* Fixed missing oauth tables during setup.
* WIP New LDAP implementation
* WIP New LDAP implementation
* WIP New LDAP implementation
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/WIP_LDAP' into WIP_LDAP
* WIP New LDAP implementation
Added Adldap2 to handle ldap intergration.
* Updated per PR quality review
* Added specific LDAP settings method
* Corrected version number
* Added return documentation
* Added imports
* Changed class to be injected into controller
* Updated with PR suggestions
* Fixed missing oauth tables during setup.
* Merge remote-tracking branch 'snipe-it-upstream/develop' into develop
* Merge remote-tracking branch 'snipe-it-upstream/develop' into develop
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop
* Fixed error during setup when settings table is not present
* Another 'or' caught in a blade template
* Added the requireAcceptance() method in LicenseSeat.php. Changed the permission in checkout-license mail to view.
* Getting right the permission in the view checkout-license
The class was missing as a result that the composer was unable to update and the site returned a 500 error
$ composer update
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
Nothing to install or update
Package guzzle/guzzle is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use guzzlehttp/guzzle instead.
Generating optimized autoload files
> Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postAutoloadDump
> @php artisan package:discover
In Asset.php line 30:
Declaration of App\Models\Asset::save($params = Array) should be compatible
with Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model::save(array $options = Array)
Script @php artisan package:discover handling the post-autoload-dump event returned with error code 1
* Added AWS url to example env
* Upgrader - added check for new storage path and attempt to move
* Ignore symlink
* Updated paths for models
* Moved copy methods
* Added AWS_URL support
For some reasin, Flysystem was generating the wrong AWS url (with a region included)
* Switch to Flysystem for image uploads
* Nicer display of image preview
* Updated image preview on edit blades to use Flysystem
* Twiddled some more paths
* Working filesystems config
* Updated Asset Models and Departments to use Flysystem
* Janky workaround for differing S3/local urls/paths
* Try to smartly use S3 as public disk if S3 is configured
* Use public disk Storage options for public files
* Additional transformer edits for Flysystem
* Removed debugging
* Added missing use Storage directive
* Updated seeders to use Flysystem
* Default logo
* Set a default width
We can potentially override this in settings later
* Use Flysystem for logo upload
* Update downloadFile to use Flysystem
* Updated AssetFilesController to use Flysystem
* Updated acceptance signatures to use Flysystem
* Updated signature view to use Flysystem
This isn’t working 100% yet
* Use Flysystem facade for displaying asset image
* Set assets path
Should clean all these up when we’re done here
* Added Rackspace support for Flysystem
* Added Flysystem migrator console command
* Added use Storage directive for categories
* Added user avatars to Flysystem
* Added profile avatar to Flysystem
* Added the option to delete local files with the migrator
* Added a check to prevent people from trying to move from local to local
* Fixed the selectlists for Flysystem
* Fixed the getImageUrl method to reflect Flysystem
* Fixed AWS copy process
* Fixed models path
* More selectlist updates for Flysystem
* Updated example .envs with updated env variable names
* *sigh*
* Updated non-asset getImageUrl() methods to use Flysystem
* Removed S3 hardcoding
* Use Flysystem in email headers
* Fixed typo
* Removed camera support from asset file upload
We’ll find a way to add this in later (and add that support to all of the other image uploads as well)
* Fixed path for categories
* WIP - Switched to standard handleImages for asset upload.
This is currently broken as I refact the handleImages method. Because the assets store/create methods use their own Form Request, the handleImages method doesn’t exist in that Form Request so it wil error now.
* Fixed css URL error
* Updated Debugbar to latest version (#6265)
v3.2 adds support for Laravel 5.7
* Fixed: Missing CSS file in basic.blade.php (#6264)
* Fixed missing CSS file in basic.blade.php
* Added
* Changed stylesheet import for authorize.blade.php
* Updated composer lock
* Added AWS_BUCKET_ROOT as env variable
* Use nicer image preview for logo upload
* Removed AssetRequest form request
* Removed asset form request, moved custom field validation into model
* Added additional help text for logo upload
* Increased the size of the image resize - should make this a setting tho
* Few more formatting tweaks to logo section of branding blade preview
* Use Flysystem for asset/license file uploads
* Use Flysystem for removing images from models that have been deleted
* Enable backups to use Flysystem
This only handles part of the problem. This just makes it so we can ship files to S3 if we want, but does not account for how we backup files that are hosted on S3
* Use Flysystem to download license files
* Updated audits to use Flysystem
When a user has no permissions set (=NULL) in the database (like after an
LDAP import) but is a member of a group with permissions, those group
permissions would not have be applied, effectively denying every access
regardless of group permissions.
This was causing the error: Undefined index: App\Models\CustomField (View: /Users/snipe/Sites/snipe-it/snipe-it/resources/views/hardware/index.blade.php)
and pointed to the Eloquent model library method:
protected function initializeTraits()
foreach (static::$traitInitializers[static::class] as $method) {
Thanks to https://github.com/laravel/framework/issues/25455 for the clue.
* Add half-year convention in depreciation for Models/Depreciable.php
* Add a setting for the depreciation method
* Integrate half-year convention inside working output
* fix: add more checks at Depreciable.php
* depreciation value rounding
* Codestyle fix
A checkout acceptance gets generated for every item that needs to be checked out. This resource tracks the user user who can accept the item and their signature
* Extract a handlesimages trait to centralize logic for parsing/storing images on upload in create/edit methods.
* Use same image upload/layout in accessories as consum+components.
* Monster: Cleanup/Refactor http controllers.
This cleans up docblocks, pulls most non-crudy actions into their own
controllers, and does general cleanup/logic refactoring. There /should/
be no functional changes, but we all know how should works..
Extract checkin/checkout functions to a separate controller for accessories.
Move controllers to subdirectory.
Cleanup AssetModelsController
Extract component checkin/checkout
Assorted cleanups/doc/formatting in controllers.
Refactor LicenseController.
Refactor UsersController
Update viewassetscontroller.
* Codacy cleanups
* More codacy cleanups. Extract a LicenseCheckout Form request as well.
* A bit more refactor/cleaning of the license checkout method.
* Review Related Cleanups
* Fix most of the item_not_found translations. In many cases, the
string being generated did not even use the id parameter. Where it
does, pass it as id instead of as a different value.
* Remove some old $data arrays from when we manually sent emails from
the controllers. This has been superseeded by the notification system
* Bugfix: Only log the checkin of an accessory if the checkin completes sucessfully.
* Adds a method to consumables to check if a notification should be sent
Adds the checkin_email method to Consumables, this gets checked in notifications when checking out the consumable.
Without the method, no notifications get sent for checking out consumables.
* Fixes the checkin_email method on the License model
This should allow the License to also send checkout/checkin notifications again.
* Fix Importer emailformat
Str::slug() strips periods from the string, which caused our existing
logic to misbehave when generating a user's email on an import. Adjust
logic to use generateEmail() helper on user instead. Also clean up some
of the logic in this method.
* Remove dead code.
* More refactor/cleanup of the user create method. I think it is almost readable now.