For a while, prior to 987536930, we did not null assigned_type on
checkin. This migration manually nulls all assigned_type fields if
assigned_to is unset. Add a test to AssetTest for this as well...kind
of. We need to extract an Asset::checkin() method for 4.1 that mirrors
Asset::checkOut() to really test this.
This also fixes a separate (but related) issue. The Asset importer did
not set assigned_type when importing and creating users. In this
instance, we assume that if assigned_to is set and assigned_type is not,
then the item was checked out to a user and update the DB accordingly.
Also add a check in ImporterTest for this issue.
* There is no notes field on accessories. Fixes Importer Test.
* Fix notification test. We should see a checkout not allowed exception when trying to check out to a location if the asset requires acceptance.
* Fix Custom field import.
Add a test for custom field import, and fix a few issues related to
importing custom fields. This will restore v3 functionality.
* Add UI support for mapping custom fields.
This still requires the field mappings to be created/assigned in
advance, but will fetch all custom field names and allow them to be
selected when setting up custom field mappings.
This commit also updates laravel-mix to v1.4.3 and other node
dependencies to fix some build issues.
* Fix some requestable asset page/assetloc issues. I'd love to know why laravel expections relationships to be in lower case... but thats a question for another day.
* Fix some n+1 problems
* Use route in notification dropdown to make sure we link to correct page
* Work on better UI support for checkout to non-user. Fix links on index bootstrap table, work towards eliminating assignedUser
* Remove Asset::assigneduser() relationship. Instead add a checkedOutToUser() method and/or port to using assignedTo()
* Adjust string to fit new reality
* Fix#3780. Move the consumables getDataView method to the ApiController. Not entirely RESTful, but it's a weird method that probably doesn't need its own controller and the functionality would be strange to stack on the userscontroller...
* Fix file uploads to assets and restore the delete route.
* Add asset maintence edit action to index.
* Suppliers asset list should link to the related asset, not to the supplier with same ID.
* Asset models page should use polymorphic formatter on assigned to to better handle assorted item types.
* Comment out more assigneduser fallacy until we figure out the query builder approach to searching for location text.
Working mail from notification. Still requires testing/cleaning
Add tests around checkout notification.
This also removes the ability to check out an asset to a location|asset
that requires acceptance/a Eula. For 4.1 we may think about how to
support such a thing, but at present it seems to make sense to only alow
such assets to be checked out to users, who can be responsible for the
* Improvemenets to unit tests.
* Break up modelfactory into multiple files, populate many states.
* Begin testing validation at the unit test level, test relationships.
* Add tests for Asset::availableForCheckout.
* Model factories now generate all needed relationships on demand,
which allows us to unit test with a empty database.
* To faciliate the empty database, we move to using sqlite in memory as
the unit testing database.
* Fix bug with logs of checkouts to non users.
* Fix location finding for assets. Also Fix location show page to show users associated with location. Still need some work to show assets.
* More test and generator improvements
* More unit test fixes. PermissionsTest is borked still.
* More Updates
* Rewrite permissionstest. Check that we have access on the model level rather than via web requests. Also test delete permissions.
* Fix seeders.
* Make the default asset model factory generate assets that are rtd for testing.
* Save progress.
* Rebase tests, fix department unit test, update database for functional tests.
* Update functional and api tests to use new modelfactory signatures.
* Refactored AssetsTransformer
Casted all ids to int, escaped all text values,
* Added warranty_expires attribute to Asset model
$asset->warranty_expires contains a Carbon object with the warranty
expiration date. Returns null when either purchase_date or
warranty_months are not set.
* Ignoring php-cs cache files
* Restored asset tests expectations
Work in progress - tests still fail
* API controller refactoring, fixed HTTP status codes in responses
* Restored $request->get - debugging
* Added further checks in ApiAssetsCest::updateAssetWithPatch
* /api_tests: Fixed bugs in update() method + code formatting
* /api_tests: Minor code formatting
* /api_tests: Mirrored test code for PATCH and PUT methods
* Removed repeated code
* Test cleanup
* Fixed issues with update() through PATCH and PUT methods
* Added API test suite to .travis.yml
* Refactored AssetsTransformer
Casted all ids to int, escaped all text values,
* Added warranty_expires attribute to Asset model
$asset->warranty_expires contains a Carbon object with the warranty
expiration date. Returns null when either purchase_date or
warranty_months are not set.
* Ignoring php-cs cache files
* Restored asset tests expectations
Work in progress - tests still fail
* API controller refactoring, fixed HTTP status codes in responses
* Restored $request->get - debugging
* Added further checks in ApiAssetsCest::updateAssetWithPatch
* Major code simplification of the importers.
Move towards using Model::fill and Model::update rather than reinventing
the wheel. This makes the updating/creating logic a lot clearer, and
allows for the deletion of a lot of code. Also allows for supporting of
more fields in the future really easily.
* Cleanup constructors and use setters instead.
* Set the LC_MONETARY locale, and use it to strip currency symbols in Helper::parseFloat()
* Move licenseseat creation/deletion logic into an event handler on the model rather than the controller.
* Move the logging of parsed values to array_smart_fetch rather than writing it out everywhere
* Move to storing dates as carbon rather than strings. Allows for the parsing of more arbitrary strings from the importer
* Add a license importer with support for checking out to users or assets.
* Make a directory for sample/mock import csvs and populate it
* Adjust how we store/retrieve dates to fix some issues the tests found.
* Set user if asset is checked out to user. fixes email problems.
* Use sometimes validation to ignore this when no values are present.
* Move Actionlog details to a presenter and port the activity table to use it. Still need to port other parts of the application, but this consolidates a lot of logic.
* Attempt test fix
* Port users,licenses, and assets view to use the presenter to generate table values.
* Reformat all view files. Check for matching tags and rearrange to make everything line up.
* Fix regression on asset create where the log was no longer saved.
* Move slack integration to laravel5.3 style notifications, part 1.
* Fix consumable tab when active.
* Move the slack notifiable to the settings model. Move all slack notifications into logCheckout/logCheckin. Should think about refactoring this as an event at some point still. Move Asset checkin/checkout to use the general loggable trait rather than it's own solution.
* Fix a logic error where assets with a non deployable status would show checkin instead of no button at all.
* Fix an html formatting error that resulted in us not closing a form. This would cause the checkin page to try to submit a delete request (related to the modal form) rather than the desired checkin request. Also fix formatting in this file.
* Add presenters for models. Move bootstrap table JSON generation to these presenters, which cleans up controllers a lot. Move view specific modifications from the models to the presenters as well.
* Fix some issues found by travis and codacy
* Fix a few more issues found while testing.
* Attempt another acceptance test fix
* Try something else
* Maybe..
* Make delete routes work. We put a little form in the modal that spoofs the delete field.
* Fix route on creating a user.
* Fix redundant id parameter.
* Port acceptance tests to new urls.
* Initial work on migrating to model based policies instead of global gates. Will allow for much more detailed permissions bits in the future.
* This needs to stay for the dashboard checks.
* Add user states for permissions to build tests.
* Build up unit tests for gates/permissions. Move accessories/consumables/assets to policies instead of in authserviceprovider
* Migrate various locations to new syntax. Update test to be more specific
* Fix functional tests.
Add an artisan command for installing a settings setup on travis-ci
* Try a different id... Need to come up with a better way of passing the id for tests that need an existing one.
* Try to fix travis
* Update urls to use routes and not hardcode old paths. Also fix some migration errors found along the way.:
* Add a environment for travis functional tests.
* Adjust config file to make travis use it.
* Use redirect()->route instead of redirect()-to
* Dump all failures in the output directory if travis fails.
* Cleanups and minor fixes.
* Adjust the supplier modelfactory to comply with new validation restrictions.
* Some test fixes.
* Locales can be longer than 5 characters according to faker... fex gez_ET. Increase lenght in mysql and add a validation
* Update test database dump to latest migrations.
* Log the user items are checked in from
This restores functionality that was lost in the port to loggable.
I'd still like to figure out a better term for the table, currently it says to, but I wonder if target is a better choice?
* Fix display of remaining seats on license view