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synced 2025-02-21 03:15:45 -08:00
Fix installer for v3. Tested with centos7 and ubuntu 16.0.4.
This essentially just changes the configuration section to work with the new .env file, and leaves almost everything else alone. Some reordering of code did occur to try and fix a number of issues I encountered along the way. This still really needs to be rewritten to only run what it should as root, and not everything, but that should get more testing than there is between now and v3. One thing to note: This changes fetching master.zip to the v3 alpha2 tag, for obviousish reasons. Once master goes back to v3, or there is a way of downloading a v3 tarball on a regular basis, it should be changed to do that again.
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,8 +27,9 @@ hostname="$(hostname)"
fqdn="$(hostname --fqdn)"
file=v3.0-alpha2.zip #CHANGE THIS WHEN MASTER IS V3 AGAIN
rm -rf $tmp/
mkdir $tmp
@ -41,19 +42,16 @@ function isinstalled {
if [ -f /etc/lsb-release ]; then
distro="$(lsb_release -s -i )"
version="$(lsb_release -s -r)"
elif [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then
distro="$(. /etc/os-release && echo $ID $VERSION_ID)"
version="$(. /etc/os-release && echo $VERSION_ID)"
# Lets find what distro we are using and what version
distro=$(. /etc/os-release && echo $ID)
version=$(. /etc/os-release && echo $VERSION_ID)
# if grep -q centos <<<$distro; then
# for f in $(find /etc -type f -maxdepth 1 \( ! -wholename /etc/os-release ! -wholename /etc/lsb-release -wholename /etc/\*release -o -wholename /etc/\*version \) 2> /dev/null);
# do
# distro="${f:5:${#f}-13}"
# done;
# if [ "$distro" = "centos" ] || [ "$distro" = "redhat" ]; then
# distro+="$(rpm -q --qf "%{VERSION}" $(rpm -q --whatprovides redhat-release))"
# fi
# fi
echo "
_____ _ __________
@ -153,26 +151,21 @@ case $distro in
echo "## Going to suppress more messages that you don't need to worry about. Please wait."
sudo apt-get -y install apache2 >> /var/log/snipeit-install.log 2>&1
sudo apt-get install -y git unzip php5 php5-mcrypt php5-curl php5-mysql php5-gd php5-ldap libapache2-mod-php5 curl >> /var/log/snipeit-install.log 2>&1
sudo service apache2 restart
#We already established MySQL root & user PWs, so we dont need to be prompted. Let's go ahead and install Apache, PHP and MySQL.
echo "## Setting up LAMP."
#sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y lamp-server^ >> /var/log/snipeit-install.log 2>&1
# Get files and extract to web dir
echo ""
echo "## Downloading snipeit and extract to web directory."
wget -P $tmp/ https://github.com/snipe/snipe-it/archive/$file >> /var/log/snipeit-install.log 2>&1
unzip -qo $tmp/$file -d $tmp/
cp -R $tmp/snipe-it-master $webdir/$name
cp -R $tmp/$fileName $webdir/$name
## TODO make sure apache is set to start on boot and go ahead and start it
#Enable mcrypt and rewrite
echo "## Enabling mcrypt and rewrite"
sudo php5enmod mcrypt >> /var/log/snipeit-install.log 2>&1
sudo php5enmod mcrypt >> /var/log/snipeit-install.log 2>&1
sudo a2enmod rewrite >> /var/log/snipeit-install.log 2>&1
sudo ls -al /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/rewrite.load >> /var/log/snipeit-install.log 2>&1
#Create a new virtual host for Apache.
echo "## Create Virtual host for apache."
@ -190,63 +183,52 @@ case $distro in
echo >> $apachefile " CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined"
echo >> $apachefile "</VirtualHost>"
echo "## Configuring .env file."
cat > $webdir/$name/.env <<-EOF
#Created By Snipe-it Installer
APP_TIMEZONE=$(cat /etc/timezone)
echo "## Setting up hosts file."
echo >> $hosts " $hostname $fqdn"
a2ensite $name.conf >> /var/log/snipeit-install.log 2>&1
#Modify the Snipe-It files necessary for a production environment.
echo "## Modify the Snipe-It files necessary for a production environment."
echo " Setting up Timezone."
tzone=$(cat /etc/timezone);
sed -i "s,UTC,$tzone,g" $webdir/$name/app/config/app.php
echo " Setting up bootstrap file."
sed -i "s,www.yourserver.com,$hostname,g" $webdir/$name/bootstrap/start.php
echo " Setting up database file."
cp $webdir/$name/app/config/production/database.example.php $webdir/$name/app/config/production/database.php
sed -i "s,snipeit_laravel,snipeit,g" $webdir/$name/app/config/production/database.php
sed -i "s,travis,snipeit,g" $webdir/$name/app/config/production/database.php
sed -i "s,password' => '',password' => '$mysqluserpw',g" $webdir/$name/app/config/production/database.php
echo " Setting up app file."
cp $webdir/$name/app/config/production/app.example.php $webdir/$name/app/config/production/app.php
sed -i "s,production.yourserver.com,$fqdn,g" $webdir/$name/app/config/production/app.php
sed -i "s,Change_this_key_or_snipe_will_get_ya,$random32,g" $webdir/$name/app/config/production/app.php
## from mtucker6784: Is there a particular reason we want end users to have debug mode on with a fresh install?
#sed -i "s,false,true,g" $webdir/$name/app/config/production/app.php
echo " Setting up mail file."
cp $webdir/$name/app/config/production/mail.example.php $webdir/$name/app/config/production/mail.php
## TODO make sure mysql is set to start on boot and go ahead and start it
#Change permissions on directories
echo "## Seting permissions on web directory."
sudo chmod -R 755 $webdir/$name/app/storage
sudo chmod -R 755 $webdir/$name/app/private_uploads
sudo chmod -R 755 $webdir/$name/public/uploads
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/
# echo "## Finished permission changes."
echo "## Input your MySQL/MariaDB root password: "
echo ""
sudo mysql -u root -p < $dbsetup
echo ""
echo "## Securing Mysql"
echo "## I understand this is redundant. You don't need to change your root pw again if you don't want to."
# Have user set own root password when securing install
# and just set the snipeit database user at the beginning
## TODO make sure mysql is set to start on boot and go ahead and start it
echo "Creating Mysql Database and User."
echo "## Please Input your MySQL/MariaDB root password: "
echo ""
sudo mysql -u root -p < $dbsetup
echo ""
#Install / configure composer
echo "## Installing and configuring composer"
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
cd $webdir/$name/
composer install --no-dev --prefer-source
php artisan app:install --env=production
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
php composer.phar install --no-dev --prefer-source
#Change permissions on directories
echo "## Seting permissions on web directory."
sudo chmod -R 755 $webdir/$name/storage
sudo chmod -R 755 $webdir/$name/storage/private_uploads
sudo chmod -R 755 $webdir/$name/public/uploads
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/
# echo "## Finished permission changes."
echo "## Restarting apache."
service apache2 restart
@ -264,12 +246,11 @@ case $distro in
sudo apt-get update >> /var/log/snipeit-install.log 2>&1
sudo apt-get -y upgrade >> /var/log/snipeit-install.log 2>&1
echo "## Installing packages."
#We already established MySQL root & user PWs, so we dont need to be prompted. Let's go ahead and install Apache, PHP and MySQL.
echo "## Setting up LAMP."
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y lamp-server^ >> /var/log/snipeit-install.log 2>&1
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y lamp-server^ >> /var/log/snipeit-install.log 2>&1
if [ "$version" == "16.04" ]; then
sudo apt-get install -y git unzip php php-mcrypt php-curl php-mysql php-gd php-ldap php-mbstring >> /var/log/snipeit-install.log 2>&1
@ -284,13 +265,13 @@ case $distro in
echo "## Enabling mcrypt and rewrite"
sudo php5enmod mcrypt >> /var/log/snipeit-install.log 2>&1
sudo a2enmod rewrite >> /var/log/snipeit-install.log 2>&1
# Get files and extract to web dir
# Get files and extract to web dir
echo ""
echo "## Downloading snipeit and extract to web directory."
wget -P $tmp/ https://github.com/snipe/snipe-it/archive/$file >> /var/log/snipeit-install.log 2>&1
unzip -qo $tmp/$file -d $tmp/
cp -R $tmp/snipe-it-master $webdir/$name
cp -R $tmp/$fileName $webdir/$name
## TODO make sure apache is set to start on boot and go ahead and start it
@ -316,59 +297,46 @@ case $distro in
echo "## Setting up hosts file."
echo >> $hosts " $hostname $fqdn"
a2ensite $name.conf >> /var/log/snipeit-install.log 2>&1
#Modify the Snipe-It files necessary for a production environment.
echo "## Modify the Snipe-It files necessary for a production environment."
echo " Setting up Timezone."
tzone=$(cat /etc/timezone);
sed -i "s,UTC,$tzone,g" $webdir/$name/app/config/app.php
echo " Setting up bootstrap file."
sed -i "s,www.yourserver.com,$hostname,g" $webdir/$name/bootstrap/start.php
echo " Setting up database file."
cp $webdir/$name/app/config/production/database.example.php $webdir/$name/app/config/production/database.php
sed -i "s,snipeit_laravel,snipeit,g" $webdir/$name/app/config/production/database.php
sed -i "s,travis,snipeit,g" $webdir/$name/app/config/production/database.php
sed -i "s,password' => '',password' => '$mysqluserpw',g" $webdir/$name/app/config/production/database.php
echo " Setting up app file."
cp $webdir/$name/app/config/production/app.example.php $webdir/$name/app/config/production/app.php
sed -i "s,production.yourserver.com,$fqdn,g" $webdir/$name/app/config/production/app.php
sed -i "s,Change_this_key_or_snipe_will_get_ya,$random32,g" $webdir/$name/app/config/production/app.php
## from mtucker6784: Is there a particular reason we want end users to have debug mode on with a fresh install?
#sed -i "s,false,true,g" $webdir/$name/app/config/production/app.php
echo " Setting up mail file."
cp $webdir/$name/app/config/production/mail.example.php $webdir/$name/app/config/production/mail.php
cat > $webdir/$name/.env <<-EOF
#Created By Snipe-it Installer
APP_TIMEZONE=$(cat /etc/timezone)
## TODO make sure mysql is set to start on boot and go ahead and start it
#Change permissions on directories
echo "## Seting permissions on web directory."
sudo chmod -R 755 $webdir/$name/app/storage
sudo chmod -R 755 $webdir/$name/app/private_uploads
sudo chmod -R 755 $webdir/$name/public/uploads
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/
# echo "## Finished permission changes."
echo "## Input your MySQL/MariaDB root password: "
# Setup Mysql, then run the command.
echo "## Creating MySQL Database and user. "
echo "## Please Input your MySQL/MariaDB root password: "
sudo mysql -u root -p < $dbsetup
echo "## Securing Mysql"
# Have user set own root password when securing install
# and just set the snipeit database user at the beginning
#Install / configure composer
echo "## Installing and configuring composer"
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
cd $webdir/$name/
composer install --no-dev --prefer-source
php artisan app:install --env=production
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
php composer.phar install --no-dev --prefer-source
#Change permissions on directories
echo "## Seting permissions on web directory."
sudo chmod -R 755 $webdir/$name/storage
sudo chmod -R 755 $webdir/$name/storage/private_uploads
sudo chmod -R 755 $webdir/$name/public/uploads
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/$name
# echo "## Finished permission changes."
echo "## Restarting apache."
service apache2 restart
@ -417,19 +385,20 @@ case $distro in
wget -P $tmp/ https://github.com/snipe/snipe-it/archive/$file >> /var/log/snipeit-install.log 2>&1
unzip -qo $tmp/$file -d $tmp/
cp -R $tmp/snipe-it-master $webdir/$name
cp -R $tmp/$fileName $webdir/$name
# Make mariaDB start on boot and restart the daemon
echo "## Starting the mariaDB server.";
chkconfig mysql on
/sbin/service mysql start
echo "## Input your MySQL/MariaDB root password: "
mysql -u root < $dbsetup
echo "## Securing mariaDB server.";
echo "## Creating MySQL Database/User."
echo "## Please Input your MySQL/MariaDB root password: "
mysql -u root < $dbsetup
##TODO make sure the apachefile doesnt exhist isnt already in there
#Create the new virtual host in Apache and enable rewrite
echo "## Creating the new virtual host in Apache.";
@ -461,36 +430,20 @@ case $distro in
chkconfig httpd on
/sbin/service httpd start
#Modify the Snipe-It files necessary for a production environment.
echo "## Modifying the Snipe-It files necessary for a production environment."
echo " Setting up Timezone."
tzone=$(grep ZONE /etc/sysconfig/clock | tr -d '"' | sed 's/ZONE=//g');
sed -i "s,UTC,$tzone,g" $webdir/$name/app/config/app.php
echo "## Configuring .env file."
echo " Setting up bootstrap file."
sed -i "s,www.yourserver.com,$hostname,g" $webdir/$name/bootstrap/start.php
cat > $webdir/$name/.env <<-EOF
#Created By Snipe-it Installer
echo " Setting up database file."
cp $webdir/$name/app/config/production/database.example.php $webdir/$name/app/config/production/database.php
sed -i "s,snipeit_laravel,snipeit,g" $webdir/$name/app/config/production/database.php
sed -i "s,travis,snipeit,g" $webdir/$name/app/config/production/database.php
sed -i "s,password' => '',password' => '$mysqluserpw',g" $webdir/$name/app/config/production/database.php
echo " Setting up app file."
cp $webdir/$name/app/config/production/app.example.php $webdir/$name/app/config/production/app.php
sed -i "s,production.yourserver.com,$fqdn,g" $webdir/$name/app/config/production/app.php
sed -i "s,Change_this_key_or_snipe_will_get_ya,$random32,g" $webdir/$name/app/config/production/app.php
## from mtucker6784: Is there a particular reason we want end users to have debug mode on with a fresh install?
#sed -i "s,false,true,g" $webdir/$name/app/config/production/app.php
echo " Setting up mail file."
cp $webdir/$name/app/config/production/mail.example.php $webdir/$name/app/config/production/mail.php
# Change permissions on directories
sudo chmod -R 755 $webdir/$name/app/storage
sudo chmod -R 755 $webdir/$name/app/private_uploads
sudo chmod -R 755 $webdir/$name/public/uploads
sudo chown -R apache:apache $webdir/$name
#Install / configure composer
echo "## Configure composer"
@ -501,6 +454,12 @@ case $distro in
echo "## Installing Snipe-IT"
php artisan app:install --env=production
# Change permissions on directories
sudo chmod -R 755 $webdir/$name/app/storage
sudo chmod -R 755 $webdir/$name/app/private_uploads
sudo chmod -R 755 $webdir/$name/public/uploads
sudo chown -R apache:apache $webdir/$name
#TODO detect if SELinux and firewall are enabled to decide what to do
#Add SELinux and firewall exception/rules. Youll have to allow 443 if you want ssl connectivity.
# chcon -R -h -t httpd_sys_script_rw_t $webdir/$name/
@ -541,21 +500,21 @@ case $distro in
wget -P $tmp/ https://github.com/snipe/snipe-it/archive/$file >> /var/log/snipeit-install.log 2>&1
unzip -qo $tmp/$file -d $tmp/
cp -R $tmp/snipe-it-master $webdir/$name
cp -R $tmp/$fileName $webdir/$name
# Make mariaDB start on boot and restart the daemon
echo "## Starting the mariaDB server.";
systemctl enable mariadb.service
systemctl start mariadb.service
echo "## Input your MySQL/MariaDB root password "
mysql -u root -p < $dbsetup
echo "## Securing mariaDB server.";
echo "";
echo "";
echo "## Creating MySQL Database/User."
echo "## Please Input your MySQL/MariaDB root password "
mysql -u root -p < $dbsetup
##TODO make sure the apachefile doesnt exhist isnt already in there
#Create the new virtual host in Apache and enable rewrite
@ -589,43 +548,37 @@ case $distro in
systemctl enable httpd.service
systemctl restart httpd.service
#Modify the Snipe-It files necessary for a production environment.
echo "## Modifying the Snipe-IT files necessary for a production environment."
echo " Setting up Timezone."
tzone=$(timedatectl | gawk -F'[: ]' ' $9 ~ /zone/ {print $11}');
sed -i "s,UTC,$tzone,g" $webdir/$name/app/config/app.php
echo "## Configuring .env file."
echo " Setting up bootstrap file."
sed -i "s,www.yourserver.com,$hostname,g" $webdir/$name/bootstrap/start.php
cat > $webdir/$name/.env <<-EOF
#Created By Snipe-it Installer
echo " Setting up database file."
cp $webdir/$name/app/config/production/database.example.php $webdir/$name/app/config/production/database.php
sed -i "s,snipeit_laravel,snipeit,g" $webdir/$name/app/config/production/database.php
sed -i "s,travis,snipeit,g" $webdir/$name/app/config/production/database.php
sed -i "s,password' => '',password' => '$mysqluserpw',g" $webdir/$name/app/config/production/database.php
echo " Setting up app file."
cp $webdir/$name/app/config/production/app.example.php $webdir/$name/app/config/production/app.php
sed -i "s,production.yourserver.com,$fqdn,g" $webdir/$name/app/config/production/app.php
sed -i "s,Change_this_key_or_snipe_will_get_ya,$random32,g" $webdir/$name/app/config/production/app.php
sed -i "s,false,true,g" $webdir/$name/app/config/production/app.php
echo " Setting up mail file."
cp $webdir/$name/app/config/production/mail.example.php $webdir/$name/app/config/production/mail.php
# Change permissions on directories
sudo chmod -R 755 $webdir/$name/app/storage
sudo chmod -R 755 $webdir/$name/app/private_uploads
sudo chmod -R 755 $webdir/$name/public/uploads
sudo chown -R apache:apache $webdir/$name
#Install / configure composer
cd $webdir/$name
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
php composer.phar install --no-dev --prefer-source
php artisan app:install --env=production
sudo chmod -R 755 $webdir/$name/storage
sudo chmod -R 755 $webdir/$name/storage/private_uploads
sudo chmod -R 755 $webdir/$name/public/uploads
sudo chown -R apache:apache $webdir/$name
# Make SeLinux happy
sudo chcon -R -h -t httpd_sys_script_rw_t $webdir/$name/
#TODO detect if SELinux and firewall are enabled to decide what to do
#Add SELinux and firewall exception/rules. Youll have to allow 443 if you want ssl connectivity.
# chcon -R -h -t httpd_sys_script_rw_t $webdir/$name/
@ -642,7 +595,7 @@ case $distro in
echo ""
echo " ***If you want mail capabilities, open $webdir/$name/app/config/production/mail.php and fill out the attributes***"
echo " ***If you want mail capabilities, edit $webdir/$name/.env and edit based on .env.example***"
echo ""
echo " ***Open http://$fqdn to login to Snipe-IT.***"
echo ""
Reference in a new issue