'Leverandør findes ikke.', 'create' => array( 'error' => 'Leverandøren blev ikke oprettet, prøv igen.', 'success' => 'Leverandør oprettet med succes.' ), 'update' => array( 'error' => 'Leverandøren blev ikke opdateret, prøv igen', 'success' => 'Leverandør opdateret med succes.' ), 'delete' => array( 'confirm' => 'Er du sikker på, at du ønsker at slette denne leverandør?', 'error' => 'Der opstod et problem ved at slette leverandøren. Prøv igen.', 'success' => 'Leverandøren blev slettet med succes.', 'assoc_assets' => 'This supplier is currently associated with :asset_count asset(s) and cannot be deleted. Please update your assets to no longer reference this supplier and try again. ', 'assoc_licenses' => 'This supplier is currently associated with :licenses_count licences(s) and cannot be deleted. Please update your licenses to no longer reference this supplier and try again. ', 'assoc_maintenances' => 'This supplier is currently associated with :asset_maintenances_count asset maintenances(s) and cannot be deleted. Please update your asset maintenances to no longer reference this supplier and try again. ', ) );