setting = Setting::factory()->create(); } public static function initialize(): Settings { return new self(); } public function enableAlertEmail(string $email = ''): Settings { return $this->update(['alert_email' => $email]); } public function disableAlertEmail(): Settings { return $this->update(['alert_email' => null]); } public function enableMultipleFullCompanySupport(): Settings { return $this->update(['full_multiple_companies_support' => 1]); } public function disableMultipleFullCompanySupport(): Settings { return $this->update(['full_multiple_companies_support' => 0]); } public function enableWebhook(): Settings { return $this->update([ 'webhook_botname' => 'SnipeBot5000', 'webhook_endpoint' => '', 'webhook_channel' => '#it', ]); } public function disableWebhook(): Settings { return $this->update([ 'webhook_botname' => '', 'webhook_endpoint' => '', 'webhook_channel' => '', ]); } public function enableAutoIncrement(): Settings { return $this->update([ 'auto_increment_assets' => 1, 'auto_increment_prefix' => 'ABCD', 'next_auto_tag_base' => '123', 'zerofill_count' => 5 ]); } public function enableLdap(): Settings { return $this->update([ 'ldap_enabled' => 1, 'ldap_server' => 'ldaps://', 'ldap_uname' => 'fake_username', 'ldap_pword' => Crypt::encrypt("fake_password"), 'ldap_basedn' => 'CN=Users,DC=ad,DC=example,Dc=com' ]); } /** * @param array $attributes Attributes to modify in the application's settings. */ public function set(array $attributes): Settings { return $this->update($attributes); } private function update(array $attributes): Settings { Setting::unguarded(fn() => $this->setting->update($attributes)); Setting::$_cache = null; return $this; } }