transformDatatables($array, $total); } public function transformLocation(Location $location = null) { if ($location) { $children_arr = []; if (! is_null($location->children)) { foreach ($location->children as $child) { $children_arr[] = [ 'id' => (int) $child->id, 'name' => $child->name, ]; } } $array = [ 'id' => (int) $location->id, 'name' => e($location->name), 'image' => ($location->image) ? Storage::disk('public')->url('locations/'.e($location->image)) : null, 'address' => ($location->address) ? e($location->address) : null, 'address2' => ($location->address2) ? e($location->address2) : null, 'city' => ($location->city) ? e($location->city) : null, 'state' => ($location->state) ? e($location->state) : null, 'country' => ($location->country) ? e($location->country) : null, 'zip' => ($location->zip) ? e($location->zip) : null, 'phone' => ($location->phone!='') ? e($location->phone): null, 'fax' => ($location->fax!='') ? e($location->fax): null, 'accessories_count' => (int) $location->accessories_count, 'assigned_accessories_count' => (int) $location->assigned_accessories_count, 'assigned_assets_count' => (int) $location->assigned_assets_count, 'assets_count' => (int) $location->assets_count, 'rtd_assets_count' => (int) $location->rtd_assets_count, 'users_count' => (int) $location->users_count, 'currency' => ($location->currency) ? e($location->currency) : null, 'ldap_ou' => ($location->ldap_ou) ? e($location->ldap_ou) : null, 'notes' => Helper::parseEscapedMarkedownInline($location->notes), 'created_at' => Helper::getFormattedDateObject($location->created_at, 'datetime'), 'updated_at' => Helper::getFormattedDateObject($location->updated_at, 'datetime'), 'parent' => ($location->parent) ? [ 'id' => (int) $location->parent->id, 'name'=> e($location->parent->name), ] : null, 'manager' => ($location->manager) ? (new UsersTransformer)->transformUser($location->manager) : null, 'children' => $children_arr, ]; $permissions_array['available_actions'] = [ 'update' => Gate::allows('update', Location::class) ? true : false, 'delete' => $location->isDeletable(), 'bulk_selectable' => [ 'delete' => $location->isDeletable() ], 'clone' => (Gate::allows('create', Location::class) && ($location->deleted_at == '')), ]; $array += $permissions_array; return $array; } } public function transformCheckedoutAccessories($accessory_checkouts, $total) { $array = []; foreach ($accessory_checkouts as $checkout) { $array[] = self::transformCheckedoutAccessory($checkout); } return (new DatatablesTransformer)->transformDatatables($array, $total); } public function transformCheckedoutAccessory(AccessoryCheckout $accessory_checkout) { $array = [ 'id' => $accessory_checkout->id, 'assigned_to' => $accessory_checkout->assigned_to, 'accessory' => [ 'id' => $accessory_checkout->accessory->id, 'name' => $accessory_checkout->accessory->name, ], 'image' => ($accessory_checkout->accessory->image) ? Storage::disk('public')->url('accessories/'.e($accessory_checkout->accessory->image)) : null, 'note' => $accessory_checkout->note ? e($accessory_checkout->note) : null, 'created_by' => $accessory_checkout->adminuser ? [ 'id' => (int) $accessory_checkout->adminuser->id, 'name'=> e($accessory_checkout->adminuser->present()->fullName), ]: null, 'created_at' => Helper::getFormattedDateObject($accessory_checkout->created_at, 'datetime'), ]; $permissions_array['available_actions'] = [ 'checkout' => false, 'checkin' => Gate::allows('checkin', Accessory::class), ]; $array += $permissions_array; return $array; } /** * This gives a compact view of the location data without any additional relational queries, * allowing us to 1) deliver a smaller payload and 2) avoid additional queries on relations that * have not been easy/lazy loaded already * * @param Location $location * @return array * @throws \Exception */ public function transformLocationCompact(Location $location = null) { if ($location) { $array = [ 'id' => (int) $location->id, 'image' => ($location->image) ? Storage::disk('public')->url('locations/'.e($location->image)) : null, 'type' => "location", 'name' => e($location->name), 'created_by' => $location->adminuser ? [ 'id' => (int) $location->adminuser->id, 'name'=> e($location->adminuser->present()->fullName), ]: null, 'created_at' => Helper::getFormattedDateObject($location->created_at, 'datetime'), ]; return $array; } } }