mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 03:15:45 -08:00
Refactored BS tables include for clearer separation of simple v not simple
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,90 +33,86 @@
classes: 'table table-responsive table-no-bordered',
undefinedText: '',
iconsPrefix: 'fa',
search: {{ (isset($search)) ? 'true' : 'false' }},
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pageSize: 20,
pagination: true,
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cookieExpire: '2y',
cookieIdTable: '{{ Route::currentRouteName() }}',
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stickyHeaderOffsetY: stickyHeaderOffsetY + 'px',
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showMultiSort: true,
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fileName: '{{ $exportFile . "-" }}' + (new Date()).toISOString().slice(0,10),
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classes: 'table table-responsive table-no-bordered',
undefinedText: '',
iconsPrefix: 'fa',
search: {{ (isset($search)) ? 'true' : 'false' }},
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pageSize: 20,
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cookieIdTable: '{{ Route::currentRouteName() }}',
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columns: {!! $columns !!},
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maintainSelected: true,
paginationFirstText: "{{ trans('general.first') }}",
paginationLastText: "{{ trans('general.last') }}",
paginationPreText: "{{ trans('general.previous') }}",
paginationNextText: "{{ trans('general.next') }}",
formatLoadingMessage: function () {
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showRefresh: true,
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stickyHeaderOffsetY: stickyHeaderOffsetY + 'px',
@if (isset($columns))
columns: {!! $columns !!},
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mobileResponsive: true,
maintainSelected: true,
paginationFirstText: "{{ trans('general.first') }}",
paginationLastText: "{{ trans('general.last') }}",
paginationPreText: "{{ trans('general.previous') }}",
paginationNextText: "{{ trans('general.next') }}",
formatLoadingMessage: function () {
return '<h4><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin" aria-hidden="true"></i> Loading... please wait.... </h4>';
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plus: 'fa fa-plus',
minus: 'fa fa-minus',
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showColumns: true,
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showMultiSort: true,
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fileName: '{{ $exportFile . "-" }}' + (new Date()).toISOString().slice(0,10),
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@ -282,9 +278,15 @@
// We need a special formatter for license seats, since they don't work exactly the same
function licenseSeatInOutFormatter(value, row) {
// Checkouts need the license ID, checkins need the specific seat ID
function licenseSeatInOutFormatter(value, row) {
// The user is allowed to check the license seat out and it's available
if ((row.available_actions.checkout == true) && (row.user_can_checkout == true) && ((!row.asset_id) && (!row.assigned_to))) {
return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/licenses/' + row.license_id + '/checkout" class="btn btn-sm bg-maroon" data-tooltip="true" title="Check this item out">{{ trans('general.checkout') }}</a>';
} else {
return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/licenses/' + row.id + '/checkin" class="btn btn-sm bg-purple" data-tooltip="true" title="Check in this license seat.">{{ trans('general.checkin') }}</a>';
@ -302,9 +304,9 @@
// The user is allowed to check items in
} else if (row.available_actions.checkin == true) {
if (row.assigned_to) {
return '<nobr><a href="{{ url('/') }}/' + destination + '/' + row.id + '/checkin" class="btn btn-sm bg-purple" data-tooltip="true" title="Check this item in so it is available for re-imaging, re-issue, etc.">{{ trans('general.checkin') }}</a>';
return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/' + destination + '/' + row.id + '/checkin" class="btn btn-sm bg-purple" data-tooltip="true" title="Check this item in so it is available for re-imaging, re-issue, etc.">{{ trans('general.checkin') }}</a>';
} else if (row.assigned_pivot_id) {
return '<nobr><a href="{{ url('/') }}/' + destination + '/' + row.assigned_pivot_id + '/checkin" class="btn btn-sm bg-purple" data-tooltip="true" title="Check this item in so it is available for re-imaging, re-issue, etc.">{{ trans('general.checkin') }}</a>';
return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/' + destination + '/' + row.assigned_pivot_id + '/checkin" class="btn btn-sm bg-purple" data-tooltip="true" title="Check this item in so it is available for re-imaging, re-issue, etc.">{{ trans('general.checkin') }}</a>';
Reference in a new issue