] * @since [v3.0] * @return void */ public function boot(UrlGenerator $url) { if (env('APP_FORCE_TLS')) { if (strpos(env('APP_URL'), 'https') === 0) { $url->forceScheme('https'); } else { \Log::warning("'APP_FORCE_TLS' is set to true, but 'APP_URL' does not start with 'https://'. Will not force TLS on connections."); } } \Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator::useBootstrap(); Schema::defaultStringLength(191); Asset::observe(AssetObserver::class); Accessory::observe(AccessoryObserver::class); Component::observe(ComponentObserver::class); Consumable::observe(ConsumableObserver::class); License::observe(LicenseObserver::class); Setting::observe(SettingObserver::class); } /** * Register any application services. * * @return void */ public function register() { // Only load rollbar if there is a rollbar key and the app is in production if (($this->app->environment('production')) && (config('logging.channels.rollbar.access_token'))) { $this->app->register(\Rollbar\Laravel\RollbarServiceProvider::class); } // Only load dusk's service provider if the app is in local or develop mode if ($this->app->environment(['local', 'develop'])) { $this->app->register(\Laravel\Dusk\DuskServiceProvider::class); } } }