<?php /** * Inherited Methods * @method void wantToTest($text) * @method void wantTo($text) * @method void execute($callable) * @method void expectTo($prediction) * @method void expect($prediction) * @method void amGoingTo($argumentation) * @method void am($role) * @method void lookForwardTo($achieveValue) * @method void comment($description) * @method \Codeception\Lib\Friend haveFriend($name, $actorClass = NULL) * * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD) */ class ApiTester extends \Codeception\Actor { use _generated\ApiTesterActions; /** * Define custom actions here */ public function getToken(App\Models\User $user) { $client_repository = new \Laravel\Passport\ClientRepository(); $client = $client_repository->createPersonalAccessClient($user->id, 'Codeception API Test Client', 'http://localhost/'); \Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB::table('oauth_personal_access_clients')->insert([ 'client_id' => $client->id, 'created_at' => new DateTime, 'updated_at' => new DateTime, ]); $user->permissions = json_encode(['superuser' => true]); $user->save(); $token = $user->createToken('CodeceptionAPItestToken')->accessToken; return $token; } /** * Remove Timestamps from transformed array * This fixes false negatives when comparing json due to timestamp second rounding issues * @param array $array Array returned from the transformer * @return array Transformed item striped of created_at and updated_at */ public function removeTimeStamps($array) { unset($array['created_at']); unset($array['updated_at']); return $array; } }