remote User Header',
'login_remote_user_enabled_help' => 'This option enables Authentication via the REMOTE_USER header according to the "Common Gateway Interface (rfc3875)"',
'login_common_disabled_text' => 'Disable other authentication mechanisms',
'login_common_disabled_help' => 'This option disables other authentication mechanisms. Just enable this option if you are sure that your REMOTE_USER login is already working',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_text' => 'Custom logout URL',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If filled users will get redirected to this URL after the Session of SnipeIT is closed (Logout). This is usefull to close the user sessions of your Authenticationprovider correctly.',
'login_remote_user_enabled_text' => 'Aktifkan Login dengan Remote User Header',
'login_remote_user_enabled_help' => 'Opsi ini memungkinkan Otentikasi melalui header REMOTE_USER sesuai dengan "Common Gateway Interface (rfc3875)"',
'login_common_disabled_text' => 'Nonaktifkan mekanisme autentikasi lainnya',
'login_common_disabled_help' => 'Opsi ini menonaktifkan mekanisme otentikasi lainnya. Cukup aktifkan opsi ini jika Anda yakin bahwa login REMOTE_USER Anda sudah berfungsi',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_text' => 'Penyesuaian URL logout',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'Jika diisi, pengguna akan dialihkan ke URL ini setelah Sesi SnipeIT ditutup (Keluar). Ini berguna untuk menutup sesi pengguna dari Authenticationprovider Anda dengan benar.',
'logo' => 'Logo',
'full_multiple_companies_support_help_text' => 'Membatasi pengguna (termasuk admin) diberikan kepada perusahaan untuk aset perusahaan mereka.',
'full_multiple_companies_support_text' => 'Dukungan penuh beberapa perusahaan',
'show_in_model_list' => 'Show in Model Dropdowns',
'show_in_model_list' => 'Tampilkan dalam Model Dropdown',
'optional' => 'pilihan',
'per_page' => 'Hasil per halaman',
'php' => 'Versi PHP',
@ -107,21 +107,23 @@ return array(
'setting' => 'Pengaturan',
'settings' => 'Pengaturan',
'show_alerts_in_menu' => 'Tampilkan pemberitahuan di menu atas',
'show_archived_in_list' => 'Archived Assets',
'show_archived_in_list_text' => 'Show archived assets in the "all assets" listing',
'show_images_in_email' => 'Show images in emails',
'show_images_in_email_help' => 'Uncheck this box if your Snipe-IT installation is behind a VPN or closed network and users outside the network will not be able to load images served from this installation in their emails.',
'show_archived_in_list' => 'Aset yang Diarsipkan',
'show_archived_in_list_text' => 'Tampilkan aset yang diarsipkan dalam daftar "semua aset"',
'show_images_in_email' => 'Tampilkan gambar dalam email',
'show_images_in_email_help' => 'Hapus centang kotak ini jika instalasi Snipe-IT Anda berada di belakang VPN atau jaringan tertutup dan pengguna di luar jaringan tidak akan dapat memuat gambar yang disajikan dari instalasi ini di email mereka.',
'site_name' => 'Nama Situs',
'slack_botname' => 'Slack Botname',
'slack_channel' => 'Slack Channel',
'slack_endpoint' => 'Slack Endpoint',
'slack_integration' => 'Pengaturan Slack',
'slack_integration_help' => 'Penggabungan Slack adalah pilihan, namun untuk kanal dan titik akhir wajib jika anda hendak menggunakannya. Untuk konfigurasi penggabungan slack, anda harus <a href=":slack_link" target="_new"> membuat kaitan masuk</a> pada akun slack.',
'slack_integration_help_button' => 'Once you have saved your Slack information, a test button will appear.',
'slack_test_help' => 'Test whether your Slack integration is configured correctly. YOU MUST SAVE YOUR UPDATED SLACK SETTINGS FIRST.',
'slack_integration_help_button' => 'Setelah Anda menyimpan informasi Slack Anda, tombol tes akan muncul.',
'slack_test_help' => 'Uji apakah integrasi Slack Anda dikonfigurasi dengan benar. ANDA HARUS MENYIMPAN SETELAN PENGATURAN KESELAMATAN ANDA PERTAMA.',
'snipe_version' => 'Versi Snipe-IT',
'support_footer' => 'Support Footer Links ',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the links to the Snipe-IT Support info and Users Manual',
'support_footer' => 'Mendukung Footer Links ',
'support_footer_help' => 'Tentukan siapa yang melihat tautan ke info Dukungan Snipe-IT dan Panduan Pengguna',
'version_footer' => 'Version in Footer ',
'version_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the Snipe-IT version and build number.',
'system' => 'Informasi Sistem',
'update' => 'Pengaturan perbaruan',
'value' => 'Harga',
@ -132,9 +134,9 @@ return array(
'label_dimensions' => 'Dimensi label (inch)',
'next_auto_tag_base' => 'Berikutnya auto-increment',
'page_padding' => 'Marjin halaman (inch)',
'privacy_policy_link' => 'Link to Privacy Policy',
'privacy_policy' => 'Privacy Policy',
'privacy_policy_link_help' => 'If a url is included here, a link to your privacy policy will be included in the app footer and in any emails that the system sends out, in compliance with GDPR. ',
'privacy_policy_link' => 'Tautan ke Kebijakan Privasi',
'privacy_policy' => 'Kebijakan privasi',
'privacy_policy_link_help' => 'Jika url disertakan di sini, tautan ke kebijakan privasi Anda akan dimasukkan dalam footer aplikasi dan di email apa pun yang dikirimkan sistem, sesuai dengan GDPR. ',
'purge' => 'Pembersihan catatan yang telah terhapus',
'labels_display_bgutter' => 'Ukuran bawah label',
'labels_display_sgutter' => 'Ukuran samping label',
@ -177,5 +179,7 @@ return array(
'bottom' => 'bawah',
'vertical' => 'vertikal',
'horizontal' => 'horisontal',
'unique_serial' => 'Unique serial numbers',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'Jarak tag aset, termasuk angka nol',
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ return array(
'archived' => 'Diarsipkan',
'create' => 'Membuat label status',
'color' => 'Warna Bagan',
'default_label' => 'Default Label',
'default_label_help' => 'This is used to ensure your most commonly used status labels appear at the top of the select box when creating/editing assets.',
'default_label' => 'Label standar',
'default_label_help' => 'Ini digunakan untuk memastikan label status yang paling sering digunakan muncul di bagian atas kotak pilih saat membuat / mengedit aset.',
'deployable' => 'Dapat digunakan',
'info' => 'Label status digunakan untuk menjelaskan berbagai macam status aset. Sebagai contoh, rusak/hilang, dalam perbaikan dan sebagainya. Anda dapat membuat status label baru untuk penundaan aset, aset yang dapat digunakan dan aset yang diarsipkan.',
'name' => 'Nama Status',
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
return array(
'activated_help_text' => 'This user can login',
'activated_disabled_help_text' => 'You cannot edit activation status for your own account.',
'assets_user' => 'Aset pada :name',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'Anda akan mengedit properti dari: user_count pengguna. Harap perhatikan bahwa Anda tidak dapat mengubah atribut pengguna Anda sendiri menggunakan formulir ini, dan harus melakukan pengeditan kepada pengguna Anda sendiri satu per satu.',
'bulk_update_help' => 'Formulir ini memungkinkan Anda untuk memperbarui beberapa pengguna sekaligus. Isi saja bidang yang perlu Anda ubah. Setiap bidang yang dikosongkan akan tetap tidak berubah.',
@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ return array(
'restore_user' => 'Klik di sini untuk mengembalikannya.',
'last_login' => 'Terakhir masuk',
'ldap_config_text' => 'Konfigurasi LDAP terdapat di Admin > Pengaturan. Jika lokasi di pilih, maka akan di impor untuk semua pengguna.',
'print_assigned' => 'Print All Assigned',
'print_assigned' => 'Cetak Semua Ditugaskan',
'software_user' => 'Perangkat lunak pada :name',
'view_user' => 'Lihat pengguna: name',
'usercsv' => 'Berkas CSV',
@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ return array(
'submit' => 'Kirim',
'upload' => 'Unggah',
'select_file' => 'Pilih file...',
'select_files' => 'Select Files...',
'select_files' => 'Pilih File...',
@ -39,9 +39,9 @@
'checkin' => 'Check-in',
'checkin_from' => 'Check-in dari',
'checkout' => 'Check-out',
'checkouts_count' => 'Checkouts',
'checkins_count' => 'Checkins',
'user_requests_count' => 'Requests',
'checkouts_count' => 'Keluar',
'checkins_count' => 'Masuk',
'user_requests_count' => 'Permintaan',
'city' => 'Kota',
'click_here' => 'Klik disini',
'clear_selection' => 'Bersihkan Pilihan',
@ -68,14 +68,14 @@
'debug_warning' => 'PERINGATAN!',
'debug_warning_text' => 'Aplikasi ini berjalan dalam mode produksi dengan debugging diaktifkan. Hal ini dapat mengekspos data sensitif jika aplikasi Anda dapat diakses oleh dunia luar. Nonaktifkan mode debug dengan menetapkan nilai <code>APP_DEBUG</code> di file <code>.env</code> Anda ke <code>false</code>.',
'delete' => 'Hapus',
'delete_confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete :item?',
'delete_confirm' => 'Apakah Anda yakin untuk menghapus kategori ini?',
'deleted' => 'Dihapus',
'delete_seats' => 'Lisensi di hapus',
'departments' => 'Departemen',
'department' => 'Departemen',
'deployed' => 'Dijalankan',
'depreciation_report' => 'Laporan penyusutan',
'details' => 'Details',
'details' => 'Rincian',
'download' => 'Download',
'depreciation' => 'Penyusutan',
'editprofile' => 'Sunting profil anda',
@ -85,16 +85,16 @@
'email_domain_help' => 'Ini digunakan untuk untuk membuat email ketika melakukan proses import',
'filastname_format' => 'Inisial pertama - Nama belakang (jsmith@example.com)',
'firstname_lastname_format' => 'Nama depan - Nama belakang (jane.smith@example.com)',
'firstname_lastname_underscore_format' => 'First Name Last Name (jane_smith@example.com)',
'lastnamefirstinitial_format' => 'Last Name First Initial (smithj@example.com)',
'firstname_lastname_underscore_format' => 'Nama Depan Nama Belakang (jane_smith@example.com)',
'lastnamefirstinitial_format' => 'Nama Depan First Initial (smithj@example.com)',
'first' => 'Pertama',
'first_name' => 'Nama Depan',
'first_name_format' => 'Nama Depan (jane@example.com)',
'files' => 'Files',
'files' => 'File',
'file_name' => 'Berkas',
'file_uploads' => 'Unggah Berkas',
'generate' => 'Generate',
'github_markdown' => 'This field accepts <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github flavored markdown</a>.',
'github_markdown' => 'Kolom ini mengizinkan <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">markup rasa Github</a>.',
'groups' => 'Kelompok',
'gravatar_email' => 'Alamat Gravatar Email',
'history' => 'Riwayat',
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
'image' => 'Gambar',
'image_delete' => 'Menghapus gambar',
'image_upload' => 'Unggah gambar',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Accepted filetypes are jpg, png, gif, and svg. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Tipe file yang diterima adalah jpg, png, gif, dan svg. Maksimal ukuran foto diizinkan adalah: ukuran.',
'import' => 'Impor',
'import-history' => 'Sejarah Impor',
'asset_maintenance' => 'Pemeliharaan Aset',
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
'locations' => 'Lokasi',
'logout' => 'Keluar',
'lookup_by_tag' => 'Mencari berdasarkan tag aset',
'maintenances' => 'Maintenances',
'maintenances' => 'Pemeliharaan',
'manufacturer' => 'Produsen',
'manufacturers' => 'Produsen',
'markdown' => 'Field ini mengizinkan <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github flavored markdown</a>.',
@ -181,11 +181,11 @@
'select_company' => 'Memilih Perusahaan',
'select_asset' => 'Memilih Aset',
'settings' => 'Pengaturan',
'show_deleted' => 'Show Deleted',
'show_current' => 'Show Current',
'show_deleted' => 'Tampilkan yang Dihapus',
'show_current' => 'Tampilkan Saat Ini',
'sign_in' => 'Masuk',
'signature' => 'Tanda tangan',
'skin' => 'Skin',
'skin' => 'Tema',
'some_features_disabled' => 'DEMO: Beberapa fitur tidak aktif.',
'site_name' => 'Nama Situs',
'state' => 'Provinsi',
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
'unknown_admin' => 'Admin tidak diketahui',
'username_format' => 'Format pengguna',
'update' => 'Memperbarui',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, txt, lic, zip, and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'uploaded' => 'Terunggah',
'user' => 'Pengguna',
'accepted' => 'diterima',
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ return array(
'about_categories' => 'Le categorie ti aiutano a organizzare i tuoi articoli. Alcune categorie di esempio potrebbero essere "Desktops", "Laptops", "Mobile Phones", "Tablets" e così via, ma è possibile utilizzare categorie in qualsiasi modo che ha senso per te.',
'asset_categories' => 'Categorie degli Assets',
'category_name' => 'Nome categoria',
'checkin_email' => 'Send email to user on checkin/checkout.',
'checkin_email_notification' => 'This user will be sent an email on checkin/checkout.',
'checkin_email' => 'Invia email all\'utente al ritiro / consegna.',
'checkin_email_notification' => 'A questo utente verrà inviata un\'email al ritiro / consegna.',
'clone' => 'Copia Categoria',
'create' => 'Crea Categoria',
'edit' => 'Modifica Categoria',
@ -28,5 +28,5 @@ return array(
'create_fieldset' => 'Nuovo fieldset',
'create_field' => 'Nuovo campo personalizzato',
'value_encrypted' => 'Il valore di questo campo viene crittografato nel database. Solo gli utenti amministratori saranno in grado di visualizzare il valore decrittografato',
'show_in_email' => 'Include the value of this field in checkout emails sent to the user? Encrypted fields cannot be included in emails.',
'show_in_email' => 'Includere il valore di questo campo nelle e-mail di checkout inviate all\'utente? I campi crittografati non possono essere inclusi nelle e-mail.',
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ return array(
'bulk_update' => 'Aggiornamento quantità beni',
'bulk_update_help' => 'Questo modulo consente di aggiornare più risorse in una sola volta. Riempire solo i campi che è necessario cambiare. Tutti i campi lasciati vuoti rimarranno invariati. ',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'Stai per modificare le proprietà di :asset_count beni.',
'checkedout_to' => 'Estratto a',
'checkout_date' => 'Data di estrazione',
'checkedout_to' => 'Assegnato a',
'checkout_date' => 'Data di assegnazione',
'checkin_date' => 'Data di entrata',
'checkout_to' => 'Assegnare a',
'cost' => 'Costo acquisto',
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ return array(
'tag' => 'Etichetta bene',
'update' => 'Aggiornamento bene',
'warranty' => 'Garanzia',
'warranty_expires' => 'Warranty Expires',
'warranty_expires' => 'Scadenza della garanzia',
'years' => 'anni',
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ return array(
'about_assets_text' => 'Gli asset sono elementi tracciati con il numero di serie o il tag di asset. Tendono ad essere oggetti di valore più elevato dove identificare un elemento specifico.',
'archived' => 'Archiviato',
'asset' => 'Asset',
'bulk_checkout' => 'Checkout Assets',
'bulk_checkout' => 'Ritiro Asset',
'checkin' => 'Ingresso Asset',
'checkout' => 'Asset Checkout',
'clone' => 'Copia Asset',
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ return array(
'success' => 'Il bene è stato estratto con successo.',
'user_does_not_exist' => 'Questo utente non è valido. Riprova.',
'not_available' => 'Questo prodotto non è disponibile per il checkout!',
'no_assets_selected' => 'You must select at least one asset from the list'
'no_assets_selected' => 'È necessario selezionare almeno una risorsa dall\'elenco'
'checkin' => array(
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ return array(
'restore' => array(
'error' => 'Manufacturer was not restored, please try again',
'success' => 'Manufacturer restored successfully.'
'error' => 'Il produttore non è stato ripristinato, per favore riprova',
'success' => 'Produttore ripristinato con successo.'
'delete' => array(
@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ return array(
'view_models' => 'Visualizza i modelli',
'fieldset' => 'Fieldset',
'no_custom_field' => 'Nessun campo personalizzato',
'add_default_values' => 'Add default values',
'add_default_values' => 'Aggiungi valori predefiniti',
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ return array(
'ad' => 'Active Directory',
'ad_domain' => 'Dominio Active Directory',
'ad_domain_help' => 'Questo a volte è lo stesso del dominio email, ma non sempre.',
'admin_cc_email' => 'CC Email',
'admin_cc_email_help' => 'If you would like to send a copy of checkin/checkout emails that are sent to users to an additional email account, enter it here. Otherwise leave this field blank.',
'admin_cc_email' => 'Email CC',
'admin_cc_email_help' => 'Se desideri inviare una copia delle e-mail di consegna / ritiro che vengono inviate agli utenti a un altro account e-mail, inseriscile qui. Altrimenti, lascia questo campo vuoto.',
'is_ad' => 'Si tratta di un server Active Directory',
'alert_email' => 'Invia avvisi a',
'alerts_enabled' => 'Allarmi Attivati',
@ -80,13 +80,13 @@ return array(
'load_remote_help_text' => 'Questa installazione di Snipe-IT può caricare script dal mondo esterno.',
'login_note' => 'Nota di accesso',
'login_note_help' => 'Facoltativamente includere alcune frasi nella schermata di login, ad esempio per aiutare le persone che hanno trovato un dispositivo perso o rubato. Questo campo accetta <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Goodotto flavored markdown</a>',
'login_remote_user_text' => 'Remote User login options',
'login_remote_user_enabled_text' => 'Enable Login with Remote User Header',
'login_remote_user_enabled_help' => 'This option enables Authentication via the REMOTE_USER header according to the "Common Gateway Interface (rfc3875)"',
'login_common_disabled_text' => 'Disable other authentication mechanisms',
'login_common_disabled_help' => 'This option disables other authentication mechanisms. Just enable this option if you are sure that your REMOTE_USER login is already working',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_text' => 'Custom logout URL',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If filled users will get redirected to this URL after the Session of SnipeIT is closed (Logout). This is usefull to close the user sessions of your Authenticationprovider correctly.',
'login_remote_user_text' => 'Opzioni di accesso utente remoto',
'login_remote_user_enabled_text' => 'Abilita accesso con intestazione utente remota',
'login_remote_user_enabled_help' => 'Questa opzione abilita l\'autenticazione tramite l\'intestazione REMOTE_USER in base alla "Common Gateway Interface (rfc3875)"',
'login_common_disabled_text' => 'Disabilita altri meccanismi di autenticazione',
'login_common_disabled_help' => 'Questa opzione disabilita altri meccanismi di autenticazione. Abilita questa opzione solo se sei sicuro che il tuo login REMOTE_USER sta già funzionando',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_text' => 'URL di logout personalizzato',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'Se gli utenti compilati verranno reindirizzati a questo URL dopo che la sessione di SnipeIT è stata chiusa (Logout). Questo è utile per chiudere correttamente le sessioni utente del tuo Authentication provider.',
'logo' => 'Logo',
'full_multiple_companies_support_help_text' => 'Restringere gli utenti (amministratori inclusi) assegnati ad una azienda agli asset della propria azienda.',
'full_multiple_companies_support_text' => 'Supporto completo ad aziende multiple',
@ -109,19 +109,21 @@ return array(
'show_alerts_in_menu' => 'Mostra avvisi nel menu in alto',
'show_archived_in_list' => 'Risorse archiviate',
'show_archived_in_list_text' => 'Mostra le risorse archiviate nella lista "tutte le risorse"',
'show_images_in_email' => 'Show images in emails',
'show_images_in_email_help' => 'Uncheck this box if your Snipe-IT installation is behind a VPN or closed network and users outside the network will not be able to load images served from this installation in their emails.',
'show_images_in_email' => 'Mostra le immagini nelle e-mail',
'show_images_in_email_help' => 'Deseleziona questa casella se l\'installazione di Snipe-IT si trova dietro una rete VPN o chiusa e gli utenti esterni alla rete non saranno in grado di caricare le immagini fornite da questa installazione nelle loro e-mail.',
'site_name' => 'Nome sito',
'slack_botname' => 'Botname Slack',
'slack_channel' => 'Canale Slack',
'slack_endpoint' => 'Finale Slack',
'slack_integration' => 'Impostazioni Slack',
'slack_integration_help' => 'L\'integrazione con Slack è opzionale, comunque il finale ed il canale sono richiesto se tu vuoi usarlo. Per configurare l\'integrazione con Slack, tu devi prima <a href=":slack_link" target="_new"> creare un webhook </a> nel tuo account di Slack.',
'slack_integration_help_button' => 'Once you have saved your Slack information, a test button will appear.',
'slack_test_help' => 'Test whether your Slack integration is configured correctly. YOU MUST SAVE YOUR UPDATED SLACK SETTINGS FIRST.',
'slack_integration_help_button' => 'Dopo aver salvato le informazioni Slack, apparirà un pulsante di test.',
'slack_test_help' => 'Verifica se l\'integrazione Slack è configurata correttamente. PRIMA È NECESSARIO SALVARE LE IMPOSTAZIONI SLACK AGGIORNATE.',
'snipe_version' => 'Snipe-IT version',
'support_footer' => 'Supporto per i collegamenti a piè di pagina ',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specificare chi vede i collegamenti alle informazioni sul supporto IT e su Snipe-IT',
'version_footer' => 'Version in Footer ',
'version_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the Snipe-IT version and build number.',
'system' => 'Informazioni di sistema',
'update' => 'Aggiorna impostazioni',
'value' => 'Valore',
@ -132,9 +134,9 @@ return array(
'label_dimensions' => 'Dimensioni dell\'etichetta (pollici)',
'next_auto_tag_base' => 'Avanzamento automatico successivo',
'page_padding' => 'Margini della pagina (pollici)',
'privacy_policy_link' => 'Link to Privacy Policy',
'privacy_policy' => 'Privacy Policy',
'privacy_policy_link_help' => 'If a url is included here, a link to your privacy policy will be included in the app footer and in any emails that the system sends out, in compliance with GDPR. ',
'privacy_policy_link' => 'Link alla politica sulla privacy',
'privacy_policy' => 'Informativa sulla privacy',
'privacy_policy_link_help' => 'Se un URL è incluso qui, un link alla tua politica sulla privacy sarà incluso nel footer dell\'app e in tutte le e-mail che il sistema invia, in conformità con GDPR. ',
'purge' => 'Eliminare i record cancellati',
'labels_display_bgutter' => 'Etichettare la grondaia inferiore',
'labels_display_sgutter' => 'Lato laterale dell\'etichetta',
@ -177,5 +179,7 @@ return array(
'bottom' => 'parte inferiore',
'vertical' => 'verticale',
'horizontal' => 'orizzontale',
'unique_serial' => 'Unique serial numbers',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'Lunghezza dei tag di asset, incluso zerofill',
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more
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