'کلیدهای API شخصی', 'personal_access_token' => 'Personal Access Token', 'personal_api_keys_success' => 'Personal API Key :key created sucessfully', 'here_is_api_key' => 'Here is your new personal access token. This is the only time it will be shown so do not lose it! You may now use this token to make API requests.', 'api_key_warning' => 'When generating an API token, be sure to copy it down immediately as they will not be visible to you again.', 'api_base_url' => 'url پایه API شما در این آدرس قرار دارد:', 'api_base_url_endpoint' => '/<endpoint> ', 'api_token_expiration_time' => 'توکن‌های API در موارد زیر منقضی می‌شوند:', 'api_reference' => 'Please check the API reference to find specific API endpoints and additional API documentation.', 'profile_updated' => 'Account successfully updated', 'no_tokens' => 'You have not created any personal access tokens.', );