Godfrey M
select options working, testing sync then done
2022-08-31 12:58:33 -07:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
Signed-off-by: snipe <snipe@snipe.net>
# Conflicts:
# .env.example
# app/Http/Controllers/Auth/LoginController.php
# app/Http/Kernel.php
# app/Http/Transformers/ActionlogsTransformer.php
# app/Importer/AssetImporter.php
# app/Models/Accessory.php
# app/Models/Consumable.php
# app/Presenters/AccessoryPresenter.php
# app/Presenters/ComponentPresenter.php
# app/Presenters/ConsumablePresenter.php
# app/Providers/AuthServiceProvider.php
# composer.json
# composer.lock
# config/app.php
# config/cors.php
# config/version.php
# package-lock.json
# public/js/build/app.js
# public/js/build/app.js.LICENSE.txt
# public/js/dist/all.js
# public/mix-manifest.json
# resources/views/accessories/view.blade.php
# resources/views/consumables/view.blade.php
# resources/views/settings/saml.blade.php
# routes/api.php
2022-03-03 21:59:38 -08:00
Use “update” instead of edit in gate
Signed-off-by: snipe <snipe@snipe.net>
2022-03-03 18:47:20 -08:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
Signed-off-by: snipe <snipe@snipe.net>
# Conflicts:
# .all-contributorsrc
# app/Console/Commands/FixDoubleEscape.php
# app/Console/Commands/LdapSync.php
# app/Exceptions/Handler.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Api/AssetMaintenancesController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Api/AssetModelsController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Api/AssetsController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Api/CategoriesController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Api/CompaniesController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Api/DepartmentsController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Api/LicensesController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Api/LocationsController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Api/ManufacturersController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Api/SettingsController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Api/SuppliersController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/AssetModelsController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Auth/LoginController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/CustomFieldsController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/SettingsController.php
# app/Models/Loggable.php
# app/Providers/AuthServiceProvider.php
# config/version.php
# database/migrations/2014_11_04_231416_update_group_field_for_reporting.php
# database/migrations/2015_11_08_222305_add_ldap_fields_to_settings.php
# package-lock.json
# package.json
# public/js/build/app.js
# public/js/dist/all.js
# public/mix-manifest.json
# resources/assets/js/components/forms/asset-models/fieldset-default-values.vue
# resources/views/hardware/view.blade.php
2022-02-20 13:29:12 -08:00
Fixes some conceptual gates
Signed-off-by: snipe <snipe@snipe.net>
2022-02-14 15:42:23 -08:00
Added Asset edit/delete gates to maintenances
Signed-off-by: snipe <snipe@snipe.net>
2022-02-14 15:34:06 -08:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop
Signed-off-by: snipe <snipe@snipe.net>
# Conflicts:
# app/Http/Controllers/Accessories/AccessoriesController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Api/AssetMaintenancesController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Api/AssetModelsController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Api/AssetsController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Api/UsersController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/AssetMaintenancesController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Assets/AssetFilesController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Assets/AssetsController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Assets/BulkAssetsController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Components/ComponentsController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Consumables/ConsumablesController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Licenses/LicenseFilesController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Licenses/LicensesController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Users/UserFilesController.php
# app/Http/Transformers/AssetsTransformer.php
# app/Http/Transformers/LicensesTransformer.php
# app/Importer/UserImporter.php
# app/Models/Asset.php
# config/app.php
# config/version.php
# package-lock.json
# public/js/build/app.js
# public/js/dist/all.js
# public/js/dist/bootstrap-table.js
# public/mix-manifest.json
# resources/lang/en/admin/users/message.php
# resources/lang/is/button.php
# resources/lang/ja/admin/kits/general.php
# resources/lang/ro/admin/users/general.php
# resources/lang/zh-HK/admin/depreciations/general.php
# resources/lang/zh-HK/admin/models/general.php
# resources/views/hardware/qr-view.blade.php
# resources/views/hardware/view.blade.php
# resources/views/partials/bootstrap-table.blade.php
# resources/views/users/view.blade.php
# routes/web.php
# routes/web/hardware.php
# routes/web/models.php
# routes/web/users.php
2021-10-20 17:26:41 -07:00
Brady Wetherington
Create new ParseCurrency helper and use it in the appropriate controllers
2021-09-28 18:20:39 -07:00
Merge branch 'develop-v6-integration' into develop-v6-rc1
Signed-off-by: snipe <snipe@snipe.net>
# Conflicts:
# .all-contributorsrc
# app/Console/Commands/ResetDemoSettings.php
# app/Helpers/Helper.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Api/AccessoriesController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Api/AssetsController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Api/CategoriesController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Api/ComponentsController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Api/ConsumablesController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Api/LocationsController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Api/StatuslabelsController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Api/SuppliersController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/AssetMaintenancesController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/Auth/ForgotPasswordController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/DepreciationsController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/ReportsController.php
# app/Http/Controllers/SettingsController.php
# app/Http/Requests/ImageUploadRequest.php
# app/Http/Transformers/ActionlogsTransformer.php
# app/Http/Transformers/DepreciationsTransformer.php
# app/Listeners/CheckoutableListener.php
# app/Models/Accessory.php
# app/Models/Asset.php
# app/Models/Company.php
# app/Models/Ldap.php
# app/Models/User.php
# app/Presenters/AssetPresenter.php
# app/Presenters/CategoryPresenter.php
# composer.json
# composer.lock
# config/version.php
# database/factories/AssetModelFactory.php
# database/migrations/2020_10_22_233743_move_accessory_checkout_note_to_join_table.php
# database/seeds/AssetModelSeeder.php
# package-lock.json
# public/css/build/AdminLTE.css
# public/css/build/app.css
# public/css/build/overrides.css
# public/css/dist/all.css
# public/css/dist/bootstrap-table.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-black-dark.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-black-dark.min.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-black.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-black.min.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-blue-dark.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-blue-dark.min.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-blue.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-blue.min.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-contrast.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-contrast.min.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-green-dark.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-green-dark.min.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-green.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-green.min.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-orange-dark.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-orange-dark.min.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-orange.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-orange.min.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-purple-dark.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-purple-dark.min.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-purple.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-purple.min.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-red-dark.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-red-dark.min.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-red.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-red.min.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-yellow-dark.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-yellow-dark.min.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-yellow.css
# public/css/dist/skins/skin-yellow.min.css
# public/js/build/app.js
# public/js/build/vendor.js
# public/js/dist/all.js
# public/js/dist/bootstrap-table.js
# public/mix-manifest.json
# resources/assets/js/vue.js
# resources/lang/af/validation.php
# resources/lang/ar/admin/settings/general.php
# resources/lang/ar/validation.php
# resources/lang/bg/admin/settings/general.php
# resources/lang/bg/validation.php
# resources/lang/cs/admin/settings/general.php
# resources/lang/cs/validation.php
# resources/lang/cy/help.php
# resources/lang/cy/validation.php
# resources/lang/da/admin/settings/general.php
# resources/lang/da/validation.php
# resources/lang/de/admin/settings/general.php
# resources/lang/de/validation.php
# resources/lang/el/validation.php
# resources/lang/en-GB/admin/settings/general.php
# resources/lang/en-GB/validation.php
# resources/lang/en-ID/admin/hardware/table.php
# resources/lang/en-ID/admin/settings/general.php
# resources/lang/en-ID/validation.php
# resources/lang/es-CO/admin/settings/general.php
# resources/lang/es-CO/auth/message.php
# resources/lang/es-CO/button.php
# resources/lang/es-CO/help.php
# resources/lang/es-CO/validation.php
# resources/lang/es-ES/admin/settings/general.php
# resources/lang/es-ES/auth/message.php
# resources/lang/es-ES/button.php
# resources/lang/es-ES/help.php
# resources/lang/es-ES/validation.php
# resources/lang/es-MX/admin/settings/general.php
# resources/lang/es-MX/validation.php
# resources/lang/es-VE/admin/settings/general.php
# resources/lang/es-VE/auth/message.php
# resources/lang/es-VE/button.php
# resources/lang/es-VE/help.php
# resources/lang/es-VE/validation.php
# resources/lang/et/validation.php
# resources/lang/fa/validation.php
# resources/lang/fi/admin/settings/general.php
# resources/lang/fi/validation.php
# resources/lang/fil/validation.php
# resources/lang/fr/admin/settings/general.php
# resources/lang/fr/validation.php
# resources/lang/ga-IE/validation.php
# resources/lang/he/admin/settings/general.php
# resources/lang/he/general.php
# resources/lang/he/validation.php
# resources/lang/hr/validation.php
# resources/lang/hu/validation.php
# resources/lang/id/validation.php
# resources/lang/is/admin/categories/general.php
# resources/lang/is/admin/companies/message.php
# resources/lang/is/admin/companies/table.php
# resources/lang/is/admin/components/general.php
# resources/lang/is/admin/components/table.php
# resources/lang/is/admin/consumables/table.php
# resources/lang/is/admin/depreciations/general.php
# resources/lang/is/admin/depreciations/message.php
# resources/lang/is/admin/hardware/form.php
# resources/lang/is/admin/hardware/general.php
# resources/lang/is/admin/hardware/message.php
# resources/lang/is/admin/hardware/table.php
# resources/lang/is/admin/kits/general.php
# resources/lang/is/admin/licenses/form.php
# resources/lang/is/admin/licenses/general.php
# resources/lang/is/admin/locations/table.php
# resources/lang/is/admin/manufacturers/table.php
# resources/lang/is/admin/reports/message.php
# resources/lang/is/admin/settings/general.php
# resources/lang/is/admin/settings/message.php
# resources/lang/is/admin/statuslabels/message.php
# resources/lang/is/admin/suppliers/message.php
# resources/lang/is/admin/suppliers/table.php
# resources/lang/is/admin/users/table.php
# resources/lang/is/mail.php
# resources/lang/is/validation.php
# resources/lang/it/admin/settings/general.php
# resources/lang/it/validation.php
# resources/lang/iu/validation.php
# resources/lang/ja/mail.php
# resources/lang/ja/validation.php
# resources/lang/ko/validation.php
# resources/lang/lt/validation.php
# resources/lang/lv/validation.php
# resources/lang/mi/validation.php
# resources/lang/mk/validation.php
# resources/lang/ml-IN/validation.php
# resources/lang/mn/validation.php
# resources/lang/ms/validation.php
# resources/lang/nl/admin/settings/general.php
# resources/lang/nl/validation.php
# resources/lang/no/validation.php
# resources/lang/pl/admin/settings/general.php
# resources/lang/pl/validation.php
# resources/lang/pt-BR/admin/settings/general.php
# resources/lang/pt-BR/mail.php
# resources/lang/pt-BR/validation.php
# resources/lang/pt-PT/validation.php
# resources/lang/ro/validation.php
# resources/lang/ru/validation.php
# resources/lang/sl/validation.php
# resources/lang/sr-CS/admin/settings/general.php
# resources/lang/sr-CS/validation.php
# resources/lang/sv-SE/admin/settings/general.php
# resources/lang/sv-SE/auth/message.php
# resources/lang/sv-SE/button.php
# resources/lang/sv-SE/mail.php
# resources/lang/sv-SE/validation.php
# resources/lang/ta/validation.php
# resources/lang/th/validation.php
# resources/lang/tl/validation.php
# resources/lang/tr/mail.php
# resources/lang/tr/validation.php
# resources/lang/uk/admin/accessories/table.php
# resources/lang/uk/admin/asset_maintenances/message.php
# resources/lang/uk/admin/asset_maintenances/table.php
# resources/lang/uk/validation.php
# resources/lang/ur-PK/validation.php
# resources/lang/vi/admin/settings/general.php
# resources/lang/vi/validation.php
# resources/lang/zh-CN/admin/settings/general.php
# resources/lang/zh-CN/validation.php
# resources/lang/zh-HK/validation.php
# resources/lang/zh-TW/validation.php
# resources/lang/zu/validation.php
# resources/views/partials/bootstrap-table.blade.php
# resources/views/partials/forms/edit/company-select.blade.php
# routes/api.php
2021-09-21 23:46:50 -07:00
Ivan Nieto Vivanco
Remove e() function from other input fields
2021-08-31 04:01:20 -05:00
Ivan Nieto Vivanco
Remove e() function from the saved notes when updating an asset maintenance
2021-08-31 03:50:57 -05:00
Laravel Shift
Adopt Laravel coding style
Shift automatically applies the Laravel coding style - which uses the PSR-2 coding style as a base with some minor additions.
You may customize the adopted coding style by adding your own [PHP CS Fixer][1] `.php_cs` config file to your project root. Feel free to use [Shift's Laravel ruleset][2] to help you get started.
[1]: https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer
[2]: https://gist.github.com/laravel-shift/cab527923ed2a109dda047b97d53c200
2021-06-10 20:15:52 +00:00
Fixed #8544 - escaping on maintenance notes
2020-11-12 23:55:16 -08:00
Martin Meredith
Minor code cleanup bits and bobs ( #6805 )
* Add IDE Helper files
* Cleanup imports
- Alphabetises imports
- Removes unused imports
* Add Platform requirements
* Move filling asset into block where asset exists
* Remove duplicate array keys
2019-03-13 20:12:03 -07:00
Handle asset maintenances that do not have a valid asset associated
2019-01-16 02:26:42 -08:00
Create asset maintenance - Added orange bar for required asset to edit view ( #5520 )
* Added orange bar for required asset to edit view
* disable redirection to asset maintenances view
* Update - disable redirection to asset maintenances view
2018-05-16 19:23:23 -07:00
Features/better table options ( #5018 )
* Added CSS for table toolbar
* Use maintenances API for table listings
* NIcer layout for allowed_columns in maintenances API
* Fixed #5014 - bootstrap cookie issues
* Fixed #5015 - bug when saving settings
* Refactored datatable code to use data attributes
* Updated dashboard with new table code
* Added - Order by group user count
* Updated groups to use new table attributes
* New license listing table code
* More bootstrap table implementations
* More BS table refactoring
* Improved bootstrap assigned assets
* New bootstrap for reports
* Misc BS fixes
* FIxed small issue with asset history display
* Removed multisort option
* JS refactor
2018-02-16 13:22:55 -08:00
Fixed #4412 - use select2 ajax list for asset maintenances
2017-11-12 17:22:16 -08:00
Update references to assetloc to location
2017-10-28 02:58:38 -07:00
Update all controllers to use laravel 5 return view method
2017-06-09 16:44:03 -07:00
Switch companyName to company
2017-01-26 21:05:33 -08:00
Small phpcbf cleanup
2016-12-29 14:02:18 -08:00
Daniel Meltzer
Move sanitization of input to the model attribute setters. This cleans up a lot of checks in the various controller methods and ensures data will be set in the model accurately regardless of where it's set. Add unit tests for these methods ( #3102 )
2016-12-26 15:17:46 -08:00
Daniel Meltzer
Add presenters for models. ( #3098 )
* Add presenters for models. Move bootstrap table JSON generation to these presenters, which cleans up controllers a lot. Move view specific modifications from the models to the presenters as well.
* Fix some issues found by travis and codacy
* Fix a few more issues found while testing.
* Attempt another acceptance test fix
* Try something else
* Maybe..
2016-12-23 17:52:00 -08:00
Daniel Meltzer
Cleanup controller escaping ( #3084 )
* Make delete routes work. We put a little form in the modal that spoofs the delete field.
* Fix route on creating a user.
* Fix redundant id parameter.
* Port acceptance tests to new urls.
* Initial work on migrating to model based policies instead of global gates. Will allow for much more detailed permissions bits in the future.
* This needs to stay for the dashboard checks.
* Add user states for permissions to build tests.
* Build up unit tests for gates/permissions. Move accessories/consumables/assets to policies instead of in authserviceprovider
* Migrate various locations to new syntax. Update test to be more specific
* Fix functional tests.
Add an artisan command for installing a settings setup on travis-ci
* Try a different id... Need to come up with a better way of passing the id for tests that need an existing one.
* Try to fix travis
* Update urls to use routes and not hardcode old paths. Also fix some migration errors found along the way.:
* Add a environment for travis functional tests.
* Adjust config file to make travis use it.
* Use redirect()->route instead of redirect()-to
* Dump all failures in the output directory if travis fails.
* Cleanups and minor fixes.
* Adjust the supplier modelfactory to comply with new validation restrictions.
* Some test fixes.
* Locales can be longer than 5 characters according to faker... fex gez_ET. Increase lenght in mysql and add a validation
* Update test database dump to latest migrations.
* Extend Supplier phone/fax length.
This catches issues found in testing with a phone number with a five digit extension. fex (356) 654-3024 x36632
Also move away from escaping all values put into eloquent. Eloquent
already uses PDO parameter binding, and this was leading to names like
Mr Ryan O'Malley turning into an html escaped version of that name when
stored. All values should be escaped when using {{}}, we'll just have
to be more cautious when we use {!!, but I think we already are?
* Remove additional escaping here, like we did in suppliers controller.
* No need to eager load all of these relationships when we can call the count on the querybuilder directly
* Work on controller cleanup
* Always start from scrach, catches more issues this way.
* Update sql dump. Remove old code from permissions test.
* Generate a deletable item on demand in the test, rather than relying on one existing. I think we should probably move to mock all the database stuff at some point..
* More travis related fixes
* Break script into multiple functional lines
* Update all controllers to use the new helper, also cleanup syntax and docblocks along the way.
2016-12-19 22:00:50 -08:00
Daniel Meltzer
Discussion: Moving to policies for controller based authorization ( #3080 )
* Make delete routes work. We put a little form in the modal that spoofs the delete field.
* Fix route on creating a user.
* Fix redundant id parameter.
* Port acceptance tests to new urls.
* Initial work on migrating to model based policies instead of global gates. Will allow for much more detailed permissions bits in the future.
* This needs to stay for the dashboard checks.
* Add user states for permissions to build tests.
* Build up unit tests for gates/permissions. Move accessories/consumables/assets to policies instead of in authserviceprovider
* Migrate various locations to new syntax. Update test to be more specific
* Fix functional tests.
Add an artisan command for installing a settings setup on travis-ci
* Try a different id... Need to come up with a better way of passing the id for tests that need an existing one.
* Try to fix travis
* Update urls to use routes and not hardcode old paths. Also fix some migration errors found along the way.:
* Add a environment for travis functional tests.
* Adjust config file to make travis use it.
* Use redirect()->route instead of redirect()-to
* Dump all failures in the output directory if travis fails.
* Cleanups and minor fixes.
* Adjust the supplier modelfactory to comply with new validation restrictions.
* Some test fixes.
* Locales can be longer than 5 characters according to faker... fex gez_ET. Increase lenght in mysql and add a validation
* Update test database dump to latest migrations.
2016-12-19 11:04:28 -08:00
More for #3057
2016-12-15 15:15:11 -08:00
Fixes #2997 - don’t include soft-deleted maintenances
2016-12-01 00:55:00 -08:00
Only allow asset files to be deleted, maintenances to be added if user has assets.edit permission
2016-11-29 13:37:45 -08:00
Daniel Meltzer
Fix error in partializing with creating an asset maintenance. ( #2987 )
2016-11-29 05:02:48 -08:00
Fix companyable reult in maintenances
2016-09-27 19:07:45 -07:00
Fixes #2673
2016-09-27 19:07:30 -07:00
A little demo-proofing of the maintenances page
2016-08-30 07:34:33 -07:00
Eager load asset query on maintenances to prevent n+1 queries
2016-08-11 15:56:21 -07:00
Show admin in maintenances
2016-06-22 17:04:47 -07:00
Use helper library for asset list
2016-06-22 16:58:36 -07:00
Daniel Meltzer
Remove remaining DB::Raw(concat) calls to make things more sqlite friendly. This adds one new method to the Asset Model to return the formatted string that was used by the license and asset maintence controller. It also fixes a potential sqlite-only issue where '' and null are different.
2016-05-31 19:41:14 -05:00
Use updated redirect() reference
2016-04-28 21:06:41 -07:00
Updated to use 5.2 trans() instead of Lang::get for localization
2016-04-07 13:39:35 -07:00
Updated docblocks
2016-04-07 13:21:09 -07:00
Updated docblocks
2016-03-25 18:07:12 -07:00
Additional doc blocks, added private_uploads path
2016-03-25 15:50:08 -07:00
Additional escaping
2016-03-25 15:24:12 -07:00
Version 3 - hold onto your butts
2016-03-25 01:18:05 -07:00