* Fixed missing oauth tables during setup.
* WIP New LDAP implementation
* WIP New LDAP implementation
* WIP New LDAP implementation
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/WIP_LDAP' into WIP_LDAP
* WIP New LDAP implementation
Added Adldap2 to handle ldap intergration.
* Updated per PR quality review
* Added specific LDAP settings method
* Corrected version number
* Added return documentation
* Added imports
* Changed class to be injected into controller
* Updated with PR suggestions
* Fixes CustomFieldsetsController::fields() which I think is not used anywhere else and don't think ever worked as you can't call get() on a Collection.
Have tested extensively and doesn't seem to affect anywhere else?
* Adds default value functionality
* Adds built assets
* Fixes assignment to asset_model_id which should have been evaluation and alters route so it sits more in line with existing work
* Updates built assets
* Remove silly docker.env file; fix Dockerfile to preserve Oauth keys (#5377)
* Added department to custom asset export
Updates build assets
* Adds translation support for 'add default values' checkbox label
* WIP - beginning of improved requested assets
- Use Ajax tables for faster loading
- Use new notifications for requesting an asset
- Use ajax tables for requestable asset models
- Use new notifications for canceling an asset request
- Expire requests once the asset has been checked out to the requesting user
* Only show asset name in email if it has one
* Refactor requested method to only include non-canceled requests
* Refactored requestable assets to log request and cancelation
* Added softdeletes on checkout requests
* Differentiate between canceling and deleting requests
* Added asset request cancelation notification
* Added timestamps and corrected unique key on requests table
* Improved requests view
* Re-use blade for cancel/request email
* Refactored BS table formatter for requested assets
* Location name min reduced to 2
* Added PAT test as maintenance option
This needs to be refactored into database-driven options with a UI
* Better slack message
* Added getImageUrl method for assets
* Include qty in request notifications
- Try to pull requested info from original request for cancelation, otherwise it will default to 1
* Removed old asset request/cancel emails
* Added user profile asset request routes
* Added profile controller requested assets method
* Added blade link to requested assets for profile view
* Sort user history desc
* Added requested assets blade
* Added canceled at to checkoutRequest method
* Include qty in request
* Fixed comment, removed allowed_columns
* Removed Queable methods, since we don’t use a queue
* Fixed return type in method doc
* Fixed version number
* Changed id to user_id for clarity
* start work on fields in fieldset api
* revert CustomFieldsetsController
* fieldset associate / disassociate api
* fix variable names and payload
* fix variable name
* There is no notes field on accessories. Fixes Importer Test.
* Fix notification test. We should see a checkout not allowed exception when trying to check out to a location if the asset requires acceptance.
* Fix Custom field import.
Add a test for custom field import, and fix a few issues related to
importing custom fields. This will restore v3 functionality.
* Add UI support for mapping custom fields.
This still requires the field mappings to be created/assigned in
advance, but will fetch all custom field names and allow them to be
selected when setting up custom field mappings.
This commit also updates laravel-mix to v1.4.3 and other node
dependencies to fix some build issues.
* Fix some requestable asset page/assetloc issues. I'd love to know why laravel expections relationships to be in lower case... but thats a question for another day.
* Fix some n+1 problems
* Use route in notification dropdown to make sure we link to correct page
* Work on better UI support for checkout to non-user. Fix links on index bootstrap table, work towards eliminating assignedUser
* Remove Asset::assigneduser() relationship. Instead add a checkedOutToUser() method and/or port to using assignedTo()
* Adjust string to fit new reality
* Fix#3780. Move the consumables getDataView method to the ApiController. Not entirely RESTful, but it's a weird method that probably doesn't need its own controller and the functionality would be strange to stack on the userscontroller...
* Fix file uploads to assets and restore the delete route.
* Add asset maintence edit action to index.
* Suppliers asset list should link to the related asset, not to the supplier with same ID.
* Asset models page should use polymorphic formatter on assigned to to better handle assorted item types.
* Comment out more assigneduser fallacy until we figure out the query builder approach to searching for location text.
* Adds basic GET api support for CustomFieldsets
Currently there is not support for getting what fields a given fieldset contains
from the API. This commit creates a new API Controller for CustomFieldsets as
well as Transformers for CustomFields CustomFieldsets. Additionally, the api
route has been updated so that a show method can be access from
* CustomFieldsetsTransformer only returns id and name of model
* Added index api method for CustomFieldsets
* Removes copy/paste error in CustomFieldsetController (including search)
* Added id to CustomFieldsetsTransformers
* Adds custom_fieldset_id as a field when storing and updating AssetModels
* Removed uncessesary parameter from CustomFieldsetsController.index
* Cleaned up CustomFieldset API
* Improvemenets to unit tests.
* Break up modelfactory into multiple files, populate many states.
* Begin testing validation at the unit test level, test relationships.
* Add tests for Asset::availableForCheckout.
* Model factories now generate all needed relationships on demand,
which allows us to unit test with a empty database.
* To faciliate the empty database, we move to using sqlite in memory as
the unit testing database.
* Fix bug with logs of checkouts to non users.
* Fix location finding for assets. Also Fix location show page to show users associated with location. Still need some work to show assets.
* More test and generator improvements
* More unit test fixes. PermissionsTest is borked still.
* More Updates
* Rewrite permissionstest. Check that we have access on the model level rather than via web requests. Also test delete permissions.
* Fix seeders.
* Make the default asset model factory generate assets that are rtd for testing.
* Save progress.
* Rebase tests, fix department unit test, update database for functional tests.
* Update functional and api tests to use new modelfactory signatures.
* Toggles the disabled state of auto_increment_prefix
To insert a prefix you had to toggle the checkbox, save the settings and reload. With this script it is immediate. Fixes#1390
* Delete asset image: made checkbox more visible
Related to #3153
* Added personal-access-token component
* Created basic API testing configuration
* First version of /components endpoind cest
* On-the-fly bearer token generation
* Completed testing of PATCH and PUT methods
* Added /components/{id}/assets route with tests
* Updated route and dataTable in view
* Completed test assertion
* Added links to assets in ComponentsAssets view
* Linked Company in AssetView page
* Fixed purchase_cost format expectation in ApiComponentsCest
* Refactored api routes file
Sorted all prefixes in alphabetical order, removed duplicate routes. For every prefix I placed first Route::resource and then any additional route in a Route::group. Expanded arrays for readability and consistency. Removed useless calls as create and edit everywhere.
* Refactored and added one more test to ApiComponentsAssetsCest
* Marked one test as incomplete, 404 response should return json
* Fixed value expectation
* Refactored getToken()
* Added API debugging routes
* Added more information to ValidationException reporting
Now the payload contains the validation errors for each invalid
* /apitests: refactored expectations in component assertions
* Created ApiAssetsCest
* /apitests: Cleanup in Exceptions/Handler
* Reverted change to use
* Marked two tests as incomplete, looking for solutions
* Toggles the disabled state of auto_increment_prefix
To insert a prefix you had to toggle the checkbox, save the settings and reload. With this script it is immediate. Fixes#1390
* Delete asset image: made checkbox more visible
Related to #3153
* Added personal-access-token component
* Created basic API testing configuration
* First version of /components endpoind cest
* On-the-fly bearer token generation
* Completed testing of PATCH and PUT methods
* Added /components/{id}/assets route with tests
* Updated route and dataTable in view
* Completed test assertion
* Added links to assets in ComponentsAssets view
* Linked Company in AssetView page