'自訂欄位', 'manage' => 'Manage', 'field' => '欄位', 'about_fieldsets_title' => '關於欄位集', 'about_fieldsets_text' => 'Fieldsets allow you to create groups of custom fields that are frequently re-used for specific asset model types.', 'custom_format' => 'Custom Regex format...', 'encrypt_field' => '加密資料庫中此欄位的值', 'encrypt_field_help' => '警告:對欄位加密將導致此欄無法用於搜索', 'encrypted' => '已加密', 'fieldset' => '欄位集', 'qty_fields' => '欄位數', 'fieldsets' => '欄位集', 'fieldset_name' => '名稱', 'field_name' => '名稱', 'field_values' => '欄位值', 'field_values_help' => '添加可選的選項,每行一個。第一行之外的空行將被忽略。', 'field_element' => '表單元素', 'field_element_short' => '表單元素', 'field_format' => '格式', 'field_custom_format' => '自訂格式', 'field_custom_format_help' => '此欄位允許您使用 RegEx 運算式進行驗證。它應該以 "RegEx:" 開頭, 例如, 要驗證自訂欄位值是否包含有效的 IMEI (15 位數字), 則應使用 regex:/^[0-9]{15}$/。', 'required' => '必填', 'req' => '必填', 'used_by_models' => '引用型號', 'order' => '排序', 'create_fieldset' => '新增欄位集', 'create_fieldset_title' => 'Create a new fieldset', 'create_field' => '新增欄位', 'create_field_title' => 'Create a new custom field', 'value_encrypted' => '此欄位的值已被加密。只有管理員能夠查看原始資料。', 'show_in_email' => '在發送給用戶的借出通知信中包含此欄位的值?加密的欄位不能包含在電子郵件中。', 'help_text' => 'Help Text', 'help_text_description' => 'This is optional text that will appear below the form elements while editing an asset to provide context on the field.', 'about_custom_fields_title' => 'About Custom Fields', 'about_custom_fields_text' => 'Custom fields allow you to add arbitrary attributes to assets.', 'add_field_to_fieldset' => 'Add Field to Fieldset', 'make_optional' => 'Required - click to make optional', 'make_required' => 'Optional - click to make required', 'reorder' => 'Reorder', 'db_field' => 'DB Field', 'db_convert_warning' => 'WARNING. This field is in the custom fields table as :db_column but should be :expected .' ];