* WIP - beginning of improved requested assets
- Use Ajax tables for faster loading
- Use new notifications for requesting an asset
- Use ajax tables for requestable asset models
- Use new notifications for canceling an asset request
- Expire requests once the asset has been checked out to the requesting user
* Only show asset name in email if it has one
* Refactor requested method to only include non-canceled requests
* Refactored requestable assets to log request and cancelation
* Added softdeletes on checkout requests
* Differentiate between canceling and deleting requests
* Added asset request cancelation notification
* Added timestamps and corrected unique key on requests table
* Improved requests view
* Re-use blade for cancel/request email
* Refactored BS table formatter for requested assets
* Location name min reduced to 2
* Added PAT test as maintenance option
This needs to be refactored into database-driven options with a UI
* Better slack message
* Added getImageUrl method for assets
* Include qty in request notifications
- Try to pull requested info from original request for cancelation, otherwise it will default to 1
* Removed old asset request/cancel emails
* Added user profile asset request routes
* Added profile controller requested assets method
* Added blade link to requested assets for profile view
* Sort user history desc
* Added requested assets blade
* Added canceled at to checkoutRequest method
* Include qty in request
* Fixed comment, removed allowed_columns
* Removed Queable methods, since we don’t use a queue
* Fixed return type in method doc
* Fixed version number
* Changed id to user_id for clarity
* Add presenters for models. Move bootstrap table JSON generation to these presenters, which cleans up controllers a lot. Move view specific modifications from the models to the presenters as well.
* Fix some issues found by travis and codacy
* Fix a few more issues found while testing.
* Attempt another acceptance test fix
* Try something else
* Maybe..
* Create a new action_log table to replace asset_log. Use Polymorphism to generalize class and targets. Port everything I can find to use it. Add a migration to port the asset_logs table to action_logs.
* Initial work on requestable asset models
* Backend work for polymorphic requests table to store checkout requests.
* Add missing files
* Add a record to the db when requesting items. Build up a testing route for interfacing with this.
* Users can now toggle requests of items on the request page. Reformat page to use the same tab layout we use elsewhere
* Polymorphic request function. Implement requesting of asset models. Need to port mail/slack to notifications still.
* Implement requesting of asset models. Build up emails and notifications to support it. Allow specifying a quantity of model to request.
* Add view to show currently requested assets. Needs some work and cleanup, but it isn't accessible from anywhere yet.