<?php namespace App\Console\Commands; use Illuminate\Console\Command; class Version extends Command { /** * The name and signature of the console command. * * @var string */ protected $signature = 'version:update {--branch=master} {--type=patch}'; /** * The console command description. * * @var string */ protected $description = 'Command description'; /** * Create a new command instance. * * @return void */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } /** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { $use_branch = $this->option('branch'); $use_type = $this->option('type'); $git_branch = trim(shell_exec('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD')); $build_version = trim(shell_exec('git rev-list --count '.$use_branch)); $versionFile = 'config/version.php'; $full_hash_version = str_replace("\n", '', shell_exec('git describe master --tags')); $version = explode('-', $full_hash_version); $app_version = $current_app_version = $version[0]; $hash_version = (array_key_exists('2', $version)) ? $version[2] : ''; $prerelease_version = ''; $this->line('Branch is: '.$use_branch); $this->line('Type is: '.$use_type); $this->line('Current version is: '.$full_hash_version); if (count($version) == 3) { $this->line('This does not look like an alpha/beta release.'); } else { if (array_key_exists('3', $version)) { $this->line('The current version looks like a beta release.'); $prerelease_version = $version[1]; $hash_version = $version[3]; } } $app_version_raw = explode('.', $app_version); $maj = str_replace('v', '', $app_version_raw[0]); $min = $app_version_raw[1]; $patch = ''; // This is a major release that might not have a third .0 if (array_key_exists(2, $app_version_raw)) { $patch = $app_version_raw[2]; } if ($use_type == 'major') { $app_version = 'v'.($maj + 1).".$min.$patch"; } elseif ($use_type == 'minor') { $app_version = 'v'."$maj.".($min + 1).".$patch"; } elseif ($use_type == 'pre') { $pre_raw = str_replace('beta', '', $prerelease_version); $pre_raw = str_replace('alpha', '', $pre_raw); $pre_raw = str_ireplace('rc', '', $pre_raw); $pre_raw = $pre_raw++; $this->line('Setting the pre-release to '.$prerelease_version.'-'.$pre_raw); $app_version = 'v'."$maj.".($min + 1).".$patch"; } elseif ($use_type == 'patch') { $app_version = 'v'."$maj.$min.".($patch + 1); // If nothing is passed, leave the version as it is, just increment the build } else { $app_version = 'v'."$maj.$min.".$patch; } // Determine if this tag already exists, or if this prior to a release $this->line('Running: git rev-parse master '.$current_app_version); // $pre_release = trim(shell_exec('git rev-parse '.$use_branch.' '.$current_app_version.' 2>&1 1> /dev/null')); if ($use_branch == 'develop') { $app_version = $app_version.'-pre'; } $full_app_version = $app_version.' - build '.$build_version.'-'.$hash_version; $array = var_export( [ 'app_version' => $app_version, 'full_app_version' => $full_app_version, 'build_version' => $build_version, 'prerelease_version' => $prerelease_version, 'hash_version' => $hash_version, 'full_hash' => $full_hash_version, 'branch' => $git_branch, ], true ); // Construct our file content $content = <<<CON <?php return $array; CON; // And finally write the file and output the current version \File::put($versionFile, $content); $this->info('Setting NEW version: '.$full_app_version.' ('.$git_branch.')'); } }