* To see checkin/checkout Date in History of Asset
* Added some logic to get today's date if the checkin_at input is blank
* Updating the action_date taking the value from the action_log table
* Hide created_at field and rename 'Action Date' as only 'Date'
* Reformat all view files. Check for matching tags and rearrange to make everything line up.
* Fix regression on asset create where the log was no longer saved.
* Fix maintenances create button, and post to the proper route in maintences edit
* Fix consumable tab when active.
* Fix an html formatting error that resulted in us not closing a form. This would cause the checkin page to try to submit a delete request (related to the modal form) rather than the desired checkin request. Also fix formatting in this file.
* Use log mail driver for testing, should fix the functional issue. Disable acceptance tests on travis for now.
* Fix Category edit page.
* EOL Can be null.