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synced 2025-03-05 20:52:15 -08:00
Updated Korean
Signed-off-by: snipe <snipe@snipe.net>
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,5 +16,6 @@ return array(
'update' => '부속품 갱신',
'use_default_eula' => '대체 <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#eulaModal">기본 사용권 계약서</a>를 사용합니다.',
'use_default_eula_disabled' => '<del>대체 기본 사용권 계약서를 사용합니다.</del> 기본 사용권 계약서가 정의되지 않았습니다. 설정에서 하나를 추가해 주세요.',
'clone' => 'Clone Accessory',
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ return array(
'checkout' => array(
'error' => '부속품이 반출되지 않았습니다. 다시 시도해 주세요.',
'success' => '부속품이 반출 되었습니다.',
'unavailable' => 'Accessory is not available for checkout. Check quantity available',
'user_does_not_exist' => '잘못된 사용자 입니다. 다시 시도해 주세요.'
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
return [
'asset_maintenance_type' => '자산 관리 유형',
'asset_maintenance_type' => 'Asset Maintenance Type',
'title' => '제목',
'start_date' => '시작일',
'completion_date' => '완료일',
'start_date' => 'Start Date',
'completion_date' => 'Completion Date',
'cost' => '비용',
'is_warranty' => '보증 개선',
'asset_maintenance_time' => '자산 관리 기간(일 단위)',
'asset_maintenance_time' => 'Asset Maintenance Time (in days)',
'notes' => '주석',
'update' => '자산 관리 갱신',
'create' => '자산 관리 생성'
'update' => 'Update Asset Maintenance',
'create' => 'Create Asset Maintenance'
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
return array(
'group_exists' => '그룹이 이미 존재합니다!',
'group_not_found' => '그룹 [:id]는 존재하지 않습니다.',
'group_not_found' => 'Group ID :id does not exist.',
'group_name_required' => '이름 항목을 입력해주세요.',
'success' => array(
@ -2,8 +2,11 @@
return [
'bulk_delete' => '대량 자산 삭제 승인',
'bulk_restore' => 'Confirm Bulk Restore Assets',
'bulk_delete_help' => '아래의 대량 자산 삭제 내용을 검토하십시오. 삭제하시면 복구할 수 없고, 현재 할당되어 있는 사용자와의 연결이 끊어집니다.',
'bulk_restore_help' => 'Review the assets for bulk restoration below. Once restored, these assets will not be associated with any users they were previously assigned to.',
'bulk_delete_warn' => '삭제 대상: asset_count 개',
'bulk_restore_warn' => 'You are about to restore :asset_count assets.',
'bulk_update' => '대량 자산 갱신',
'bulk_update_help' => '이 양식은 한번에 여러개의 자산들을 갱신하게 해줍니다. 변경하고 싶은 항목만 채워 넣으세요. 빈란으로 남겨둔 항목들은 변경되지 않을 것입니다. ',
'bulk_update_warn' => 'You are about to edit the properties of a single asset.|You are about to edit the properties of :asset_count assets.',
@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ return [
'asset_location_update_default' => 'Update only default location',
'asset_not_deployable' => 'That asset status is not deployable. This asset cannot be checked out.',
'asset_deployable' => 'That status is deployable. This asset can be checked out.',
'processing_spinner' => 'Processing...',
'processing_spinner' => 'Processing... (This might take a bit of time on large files)',
'optional_infos' => 'Optional Information',
'order_details' => 'Order Related Information'
@ -42,5 +42,6 @@ return [
'error_messages' => 'Error messages:',
'success_messages' => 'Success messages:',
'alert_details' => 'Please see below for details.',
'custom_export' => 'Custom Export'
'custom_export' => 'Custom Export',
'mfg_warranty_lookup' => ':manufacturer Warranty Status Lookup',
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ return [
'restore' => [
'error' => '자산이 복원되지 않았습니다. 다시 시도해 주세요.',
'success' => '자산이 복원되었습니다.',
'bulk_success' => 'Asset restored successfully.',
'nothing_updated' => 'No assets were selected, so nothing was restored.',
'audit' => [
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ return array(
'deleted' => '모델이 삭제되었습니다.',
'bulk_delete' => '자산 모델 대량 삭제',
'bulk_delete_help' => '선택한 자산 모델의 삭제를 확인하려면 아래 체크박스를 사용하십시오. 자산에 연결된 자산 모델은 자산이 다른 모델과 연결될 때까지 삭제할 수 없습니다.',
'bulk_delete_warn' => '다음을 삭제하려 합니다:model_count asset models.',
'bulk_delete_warn' => 'You are about to delete one asset model.|You are about to delete :model_count asset models.',
'restore' => '모델 복원',
'requestable' => '사용자가 이 모델을 요청하실 수 있습니다',
'show_mac_address' => '이 모델의 자산에서 MAC 어드레스 항목 보기',
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ return array(
'update' => array(
'error' => '모델이 갱신되지 않았습니다. 다시 시도하세요.',
'success' => '모델이 갱신되었습니다.'
'success' => '모델이 갱신되었습니다.',
'delete' => array(
@ -32,12 +32,14 @@ return array(
'bulkedit' => array(
'error' => '변경된 항목이 없어서, 갱신되지 않습니다.',
'success' => '모델 갱신됨.'
'success' => 'Model successfully updated. |:model_count models successfully updated.',
'warn' => 'You are about to update the properies of the following model: |You are about to edit the properties of the following :model_count models:',
'bulkdelete' => array(
'error' => '선택된 모델이 없기에, 삭제되지 않습니다.',
'success' => ': success_count 모델이 삭제되었습니다!',
'success' => 'Model deleted!|:success_count models deleted!',
'success_partial' => ': success_count개의 모델이 삭제되었지만, fail_count 개는 관련된 자산이 있기에 삭제할 수 없습니다.'
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ return [
'admin_cc_email_help' => '사용자에게 보낸 반입/반출 이메일 사본을 추가 이메일 계정으로 보내려면, 여기에 입력하세요. 그렇지 않으면 이 필드를 비워 두세요.',
'is_ad' => '이것은 액티브 디렉토리 서버입니다.',
'alerts' => 'Alerts',
'alert_title' => 'Update Alert Settings',
'alert_title' => 'Update Notification Settings',
'alert_email' => '알림 전송',
'alert_email_help' => 'Email addresses or distribution lists you want alerts to be sent to, comma separated',
'alerts_enabled' => '알림 사용',
@ -198,16 +198,21 @@ return [
'show_images_in_email' => '이메일에 이미지 표시',
'show_images_in_email_help' => 'Snipe-IT 설치가 VPN 또는 폐쇄 형 네트워크 하에 있고 네트워크 외부 사용자가 이 설치에서 제공된 이미지를 이메일에 불러올수 없는 경우 이 상자의 선택을 해제하세요.',
'site_name' => '사이트 명',
'integrations' => 'Integrations',
'slack' => 'Slack',
'slack_title' => 'Update Slack Settings',
'slack_help' => 'Slack settings',
'slack_botname' => 'Slack Bot 명',
'slack_channel' => 'Slack 채널',
'slack_endpoint' => 'Slack 종료점',
'slack_integration' => 'Slack 설정',
'slack_integration_help' => 'Slack integration is optional, however the endpoint and channel are required if you wish to use it. To configure Slack integration, you must first <a href=":slack_link" target="_new" rel="noopener">create an incoming webhook</a> on your Slack account. Click on the <strong>Test Slack Integration</strong> button to confirm your settings are correct before saving. ',
'slack_integration_help_button' => '슬랙 정보를 저장하면, 테스트 버튼이 나타납니다.',
'slack_test_help' => '슬랙 통합이 올바르게 구성되었는지 테스트하십시오. 반드시 먼저 갱신된 지연 슬랙 설정을 저장해야합니다.',
'general_webhook' => 'General Webhook',
'webhook' => ':app',
'webhook_presave' => 'Test to Save',
'webhook_title' => 'Update Webhook Settings',
'webhook_help' => 'Integration settings',
'webhook_botname' => ':app Botname',
'webhook_channel' => ':app Channel',
'webhook_endpoint' => ':app Endpoint',
'webhook_integration' => ':app Settings',
'webhook_test' =>'Test :app integration',
'webhook_integration_help' => ':app integration is optional, however the endpoint and channel are required if you wish to use it. To configure :app integration, you must first <a href=":webhook_link" target="_new" rel="noopener">create an incoming webhook</a> on your :app account. Click on the <strong>Test :app Integration</strong> button to confirm your settings are correct before saving. ',
'webhook_integration_help_button' => 'Once you have saved your :app information, a test button will appear.',
'webhook_test_help' => 'Test whether your :app integration is configured correctly. YOU MUST SAVE YOUR UPDATED :app SETTINGS FIRST.',
'snipe_version' => 'Snipe-IT 버전',
'support_footer' => '꼬리말 링크 지원',
'support_footer_help' => 'Snipe-IT 지원 정보 및 사용자 매뉴얼 보기 권한 설정',
@ -302,7 +307,7 @@ return [
'localization_keywords' => 'localization, currency, local, locale, time zone, timezone, international, internatinalization, language, languages, translation',
'localization_help' => 'Language, date display',
'notifications' => 'Notifications',
'notifications_help' => 'Email alerts, audit settings',
'notifications_help' => 'Email Alerts & Audit Settings',
'asset_tags_help' => 'Incrementing and prefixes',
'labels' => 'Labels',
'labels_title' => 'Update Label Settings',
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ return [
'testing_authentication' => 'Testing LDAP Authentication...',
'authentication_success' => 'User authenticated against LDAP successfully!'
'slack' => [
'sending' => 'Sending Slack test message...',
'webhook' => [
'sending' => 'Sending :app test message...',
'success_pt1' => 'Success! Check the ',
'success_pt2' => ' channel for your test message, and be sure to click SAVE below to store your settings.',
'500' => '500 Server Error.',
'error' => 'Something went wrong. Slack responded with: :error_message',
'error' => 'Something went wrong. :app responded with: :error_message',
'error_misc' => 'Something went wrong. :( ',
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ return [
'print_assigned' => 'Assigned 자산 모두 인쇄',
'email_assigned' => 'Email List of All Assigned',
'user_notified' => 'User has been emailed a list of their currently assigned items.',
'auto_assign_label' => 'Include this user when auto-assigning eligible licenses',
'auto_assign_help' => 'Skip this user in auto assignment of licenses',
'software_user' => '소프트웨어 반출 목록 :name',
'send_email_help' => '이 사용자에게 자격 증명을 보내려면 이메일 주소를 입력해야 합니다. 자격 증명을 이메일로 보내는 것은 사용자 생성 시에만 수행할 수 있습니다. 암호는 단방향 해시에 저장되며 한 번 저장하면 재열람 할 수 없습니다.',
'view_user' => '사용자 보기 :name',
@ -33,7 +35,6 @@ return [
'superadmin_permission_warning' => 'Only superadmins may grant a user superadmin access.',
'admin_permission_warning' => 'Only users with admins rights or greater may grant a user admin access.',
'remove_group_memberships' => 'Remove Group Memberships',
'warning_deletion' => 'WARNING:',
'warning_deletion_information' => 'You are about to checkin ALL items from the :count user(s) listed below. Super admin names are highlighted in red.',
'update_user_assets_status' => 'Update all assets for these users to this status',
'checkin_user_properties' => 'Check in all properties associated with these users',
@ -41,4 +42,13 @@ return [
'remote' => 'Remote',
'remote_help' => 'This can be useful if you need to filter by remote users who never or rarely come into your physical locations.',
'not_remote_label' => 'This is not a remote user',
'vip_label' => 'VIP user',
'vip_help' => 'This can be helpful to mark important people in your org if you would like to handle them in special ways.',
'create_user' => 'Create a user',
'create_user_page_explanation' => 'This is the account information you will use to access the site for the first time.',
'email_credentials' => 'Email credentials',
'email_credentials_text' => 'Email my credentials to the email address above',
'next_save_user' => 'Next: Save User',
'all_assigned_list_generation' => 'Generated on:',
'email_user_creds_on_create' => 'Email this user their credentials?',
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ return [
'bulk_edit' => 'Bulk Edit',
'bulk_delete' => 'Bulk Delete',
'bulk_actions' => 'Bulk Actions',
'bulk_checkin_delete' => 'Bulk Checkin Items from Users',
'bulk_checkin_delete' => 'Bulk Checkin / Delete Users',
'byod' => 'BYOD',
'byod_help' => 'This device is owned by the user',
'bystatus' => '상태별',
@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ return [
'filetypes_accepted_help' => 'Accepted filetype is :types. Max upload size allowed is :size.|Accepted filetypes are :types. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'filetypes_size_help' => 'Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Accepted filetypes are jpg, webp, png, gif, and svg. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'unaccepted_image_type' => 'This image file was not readable. Accepted filetypes are jpg, webp, png, gif, and svg. The mimetype of this file is: :mimetype.',
'import' => '불러오기',
'importing' => '가져오는 중',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
@ -157,6 +158,8 @@ return [
'asset_maintenances' => '자산 관리',
'item' => '항목',
'item_name' => 'Item Name',
'import_file' => 'import CSV file',
'import_type' => 'CSV import type',
'insufficient_permissions' => '권한 없음',
'kits' => '사전 정의된 키트',
'language' => '언어',
@ -227,6 +230,7 @@ return [
'requested_assets_menu' => 'Requested Assets',
'request_canceled' => '요청 취소',
'save' => '저장',
'select_var' => 'Select :thing... ', // this will eventually replace all of our other selects
'select' => '선택',
'select_all' => '모두 선택',
'search' => '찾기',
@ -249,8 +253,8 @@ return [
'signature' => '서명',
'signed_off_by' => 'Signed Off By',
'skin' => '스킨',
'slack_msg_note' => '슬랙으로 메세지 보내기',
'slack_test_msg' => 'Oh hai! Looks like your Slack integration with Snipe-IT is working!',
'webhook_msg_note' => 'A notification will be sent via webhook',
'webhook_test_msg' => 'Oh hai! Looks like your :app integration with Snipe-IT is working!',
'some_features_disabled' => '데모 모드: 설치 시 일부 기능은 사용할 수 없습니다.',
'site_name' => '사이트 명',
'state' => '주',
@ -262,7 +266,6 @@ return [
'sure_to_delete' => '정말로 삭제 하시겠습니까',
'submit' => '제출',
'target' => '대상',
'toggle_navigation' => 'Toogle Navigation',
'time_and_date_display' => '시간과 날짜 표시',
'total_assets' => '총 자산',
'total_licenses' => '총 라이선스',
@ -384,7 +387,8 @@ return [
'bulk_soft_delete' =>'Also soft-delete these users. Their asset history will remain intact unless/until you purge deleted records in the Admin Settings.',
'bulk_checkin_delete_success' => 'Your selected users have been deleted and their items have been checked in.',
'bulk_checkin_success' => 'The items for the selected users have been checked in.',
'set_to_null' => 'Delete values for this asset|Delete values for all :asset_count assets ',
'set_to_null' => 'Delete values for this asset|Delete values for all :asset_count assets ',
'set_users_field_to_null' => 'Delete :field values for this user|Delete :field values for all :user_count users ',
'na_no_purchase_date' => 'N/A - No purchase date provided',
'assets_by_status' => 'Assets by Status',
'assets_by_status_type' => 'Assets by Status Type',
@ -403,7 +407,36 @@ return [
'toggle_navigation' => 'Toggle navigation',
'alerts' => 'Alerts',
'tasks_view_all' => 'View all tasks',
'true' => 'True',
'false' => 'False',
'integration_option' => 'Integration Option',
'log_does_not_exist' => 'No matching log record exists.',
'merge_users' => 'Merge Users',
'merge_information' => 'This will merge the :count users into a single user. Select the user you wish to merge the others into below, and the associated assets, licences, etc will be moved over to the selected user and the other users will be marked as deleted.',
'warning_merge_information' => 'This action CANNOT be undone and should ONLY be used when you need to merge users because of a bad import or sync. Be sure to run a backup first.',
'no_users_selected' => 'No users selected',
'not_enough_users_selected' => 'At least :count users must be selected',
'merge_success' => ':count users merged successfully into :into_username!',
'merged' => 'merged',
'merged_log_this_user_into' => 'Merged this user (ID :to_id - :to_username) into user ID :from_id (:from_username) ',
'merged_log_this_user_from' => 'Merged user ID :from_id (:from_username) into this user (ID :to_id - :to_username)',
'clear_and_save' => 'Clear & Save',
'update_existing_values' => 'Update Existing Values?',
'auto_incrementing_asset_tags_disabled_so_tags_required' => 'Generating auto-incrementing asset tags is disabled so all rows need to have the "Asset Tag" column populated.',
'auto_incrementing_asset_tags_enabled_so_now_assets_will_be_created' => 'Note: Generating auto-incrementing asset tags is enabled so assets will be created for rows that do not have "Asset Tag" populated. Rows that do have "Asset Tag" populated will be updated with the provided information.',
'send_welcome_email_to_users' => ' Send Welcome Email for new Users?',
'back_before_importing' => 'Backup before importing?',
'csv_header_field' => 'CSV Header Field',
'import_field' => 'Import Field',
'sample_value' => 'Sample Value',
'no_headers' => 'No Columns Found',
'error_in_import_file' => 'There was an error reading the CSV file: :error',
'percent_complete' => ':percent % Complete',
'errors_importing' => 'Some Errors occurred while importing: ',
'warning' => 'WARNING: :warning',
'success_redirecting' => '"Success... Redirecting.',
'setup_successful_migrations' => 'Your database tables have been created',
'setup_migration_output' => 'Migration output:',
'setup_migration_create_user' => 'Next: Create User',
'importer_generic_error' => 'Your file import is complete, but we did receive an error. This is usually caused by third-party API throttling from a notification webhook (such as Slack) and would not have interfered with the import itself, but you should confirm this.',
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ return [
'more_info_title' => '자세한 정보',
'audit_help' => 'Checking this box will edit the asset record to reflect this new location. Leaving it unchecked will simply note the location in the audit log.<br><br>Note that is this asset is checked out, it will not change the location of the person, asset or location it is checked out to.',
'audit_help' => 'Checking this box will edit the asset record to reflect this new location. Leaving it unchecked will simply note the location in the audit log.<br><br>Note that if this asset is checked out, it will not change the location of the person, asset or location it is checked out to.',
'assets' => 'Assets are items tracked by serial number or asset tag. They tend to be higher value items where identifying a specific item matters.',
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ return [
'SB'=>'Solomon Islands',
'SS'=>'South Sudan',
Reference in a new issue