null, 'model_id' => AssetModel::factory(), 'rtd_location_id' => Location::factory(), 'serial' => $this->faker->uuid(), 'status_id' => function () { return Statuslabel::where('name', 'Ready to Deploy')->first() ?? Statuslabel::factory()->rtd()->create(['name' => 'Ready to Deploy']); }, 'user_id' => User::factory()->superuser(), 'asset_tag' => $this->faker->unixTime('now'), 'notes' => 'Created by DB seeder', 'purchase_date' => $this->faker->dateTimeBetween('-1 years', 'now', date_default_timezone_get())->format('Y-m-d'), 'purchase_cost' => $this->faker->randomFloat(2, '299.99', '2999.99'), 'order_number' => (string) $this->faker->numberBetween(1000000, 50000000), 'supplier_id' => Supplier::factory(), 'requestable' => $this->faker->boolean(), 'assigned_to' => null, 'assigned_type' => null, 'next_audit_date' => null, 'last_checkout' => null, ]; } public function configure() { return $this->afterMaking(function (Asset $asset) { // calculates the EOL date most of the time, but sometimes sets a random date so we have some explicits // the explicit boolean gets set in the saving() method on the observer $asset->asset_eol_date = $this->faker->boolean(5) ? CarbonImmutable::parse($asset->purchase_date)->addMonths(rand(0, 20))->format('Y-m-d') : CarbonImmutable::parse($asset->purchase_date)->addMonths($asset->model->eol)->format('Y-m-d'); }); } public function laptopMbp() { return $this->state(function () { return [ 'model_id' => function () { return AssetModel::where('name', 'Macbook Pro 13"')->first() ?? AssetModel::factory()->mbp13Model(); }, ]; }); } public function laptopMbpPending() { return $this->state(function () { return [ 'model_id' => function () { return AssetModel::where('name', 'Macbook Pro 13"')->first() ?? AssetModel::factory()->mbp13Model(); }, 'status_id' => function () { return Statuslabel::where('name', 'Pending')->first() ?? Statuslabel::factory()->pending()->make(['name' => 'Pending']); }, ]; }); } public function laptopMbpArchived() { return $this->state(function () { return [ 'model_id' => function () { return AssetModel::where('name', 'Macbook Pro 13"')->first() ?? AssetModel::factory()->mbp13Model(); }, 'status_id' => function () { return Statuslabel::where('name', 'Archived')->first() ?? Statuslabel::factory()->archived()->make(['name' => 'Archived']); }, ]; }); } public function laptopAir() { return $this->state(function () { return [ 'model_id' => function () { return AssetModel::where('name', 'Macbook Air')->first() ?? AssetModel::factory()->mbpAirModel(); }, ]; }); } public function laptopSurface() { return $this->state(function () { return [ 'model_id' => function () { return AssetModel::where('name', 'Surface')->first() ?? AssetModel::factory()->surfaceModel(); }, ]; }); } public function laptopXps() { return $this->state(function () { return [ 'model_id' => function () { return AssetModel::where('name', 'XPS 13')->first() ?? AssetModel::factory()->xps13Model(); }, ]; }); } public function laptopSpectre() { return $this->state(function () { return [ 'model_id' => function () { return AssetModel::where('name', 'Spectre')->first() ?? AssetModel::factory()->spectreModel(); }, ]; }); } public function laptopZenbook() { return $this->state(function () { return [ 'model_id' => function () { return AssetModel::where('name', 'ZenBook UX310')->first() ?? AssetModel::factory()->zenbookModel(); }, ]; }); } public function laptopYoga() { return $this->state(function () { return [ 'model_id' => function () { return AssetModel::where('name', 'Yoga 910')->first() ?? AssetModel::factory()->yogaModel(); }, ]; }); } public function desktopMacpro() { return $this->state(function () { return [ 'model_id' => function () { return AssetModel::where('name', 'iMac Pro')->first() ?? AssetModel::factory()->macproModel(); }, ]; }); } public function desktopLenovoI5() { return $this->state(function () { return [ 'model_id' => function () { return AssetModel::where('name', 'Lenovo Intel Core i5')->first() ?? AssetModel::factory()->lenovoI5Model(); }, ]; }); } public function desktopOptiplex() { return $this->state(function () { return [ 'model_id' => function () { return AssetModel::where('name', 'OptiPlex')->first() ?? AssetModel::factory()->optiplexModel(); }, ]; }); } public function confPolycom() { return $this->state(function () { return [ 'model_id' => function () { return AssetModel::where('name', 'SoundStation 2')->first() ?? AssetModel::factory()->polycomModel(); }, ]; }); } public function confPolycomcx() { return $this->state(function () { return [ 'model_id' => function () { return AssetModel::where('name', 'Polycom CX3000 IP Conference Phone')->first() ?? AssetModel::factory()->polycomcxModel(); }, ]; }); } public function tabletIpad() { return $this->state(function () { return [ 'model_id' => function () { return AssetModel::where('name', 'iPad Pro')->first() ?? AssetModel::factory()->ipadModel(); }, ]; }); } public function tabletTab3() { return $this->state(function () { return [ 'model_id' => function () { return AssetModel::where('name', 'Tab3')->first() ?? AssetModel::factory()->tab3Model(); }, ]; }); } public function phoneIphone11() { return $this->state(function () { return [ 'model_id' => function () { return AssetModel::where('name', 'iPhone 11')->first() ?? AssetModel::factory()->iphone11Model(); }, ]; }); } public function phoneIphone12() { return $this->state(function () { return [ 'model_id' => function () { return AssetModel::where('name', 'iPhone 12')->first() ?? AssetModel::factory()->iphone12Model(); }, ]; }); } public function ultrafine() { return $this->state(function () { return [ 'model_id' => function () { return AssetModel::where('name', 'Ultrafine 4k')->first() ?? AssetModel::factory()->ultrafine(); }, ]; }); } public function ultrasharp() { return $this->state(function () { return [ 'model_id' => function () { return AssetModel::where('name', 'Ultrasharp U2415')->first() ?? AssetModel::factory()->ultrasharp(); }, ]; }); } public function assignedToUser(User $user = null) { return $this->state(function () use ($user) { return [ 'assigned_to' => $user->id ?? User::factory(), 'assigned_type' => User::class, 'last_checkout' => now()->subDay(), ]; }); } public function assignedToLocation() { return $this->state(function () { return [ 'assigned_to' => Location::factory(), 'assigned_type' => Location::class, ]; }); } public function assignedToAsset() { return $this->state(function () { return [ 'model_id' => 1, 'assigned_to' => Asset::factory(), 'assigned_type' => Asset::class, ]; }); } public function requiresAcceptance() { return $this->state(function () { return [ 'model_id' => function () { return AssetModel::where('name', 'Macbook Pro 13')->first() ?? AssetModel::factory()->mbp13Model(); }, ]; }); } public function deleted() { return $this->state(function () { return [ 'model_id' => function () { return AssetModel::where('name', 'Macbook Pro 13')->first() ?? AssetModel::factory()->mbp13Model(); }, 'deleted_at' => $this->faker->dateTime(), ]; }); } public function requestable() { return $this->state(['requestable' => true]); } public function nonrequestable() { return $this->state(['requestable' => false]); } }