mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 03:15:45 -08:00
Updated translations with new strings
This commit is contained in:
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'LDAP-verifikasie navraag',
'ldap_version' => 'LDAP-weergawe',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'LDAP-aktiewe vlag',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'LDAP Werknemersnommer',
'ldap_email' => 'LDAP-e-pos',
'license' => 'Software License',
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
'depreciation_report' => 'Waardeverminderingsverslag',
'details' => 'Details',
'download' => 'Aflaai',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'waardevermindering',
'editprofile' => 'Wysig jou profiel',
'eol' => 'EOL',
@ -95,12 +96,6 @@
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (janesmith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'first_name' => 'Eerste naam',
'first_name_format' => 'Voornaam (jane@example.com)',
'files' => 'Files',
@ -119,6 +114,8 @@
'image_upload' => 'Laai prent op',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Accepted filetypes are jpg, png, gif, and svg. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'import' => 'invoer',
'importing' => 'Importing',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
'import-history' => 'Invoer Geskiedenis',
'asset_maintenance' => 'Bate Onderhoud',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Asset Maintenance Report',
@ -242,4 +239,9 @@
'login_enabled' => 'Login Enabled',
'audit_due' => 'Due for Audit',
'audit_overdue' => 'Overdue for Audit',
'accept' => 'Accept :asset',
'i_accept' => 'I accept',
'i_decline' => 'I decline',
'sign_tos' => 'Sign below to indicate that you agree to the terms of service:',
'clear_signature' => 'Clear Signature'
@ -69,5 +69,11 @@ return array(
'welcome' => 'Welkom: naam',
'welcome_to' => 'Welkom by: web!',
'your_credentials' => 'Jou Snipe-IT-referenties',
'Accessory_Checkin_Notification' => 'Accessory checked in',
'Asset_Checkin_Notification' => 'Asset checked in',
'License_Checkin_Notification' => 'License checked in',
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'An asset checked out to you is due to be checked back in on :date',
'your_assets' => 'View Your Assets'
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
return array(
'does_not_exist' => 'The accessory [:id] does not exist.',
'does_not_exist' => 'الملحق [:id] غير موجود.',
'assoc_users' => 'تم إخراج :count عنصر من هذا الملحق للمستخدمين، الرجاء ادخال بعض الملحقات ثم حاول مرة أخرى. ',
'create' => array(
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
'repair' => 'إصلاح',
'maintenance' => 'صيانة',
'upgrade' => 'الترقية',
'calibration' => 'Calibration',
'software_support' => 'Software Support',
'hardware_support' => 'Hardware Support',
'calibration' => 'المعايره',
'software_support' => 'دعم البرامج',
'hardware_support' => 'دعم الأجهزة',
@ -20,6 +20,6 @@ return array(
'title' => 'أصل ',
'image' => 'صورة الجهاز',
'days_without_acceptance' => 'أيام بدون قبول',
'monthly_depreciation' => 'Monthly Depreciation'
'monthly_depreciation' => 'الإهلاك الشهري'
@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
return array(
'about_kits_title' => 'About Predefined Kits',
'about_kits_text' => 'Predefined Kits let you quickly check out a collection of items (assets, licenses, etc) to a user. This can be helpful when your onboarding process is consistent across many users and all users receive the same items.',
'checkout' => 'Checkout Kit ',
'create_success' => 'Kit was successfully created.',
'create' => 'Create Predefined Kit',
'update' => 'Update Predefined Kit',
'delete_success' => 'Kit was successfully deleted.',
'update_success' => 'Kit was successfully updated.',
'none_models' => 'There are not enough available assets for :model to checkout. :qty are required. ',
'none_licenses' => 'There are not enough available seats for :license to checkout. :qty are required. ',
'none_consumables' => 'There are not enough available units of :consumable to checkout. :qty are required. ',
'none_accessory' => 'There are not enough available units of :accessory to checkout. :qty are required. ',
'about_kits_title' => 'حول مجموعات محددة مسبقا',
'about_kits_text' => 'مجموعات محددة مسبقا تتيح لك تحقق بسرعة من مجموعة من العناصر (الأصول والتراخيص ، الخ) لمستخدم. قد يكون هذا مفيداً عندما تكون عملية تشغيلك متناسقة عبر العديد من المستخدمين وتتلقى كافة المستخدمين نفس العناصر.
'checkout' => 'مجموعة الخروج ',
'create_success' => 'تم إنشاء مجموعة الأدوات بنجاح.',
'create' => 'إنشاء مجموعة أدوات معرفة مسبقاً',
'update' => 'تحديث مجموعة أدوات معرّفة مسبقاً',
'delete_success' => 'تم حذف عدة بنجاح.',
'update_success' => 'تم تحديث مجموعة الأدوات بنجاح.',
'none_models' => 'لا توجد أصول متوفرة كافية لـ:نموذج لـ Checkout. الكمية مطلوبة.
'none_licenses' => 'لا توجد مقاعد كافية متاحة لـ: ترخيص الخروج. الكمية مطلوبة. ',
'none_consumables' => 'لا توجد وحدات متوفرة كافية من: قابلة للاستهلاك لـ Checkout. الكمية مطلوبة. ',
'none_accessory' => 'لا توجد وحدات متوفرة كافية من: ملحق ل checkout. الكمية مطلوبة. ',
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ return array(
'owner_doesnt_match_asset' => 'الأصل اللذي تحاول ربطه مع هذا الترخيص حاليا مملوك لشخص اخر غير اللذي تم اختياره من القائمة المنسدلة.',
'assoc_users' => 'هذا الترخيص حاليا مخرج لمستخدم ولا يمكن حذفه. يرجى التحقق من الترخيص في البداية، ثم محاولة الحذف مرة أخرى. ',
'select_asset_or_person' => 'يجب تحديد أصل أو مستخدم، وليس كليهما.',
'not_found' => 'License not found',
'not_found' => 'لم يتم العثور على الترخيص',
'create' => array(
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ return array(
'ad' => 'الدليل النشط',
'ad_domain' => 'مجال الدليل النشط',
'ad_domain_help' => 'هذا هو أحيانا نفس نطاق البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك، ولكن ليس دائما.',
'ad_append_domain_label' => 'Append domain name',
'ad_append_domain' => 'Append domain name to username field',
'ad_append_domain_help' => 'User isn\'t required to write "username@domain.local", they can just type "username".' ,
'ad_append_domain_label' => 'إلحاق اسم domain',
'ad_append_domain' => 'إلحاق اسم domain إلى حقل اسم المستخدم',
'ad_append_domain_help' => 'المستخدم غير مطلوب لكتابة "username@domain.local" ، فإنها يمكن أن تكتب فقط "اسم المستخدم".' ,
'admin_cc_email' => 'نسخة اضافية للبريد الإكتروني',
'admin_cc_email_help' => 'إذا كنت ترغب في إرسال نسخة من رسائل البريد الإلكتروني لتسجيل الدخول / الخروج التي يتم إرسالها إلى المستخدمين إلى حساب بريد إلكتروني إضافي، فقم بإدخالها هنا. خلاف ذلك، اترك هذه الخانة فارغة.',
'is_ad' => 'هذا هو ملقم أكتيف ديركتوري',
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ return array(
'backups' => 'النسخ الإحتياطية',
'barcode_settings' => 'إعدادات الباركود',
'confirm_purge' => 'تأكيد التطهير',
'confirm_purge_help' => 'Enter the text "DELETE" in the box below to purge your deleted records. This action cannot be undone and will PERMANENTLY delete all soft-deleted items and users. (You should make a backup first, just to be safe.)',
'confirm_purge_help' => 'أدخل النص "DELETE" في المربع أدناه لإزالة السجلات المحذوفة. لا يمكن التراجع عن هذا الإجراء وسيتم حذف كافة العناصر حذف ناعمة والمستخدمين بشكل دائم. (يجب أن تقوم بعمل نسخة احتياطية أولاً، فقط لتكون آمنة.)',
'custom_css' => 'CSS مخصص',
'custom_css_help' => 'أدخل أي تخصيصات CSS ترغب في استخدامها. لا تقم باضافة <style></style>.',
'custom_forgot_pass_url' => 'رابط مخصص لاعادة تعيين كلمة المرور',
@ -41,23 +41,23 @@ return array(
'display_eol' => 'عرض نهاية العمر على شكل جدول',
'display_qr' => 'عرض رموز مربع',
'display_alt_barcode' => 'عرض 1D الباركود',
'email_logo' => 'Email Logo',
'email_logo' => 'شعار البريد الإلكتروني',
'barcode_type' => '2D نوع الباركود',
'alt_barcode_type' => '1D نوع الباركود',
'email_logo_size' => 'Square logos in email look best. ',
'email_logo_size' => 'الشعارات الشعارات البريد الإلكتروني في البريد الإلكتروني تبدو أفضل. ',
'eula_settings' => 'إعدادات اتفاقية ترخيص المستخدم النهائي',
'eula_markdown' => 'تسمح اتفاقية ترخيص المستخدم هذه <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">بتطبيق نمط الكتابة من Github</a>.',
'favicon' => 'Favicon',
'favicon_format' => 'Accepted filetypes are ico, png, and gif. Other image formats may not work in all browsers.',
'favicon_size' => 'Favicons should be square images, 16x16 pixels.',
'favicon_format' => 'أنواع الملفات المقبولة هي رمز و png و gif. قد لا تعمل تنسيقات الصور الأخرى في كافة المستعرضات.',
'favicon_size' => 'وينبغي أن تكون Favicons صور مربعة ، 16x16 بكسل.',
'footer_text' => 'إضافة نص لتذييل الصفحة ',
'footer_text_help' => 'This text will appear in the right-side footer. Links are allowed using <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github flavored markdown</a>. Line breaks, headers, images, etc may result in unpredictable results.',
'footer_text_help' => 'سيظهر هذا النص في تذييل الجانب الأيمن. يُسمح باستخدام الروابط باستخدام < href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">eGithub بنكهة markdown</a>. فواصل الأسطر، رؤوس، الصور، الخ قد يؤدي إلى نتائج غير متوقعة.',
'general_settings' => 'الاعدادات العامة',
'generate_backup' => 'إنشاء النسخ الاحتياطي',
'header_color' => 'رأس اللون',
'info' => 'تتيح لك هذه الإعدادات تخصيص بعض جوانب التثبيت.',
'label_logo' => 'Label Logo',
'label_logo_size' => 'Square logos look best - will be displayed in the top right of each asset label. ',
'label_logo' => 'شعار التسمية',
'label_logo_size' => 'الشعارات المربعة تبدو أفضل - سيتم عرضها في أعلى يمين كل ملصق أصل. ',
'laravel' => 'نسخة لارافيل',
'ldap_enabled' => 'تم تمكين لداب',
'ldap_integration' => 'دمج لداب',
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'استعلام مصادقة لداب',
'ldap_version' => 'إصدار لداب',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'لداب العلم النشط',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'رقم موظف لداب',
'ldap_email' => 'بريد لداب',
'license' => 'ترخيص البرنامج',
@ -92,13 +93,13 @@ return array(
'login_note_help' => 'اختيارياً تضمين بعض الجمل على شاشة تسجيل الدخول الخاصة بك، على سبيل المثال لمساعدة الناس الذين وجدوا أحد الأجهزة المفقودة أو المسروقة. يقبل هذا الحقل <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">بتطبيق نمط الكتابة من Github</a>',
'login_remote_user_text' => 'خيارات تسجيل دخول المستخدم عن بعد',
'login_remote_user_enabled_text' => 'تمكين تسجيل الدخول باستخدام الخانة الرئيسية للمستخدم عن بعد',
'login_remote_user_enabled_help' => 'This option enables Authentication via the REMOTE_USER header according to the "Common Gateway Interface (rfc3875)"',
'login_remote_user_enabled_help' => 'هذا الخيار تمكين المصادقة عبر رأس REMOTE_USER وفقاً ل "واجهة عبّارة الشائعة (rfc3875)"',
'login_common_disabled_text' => 'تعطيل آليات المصادقة الأخرى',
'login_common_disabled_help' => 'يعمل هذا الخيار على تعطيل آليات المصادقة الأخرى. ما عليك سوى تمكين هذا الخيار إذا كنت متأكدًا من أن تسجيل الدخول إلى المستخدم_عن_بعد يعمل بالفعل',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_text' => 'عنوان صفحة مخصص لتسجيل الخروج',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If a url is provided here, users will get redirected to this URL after the user logs out of Snipe-IT. This is useful to close the user sessions of your Authentication provider correctly.',
'login_remote_user_header_name_text' => 'Custom user name header',
'login_remote_user_header_name_help' => 'Use the specified header instead of REMOTE_USER',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'إذا تم توفير عنوان URL هنا، سيتم إعادة توجيه المستخدمين إلى عنوان URL هذا بعد تسجيل خروج المستخدم من Snipe-IT. هذا مفيد لإغلاق جلسات عمل المستخدم لموفر المصادقة بشكل صحيح.',
'login_remote_user_header_name_text' => 'الاسم المستعار للمستخدم',
'login_remote_user_header_name_help' => 'استخدم اسم المستعار المحدد بدلاً من REMOTE_USER',
'logo' => 'شعار',
'logo_print_assets' => 'الاستخدام في الطباعة',
'logo_print_assets_help' => 'استخدم العلامة التجارية في قوائم الأصول القابلة للطباعة ',
@ -113,56 +114,56 @@ return array(
'pwd_secure_complexity' => 'تعقيد كلمة المرور',
'pwd_secure_complexity_help' => 'حدد أي قواعد تعقيد كلمة المرور التي ترغب في فرضها.',
'pwd_secure_min' => 'كلمة المرور الحد الأدنى من الأحرف',
'pwd_secure_min_help' => 'Minimum permitted value is 8',
'pwd_secure_min_help' => 'الحد الأدنى المسموح به هو 8',
'pwd_secure_uncommon' => 'منع كلمات المرور الشائعة',
'pwd_secure_uncommon_help' => 'سيؤدي ذلك إلى منع المستخدمين من استخدام كلمات المرور الشائعة من أعلى 10000 كلمة مرور يتم الإبلاغ عنها في حالات خرق.',
'qr_help' => 'تمكين رموز قر أولا لتعيين هذا',
'qr_text' => 'نص رمز الاستجابة السريعة',
'saml_enabled' => 'SAML enabled',
'saml_integration' => 'SAML Integration',
'saml_sp_entityid' => 'Entity ID',
'saml_sp_acs_url' => 'Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL',
'saml_sp_sls_url' => 'Single Logout Service (SLS) URL',
'saml_sp_x509cert' => 'Public Certificate',
'saml_idp_metadata' => 'SAML IdP Metadata',
'saml_idp_metadata_help' => 'You can specify the IdP metadata using a URL or XML file.',
'saml_attr_mapping_username' => 'Attribute Mapping - Username',
'saml_attr_mapping_username_help' => 'NameID will be used if attribute mapping is unspecified or invalid.',
'saml_forcelogin_label' => 'SAML Force Login',
'saml_forcelogin' => 'Make SAML the primary login',
'saml_forcelogin_help' => 'You can use \'/login?nosaml\' to get to the normal login page.',
'saml_slo_label' => 'SAML Single Log Out',
'saml_slo' => 'Send a LogoutRequest to IdP on Logout',
'saml_slo_help' => 'This will cause the user to be first redirected to the IdP on logout. Leave unchecked if the IdP doesn\'t correctly support SP-initiated SAML SLO.',
'saml_custom_settings' => 'SAML Custom Settings',
'saml_custom_settings_help' => 'You can specify additional settings to the onelogin/php-saml library. Use at your own risk.',
'saml_enabled' => 'تمكين SAML',
'saml_integration' => 'الدمج مع نظام ادارة طلبات الزبائن',
'saml_sp_entityid' => 'معرف الكيان',
'saml_sp_acs_url' => 'رابط خدمة مستهلك الضمان (ACS)',
'saml_sp_sls_url' => 'رابط خدمة تسجيل الخروج الفردي (SLS)',
'saml_sp_x509cert' => 'شهادة عامة',
'saml_idp_metadata' => 'بيانات تعريف هوية SAML',
'saml_idp_metadata_help' => 'يمكنك تحديد بيانات التعريف الشخصية الشخصية باستخدام عنوان URL أو ملف XML.',
'saml_attr_mapping_username' => 'تعيين السمة - اسم المستخدم',
'saml_attr_mapping_username_help' => 'سيتم استخدام اسم المعرف إذا كانت خرائط السمة غير محددة أو غير صالحة.',
'saml_forcelogin_label' => 'تسجيل دخول قوة SAML',
'saml_forcelogin' => 'جعل SAML تسجيل الدخول الأساسي',
'saml_forcelogin_help' => 'يمكنك استخدام \'/login?nosaml\' للوصول إلى صفحة تسجيل الدخول العادية.',
'saml_slo_label' => 'تسجيل الخروج الفردي لSAML',
'saml_slo' => 'إرسال طلب تسجيل الدخول إلى الهوية عند تسجيل الخروج',
'saml_slo_help' => 'سيؤدي هذا إلى إعادة توجيه المستخدم لأول مرة إلى تسجيل الخروج من الهوية الشخصية. اتركه دون تحديد إذا كانت الهوية الشخصية لا تدعم بشكل صحيح SP-SAML SLO.',
'saml_custom_settings' => 'إعدادات SAML المخصصة',
'saml_custom_settings_help' => 'يمكنك تحديد إعدادات إضافية لمكتبة onelogin/php-saml. استخدمها على مسؤوليتك الخاصة.',
'setting' => 'ضبط',
'settings' => 'إعدادات',
'show_alerts_in_menu' => 'عرض التنبيهات في القائمة العلوية',
'show_archived_in_list' => 'الأصول المحفوظة',
'show_archived_in_list_text' => 'عرض الأصول المحفوظة في قائمة "جميع الأصول"',
'show_assigned_assets' => 'Show assets assigned to assets',
'show_assigned_assets_help' => 'Display assets which were assigned to the other assets in View User -> Assets, View User -> Info -> Print All Assigned and in Account -> View Assigned Assets.',
'show_assigned_assets' => 'إظهار الأصول المسندة إلى الأصول',
'show_assigned_assets_help' => 'عرض الأصول التي تم تعيينها إلى الأصول الأخرى في عرض المستخدم -> الأصول، عرض المستخدم -> معلومات -> طباعة جميع المعينات و في الحساب -> عرض الأصول المعينة.',
'show_images_in_email' => 'إظهار الصور في رسائل البريد الإلكتروني',
'show_images_in_email_help' => 'Uncheck this box if your Snipe-IT installation is behind a VPN or closed network and users outside the network will not be able to load images served from this installation in their emails.',
'show_images_in_email_help' => 'قم بإلغاء تحديد هذا المربع إذا كان تثبيت Snipe-IT وراء شبكة VPN أو شبكة مغلقة ولن يتمكن المستخدمون خارج الشبكة من تحميل الصور التي يخدمها هذا التثبيت في رسائل البريد الإلكتروني الخاصة بهم.',
'site_name' => 'اسم الموقع',
'slack_botname' => 'سلاك بوتنام',
'slack_channel' => 'قناة سلاك',
'slack_endpoint' => 'نقطة نهاية سلاك',
'slack_integration' => 'إعدادات سلاك',
'slack_integration_help' => 'Slack integration is optional, however the endpoint and channel are required if you wish to use it. To configure Slack integration, you must first <a href=":slack_link" target="_new" rel="noopener">create an incoming webhook</a> on your Slack account. Click on the <strong>Test Slack Integration</strong> button to confirm your settings are correct before saving. ',
'slack_integration_help' => 'التكامل الأسود اختياري، ولكن نقطة النهاية والقناة مطلوبة إذا كنت ترغب في استخدامها. لتكوين تكامل Slack ، يجب أولاً <a href=":slack_link" target="_new" rel="noopener">إنشاء ويب هوك وارد</a> على حساب Slack الخاص بك. انقر على زر <strong>اختبار التكامل السوداء</strong> لتأكيد أن إعداداتك صحيحة قبل الحفظ. ',
'slack_integration_help_button' => 'عند الانتهاء من حفظ معلومات Slack الخاصة بك، سوف يظهر زر الفحص.',
'slack_test_help' => 'Test whether your Slack integration is configured correctly. YOU MUST SAVE YOUR UPDATED SLACK SETTINGS FIRST.',
'slack_test_help' => 'اختبر ما إذا كان تكامل Slack الخاص بك قد تم تكوينه بشكل صحيح. لقد قمت بحفظ إعدادات SLACK الخاصة بك.',
'snipe_version' => 'قنص-إيت الإصدار',
'support_footer' => 'Support Footer Links ',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the links to the Snipe-IT Support info and Users Manual',
'support_footer' => 'دعم روابط تذييل الصفحة ',
'support_footer_help' => 'تحديد من يرى الروابط إلى دليل معلومات الدعم للمستخدمين عن طريق القناصة',
'version_footer' => 'رقم الاصدار في التذييل ',
'version_footer_help' => 'حدد من سوف يرى إصدار Snipe-IT و رقم النسخة.',
'system' => 'معلومات النظام',
'update' => 'إعدادات التحديث',
'value' => 'القيمة',
'brand' => 'العلامات التجارية',
'web_brand' => 'Web Branding Type',
'web_brand' => 'نوع العلامات التجارية للويب',
'about_settings_title' => 'حول الإعدادات',
'about_settings_text' => 'تتيح لك هذه الإعدادات تخصيص بعض جوانب التثبيت.',
'labels_per_page' => 'عدد التسميات لكل صفحة',
@ -171,7 +172,7 @@ return array(
'page_padding' => 'هوامش الصفحة (بوصة)',
'privacy_policy_link' => 'رابط سياسة الخصوصية',
'privacy_policy' => 'سياسة الخصوصية',
'privacy_policy_link_help' => 'If a url is included here, a link to your privacy policy will be included in the app footer and in any emails that the system sends out, in compliance with GDPR. ',
'privacy_policy_link_help' => 'إذا تم تضمين عنوان URL هنا، سيتم تضمين رابط لسياسة الخصوصية الخاصة بك في تذييل التطبيق وفي أي رسائل البريد الإلكتروني التي يرسلها النظام، وفقاً لهذا التقرير. ',
'purge' => 'تطهير السجلات المحذوفة',
'labels_display_bgutter' => 'الجزء السفلي للتسمية',
'labels_display_sgutter' => 'الجزء الجانبي للتسمية',
@ -217,5 +218,5 @@ return array(
'unique_serial' => 'أرقام تسلسلية مميزة',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'تحديد المربع سيؤدي الى فرض سياسة التفرد على الرقم التسلسلي للمتلكات',
'zerofill_count' => 'طول ترميز الأصل، بما في ذلك تعبئة الاصفار',
'username_format_help' => 'This setting will only be used by the import process if a username is not provided and we have to generate a username for you.',
'username_format_help' => 'سيتم استخدام هذا الإعداد فقط من قبل عملية الاستيراد إذا لم يتم توفير اسم المستخدم ويتعين علينا إنشاء اسم مستخدم لك.',
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ return array(
'create' => 'إنشاء تسمية الحالة',
'color' => 'لون الرسم البياني',
'default_label' => 'الوسم الافتراضي',
'default_label_help' => 'This is used to ensure your most commonly used status labels appear at the top of the select box when creating/editing assets.',
'default_label_help' => 'يستخدم هذا للتأكد من أن تسميات الحالة الأكثر استخداما تظهر في الجزء العلوي من المربع المحدد عند إنشاء/تحرير الأصول.',
'deployable' => 'قابل للتوزيع',
'info' => 'يتم استخدام تسميات الحالة لوصف الحالات المحتملة للأصول التابعة لك. قد تكون قيد الصيانة أو ضمن المفقودة أو المسروقة، وما إلى ذلك. يمكنك إنشاء تسميات حالة جديدة للأصول القابلة للتوزيع وقيد الانتظار والمؤرشفة.',
'name' => 'اسم الحالة',
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_config_text' => 'يمكن العثور على إعدادات تهيئة لداب المشرف> الإعدادات. سيتم تعيين الموقع (اختياري) المحدد لجميع المستخدمين الذين تم استيرادهم.',
'print_assigned' => 'طباعة كل الممتلكات',
'software_user' => 'البرامج المخرجة الى: :name',
'send_email_help' => 'You must provide an email address for this user to send them credentials. Emailing credentials can only be done on user creation. Passwords are stored in a one-way hash and cannot be retrieved once saved.',
'send_email_help' => 'يجب عليك توفير عنوان بريد إلكتروني لهذا المستخدم لإرسال بيانات اعتماده. لا يمكن إرسال بيانات الاعتماد البريدية إلا عند إنشاء المستخدم. يتم تخزين كلمات المرور في تجزئة ذات اتجاه واحد ولا يمكن استرجاعها بمجرد الحفظ.',
'view_user' => 'عرض المستخدم :name',
'usercsv' => 'ملف CSV',
'two_factor_admin_optin_help' => 'تسمح إعدادات المشرف الحالية بإنفاذ انتقائي للمصادقة الثنائية.',
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ return array(
'insufficient_permissions' => 'صلاحيات غير كافية.',
'user_deleted_warning' => 'تم حذف المستخدم. سيكون عليك استعادة هذا المستخدم اذا ارت التعديل عليه او تسليمه اجهزة جديدة.',
'ldap_not_configured' => 'لم يتم تكوين دمج لداب لهذا التثبيت.',
'password_resets_sent' => 'The selected users who are activated and have a valid email addresses have been sent a password reset link.',
'password_resets_sent' => 'تم إرسال رابط إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور للمستخدمين المحددين الذين تم تفعيلهم ولديهم عناوين بريد إلكتروني صالحة.',
'success' => array(
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ return [
'send_password_link' => 'إرسال رسالة إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور',
'email_reset_password' => 'البريد الإلكتروني إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور',
'reset_password' => 'إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور',
'saml_login' => 'Login via SAML',
'saml_login' => 'تسجيل الدخول عبر SAML',
'login' => 'الدخول',
'login_prompt' => 'الرجاء تسجيل الدخول',
'forgot_password' => 'نسيت كلمة المرور',
@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ return array(
'account_not_activated' => 'لم يتم تنشيط حساب هذا المستخدم.',
'account_suspended' => 'تم تعليق حساب المستخدم هذا.',
'account_banned' => 'تم حظر حساب المستخدم هذا.',
'throttle' => 'Too many failed login attempts. Please try again in :minutes minutes.',
'throttle' => 'هناك عدد كبير جدا من محاولات تسجيل الدخول الفاشلة. يرجى المحاولة مرة أخرى خلال :minutes دقيقة.',
'two_factor' => array(
'already_enrolled' => 'Your device is already enrolled.',
'success' => 'You have successfully logged in.',
'code_required' => 'Two-factor code is required.',
'invalid_code' => 'Two-factor code is invalid.',
'already_enrolled' => 'جهازك مسجل مسبقا.',
'success' => 'قمت بتسجيل الدخول بنجاح.',
'code_required' => 'رمز Two-factor مطلوب.',
'invalid_code' => 'رمز Two-factor غير صالح.',
'signin' => array(
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ return array(
'logout' => array(
'error' => 'There was a problem while trying to log you out, please try again.',
'success' => 'You have successfully logged out.',
'error' => 'حدثت مشكلة أثناء محاولة تسجيل دخولك، الرجاء إعادة المحاولة.',
'success' => 'قمت بتسجيل الدخول بنجاح.',
'signup' => array(
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ return array(
'forgot-password' => array(
'error' => 'حدثت مشكلة أثناء محاولة الحصول على رمز إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور، الرجاء إعادة المحاولة.',
'success' => 'If that email address exists in our system, a password recovery email has been sent.',
'success' => 'إذا كان عنوان البريد الإلكتروني هذا موجود في نظامنا، تم إرسال بريد إلكتروني لاسترداد كلمة المرور.',
'forgot-password-confirm' => array(
@ -13,5 +13,5 @@ return array(
'upload' => 'رفع',
'select_file' => 'حدد ملف ...',
'select_files' => 'إختيار ملف...',
'generate_labels' => '{1} Generate Label|[2,*] Generate Labels',
'generate_labels' => '{1} انشاء تسميات [2,*] توليد تسميات',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
'bulkaudit' => 'تدقيق متعدد',
'bulkaudit_status' => 'حالة التدقيق',
'bulk_checkout' => 'اخراج متعدد',
'bystatus' => 'by Status',
'bystatus' => 'حسب الحالة',
'cancel' => 'إلغاء',
'categories' => 'التصنيفات',
'category' => 'تصنيف',
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
'created' => 'تم إنشاء العنصر',
'created_asset' => 'الأصول المضافة',
'created_at' => 'أنشئت في',
'record_created' => 'Record Created',
'record_created' => 'إنشاء سجل',
'updated_at' => 'تم التحديث في',
'currency' => '$', // this is deprecated
'current' => 'الحالي',
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
'depreciation_report' => 'تقرير الإستهلاك',
'details' => 'التفاصيل',
'download' => 'تحميل',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'الإستهلاك',
'editprofile' => 'تعديل الملف الشخصي',
'eol' => 'نهاية العمر',
@ -89,26 +90,20 @@
'firstname_lastname_format' => 'الاسم الأول الاسم الأخير (jane.smith@example.com)',
'firstname_lastname_underscore_format' => 'الاسم الأول الاسم الأخير (jane_smith@example.com)',
'lastnamefirstinitial_format' => 'اللقب والحرف الاول من الاسم (smithj@example.com)',
'firstintial_dot_lastname_format' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstintial_dot_lastname_format' => 'الاسم الأخير الأول (jsmith@example.com)',
'first' => 'الأول',
'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (janesmith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (janesmith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'firstnamelastname' => 'الاسم الأول الاسم الأخير (jane.smith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'اللقب والحرف الاول من الاسم (smithj@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'الاسم الأخير الأول (jsmith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'اللقب والحرف الاول من الاسم (smithj@example.com)',
'first_name' => 'الإسم الأول',
'first_name_format' => 'الاسم الأول (jane@example.com)',
'files' => 'الملفات',
'file_name' => 'ملف',
'file_type' => 'File Type',
'file_type' => 'نوع الملف',
'file_uploads' => 'تحميلات الملفات',
'generate' => 'توفير',
'github_markdown' => 'This field accepts <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github flavored markdown</a>.',
'github_markdown' => 'يتيح هذا الحقل <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">بتطبيق نمط الكتابة من Github</a>.',
'groups' => 'المجموعات',
'gravatar_email' => 'البريد الإلكتروني لخدمة Gravatar',
'history' => 'الأرشيف',
@ -119,13 +114,15 @@
'image_upload' => 'رفع صورة',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'أنواع الملفات المقبولة هي jpg و png و gif و svg. الحد الأقصى لحجم التحميل المسموح به هو: الحجم.',
'import' => 'استيراد',
'importing' => 'Importing',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
'import-history' => 'استيراد الأرشيف',
'asset_maintenance' => 'صيانة الأصول',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'تقرير صيانة الأصول',
'asset_maintenances' => 'صيانة الأصول',
'item' => 'بند',
'insufficient_permissions' => 'صلاحيات غير كافية!',
'kits' => 'Predefined Kits',
'kits' => 'مجموعات محددة مسبقاً',
'language' => 'لغة',
'last' => 'الاخير',
'last_login' => 'آخر تسجيل دخول',
@ -136,11 +133,11 @@
'licenses' => 'التراخيص',
'list_all' => 'عرض الكل',
'loading' => 'جار التحميل',
'lock_passwords' => 'This field value will not be saved in a demo installation.',
'lock_passwords' => 'لن يتم حفظ قيمة الحقل هذه في تثبيت تجريبي.',
'feature_disabled' => 'تم تعطيل هذه الميزة للتثبيت التجريبي.',
'location' => 'الموقع',
'locations' => 'المواقع',
'logo_size' => 'Square logos look best with Logo + Text. Logo maximum display size is 50px high x 500px wide. ',
'logo_size' => 'يبدو شعار مربع أفضل مع الشعار + النص. الحد الأقصى لحجم عرض الشعار هو 50 بكسل × 500 بكس. ',
'logout' => 'تسجيل خروج',
'lookup_by_tag' => 'البحث عن طريق ترميز الأصل',
'maintenances' => 'الصيانة',
@ -202,7 +199,7 @@
'sign_in' => 'تسجيل الدخول',
'signature' => 'التوقيع',
'skin' => 'المظهر',
'slack_test_msg' => 'Oh hai! Looks like your Slack integration with Snipe-IT is working!',
'slack_test_msg' => 'مرحباً! يبدو أن التكامل مع Slack مع Snipe-IT يعمل!',
'some_features_disabled' => 'التثبيت التجريبي (DEMO): يتم تعطيل بعض الميزات لهذا التثبيت.',
'site_name' => 'إسم الموقع',
'state' => 'المنطقة / الولاية',
@ -223,14 +220,14 @@
'unknown_admin' => 'إداري غير معروف',
'username_format' => 'تنسيق اسم المستخدم',
'update' => 'تحديث',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, xlsx, txt, lic, xml, zip, rtf and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'أنواع الملفات المسموح بها هي png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, xlsx, txt, lic, xml, zip, rtf and rar. الحد الأقصى المسموح به هو :size.',
'uploaded' => 'تم تحميلها',
'user' => 'المستخدم',
'accepted' => 'قبلت',
'declined' => 'رفض',
'unaccepted_asset_report' => 'الأصول غير المقبولة',
'users' => 'المستخدمين',
'viewall' => 'View All',
'viewall' => 'عرض الكل',
'viewassets' => 'عرض الأصول المخرجة',
'website' => 'الموقع',
'welcome' => 'مرحباً :name',
@ -239,7 +236,12 @@
'zip' => 'الرمز البريدي',
'noimage' => 'لم يتم تحميل أي صورة أو صورة لم يتم العثور عليها.',
'token_expired' => 'انتهت صلاحية جلسة النموذج. حاول مرة اخرى.',
'login_enabled' => 'Login Enabled',
'audit_due' => 'Due for Audit',
'audit_overdue' => 'Overdue for Audit',
'login_enabled' => 'تسجيل الدخول مفعل',
'audit_due' => 'الواجب مراجعته',
'audit_overdue' => 'مراجعة الحسابات المتأخرة',
'accept' => 'Accept :asset',
'i_accept' => 'I accept',
'i_decline' => 'I decline',
'sign_tos' => 'Sign below to indicate that you agree to the terms of service:',
'clear_signature' => 'Clear Signature'
@ -13,23 +13,23 @@ return array(
"more_info_title" => "More Info",
"more_info_title" => "المزيد من المعلومات",
"audit_help" => "Checking this box will edit the asset record to reflect this new location. Leaving it unchecked will simply note the location in the audit log.<br><br>Note that is this asset is checked out, it will not change the location of the person, asset or location it is checked out to.",
"audit_help" => "التحقق من هذا المربع سيؤدي إلى تعديل سجل الأصول لعكس هذا الموقع الجديد. تركه غير محدد سيلاحظ ببساطة الموقع في سجل المراجعة.<br><br>لاحظ أن هذا الأصل تم التحقق منه، فهو لن يغير موقع الشخص أو الأصل أو الموقع الذي يتم التحقق منه إليه.",
'assets' => 'Assets are items tracked by serial number or asset tag. They tend to be higher value items where identifying a specific item matters.',
'assets' => 'الأصول هي العناصر التي يتم تتبعها بواسطة الرقم التسلسلي أو ترميز الأصل. وهي تميل إلى أن تكون ممتلكات ذات قيمة أعلى حيث انه من المهم توثيقها.',
'categories' => 'Categories help you organize your items. Some example categories might be "Desktops", "Laptops", "Mobile Phones", "Tablets", and so on, but you can use categories any way that makes sense for you.',
'categories' => 'التصنيفات تساعدك على ترتيب الأصول. من الأمثلة على التصنيفات " حواسيب مكتبية "، " حواسيب محمولة "، "الهواتف النقالة "، "أجهزة لوحية " وهكذا، كما يمكنك استخدام التصنيفات بأي طريقة تناسبك.',
'accessories' => 'Accessories are anything you issue to users but that do not have a serial number (or you do not care about tracking them uniquely). For example, computer mice or keyboards.',
'accessories' => 'الملحقات هي أي شيء تصدره للمستخدمين ولكن ليس لها رقم تسلسلي (أو لا تهتم بتعقبه بشكل فريد). على سبيل المثال، الفئران الحاسوبية أو لوحة المفاتيح.',
'companies' => 'Companies can be used as a simple identifier field, or can be used to limit visibility of assets, users, etc if full company support is enabled in your Admin settings.',
'companies' => 'يمكن استخدام الشركات كمجال بسيط لتحديد الهوية، أو يمكن استخدامها للحد من وضوح الأصول، المستخدمين، إلخ إذا تم تمكين دعم الشركة الكامل في إعدادات المشرف الخاص بك.',
'components' => 'Components are items that are part of an asset, for example HDD, RAM, etc.',
'components' => 'المكونات هي عناصر تشكل جزءا من الأصل، مثل HDD، ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي، إلخ.',
'consumables' => 'Consumables are anything purchased that will be used up over time. For example, printer ink or copier paper.',
'consumables' => 'المواد الاستهلاكية هي أي شيء يتم شراؤه وسيتم استخدامه مع مرور الوقت. على سبيل المثال حبر الطابعة أو ورق آلة النسخ.',
'depreciations' => 'You can set up asset depreciations to depreciate assets based on straight-line depreciation.',
'depreciations' => 'يمكنك إعداد استهلاك الأصول لاستهلاك الأصول بناء على الاستهلاك الثابت للقيمة.',
@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ return array(
'click_to_confirm' => 'يرجى النقر على الرابط التالي لتأكيد حسابك على :web :',
'click_on_the_link_accessory' => 'الرجاء النقر على الرابط الموجود في الأسفل لتأكيد استلامك للملحق.',
'click_on_the_link_asset' => 'يرجى النقر على الرابط في الجزء السفلي للتأكد من أنك قد تلقيت مادة العرض.',
'Confirm_Asset_Checkin' => 'Asset checkin confirmation',
'Confirm_Accessory_Checkin' => 'Accessory checkin confirmation',
'Confirm_accessory_delivery' => 'Accessory delivery confirmation',
'Confirm_license_delivery' => 'License delivery confirmation',
'Confirm_asset_delivery' => 'Asset delivery confirmation',
'Confirm_consumable_delivery' => 'Consumable delivery confirmation',
'Confirm_Asset_Checkin' => 'تأكيد تسجيل الأصول',
'Confirm_Accessory_Checkin' => 'تأكيد تسجيل الأصول',
'Confirm_accessory_delivery' => 'تأكيد توصيل الأصول',
'Confirm_license_delivery' => 'تأكيد توصيل الرخصة',
'Confirm_asset_delivery' => 'تأكيد تسليم الأصول',
'Confirm_consumable_delivery' => 'تأكيد التسليم المستهلكة',
'current_QTY' => 'الكمية الحالية',
'Days' => 'أيام',
'days' => 'أيام',
@ -63,11 +63,17 @@ return array(
'license_expiring_alert' => 'هنالك :count رخص سوف تنتهي في الأيام :threshold القادمة.',
'to_reset' => 'لإعادة تعيين كلمة مرور على :web، رجاءا أكمل هذا النموذج:',
'type' => 'اكتب',
'upcoming-audits' => 'There is :count asset that is coming up for audit within :threshold days.|There are :count assets that are coming up for audit within :threshold days.',
'upcoming-audits' => 'هناك :count الأصل الذي سيأتي للمراجعة في غضون :threshold أيام.<unk> هناك :count أصول ستأتي للمراجعة في غضون :threshold أيام.',
'user' => 'المستخدم',
'username' => 'اسم المستخدم',
'welcome' => 'مرحباً :name',
'welcome_to' => 'مرحبا بكم في :web!',
'your_credentials' => 'أوراق اعتماد قنص-إيت الخاص بك',
'Accessory_Checkin_Notification' => 'Accessory checked in',
'Asset_Checkin_Notification' => 'Asset checked in',
'License_Checkin_Notification' => 'License checked in',
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'An asset checked out to you is due to be checked back in on :date',
'your_assets' => 'View Your Assets'
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'LDAP оторизационна заявка',
'ldap_version' => 'LDAP версия',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'LDAP флаг за активност',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'LDAP номер на служител',
'ldap_email' => 'LDAP електронна поща',
'license' => 'Софтуерен лиценз',
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
'depreciation_report' => 'Справка за амортизации',
'details' => 'Детайли',
'download' => 'Изтегляне',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'Амортизация',
'editprofile' => 'Редакция на профила',
'eol' => 'EOL',
@ -95,12 +96,6 @@
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (janesmith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'first_name' => 'Собствено име',
'first_name_format' => 'Име (jane@example.com)',
'files' => 'Файлове',
@ -119,6 +114,8 @@
'image_upload' => 'Качване на изображение',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Приеманите типове файлове са jpg, png, gif и svg. Максималният размер за качване е: :size.',
'import' => 'Зареждане',
'importing' => 'Importing',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
'import-history' => 'История на въвеждане',
'asset_maintenance' => 'Поддръжка на активи',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Справка за поддръжка на активи',
@ -242,4 +239,9 @@
'login_enabled' => 'Login Enabled',
'audit_due' => 'Due for Audit',
'audit_overdue' => 'Overdue for Audit',
'accept' => 'Accept :asset',
'i_accept' => 'I accept',
'i_decline' => 'I decline',
'sign_tos' => 'Sign below to indicate that you agree to the terms of service:',
'clear_signature' => 'Clear Signature'
@ -69,5 +69,11 @@ return array(
'welcome' => 'Добре дошли, :name',
'welcome_to' => 'Добре дошли: уеб!',
'your_credentials' => 'Вашите идентификационни данни за Snipe-IT',
'Accessory_Checkin_Notification' => 'Accessory checked in',
'Asset_Checkin_Notification' => 'Asset checked in',
'License_Checkin_Notification' => 'License checked in',
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'An asset checked out to you is due to be checked back in on :date',
'your_assets' => 'View Your Assets'
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'LDAP ověřovací dotaz',
'ldap_version' => 'Verze LDAP',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'LDAP Active Flag',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'LDAP číslo zaměstnance',
'ldap_email' => 'LDAP email',
'license' => 'Softwarová licence',
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
'depreciation_report' => 'Report zastarání',
'details' => 'Podrobnosti',
'download' => 'Stáhnout',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'Amortizace',
'editprofile' => 'Upravit profil',
'eol' => 'Konec životnosti',
@ -95,12 +96,6 @@
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (janesmith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'first_name' => 'Jméno',
'first_name_format' => 'Jméno (jane@example.com)',
'files' => 'Soubory',
@ -119,6 +114,8 @@
'image_upload' => 'Nahrát obrázek',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Podporované typy souborů jsou jpg, png, gif, a svg. Velikost může být nejvýše :size.',
'import' => 'Import',
'importing' => 'Importing',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
'import-history' => 'Historie importu',
'asset_maintenance' => 'Údržba zařízení',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Zpráva o údržbě zařízení',
@ -242,4 +239,9 @@
'login_enabled' => 'Login Enabled',
'audit_due' => 'Due for Audit',
'audit_overdue' => 'Overdue for Audit',
'accept' => 'Accept :asset',
'i_accept' => 'I accept',
'i_decline' => 'I decline',
'sign_tos' => 'Sign below to indicate that you agree to the terms of service:',
'clear_signature' => 'Clear Signature'
@ -69,5 +69,11 @@ return array(
'welcome' => 'Vítej uživateli :name',
'welcome_to' => 'Vítejte na :web!',
'your_credentials' => 'Vaše pověření Snipe-IT',
'Accessory_Checkin_Notification' => 'Accessory checked in',
'Asset_Checkin_Notification' => 'Asset checked in',
'License_Checkin_Notification' => 'License checked in',
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'An asset checked out to you is due to be checked back in on :date',
'your_assets' => 'View Your Assets'
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'Ymholiad dilysu LDAP',
'ldap_version' => 'Fersiwn LDAP',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'Nodi bod LDAP yn weithredol',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'LDAP Rhif Cyflogai',
'ldap_email' => 'Ebost LDAP',
'license' => 'Trwydded Meddalwedd',
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
'depreciation_report' => 'Adroddiad Dibrisiant',
'details' => 'Manylion',
'download' => 'Lawrlwytho',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'Dibrisiant',
'editprofile' => 'Golygu eich Proffil',
'eol' => 'DB',
@ -95,12 +96,6 @@
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (janesmith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'first_name' => 'Enw cyntaf',
'first_name_format' => 'Enw Cyntaf (jane@example.com)',
'files' => 'Ffeiliau',
@ -119,6 +114,8 @@
'image_upload' => 'Uwchlwytho delwedd',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Mathau o ffeiliau a dderbynnir yw jpg, png, gif, a svg. Maint mwyaf yw :size.',
'import' => 'Mewnforio',
'importing' => 'Importing',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
'import-history' => 'Mewnforio hanes',
'asset_maintenance' => 'Cynnal a chadw Ased',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Adroddiad cynnal a chadw ased',
@ -242,4 +239,9 @@
'login_enabled' => 'Login Enabled',
'audit_due' => 'Due for Audit',
'audit_overdue' => 'Overdue for Audit',
'accept' => 'Accept :asset',
'i_accept' => 'I accept',
'i_decline' => 'I decline',
'sign_tos' => 'Sign below to indicate that you agree to the terms of service:',
'clear_signature' => 'Clear Signature'
@ -70,5 +70,11 @@ return array(
'welcome' => 'Croeso, :name',
'welcome_to' => 'Croeso i :web!',
'your_credentials' => 'Eich manylion defnyddiwr Snipe-IT',
'Accessory_Checkin_Notification' => 'Accessory checked in',
'Asset_Checkin_Notification' => 'Asset checked in',
'License_Checkin_Notification' => 'License checked in',
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'An asset checked out to you is due to be checked back in on :date',
'your_assets' => 'View Your Assets'
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'LDAP-godkendelse forespørgsel',
'ldap_version' => 'LDAP Version',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'LDAP Active Flag',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'LDAP medarbejdernummer',
'ldap_email' => 'LDAP Email',
'license' => 'Software licens',
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
'depreciation_report' => 'Afskrivningsrapport',
'details' => 'Detaljer',
'download' => 'Hent',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'Afskrivning',
'editprofile' => 'Ret Din Profil',
'eol' => 'EOL',
@ -95,12 +96,6 @@
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (janesmith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'first_name' => 'Fornavn',
'first_name_format' => 'Fornavn (jane@example.com)',
'files' => 'Filer',
@ -119,6 +114,8 @@
'image_upload' => 'Upload billede',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Tilladte filtyper er jpg, png, gif, og svg. Maximalt tilladte upload størrelse er :size.',
'import' => 'Importér',
'importing' => 'Importing',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
'import-history' => 'Importhistorik',
'asset_maintenance' => 'Vedligeholdelse af aktiv',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Aktiv vedligeholdelsesrapport',
@ -242,4 +239,9 @@
'login_enabled' => 'Login Enabled',
'audit_due' => 'Due for Audit',
'audit_overdue' => 'Overdue for Audit',
'accept' => 'Accept :asset',
'i_accept' => 'I accept',
'i_decline' => 'I decline',
'sign_tos' => 'Sign below to indicate that you agree to the terms of service:',
'clear_signature' => 'Clear Signature'
@ -69,5 +69,11 @@ return array(
'welcome' => 'Velkommen :navn',
'welcome_to' => 'Velkommen til :web!',
'your_credentials' => 'Dine Snipe-IT Legitimationsoplysninger',
'Accessory_Checkin_Notification' => 'Accessory checked in',
'Asset_Checkin_Notification' => 'Asset checked in',
'License_Checkin_Notification' => 'License checked in',
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'An asset checked out to you is due to be checked back in on :date',
'your_assets' => 'View Your Assets'
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'LDAP Authentifikationsabfrage',
'ldap_version' => 'LDAP Version',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'LDAP Aktiv-Markierung',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'LDAP Mitarbeiternummer',
'ldap_email' => 'LDAP E-Mail',
'license' => 'Softwarelizenz',
@ -97,8 +98,8 @@ return array(
'login_common_disabled_help' => 'Diese Option deaktiviert andere Authentifizierungsmethoden. Aktivieren Sie diese Option nur, wenn Sie sich sicher sind, dass REMOTE_USER Login bereits funktioniert',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_text' => 'Benutzerdefinierte Abmelde-URL',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'Sofern hier eine URL angegeben ist, werden Benutzer automatisch zu dieser URL weitergeleitet, nachdem der Benutzer sich aus Snipe-IT ausloggt. Dies ist nützlich, um die Benutzersitzung Ihres Authentifizierungsproviders korrekt zu beenden.',
'login_remote_user_header_name_text' => 'Custom user name header',
'login_remote_user_header_name_help' => 'Use the specified header instead of REMOTE_USER',
'login_remote_user_header_name_text' => 'Benutzerdefinierter Benutzername Header',
'login_remote_user_header_name_help' => 'Den angegebenen Header anstelle von REMOTE_USER verwenden',
'logo' => 'Logo',
'logo_print_assets' => 'Anzeigen beim Drucken',
'logo_print_assets_help' => 'Firmenlogo anzeigen beim Drucken der Asset-Liste ',
@ -124,25 +125,25 @@ return array(
'saml_sp_acs_url' => 'Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL',
'saml_sp_sls_url' => 'Single Logout Service (SLS) URL',
'saml_sp_x509cert' => 'Öffentliches Zertifikat',
'saml_idp_metadata' => 'SAML IdP Metadata',
'saml_idp_metadata_help' => 'You can specify the IdP metadata using a URL or XML file.',
'saml_idp_metadata' => 'SAML IdP Metadaten',
'saml_idp_metadata_help' => 'Sie können die IdP-Metadaten über eine URL oder XML-Datei angeben.',
'saml_attr_mapping_username' => 'Zuordnung - Benutzername',
'saml_attr_mapping_username_help' => 'NamensID wird verwendet, wenn Attribute nicht angegeben oder ungültig sind.',
'saml_forcelogin_label' => 'SAML Login erzwingen',
'saml_forcelogin' => 'SAML zum primären Login machen',
'saml_forcelogin_help' => 'You can use \'/login?nosaml\' to get to the normal login page.',
'saml_forcelogin_help' => 'Verwende \'/login?nosaml\' um zur normalen Anmeldeseite zu gelangen.',
'saml_slo_label' => 'SAML Abmeldung',
'saml_slo' => 'Send a LogoutRequest to IdP on Logout',
'saml_slo_help' => 'This will cause the user to be first redirected to the IdP on logout. Leave unchecked if the IdP doesn\'t correctly support SP-initiated SAML SLO.',
'saml_slo' => 'Senden Sie eine Logout-Anfrage an IdP bei Abmeldung',
'saml_slo_help' => 'Dies wird dazu führen, dass der Benutzer beim Abmelden zuerst zum IdP weitergeleitet wird. Nicht aktivieren, wenn der IdP SP-initiated SAML SLO nicht korrekt unterstützt.',
'saml_custom_settings' => 'SAML Einstellungen',
'saml_custom_settings_help' => 'You can specify additional settings to the onelogin/php-saml library. Use at your own risk.',
'saml_custom_settings_help' => 'Sie können zusätzliche Einstellungen für die onelogin/php-saml Bibliothek festlegen. Benutzung auf eigene Gefahr.',
'setting' => 'Einstellung',
'settings' => 'Einstellungen',
'show_alerts_in_menu' => 'Warnungen im oberen Menü anzeigen',
'show_archived_in_list' => 'Archivierte Assets',
'show_archived_in_list_text' => 'Zeige archivierte Assets in der "Alle auflisten" Liste',
'show_assigned_assets' => 'Assets anzeigen, die anderen Assets zugeordnet sind',
'show_assigned_assets_help' => 'Display assets which were assigned to the other assets in View User -> Assets, View User -> Info -> Print All Assigned and in Account -> View Assigned Assets.',
'show_assigned_assets_help' => 'Assets, die den anderen Assets zugewiesen wurden, in Benutzer -> Assets, Benutzer -> Info -> Alle zugewiesenen Assets drucken und unter Konto -> Zugewiesene Assets anzeigen.',
'show_images_in_email' => 'Verwende Bilder in E-Mals',
'show_images_in_email_help' => 'Deaktivieren Sie dieses Kontrollkästchen, wenn sich Ihre Snipe-IT-Installation hinter einem VPN oder einem geschlossenen Netzwerk befindet und Benutzer außerhalb des Netzwerks keine Bilder von dieser Installation in ihre E-Mails laden können.',
'site_name' => 'Seitenname',
@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ return array(
'slack_channel' => 'Slack Kanal',
'slack_endpoint' => 'Slack Endpunkt',
'slack_integration' => 'Slack Einstellungen',
'slack_integration_help' => 'Slack integration is optional, however the endpoint and channel are required if you wish to use it. To configure Slack integration, you must first <a href=":slack_link" target="_new" rel="noopener">create an incoming webhook</a> on your Slack account. Click on the <strong>Test Slack Integration</strong> button to confirm your settings are correct before saving. ',
'slack_integration_help' => 'Die Slackintegration ist optional. Der Endpunkt und ein channel werden benötigt, wenn man Slack benutzen möchte. Um Slack zu konfigurieren muss zuerst ein <a href=":slack_link" target="_new" rel="noopener"> eingehender Webhook</a> in Slack eingerichtet werden. Klicken sie auf <strong>Slack Integration testen</strong> um zu prüfen, ob die Einstellungen vor dem Speichern korrekt sind. ',
'slack_integration_help_button' => 'Sobald Sie Ihre Slack-Informationen gespeichert haben, erscheint eine Test-Schaltfläche.',
'slack_test_help' => 'Testen Sie, ob die Slack-Integration korrekt konfiguriert ist. ZUERST MÜSSEN DIE AKTUALISIERTEN SLACK EINSTELLUNGEN GESPEICHERT WERDEN.',
'snipe_version' => 'Snipe-IT Version',
@ -162,7 +163,7 @@ return array(
'update' => 'Einstellungen übernehmen',
'value' => 'Wert',
'brand' => 'Branding',
'web_brand' => 'Web Branding Type',
'web_brand' => 'Web Branding Typ',
'about_settings_title' => 'Über Einstellungen',
'about_settings_text' => 'Mit diesen Einstellungen können Sie verschiedene Aspekte Ihrer Installation anpassen.',
'labels_per_page' => 'Etiketten pro Seite',
@ -217,5 +218,5 @@ return array(
'unique_serial' => 'Eindeutige Seriennummern',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Wenn dieses Kontrollkästchen aktiviert wird, müssen Seriennummern von Assets eindeutig sein',
'zerofill_count' => 'Länge der Asset Tags, inklusive zerofill',
'username_format_help' => 'This setting will only be used by the import process if a username is not provided and we have to generate a username for you.',
'username_format_help' => 'Diese Einstellung wird nur beim Import benutzt, wenn kein Benutzername angegeben wurde und ein Benutzername generiert werden muss.',
@ -13,5 +13,5 @@ return array(
'upload' => 'Hochladen',
'select_file' => 'Datei auswählen...',
'select_files' => 'Dateien auswählen...',
'generate_labels' => '{1} Generate Label|[2,*] Generate Labels',
'generate_labels' => '{1} Label generieren|[2,*] Labels generieren',
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
'depreciation_report' => 'Abschreibungsbericht',
'details' => 'Details',
'download' => 'Download',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'Abschreibung',
'editprofile' => 'Profil bearbeiten',
'eol' => 'EOL',
@ -89,23 +90,17 @@
'firstname_lastname_format' => 'Vorname Nachname (jane.smith@example.com)',
'firstname_lastname_underscore_format' => 'Vorname Nachname (max_mustermann@beispiel.com)',
'lastnamefirstinitial_format' => 'Nachname & Initiale des Vornamens (musterm@beispiel.com)',
'firstintial_dot_lastname_format' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstintial_dot_lastname_format' => 'Initial des Vornamen + Nachname (j.smith@example.com)',
'first' => 'Erste',
'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (janesmith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastname' => 'Vorname Nachname (ErikaMustermann@beispiel.de)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Nachname und Initial des Vornamens (mustermann_e@beispiel.de)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'Initial des Vornamens und Nachname (e.mustermann@beispiel.de)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'Vorname und Initial des Nachnamen (erika_m@beispiel.de)',
'first' => 'First',
'firstnamelastname' => 'Vorname Nachname (Erika.Mustermann@beispiel.de)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'first_name' => 'Vorname',
'first_name_format' => 'Vorname (jane@example.com)',
'files' => 'Dateien',
'file_name' => 'Datei',
'file_type' => 'File Type',
'file_type' => 'Dateityp',
'file_uploads' => 'Datei-Uploads',
'generate' => 'Generieren',
'github_markdown' => 'Dieses Feld akzeptiert <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github Flavored markdown</a>.',
@ -119,6 +114,8 @@
'image_upload' => 'Bild hinzufügen',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Erlaubte Dateitypen sind jpg, png, gif und svg. Die maximal erlaubte Upload-Größe beträgt :size.',
'import' => 'Import',
'importing' => 'Importing',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
'import-history' => 'Import Verlauf',
'asset_maintenance' => 'Asset Wartung',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Asset Wartungsbericht',
@ -136,11 +133,11 @@
'licenses' => 'Lizenzen',
'list_all' => 'Alle auflisten',
'loading' => 'Wird geladen',
'lock_passwords' => 'This field value will not be saved in a demo installation.',
'lock_passwords' => 'Dieser Feldwert wird in einer Demo-Installation nicht gespeichert.',
'feature_disabled' => 'Diese Funktion wurde für die Demo-Installation deaktiviert.',
'location' => 'Standort',
'locations' => 'Standorte',
'logo_size' => 'Square logos look best with Logo + Text. Logo maximum display size is 50px high x 500px wide. ',
'logo_size' => 'Quadratische Logos sehen am besten aus mit Logo + Text. Die maximale Logo-Größe beträgt 50px Höhe x 500px Breite. ',
'logout' => 'Abmelden',
'lookup_by_tag' => 'Nach Asset Tag suchen',
'maintenances' => 'Wartungen',
@ -223,7 +220,7 @@
'unknown_admin' => 'Unbekannter Administrator',
'username_format' => 'Format der Benutzernamen',
'update' => 'Aktualisieren',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, xlsx, txt, lic, xml, zip, rtf and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Erlaubte Dateitypen sind png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, xlsx, txt, lic, xml, zip, rtf und rar. Maximale Uploadgröße beträgt:size.',
'uploaded' => 'Hochgeladen',
'user' => 'Benutzer',
'accepted' => 'angenommen',
@ -242,4 +239,9 @@
'login_enabled' => 'Login aktiviert',
'audit_due' => 'Audit fällig',
'audit_overdue' => 'Audit überfällig',
'accept' => 'Erhalt bestätigen: :asset',
'i_accept' => 'Ich akzeptiere',
'i_decline' => 'Ich lehne ab',
'sign_tos' => 'Unterzeichnen Sie unten, um den Nutzungsbedingungen zuzustimmen:',
'clear_signature' => 'Unterschrift löschen'
@ -15,21 +15,21 @@ return array(
"more_info_title" => "Mehr Informationen",
"audit_help" => "Checking this box will edit the asset record to reflect this new location. Leaving it unchecked will simply note the location in the audit log.<br><br>Note that is this asset is checked out, it will not change the location of the person, asset or location it is checked out to.",
"audit_help" => "Mit dem aktivieren dieser Option wird der Asset-Datensatz an diesen neuen Ort angepasst. Wenn diese Option nicht aktiviert wird, wird nur der Ort im Audit-Log angezeigt.<br><br>Falls das Asset ausgecheckt ist, ändert sich nicht die Position der Person, des Assets oder der Position, an der es ausgecheckt wird.",
'assets' => 'Assets are items tracked by serial number or asset tag. They tend to be higher value items where identifying a specific item matters.',
'assets' => 'Assets sind Elemente, die mit Seriennummer oder einem Asset-Tag versehen sind. Sie sind meist höhere Werte, bei denen die Identifizierung eines bestimmten Gegenstands von Bedeutung ist.',
'categories' => 'Categories help you organize your items. Some example categories might be "Desktops", "Laptops", "Mobile Phones", "Tablets", and so on, but you can use categories any way that makes sense for you.',
'categories' => 'Kategorien helfen Ihnen beim Organisieren von Assets. Beispielkategorien sind "Pcs", "Laptops", "Mobiltelefone", "Tablets" usw., jedoch können Sie Kategorien nutzen, wie Sie es für sinnvoll erachten.',
'accessories' => 'Accessories are anything you issue to users but that do not have a serial number (or you do not care about tracking them uniquely). For example, computer mice or keyboards.',
'accessories' => 'Zubehör ist alles, was Sie an einen Benutzer ausgeben können, dass jedoch keine Seriennummer besitzt (oder es keinen Sinn macht diese zu verwalten). Zum Beispiel: Mäuse und Tastaturen.',
'companies' => 'Companies can be used as a simple identifier field, or can be used to limit visibility of assets, users, etc if full company support is enabled in your Admin settings.',
'companies' => 'Unternehmen können als einfaches Identifikationsfeld oder zur Begrenzung der Sichtbarkeit von Assets, Benutzer usw. verwendet werden, wenn die volle Unterstützung für Unternehmen in Ihren Admin-Einstellungen aktiviert ist.',
'components' => 'Components are items that are part of an asset, for example HDD, RAM, etc.',
'components' => 'Komponenten sind Teile eines Assets, zum Beispiel eine Festplatte, Arbeitsspeicher, etc.',
'consumables' => 'Consumables are anything purchased that will be used up over time. For example, printer ink or copier paper.',
'consumables' => 'Verbrauchsmaterialien sind alle gekauften Dinge, die mit der Zeit aufgebraucht werden. Zum Beispiel Druckerpatronen oder Kopierpapier.',
'depreciations' => 'You can set up asset depreciations to depreciate assets based on straight-line depreciation.',
'depreciations' => 'Sie können Asset-Abschreibungen einrichten, um Assets linear abzuschreiben.',
@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ return array(
'click_on_the_link_accessory' => 'Bitte klicken Sie auf den Link weiter unten, um den Erhalt des Zubehörs zu bestätigen.',
'click_on_the_link_asset' => 'Bitte klicken Sie auf den Link weiter unten, um den Erhalt des Gegenstands zu bestätigen.',
'Confirm_Asset_Checkin' => 'Asset-Check-in-Bestätigung',
'Confirm_Accessory_Checkin' => 'Accessory checkin confirmation',
'Confirm_accessory_delivery' => 'Accessory delivery confirmation',
'Confirm_license_delivery' => 'License delivery confirmation',
'Confirm_asset_delivery' => 'Asset delivery confirmation',
'Confirm_consumable_delivery' => 'Consumable delivery confirmation',
'Confirm_Accessory_Checkin' => 'Zurücknehmen von Zubehör bestätigen',
'Confirm_accessory_delivery' => 'Zubehör Herausgabe bestätigen',
'Confirm_license_delivery' => 'Lizenz Herausgabe bestätigen',
'Confirm_asset_delivery' => 'Gegenstands Herausgabe bestätigen',
'Confirm_consumable_delivery' => 'Verbrauchsmaterial Herausgabe bestätigen',
'current_QTY' => 'Aktuelle Menge',
'Days' => 'Tage',
'days' => 'Tage',
@ -63,11 +63,17 @@ return array(
'license_expiring_alert' => 'Es gibt :count auslaufende Lizenz in den nächsten :threshold Tagen.|Es gibt :count auslaufende Lizenzen in den nächsten :threshold Tagen.',
'to_reset' => 'Zum Zurücksetzen Ihres :web Passwortes, füllen Sie bitte dieses Formular aus:',
'type' => 'Typ',
'upcoming-audits' => 'There is :count asset that is coming up for audit within :threshold days.|There are :count assets that are coming up for audit within :threshold days.',
'upcoming-audits' => 'Es ist :count Asset vorhanden, für das innerhalb von :threshold Tagen ein Audit durchzuführen ist. |Es gibt :count Assets, für die innerhalb von :threshold Tagen Audits durchzuführen sind.',
'user' => 'Benutzer',
'username' => 'Benutzername',
'welcome' => 'Wilkommen, :name',
'welcome_to' => 'Willkommen bei :web!',
'your_credentials' => 'Ihre Snipe-IT Anmeldedaten',
'Accessory_Checkin_Notification' => 'Zubehör zurückgenommen',
'Asset_Checkin_Notification' => 'Asset zurückgenommen',
'License_Checkin_Notification' => 'Lizenz zurückgenommen',
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'Ihr ausgebuchtes Asset ist fällig zur Rückgabe am :date',
'your_assets' => 'Ihre Assets anzeigen'
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'Ερώτημα ελέγχου ταυτότητας LDAP',
'ldap_version' => 'Έκδοση LDAP',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'Ενεργή σημαία LDAP',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'Αριθμός υπαλλήλου LDAP',
'ldap_email' => 'LDAP Email',
'license' => 'Άδειες λογισμικού',
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
'depreciation_report' => 'Αναφορά απόσβεσης',
'details' => 'Λεπτομέρειες',
'download' => 'Λήψη',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'Αποσβέσεις',
'editprofile' => 'Επεξεργασία Προφίλ',
'eol' => 'EOL',
@ -95,12 +96,6 @@
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (janesmith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'first_name' => 'Όνομα',
'first_name_format' => 'Όνομα (jane@example.com)',
'files' => 'Αρχεία',
@ -119,6 +114,8 @@
'image_upload' => 'Μεταφόρτωση εικόνας',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Accepted filetypes are jpg, png, gif, and svg. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'import' => 'Εισαγωγή',
'importing' => 'Importing',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
'import-history' => 'Ιστορικό Εισαγωγών',
'asset_maintenance' => 'Συντήρηση Παγίου',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Αναφορά Συντήρησης Παγίου',
@ -242,4 +239,9 @@
'login_enabled' => 'Login Enabled',
'audit_due' => 'Due for Audit',
'audit_overdue' => 'Overdue for Audit',
'accept' => 'Accept :asset',
'i_accept' => 'I accept',
'i_decline' => 'I decline',
'sign_tos' => 'Sign below to indicate that you agree to the terms of service:',
'clear_signature' => 'Clear Signature'
@ -69,5 +69,11 @@ return array(
'welcome' => 'Καλώς ήρθατε, %name',
'welcome_to' => 'Καλώς ήλθατε στο!',
'your_credentials' => 'Τα διαπιστευτήρια σας Snipe-IT',
'Accessory_Checkin_Notification' => 'Accessory checked in',
'Asset_Checkin_Notification' => 'Asset checked in',
'License_Checkin_Notification' => 'License checked in',
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'An asset checked out to you is due to be checked back in on :date',
'your_assets' => 'View Your Assets'
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'LDAP Authentication query',
'ldap_version' => 'LDAP Version',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'LDAP Active Flag',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'LDAP Employee Number',
'ldap_email' => 'LDAP Email',
'license' => 'Software License',
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
'depreciation_report' => 'Depreciation Report',
'details' => 'Details',
'download' => 'Download',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'Depreciation',
'editprofile' => 'Edit Your Profile',
'eol' => 'EOL',
@ -95,12 +96,6 @@
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (janesmith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'first_name' => 'First Name',
'first_name_format' => 'First Name (jane@example.com)',
'files' => 'Files',
@ -119,6 +114,8 @@
'image_upload' => 'Upload Image',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Accepted filetypes are jpg, png, gif, and svg. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'import' => 'Import',
'importing' => 'Importing',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
'import-history' => 'Import History',
'asset_maintenance' => 'Asset Maintenance',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Asset Maintenance Report',
@ -242,4 +239,9 @@
'login_enabled' => 'Login Enabled',
'audit_due' => 'Due for Audit',
'audit_overdue' => 'Overdue for Audit',
'accept' => 'Accept :asset',
'i_accept' => 'I accept',
'i_decline' => 'I decline',
'sign_tos' => 'Sign below to indicate that you agree to the terms of service:',
'clear_signature' => 'Clear Signature'
@ -70,5 +70,11 @@ return array(
'welcome' => 'Welcome :name',
'welcome_to' => 'Welcome to :web!',
'your_credentials' => 'Your Snipe-IT credentials',
'Accessory_Checkin_Notification' => 'Accessory checked in',
'Asset_Checkin_Notification' => 'Asset checked in',
'License_Checkin_Notification' => 'License checked in',
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'An asset checked out to you is due to be checked back in on :date',
'your_assets' => 'View Your Assets'
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'Permintaan otentikasi LDAP',
'ldap_version' => 'Versi LDAP',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'Bendera Aktif LDAP',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'Nomor Karyawan LDAP',
'ldap_email' => 'Email LDAP',
'license' => 'Lisensi perangkat lunak',
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
'depreciation_report' => 'Laporan Penurunan',
'details' => 'Detail',
'download' => 'Unduh',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'Penurunan nilai',
'editprofile' => 'Sunting profil anda',
'eol' => 'EOL',
@ -95,12 +96,6 @@
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (janesmith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'first_name' => 'Nama Pertama',
'first_name_format' => 'Nama Depan (jane@example.com)',
'files' => 'Berkas',
@ -119,6 +114,8 @@
'image_upload' => 'Unggah Gambar',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Tipe file yang diterima adalah jpg, png, gif, dan svg. Maksimal ukuran foto diizinkan adalah :size.',
'import' => 'Impor',
'importing' => 'Importing',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
'import-history' => 'Riwayat Impor',
'asset_maintenance' => 'Pemeliharaan Aset',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Laporan Pemeliharaan Aset',
@ -242,4 +239,9 @@
'login_enabled' => 'Login Enabled',
'audit_due' => 'Due for Audit',
'audit_overdue' => 'Overdue for Audit',
'accept' => 'Accept :asset',
'i_accept' => 'I accept',
'i_decline' => 'I decline',
'sign_tos' => 'Sign below to indicate that you agree to the terms of service:',
'clear_signature' => 'Clear Signature'
@ -69,5 +69,11 @@ return array(
'welcome' => 'Selamat datang :nama',
'welcome_to' => 'Selamat datang di :Web!',
'your_credentials' => 'Kredensial Snipe-IT Anda',
'Accessory_Checkin_Notification' => 'Accessory checked in',
'Asset_Checkin_Notification' => 'Asset checked in',
'License_Checkin_Notification' => 'License checked in',
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'An asset checked out to you is due to be checked back in on :date',
'your_assets' => 'View Your Assets'
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'Consulta de autentificación LDAP',
'ldap_version' => 'Versión LDAP',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'Flag activo LDAP',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'Número de empleado LDAP',
'ldap_email' => 'Email LDAP',
'license' => 'Licencia de Software',
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
'depreciation_report' => 'Informe de amortización',
'details' => 'Detalles',
'download' => 'Descargar',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'Amortización',
'editprofile' => 'Editar Perfil',
'eol' => 'EOL',
@ -95,12 +96,6 @@
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (janesmith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'first_name' => 'Nombre',
'first_name_format' => 'Primer Nombre (jane@ejemplo.com)',
'files' => 'Archivos',
@ -119,6 +114,8 @@
'image_upload' => 'Enviar imagen',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Los tipos de archivo aceptados son jpg, png, gif y svg. El tamaño máximo permitido es :size.',
'import' => 'Importar',
'importing' => 'Importing',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
'import-history' => 'Historial de Importación',
'asset_maintenance' => 'Mantenimiento de Equipo',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Reporte de Mantenimiento de Equipo',
@ -242,4 +239,9 @@
'login_enabled' => 'Login Enabled',
'audit_due' => 'Due for Audit',
'audit_overdue' => 'Overdue for Audit',
'accept' => 'Aceptar :asset',
'i_accept' => 'Acepto',
'i_decline' => 'Rechazo',
'sign_tos' => 'Firma abajo para indicar que estás de acuerdo con los términos de servicio:',
'clear_signature' => 'Borrar firma'
@ -69,5 +69,11 @@ return array(
'welcome' => 'Bienvenido, :name',
'welcome_to' => '¡Bienvenido a: web!',
'your_credentials' => 'Tus credenciales de Snipe-IT',
'Accessory_Checkin_Notification' => 'Accesorio devuelto',
'Asset_Checkin_Notification' => 'Activo devuelto',
'License_Checkin_Notification' => 'Licencia devuelta',
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'Un activo asignado a ti debe ser devuelto en :date',
'your_assets' => 'Ver tus activos'
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'Consulta de autentificación LDAP',
'ldap_version' => 'Versión LDAP',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'Flag activo LDAP',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'Número de empleado LDAP',
'ldap_email' => 'Email LDAP',
'license' => 'Licencia de Software',
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
'depreciation_report' => 'Informe de amortización',
'details' => 'Detalles',
'download' => 'Descargar',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'Amortización',
'editprofile' => 'Editar Perfil',
'eol' => 'EOL',
@ -95,12 +96,6 @@
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (janesmith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'first_name' => 'Nombre',
'first_name_format' => 'Primer Nombre (jane@ejemplo.com)',
'files' => 'Archivos',
@ -119,6 +114,8 @@
'image_upload' => 'Enviar imagen',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Los tipos de archivo aceptados son jpg, png, gif y svg. El tamaño máximo permitido es :size.',
'import' => 'Importar',
'importing' => 'Importing',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
'import-history' => 'Historial de Importación',
'asset_maintenance' => 'Mantenimiento de Equipo',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Reporte de Mantenimiento de Equipo',
@ -242,4 +239,9 @@
'login_enabled' => 'Login Enabled',
'audit_due' => 'Due for Audit',
'audit_overdue' => 'Overdue for Audit',
'accept' => 'Aceptar :asset',
'i_accept' => 'Acepto',
'i_decline' => 'Rechazo',
'sign_tos' => 'Firma abajo para indicar que estás de acuerdo con los términos de servicio:',
'clear_signature' => 'Borrar firma'
@ -69,5 +69,11 @@ return array(
'welcome' => 'Bienvenido, :name',
'welcome_to' => '¡Bienvenido a: web!',
'your_credentials' => 'Tus credenciales de Snipe-IT',
'Accessory_Checkin_Notification' => 'Accesorio devuelto',
'Asset_Checkin_Notification' => 'Activo devuelto',
'License_Checkin_Notification' => 'Licencia devuelta',
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'Un activo asignado a ti debe ser devuelto en :date',
'your_assets' => 'Ver tus activos'
@ -20,6 +20,6 @@ return array(
'title' => 'Equipo ',
'image' => 'Imagen de dispositivo',
'days_without_acceptance' => 'Días Sin Aceptación',
'monthly_depreciation' => 'Monthly Depreciation'
'monthly_depreciation' => 'Depreciación Mensual'
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ return array(
'owner_doesnt_match_asset' => 'El equipo al que estas intentando asignar esta licenciam, está asignado a un usuario diferente que el de la licencia.',
'assoc_users' => 'Esta categoría está asignada al menos a un modelo y no puede ser eliminada.',
'select_asset_or_person' => 'Debe seleccionar un activo o un usuario, pero no ambos.',
'not_found' => 'License not found',
'not_found' => 'Licencia no encontrada',
'create' => array(
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ return array(
'ad' => 'Directorio Activo',
'ad_domain' => 'Dominio del Directorio Activo',
'ad_domain_help' => 'Esto es a veces el mismo que su correo electrónico de dominio, pero no siempre.',
'ad_append_domain_label' => 'Append domain name',
'ad_append_domain_label' => 'Añadir nombre de dominio',
'ad_append_domain' => 'Append domain name to username field',
'ad_append_domain_help' => 'User isn\'t required to write "username@domain.local", they can just type "username".' ,
'admin_cc_email' => 'CC Email',
@ -41,22 +41,22 @@ return array(
'display_eol' => 'Mostrar EOL',
'display_qr' => 'Mostrar Códigos QR',
'display_alt_barcode' => 'Mostrar códigos de barras en 1D',
'email_logo' => 'Email Logo',
'email_logo' => 'Logo de Email',
'barcode_type' => 'Tipo de códigos de barras 2D',
'alt_barcode_type' => 'Tipo de códigos de barras 1D',
'email_logo_size' => 'Square logos in email look best. ',
'email_logo_size' => 'Los logotipos cuadrados se ven mejor en correo electrónico. ',
'eula_settings' => 'Configuración EULA',
'eula_markdown' => 'Este EULS permite <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">makrdown estilo Github</a>.',
'favicon' => 'Favicon',
'favicon_format' => 'Accepted filetypes are ico, png, and gif. Other image formats may not work in all browsers.',
'favicon_size' => 'Favicons should be square images, 16x16 pixels.',
'favicon_size' => 'Los favicons deben ser imágenes cuadradas, de 16x16 píxeles.',
'footer_text' => 'Texto Adicional de Pie de Página ',
'footer_text_help' => 'Este texto aparecerá en el lado derecho del pie de página. Los enlaces son permitidos usando <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">el formato flavored de GitHub</a>. Saltos de línea, cabeceras, imágenes, etc, pueden resultar impredecibles.',
'general_settings' => 'Configuración General',
'generate_backup' => 'Generar Respaldo',
'header_color' => 'Color de encabezado',
'info' => 'Estos parámetros permirten personalizar ciertos aspectos de la aplicación.',
'label_logo' => 'Label Logo',
'label_logo' => 'Logo de etiqueta',
'label_logo_size' => 'Square logos look best - will be displayed in the top right of each asset label. ',
'laravel' => 'Versión de Laravel',
'ldap_enabled' => 'LDAP activado',
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'Consulta de autentificación LDAP',
'ldap_version' => 'Versión LDAP',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'Flag activo LDAP',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'Número de empleado LDAP',
'ldap_email' => 'Email LDAP',
'license' => 'Licencia de Software',
@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ return array(
'saml_sp_entityid' => 'Entity ID',
'saml_sp_acs_url' => 'Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL',
'saml_sp_sls_url' => 'Single Logout Service (SLS) URL',
'saml_sp_x509cert' => 'Public Certificate',
'saml_sp_x509cert' => 'Certificado público',
'saml_idp_metadata' => 'SAML IdP Metadata',
'saml_idp_metadata_help' => 'You can specify the IdP metadata using a URL or XML file.',
'saml_attr_mapping_username' => 'Attribute Mapping - Username',
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
'depreciation_report' => 'Informe de amortización',
'details' => 'Detalles',
'download' => 'Descargar',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'Amortización',
'editprofile' => 'Editar Perfil',
'eol' => 'EOL',
@ -95,12 +96,6 @@
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (janesmith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'first_name' => 'Nombre',
'first_name_format' => 'Primer Nombre (jane@ejemplo.com)',
'files' => 'Archivos',
@ -119,6 +114,8 @@
'image_upload' => 'Enviar imagen',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Los tipos de archivo aceptados son jpg, png, gif y svg. El tamaño máximo permitido es :size.',
'import' => 'Importar',
'importing' => 'Importing',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
'import-history' => 'Historial de Importación',
'asset_maintenance' => 'Mantenimiento de Equipo',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Reporte de Mantenimiento de Equipo',
@ -242,4 +239,9 @@
'login_enabled' => 'Login Enabled',
'audit_due' => 'Due for Audit',
'audit_overdue' => 'Overdue for Audit',
'accept' => 'Aceptar :asset',
'i_accept' => 'Acepto',
'i_decline' => 'Rechazo',
'sign_tos' => 'Firma abajo para indicar que estás de acuerdo con los términos de servicio:',
'clear_signature' => 'Borrar firma'
@ -69,5 +69,11 @@ return array(
'welcome' => 'Bienvenido, :name',
'welcome_to' => '¡Bienvenido a: web!',
'your_credentials' => 'Tus credenciales de Snipe-IT',
'Accessory_Checkin_Notification' => 'Accesorio devuelto',
'Asset_Checkin_Notification' => 'Activo devuelto',
'License_Checkin_Notification' => 'Licencia devuelta',
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'Un activo asignado a ti debe ser devuelto en :date',
'your_assets' => 'Ver tus activos'
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'Solicitud de Autenticación LDAP',
'ldap_version' => 'Versión LDAP',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'Flag activo LDAP',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'Número de Empleado LDAP',
'ldap_email' => 'Correo electrónico LDAP',
'license' => 'Licencia de Software',
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
'depreciation_report' => 'Reporte de Depreciación',
'details' => 'Detalles',
'download' => 'Descarga',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'Depreciación',
'editprofile' => 'Editar tu Perfil',
'eol' => 'Fin de Vida',
@ -95,12 +96,6 @@
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (janesmith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'first_name' => 'Nombre',
'first_name_format' => 'Primer Nombre (jane@ejemplo.com)',
'files' => 'Archivos',
@ -119,6 +114,8 @@
'image_upload' => 'Subir Imagen',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Los tipos de archivo aceptados son jpg, png, gif, y svg. El tamaño máximo permitido es :size.',
'import' => 'Importar',
'importing' => 'Importing',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
'import-history' => 'Importar Historial',
'asset_maintenance' => 'Mantenimiento de Activos',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Reporte de Mantenimiento de Activo',
@ -223,7 +220,7 @@
'unknown_admin' => 'Administrador Desconocido',
'username_format' => 'Formato de Nombre de Usuario',
'update' => 'Actualizar',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, xlsx, txt, lic, xml, zip, rtf and rar. El tamaño máximo de archivo es :size.',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, xlsx, txt, lic, xml, zip, rtf and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'uploaded' => 'Actualizado',
'user' => 'Usuario',
'accepted' => 'aceptado',
@ -242,4 +239,9 @@
'login_enabled' => 'Login Enabled',
'audit_due' => 'Due for Audit',
'audit_overdue' => 'Overdue for Audit',
'accept' => 'Aceptar :asset',
'i_accept' => 'Acepto',
'i_decline' => 'Rechazo',
'sign_tos' => 'Firma abajo para indicar que estás de acuerdo con los términos de servicio:',
'clear_signature' => 'Borrar firma'
@ -69,5 +69,11 @@ return array(
'welcome' => 'Bienvenido :name',
'welcome_to' => '¡Bienvenido a :web!',
'your_credentials' => 'Tus credenciales de Snipe-IT',
'Accessory_Checkin_Notification' => 'Accesorio devuelto',
'Asset_Checkin_Notification' => 'Activo devuelto',
'License_Checkin_Notification' => 'Licencia devuelta',
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'Un activo asignado a ti debe ser devuelto en :date',
'your_assets' => 'Ver tus activos'
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'LDAP-i autentimise päring',
'ldap_version' => 'LDAP versioon',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'LDAP aktiivne lipp',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'LDAPi töötaja number',
'ldap_email' => 'LDAP-e-post',
'license' => 'Software License',
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
'depreciation_report' => 'Amortisatsiooniaruanne',
'details' => 'Üksikasjad',
'download' => 'Lae alla',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'Amortisatsioon',
'editprofile' => 'Muuda oma profiili',
'eol' => 'EOL',
@ -95,12 +96,6 @@
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (janesmith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'first_name' => 'Eesnimi',
'first_name_format' => 'Eesnimi (jane@example.com)',
'files' => 'Failid',
@ -119,6 +114,8 @@
'image_upload' => 'Laadi pilt üles',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Lubatud faililaiendid on jpg, png, gif ja svg. Suurim lubatud üleslaadimise maht on :size.',
'import' => 'Impordi',
'importing' => 'Importing',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
'import-history' => 'Impordi ajalugu',
'asset_maintenance' => 'Varade hooldus',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Varade hooldusaruanne',
@ -242,4 +239,9 @@
'login_enabled' => 'Login Enabled',
'audit_due' => 'Due for Audit',
'audit_overdue' => 'Overdue for Audit',
'accept' => 'Accept :asset',
'i_accept' => 'I accept',
'i_decline' => 'I decline',
'sign_tos' => 'Sign below to indicate that you agree to the terms of service:',
'clear_signature' => 'Clear Signature'
@ -69,5 +69,11 @@ return array(
'welcome' => 'Tere tulemast, :name',
'welcome_to' => 'Teretulemast lehele :web!',
'your_credentials' => 'Sinu Snipe-IT rekvisiidid',
'Accessory_Checkin_Notification' => 'Accessory checked in',
'Asset_Checkin_Notification' => 'Asset checked in',
'License_Checkin_Notification' => 'License checked in',
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'An asset checked out to you is due to be checked back in on :date',
'your_assets' => 'View Your Assets'
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'تأیید اعتبار پرس و جوLDAP',
'ldap_version' => 'نسخهٔ LDAP',
'ldap_active_flag' => ' پرچم فعالLDAP',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'LDAP تعداد کارکنان',
'ldap_email' => 'ایمیل LDAP',
'license' => 'Software License',
@ -81,6 +81,7 @@
'depreciation_report' => 'استهلاک گزارش',
'details' => 'Details',
'download' => 'دانلود',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'مستهلک کردن',
'editprofile' => 'ویرایش پروفایل شما',
'eol' => 'EOL',
@ -97,12 +98,6 @@
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (janesmith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'first_name' => 'نام',
'first_name_format' => 'نام (jane@example.com)',
'files' => 'Files',
@ -121,6 +116,8 @@
'image_upload' => 'آپلود تصویر',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Accepted filetypes are jpg, png, gif, and svg. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'import' => 'واردات',
'importing' => 'Importing',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
'import-history' => 'واردات تاریخ',
'asset_maintenance' => 'نگهداشت دارایی',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'گزارش تعمیر و نگهداری دارایی ها',
@ -245,4 +242,9 @@
'login_enabled' => 'Login Enabled',
'audit_due' => 'Due for Audit',
'audit_overdue' => 'Overdue for Audit',
'accept' => 'Accept :asset',
'i_accept' => 'I accept',
'i_decline' => 'I decline',
'sign_tos' => 'Sign below to indicate that you agree to the terms of service:',
'clear_signature' => 'Clear Signature'
@ -69,5 +69,11 @@ return array(
'welcome' => 'خوش آمدید نام',
'welcome_to' => 'به وب سایت خوش آمدید',
'your_credentials' => 'مدارک Snipe-IT شما',
'Accessory_Checkin_Notification' => 'Accessory checked in',
'Asset_Checkin_Notification' => 'Asset checked in',
'License_Checkin_Notification' => 'License checked in',
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'An asset checked out to you is due to be checked back in on :date',
'your_assets' => 'View Your Assets'
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'LDAP-todennuskysely',
'ldap_version' => 'LDAP Versio',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'LDAP-aktiivinen lippu',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'LDAP-työntekijän numero',
'ldap_email' => 'LDAP Sähköposti',
'license' => 'Ohjelmistolisenssi',
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
'depreciation_report' => 'Poistoraportti',
'details' => 'Details',
'download' => 'Lataa',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'Poistoluokka',
'editprofile' => 'Muokkaa Profiilia',
'eol' => 'Elinikä',
@ -95,12 +96,6 @@
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (janesmith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'first_name' => 'Etunimi',
'first_name_format' => 'Etunimi (jane@example.com)',
'files' => 'Files',
@ -119,6 +114,8 @@
'image_upload' => 'Lähetä Kuva',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Accepted filetypes are jpg, png, gif, and svg. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'import' => 'Tuo tiedot',
'importing' => 'Importing',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
'import-history' => 'Tuontihistoria',
'asset_maintenance' => 'Omaisuuden ylläpito',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Omaisuudenhoitoraportti',
@ -242,4 +239,9 @@
'login_enabled' => 'Login Enabled',
'audit_due' => 'Due for Audit',
'audit_overdue' => 'Overdue for Audit',
'accept' => 'Accept :asset',
'i_accept' => 'I accept',
'i_decline' => 'I decline',
'sign_tos' => 'Sign below to indicate that you agree to the terms of service:',
'clear_signature' => 'Clear Signature'
@ -69,5 +69,11 @@ return array(
'welcome' => 'Tervetuloa: nimi',
'welcome_to' => 'Tervetuloa: web!',
'your_credentials' => 'Sinun Snipe-IT -asiakirjasi',
'Accessory_Checkin_Notification' => 'Accessory checked in',
'Asset_Checkin_Notification' => 'Asset checked in',
'License_Checkin_Notification' => 'License checked in',
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'An asset checked out to you is due to be checked back in on :date',
'your_assets' => 'View Your Assets'
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'Ang Authentication query ng LDAP',
'ldap_version' => 'Ang Bersyon ng LDAP',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'Ang Aktibong Flag ng LDAP',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'Ang Numero ng Empleyado ng LDAP',
'ldap_email' => 'Ang Email ng LDAP',
'license' => 'Ang Lisensya ng Software',
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
'depreciation_report' => 'Ang Report ng Derpresasyon',
'details' => 'Ang mga detalye',
'download' => 'I-download',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'Ang Depresasyon',
'editprofile' => 'I-edit ang Iyong Propayl',
'eol' => 'Ang EOL',
@ -95,12 +96,6 @@
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (janesmith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'first_name' => 'Ang Unang Pangalan',
'first_name_format' => 'Ang Unang Pangalan (jane@example.com)',
'files' => 'Ang mga file',
@ -119,6 +114,8 @@
'image_upload' => 'I-upload ang Imahe',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Ang tinanggap na uri ng file ay jpg, png, gif, at svg. Pinapayagan ang pag-upload ng max na laki : laki.',
'import' => 'I-import',
'importing' => 'Importing',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
'import-history' => 'I-import ang Kasaysayan',
'asset_maintenance' => 'Ang Pagpapanatili ng Asset',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Ang Report sa Pagpapanatili ng Asset',
@ -242,4 +239,9 @@
'login_enabled' => 'Login Enabled',
'audit_due' => 'Due for Audit',
'audit_overdue' => 'Overdue for Audit',
'accept' => 'Accept :asset',
'i_accept' => 'I accept',
'i_decline' => 'I decline',
'sign_tos' => 'Sign below to indicate that you agree to the terms of service:',
'clear_signature' => 'Clear Signature'
@ -69,5 +69,11 @@ return array(
'welcome' => 'Maligayang pagdating :ang pangalan',
'welcome_to' => 'Maligayang pagdating sa: web!',
'your_credentials' => 'Ang iyong mga Kredensyal sa Snipe-IT',
'Accessory_Checkin_Notification' => 'Accessory checked in',
'Asset_Checkin_Notification' => 'Asset checked in',
'License_Checkin_Notification' => 'License checked in',
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'An asset checked out to you is due to be checked back in on :date',
'your_assets' => 'View Your Assets'
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'Requête d\'authentification LDAP',
'ldap_version' => 'Version LDAP',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'Signal d\'activation LDAP',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'Numéro d\'employé LDAP',
'ldap_email' => 'E-mail LDAP',
'license' => 'Licence de logiciel',
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
'depreciation_report' => 'Rapport d’amortissement',
'details' => 'Détails',
'download' => 'Télécharger',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'Amortissement',
'editprofile' => 'Éditer votre profile',
'eol' => 'Fin de vie',
@ -95,12 +96,6 @@
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Nom de famille et première lettre du prénom (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'Première lettre du prénom et nom de famille (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'Prénom (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'Premier',
'firstnamelastname' => 'Prénom et nom de famille (janesmith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Nom de famille et première lettre du prénom (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'Première lettre du prénom et nom de famille (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'Prénom (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'Premier',
'first_name' => 'Prénom',
'first_name_format' => 'Prénom (jane@example.com)',
'files' => 'Fichiers',
@ -119,6 +114,8 @@
'image_upload' => 'Charger une image',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Les types de fichiers acceptés sont jpg, png, gif et svg. La taille maximale autorisée est :size.',
'import' => 'Importer',
'importing' => 'Importing',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
'import-history' => 'Importer l\'historique',
'asset_maintenance' => 'Gestion des actifs',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Rapport sur l\'entretien d\'actif',
@ -242,4 +239,9 @@
'login_enabled' => 'Connexion activée',
'audit_due' => 'Dû pour l\'audit',
'audit_overdue' => 'En retard pour l\'audit',
'accept' => 'Accept :asset',
'i_accept' => 'I accept',
'i_decline' => 'I decline',
'sign_tos' => 'Sign below to indicate that you agree to the terms of service:',
'clear_signature' => 'Clear Signature'
@ -69,5 +69,11 @@ return array(
'welcome' => 'Bienvenue, :name',
'welcome_to' => 'Bienvenue sur :web!',
'your_credentials' => 'Vos identifiants Snipe-IT',
'Accessory_Checkin_Notification' => 'Accessory checked in',
'Asset_Checkin_Notification' => 'Asset checked in',
'License_Checkin_Notification' => 'License checked in',
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'An asset checked out to you is due to be checked back in on :date',
'your_assets' => 'View Your Assets'
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'Ceist Fíordheimhnithe LDAP',
'ldap_version' => 'Leagan LDAP',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'Bratach Gníomhach LDAP',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'Uimhir Fostaí LDAP',
'ldap_email' => 'Ríomhphost LDAP',
'license' => 'Software License',
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
'depreciation_report' => 'Tuarascáil Dímheas',
'details' => 'Details',
'download' => 'Íoslódáil',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'Dímheas',
'editprofile' => 'Cuir do phróifíl in eagar',
'eol' => 'EOL',
@ -95,12 +96,6 @@
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (janesmith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'first_name' => 'Ainm',
'first_name_format' => 'Céadainm (jane@example.com)',
'files' => 'Files',
@ -119,6 +114,8 @@
'image_upload' => 'Íomhá Uaslódáil',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Accepted filetypes are jpg, png, gif, and svg. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'import' => 'Iompórtáil',
'importing' => 'Importing',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
'import-history' => 'Stair Iompórtála',
'asset_maintenance' => 'Cothabháil Sócmhainní',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Tuarascáil um Chothabháil Sócmhainní',
@ -242,4 +239,9 @@
'login_enabled' => 'Login Enabled',
'audit_due' => 'Due for Audit',
'audit_overdue' => 'Overdue for Audit',
'accept' => 'Accept :asset',
'i_accept' => 'I accept',
'i_decline' => 'I decline',
'sign_tos' => 'Sign below to indicate that you agree to the terms of service:',
'clear_signature' => 'Clear Signature'
@ -69,5 +69,11 @@ return array(
'welcome' => 'Fáilte: ainm',
'welcome_to' => 'Fáilte go dtí: gréasáin!',
'your_credentials' => 'Do dhintiúir Snipe-IT',
'Accessory_Checkin_Notification' => 'Accessory checked in',
'Asset_Checkin_Notification' => 'Asset checked in',
'License_Checkin_Notification' => 'License checked in',
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'An asset checked out to you is due to be checked back in on :date',
'your_assets' => 'View Your Assets'
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'שאילתת אימות LDAP',
'ldap_version' => 'גרסת LDAP',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'LDAP סמל פעיל',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'מספר עובד LDAP',
'ldap_email' => 'דוא"ל LDAP',
'license' => 'רישיון תוכנה',
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
'depreciation_report' => 'דוח פחת',
'details' => 'פרטים',
'download' => 'הורד',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'פְּחָת',
'editprofile' => 'ערוך את הפרופיל שלך',
'eol' => 'EOL',
@ -95,12 +96,6 @@
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (janesmith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'first_name' => 'שם פרטי',
'first_name_format' => 'שם פרטי (jane@example.com)',
'files' => 'קבצים',
@ -119,6 +114,8 @@
'image_upload' => 'העלאת תמונה',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Accepted filetypes are jpg, png, gif, and svg. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'import' => 'יְבוּא',
'importing' => 'Importing',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
'import-history' => 'היסטוריית הייבוא',
'asset_maintenance' => 'אחזקת נכסים',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'דוח אחזקה בנכסים',
@ -242,4 +239,9 @@
'login_enabled' => 'Login Enabled',
'audit_due' => 'Due for Audit',
'audit_overdue' => 'Overdue for Audit',
'accept' => 'Accept :asset',
'i_accept' => 'קיבלתי',
'i_decline' => 'דחיתי',
'sign_tos' => 'יש לחתום להלן כדי לציין שתנאי השימוש מוסכמים עליך:',
'clear_signature' => 'מחיקת החתימה'
@ -69,5 +69,11 @@ return array(
'welcome' => 'ברוכים הבאים: שם',
'welcome_to' => 'ברוכים הבאים ל: אינטרנט!',
'your_credentials' => 'שלך Snipe- IT אישורים',
'Accessory_Checkin_Notification' => 'Accessory checked in',
'Asset_Checkin_Notification' => 'Asset checked in',
'License_Checkin_Notification' => 'License checked in',
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'An asset checked out to you is due to be checked back in on :date',
'your_assets' => 'View Your Assets'
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'Upit za provjeru autentičnosti LDAP-a',
'ldap_version' => 'LDAP inačica',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'LDAP aktivna zastava',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'Broj zaposlenika LDAP-a',
'ldap_email' => 'LDAP e-pošta',
'license' => 'Licenca za softver',
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
'depreciation_report' => 'Izvješće o amortizaciji',
'details' => 'Detalji',
'download' => 'Preuzimanje',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'deprecijacija',
'editprofile' => 'Uredi svoj profil',
'eol' => 'EOL',
@ -95,12 +96,6 @@
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (janesmith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'first_name' => 'Ime',
'first_name_format' => 'Ime (jane@example.com)',
'files' => 'Datoteke',
@ -119,6 +114,8 @@
'image_upload' => 'Prenesite sliku',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Prihvaćene vrste datoteka su jpg, png, gif i svg. Najveća dozvoljena veličina za upload je :size.',
'import' => 'Uvoz',
'importing' => 'Importing',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
'import-history' => 'Povijest uvoza',
'asset_maintenance' => 'Održavanje imovine',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Izvješće o održavanju imovine',
@ -242,4 +239,9 @@
'login_enabled' => 'Login Enabled',
'audit_due' => 'Due for Audit',
'audit_overdue' => 'Overdue for Audit',
'accept' => 'Accept :asset',
'i_accept' => 'Prihvaćam',
'i_decline' => 'Odbijam',
'sign_tos' => 'Sign below to indicate that you agree to the terms of service:',
'clear_signature' => 'Clear Signature'
@ -69,5 +69,11 @@ return array(
'welcome' => 'Dobrodošli: ime',
'welcome_to' => 'Dobrodošli na: web!',
'your_credentials' => 'Vaše vjerodajnice za Snipe-IT',
'Accessory_Checkin_Notification' => 'Accessory checked in',
'Asset_Checkin_Notification' => 'Asset checked in',
'License_Checkin_Notification' => 'License checked in',
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'An asset checked out to you is due to be checked back in on :date',
'your_assets' => 'View Your Assets'
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'LDAP hitelesítési lekérdezés',
'ldap_version' => 'LDAP verzió',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'LDAP aktív zászló',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'LDAP alkalmazott száma',
'ldap_email' => 'LDAP e-mail',
'license' => 'Szoftverlicenc',
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
'depreciation_report' => 'Értékcsökkenés riport',
'details' => 'Részletek',
'download' => 'Letöltés',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'Értékcsökkenés',
'editprofile' => 'Profil szerkeztése',
'eol' => 'EOL',
@ -95,12 +96,6 @@
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (janesmith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'first_name' => 'Keresztnév',
'first_name_format' => 'Keresztnév (jane@example.com)',
'files' => 'Fájlok',
@ -119,6 +114,8 @@
'image_upload' => 'Kép feltöltése',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Az elfogadott fájltípusok jpg, png, gif és svg. A maximális feltöltési méret a következő: size.',
'import' => 'Importálás',
'importing' => 'Importing',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
'import-history' => 'Import történet',
'asset_maintenance' => 'Eszköz karbantartás',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Eszköz Karbantartás Riport',
@ -242,4 +239,9 @@
'login_enabled' => 'Login Enabled',
'audit_due' => 'Due for Audit',
'audit_overdue' => 'Overdue for Audit',
'accept' => 'Accept :asset',
'i_accept' => 'I accept',
'i_decline' => 'I decline',
'sign_tos' => 'Sign below to indicate that you agree to the terms of service:',
'clear_signature' => 'Clear Signature'
@ -69,5 +69,11 @@ return array(
'welcome' => 'Üdvözöljük: név',
'welcome_to' => 'Üdvözöljük a weboldalon!',
'your_credentials' => 'A Snipe-IT hitelesítő adatai',
'Accessory_Checkin_Notification' => 'Accessory checked in',
'Asset_Checkin_Notification' => 'Asset checked in',
'License_Checkin_Notification' => 'License checked in',
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'An asset checked out to you is due to be checked back in on :date',
'your_assets' => 'View Your Assets'
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'Permintaan Otentikasi LDAP',
'ldap_version' => 'Versi LDAP',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'LDAP Active Flag',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'Nomor karyawan LDAP',
'ldap_email' => 'LDAP Email',
'license' => 'Lisensi Perangkat Lunak',
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
'depreciation_report' => 'Laporan penyusutan',
'details' => 'Rincian',
'download' => 'Download',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'Penyusutan',
'editprofile' => 'Sunting profil anda',
'eol' => 'MHP',
@ -95,12 +96,6 @@
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (janesmith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'first_name' => 'Nama Depan',
'first_name_format' => 'Nama Depan (jane@example.com)',
'files' => 'File',
@ -119,6 +114,8 @@
'image_upload' => 'Unggah gambar',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Tipe file yang diterima adalah jpg, png, gif, dan svg. Maksimal ukuran foto diizinkan adalah: ukuran.',
'import' => 'Impor',
'importing' => 'Importing',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
'import-history' => 'Sejarah Impor',
'asset_maintenance' => 'Pemeliharaan Aset',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Laporan Pemeliharaan Aset',
@ -242,4 +239,9 @@
'login_enabled' => 'Login Enabled',
'audit_due' => 'Due for Audit',
'audit_overdue' => 'Overdue for Audit',
'accept' => 'Accept :asset',
'i_accept' => 'I accept',
'i_decline' => 'I decline',
'sign_tos' => 'Sign below to indicate that you agree to the terms of service:',
'clear_signature' => 'Clear Signature'
@ -69,5 +69,11 @@ return array(
'welcome' => 'Selamat datang: nama',
'welcome_to' => 'Selamat Datang di: web!',
'your_credentials' => 'Kredensial Snipe-IT Anda',
'Accessory_Checkin_Notification' => 'Accessory checked in',
'Asset_Checkin_Notification' => 'Asset checked in',
'License_Checkin_Notification' => 'License checked in',
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'An asset checked out to you is due to be checked back in on :date',
'your_assets' => 'View Your Assets'
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'LDAP Authentication query',
'ldap_version' => 'LDAP Version',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'LDAP Active Flag',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'LDAP Employee Number',
'ldap_email' => 'LDAP Email',
'license' => 'Software License',
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
'depreciation_report' => 'Depreciation Report',
'details' => 'Details',
'download' => 'Download',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'depreciation' => 'Depreciation',
'editprofile' => 'Edit Your Profile',
'eol' => 'Lok línu',
@ -95,12 +96,6 @@
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (janesmith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'first' => 'First',
'first_name' => 'First Name',
'first_name_format' => 'First Name (jane@example.com)',
'files' => 'Files',
@ -119,6 +114,8 @@
'image_upload' => 'Hlaða upp mynd',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Accepted filetypes are jpg, png, gif, and svg. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'import' => 'Flytja inn',
'importing' => 'Importing',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
'import-history' => 'Saga innflutninga',
'asset_maintenance' => 'Asset Maintenance',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Asset Maintenance Report',
@ -242,4 +239,9 @@
'login_enabled' => 'Login Enabled',
'audit_due' => 'Due for Audit',
'audit_overdue' => 'Overdue for Audit',
'accept' => 'Accept :asset',
'i_accept' => 'I accept',
'i_decline' => 'I decline',
'sign_tos' => 'Sign below to indicate that you agree to the terms of service:',
'clear_signature' => 'Clear Signature'
@ -70,5 +70,11 @@ return array(
'welcome' => 'Welcome :name',
'welcome_to' => 'Welcome to :web!',
'your_credentials' => 'Your Snipe-IT credentials',
'Accessory_Checkin_Notification' => 'Accessory checked in',
'Asset_Checkin_Notification' => 'Asset checked in',
'License_Checkin_Notification' => 'License checked in',
'Expected_Checkin_Report' => 'Expected asset checkin report',
'Expected_Checkin_Notification' => 'Reminder: :name checkin deadline approaching',
'Expected_Checkin_Date' => 'An asset checked out to you is due to be checked back in on :date',
'your_assets' => 'View Your Assets'
@ -20,6 +20,6 @@ return array(
'title' => 'Bene ',
'image' => 'Immagine dispositivo',
'days_without_acceptance' => 'Giorni senza accettazione',
'monthly_depreciation' => 'Monthly Depreciation'
'monthly_depreciation' => 'Ammortamento Mensile'
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
return array(
'about_kits_title' => 'About Predefined Kits',
'about_kits_text' => 'Predefined Kits let you quickly check out a collection of items (assets, licenses, etc) to a user. This can be helpful when your onboarding process is consistent across many users and all users receive the same items.',
'checkout' => 'Checkout Kit ',
'create_success' => 'Kit was successfully created.',
'create' => 'Create Predefined Kit',
'update' => 'Update Predefined Kit',
'delete_success' => 'Kit was successfully deleted.',
'update_success' => 'Kit was successfully updated.',
'none_models' => 'There are not enough available assets for :model to checkout. :qty are required. ',
'none_licenses' => 'There are not enough available seats for :license to checkout. :qty are required. ',
'none_consumables' => 'There are not enough available units of :consumable to checkout. :qty are required. ',
'none_accessory' => 'There are not enough available units of :accessory to checkout. :qty are required. ',
'about_kits_title' => 'Informazioni su Kit Predefiniti',
'about_kits_text' => 'I Kit Predefiniti ti permettono di assegnare rapidamente una collezione di prodotti (asset, licenze, ecc.) ad un utente. Può esserti d\'aiuto nel caso in cui devi assegnare lo stesso lotto di prodotti ad uno o più utenti allo stesso tempo.',
'checkout' => 'Assegna Kit ',
'create_success' => 'Il kit è stato creato correttamente.',
'create' => 'Crea Kit Predefinito',
'update' => 'Aggiorna Kit Predefinito',
'delete_success' => 'Il kit è stati eliminato correttamente.',
'update_success' => 'Il kit è stato aggiornato correttamente.',
'none_models' => 'Non ci sono abbastanza assets disponibili da assegnare per :model. Ulteriori :qty sono richiesti. ',
'none_licenses' => 'Non ci sono abbastanza licenze disponibili da assegnare per :license. Ulteriori :qty sono richieste. ',
'none_consumables' => 'Non ci sono abbastanza consumabili disponibili da assegnare per :consumable. Ulteriori :qty sono richiesti. ',
'none_accessory' => 'Non ci sono abbastanza accessori disponibili da assegnare per :accessory. Ulteriori :qty sono richiesti. ',
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ return array(
'owner_doesnt_match_asset' => 'Il bene che si sta cercando di associare a questa licenza è di proprietà di una persona diversa dal soggetto selezionato nel menù a discesa.',
'assoc_users' => 'Questo bene è stato assegnato ad un Utente e non può essere cancellato. Per favore Riassegnalo in magazzino,e dopo riprova a cancellarlo. ',
'select_asset_or_person' => 'È necessario selezionare un\'attività o un utente, ma non entrambi.',
'not_found' => 'License not found',
'not_found' => 'Licenza non trovata',
'create' => array(
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ return array(
'ad' => 'Active Directory',
'ad_domain' => 'Dominio Active Directory',
'ad_domain_help' => 'Questo a volte è lo stesso del dominio email, ma non sempre.',
'ad_append_domain_label' => 'Append domain name',
'ad_append_domain' => 'Append domain name to username field',
'ad_append_domain_help' => 'User isn\'t required to write "username@domain.local", they can just type "username".' ,
'ad_append_domain_label' => 'Aggiungi il dominio',
'ad_append_domain' => 'Aggiungi il dominio al campo username',
'ad_append_domain_help' => 'L\'utente non è tenuto a scrivere "username@domain.local", può semplicemente digitare "username".' ,
'admin_cc_email' => 'Email CC',
'admin_cc_email_help' => 'Se desideri inviare una copia delle e-mail di consegna / ritiro che vengono inviate agli utenti a un altro account e-mail, inseriscile qui. Altrimenti, lascia questo campo vuoto.',
'is_ad' => 'Si tratta di un server Active Directory',
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ return array(
'backups' => 'Backups',
'barcode_settings' => 'Impostazioni codice a barre',
'confirm_purge' => 'Conferma Cancellazione',
'confirm_purge_help' => 'Enter the text "DELETE" in the box below to purge your deleted records. This action cannot be undone and will PERMANENTLY delete all soft-deleted items and users. (You should make a backup first, just to be safe.)',
'confirm_purge_help' => 'Inserisci il testo "DELETE" nella casella sottostante per eliminare i tuoi record eliminati. Questa azione non può essere annullata e cancellerà PERMANENTEMENTE tutti gli elementi e gli utenti. (Effettuare un backup, per essere sicuri.)',
'custom_css' => 'CSS Personalizzato',
'custom_css_help' => 'Inserisci qualsiasi CSS personalizzato che vuoi utilizzare. Do not include the <style></style> tags.',
'custom_forgot_pass_url' => 'URL di Reset Password personalizzata',
@ -41,23 +41,23 @@ return array(
'display_eol' => 'Visualizzare EOL in vista tabella',
'display_qr' => 'Visualizza codici quadrati',
'display_alt_barcode' => 'Visualizza codici a barre',
'email_logo' => 'Email Logo',
'email_logo' => 'Logo Email',
'barcode_type' => 'Tipo di codice a barre 2D',
'alt_barcode_type' => 'Tipo di codice a barre 1D',
'email_logo_size' => 'Square logos in email look best. ',
'email_logo_size' => 'I loghi quadrati nelle email hanno un aspetto migliore. ',
'eula_settings' => 'Impostazioni EULA',
'eula_markdown' => 'Questa EULA consente <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github aromatizzato-markdown/">Github flavored markdown</a>.',
'favicon' => 'Favicon',
'favicon_format' => 'Accepted filetypes are ico, png, and gif. Other image formats may not work in all browsers.',
'favicon_size' => 'Favicons should be square images, 16x16 pixels.',
'favicon_format' => 'I tipi di file accettati sono ico, png e gif. Altri formati potrebbero non funzionare in tutti i browser.',
'favicon_size' => 'Le Favicons dovrebbero essere preferibilmente quadrate, di dimensione 16x16 pixel.',
'footer_text' => 'Ulteriori testo di piè di pagina ',
'footer_text_help' => 'Questo testo verrà visualizzato nel piè di pagina destro. I collegamenti sono consentiti utilizzando <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">markdown Github</a>. Le interruzioni di linea, le intestazioni, le immagini, ecc. Possono dare risultati imprevedibili.',
'general_settings' => 'Impostazioni Generali',
'generate_backup' => 'Crea Backup',
'header_color' => 'Colore intestazione',
'info' => 'Queste impostazioni consentono di personalizzare alcuni aspetti della vostra installazione.',
'label_logo' => 'Label Logo',
'label_logo_size' => 'Square logos look best - will be displayed in the top right of each asset label. ',
'label_logo' => 'Logo Etichetta',
'label_logo_size' => 'I loghi quadrati hanno un aspetto migliore - verranno visualizzati in alto a destra di ogni etichetta dell\'asset. ',
'laravel' => 'Laravel Version',
'ldap_enabled' => 'LDAP abilitato',
'ldap_integration' => 'Integrazione LDAP',
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'Query di Autenticazione LDAP',
'ldap_version' => 'Versione LDAP',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'LDAP Active Flag',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'ID impiegato LDAP',
'ldap_email' => 'Email LDAP',
'license' => 'Licenza software',
@ -97,8 +98,8 @@ return array(
'login_common_disabled_help' => 'Questa opzione disabilita altri meccanismi di autenticazione. Abilita questa opzione solo se sei sicuro che il tuo login REMOTE_USER sta già funzionando',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_text' => 'URL di logout personalizzato',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'Se qui viene indicato un URL, gli utenti verranno reindirizzato a questo URL dopo essere usciti da Snipe-IT. Questo è utile per chiudere correttamente le sessioni dell\'utente.',
'login_remote_user_header_name_text' => 'Custom user name header',
'login_remote_user_header_name_help' => 'Use the specified header instead of REMOTE_USER',
'login_remote_user_header_name_text' => 'Intestazione del nome utente personalizzato',
'login_remote_user_header_name_help' => 'Usa l\'intestazione specificata invece di REMOTE_USER',
'logo' => 'Logo',
'logo_print_assets' => 'Usa in stampa',
'logo_print_assets_help' => 'Usa il brand sulla lista dei beni stampabili ',
@ -113,36 +114,36 @@ return array(
'pwd_secure_complexity' => 'Complicità di password',
'pwd_secure_complexity_help' => 'Seleziona quale regola di complessità password desideri applicare.',
'pwd_secure_min' => 'Caratteri minimi di password',
'pwd_secure_min_help' => 'Minimum permitted value is 8',
'pwd_secure_min_help' => 'Il valore minimo consentito è 8',
'pwd_secure_uncommon' => 'Impedire le password comuni',
'pwd_secure_uncommon_help' => 'Questo impedirà agli utenti di utilizzare le password comuni dalle prime 10.000 password segnalate in violazione.',
'qr_help' => 'Abilita codici QR primo di impostare questo',
'qr_text' => 'QR Code Text',
'saml_enabled' => 'SAML enabled',
'saml_integration' => 'SAML Integration',
'saml_enabled' => 'SAML attivo',
'saml_integration' => 'Integrazione SAML',
'saml_sp_entityid' => 'Entity ID',
'saml_sp_acs_url' => 'Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL',
'saml_sp_sls_url' => 'Single Logout Service (SLS) URL',
'saml_sp_x509cert' => 'Public Certificate',
'saml_sp_x509cert' => 'Certificato',
'saml_idp_metadata' => 'SAML IdP Metadata',
'saml_idp_metadata_help' => 'You can specify the IdP metadata using a URL or XML file.',
'saml_attr_mapping_username' => 'Attribute Mapping - Username',
'saml_attr_mapping_username_help' => 'NameID will be used if attribute mapping is unspecified or invalid.',
'saml_forcelogin_label' => 'SAML Force Login',
'saml_forcelogin' => 'Make SAML the primary login',
'saml_forcelogin_help' => 'You can use \'/login?nosaml\' to get to the normal login page.',
'saml_idp_metadata_help' => 'È possibile specificare i metadati IdP utilizzando un file URL o XML.',
'saml_attr_mapping_username' => 'Mappatura Attributi - Username',
'saml_attr_mapping_username_help' => 'Verrà utilizzato NameID se la mappatura degli attributi non è specificata o non è valida.',
'saml_forcelogin_label' => 'SAML obbligatorio',
'saml_forcelogin' => 'Imposta SAML come autenticazione principale',
'saml_forcelogin_help' => 'Puoi usare \'/login?nosaml\' per l\'autenticazione senza SAML.',
'saml_slo_label' => 'SAML Single Log Out',
'saml_slo' => 'Send a LogoutRequest to IdP on Logout',
'saml_slo_help' => 'This will cause the user to be first redirected to the IdP on logout. Leave unchecked if the IdP doesn\'t correctly support SP-initiated SAML SLO.',
'saml_custom_settings' => 'SAML Custom Settings',
'saml_custom_settings_help' => 'You can specify additional settings to the onelogin/php-saml library. Use at your own risk.',
'saml_slo' => 'Invia un LogoutRequest a IdP in caso di Logout',
'saml_slo_help' => 'Questo farà sì che l\'utente venga reindirizzato per primo all\'IdP al momento del logout. Deselezionare, se l\'IdP non supporta correttamente SAML SLO.',
'saml_custom_settings' => 'Impostazioni Personalizzate SAML',
'saml_custom_settings_help' => 'È possibile specificare impostazioni aggiuntive alla libreria onelogin/php-saml. Utilizzare a proprio rischio.',
'setting' => 'Impostazioni',
'settings' => 'Impostazioni',
'show_alerts_in_menu' => 'Mostra avvisi nel menu in alto',
'show_archived_in_list' => 'Risorse archiviate',
'show_archived_in_list_text' => 'Mostra le risorse archiviate nella lista "tutte le risorse"',
'show_assigned_assets' => 'Show assets assigned to assets',
'show_assigned_assets_help' => 'Display assets which were assigned to the other assets in View User -> Assets, View User -> Info -> Print All Assigned and in Account -> View Assigned Assets.',
'show_assigned_assets' => 'Mostra gli asset assegnati agli asset',
'show_assigned_assets_help' => 'Visualizza gli asset assegnati agli altri asset in Visualizza Utenti -> Assets, Visualizza Utenti -> Info -> Stampa assets assegnati e in Account -> Visualizza Asset assegnati.',
'show_images_in_email' => 'Mostra le immagini nelle e-mail',
'show_images_in_email_help' => 'Deseleziona questa casella se l\'installazione di Snipe-IT si trova dietro una rete VPN o chiusa e gli utenti esterni alla rete non saranno in grado di caricare le immagini fornite da questa installazione nelle loro e-mail.',
'site_name' => 'Nome sito',
@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ return array(
'slack_channel' => 'Canale Slack',
'slack_endpoint' => 'Finale Slack',
'slack_integration' => 'Impostazioni Slack',
'slack_integration_help' => 'Slack integration is optional, however the endpoint and channel are required if you wish to use it. To configure Slack integration, you must first <a href=":slack_link" target="_new" rel="noopener">create an incoming webhook</a> on your Slack account. Click on the <strong>Test Slack Integration</strong> button to confirm your settings are correct before saving. ',
'slack_integration_help' => 'L\'integrazione di Slack è facoltativa, tuttavia l\'endpoint e il canale sono necessari se si desidera utilizzarla. Per configurare l\'integrazione di Slack devi prima <a href=":slack_link" target="_new" rel="noopener">creare un webhook in arrivo</a> sul tuo account Slack. Clicca sul pulsante <strong>Verifica integrazione Slack</strong> per effettuare un test e confermare che le impostazioni sono corrette, prima di salvare. ',
'slack_integration_help_button' => 'Dopo aver salvato le informazioni Slack, apparirà un pulsante di test.',
'slack_test_help' => 'Verifica se l\'integrazione Slack è configurata correttamente. PRIMA È NECESSARIO SALVARE LE IMPOSTAZIONI SLACK AGGIORNATE.',
'snipe_version' => 'Snipe-IT version',
@ -162,7 +163,7 @@ return array(
'update' => 'Aggiorna impostazioni',
'value' => 'Valore',
'brand' => 'Personalizzazione',
'web_brand' => 'Web Branding Type',
'web_brand' => 'Tipologia di Web Branding',
'about_settings_title' => 'Impostazioni',
'about_settings_text' => 'Queste impostazioni ti permettono di personalizzare alcuni aspetti della tua installazione.',
'labels_per_page' => 'Etichetta per pagina',
@ -217,5 +218,5 @@ return array(
'unique_serial' => 'Seriali univoci',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Selezionando questa casella viene forzato un vincolo di unicità sul seriale del bene',
'zerofill_count' => 'Lunghezza dei tag di asset, incluso zerofill',
'username_format_help' => 'This setting will only be used by the import process if a username is not provided and we have to generate a username for you.',
'username_format_help' => 'Questa impostazione sarà usata dal processo di importazione solo se un nome utente non è fornito, e se è necessario creare un nome utente.',
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ return array(
'ldap_config_text' => 'Le impostazioni di configurazione di LDAP possono essere trovate su Admin > Impostazioni. La posizione selezionata (facoltativa) verrà impostata per tutti gli utenti importati.',
'print_assigned' => 'Stampa tutti assegnati',
'software_user' => 'Software estratto a :name',
'send_email_help' => 'You must provide an email address for this user to send them credentials. Emailing credentials can only be done on user creation. Passwords are stored in a one-way hash and cannot be retrieved once saved.',
'send_email_help' => 'Devi fornire un indirizzo email all\'utente per inviare loro le credenziali. L\'inoltro delle credenziali via email avviene solo durante la creazione dell\'utente. La password è memorizzata in un hash unidirezionale e non può essere recuperata, una volta salvata.',
'view_user' => 'Visualizza Utente :name',
'usercsv' => 'CSV file',
'two_factor_admin_optin_help' => 'Le impostazioni correnti di amministratore consentono l\'esecuzione selettiva dell\'autenticazione a due fattori.',
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ return array(
'insufficient_permissions' => 'Permessi Insufficienti.',
'user_deleted_warning' => 'Questo utente è stato eliminato. Si dovrà ripristinare questo utente per modificare o assegnare nuovi beni.',
'ldap_not_configured' => 'L\'integrazione con LDAP non è stata configurata per questa installazione.',
'password_resets_sent' => 'The selected users who are activated and have a valid email addresses have been sent a password reset link.',
'password_resets_sent' => 'È stato inviato un link agli utenti selezionati che sono attivati e hanno un indirizzo email valido, per reimpostare la password.',
'success' => array(
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ return [
'send_password_link' => 'Invia il link per reimpostare la password',
'email_reset_password' => 'Reimposta email password',
'reset_password' => 'Reimposta Password',
'saml_login' => 'Login via SAML',
'saml_login' => 'Accedi tramite SAML',
'login' => 'Accedi',
'login_prompt' => 'Per favore accedi',
'forgot_password' => 'Password dimenticata',
@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ return array(
'account_not_activated' => 'Questo account non è attivo.',
'account_suspended' => 'Questo account è sospeso.',
'account_banned' => 'Questo account è bannato.',
'throttle' => 'Too many failed login attempts. Please try again in :minutes minutes.',
'throttle' => 'Troppi tentativi di login falliti. Per favore riprova entro :minutes minuti.',
'two_factor' => array(
'already_enrolled' => 'Your device is already enrolled.',
'success' => 'You have successfully logged in.',
'code_required' => 'Two-factor code is required.',
'invalid_code' => 'Two-factor code is invalid.',
'already_enrolled' => 'Il tuo dispositivo è già registrato.',
'success' => 'Accesso eseguito correttamente.',
'code_required' => 'Codice a due fattori richiesto.',
'invalid_code' => 'Codice a due fattori non valido.',
'signin' => array(
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ return array(
'logout' => array(
'error' => 'There was a problem while trying to log you out, please try again.',
'success' => 'You have successfully logged out.',
'error' => 'C\'è stato un problema durante il tentativo di logout, riprova per favore.',
'success' => 'Ti sei disconnesso con successo.',
'signup' => array(
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ return array(
'forgot-password' => array(
'error' => 'C\'è stato un problema durante il tentativo di reset password, per favore riprova.',
'success' => 'If that email address exists in our system, a password recovery email has been sent.',
'success' => 'Se l\'indirizzo email esiste nel nostro sistema, è stata inviata una email di recupero password.',
'forgot-password-confirm' => array(
@ -13,5 +13,5 @@ return array(
'upload' => 'Carica / Upload',
'select_file' => 'Seleziona il file...',
'select_files' => 'Seleziona i file...',
'generate_labels' => '{1} Generate Label|[2,*] Generate Labels',
'generate_labels' => '{1} Genera Etichetta|[2,*] Genera Etichette',
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more
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