From ddc79b9070c1291b695d55b3bf98ad476f9c3725 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tiagom62 <>
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2017 02:19:38 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Support Ubuntu and Debian installs. (#4133)

* Ubuntu related fixes.

* Further cleanup.

* Support Debian 9 install. More cleanup.
--- | 223 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 134 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-)
 mode change 100755 => 100644

diff --git a/ b/
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 1a6023ca2d..ebb7d48328
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -16,8 +16,14 @@
 # ensure running as root
 if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
-  exec sudo "$0" "$@"
+    #Debian doesnt have sudo if root has a password.
+    if ! hash sudo 2>/dev/null; then
+        exec su -c "$0" "$@"
+    else
+        exec sudo "$0" "$@"
+    fi
 #First things first, let's set some variables and find our distro.
@@ -26,16 +32,12 @@ hostname="$(hostname)"
 fqdn="$(hostname --fqdn)"
-rm -rf ${tmp:?}
-mkdir $tmp
 # Debian/Ubuntu friendly f(x)s
 progress () {
     while kill -0 $pid > /dev/null 2>&1
@@ -48,7 +50,6 @@ progress () {
 #Used for Debian and Ubuntu
 vhenvfile () {
     find /etc/apache2/mods-enabled -maxdepth 1 -name 'rewrite.load' >/dev/null 2>&1
@@ -124,7 +125,6 @@ else
 echo "
        _____       _                  __________
       / ___/____  (_)___  ___        /  _/_  __/
@@ -134,7 +134,6 @@ echo "
-echo ""
 echo ""
 echo "  Welcome to Snipe-IT Inventory Installer for Centos, Debian and Ubuntu!"
 echo ""
@@ -158,7 +157,6 @@ case $distro in
 shopt -u nocasematch
-#Get your FQDN.
 echo -n "  Q. What is the FQDN of your server? ($fqdn): "
 read fqdn
@@ -168,7 +166,6 @@ fi
 echo "     Setting to $fqdn"
 echo ""
-#Do you want to set your own passwords, or have me generate random ones?
 until [[ $ans == "yes" ]] || [[ $ans == "no" ]]; do
 echo -n "  Q. Do you want to automatically create the database user password? (y/n) "
 read setpw
@@ -189,71 +186,71 @@ case $setpw in
-#Snipe says we need a new 32bit key, so let's create one randomly and inject it into the file
-#db_setup.sql will be injected to the database during install.
-#Again, this file should be removed, which will be a prompt at the end of the script.
-echo >> $dbsetup "CREATE DATABASE snipeit;"
-echo >> $dbsetup "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON snipeit.* TO snipeit@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '$mysqluserpw';"
-#Let us make it so only root can read the file. Again, this isn't best practice, so please remove these after the install.
-chown root:root $dbsetup
-chmod 700 $dbsetup
-## TODO: Progress tracker on each step
+#TODO: Lets not install snipeit application under root
+#TODO: Make progress tracker go on the same line of the step being run
+#TODO: Progress tracker on each step
 case $distro in
-        #####################################  Install for Debian ##############################################
-        #Update/upgrade Debian/Ubuntu repositories, get the latest version of git.
-        #Git clone snipeit, create vhost, edit hosts file, create .env file, mysql install
-        #composer install, set permissions, restart apache.
-        #BTW, Debian, I swear, you're such a pain.
+        #####################################  Install for Debian 9 ##############################################
-        echo -e "\n* Updating Debian packages in the background... ${spin[0]}\n"
-        apt-get update >> /var/log/snipeit-install.log & pid=$! 2>&1
-        wait
-        apt-get upgrade >> /var/log/snipeit-install.log & pid=$! 2>&1
-        wait
-        echo -e "\n* Installing packages... ${spin[0]}\n"
-        echo -e "\n* Going to suppress more messages that you don't need to worry about. Please wait... ${spin[0]}"
-        DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install mariadb-server mariadb-client apache2 git unzip php5 php5-mcrypt php5-curl php5-mysql php5-gd php5-ldap libapache2-mod-php5 curl >> /var/log/snipeit-install.log & pid=$! 2>&1
+        echo "* Updating with apt-get update."
+        log "apt-get update" & pid=$!
-        wait
-        echo -e "\n* Cloning Snipeit, extracting to $webdir/$name..."
-        git clone $webdir/$name >> /var/log/snipeit-install.log & pid=$! 2>&1
+        echo "* Upgrading packages with apt-get upgrade."
+        log "apt-get -y upgrade" & pid=$!
-        php5enmod mcrypt >> /var/log/snipeit-install.log 2>&1
-        a2enmod rewrite >> /var/log/snipeit-install.log 2>&1
+        echo "* Installing httpd, PHP, MariaDB and other requirements."
+        log "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y mariadb-server mariadb-client apache2 libapache2-mod-php php php-mcrypt php-curl php-mysql php-gd php-ldap php-zip php-mbstring php-xml php-bcmath curl git unzip" & pid=$!
+        progress
+        log "a2enmod rewrite"
+        echo "* Cloning Snipe-IT from github to the web directory."
+        log "git clone $webdir/$name" & pid=$!
+        progress
         tzone=$(cat /etc/timezone)
         echo >> $hosts " $hostname $fqdn"
         a2ensite $name.conf
-        echo -e "* Modify the Snipe-It files necessary for a production environment.\n* Securing Mysql"
-        # Have user set own root password when securing install
-        # and just set the snipeit database user at the beginning
+        echo "* Securing MariaDB server.";
-        echo -e "* Creating Mysql Database and User.\n##  Please Input your MySQL/MariaDB root password: "
-        mysql -u root -p < $dbsetup
+        echo "* Creating MariaDB Database/User."
+        echo "* Please Input your MariaDB root password:"
+        mysql -u root -p --execute="CREATE DATABASE snipeit;GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON snipeit.* TO snipeit@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '$mysqluserpw';"
+        echo "* Installing and running composer."
         cd $webdir/$name/
         curl -sS | php
         php composer.phar install --no-dev --prefer-source
+        chown -R www-data:www-data "/var/www/$name"
         service apache2 restart
-        php artisan key:generate
+        echo "* Generating the application key."
+        php artisan key:generate --force
+        echo "* Artisan Migrate."
+        php artisan migrate --force
-        #####################################  Install for Ubuntu  ##############################################
+    if [[ "$version" =~ 1[6-7] ]]; then
+        #####################################  Install for Ubuntu 16-17  ##############################################
         echo "* Adding MariaDB repository."
-        (echo "deb [arch=amd64,i386] $codename main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mariadb.list >/dev/null 2>&1)
         log "apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver hkp:// 0xF1656F24C74CD1D8"
+        log "add-apt-repository 'deb [arch=amd64,i386] $codename main'"
         echo "* Updating with apt-get update."
         log "apt-get update" & pid=$!
@@ -265,21 +262,12 @@ case $distro in
         echo "* Installing httpd, PHP, MariaDB and other requirements."
-        log "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y mariadb-server mariadb-client apache2 libapache2-mod-php curl git unzip" & pid=$!
+        log "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y mariadb-server mariadb-client apache2 libapache2-mod-php php php-mcrypt php-curl php-mysql php-gd php-ldap php-zip php-mbstring php-xml php-bcmath curl git unzip" & pid=$!
-        if [ "$version" == "16.04" ]; then
-            log "apt-get install -y php php-mcrypt php-curl php-mysql php-gd php-ldap php-zip php-mbstring php-xml php-bcmath" & pid=$!
-            progress
-            log "phpenmod mcrypt"
-            log "phpenmod mbstring"
-            log "a2enmod rewrite"
-        else
-            log "apt-get install -y php5 php5-mcrypt php5-curl php5-mysql php5-gd php5-ldap" & pid=$!
-            progress
-            log "php5enmod mcrypt"
-            log "a2enmod rewrite"
-        fi
+        log "phpenmod mcrypt"
+        log "phpenmod mbstring"
+        log "a2enmod rewrite"
         echo "* Cloning Snipe-IT from github to the web directory."
         log "git clone $webdir/$name" & pid=$!
@@ -296,10 +284,10 @@ case $distro in
         echo "* Securing MariaDB server.";
         echo "* Creating MariaDB Database/User."
         echo "* Please Input your MariaDB root password:"
-        mysql -u root -p < $dbsetup
+        mysql -u root -p --execute="CREATE DATABASE snipeit;GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON snipeit.* TO snipeit@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '$mysqluserpw';"
         echo "* Installing and running composer."
         cd $webdir/$name/
@@ -316,14 +304,80 @@ case $distro in
         echo "* Artisan Migrate."
         php artisan migrate --force
-        ;;
-    centos )
+    elif [[ "$version" =~ 14 ]]; then
+        #####################################  Install for Ubuntu 14  ##############################################
+        webdir=/var/www
+        echo "* Adding MariaDB and ppa:ondrej/php repositories."
+        log "apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver hkp:// 0xcbcb082a1bb943db"
+        log "add-apt-repository 'deb [arch=amd64,i386,ppc64el] $codename main'"
+        #PHP7 repository
+        log "add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php -y"
+        echo "* Updating with apt-get update."
+        log "apt-get update" & pid=$!
+        [ -f /var/lib/dpkg/lock ] && rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/lock
+        progress
+        echo "* Upgrading packages with apt-get upgrade."
+        log "apt-get -y upgrade" & pid=$!
+        progress
+        echo "* Installing httpd, PHP, MariaDB and other requirements."
+        log "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y mariadb-server mariadb-client php7.1 php7.1-mcrypt php7.1-curl php7.1-mysql php7.1-gd php7.1-ldap php7.1-zip php7.1-mbstring php7.1-xml php7.1-bcmath curl git unzip" & pid=$!
+        progress
+        log "phpenmod mcrypt"
+        log "phpenmod mbstring"
+        log "a2enmod rewrite"
+        echo "* Cloning Snipe-IT from github to the web directory."
+        log "git clone $webdir/$name" & pid=$!
+        progress
+        echo "* Configuring .env file."
+        tzone=$(cat /etc/timezone)
+        setenv
+        vhenvfile
+        echo "* Starting the MariaDB server.";       
+        service mysql status >/dev/null || service mysql start
+        echo "* Securing MariaDB server.";
+        /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation
+        echo "* Creating MariaDB Database/User."
+        echo "* Please Input your MariaDB root password:"
+        mysql -u root -p --execute="CREATE DATABASE snipeit;GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON snipeit.* TO snipeit@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '$mysqluserpw';"
+        echo "* Installing and running composer."
+        cd $webdir/$name/
+        curl -sS  | php
+        php composer.phar install --no-dev --prefer-source
+        perms
+        chown -R www-data:www-data "/var/www/$name"
+        service apache2 restart
+        echo "* Generating the application key."
+        php artisan key:generate --force
+        echo "* Artisan Migrate."
+        php artisan migrate --force
+    else
+        echo "Unable to Handle Ubuntu Version #.  Version Found: " $version
+    return 1
+    fi
+    ;;
+    centos)
     if [[ "$version" =~ ^6 ]]; then
         #####################################  Install for Centos/Redhat 6  ##############################################
-        #Allow us to get the mysql engine
-        echo ""
         echo "##  Adding IUS, epel-release and MariaDB repositories.";
         touch "$mariadbRepo"
@@ -337,10 +391,9 @@ case $distro in
         } >> "$mariadbRepo"
         log "yum -y install wget epel-release"
-        log "wget -P "$tmp/""
-        log "rpm -Uvh "$tmp/ius-release*.rpm""
+        log "yum -y install"
+        log "rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/IUS-COMMUNITY-GPG-KEY"
-        #Install PHP and other needed stuff
         echo "##  Installing httpd, PHP, MariaDB and other requirements.";
         PACKAGES="httpd mariadb-server git unzip php71u php71u-mysqlnd php71u-bcmath php71u-cli php71u-common php71u-embedded php71u-gd php71u-mbstring php71u-mcrypt php71u-ldap php71u-json php71u-simplexml"
@@ -368,7 +421,7 @@ case $distro in
         echo "##  Creating MariaDB Database/User."
         echo "##  Please Input your MariaDB root password: "
-        mysql -u root -p < $dbsetup
+        mysql -u root -p --execute="CREATE DATABASE snipeit;GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON snipeit.* TO snipeit@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '$mysqluserpw';"
         #Create the new virtual host in Apache and enable rewrite
         echo "##  Creating the new virtual host in Apache.";
@@ -431,16 +484,13 @@ case $distro in
     elif [[ "$version" =~ ^7 ]]; then
         #####################################  Install for Centos/Redhat 7  ##############################################
-        #Allow us to get the mysql engine
         echo -e "\n##  Adding IUS, epel-release and MariaDB repositories.";
         log "yum -y install wget epel-release"
-        log "wget -P $tmp/"
-        log "rpm -Uvh $tmp/ius-release*.rpm"
+        log "yum -y install"
+        log "rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/IUS-COMMUNITY-GPG-KEY"
-        #Install PHP and other requirements
         echo "##  Installing httpd, PHP, MariaDB and other requirements.";
         PACKAGES="httpd mariadb-server git unzip php71u php71u-mysqlnd php71u-bcmath php71u-cli php71u-common php71u-embedded php71u-gd php71u-mbstring php71u-mcrypt php71u-ldap php71u-json php71u-simplexml"
@@ -455,25 +505,21 @@ case $distro in
         echo -e "\n##  Cloning Snipe-IT from github to the web directory.";
         log "git clone $webdir/$name"
-        # Make mariaDB start on boot and restart the daemon
+        #Make mariaDB start on boot and restart the daemon
         echo "##  Starting the MariaDB server.";
         systemctl enable mariadb.service
         systemctl start mariadb.service
         echo "##  Securing MariaDB server.";
-        echo "";
-        echo "";
         echo "##  Creating MariaDB Database/User."
         echo "##  Please Input your MariaDB root password "
-        mysql -u root -p < "$dbsetup"
-        ##TODO make sure the apachefile doesnt exist isnt already in there
+        mysql -u root -p --execute="CREATE DATABASE snipeit;GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON snipeit.* TO snipeit@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '$mysqluserpw';"
+        #TODO make sure the apachefile doesnt exist isnt already in there
         #Create the new virtual host in Apache and enable rewrite
@@ -497,7 +543,7 @@ case $distro in
             echo "</VirtualHost>"
         } >> "$apachefile"
-        ##TODO make sure this isnt already in there
+        #TODO make sure this isnt already in there
         echo "##  Setting up hosts file.";
         echo >> $hosts " $hostname $fqdn"
@@ -554,6 +600,5 @@ echo ""
 echo "* Cleaning up..."
 rm -f
 rm -f
-rm -rf ${tmp:?}
 echo "* Finished!"
 sleep 1