This was causing the error: Undefined index: App\Models\CustomField (View: /Users/snipe/Sites/snipe-it/snipe-it/resources/views/hardware/index.blade.php)
and pointed to the Eloquent model library method:
protected function initializeTraits()
foreach (static::$traitInitializers[static::class] as $method) {
Thanks to for the clue.
From the collection of users displayed just filtered the data with the method where() and concat()
for the user can search for first name or last name. The solution is case sensitive.
* Added Freebsd as vagrant machine for development
* Ran npm audit fix
Manually added peer depenencies
* Added charset=UTF-8 to content-type
Removed reference to throttle model as is is not longer included.
* Add half-year convention in depreciation for Models/Depreciable.php
* Add a setting for the depreciation method
* Integrate half-year convention inside working output
* fix: add more checks at Depreciable.php
* depreciation value rounding
* Codestyle fix
I think this merged in a weird order and was missed by the global
find/replace. This fixes bulkassets/bulkusers editing.
At some point we should look at refactoring BulkAssetsController@edit to
only run one DB query, rather than one per item.
* Move findLicenseSeatToCheckout back to controller.
After discussion, move findLicenseSeatToCheckout method back to
controller from form request. Also cleanup one tiny bit more with null
coalesce operator (Yay php 7).
* Revert Earlier change.
$target only exists in the checkoutTo* methods. Need to log the
checkout individually in each of those.
* Extract a handlesimages trait to centralize logic for parsing/storing images on upload in create/edit methods.
* Use same image upload/layout in accessories as consum+components.
* Monster: Cleanup/Refactor http controllers.
This cleans up docblocks, pulls most non-crudy actions into their own
controllers, and does general cleanup/logic refactoring. There /should/
be no functional changes, but we all know how should works..
Extract checkin/checkout functions to a separate controller for accessories.
Move controllers to subdirectory.
Cleanup AssetModelsController
Extract component checkin/checkout
Assorted cleanups/doc/formatting in controllers.
Refactor LicenseController.
Refactor UsersController
Update viewassetscontroller.
* Codacy cleanups
* More codacy cleanups. Extract a LicenseCheckout Form request as well.
* A bit more refactor/cleaning of the license checkout method.
* Review Related Cleanups
* Fix most of the item_not_found translations. In many cases, the
string being generated did not even use the id parameter. Where it
does, pass it as id instead of as a different value.
* Remove some old $data arrays from when we manually sent emails from
the controllers. This has been superseeded by the notification system
* Bugfix: Only log the checkin of an accessory if the checkin completes sucessfully.