@push('css') <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url(mix('css/dist/bootstrap-table.css')) }}"> @endpush @push('js') <script src="{{ url(mix('js/dist/bootstrap-table.js')) }}"></script> <script nonce="{{ csrf_token() }}"> $(function () { var locale = '{{ config('app.locale') }}'; var stickyHeaderOffsetY = 0; if ( $('.navbar-fixed-top').css('height') ) { stickyHeaderOffsetY = +$('.navbar-fixed-top').css('height').replace('px',''); } if ( $('.navbar-fixed-top').css('margin-bottom') ) { stickyHeaderOffsetY += +$('.navbar-fixed-top').css('margin-bottom').replace('px',''); } var blockedFields = "searchable,sortable,switchable,title,visible,formatter,class".split(","); var keyBlocked = function(key) { for(var j in blockedFields) { if (key === blockedFields[j]) { return true; } } return false; } $('.snipe-table').bootstrapTable('destroy').each(function () { data_export_options = $(this).attr('data-export-options'); export_options = data_export_options ? JSON.parse(data_export_options) : {}; export_options['htmlContent'] = false; // this is already the default; but let's be explicit about it export_options['jspdf']= {"orientation": "l"}; // the following callback method is necessary to prevent XSS vulnerabilities // (this is taken from Bootstrap Tables's default wrapper around jQuery Table Export) export_options['onCellHtmlData'] = function (cell, rowIndex, colIndex, htmlData) { if (cell.is('th')) { return cell.find('.th-inner').text() } return htmlData } $(this).bootstrapTable({ classes: 'table table-responsive table-no-bordered', ajaxOptions: { headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content') } }, stickyHeader: true, locale: locale, stickyHeaderOffsetY: stickyHeaderOffsetY + 'px', undefinedText: '', iconsPrefix: 'fa', cookie: true, cookieExpire: '2y', mobileResponsive: true, maintainSelected: true, trimOnSearch: false, showSearchClearButton: true, paginationFirstText: "{{ trans('general.first') }}", paginationLastText: "{{ trans('general.last') }}", paginationPreText: "{{ trans('general.previous') }}", paginationNextText: "{{ trans('general.next') }}", pageList: ['10','20', '30','50','100','150','200'{!! ((config('app.max_results') > 200) ? ",'500'" : '') !!}{!! ((config('app.max_results') > 500) ? ",'".config('app.max_results')."'" : '') !!}], pageSize: {{ (($snipeSettings->per_page!='') && ($snipeSettings->per_page > 0)) ? $snipeSettings->per_page : 20 }}, paginationVAlign: 'both', queryParams: function (params) { var newParams = {}; for(var i in params) { if(!keyBlocked(i)) { // only send the field if it's not in blockedFields newParams[i] = params[i]; } } return newParams; }, formatLoadingMessage: function () { return '<h2><i class="fas fa-spinner fa-spin" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{ trans('general.loading') }} </h4>'; }, icons: { advancedSearchIcon: 'fas fa-search-plus', paginationSwitchDown: 'fa-caret-square-o-down', paginationSwitchUp: 'fa-caret-square-o-up', fullscreen: 'fa-expand', columns: 'fa-columns', refresh: 'fas fa-sync-alt', export: 'fa-download', clearSearch: 'fa-times' }, exportOptions: export_options, exportTypes: ['xlsx', 'excel', 'csv', 'pdf','json', 'xml', 'txt', 'sql', 'doc' ], onLoadSuccess: function () { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); // Needed to attach tooltips after ajax call } }); }); }); function dateRowCheckStyle(value) { if ((value.days_to_next_audit) && (value.days_to_next_audit < {{ $snipeSettings->audit_warning_days ?: 0 }})) { return { classes : "danger" } } return {}; } // These methods dynamically add/remove hidden input values in the bulk actions form $('.snipe-table').on('check.bs.table .btSelectItem', function (row, $element) { var buttonName = $(this).data('bulk-button-id'); var tableId = $(this).data('id-table'); $(buttonName).removeAttr('disabled'); $(buttonName).after('<input id="' + tableId + '_checkbox_' + $element.id + '" type="hidden" name="ids[]" value="' + $element.id + '">'); }); $('.snipe-table').on('check-all.bs.table', function (event, rowsAfter) { var buttonName = $(this).data('bulk-button-id'); $(buttonName).removeAttr('disabled'); var tableId = $(this).data('id-table'); for (var i in rowsAfter) { // Do not select things that were already selected if($('#'+ tableId + '_checkbox_' + rowsAfter[i].id).length == 0) { $(buttonName).after('<input id="' + tableId + '_checkbox_' + rowsAfter[i].id + '" type="hidden" name="ids[]" value="' + rowsAfter[i].id + '">'); } } }); $('.snipe-table').on('uncheck.bs.table .btSelectItem', function (row, $element) { var tableId = $(this).data('id-table'); $( "#" + tableId + "_checkbox_" + $element.id).remove(); }); // Handle whether or not the edit button should be disabled $('.snipe-table').on('uncheck.bs.table', function () { var buttonName = $(this).data('bulk-button-id'); if ($(this).bootstrapTable('getSelections').length == 0) { $(buttonName).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } }); $('.snipe-table').on('uncheck-all.bs.table', function (event, rowsAfter, rowsBefore) { var buttonName = $(this).data('bulk-button-id'); $(buttonName).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); var tableId = $(this).data('id-table'); for (var i in rowsBefore) { $('#' + tableId + "_checkbox_" + rowsBefore[i].id).remove(); } }); // This only works for model index pages because it uses the row's model ID function genericRowLinkFormatter(destination) { return function (value,row) { if (value) { return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/' + destination + '/' + row.id + '">' + value + '</a>'; } }; } // Use this when we're introspecting into a column object and need to link function genericColumnObjLinkFormatter(destination) { return function (value,row) { if ((value) && (value.status_meta)) { var text_color; var icon_style; var text_help; var status_meta = { 'deployed': '{{ strtolower(trans('general.deployed')) }}', 'deployable': '{{ strtolower(trans('admin/hardware/general.deployable')) }}', 'archived': '{{ strtolower(trans('general.archived')) }}', 'pending': '{{ strtolower(trans('general.pending')) }}' } switch (value.status_meta) { case 'deployed': text_color = 'blue'; icon_style = 'fa-circle'; text_help = '<label class="label label-default">{{ trans('general.deployed') }}</label>'; break; case 'deployable': text_color = 'green'; icon_style = 'fa-circle'; text_help = ''; break; case 'pending': text_color = 'orange'; icon_style = 'fa-circle'; text_help = ''; break; default: text_color = 'red'; icon_style = 'fa-times'; text_help = ''; } return '<nobr><a href="{{ url('/') }}/' + destination + '/' + value.id + '" data-toggle="tooltip" title="'+ status_meta[value.status_meta] + '"> <i class="fa ' + icon_style + ' text-' + text_color + '"></i> ' + value.name + ' ' + text_help + ' </a> </nobr>'; } else if ((value) && (value.name)) { // Add some overrides for any funny urls we have var dest = destination; var dpolymorphicItemFormatterest = ''; if (destination=='fieldsets') { var dpolymorphicItemFormatterest = 'fields/'; } return '<nobr><a href="{{ url('/') }}/' + dpolymorphicItemFormatterest + dest + '/' + value.id + '">' + value.name + '</a></span>'; } }; } function hardwareAuditFormatter(value, row) { return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/hardware/audit/' + row.id + '/" class="btn btn-sm bg-yellow" data-tooltip="true" title="Audit this item">{{ trans('general.audit') }}</a>'; } // Make the edit/delete buttons function genericActionsFormatter(owner_name, element_name) { if (!element_name) { element_name = ''; } return function (value,row) { var actions = '<nobr>'; // Add some overrides for any funny urls we have var dest = owner_name; if (dest =='groups') { var dest = 'admin/groups'; } if (dest =='maintenances') { var dest = 'hardware/maintenances'; } if(element_name != '') { dest = dest + '/' + row.owner_id + '/' + element_name; } if ((row.available_actions) && (row.available_actions.clone === true)) { actions += '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/' + dest + '/' + row.id + '/clone" class="btn btn-sm btn-info" data-tooltip="true" title="{{ trans('general.clone_item') }}"><i class="far fa-clone" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Clone</span></a> '; } if ((row.available_actions) && (row.available_actions.update === true)) { actions += '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/' + dest + '/' + row.id + '/edit" class="btn btn-sm btn-warning" data-tooltip="true" title="{{ trans('general.update') }}"><i class="fas fa-pencil-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">{{ trans('general.update') }}</span></a> '; } if ((row.available_actions) && (row.available_actions.delete === true)) { actions += '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/' + dest + '/' + row.id + '" ' + ' class="btn btn-danger btn-sm delete-asset" data-toggle="tooltip" ' + ' data-toggle="modal" ' + ' data-content="{{ trans('general.sure_to_delete') }} ' + row.name + '?" ' + ' data-title="{{ trans('general.delete') }}" onClick="return false;">' + '<i class="fas fa-trash" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Delete</span></a> '; } else { actions += '<a class="btn btn-danger btn-sm delete-asset disabled" onClick="return false;"><i class="fas fa-trash"></i></a> '; } if ((row.available_actions) && (row.available_actions.restore === true)) { actions += '<form style="display: inline;" method="POST" action="{{ url('/') }}/' + dest + '/' + row.id + '/restore"> '; actions += '@csrf'; actions += '<button class="btn btn-sm btn-warning" data-toggle="tooltip" title="{{ trans('general.restore') }}"><i class="fas fa-retweet"></i></button> '; } actions +='</nobr>'; return actions; }; } // This handles the icons and display of polymorphic entries function polymorphicItemFormatter(value) { var item_destination = ''; var item_icon; if ((value) && (value.type)) { if (value.type == 'asset') { item_destination = 'hardware'; item_icon = 'fas fa-barcode'; } else if (value.type == 'accessory') { item_destination = 'accessories'; item_icon = 'far fa-keyboard'; } else if (value.type == 'component') { item_destination = 'components'; item_icon = 'far fa-hdd'; } else if (value.type == 'consumable') { item_destination = 'consumables'; item_icon = 'fas fa-tint'; } else if (value.type == 'license') { item_destination = 'licenses'; item_icon = 'far fa-save'; } else if (value.type == 'user') { item_destination = 'users'; item_icon = 'fas fa-user'; } else if (value.type == 'location') { item_destination = 'locations' item_icon = 'fas fa-map-marker-alt'; } else if (value.type == 'model') { item_destination = 'models' item_icon = ''; } // display the username if it's checked out to a user, but don't do it if the username's there already if (value.username && !value.name.match('\\(') && !value.name.match('\\)')) { value.name = value.name + ' (' + value.username + ')'; } return '<nobr><a href="{{ url('/') }}/' + item_destination +'/' + value.id + '" data-tooltip="true" title="' + value.type + '"><i class="' + item_icon + ' text-{{ $snipeSettings->skin!='' ? $snipeSettings->skin : 'blue' }} "></i> ' + value.name + '</a></nobr>'; } else { return ''; } } // This just prints out the item type in the activity report function itemTypeFormatter(value, row) { if ((row) && (row.item) && (row.item.type)) { return row.item.type; } } // Convert line breaks to <br> function notesFormatter(value) { if (value) { return value.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '<br />');; } } // We need a special formatter for license seats, since they don't work exactly the same // Checkouts need the license ID, checkins need the specific seat ID function licenseSeatInOutFormatter(value, row) { // The user is allowed to check the license seat out and it's available if ((row.available_actions.checkout == true) && (row.user_can_checkout == true) && ((!row.asset_id) && (!row.assigned_to))) { return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/licenses/' + row.license_id + '/checkout/'+row.id+'" class="btn btn-sm bg-maroon" data-toggle="tooltip" title="{{ trans('general.checkout_tooltip') }}">{{ trans('general.checkout') }}</a>'; } else { return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/licenses/' + row.id + '/checkin" class="btn btn-sm bg-purple" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Check in this license seat.">{{ trans('general.checkin') }}</a>'; } } function genericCheckinCheckoutFormatter(destination) { return function (value,row) { // The user is allowed to check items out, AND the item is deployable if ((row.available_actions.checkout == true) && (row.user_can_checkout == true) && ((!row.asset_id) && (!row.assigned_to))) { return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/' + destination + '/' + row.id + '/checkout" class="btn btn-sm bg-maroon" data-toggle="tooltip" title="{{ trans('general.checkout_tooltip') }}">{{ trans('general.checkout') }}</a>'; // The user is allowed to check items out, but the item is not deployable } else if (((row.user_can_checkout == false)) && (row.available_actions.checkout == true) && (!row.assigned_to)) { return '<div data-toggle="tooltip" title="This item has a status label that is undeployable and cannot be checked out at this time."><a class="btn btn-sm bg-maroon disabled">{{ trans('general.checkout') }}</a></div>'; // The user is allowed to check items in } else if (row.available_actions.checkin == true) { if (row.assigned_to) { return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/' + destination + '/' + row.id + '/checkin" class="btn btn-sm bg-purple" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Check this item in so it is available for re-imaging, re-issue, etc.">{{ trans('general.checkin') }}</a>'; } else if (row.assigned_pivot_id) { return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/' + destination + '/' + row.assigned_pivot_id + '/checkin" class="btn btn-sm bg-purple" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Check this item in so it is available for re-imaging, re-issue, etc.">{{ trans('general.checkin') }}</a>'; } } } } // This is only used by the requestable assets section function assetRequestActionsFormatter (row, value) { if (value.assigned_to_self == true){ return '<button class="btn btn-danger btn-sm disabled" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Cancel this item request">{{ trans('button.cancel') }}</button>'; } else if (value.available_actions.cancel == true) { return '<form action="{{ url('/') }}/account/request-asset/'+ value.id + '" method="POST">@csrf<button class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Cancel this item request">{{ trans('button.cancel') }}</button></form>'; } else if (value.available_actions.request == true) { return '<form action="{{ url('/') }}/account/request-asset/'+ value.id + '" method="POST">@csrf<button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Request this item">{{ trans('button.request') }}</button></form>'; } } var formatters = [ 'hardware', 'accessories', 'consumables', 'components', 'locations', 'users', 'manufacturers', 'maintenances', 'statuslabels', 'models', 'licenses', 'categories', 'suppliers', 'departments', 'companies', 'depreciations', 'fieldsets', 'groups', 'kits' ]; for (var i in formatters) { window[formatters[i] + 'LinkFormatter'] = genericRowLinkFormatter(formatters[i]); window[formatters[i] + 'LinkObjFormatter'] = genericColumnObjLinkFormatter(formatters[i]); window[formatters[i] + 'ActionsFormatter'] = genericActionsFormatter(formatters[i]); window[formatters[i] + 'InOutFormatter'] = genericCheckinCheckoutFormatter(formatters[i]); } var child_formatters = [ ['kits', 'models'], ['kits', 'licenses'], ['kits', 'consumables'], ['kits', 'accessories'], ]; for (var i in child_formatters) { var owner_name = child_formatters[i][0]; var child_name = child_formatters[i][1]; window[owner_name + '_' + child_name + 'ActionsFormatter'] = genericActionsFormatter(owner_name, child_name); } // This is gross, but necessary so that we can package the API response // for custom fields in a more useful way. function customFieldsFormatter(value, row) { if ((!this) || (!this.title)) { return ''; } var field_column = this.title; // Pull out any HTMl that might be passed via the presenter // (for example, the locked icon for encrypted fields) var field_column_plain = field_column.replace(/<(?:.|\n)*?> ?/gm, ''); if ((row.custom_fields) && (row.custom_fields[field_column_plain])) { // If the field type needs special formatting, do that here if ((row.custom_fields[field_column_plain].field_format) && (row.custom_fields[field_column_plain].value)) { if (row.custom_fields[field_column_plain].field_format=='URL') { return '<a href="' + row.custom_fields[field_column_plain].value + '" target="_blank" rel="noopener">' + row.custom_fields[field_column_plain].value + '</a>'; } else if (row.custom_fields[field_column_plain].field_format=='BOOLEAN') { return (row.custom_fields[field_column_plain].value == 1) ? "<span class='fas fa-check-circle' style='color:green' />" : "<span class='fas fa-times-circle' style='color:red' />"; } else if (row.custom_fields[field_column_plain].field_format=='EMAIL') { return '<a href="mailto:' + row.custom_fields[field_column_plain].value + '">' + row.custom_fields[field_column_plain].value + '</a>'; } } return row.custom_fields[field_column_plain].value; } } function createdAtFormatter(value) { if ((value) && (value.formatted)) { return value.formatted; } } function externalLinkFormatter(value) { if (value) { return '<a href="' + value + '" target="_blank">' + value + '</a>'; } } function groupsFormatter(value) { if (value) { var groups = ''; for (var index in value.rows) { groups += '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/admin/groups/' + value.rows[index].id + '" class="label label-default">' + value.rows[index].name + '</a> '; } return groups; } } function changeLogFormatter(value) { var result = ''; for (var index in value) { result += index + ': <del>' + value[index].old + '</del> <i class="fas fa-long-arrow-alt-right" aria-hidden="true"></i> ' + value[index].new + '<br>' } return result; } // Create a linked phone number in the table list function phoneFormatter(value) { if (value) { return '<a href="tel:' + value + '">' + value + '</a>'; } } function deployedLocationFormatter(row, value) { if ((row) && (row!=undefined)) { return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/locations/' + row.id + '">' + row.name + '</a>'; } else if (value.rtd_location) { return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/locations/' + value.rtd_location.id + '" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Default Location">' + value.rtd_location.name + '</a>'; } } function groupsAdminLinkFormatter(value, row) { return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/admin/groups/' + row.id + '">' + value + '</a>'; } function assetTagLinkFormatter(value, row) { if ((row.asset) && (row.asset.id)) { return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/hardware/' + row.asset.id + '">' + row.asset.asset_tag + '</a>'; } return ''; } function departmentNameLinkFormatter(value, row) { if ((row.assigned_user) && (row.assigned_user.department) && (row.assigned_user.department.name)) { return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/department/' + row.assigned_user.department.id + '">' + row.assigned_user.department.name + '</a>'; } } function assetNameLinkFormatter(value, row) { if ((row.asset) && (row.asset.name)) { return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/hardware/' + row.asset.id + '">' + row.asset.name + '</a>'; } } function trueFalseFormatter(value) { if ((value) && ((value == 'true') || (value == '1'))) { return '<i class="fas fa-check text-success"></i><span class="sr-only">{{ trans('general.true') }}</span>'; } else { return '<i class="fas fa-times text-danger"></i><span class="sr-only">{{ trans('general.false') }}</span>'; } } function dateDisplayFormatter(value) { if (value) { return value.formatted; } } function iconFormatter(value) { if (value) { return '<i class="' + value + ' icon-med"></i>'; } } function emailFormatter(value) { if (value) { return '<a href="mailto:' + value + '">' + value + '</a>'; } } function linkFormatter(value) { if (value) { return '<a href="' + value + '">' + value + '</a>'; } } function assetCompanyFilterFormatter(value, row) { if (value) { return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/hardware/?company_id=' + row.id + '">' + value + '</a>'; } } function assetCompanyObjFilterFormatter(value, row) { if ((row) && (row.company)) { return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/hardware/?company_id=' + row.company.id + '">' + row.company.name + '</a>'; } } function usersCompanyObjFilterFormatter(value, row) { if (value) { return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/users/?company_id=' + row.id + '">' + value + '</a>'; } else { return value; } } function employeeNumFormatter(value, row) { if ((row) && (row.assigned_to) && ((row.assigned_to.employee_number))) { return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/users/' + row.assigned_to.id + '">' + row.assigned_to.employee_number + '</a>'; } } function orderNumberObjFilterFormatter(value, row) { if (value) { return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/hardware/?order_number=' + row.order_number + '">' + row.order_number + '</a>'; } } function imageFormatter(value, row) { if (value) { // This is a clunky override to handle unusual API responses where we're presenting a link instead of an array if (row.avatar) { var altName = ''; } else if (row.name) { var altName = row.name; } else if ((row) && (row.model)) { var altName = row.model.name; } return '<a href="' + value + '" data-toggle="lightbox" data-type="image"><img src="' + value + '" style="max-height: {{ $snipeSettings->thumbnail_max_h }}px; width: auto;" class="img-responsive" alt="' + altName + '"></a>'; } } function downloadFormatter(value) { if (value) { return '<a href="' + value + '" target="_blank"><i class="fas fa-download"></i></a>'; } } function fileUploadFormatter(value) { if ((value) && (value.url) && (value.inlineable)) { return '<a href="' + value.url + '" data-toggle="lightbox" data-type="image"><img src="' + value.url + '" style="max-height: {{ $snipeSettings->thumbnail_max_h }}px; width: auto;" class="img-responsive"></a>'; } else if ((value) && (value.url)) { return '<a href="' + value.url + '" class="btn btn-default"><i class="fas fa-download"></i></a>'; } } function fileUploadNameFormatter(value) { console.dir(value); if ((value) && (value.filename) && (value.url)) { return '<a href="' + value.url + '">' + value.filename + '</a>'; } } function cleanFloat(number) { if(!number) { // in a JavaScript context, meaning, if it's null or zero or unset return 0.0; } if ("{{$snipeSettings->digit_separator}}" == "1.234,56") { // yank periods, change commas to periods periodless = number.toString().replace(/\./g,""); decimalfixed = periodless.replace(/,/g,"."); } else { // yank commas, that's it. decimalfixed = number.toString().replace(/\,/g,""); } return parseFloat(decimalfixed); } function sumFormatter(data) { if (Array.isArray(data)) { var field = this.field; var total_sum = data.reduce(function(sum, row) { return (sum) + (cleanFloat(row[field]) || 0); }, 0); return numberWithCommas(total_sum.toFixed(2)); } return 'not an array'; } function sumFormatterQuantity(data){ if(Array.isArray(data)) { // Prevents issues on page load where data is an empty array if(data[0] == undefined){ return 0.00 } // Check that we are actually trying to sum cost from a table // that has a quantity column. We must perform this check to // support licences which use seats instead of qty if('qty' in data[0]) { var multiplier = 'qty'; } else if('seats' in data[0]) { var multiplier = 'seats'; } else { return 'no quantity'; } var total_sum = data.reduce(function(sum, row) { return (sum) + (cleanFloat(row["purchase_cost"])*row[multiplier] || 0); }, 0); return numberWithCommas(total_sum.toFixed(2)); } return 'not an array'; } function numberWithCommas(value) { if ((value) && ("{{$snipeSettings->digit_separator}}" == "1.234,56")){ var parts = value.toString().split("."); parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, "."); return parts.join(","); } else { var parts = value.toString().split(","); parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); return parts.join("."); } return value } $(function () { $('#bulkEdit').click(function () { var selectedIds = $('.snipe-table').bootstrapTable('getSelections'); $.each(selectedIds, function(key,value) { $( "#bulkForm" ).append($('<input type="hidden" name="ids[' + value.id + ']" value="' + value.id + '">' )); }); }); }); $(function() { // This handles the search box highlighting on both ajax and client-side // bootstrap tables var searchboxHighlighter = function (event) { $('.search-input').each(function (index, element) { if ($(element).val() != '') { $(element).addClass('search-highlight'); $(element).next().children().addClass('search-highlight'); } else { $(element).removeClass('search-highlight'); $(element).next().children().removeClass('search-highlight'); } }); }; $('.search button[name=clearSearch]').click(searchboxHighlighter); searchboxHighlighter({ name:'pageload'}); $('.search-input').keyup(searchboxHighlighter); // This is necessary to make the bootstrap tooltips work inside of the // wenzhixin/bootstrap-table formatters $('#table').on('post-body.bs.table', function () { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip({ container: 'body' }); }); }); </script> @endpush