Need to confirm that re-enabling `\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull::class,` won’t mangle anything. I know we ran into some issues when testing a long time ago, but not sure those issues apply anymore, and I can’t remember what they were.
* Make delete routes work. We put a little form in the modal that spoofs the delete field.
* Fix route on creating a user.
* Fix redundant id parameter.
* Port acceptance tests to new urls.
* Initial work on migrating to model based policies instead of global gates. Will allow for much more detailed permissions bits in the future.
* This needs to stay for the dashboard checks.
* Add user states for permissions to build tests.
* Build up unit tests for gates/permissions. Move accessories/consumables/assets to policies instead of in authserviceprovider
* Migrate various locations to new syntax. Update test to be more specific
* Fix functional tests.
Add an artisan command for installing a settings setup on travis-ci
* Try a different id... Need to come up with a better way of passing the id for tests that need an existing one.
* Try to fix travis
* Update urls to use routes and not hardcode old paths. Also fix some migration errors found along the way.:
* Add a environment for travis functional tests.
* Adjust config file to make travis use it.
* Use redirect()->route instead of redirect()-to
* Dump all failures in the output directory if travis fails.
* Cleanups and minor fixes.
* Adjust the supplier modelfactory to comply with new validation restrictions.
* Some test fixes.
* Locales can be longer than 5 characters according to faker... fex gez_ET. Increase lenght in mysql and add a validation
* Update test database dump to latest migrations.
* refactor to clean up LDAP login, and make the login method easier to handle.
* Login refactor cleanup
* Google 2FA package
* Adds Google Authenticator two-factor
* Removed unused blade
* Added optin setting in profile
* Removed dumb comments
* Made lock_passwords check more consistent
* Additional two factor strings
* Lock passwords check
* Display feature disabled text if in demo mode
* Two factor admin reset options
* Translation strings
Reintroducing trusted proxies via fideloper/proxy:
* Upgraded fideloper/proxy to 3.1
* Added fideloper/proxy to Http/Kernel.php
* Added fideloper/proxy to config/app.php
* Added environment variable APP_TRUSTED_PROXIES to env (with '*' being the default fallback)