{{ Form::select('activeFile.import_type', $importTypes, $activeFile->import_type, [ 'id' => 'import_type', 'class' => 'livewire-select2', 'style' => 'min-width: 350px', 'data-placeholder' => 'Select an import type...', /* TODO: translate me */ 'placeholder' => '', //needed so that the form-helper will put an empty option first 'data-minimum-results-for-search' => '-1', // Remove this if the list gets long enough that we need to search 'data-livewire-component' => $_instance->id ]) }}
@if ($statusText)
{{ $statusText }}
@endif @if ($activeFile->import_type)

Map Import Fields

Header Field
Import Field
Sample Value
@if($activeFile->header_row) @foreach($activeFile->header_row as $index => $header)
{{ Form::select('field_map.'.$index, $columnOptions[$activeFile->import_type], @$field_map[$index], [ 'class' => 'mappings livewire-select2', 'placeholder' => 'Do Not Import', 'style' => 'min-width: 100%', 'data-livewire-component' => $_instance->id ],[ '-' => ['disabled' => true] // this makes the "-----" line unclickable ]) }}

{{ str_limit($activeFile->first_row[$index], 50, '...') }}

@endforeach @else No Columns Found! @endif

{{ $statusText }}
@endif @endif {{-- end of if ... activeFile->import_type --}}