* Migration to fix nullables
This should fix an issue introduced in 90cddb7aee where we’re passing null instead of an empty string (necessary to nullify values via the API)
* Removed asset migration - serial was already fixed
This was mis-migrated as boolean.
It’s essentially a duplicate migration, as it is fixed in-place on the existing migration, and then a new migratio was created to handle anyone who already upgraded.
* Fixed missing oauth tables during setup.
* Custom fields of type "CUSTOM REGEX" are always saved as "ANY"
* Updated per PR
Fixed spelling
* Fixed logic error
Moved conditional code from view to controller
Added getFromatType function for dropdown
* Added AWS url to example env
* Upgrader - added check for new storage path and attempt to move
* Ignore symlink
* Updated paths for models
* Moved copy methods
* Added AWS_URL support
For some reasin, Flysystem was generating the wrong AWS url (with a region included)
* Switch to Flysystem for image uploads
* Nicer display of image preview
* Updated image preview on edit blades to use Flysystem
* Twiddled some more paths
* Working filesystems config
* Updated Asset Models and Departments to use Flysystem
* Janky workaround for differing S3/local urls/paths
* Try to smartly use S3 as public disk if S3 is configured
* Use public disk Storage options for public files
* Additional transformer edits for Flysystem
* Removed debugging
* Added missing use Storage directive
* Updated seeders to use Flysystem
* Default logo
* Set a default width
We can potentially override this in settings later
* Use Flysystem for logo upload
* Update downloadFile to use Flysystem
* Updated AssetFilesController to use Flysystem
* Updated acceptance signatures to use Flysystem
* Updated signature view to use Flysystem
This isn’t working 100% yet
* Use Flysystem facade for displaying asset image
* Set assets path
Should clean all these up when we’re done here
* Added Rackspace support for Flysystem
* Added Flysystem migrator console command
* Added use Storage directive for categories
* Added user avatars to Flysystem
* Added profile avatar to Flysystem
* Added the option to delete local files with the migrator
* Added a check to prevent people from trying to move from local to local
* Fixed the selectlists for Flysystem
* Fixed the getImageUrl method to reflect Flysystem
* Fixed AWS copy process
* Fixed models path
* More selectlist updates for Flysystem
* Updated example .envs with updated env variable names
* *sigh*
* Updated non-asset getImageUrl() methods to use Flysystem
* Removed S3 hardcoding
* Use Flysystem in email headers
* Fixed typo
* Removed camera support from asset file upload
We’ll find a way to add this in later (and add that support to all of the other image uploads as well)
* Fixed path for categories
* WIP - Switched to standard handleImages for asset upload.
This is currently broken as I refact the handleImages method. Because the assets store/create methods use their own Form Request, the handleImages method doesn’t exist in that Form Request so it wil error now.
* Fixed css URL error
* Updated Debugbar to latest version (#6265)
v3.2 adds support for Laravel 5.7
* Fixed: Missing CSS file in basic.blade.php (#6264)
* Fixed missing CSS file in basic.blade.php
* Added
* Changed stylesheet import for authorize.blade.php
* Updated composer lock
* Added AWS_BUCKET_ROOT as env variable
* Use nicer image preview for logo upload
* Removed AssetRequest form request
* Removed asset form request, moved custom field validation into model
* Added additional help text for logo upload
* Increased the size of the image resize - should make this a setting tho
* Few more formatting tweaks to logo section of branding blade preview
* Use Flysystem for asset/license file uploads
* Use Flysystem for removing images from models that have been deleted
* Enable backups to use Flysystem
This only handles part of the problem. This just makes it so we can ship files to S3 if we want, but does not account for how we backup files that are hosted on S3
* Use Flysystem to download license files
* Updated audits to use Flysystem
* Add half-year convention in depreciation for Models/Depreciable.php
* Add a setting for the depreciation method
* Integrate half-year convention inside working output
* fix: add more checks at Depreciable.php
* depreciation value rounding
* Codestyle fix
A checkout acceptance gets generated for every item that needs to be checked out. This resource tracks the user user who can accept the item and their signature
* Port/reenable most unit tests.
Should probably flesh out notifications tests in the next few days.
* Disable json checkin in ApiAssetsTest@index for now. It's broken, but hiding other real broken things.
* Re Disable Groups allowDelete
* Fix Importer emailformat
Str::slug() strips periods from the string, which caused our existing
logic to misbehave when generating a user's email on an import. Adjust
logic to use generateEmail() helper on user instead. Also clean up some
of the logic in this method.
* Remove dead code.
* More refactor/cleanup of the user create method. I think it is almost readable now.
* Added option to include model information on asset labels.
Cleaned up label page to fix skewed label alignment on last row per page.
* Changes made per Snipe's direction
changed type from tinyint to boolean in DB
changed labels back to initials
* Added de-norm counter migration for assets
* Renaming counter columns, since Eloquent has a magical *_count helper
* Added artisan command to sync counters (one-off)
* Update API to use de-normed fields
* Increment counters for checkin;/checkout
* Derp.
* Added request increment/decrementer
* Move increment for checkout to the Asset::checkout method
* Added “could take a while” message
* Fixes CustomFieldsetsController::fields() which I think is not used anywhere else and don't think ever worked as you can't call get() on a Collection.
Have tested extensively and doesn't seem to affect anywhere else?
* Adds default value functionality
* Adds built assets
* Fixes assignment to asset_model_id which should have been evaluation and alters route so it sits more in line with existing work
* Updates built assets
* Remove silly docker.env file; fix Dockerfile to preserve Oauth keys (#5377)
* Added department to custom asset export
Updates build assets
* Adds translation support for 'add default values' checkbox label
* WIP - beginning of improved requested assets
- Use Ajax tables for faster loading
- Use new notifications for requesting an asset
- Use ajax tables for requestable asset models
- Use new notifications for canceling an asset request
- Expire requests once the asset has been checked out to the requesting user
* Only show asset name in email if it has one
* Refactor requested method to only include non-canceled requests
* Refactored requestable assets to log request and cancelation
* Added softdeletes on checkout requests
* Differentiate between canceling and deleting requests
* Added asset request cancelation notification
* Added timestamps and corrected unique key on requests table
* Improved requests view
* Re-use blade for cancel/request email
* Refactored BS table formatter for requested assets
* Location name min reduced to 2
* Added PAT test as maintenance option
This needs to be refactored into database-driven options with a UI
* Better slack message
* Added getImageUrl method for assets
* Include qty in request notifications
- Try to pull requested info from original request for cancelation, otherwise it will default to 1
* Removed old asset request/cancel emails
* Added user profile asset request routes
* Added profile controller requested assets method
* Added blade link to requested assets for profile view
* Sort user history desc
* Added requested assets blade
* Added canceled at to checkoutRequest method
* Include qty in request
* Fixed comment, removed allowed_columns
* Removed Queable methods, since we don’t use a queue
* Fixed return type in method doc
* Fixed version number
* Changed id to user_id for clarity
* Avoid populating db manually. Instead rely on a seeded database existing and use api/fucntional tests based on that.
* Seed the Setting object with default values.
* Update Setting seeder to match web default. Also only generate one Setting instance.
* Added “show fields in email” to custom fields
* Added “show images in email” to settings
* Added nicer HTML emails
* Break notifications out into their own, instead of trying to mash them all together
* Remove old notification for accessory checkout
* Janky fix for #5076 - “The asset you have attempted to accept was not checked out to you”
* Add method for image url for accessories
* Added accessory checkout email blade
* Make accessory email notification on checkout screen consistent with assets
* Added native consumables notifications
* Fixes for asset notification
* Updated notification blades with correct-er fields
* Updated notifications
* License checkin notification - does not work yet
Need to figure out whether the license seat is assigned to a person or an asset before we can pass the target
* Added alternate “cc” email for admins
* Only try to trigger notifications if the target is a user
* Fix tests
* Fixed consumable URL
* Removed unused notification
* Pass target type in params
* Show slack status
* Pass additional parameters
There is a logic bug in this :( Will send to slack twice, since the admin CC and the user are both using the same notification. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck.
* Pass a variable to the notification to supress the duplicate slack message
* Slack is broken :( Trying to fix
Will try a git bisect
* Put preview back into checkout
* Pulled old archaic mail
* Removed debugging
* Fixed wrong email title
* Fixed slack endpoint not firing
* Poobot, we hardly knew ye.
* Removed old, manual mail from API
* Typo :-/
* Code cleanup
* Use defined formatted date in JSON
* Use static properties for checkin/checkout notifiers for cleaner code
* Removed debugging
* Use date formatter
* Fixed target_type
* Fixed language in consumable email