Prevent users from editing category types if there are still items

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This commit is contained in:
snipe 2024-07-05 00:23:02 +01:00
parent 6761ff44cc
commit 7215746d7a

View file

@ -112,14 +112,24 @@ class CategoriesController extends Controller
$this->authorize('update', Category::class);
if (is_null($category = Category::find($categoryId))) {
// Redirect to the categories management page
return redirect()->to('admin/categories')->with('error', trans('admin/categories/message.does_not_exist'));
return redirect()->route('categories.index')->with('error', trans('admin/categories/message.does_not_exist'));
// Update the category data
$category->name = $request->input('name');
// If the item count is > 0, we disable the category type in the edit. Disabled items
// don't POST, so if the category_type is blank we just set it to the default.
// Don't allow the user to change the category_type once it's been created
if (($request->filled('category_type') && ($category->itemCount() > 0))) {
$request->validate(['category_type' => 'in:'.$category->category_type]);
$category->category_type = $request->input('category_type', $category->category_type);
$category->eula_text = $request->input('eula_text');
$category->use_default_eula = $request->input('use_default_eula', '0');
$category->require_acceptance = $request->input('require_acceptance', '0');