Commit graph

80 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
snipe 53f9e2bc7a Wrap the Carbon method in a try/catch to prevent crashing on bad data
Signed-off-by: snipe <>
2022-06-03 15:25:39 -07:00
Godfrey M 160a147a58 removed line breaks and deadspace 2022-05-23 09:35:19 -07:00
Godfrey M 23891054dc removed dead space and unused namespace 2022-05-18 13:11:20 -07:00
Godfrey M cfc4c58da3 fixes the Settings Tree menu to remain active when opened 2022-05-18 13:06:06 -07:00
snipe 3a31104b5c Fixed #11052 - add file sizes to upload displays
Signed-off-by: snipe <>
2022-05-13 19:33:14 -07:00
snipe aa8f1378c9 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
Signed-off-by: snipe <>

# Conflicts:
#	app/Http/Controllers/Accessories/AccessoriesController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/Api/AssetMaintenancesController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/Api/AssetModelsController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/Api/AssetsController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/Api/UsersController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/AssetMaintenancesController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/Assets/AssetFilesController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/Assets/AssetsController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/Assets/BulkAssetsController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/Components/ComponentsController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/Consumables/ConsumablesController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/Licenses/LicenseFilesController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/Licenses/LicensesController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/Users/UserFilesController.php
#	app/Http/Transformers/AssetsTransformer.php
#	app/Http/Transformers/LicensesTransformer.php
#	app/Importer/UserImporter.php
#	app/Models/Asset.php
#	config/app.php
#	config/version.php
#	package-lock.json
#	public/js/build/app.js
#	public/js/dist/all.js
#	public/js/dist/bootstrap-table.js
#	public/mix-manifest.json
#	resources/lang/en/admin/users/message.php
#	resources/lang/is/button.php
#	resources/lang/ja/admin/kits/general.php
#	resources/lang/ro/admin/users/general.php
#	resources/lang/zh-HK/admin/depreciations/general.php
#	resources/lang/zh-HK/admin/models/general.php
#	resources/views/hardware/qr-view.blade.php
#	resources/views/hardware/view.blade.php
#	resources/views/partials/bootstrap-table.blade.php
#	resources/views/users/view.blade.php
#	routes/web.php
#	routes/web/hardware.php
#	routes/web/models.php
#	routes/web/users.php
2021-10-20 17:26:41 -07:00
Brady Wetherington f3338667c7 Create new ParseCurrency helper and use it in the appropriate controllers 2021-09-28 18:20:39 -07:00
snipe dbe93d91cd Updated fontawesome icons
Signed-off-by: snipe <>
2021-09-24 06:07:46 -07:00
snipe e27065fe16 Merge branch 'develop-v6-integration' into develop-v6-rc1
Signed-off-by: snipe <>

# Conflicts:
#	.all-contributorsrc
#	app/Console/Commands/ResetDemoSettings.php
#	app/Helpers/Helper.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/Api/AccessoriesController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/Api/AssetsController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/Api/CategoriesController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/Api/ComponentsController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/Api/ConsumablesController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/Api/LocationsController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/Api/StatuslabelsController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/Api/SuppliersController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/AssetMaintenancesController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/Auth/ForgotPasswordController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/DepreciationsController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/ReportsController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/SettingsController.php
#	app/Http/Requests/ImageUploadRequest.php
#	app/Http/Transformers/ActionlogsTransformer.php
#	app/Http/Transformers/DepreciationsTransformer.php
#	app/Listeners/CheckoutableListener.php
#	app/Models/Accessory.php
#	app/Models/Asset.php
#	app/Models/Company.php
#	app/Models/Ldap.php
#	app/Models/User.php
#	app/Presenters/AssetPresenter.php
#	app/Presenters/CategoryPresenter.php
#	composer.json
#	composer.lock
#	config/version.php
#	database/factories/AssetModelFactory.php
#	database/migrations/2020_10_22_233743_move_accessory_checkout_note_to_join_table.php
#	database/seeds/AssetModelSeeder.php
#	package-lock.json
#	public/css/build/AdminLTE.css
#	public/css/build/app.css
#	public/css/build/overrides.css
#	public/css/dist/all.css
#	public/css/dist/bootstrap-table.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-black-dark.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-black-dark.min.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-black.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-black.min.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-blue-dark.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-blue-dark.min.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-blue.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-blue.min.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-contrast.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-contrast.min.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-green-dark.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-green-dark.min.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-green.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-green.min.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-orange-dark.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-orange-dark.min.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-orange.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-orange.min.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-purple-dark.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-purple-dark.min.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-purple.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-purple.min.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-red-dark.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-red-dark.min.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-red.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-red.min.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-yellow-dark.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-yellow-dark.min.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-yellow.css
#	public/css/dist/skins/skin-yellow.min.css
#	public/js/build/app.js
#	public/js/build/vendor.js
#	public/js/dist/all.js
#	public/js/dist/bootstrap-table.js
#	public/mix-manifest.json
#	resources/assets/js/vue.js
#	resources/lang/af/validation.php
#	resources/lang/ar/admin/settings/general.php
#	resources/lang/ar/validation.php
#	resources/lang/bg/admin/settings/general.php
#	resources/lang/bg/validation.php
#	resources/lang/cs/admin/settings/general.php
#	resources/lang/cs/validation.php
#	resources/lang/cy/help.php
#	resources/lang/cy/validation.php
#	resources/lang/da/admin/settings/general.php
#	resources/lang/da/validation.php
#	resources/lang/de/admin/settings/general.php
#	resources/lang/de/validation.php
#	resources/lang/el/validation.php
#	resources/lang/en-GB/admin/settings/general.php
#	resources/lang/en-GB/validation.php
#	resources/lang/en-ID/admin/hardware/table.php
#	resources/lang/en-ID/admin/settings/general.php
#	resources/lang/en-ID/validation.php
#	resources/lang/es-CO/admin/settings/general.php
#	resources/lang/es-CO/auth/message.php
#	resources/lang/es-CO/button.php
#	resources/lang/es-CO/help.php
#	resources/lang/es-CO/validation.php
#	resources/lang/es-ES/admin/settings/general.php
#	resources/lang/es-ES/auth/message.php
#	resources/lang/es-ES/button.php
#	resources/lang/es-ES/help.php
#	resources/lang/es-ES/validation.php
#	resources/lang/es-MX/admin/settings/general.php
#	resources/lang/es-MX/validation.php
#	resources/lang/es-VE/admin/settings/general.php
#	resources/lang/es-VE/auth/message.php
#	resources/lang/es-VE/button.php
#	resources/lang/es-VE/help.php
#	resources/lang/es-VE/validation.php
#	resources/lang/et/validation.php
#	resources/lang/fa/validation.php
#	resources/lang/fi/admin/settings/general.php
#	resources/lang/fi/validation.php
#	resources/lang/fil/validation.php
#	resources/lang/fr/admin/settings/general.php
#	resources/lang/fr/validation.php
#	resources/lang/ga-IE/validation.php
#	resources/lang/he/admin/settings/general.php
#	resources/lang/he/general.php
#	resources/lang/he/validation.php
#	resources/lang/hr/validation.php
#	resources/lang/hu/validation.php
#	resources/lang/id/validation.php
#	resources/lang/is/admin/categories/general.php
#	resources/lang/is/admin/companies/message.php
#	resources/lang/is/admin/companies/table.php
#	resources/lang/is/admin/components/general.php
#	resources/lang/is/admin/components/table.php
#	resources/lang/is/admin/consumables/table.php
#	resources/lang/is/admin/depreciations/general.php
#	resources/lang/is/admin/depreciations/message.php
#	resources/lang/is/admin/hardware/form.php
#	resources/lang/is/admin/hardware/general.php
#	resources/lang/is/admin/hardware/message.php
#	resources/lang/is/admin/hardware/table.php
#	resources/lang/is/admin/kits/general.php
#	resources/lang/is/admin/licenses/form.php
#	resources/lang/is/admin/licenses/general.php
#	resources/lang/is/admin/locations/table.php
#	resources/lang/is/admin/manufacturers/table.php
#	resources/lang/is/admin/reports/message.php
#	resources/lang/is/admin/settings/general.php
#	resources/lang/is/admin/settings/message.php
#	resources/lang/is/admin/statuslabels/message.php
#	resources/lang/is/admin/suppliers/message.php
#	resources/lang/is/admin/suppliers/table.php
#	resources/lang/is/admin/users/table.php
#	resources/lang/is/mail.php
#	resources/lang/is/validation.php
#	resources/lang/it/admin/settings/general.php
#	resources/lang/it/validation.php
#	resources/lang/iu/validation.php
#	resources/lang/ja/mail.php
#	resources/lang/ja/validation.php
#	resources/lang/ko/validation.php
#	resources/lang/lt/validation.php
#	resources/lang/lv/validation.php
#	resources/lang/mi/validation.php
#	resources/lang/mk/validation.php
#	resources/lang/ml-IN/validation.php
#	resources/lang/mn/validation.php
#	resources/lang/ms/validation.php
#	resources/lang/nl/admin/settings/general.php
#	resources/lang/nl/validation.php
#	resources/lang/no/validation.php
#	resources/lang/pl/admin/settings/general.php
#	resources/lang/pl/validation.php
#	resources/lang/pt-BR/admin/settings/general.php
#	resources/lang/pt-BR/mail.php
#	resources/lang/pt-BR/validation.php
#	resources/lang/pt-PT/validation.php
#	resources/lang/ro/validation.php
#	resources/lang/ru/validation.php
#	resources/lang/sl/validation.php
#	resources/lang/sr-CS/admin/settings/general.php
#	resources/lang/sr-CS/validation.php
#	resources/lang/sv-SE/admin/settings/general.php
#	resources/lang/sv-SE/auth/message.php
#	resources/lang/sv-SE/button.php
#	resources/lang/sv-SE/mail.php
#	resources/lang/sv-SE/validation.php
#	resources/lang/ta/validation.php
#	resources/lang/th/validation.php
#	resources/lang/tl/validation.php
#	resources/lang/tr/mail.php
#	resources/lang/tr/validation.php
#	resources/lang/uk/admin/accessories/table.php
#	resources/lang/uk/admin/asset_maintenances/message.php
#	resources/lang/uk/admin/asset_maintenances/table.php
#	resources/lang/uk/validation.php
#	resources/lang/ur-PK/validation.php
#	resources/lang/vi/admin/settings/general.php
#	resources/lang/vi/validation.php
#	resources/lang/zh-CN/admin/settings/general.php
#	resources/lang/zh-CN/validation.php
#	resources/lang/zh-HK/validation.php
#	resources/lang/zh-TW/validation.php
#	resources/lang/zu/validation.php
#	resources/views/partials/bootstrap-table.blade.php
#	resources/views/partials/forms/edit/company-select.blade.php
#	routes/api.php
2021-09-21 23:46:50 -07:00
Ivan Nieto Vivanco 137f55e4ce Change condition to return the actual max upload size allowed to files 2021-08-25 15:27:25 -05:00
Ivan Nieto Vivanco 4207858a14 Fix the count in StatuslabelsController@getAssetsCountByStatuslabel() function that allows it to pass the correct index
Also edit the default color for assets with the Pending label, so it match the color in the docs
2021-08-18 14:08:35 -05:00
snipe cce808c784 Fixed #9909 and #9714 - applies v6 currency formatter to v5 [ch16628]
Duplicates d4e46ee41f but on v5

Signed-off-by: snipe <>
2021-08-17 21:59:33 -07:00
snipe d4e46ee41f Added comma in US currency format [ch16628]
Signed-off-by: snipe <>
2021-06-28 16:14:32 -07:00
Laravel Shift 934afa036f Adopt Laravel coding style
Shift automatically applies the Laravel coding style - which uses the PSR-2 coding style as a base with some minor additions.

You may customize the adopted coding style by adding your own [PHP CS Fixer][1] `.php_cs` config file to your project root. Feel free to use [Shift's Laravel ruleset][2] to help you get started.

2021-06-10 20:15:52 +00:00
Brady Wetherington 792a31cc7f Merge branch 'develop' 2021-04-06 20:10:22 -07:00
snipe 390403ddb7 Fixed #9370 - listbox custom fields not decryoted on edit
Signed-off-by: snipe <>
2021-04-06 05:59:31 -07:00
Serkan 0e34e43abb
The return early pattern applied to improve readability. (#8894) 2021-04-05 22:03:15 -07:00
Brady Wetherington c7626f8387
Add new StorageHelper and use it where it makes sense (#9276) 2021-03-15 12:26:39 -07:00
snipe 985193ffff Fixed #9082 - allow deployable status type on checkout 2021-02-03 01:29:54 -08:00
snipe 551e28eec9 Fixed #8749 - added more default colors to prevent missing index in pie chart math 2020-11-18 07:06:14 -08:00
Daniel Meltzer 4fef065010
Refactor big switch to lookup in array. A bit cleaner/codacy happier. 2020-05-23 12:17:56 -04:00
Marián Skrip 8d63533205 Add write-only image_source field for asset create/edit API endpoint (#6146)
`image_source` should contain base64 encoded image data with mime-type.
2019-03-13 21:00:40 -07:00
Martin Meredith e3e0d57f56 Minor code cleanup bits and bobs (#6805)
* Add IDE Helper files

* Cleanup imports

- Alphabetises imports
- Removes unused imports

* Add Platform requirements

* Move filling asset into block where asset exists

* Remove duplicate array keys
2019-03-13 20:12:03 -07:00
Steffen 74c099f0b3 fix LDAP/AD sync: function calls for password creation (#6581)
* - change generatePassword to be more secure (allow duplicate chars)
- move generatePassword from trait to helper
- fix summary output for sync command

* - Don't treat ldap_active_flag as boolean - fixes sync not working at all when ldap field is set
- Sync non activated users (But set activated=0)

* - Read user first before checking against user settings

* Fix failed logins to not throw exceptions
2019-01-15 14:05:47 -08:00
Wes Hulette b38d07064b Fixed: #5896 Custom fields of type "CUSTOM REGEX" are always saved as "ANY" (#6381)
* Fixed missing oauth tables during setup.

* Custom fields of type "CUSTOM REGEX" are always saved as "ANY" 

Fixes #5896

* Updated per PR

Fixed spelling

* Fixed logic error

Moved conditional code from view to controller
Added getFromatType function for dropdown
2018-12-06 20:05:04 -08:00
snipe 0714ac4248 Update withCounts because Laravel 5.5 :( 2018-07-24 22:40:05 -07:00
Daniel Meltzer b6b93550fe Remove old helpers (#5843)
* Cleanup model bulk-edit

Use the general partials where appropriate, as well as display a list of
what models we are editing in the bulk edit.

* Use new api based fetch/display for modal select2.

This is just copy/pasting the code currently because I'm not entirely
sure how the two pieces of code interact.

* Remove old helper functions that are no longer necessary with our populating of select2 dropdowns via ajax.
2018-07-16 14:22:25 -07:00
5quirrel bf8fe316df Fix for #4901 (#5829) 2018-07-12 16:45:12 -07:00
snipe 9442736518 Adds textarea as a custom field type 2018-06-21 09:35:04 -07:00
snipe 7b8362b64c Added license categories 2018-05-04 21:01:38 -07:00
snipe 0be69f57ac Improved files display 2018-05-02 14:13:06 -07:00
snipe 1e22b8e567 Fixed #5138 - added default_label flag to status labels 2018-03-05 22:04:16 -08:00
snipe 123e317e52 Check for an array (for PHP7.2 support) 2018-03-03 17:07:07 -08:00
snipe d8fc50c351 Fixed #5033 - use PHP’s max filesize for image uploads 2018-02-16 21:17:41 -08:00
snipe 88798435f6 Fixed inefficient query for inventory alerts 2017-12-19 00:32:39 -08:00
Daniel Meltzer bee1dfc4a6 More importer fixes (#4516)
* The default locale of en does not include dollar sign in default currency.  Assume if there is no currency symbol set that the dollar sign is a good thing to look for in parsefloat.

* Fix for 4485.  Serial not serial_number

Also fix bug where updating with a csv that does not include custom field columns should not overwrite current values.

* Rename serial_number to serial in default imports to avoid needing to map weirdly.

* Add Test for 4359.  Not reproducable at current though
2017-11-24 10:42:11 -08:00
snipe 14c0c314aa Make sure payload is always passed, even if null 2017-08-25 03:27:31 -07:00
snipe a7592de304 Added helper for dept list 2017-05-23 02:37:37 -07:00
snipe ad510cecd5 Fixes #2422 - Adds bulk edit for select user attributes 2017-03-10 20:07:44 -08:00
snipe 2b4443f810 Fixed user created at in listing 2017-03-03 18:16:23 -08:00
snipe dc38e575d9 Allow date/time formatting selection in settings 2017-03-03 17:29:41 -08:00
snipe ed7e967f4a Helper cleanup, slug helper 2017-01-25 03:10:35 -08:00
snipe b7a650e986 Switched ordering of status labels and status label types to more user-friednly config 2017-01-12 06:50:54 -08:00
snipe 5a848566f9 Helper method to standardize JSON responses 2017-01-12 02:19:17 -08:00
Daniel Meltzer 44683c784f Importer: Add License Importer and refactor (#3143)
* Major code simplification of the importers.

Move towards using Model::fill and Model::update rather than reinventing
the wheel.  This makes the updating/creating logic a lot clearer, and
allows for the deletion of a lot of code.  Also allows for supporting of
more fields in the future really easily.

* Cleanup constructors and use setters instead.

* Set the LC_MONETARY locale, and use it to strip currency symbols in Helper::parseFloat()

* Move licenseseat creation/deletion logic into an event handler on the model rather than the controller.

* Move the logging of parsed values to array_smart_fetch rather than writing it out everywhere

* Move to storing dates as carbon rather than strings.  Allows for the parsing of more arbitrary strings from the importer

* Add a license importer with support for checking out to users or assets.

* Make a directory for sample/mock import csvs and populate it

* Adjust how we store/retrieve dates to fix some issues the tests found.
2017-01-10 16:19:18 -08:00
snipe 221cf1f9c8 Merge branch 'checkout-to-things-v1' of into dmeltzer-checkout-to-things-v1
# Conflicts:
#	app/Http/Controllers/AssetsController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/ReportsController.php
#	app/Http/Controllers/UsersController.php
#	app/Presenters/AssetPresenter.php
2016-12-29 16:20:17 -08:00
snipe 51ceaedfaf Small phpcbf cleanup 2016-12-29 14:02:18 -08:00
Daniel Meltzer 8cc695b65f Port more assignedUser to assignedTo. 2016-12-29 09:31:16 -05:00
Daniel Meltzer 61543f3a04 Add presenters for models. (#3098)
* Add presenters for models.  Move bootstrap table JSON generation to these presenters, which cleans up controllers a lot.  Move view specific modifications from the models to the presenters as well.

* Fix some issues found by travis and codacy

* Fix a few more issues found while testing.

* Attempt another acceptance test fix

* Try something else

* Maybe..
2016-12-23 17:52:00 -08:00
Daniel Meltzer 323c3807fa Cleanup controller escaping (#3084)
* Make delete routes work.  We put a little form in the modal that spoofs the delete field.

* Fix route on creating a user.

* Fix redundant id parameter.

* Port acceptance tests to new urls.

* Initial work on migrating to model based policies instead of global gates.  Will allow for much more detailed permissions bits in the future.

* This needs to stay for the dashboard checks.

* Add user states for permissions to build tests.

* Build up unit tests for gates/permissions.  Move accessories/consumables/assets to policies instead of in authserviceprovider

* Migrate various locations to new syntax.  Update test to be more specific

* Fix functional tests.

Add an artisan command for installing a settings setup on travis-ci

* Try a different id... Need to come up with a better way of passing the id for tests that need an existing one.

* Try to fix travis

* Update urls to use routes and not hardcode old paths.  Also fix some migration errors found along the way.:

* Add a environment for travis functional tests.

* Adjust config file to make travis use it.

* Use redirect()->route instead of redirect()-to

* Dump all failures in the output directory if travis fails.

* Cleanups and minor fixes.

* Adjust the supplier modelfactory to comply with new validation restrictions.

* Some test fixes.

* Locales can be longer than 5 characters according to faker... fex gez_ET.  Increase lenght in mysql and add a validation

* Update test database dump to latest migrations.

* Extend Supplier phone/fax length.

This catches issues found in testing with a phone number with a five digit extension.  fex (356) 654-3024 x36632

Also move away from escaping all values put into eloquent.  Eloquent
already uses PDO parameter binding, and this was leading to names like
Mr Ryan O'Malley turning into an html escaped version of that name when
stored.  All values should be escaped when using {{}}, we'll just have
to be more cautious when we use {!!, but I think we already are?

* Remove additional escaping here, like we did in suppliers controller.

* No need to eager load all of these relationships when we can call the count on the querybuilder directly

* Work on controller cleanup

* Always start from scrach, catches more issues this way.

* Update sql dump.  Remove old code from permissions test.

* Generate a deletable item on demand in the test, rather than relying on one existing.  I think we should probably move to mock all the database stuff at some point..

* More travis related fixes

* Break script into multiple functional lines

* Update all controllers to use the new helper, also cleanup syntax and docblocks along the way.
2016-12-19 22:00:50 -08:00